Creative Presence: Creative Report with Ketnip In studio brief 2, I have a chance to have an interview with a creative illustrator, I have chosen an illustrator with a fun and bold tone of voice to be my interview person. I found this person on Instagram, a platform full of creative, and professional artist that I gain inspiration from. Before this brief I have already wanted to ask him questions about how to be a professional full time artist, by this chance I could ask him with more questions, in order to know more about how to be a professional illustrator. Fortunately, I found his email address on his Instagram, so that I don’t need to search for another interview method. I have used my personal email address instead of the college one, because the way of using personal email address is more professional than showing “It’s a college brief so I pick up you to be my interview person”, in my point of view. I have asked him 10 questions, here are the questions: 1.
How do you create this character? I made the character of 'Ket' after becoming bored of my old style. I used to draw a lot of intricate and detailed portraits, and although they looked nice I never felt like they represented me. So I began drawing in a more "dumbed-down" style, in the hopes of making something that would be more accessible emotionally, and eventually I ended up with that character. I'm not saying that a 'Ket' is meant to be a symbol of emotion or at-all provocative; just something with more personality. Technically speaking, I make the character in Photoshop, and I use a Wacom tablet to draw. I would use Illustrator, but it's too damn complicated.
How do you keep all the ideas so funny? Personally, I don't think that all of my ideas are funny, but I think a part of the humor is always having a character that is quite simple and innocent end up in stranger situations. Also, there is a childish quality to my work, which makes it seem kind of awkward but natural. Maybe that’s funny, I don't know!
Has your practice(works) changed in time? My practice/style has changed a lot. My old work was all done in pen and the characters were harsher and sketchy. Now I aim to make them look softer and less busy by using Photoshop, because the whole 'edgy' look seems a little bit played out. Also by having a simpler character I think it becomes more inviting and interesting, as it takes the focus away from the figure in the work and more towards the subject matter.