Final essay mc255699

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Mary Chu mc255699 Illustration level 4 1

“​ Discuss the role that Illustration can play during periods of political and/or social upheaval." The illustration is one of the ways to express how people feel about the government and society. When people are satisfied, people would not keep focusing on criticising the government and vice versa. Normally, if dissatisfaction did not reach to a certain level, for example when there are urgent problems occurred, like they started to worry about livelihood, economics and political concerns regardless the ministry and the government directors just comforted citizen but not solving any problems. This would lead to a society formed with panic and anxious. Hong Kong, a city of mixing Chinese and British culture, when people start to think about Hong Kong, skyscrapers would be the first thing to imagine. Sky­high buildings could be found in everywhere in this city, also, it keeps the traditional buildings such as temples, markets and restaurants in the same place, a perfect blend with Eastern and Western hybrid example. The British government had acquired Hong Kong for more than 150 years before 1997. A treaty called "Treaty of Nanking" was signed in 1842 to cede Hong Kong Island and Kowloon Peninsula south.That's the proof of why the majority of Hong Kong Island's buildings have the Western architecture style. Indeed, it had some great impacts and influences in Hong Kong. Nevertheless the architecture style, culture, language and political factors. In the book: Hong Kong Art­ Culture and Decolonization has mentioned a quote: “In the case of Hong Kong, nationalism is a discourse in the service of annexation, not for liberation. Hong Kong ­ness has as a species of rootless, non­essentialising or post­modern identity which might usefully be considered by those concerned with cultural identity politics elsewhere.”(Clarke, 2002, P.36) Hong Kong has been colonised under British government more than 15 decades until 1 st July 1997 the British government handover back to China and signed the "one country, two systems" law to maintain Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Therefore, Hong Conges could speak English. Furthermore, Cantonese, Mandarin, and English these three languages are compulsory to learn when the children reached the age of entering nursery school. In 2014, the Copyright (Amendment) Bill 2014(or called: Internet Article 23) was released without any consults with the public, the Intellectual Property Department proposed ordinances regulating the internet in Hong Kong. Under the regulation, derivative works such as replacing lyrics from an existed song, cosplay, using unauthorised images or artist approved images or share or uploading movies illegally could contravene under this amendment. Numberless of anime lovers were felt apprehensible and irritated about the amendment, yet uploading their own photographs could contravene as a crime also could be sent to prison. Nevertheless, this Internet Article 23 has been deliberation for more than two years, this Copyright Bill 2014 does not pass by a number of agreements finally this article has been suspending also the government does not wish to continue since the process had spent an amount of money.

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