10-02-07 Collegian

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The Voice of Cayuga Community College Students for more than 50 years


Vol. 56 Issue 5

October 2, 2007

Percussion Ensemble Wows CCC Students By: Jess Miles, Collegian Assistant Editor

The group, Recycled Percussion, after taking the stage at CCC.

The group, Recycled Percussion, pounded The Cayuga Community College Theater last Tuesday night. More than 240 people attended this unique performance. The four-man band from New Hampshire has a dog as their mascot. They played for over an hour, inspiring the whole audience to join in with the contagious dancing and clapped along with the band. The show started off by asking what was more powerful, man or machine? With an array of lights shinning everywhere, the band’s set was covered in a huge American Flag. The show started off slow with some drumming, guitar, and turn tables. As it progressed, so did the performance. After a few sets of pounding on the drums and flashing lights, the band took a break and brought out one of the members to the front of the stage. All of a sudden, the artist started to beat box. The sounds coming out of his mouth got more intense and more complicated as he went along. As the beat boxing was going on, another member started to break dance. That was not the last of the versatile things this band can do. It was not long after the beat boxing and break dancing, everyone but the guitarist left the stage. As he started to strum his guitar a different kind of sound was coming out. The guitarist was actually using a power drill to strum

his guitar. The sound that was coming out of the speakers was different but it created a unique display that made the audience go crazy. As more and more cat calls came from the audience, the more and more the guitarist played. Band member Justin Spencer, who came up with the idea for the band, holds the world record for the most beats per second. At twenty beats per second, Justin’s hands moved at an immeasurable rate. He first started to show everyone what he could do starting off slow. As the pace of the music got faster, so did Justin. In seconds Justin displayed his place in the world record books by drumming at a rate that only can be described as unimaginable causing the crowd to go wild. As he would get faster, he would also do tricks with his drum sticks like throwing them up in the air and twirling them around, all while maintaining this fast speed drumming. Imagine watching someone hit a drum 1200 times a minutes over and over again. The percussion instruments that were used could be considered outrageous by any other performer but this band created a whole new mean for percussion. It was a mix of old totes on top of old garbage cans held together by duct tape, tin garbage cans, plastic garbage cans, symbols, pots and pans, kitchen sinks and even ladders. With the mix


Doubledays Win Title Students Comment on Café By: Zach Bellerdine, Contributing Sports Writer

By: Jess Miles, Collegian Assistant Editor

The Auburn Doubledays came home with their league title for baseball recently. Their come-from-behind victory over Brooklyn 41 clinched the prize. “We were really nervous,” said Auburn shortstop Luis Sanchez told a local newspaper. “We’ve had success over the past few years, but we haven’t won it all in a while. We wanted to change that tonight.” Baseball is said to be America’s favorite past time. Leo Pinkney, a local and national baseball hero said, “Auburn baseball’s past time is still a memory in all of our minds. When the Auburn Doubledays took the field for the first time in 2007 the rain called the game before the first pitch was even thrown. Some would like to think that Leo was saying “You guys just aren’t ready…Yet.” The team started off slow with 0-7, but things would begin to brighten up after winning the next three games. At the end of the month of June Auburn was 7-6. As the summer July heat began to rise so did the temperature for the Doubleday’s team with seven straight wins. The team was looking like the 5 time Division Champions they were. Manager Dennis Holmberg said to the

Like most colleges, Cayuga Community College has a café where students can go eat or just hang out. There are many different tables and booths to sit at. Along with the newly renovated café and the two new flat screen televisions that were installed recently. Do students really enjoy the food at the Cayuga Café? Some of the food choices the café provides are chicken sandwiches, hamburgers, hot dogs, french fries, deli sandwiches and many different kinds of salads. However, the café does not really offer too many vegetarian or vegan options. CCC students who are vegetarians are forced to go off campus to get food elsewhere. “I don’t make a lot of money, and I really do not want to spend $5.00 on a salad that is packed full of meat. I wish the café had cheap, healthy vegetarian food because there are not a whole lot of options for people like me [vegetarians],” said a Telcom student who chose to be anonymous. However, many students choose not to eat at the café, they believe it is too

Post Standard, “I feel out of this world right now.” Holmberg dedicated this season to Leo Pinkney whom passed away in November of 2006 and was known as a baseball icon. So what made this team so special? According to NY-PL Baseball Historian Charlie Wride the bullpen made this team great. Doubleday’s were second in the NYPL in ERA behind Brooklyn, the team they swept in the NY-PL Championship season. It all came down to the key hits. Doubledays led the NY-PL with 58 team home runs. This is Dennis Holmberg’s first championship win as a manager let alone as an assistant. The Auburn Doubledays have traveled to postseason six consecutive times looking for a title and coming home empty handed. But, the team went into the game with their heads held high and accomplished what they set out to do. Cecil said. “We took two quick ones and we played as a team doing it. I still can’t believe we did it though.” There is no longer a “co” in front of the word champions like in 1998. Way to bring it home.

