Project Proposal Project Rationale
What do you intend to do and why? I am remaking the project 505 last year, about the Chinese new year’s traditional habits and old Hong Kong. Last year I ran out of time because of the bad time management, some of the final images were looked rush and untidy. This time I will have the same 12 pages book with 2 languages on a page with brand new covers. I am making applications as well as last time, I am making a picture book, one ebook or audiobook, bookmark and sticker packs. This time I will produce a short animation about Mei. GENERAL THEMES: The losing culture, habits and ancient Chinese poem. Traditional things to do in new year, also exploring the old classic Hong Kong with refined drawings. SPECIFIC SUBJECTS: The culture and the transmission of a poem has been passed through about 1000 years. The old Chinese(Cantonese)poem. The traditional custom ways of new Lunar year and the Cantonese culture, with a playful and fun tone of voice which suitable for the learning age group.(6-10 years old) PRACTICAL & CONCEPTUAL APPLICATION What areas of Illustration do you intend to investigate in relation to the practical and conceptual, production/ distribution of work in response to selected briefs? SPECIFIC DISCIPLINARY AREA: An easy and readable story, I am using the texts from last year because the edition is the best and suitable for kids to read, I have twisted some of the story texts and asked Teresa for proofreading. So this time I can focus on the drawings and animations. AUDIENCE/CONTEXTS: ● Generally all age group-(for people willing to know more about different cultures and kids.For example: parents,grandparents getting the book for their kid/grandchildren) ● (for the age group 6-10) ● Translate into English, like a learning book or bedtime story/ want to learn Chinese/English(will translate into easy languages so that people will understand straight away) ● Magazine editor, like kid’s magazine publishers ● Librarians ● Schools, nursery schools, playgroups PRODUCTION/DISTRIBUTION METHODS:
● E-book ● Printed picture book ● Comic fairs,comic conventions ● Education fairs ● Taster version give away in schools,playgroups ● Copies in libraries CONTEXTUAL REFERENCES Identify areas of professional/creative practices that will inform the contextualization of the work that you produce. This should include specific illustrators, studios, practitioners and products as well as broader creative disciplines and methods of Production /Distribution. ILLUSTRATORS / DESIGNERS / STUDIOS: ● My folk lover- Catherine Campbell(simple black and white line drawings with colourful patches) ● Matt Leines(colourful drawings with creation beast drawings) ● Raquel Aparicio(simple and delicate drawings,sometimes minimalism sometimes with fine detailed) ● Yelena Bryksenkova(patterns based drawings) ● Trudi Finch(fairy-liked drawings,very loose colours and pastel colours) ● Ulla Norup Milbrath(3D objects and illustrator) You should include a list of relevant websites.,16989,16989 (Original poem:) (Apologise for they are all in Cantonese Chinese I have to translate all the research first!) “月光光,照地 堂;年卅晚,摘檳榔;檳榔香,嚼子薑;子姜辣,買蒲達;蒲達苦,買豬肚;豬肚肥,買牛皮 ;牛皮薄,買菱角; 菱 角尖,買馬鞭;馬鞭長,起屋樑;屋樑高,買張刀;刀切菜,買籮蓋;籮蓋圓,買隻船;船浸底,浸親兩 個番鬼仔; 一個蒲頭,一個浸底;一個摸茨菇,一個摸馬蹄。” A story version of the poem above:
Chinese New Year On the thirtieth night in the Chinese Lunar year, the moon is big and shiny on the ground. Mei walks to the garden. The pinang smells great! she picks them from the plant.
Mei sees some sweet gingers and starts chewing them. "Och! It's so spicy!" Mei said, "I am so hungry, let's get some food in the market!" She goes to the market and tries some bitter melon. "That tastes bitter!" Mei doesn't like it and runs to the butcher. "Fatty fatty pork belly!" and points to the beef corner. "Skinny skinny ox skin!" and points to the pointy water chestnut. She walks to a grocery shop and plays with the long and thin horse whip. She looks like she is having fun! Look! there is someone building a house next to the shop! Mei enters the house and helps chop some vegetables. "Oh no!" says the lady. "Where is the lid? We can't cook dinner without the lid!" There is the lid! The round lid rolls away. "Wait for me!" Mei says. she follows the lid to the beach. Mei finds a wrecked ship! She sees a boy and a girl are playing the pirate game, "Dinner is ready!Let's go home!"Mei says to them and go home together happily. (From,16989,16989 ) I am going to make an illustration based on this short paragraph of text, it is a great example of a short narrative story of the history and cultural research!