Stratford - Place making

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STRATFORD: THE CREATIVE CITY OF THE EAST Group C4 Pontus Arledal Thunell, William Butcher, Anna Duchêne, Sausan Haj Abdova, Maryam Saad

Part III: Urban Design Strategy


Group 4C


(An aerial view of the site- Stratford, London from Google Earth)

The following report was created in order to transform and enhance Stratford, London. Extensive research and on-site observations were carried out over the last three months, which provided information about the issues that are currently present in the area. The solutions proposed are mainly inspired from existing case studies and design practices that are already performed in major cities around the world. Furthermore, current development plans and policy documents provided by the borough of Newham and the city of London were analysed, to give us a better understanding of the local context and see how this area will change in the upcoming years. Strengths and weaknesses were identified after looking at various topics (history and heritage, urban structure, movement, land uses, natural resources, etc), which then formed the basis of our proposed interventions. The main findings of our research show that Stratford has some key issues, but also a lot of potential. If these last are dealt with correctly, it will further enable the development of Stratford into one of London’s key areas in terms of economic growth and increase its capacity to promote creative talent.

Keywords: creative industries/clusters, pedestrianisation, regeneration, gentrification, transport-oriented development (TOD), Olympic legacy

UCL: The Bartlett School of Planning


Urban Design: Place Making












1.1 Introduction of Project 1.2 Context and Historical Background 1.3 SWOT analysis: list 1.4 SWOT analysis: map

2.1 Inspiration and Vision

2.2 Objectives 2.3 Development Plan 2.4 Masterplan

3.1 Connectivity and Networks 3.2 Buildings and Housing 3.3 Social Empowerment and Creative Indsutry

2.5 Land-use maps

I: Carpernters Road Area

5.1 Phasing

II: Pudding Mill- Strand East Area

5.2 Justification of Phasing

III: Channelsea - Greenway

5.3 Conclusion 5.4 References

IV: Abbey Mills - Pumping Stations V: Three Mills Studios VI: Industrial Silos Area VII: High Street

Part III: Urban Design Strategy


Group 4C

1.1 INTRODUCTION OF PROJECT Stratford has become a primary retail, cultural, business and leisure centre of East London. There are many new developments planned around the Olympic Park area, which will further add new retail, office, cultural and educational spaces. These will no doubt transform the neighbourhood and attract newcomers to the area. Nevertheless, there is a risk that the area will be subject to gentrification as the average rent price will increase with the increasing popularity, and most new housing developments do not seem to offer sufficient affordable housing options. Thus, this report outlines our urban design framework which seeks to capitalize on these changes and address the area’s major issues, whilst ensuring that the local community also benefits from the regeneration of Stratford. The main focus of this project is on the promotion of “creative industries” as they will contribute to the economy and foster innovation, bringing new job opportunities and cultivate local talent, stimulating economic growth. In order to achieve this, the project’s vision has been divided into four main objectives: connectivity, community empowerment, creative industries, and character. Each one of these have main strategies that are exemplified through the proposed interventions, which have been split into four different development phases.

(Photo of the Stratford)

UCL: The Bartlett School of Planning


Urban Design: Place Making


(Historic Stratford station)

(Historic Stratford Broadway )

(Historic industrial area by the canals )

For a long time, Stratford was an agricultural community, being strategically located where the old road between Aldgate in inner London and Essex crossed the river Lea. Manufacturing industry slowly began during the 18th century but during the Victorian era, the area saw rapid industrialization. In 1839, Stratford station opened on the line that is now known as the Great Eastern Main Line, linking East Anglia with Liverpool Street station in London. A year later, a new line (now known as the West Anglia Main Line) opened, making Stratford an important railway junction. Over the years, London Underground’s Central and Jubilee Lines, London Overground, Docklands Light Railway, High Speed 1 have opened stations in Stratford, making it one of the most well connected areas of London. However, during the late 20th century just as many other places in the UK, Stratford started to deindustrialize and the area saw a severe economic decline. This wasn’t reversed until London was awarded the 2012 Summer Olympics in 2005, as a regeneration scheme was introduced and the decision to build the new Olympic Park was approved. This lead the way for a plan to turn this historically industrial area into a green and vibrant destination. More recently, the new Crossrail railway system, which is one of Europe’s largest infrastructure construction projects and is due to open in December 2018, will add a station to Stratford.

Part III: Urban Design Strategy


Group 4C





- Vacant/abandoned land and buildings

+ Preserved historical sites + Many transport options

(buses, dlr, tube, crossrail, etc)

+ Existing local community


+ Westfield as a major

commercial hub

+ Green and open spaces + Canals and flood defences + Educational and recreational

facilities around Olympic Park


W prone to crime

- High Street, railways and canals fragment the area

- No existing cohesive character - South-Eastern area of site not cycle paths



• Vacant land for new development • Exploit the benefits of the canals • High Street being an important axis • Multiple universities in the area • Use Heritage buildings to develop sense of

