The Tutor
The Tutor will be Simon Renton who ran the very successful classes on Labour, Value and Exploitation earlier in the year.
Lenin’s Imperialism can be found here: rks/1916/imp-hsc/pref01.htm
Organisation and Outcomes for the Class
Maurice Dobb’s Studies in the development of capitalism (chapter 8) can be found here:
Each class will be built around two questions and will draw upon the life experience of those attending as well as knowledge of the texts. Required reading will be limited to two or three short pieces. At the end of the class you should have secured: • An understanding of Lenin’s Imperialism and its place in the development of Marxist theory • An appreciation of Marxist theories of crisis as applied to the 1930s and the present • An understanding of how the State sustains capitalism in our era and the implications of this for democracy
Further Study Sam Aaronovitch, The Political Economy of British Capitalism, 1979 + Ben Fine, The Elgar Companion to Marx's Economics, 2011* sixty-one short explanations of all aspects of Marx’s economics David Harvey, Limits to Capital, various editions+ David Harvey, A Companion to Marx's Capital* Jim Stanford's website contains much material on the contemporary economy * accessible + challenging
Lectures to mark the 150th anniversary of Marx’s Capital 31 August Das Kapital and Marx’s Economics Professor Ben Fine 21 September Das Kapital, Its place in Marx’s thought and its relevance today Professor David McLellan 5 October Das Kapital and Historical Materialism Dr Jonathan White 7 p.m. in the Library
Additional Reading Emile Burns, Introduction to Marxism – specially chapter 4 access here: John Eaton, Political Economy, esp. Chapters 6, 8 and 12 15590/1/2125.pdf
Capitalism, Crisis and Imperialism How capitalism has developed over the past century Tutor: Simon Renton On Tuesdays at 7 p.m.
Jonathan White (ed), State Monopoly Capitalism Manifesto Press 2017
Celebrating the 1917 Revolution Saturday 4 November Congress Hall, TUC, London Speakers include Aleida Guevara Cuba Slava Tetekin Russia Brinda Karat India Johanna Scheringer-Wright Germany Professor Vijay Prashad Professor Mary Davis Professor David Lane Professor Chris Wrigley Sarah Badcock Adrian Weir
Key text Lenin’s Imperialism 10 October
Imperialism: then and now
24 October
The last big crisis: the 1930s
7 November
Capitalism’s Current Crisis
21 November
Monopoly, Capitalism and Democracy
Classes start at 7 p.m. The fee for the course is £20 (£12 unwaged). For this, if you are registered, you will also get access to the resources of the Marx Memorial Library on-line course. This will include on-line texts and also student and tutor interaction so that, if you miss a class, you can catch and up and attend the next. This folder provides a brief introduction and guide to the literature Marx Memorial Library, 37a Clerkenwell Green, EC1M 3RU