8 minute read
If you had no limits (money, resources), what would you create?
If I had no limits, I would still use the majority of my creations from what already exists because we already have such a multitude of beautiful treasures to draw from and we need to tread lightly for future generations. Everything has energy, too, so I am always on the hunt for the things that speak to me and tell a story.
I have often found that when you put a handful of creative talents together and everyone leaves their ego at the door, the end product synergistically is a sum greater than the parts.
If you know how to put it all together in a clever & meaningful way, you don't actually have to have limitless everything to have a beautiful end result, but if things were limitless, I would joyfully spend my life making as much as possible beautiful for future generations to enjoy as well in a way that celebrates our earth home. Nothing that any of us can ever do will ever be as beautiful as the gift of Mother Nature, so we must all always take this into account, & honor and preserve it with much gratitude.
So, tell us now more about being a Stylist.
Styling is another creative outlet that's incredibly enjoyable for me because when you help someone bring out the best in themselves with how they present themselves in the world, it's a joy to see them shining. Often when people live incredibly busy lifestyles, just taking the edge off of the fact that it's one less thing for them to worry about or being a part of a team creating beautiful images is a special honor. I have often found that when you put a handful of creative talents together and everyone leaves their ego at the door, the end product synergistically is a sum greater than the parts.
How do you determine a client's personal style?
Sometimes you have a bit of time to know the client and they are very forthcoming with you. Other times they just want to have you figure it out because they like other things that you've created, so you have to rely more upon your intuition. No two clients are alike, but everyone deserves your very best. Anyone that is in a creative business will tell you that they put lots of love & passion into what they are doing. It's definitely a joy economy if that makes sense.
I know you are a true Animal Rescuer, we talked a while ago during Woolsey Fire in Malibu, and at that time you lived there, we were talking about rescuing 40 plus horses that were trapped in the fire. Please tell us when your passion for saving animals started and how you are involved with it now.
Another thing my family was really big on growing up was having animals and nature as parts of our lives. They were both really good sports if we would bring an animal home too. I remember playing down near a lake and there was a duck there with one hardly functional webbed foot and missing one eye. I was watching all this commotion and sure that another duck who had climbed on top of her was trying to drown her, so I waded out, gently swaddled her in my jacket and raced her back to the house. I spent the rest of the day digging her a little pond in the backyard while my parents were trying to figure out how to break it to me that it was mating season and nobody was actually picking on her.
Later that day, my father and I took the belle of the ball back to the pond, but our parents never discouraged our efforts to help animals and rescue them.
In my family, it's always just been a part of our lives. I was volunteering at a pro-life shelter up until I gave birth to my first daughter, and advocating mostly for wolves and whales. I have always been helping in every way that I can; animals are both wild and domestic. I'm a giant supporter of the wildlife bridge and #SaveLACougars. Some of my favorite neighbors are the local wildlife.
I have a handful of lovely besties with rescue ranches and they call on me often to go grab, mostly lots of cats and dogs, but also, over the years, I have helped rescue a pig, sea turtle, owl, songbird, and sea lion to name a few. During the Woolsey Fire and other California wildfires, because I was premed, I was helping a friend at her rescue with displaced animals in need of first aid, including shots. Some of the sadder situations involved horses. My favorite animal work at the moment is actually picking up rescued Puerto Rican street dogs from LAX, being flown over by lovely volunteer passengers and transporting them to fosters or their new forever homes. One of my dreams is to start a rescue for senior cats in need. I am getting great practice with my rescue cats, as they all live to old age & some came with remarkable medical conditions.
In your opinion, how can an individual do their part to save animals?
While I am not against buying an animal, I firmly believe in rescuing as many animals as you can realistically give a good home to. You can even rescue specific breeds if you love a particular breed. Here is one of my favorite stories from having worked for years at a pro-life shelter. We had a cat there that we all loved dearly, who we named Freeway. I'm sure I don't have to tell you why.