! Area destroyed through quick, non-strate-


as well connected

- Lack of safe and pleasant walkways and


! Constraints of public sector funding and

transport hubs

sports facilities

• Increase biodiversity and expand connec-

Olympic Park and insufficient signage

! Constraints of existing high density ! Competition with adjacent boroughs ! Large areas under construction ! Different land ownerships hindering

smooth governance and planning

• Enhance pedestrian connections to • Revive the original Olympic Legacy with

- Insufficient street lighting - Lack of connectivity with the

gic developments


! Private investment over social betterment

tions to Channelsea path

- Social issues: low incomes, pay inequality,

• Integrate the existing Greenway

unemployment and low access to healtcare services

road network more

into the

- Concentrated commercial activity; not mixed use

- Buildings are not to human scale or proportional to street widths

- High levels of air and noise pollution along the High Street and other major roads

UCL: The Bartlett School of Planning


Urban Design: Place Making






Underground station Bus station Westfield shopping center Visual and physical barriers

Recreational amenities


Community spaces

High traffic and pollution

Planned educational projects

Underused / underdeveloped canal banks



Good views Vacant lots Canal banks - new leisure High crime rate areas

Heritage sites High Street - potential public space

Part III: Urban Design Strategy


New development areas

Group 4C




Our vision is to build on the regeneration scheme of the Olympics and bring it further by capitalizing on the local talent in the area, facilitating the creation of “creative clusters”, whilst ensuring that the community also reap the benefits of these.

The inspiration for this project came from the development project in Nantes, France. This was an unprecedented artistic project that revived the area whilst embracing its industrial heritage which is easily relatable to the current situation in Stratford. The description of the French project read: regeneration whilst accommodating “housing, business, higher education, major infrastructure, cultural venues and recreational spaces - and all populations, with a focus on sustainable development” (SAMOA, 2017), which are aspects that also need attention and improvement in East London as well.

What do we mean by “creative industries”? Creative industries refer to a range of economic activities which are concerned with the generation or exploitation of knowledge and information. In 2015, the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) definition recognizes nine creative sectors: advertising and marketing, architecture, crafts, design (product/graphic/fashion), film/ TV/ radio/ photography, IT/ software and computer services, publishing, museums/galleries and libraries, music/performing and visual arts (DCMS, 2015).

(A photo of the mechanincal Grand Elephant in Nantes, France)



Creative industries contribute to the economy and foster innovation. As Cunningham et al. (2009) put it, “the harnessing of creativity brings with it the potential of new wealth creation, the cultivation of local talent and the generation of creative capital [...] and enhanced competitiveness in an increasingly global economy”.

We plan on enhancing these creative industries, for example through entrepreneur hubs, linking different actors from the private and public spheres (local government, businesses, community), to form “creative clusters”. In addition, the promotion of partnerships and collaborations between Here East, V&A, Sadler Wells, universities, academies and other schools will lead to many co-benefits to the neighbourhood.

UCL: The Bartlett School of Planning


Urban Design: Place Making



Enhance connections to public transport

Improve traffic situation



Community and Social Empowerment

Character of the

Industries and Enterpreneurship

Create an inclusive environment for different members

New housing for growing population


Offer a supporting environment for SMEs

Enhance canals: sense of identity

Collaborate with existing local businesses

Add quality open, public spaces

Avoid gentrification through social housing

Regeneration of Heritage Sites

Build on original Olympic Legacy Increase number of education centers

Combat unemployment and poverty More walkable and legible network promoting activity

Part III: Urban Design Strategy


Group 4C


CONNECTIVITY The study area is relatively subdivided due to a few key barriers which separate neighbourhoods from each other. The High street is one of these barriers, separating north from south notably due to high traffic. To enhance the development of creative activities, Stratford needs to become a dynamic place that promotes and facilitates social interactions between different actors. This will be achieved by enhancing the walkability of neighbourhoods, the connectivity between places and accessibility to major transport nodes. This will eventually increase the area’s liveability and make the street network more legible.

UCL: The Bartlett School of Planning

SOCIAL EMPOWERMENT Stratford has a diverse demographics and its unemployment rate is relatively high (indicators show an improvement however Newham is not on a trajectory to achieve the 2020 target) (London Assembly, 2017). The project will favour renovation rather than demolition, which will create new social/affordable housing. This new housing will also serve the growing population in the area. In order to combat unemployment, the project will create more educational centres which will stimulate the formation of new creative clusters.




Even if there is a risk of gentrification by promoting creative industries, this project will ensure that the existing population will also reap the benefits of these interventions. The local community will be one of the main actors in these new creative clusters as our project will promote an inclusive environment, encouraging job creation and grassroots community projects. The various initiatives of the project will help improve the current living conditions, as the creative industries will benefit the overall neighbourhood.

The composition of Stratford is a mix of different building styles; however, it’s canals and heritage building are underexploited. These are important amenities that will be enhanced and ‘brought to life’ through the development of quality public and open spaces. Preserving the historical identity of Stratford will not only promotes its unique character, but also make the area more attractive to visitors and it’s inhabitants.

Urban Design: Place Making


Character areas division map



Carpenters residential Area Pudding Mill - Strand East Area HGC Triangle (High Street - Channelsea path - Greenway) Abbey Lane - Pumping Station Corridor Three Mills Studios Silos Area High Street



Reason behind this division The areas are divided based on their character, most prominent land-use and the main activities which will take place in each.