expensive. Lisa Wilcox, a social science and humanities major says “it is very expensive! We are college students, some of us live on a budget or a fixed income!” Ashley Napoleanis, a second year Telcom student also added, “I think they are too high for college students. I think the fast food chains around the college are a lot cheaper.” High prices are not the only thing that is keeping students away from eating at the café. Many students would like to see the café accept credit cards. Ryan Hallock, a sophomore at CCC wants the café to start this process, “I really don’t eat there because they don’t accept any kind of a card payment.” Other students also agree “The College should understand that some of these kids do not live around here so they don’t have cash on them, all they have is a bank card or credit card. They should really start to accept cards, they may see more business.” So what other places are students going to eat if they are not dinning at the -CONTINUED PAGE THREE-

OPINIONS Iran’s President in NYC I am sure most CCC students are aware of the speech presented by the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at Columbia University on September 24th. What most people are not aware of is the fashion in which he presented himself in NYC compared to how he presented himself in Iran. He is presenting Iran, to the American people, as a safe and democratic country. While back home he has supporters who believe that America is an evil place and should be terminated. Flyers were being handed out in the halls of Columbia University stating “ FREE SPEECH FOR ALL, EVEN DOUCHE BAGS”. The day before Ahmadinejad left Iran, a parade was thrown with banners flying that stated “ DEATH TO AMERICA”. Knowing this, the President of Iran’s speech was a key to a door this particular political leaders lies. In his speech he spoke of Iran in a gentle way proclaiming that all Iranians have rights and he tried justifying them. Questions were proposed to the Iranian President and in turn, were not answered. One question given to the president was “Do you or your government believes that the holocaust never occurred?” Ahmadinejad never answered the question. Instead he provoked more questions to the subject of Iran. Now, without ever answering a question, we are to believe that the President of Iran was avoiding giving an answer. Why might he do this? The answer is simple. Ahmadinejad wants to make the U.S. and other nations believe they want peace. When in actuality, they don’t believe in peace with people whom they consider to be “dogs”. Here is some history on the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Ahmadinejad stated many times that the nation of Israel has no right to exist. Yet, in his speech to Columbia University, he stated that Israelis and Iranians live in peace? Ahmadinejad and the government of Iran have given weapons to terrorist groups who have been attacking Iraqis and American Troops. Yet also, in his speech to Columbia University, the President of Iran had stated that Iran has been viciously attacked by terrorist organizations. The President of Iran also admitted to saying that the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers, was “An inside job carried out by United States Intelligence.” Is it any wonder why his request to visit Ground Zero was denied? 9/11 victims’ relatives and U.S. Leaders were sickened at his

request for an official tour of the damage extremists, like the Iranian President, caused. Another delightful message the President of Iran mentioned randomly in his speech to Columbia University is his disgust towards homosexuals, and even went as far as saying that there are no homosexuals in Iran. The one question I know sticks out in every Americans mind is this; why did the Iranian President to speak at all? There are two answers to this question. First, we Americans wanted to show just how much Iran blames the United States, and the second answer is this, allowing the President of Iran to speak in the United States, let alone NYC where terrorist groups that were supported by Ahmadinejad ruined the Twin Towers, gave the Iranians more support of their president. Ultimately, this move was better for Iran than the United States. Another incident many have forgotten, and in light of this topic, I shall enlighten you on the fact that most of the 52 American hostages from the 1979’s seizure in Iran are positive that Ahmadinejad was one of their captors! It seems that everyone has forgotten how the American Embassy in Iran is being used as a museum for visitors to see how proud the Iranians are that they were able to defeat Americans. Most people have also forgotten that those hostages were paraded around for 444 days with constant threats of death and mock deaths. Our embassy is now a disgusting display for Iranians to mock the United States. Of course, these accusations were not brought up in the discussion at Columbia University, partly because most haven’t the knowledge of this information, but mostly because with the Iranian President avoiding giving an answer to questions proposed to him, there was just no time to ask him more than 5 or more questions. How coincidental. What have we allowed our country to become? Have we lost our pride? Have we forgotten how hard we worked to get where we are in the world today? Must we subject our nation to constant mockery? Have we forgotten our right to exist? Why aren’t we protecting the American citizens who are certain that Ahmadinejad was one of their captors and torturers in the 1979 mockery of the United States? These are the questions that need to be answered with clarity and civility before we can find a solution to U.S.’s problems.

