Eyes Left
An illustrated Marx House series looking at aspects of visual culture, the labour movement and the left
Wednesday 20 May
Pioneers of Socialist Art Paul Signac, Steinlen, Morbelli and Bellows Christine Lindey has taught art history at Birbeck and University of the Arts. She studied art and art history at Camberwell School of Art, Edinburgh College of Art and the Courtauld Institute. Her fields are nineteenth and twentieth-century art and she is currently writing a book on art and socialism. She writes art criticism for the Morning Star. Her books include: Superrealist Painting and Sculpture; Twentieth-Century Paintings: Bonnard to Rothko; Art in the Cold War: from Vladivostok to Kalamazoo; Keywords of Nineteenth-Century art.
Wednesday 3 June
Inscribed on our banners Labour movement values as depicted through union banners. Phil Katz is a writer and print and web designer working for the National Union of Teachers. He obtained a masters degree studying under Eric Hobsbawm at Birkbeck and went on to study computer-aided design at Central St Martin’s and typography at the University of the Arts. His books include Thinking Hands – The Power of Labour in William Morris and Freedom From Tyranny - Against Fascism and the Falsification of History. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Society of Designers and a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts.
Thursday 18 June
Art practice today and the labour movement Jenni Boswell-Jones works to develop cultural strategies for artists/authors with the labour movement and through the AND Association’s community art/media production venue and exhibition facility in East London. She trained as a fashion designer at the RCA and Hornsey and is currently working on the Working Class Heroes exhibition project in collaboration with the SE Region TUC.
Thursday 2 July
Thursday 16 July
Photojournalist Jess Hurd answers questions about her work and her images Jess Hurd is a campaigning photojournalist with an international practice and works closely with trade unions and NGOs. She has covered the uprising in Egypt, the Bolivarian revolution in Venezuela, the Zapatistas in Mexico and urban social movements in Brazil, India, China and Africa. She is a founder of the ‘I’m a Photographer Not a Terrorist‘ campaign against police repression and of the NUJ Photographers Branch.. Martin Rowson’s cartoons terrify our rulers and scandalise the respectable Martin Rowson is an award winning cartoonist and writer whose work appears regularly in the Guardian, Daily Mirror, Morning Star and many other publications. He is also the author of several books, both textual and graphic. His style draws on a wide variety of visual references most particularly the irreverent British tradition lampooning those set above us. His latest collection is The Coalition Book.
All start at 7pm. Register at the door. (£3 per session) or in advance at admin@mml.xyz Marx Memorial Library and Workers School 37a Clerkenwell Green London EC1R 0DU