The original site boundaries are extended to the South of the Three Mills Island, because the Silos area has great potential to offer new residential and leisure spaces that would serve community. Additionally, this will be an important part of the overall canal regeneration scheme.

VI. Part III: Urban Design Strategy


Group 4C


UCL: The Bartlett School of Planning


Urban Design: Place Making

Part III: Urban Design Strategy


Group 4C


The High Street is surrounded by buildings with typically commercial uses, coloured in red, on the ground floor especially due to good visibilty and accessibility, and also to bring life to the High Street. The same principle is also applied on the main streets of the areas with new development. The residential function, coloured in yellow, is mostly present on the first floor of the buildings. The new development areas also have some new offices, but these are rarely already present on the ground floor. In this map, offices are in green. The last land use is public facilities, which are coloured in blue.

Residential Offices Commercial Public facilities

UCL: The Bartlett School of Planning


Urban Design: Place Making


Some buildings on the High Street which had commercial use on the ground floors, are also kept on the upper floors. However, typically office space or public facilities are found on the upper floors of the buildings along the High Street. Offices are also found in some parts of the new development areas. Nevertheless, the residential function is the most common use of the upper floors around Stratford.

Residential Offices Commercial Public facilities

Part III: Urban Design Strategy


Group 4C


The new facilities include a library, coluored in pink, located on the High Street, which is an important public building in every city and here will become a key landmark. Other facilities such as primary schools, colleges and other educational institutions are coloured in red. Some of these are situated in the areas with the new development to support the housing next to it. Museums, coloured in yellow, support the conservation of Stratford‘s heritage. To help the local community, several community centers, coloured in blue, have been added. Last but not least, a new hospital has been built in the Pudding Mill area.

Municipal Library Educational Skill center Museum Community center Hospital or medical center

UCL: The Bartlett School of Planning


Urban Design: Place Making


a) Road Network and Public Transit The following map shows the new road and public transport network for Stratford. The existing road network is pictured in light grey and the new is in dark grey. The new network is particulary essential for connecting the new development areas to the rest of the Stratford. Several new bridges has been built to cross over the canals. Since Stratford is already well connected to the rest of London by public transport, there is no need to create new underground or DLR stations. However, the new areas that are going to be built are currently not well served by public transport at all. Thus, these several new bus stops ensure good access to public transport for the entire site. The round dashed circle is a 400m diameter which represents the encachement area for these bus stops as an example.

b) Traffic alleviation In order to reduce the use of cars, some streets will eventually be pedestrianised, limiting the access of cars and motorbikes. These types of streets will have little signage or delimitations which are proven methods for reducing vehicles speeds and be accessible to cyclists, too. By doing so, these will improve the walkability of the area, making it more pedestrian and cycle friendly, but also reduce car usage. This will obviously be done in the later phase of development since buses and lorries still need to use the streets currently present. Not much additional parking will be purposely built in order to encourage residents of the new developments to not use cars, but rather use more sustainable travel options.

(Photo of the newly redeveloped area outside Stratford Station) Part III: Urban Design Strategy

(Photo of the entrance to Stratford Station)


Group 4C


Existing roads New roads Existing tube/DLR stops Existing bus stops New bus stops

UCL: The Bartlett School of Planning


Urban Design: Place Making

c) Street Design The High Street pedestrianisation will be executed incrementally in 2 Stages at different points of the development plan. Stage A which will add unshared cycle paths on either side of the road and connect them to the remaining network of the area will be one of the first interventions to boost connectivity. The dual carriageway set-up will remain to be able to accommodate the transport needs of the construction phases. Later, after most of the planned development is complete, Stage B will be introduced which is comprised of a single carriageway. Thus, the pavement on either side will be widened allowing space for extra street furniture and cycle parking. Conerning the the streets leading from the High Street into the different neighbourhoods, they will remain to have a Single carriageway system so the traffic flow is not hampered. The streets within the neighbourhoods will be shared space where there is no distinction between pavement and car-designated street. This is feasible here due to the low traffic density, creating a more attractive public space.

(Cross-section of the High Street in stage A)

To enhance streets on all the different levels, vegetation, lighting, street furniture and cycle parking will be added to make these spaces as safe, convenient and pleasent as possible.

(Cross-section of the High Street in Stage B with wider sidewalks)

(Example of a shared-space street)

Part III: Urban Design Strategy

(Cross-section of the shared-space streets within neighbourhoods)


Group 4C


The existing bridges and paths are pictured in dark blue and the new ones are in pink. To increase the connections within Stratford, several new bridges will be built. Moreover, some existing bridges that were closed, have now been reopened. To make the canals more accesible for pedestrians and cyclists, the pathways will be redesigned. All together, these create a new network, which connects all the canal banks. Therefore, the canals are no longer percieved as barriers and become key elements of Stratford‘s quality public space.