For years everyone passed him by at the shelter to adopt other cats. Please understand that it was also over a year before anyone who drove past him actually attempted to pull over and grab him from the underpass. Freeway wasn't getting any younger. A woman came in one day telling us that her son was despondent since his cat had died. Bless her, because she wanted to know who the cat had been at the shelter the longest. She returned a month later to share with us what a wonderful addition Freeway was to their family. She said he immediately started sleeping on her son's bed, but it was the darnedest thing because the litter box was always clean, but she couldn't find any signs of him going anywhere else in their home. Then one day, she watched Freeway jump up onto the toilet to do his business. She said not only had her son's spirits finally lifted, but Freeway was such a special new family member. I real- ly think that we think we are rescuing them, but it is really the other way around. A house is more of a home when you have 4-legged family members! That's actually my first design tip. Welcoming the beautiful energy of animals into your home. Like children, the beautiful energy they bring with them is absolutely priceless.
You receive messages from Angels; what is an Angel, and do you have to ask for help from the angels to receive the messages? Oh, how I love this question. I believe that earth is a giant school and we come here to evolve and hopefully also leave earth and everyone who we come into contact with here a better for having known us, but that heaven is our real home. To me, our angels and guides are beautiful souls who have evolved to or have always been in a higher place evolutionary than we are in our current human form. It must be said, though, that we are not humans having soulful experiences but souls having a human experience. So when we come to earth, every one of us is given some angels and guides who watch over us while we are on our journey here. Now, this part is important. They are not allowed to interfere unless it's a matter of life or death and it's not your time. That being said, they are over there watching over you and literally chomping at the bit to help you.
All you have to do is talk to them & ask for their help. It's truly their greatest joy to watch over you & help you. In this regard, we're more blessed than we know.
How can one first connect with the angels?
Thank you so much for this question! Nothing would be greater than everyone connecting regularly. We truly would all be creating a state of heaven on earth by starting with ourselves and raising our vibration and it's absolutely achievable. Happiness really is an inside job & this is definitely one of the best ways to manifest all things good in your life. What I will share with you is how I have been doing it for years & it bears repeating that the more you connect, the more peace, joy & happiness you will feel in your life, regardless of the trials and tribulations you're currently enduring. You will also become much more aware of how connected we all are and how caring for others is actually an important part of caring for yourself too. First, you must get into the right headspace. For example, I find the best times for messages are in those in-between times when you're just about to doze off or wake up. Another great way to connect is near resting animals or in nature, but any quiet space can do that. Water is a great conduit for energy, too, so water elements can be helpful as well, but if you have a hard time clearing your head, a walk on the beach with your feet in the saltwater or a bath in salt water and or lavender can also be helpful. I always start by asking Archangel Michael to bring in protection, Archangel Gabriel to bring in guidance and Archangel Rafael to bring in healing for all concerned and to help me remain an open and clear messenger/channel for any messages they wish to share through me from only the Highest & most benevolent beings and for the good of all concerned.
You must come from a state of unconditional love and no judgment. From this place, you are raising your vibration upwards & this makes it easier for them to communicate with you. They actually have to lower their vibration temporarily as well. I like to say I am the car; they are the driver. I am in- credibly humble about this because I am well aware that it's not that I am particularly special, but rather that I am allowing myself to be that vehicle through which they can help guide me or those who they care about that I am doing a reading for, to help us along in our present incarnation. Anyone who wants to and comes from a pure heart can do what I am doing.
Like any other gift, we all have this gift to varying degrees and the Higher that we choose to vibrate while here on earth, the better we will be able to do this. From this place, you can then ask your question, thank them for having your back and be open to how they will provide you with an answer. Answers can come in many different ways. If you don’t initially receive the message, it may be because you are missing the signs. Ask for the answer to be presented to you in some specific way that you can interpret more easily, like a random song, number or some other sign that is meaningful to you. If you only knew how often they send us signs that we overlook; it's almost laughable. I say almost because if you only knew how much you are loved and watched over, it would bring you tears of joy.