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Mary Parker
Social media advocate volunteer for P.A.N.D.O.R A. Active in promoting awareness for sick Desert Storm veterans. .. Writer.I love the beach and i love to read and write in my spare time. Worked on Obama's campaign. I love to meet new people and learn about other cultures. I am a good listener. i love to help others when possible. decorated Desert Storm veteran, my name is inscribed in the wall at the Women In Service For America memorial at the gates to Arlington Cemetery. I speak and read Spanish, French, some Turkish(used to be Fluent 20 years ago.i love my family, even the ones who dont talk to me. LOL i love helping people. i am a good listener. i care about animals. i love to make people laugh. i love the printed word. i seldom get angry. i have lived in many countries and travelled to alot and have lived in Hawaii,Alaska and been to most major cities. Did i mention i love books, magazines, newspapers?Charter member of WIMSA, WASH. DC