Existing bridges Existing canal paths New and reopened bridges New canal paths

UCL: The Bartlett School of Planning


Urban Design: Place Making


The existing spaces accessible by pedestrians are pictured in light grey and the new ones in the dark grey. The aim is to make most of Stratford easily accessible for pedestrians and cyclists, and connect all its parts together by a network of pedestrian ways. These paths are improved in the old areas, and favored in the new development areas. In these last, several new public spaces are created, for example with public squares or pocket parks. This new pedestrian network also connects with the canal banks. The High Street is still accessible by car, but preference will be given to pedestrians over time as the pavements will be extended as far as possible.

existing spaces for pedestrians new spaces for pedestrians

Part III: Urban Design Strategy


Group 4C


The existing green spaces are pictured in light green and the new ones are in dark green. These new green spaces are mostly found in the new development areas. They are mainly composed of pocket parks and other small green spaces located in between the buildings. Many new trees have been also added in these areas, as well as on the High Street. The existing green spaces have been enhanced and connections between them have been improved. The existing and the new green spaces form an integral network, supporting the idea of pedestrian friendly environments and sustainability.

existing green network new green network and trees

UCL: The Bartlett School of Planning


Urban Design: Place Making

d) Blue Network: (Canal bank design in East London)

Canal Pathway Design: The canal paths will be redesigned by adding seating and lighting, and building piers at some locations. This will make them more attractive and increase their overall usage. At the moment, the canal paths are old and not well managed. Most of them have little biodiversity and can be prone to criminal activity at night due to insufficient lighting and pedestrian activity. Furthermore, due to construction works for the new Crossrail line, some canal paths have been temporarily obstructed. On the other hand, the canals around the Olympic Park and near Hackney Wick have much more human activity due to the presence of playgrounds, bars and other nearby businesses.

e) Pedestrian and Cycle Network: Pedestrian Pathway Design & Green Spaces: The path will be composed of different elements: trees, benches, lighting and soil. Plants and grass will grow in the soil and separate the different uses, for example between the sidewalk and bicycle lane. Granite materials will also be used since it looks nicer than concrete and is long lasting. The trees can also be used to separate the different parts of the street, whilst having an aesthetic value as well. Since the path is narrow, the thin trees will be selected not to take up too much space. The amelenchier laevis could be a suitable specie for example, and it’s white colour would give the paths a peaceful atmosphere. The lighting would be soft to give a sense of intimacy but also add character to the street, whilst simultaneously increasing safety.

(Bridge design over a canal, Venice, Italy)

(Paths within green space) Part III: Urban Design Strategy


Group 4C

3.2 HOUSING AND BUILDINGS STRATEGY a) Combating gentrification

Since the existing population of Stratford has relatively low income in comparison with other London boroughs thus gentrification is an important aspect to take into account. To obviate this phenomenon, an end must be put to the current non-strategic trend of building 30-storey new developments in the area. This will be achieved through several policies: 1- Renovating old buildings instead of replacing them. This will keep construction costs to a minimum hence the housing units will be more affordable. 2- Limit the number of large-scale luxury development 3- Strictly enforce the 35% social housing quota (GLA, 2017) that needs to be provided by developers 4- Create properties for diverse income levels in the same area 5- Introduce a mixture of buildings in existing residential neighbourhoods which will bring diversity like Jane Jacobs (Jacobs,1961)

b) Housing Target

According to the Newham Council, a total of 51 800 housing units will be needed between the years 2011-2033. 29 600 of those will be market housing and the rest is affordable housing, this means that roughly 40 % of the housing stock should be affordable. The absolute majority of housing units should be 2 or 3 bedroom apartments for both the affordable and market housing segment. They also estimate a 1 800-2 400 annual household increase between the years 2011-2033. As for student housing, UCL East plans to have around 4 000 students enrolled in the first phase (UCL, 2017). But it is hard at this moment to estimate how many of them will be living in the borough of Newham. For the planned development on Sugar House Lane, the so-called Strand East. The developers estimate that they will build around 1 200 new housing units on the site that is around 10 ha (ARC-ML, 2017), from which a rough density of 120 housing units per ha can be concluded. Therefore, we conclude that for the Pudding Mill and “Triangle” area it is possible that around 2 400 and 1 300 new housing units can be built. We use the Strand East development as a guideline since it will be built mostly in the same way we want to develop Pudding Mill and the Triangle and that no housing exists on these sites today. However, for the Carpenters area it is more difficult to estimate the housing targets since most of the area is already developed. There is probably only a few hectares left to develop on the site, probably less than 5. Which means that around 350 new housing units should be a reasonable target. (All facts and figures are from (ORS, 2016) unless noted otherwise)

c) Mixed Use Mixed-use development seeks to combine residential, commercial, cultural, institutional and entertainment uses together, whereby those functions are physically and functionally integrated. There are many benefits to this type of development, which include: • reduced distances between housing, workplaces, retail businesses, and other amenities and destinations • walkable, bike-able neighbourhoods, increased accessibility via transit, both resulting in reduced transportation costs • more compact development, land-use synergy • stronger neighbourhood character, sense of place

d) Building Specifications Building heights should be limited to 6-storeys high to keep the human-scale of the area and to make maximum use of the space increase density of the buildings. This increased density would be beneficial, where optimal use is made of the amenities, and therefore make property prices potentially more affordable. UCL: The Bartlett School of Planning


