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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) What is WWC connect? WWC connect is a student tracking, early flag program designed to promote student success through coordination and communication between students, faculty, and staff. THE PROGRAM: • Aids students in improving their academic and work performance using flags, kudos, and timely interventions.

WWC connect DOES NOT provide crisis response regarding physical health and/or mental health. In the case of a crisis requiring urgent attention, please direct the student to the following resources: • WWC connect DOES NOT provide crisis response regarding physical health and/or mental health. In the case of a crisis requiring urgent attention, please direct the student to Student Life Office at 828-771-3800, or the Counseling Center. After hours you should contact Public Safety, (daytime-828-771-3029, evenings/weekends only-828-230-4592); they will contact the appropriate staff member to assist you.

WHY ARE WE IMPLEMENTING WWC connect? Warren Wilson College has a 55% (3-year average) attrition rate in the first two years. WWC connect allows us to track a student’s performance early and often while creating timely interventions to help a student not fall behind.

WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF WWC connect? • Identify and address underlying issues that prevent student success. • Connect students to resources that promote self-awareness, accountability, academic and work achievement. • Identify retention indicators.

WHAT ARE WWC connect OUTCOMES? Improve student: • Success/retention. • Academic performance. • Adjustment to college. • Self-responsibility.

WHEN SHOULD EARLY FLAGS BE SENT? Early intervention is the key to a successful early flag system. Early flags are most critical during the FIRST SIX WEEKS of the semester and prior to mid-semester so that intervention can take place while there is still time to make the necessary adjustments and change course or work outcomes. However, WWC connect is accessible throughout the entire semester.

Early flags are most effective when you have discussed the situation with the student beforehand and there is little/no improvement. A flag may be initiated for a variety of reasons that impact the student’s success including excessive absences, low exam/quiz grades, failure to submit course assignments, or any graded portion of a course that could impact the student’s ability to be successful in the course.

WHO HAS ACCESS TO WWC connect? WWC connect is accessible to various student support staff on campus that are either connected to the flag or function as a referral service as part of the early alert process. • Students are the main focus of the system and will be notified via campus email, studentsuccess@warren-wilson.edu, whenever a faculty or staff wants the student to be notified. Upon referral, each student is assigned to a member of WWC connect for follow up. A full chart of flags and management protocols can be located in MyWWC under WWC connect (see WWC connect Flag Management Matrix). • WWC connect will be able to view all referrals, add comments, document steps taken in the intervention cycle and connect students with appropriate campus resources. CAN I SUBMIT MORE THAN ONE FLAG OR KUDO FOR A STUDENT DURING THE SAME SEMESTER? Yes. Flags or kudos can be initiated as many times as necessary. Student Success will follow up on every flag to continue to support the student.

WHAT CAN FACULTY OR STAFF MEMBERS EXPECT AS A RESULT OF USING WWC connect? WWC connect is guided by the following expectations: • Proactive, meaningful contact with students that addresses an issue/concern that may inhibit their success in a course or on a work crew. • Solution-based support that is guided by best practices and college policies/procedures. • Strategic and interactive intervention that is geared at holistic evaluation to determine primary success roadblocks. • Continuous and up-to-date communication between WWC connect, Work Program Office, the student, and the reporting faculty/staff member that promotes an intentional collaboration for success. WHAT ARE SOME EXAMPLES OF HOW FLAGS ARE HANDLED? For ATTENDANCE referrals, a student would be contacted by Student Success to discuss why they have been missing classes or work. In support of this type of flag, it is important for faculty members to have a clear attendance policy on the syllabus that we can refer to when working with the student. Based on the discussion during the meeting, Student Success may take one or more of the following actions: • Assist the student in clarifying their goals for enrollment and why class attendance is important in achieving those goals. • Suggest time management strategies and techniques that could assist the student in managing a busy schedule. • Create an action plan to help the student create short-term, achievable goals for their course or work attendance. • If warranting circumstances exist, discuss appropriate process/procedure for dropping/withdrawing from course within the deadline.

For ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE referrals, a student would be contacted by Academic Support to discuss the specific concern that is submitted (i.e. low grade or assignments not submitted). During this meeting, the focus would be on identifying the factor(s) that has (have) contributed to the performance issue. Based on the discussion during the meeting, Academic Support may take one or more of the following actions: • Evaluation of student schedule and commitments. • Making an appointment for student to take advantage of one or more support services (i.e. tutoring, writing studio, academic support, counseling, etc.) • Referral to Educational Access Services (if applicable). • Assist the student to prepare for a meeting with the faculty member during office hours.

These are just examples of how flags may be handled; however, these examples do not provide an exhaustive list of intervention strategies used by WWC connect. Each student referral will be reviewed individually and handled based on the specific circumstances presented.

HOW DO I SUBMIT A FLAG OR KUDO TO WWC connect? You can complete a hard copy located outside the Career and Development Center (Log Cabin) and submit to Student Success via the door drop box in the Career and Development Center or submit the form online. If you have questions, need clarification, or desire further information, please contact: Heather Wingert hwingert@warren-wilson.edu 828.771.2076.

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS TO FACULTY OR STAFF? • Additional support and resources beyond classroom or work environment. • Feedback on recommended interventions for your students. • An online system for flagging or congratulating your student on course or work performance. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS TO STUDENTS? If students actively participate in this process, they may benefit from: • Successful progress toward academic and career goals. • Exposure to and development of academic and personal tools for success. • Increased success. • Positive self-image.



• Student Success will acknowledge your submission immediately with a copy of the flag communication sent to your student. • Student Success will initiate contact with the student via email notification for the flag raised. • Student Success will assign the appropriate first and second responder from WWC connect using the flag matrix. • Student will receive a follow up from the assigned WWC connect responder within 24 hours of receiving the flag and an appointment may be initiated. • If necessary, the student will be referred to appropriate campus resources or/and a student success plan will be created. • WWC connect will close the loop by sending an email notification to update the faculty or staff member who submitted the flag.

For flags submitted requesting to NOT notify the student, a follow up with the faculty/staff who reported will help inform best next steps regarding the student’s situation.

WORK flags:

• Work Program Office will acknowledge your submission immediately. • Work Program Office will assign the appropriate first and second responder from WWC connect using the flag matrix. • The first and second responder will collaborate with Paul Andersen to determine intervention steps based on the flag. • The first responder will close the loop by sending an email notification to update the staff member who submitted the flag.

OTHER flags:

• Student Success will confirm your submission. • Based on the nature of flag, Student Success will assign the appropriate first and second responder from WWC connect using the flag matrix. • The first and second responder will collaborate with Heather Wingert to determine intervention. • The first responder will close the loop by sending an email notification to update the faculty or staff member who submitted the flag.

KUDO flags:

• Student Success will immediately send the student the kudo via email notification. • Student Success will acknowledge your submission immediately with a copy of the kudo sent to your student.

HOW SHOULD I INFORM STUDENTS THAT THEY MAY RECEIVE A FLAG OR KUDO? You are welcome to display information in the course syllabus, course announcements, crew announcements, and share with students in class or on your crew. Check out an example of a Syllabus Statement in myWWC. BEST PRACTICES FOR USING WWC connect: • WWC connect works best when used EARLY! Submission in the first 6 weeks of class are most likely to result in a successful outcome for your students. However students encounter challenges throughout the semester, so please refer as you see fit. • If appropriate, let your student know the nature of your concern for them and that you will be referring them to WWC connect. • Include the explanation of WWC connect in your syllabus or a part of your weekly class or crew announcements. • Let us know when our feedback doesn’t match up with what you’re seeing in class or on your crew.

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