(Mixed Use design in Vancouver) Urban Design: Place Making

3.3 SOCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS STRATEGY a) Embracing Heritage Sites A conservation area is a place that has special historic interest buildings and streets which the council protects (or designates). Conservation of cultural heritage sites is important since it preserves the area’s character and sense of identity, connecting people to the past. Newham has nine conservation areas in total. The Three Mills Island, Stratford St John’s and Abbey Mills Stations conservation areas are the most prominent ones in our project area. The first is defined by the former gin distillery complex which included the House and Clock Mills with purpose built still houses, now forming part of the 3 Mills Studios. The St John’s conservation area has many listed buildings (see map below) which are significant landmarks of Stratford. The Abbey Mills Pumping Stations are set within a partly walled and railed/fenced enclosure from which the public are excluded. The re-purposing of some of these buildings will be a great incubator for experimentation and job creation, as heritage conservation has proven to be a thriving place for entrepreneurship and innovation. For example, the Wychwood Barns redevelopment in Toronto, Canada, retrofitted a 20th century former industrial building into a sustainable, multi-faceted residential and thriving community centre (see picture below).

b) Educational and cultural institutions High unemployment is another major issue for the Stratford demographic. To combat it 2 main strategies will be put into action: enhancement of culture and education. The introduction of new cultural institutions will generate an increased economic and commercial activity in the area allowing small businesses to flourish. Additionally, this will offer new job opportunities in the construction sector and later during the post-construction stage in the services sector. The improvement of education facilities in the area is another weapon against unemployment. In short term, skills centres and entrepreneurship programs will help the current majority of the Stratford demographic (20 to 35 year olds) to improve their skills and find new careers. In long-term, better schools and Universities will ensure that future generations have good education and skills. Overall, cultural and educational enhancement will also attract new people to move to Stratford.

c) Creative Industries and entrepenuership promotion In order to create a good environment for the implantation of new creative firms and to enhance the economic attractivity of the territory, some urban strategies need to be established. These go through the creation of a creative ecosystem built on what is already existing. The presence of the Three Mills Studios, who are specialized in the film and television production industry and taking part in the Creative London agency, can be a starting point. Moreover, the development of a creative “cluster” is based on a research and development (R&D) and innovation logic, which go through the presence of education institutions but also through the development of partnership. Therefore, the implantation of a film school next to the Three Mills Studios could fill this characteristic and promote partnership in the film industries and the sharing of knowledge. Another condition for the creation of the creative cluster is to develop rental incentives to attract the creative industry members and young start-up which are perceived as innovative structures, and therefore have an economic positive aspect. These low-cost offices can be shared-offices, for which start-ups only have to pay a rent and can easily leave focuising on policy and contract flexibility. The creative industry hub will be situated in the HGC triangle, which offers a lot of vacant land. In this case, industries will be close to the High Street and DLR station, but also close to the industrial area and the new film school. Other than office schemes, the strategy supports Art and Music Studios, which can be rented out at reasonable price and also feature innovative designs, as will be shown in the Carpenters Area. Additionally, entrepenuership local businesses can be supported through offering commercial lots for affordable rents to promote local retailers and thereby creating a unique market as opposed to the chain dominated shopping districts.

Part III: Urban Design Strategy


Group 4C


1a 6b 4




4 3

2 6b

UCL: The Bartlett School of Planning


Urban Design: Place Making

I: CARPENTERS RESIDENTIAL AREA 1. Enhancing the pedestrian connectivity to Stratford station is a crucial factor for increasing accessibility to the area. So, the existing East side entrance of the station which is currently exclusively for staff use and parking will be turned into a publicly accessible route(1a). Additionally, a new pedestrian bridge crossing the rail tracks will be built to replacing the present, narrow and poorly lit one, connecting directly to the major bus station (1b).

(A well-lit pedestrian bridge crossing rail tracks in Everett, WA, USA by Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Architects)

2. The Carpenters area is predominantly a residential area compromised of: Carpenters Estate High rise buildings and multiple rows of Victorian terraced houses. The Carpenters Estates would be renovated and made structurally safe. This will aim to comply with the gentrification avoidance strategy mentioned previously. Another reason for keeping them is that they are part of the neighbourhood’s history and character which we are aiming to enhance.

3. Parking spaces will be more dispensable through improved pedestrian public transport accessibility. Therefore, multiple row of garages on site will be split into 3 categories: a) Two of them will be replaced with new predominantly residential 7-storey properties with one underground parking level. b) Some will be fully turned into art or music studios to add business land use to the area. An extra floor could be added to them by reusing old shipping containers, to embrace the area’s legacy of trade activity. c) Others will be mixed use between lower residential parking and upper studios.

(Proposed conversion of garages by the Greater Carpenters Estate Neighbourhood forum)

4. Densifying the area with new high-end residential dwellings by constructing new 7 storey buildings to have a mix of old and new properties. On the ground floor, a few corner shops and retail facilities will be added to serve the area. Concerning the surrounding open space areas, these will be landscaped and streets will be enhanced by adding trees, pocket parks and street furniture creating an inviting social environment, to raise the properties’ value and the residents’ lifestyles.

5. The connection to the Olympic park must be ameliorated and made safer to generate activity. The road tunnel will be better lit as well as pedestrian pavements will be widened. Another barrier to that destination is the Flyover, which could be regenerated by adding lighting, greenery and versatile seating. This area could possibly host weekly cinema viewing or local markets.

(Neon Streaks in Las Vegas, NV by PUNCH Architecture)

(Carpentners Real Estate photographed by Paul Watt)

(An illustration for a possible development in London’s Deptford shown in the Evening Standard)

6. There will be a children’s activities’ and recreational centre close to the existing playgrounds to the West side of the area (6a). This will also include a day-care service which will help form a community sense and encourage families to move to the area. Another communal facility will be the replacement of the Carpenters Dockland Sports Centre with a better facility which will honour the Olympic Legacy and promote physical activity (6b).

(Children’s recreational centre in Pierrelaye, France by AIR architects)

Part III: Urban Design Strategy


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4 3

1 2


UCL: The Bartlett School of Planning


Urban Design: Place Making

II: PUDDING MILL- STRAND EAST AREA 1. This Intervention is to do a heritage statement to see if some of the existing buildings might be saved and be reused (this also includes the Pudding Mill allotments). Since different kinds of industries has occupied the site, a sanitation of the site is to be recommended. Some buildings will be demolished (if not all) and the site will be cleared of rubble. The existing street grid will be straightened and new streets will be added. Since the southern part of the High Street falls in this area, it’s redevelopment will also be considerered, especially with regards to the new school.

(Marshgate Business Centre on Marshgate Lane)

2. Redevelopment will start on the part of the site that is closest to the high street so that it will be close to already existing developments, the new development shall be mixed-use and provide around 1 200 new residential units. Commercial facilities such as bars, cafés, restaurants and shops should be built along the riverside facing the canals and rivers, but should still be publicly accessible.

(St. Thomas Creek)

3. Public service facilities, most importantly a school and a healthcare facility should be built. A sport facility such as a public gym or a combined sports centre should also be built. These will primarily be used by the new population in our proposed developments including Strand East. A new public square is to be built in the vicinity of the DLR station.

(Example of how the space under a railway bridge could be used, Castlefield, Manchester) (The Model for the Strand East development by ACR-ML)

4. A new Central line station could be built with a direct interchange with the already existing Pudding Mill Lane DLR station. Besides the increasing population of the area that will be the result of the redevelopment of the Pudding Mill area and the Strand East development, the area will also soon be home to the new UCL East campus. So, it is reasonable to assume that pressure on public transport will increase and that the existing Stratford station will be overcrowded. This proposed station will also be close to the Olympic Park and the London Stadium and will offer an alternative public transport route to the stadium.

5. The current proposals for Strand East development will be considered to be in line with our vision for the Pudding Mill – Strand East area. Therefore, a continuation of the Strand East development with similar layout and architecture as a continuation of the project is across the High Street in the Pudding Mill area is proposed.

Part III: Urban Design Strategy


(Pudding Mill Lane DLR station)

Group 4C



5 3



UCL: The Bartlett School of Planning


Urban Design: Place Making

III: HGC TRIANGLE 1. The HGC triangle is mainly composed of industrial buildings, wasteland and one major road. They create barriers, so in order to create a more dynamic space they will be removed. The main road will be replaced by a straight two-lane road which will go from Stratford High street to the industrial area to the south of the HGC triangle. The Abbey lane is conserved because it links the pumping station and the Three Mills areas to the HGC triangle by going under the Greenway, so it will still be accessible to cars. Furthermore, it already has a unique character due to the four detached houses already present. From this new pattern, an empty space with one main road, a new creative neighbourhood can be developed.

(Example of quality public space in Ivry-Sur-Seine, France)

2. The area is surrounded by two green spaces: the Channelsea path and the greenway. However, these are under-exploited and not well connected to the rest of the area. After our interventions, these two amenities will be enhanced as new pedestrian pathways will be created, increasing their overall usage. Some stairs will need to be created because the greenway is elevated compared to the ground level. A ramp can also be created to allow access for people with disabilities. This will also increase the connectivity of the area, creating a unified green network by linking the end of the Channelsea with the greenway by a bridge which go over the road.

3.The HGC triangle is a strategic area that will be the “heart� of the new creative city. However, to avoid that this area is used only for work purposes, different types of uses will be introduced to the area (commercial, housing, offices, etc). These buildings will be allocated in throughout the area to avoid creating single-use parts. Commercial activities will be mainly concentrated around streets and open spaces because it encourages vitality. The ground floor is composed of commercial activities, the second floor of offices, and the last floors are flats.

(Mixed use building Minneapolis, USA)


(Parc Jean Beauquis in Ambilly, France)

4. A skill centre will be built in the HGC triangle. This centre will address the issue of unemployment, giving the local community training opportunities, reorienting them towards a specific trade. The idea is that the skill centre can facilitate job-matching and be a junction the new creative activities and the unemployed population. Therefore, the skill centre is situated in the centre of this creative cluster. The design of the building is very important in order to not stigmatise its users and make it attractive. As seen on the picture, the use of colours and cubic forms fits the vision of the creative and modern city.

5. In order to have a dynamic and vibrant area, the neighbourhood will contain quality public spaces and open areas where people can gather and use for events, for example festivals or market days. These spaces will be only pedestrian and be of different sizes. Green landscapes will also be introduced, in order to create a harmonious scenery with the two green pathways. These green public spaces will be composed of a playground and biodiverse flora, with some benches for people to enjoy.

Part III: Urban Design Strategy

(Example of a walkway over a main road in Paris)


(Skill Centre in Amiens, France)

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IV: ABBEY LANE - PUMPING STATION CORRIDOR 1. The Old Pumping Station is one of the key heritage sites of the area. It’s architecture is significant and dates back to 1865. With the creation of the new pumping station, the old one can be repurposed as a venue, museum or art gallery. In addition, since there is much space east of the building, a food or flea market could be set up there on a weekly, monthly or seasonal basis.

(Inside of the Three Mills Pumping Station )

2. The buildings south of the pumping station could be an ideal place for new restaurants, cafés and bars. Once the fencing around the station is removed, this will increase public access to the canal path and revitalise the area as more people will come visit and enjoy the river Lea.


market example, Berlin, Germany)

3. New fencing will be added to the new station for safety reasons. Adding more stairs to the greenway will encourage the public to use it and facilitate connections between the green and blue network.

(Three Mills Pumping Station)

4. The Three Mills Park will be redesigned as new lighting and seating will be added. Furthermore, more trees and plants will be added to the park, increasing its biodiversity, making it more conducive for wildlife. These interventions will hopefully increase the park’s usage, as it will complement the Channelsea pathway, encourage people to exercise, improve social well-being and help build a healthy community.

5. a)The Strand East development is mainly residential. In order to make it more mixed use, retail and some office space will be added which will make the area more dynamic and attract more people. b) The residential area to the north-west of this area already has quality public space and homes, thus little changes have been added. They will also benefit from the mentioned changes in their surronding neighbourhood.

(Venue example, Bunker 42)

(Canalside in Buffalo, New York by EE&K a Perkins) Part III: Urban Design Strategy


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Urban Design: Place Making

V: THREE MILLS STUDIOS 1. We plan on adding a film school on the vacant land West of the new pumping station. The nearby Three Mills Studios, East London Science School and International School of Screen Acting will contribute to forming a new creative cluster with its talented pupils. The Three Mills Studios and the film school would be linked by a bridge. The design is playing on the fact that it’s have a view on the canals and the design would be more use of glass, to give an impression of transparency and therefore impression that place is open to everyone. Stratford is also a former industrial area the shape of the building is inspired from shape of industry, such as the film school “Cité du Cinéma” in the agglomeration of Paris. (One of the buildings of Cité du Cinéma in Paris)

2. Improving the canal paths and link with the Three Mills lane with improve connectivity and make the area more vibrant.

(Hackney Wick Canal in East London)

3. Adding seating, lighting and re-landscaping the canal paths, will increase their usage and aesthetics. In addition, creating a pier will enable the public to get close with the water.

(South bank canals in London designed by Harrison Stevens)

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1. The silos area is an important location due to the amount of available land. The silos are listed heritage sites which represent the industrial past of Stratford. They will be retrofitted to accomodate residential buildings because of their unique character. These buildings will resemble the ones that already exist near King Cross. The canal bank will be developed into a promenade but can also be a space for restaurants, shops or other entertainment venues.

(Development in gasholders in King‘s Cross)

2. There are seven gasholders in total and, as previously mentioned, six of them will be converted into residential buildings. A park and lake will be integrated into the seventh, middle gasholder, promoting urban wildlife and ecological habitats for residents and visitors to enjoy, regenerating this previously industrial area.

(Project from New London Landscape for Lea Valley)

3. The silos area currently has a single bridge (cf. blue network map) which connects it to the south west part of Stratford (near the Bromley-by-Bow station). Therefore, the area lacks a connection with the Three Mills Island the rest of Stratford to the north-west. Hence, two new bridges will be constructed, increasing it’s connectivity and encouraging more people to use it.

(Bridge of the Grand Union Canal in Paddington)

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VII: HIGH STREET 1. The existing Bingo building will be replaced with a community centre that includes space allowing the continuing pursuit of Bingo activities, since it is so important to the local community. Additionally, the centre will provide other recreational and social services that cater for the different needs of the public. Its location was chosen specifically to be close to the Town Hall and Stratford Magistrates’ Court to serve as civil services hub which is well served by the High Street DLR and Stratford stations.

(The West Vancouver Community Centre in Canada by Hughes Condon Marler Architects)

2. The new Children’s Science museum will be an interactive educational centre. An easy collaboration with the local primary schools could be very beneficial from an educational point of view. Activities aren’t limited to educational ones but it includes also an indoor playground as well regular workshops and year-round activities and programs for children.

3. A Public Library is will be added in the corner of the HGC Triangle with its main entrance on the High Street. A collaboration scheme with the Universities that are foreseen to be moving some of their facilities to the area could benefit both parties. For example, the library could organise exhibitions, public lectures and discussion panels which won’t be exclusive to students but also available to the public. This will not be under the umbrella of the social contributions strategy promoting culture and education. (Public Library in Chicago Illinois by Perkins + Will)

(Hudson Yards Retail and Public Square in New York City by Oxford)

4. This museum is planned to be located at the edge of the Carpenters neighbourhood. The aim of this institution is to embrace the area’s legacy of industrial development, whose workers mainly used to live in the surrounding area. The manufacturing of Stratford specialised in timber, chalk, stone, coal and wheat. These processes and activities will be demonstrated in the museum to show the public the development of local heritage and culture.

5. In addition to the pedestrianisation stages mentioned in the strategy, adding a public square along the High Street, is a vital step to Stratford’s public realm. specifically. The chosen location is around the library. The junction of the Greenway with the High Street will be turned into a prioritised pedesetrian crossing for faster and better connectivity. The area will serve as an open space for the aforementioned surrounding new facilities which will collectively form a culture hub for Stratford. The convenience of the area is increased by virtue of the stations in close proximity.

Part III: Urban Design Strategy

(Minnesota Children’s Museum in St. Paul, Minnesota by Snow Kreilich Architects)


(Museum of Science and Industry in Liverpool)

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4. PHASING TIMELINE Phase 1 (1-3 Yrs) 2018 2019


Phase 2 (3-6 Yrs) 2021 2022



Phase 3 (6-11 Yrs) 2025 2026




Phase 4 (11-15 Yrs) 2030 2031


Carpenters Residential Area Renovate Carpentners Estates and Garages Enhance pedestrian connection to Stratford station Re-landscape streets and open spaces Densify with new residential buidlings Regenerate connection to Olympic park New Sports Centre Children's activities centre

Pudding Mill - Strand East Area New Mixed Use buildings Integrate with Strand East Development Buildings New commercial facilities along the canals New primary school, healthcare and sports facilities New Central line stop at Pudding Mill Station

HGC Triangle Demolish existing industrial buildings New Mixed Use buildings New Skills Centre New stairs and ramps connecting the Greenway to HGC Landscape the streets and open spaces

Abbey Mills -Pumping Station Corridor Regenerate Heritage Old Pumping station buildings Revitalise outdoor area with commerical activity Enhance biodiversity in the 3 Mills Park

Three Mills Studios Area New Film School Connect Film school to 3 Mills Studios Relandscape canal banks for public realm

Silos Area New Mixed Use buildings New commercial facilities along the canals Connect the area with bridges

High Street Partial pedestrianisation: Stage A New Community Centre New Library and Educational Museum New Public Square New Industrial Legacy Museum Partial pedestrianisation: Stage B

UCL: The Bartlett School of Planning


Urban Design: Place Making

5.2 PHASING JUSTIFICATION Aspects that were considered when dividing the phasing of the development and deciding which projects should take precedence included: - Time scale - Priority projects and key buildings - Market demand for commercial, educational and healthcare services - Financial ability (projects paying for each other) - Facilities that will be needed during the construction phase - Construction load balance and spread

5.3 CONCLUSION In conclusion, Stratford is a key area of London in terms of retail, business and leisure. It has many weaknesses and threats related to it, which developers should take into account when implementing projects. That being said, there are also key strengths and opportunities to be seized that can benefit the local community. The main vision of our project revolves around the promotion of the “creative city� in order to attract new local talent, whilst also encouraging the local population to develop new skills and ultimately make Stratford a centre of innovation. The proposed interventions outlined in this report will greatly improve the area, as they will ultimately foster new creative clusters leading to economic growth and new opportunities for the local community. Not only this, they will also enable Stratford to reinvent itself, whilst still embracing its historical heritage. The main themes of these interventions relate to sustainable, transport-oriented development concepts, as they promote justice and equality by providing new quality public amenities and spaces, enhancing the existing green and blue networks and focusing on community empowerment. They will be implemented in several phases, the first being on a short-term basis (0-3 years), the second on a medium-term basis (3-6), and the third and last phases on a more long-term basis (6-10+ years). These interventions, working in conjunction with the plans that are already underway in the area, will transform Stratford and continue the legacy of the Olympic regeneration scheme, bring people of different backgrounds together. Ultimately, the successful implementation of these plans will bring significant economic, ecological and community benefits, and make Stratford a key player in making London a creative city for all to enjoy.

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5.4 REFERENCES 1) ARC-ML (2017) Strand East Masterplan. ARC-ML Architects/ Designers, [cited: 29/11]. 2) Cunningham, S., Ryan, M., Keane, M., and Ordonez, D. (2008). “Financing creative industries in developing countries In D. Barrowclough and Z. Kozul-Wright (Eds.), Creative Industries and Developing Countries: Voice, Choice and Economic Growth (pp. 65-110). London and New York: Routledge. 3) London Assembly (2017) Relighting the torch of the Olympic legacy. Available from: files/convergence_short_report_final.pdf 4) DCMS (2015) Creative Industries Economic Estimates. In: Department For Culture, M. A. S. (Ed.), 5) GLA (2017) Mayor’s new planning rules to boost affordable housing.) London Assembly, Greater London Authority 2017. 6) JACOBS, J. (1972) The death and life of great American cities; Jane Jacobs. Harmondsworth: Penguin. 7) ORS, O. R. S. (2016) Outer North-East London Strategic Housing Market Assessment. 8) SAMOA, S. D. A. D. L. M. O. A. (2017) île de Nantes: A territory, one history. Société d’aménagement de la Métropole Ouest At lantique, [cited: 6/12/2017]. Available from: 9) UCL (2017) UCL EAST Summary. [cited: 13/11]. Available from:

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Urban Design: Place Making

Part III: Urban Design Strategy


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