-Jacqueline Kocur

Editorial Board

MATHEW KRATTS, Editor in Chief TIFFANY COLLINSWORTH, Sports Editor/Assistant Editor JESSICA MILES, Assistant Editor BEN BOLDING, Chief Photographer MARY G. MERRITT, Advisor


Kathleen Sperduti, Fulton Correspondent Matthew Kelley, Movie Reviewer Ryan Wart, Staff Critic Carl Phillips, Staff Artist John Young, Staff Writer

The Cayuga Collegian is published on announced publication dates during regular semesters at Cayuga Community College, 197 Franklin Street, Auburn, NY 13021. Our phone number is 315-255-1743. The Cayuga Collegian is funded by CCC’s Faculty-Student Association through student activity fees. Opinions expressed in columns, news stories, features, interviews or letters to the editor are not necessarily those of the college administration, faculty, staff or students at CCC. The Cayuga Collegian is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press.


ATM for Cayuga Café By: Tiffany Collinsworth, Collegian Sports Editor How many students remember to bring cash in the morning to school? Probably the same amount of people who walk by the café wanting to buy a slice of pizza or snack on the occasional large cookie but only have an ATM card. You ask yourself, what do I do now? Obviously, you hop in your car and go the nearest ATM and stop at your favorite fast food restaurant. This is only affecting the café negatively. Students ask time and time again why there isn’t an ATM machine at the school or in the café. Profits for the café would increase greatly, convenience is better for students and staff of the college alike. No one wants to travel in their car, wasting gas to get something to eat. “I hardly ever remember money in the morning on my way to class” says Cayuga sophomore Sherri Stanton. Not only would an ATM bring more money

to the college it would promote using the cafeteria. What is the point of our cafeteria/ lounge if it’s not being used for the purpose of eating? Not necessarily saying that students do not use the cafeteria, however, traffic would definitely increase if students had a reason to go into the café. These days no one is interested in carrying cash and ninety percent of the time you ask some one they will say they have an ATM/debit card. Problem is, if the school were to get an ATM machine changes would most likely be needed to be brought about. For example, the café should remain open for longer hours, and maybe a few more options to choose from. Overall, the addition of an ATM machine would benefit both students and the college greatly.

Living with a Mental Illness By: Eric E Sutton, Contributing Writer Mental illnesses are medical conditions that disrupt a person’s thinking, feeling, mood, ability to relate to others, and daily functioning. Just as diabetes is a disorder of the pancreas, mental illnesses are medical conditions that often result in a diminished capacity for coping with the ordinary demands of life. Metal illnesses include major depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and borderline personality disorder and many more. The good news about mental illness is that recovery is possible. For many people, accepting that they have a severe mental health problem is very difficult. But accepting this fact is essential to beginning the process of learning to live with the condition. Psychiatrists call this developing “insight”. Once a person understands that what they are experiencing is part of a mental health problem, they can begin to put their experiences into context and stop blaming themselves or those close to them for their condition. It is no one’s fault that a person develops a mental health problem.

One of the most frightening aspects of a mental health problem like schizophrenia is the lack of control over their life that a person with the condition feels. When a person understands that they have a problem, they can look for help and information for their condition. With this knowledge they can begin to understand how they are affected and what they can do about it: they can begin to regain control of their lives. Try to find out as much as possible about your condition, when you know about it, it will seem less daunting. You could ask your doctor or nurse for information, you could contact a mental health organization like MHD or you could explore some of the mental health sites on the internet. There is a wide range of information available on all aspects of mental health, so you can explore the areas that interest you. You have to ask your doctor and Planning for the Future and Take Help When You Need It Learning to live with a mental health problem will have its ups and downs; don’t be hard on yourself if things go wrong - hopefully things will go well most of the time.

Recycled Percussion... -CONTINUED FROM FRONT-

of ‘instruments’ and techniques used, the audience didn’t know what to expect next. As the show progressed, so did the crazy things that were done. At one point in the show, three of the band members took powered grinding tools and held them up to the metal poles to emit sparks. The band had the sparks matching the beat of the music. It was quite apparent that the audience was stunned by what this band was doing. Community member Jerry Martin was also amazed by the performance, “It was brilliant and I am completely jealous of all four of them”. With the talent that was shown on the stage, it had to of taken years and years do perfect this act. At one time during the show, all four band members came down to the middle of the stage to play on the drums. As all four members pounded away, the crowd got more and more excited. After all four came down, and played for a little while, the show took a turn for the unbelievable. The two percussionists grabbed ladders that were well over 50 feet in the air. They soon started to beat on rungs of the ladder. After a while of doing this, they stared to climb up and jump back down all while playing.

The audience was a very mixed audience. From school aged children to elderly men and women. Even an audience that is so widely spread out in age, no one had ever seen them before. Recycled Percussion ended the show with as much, if not more enthusiasm as they started with. A mix of songs including American Idiot, I like Big Butts, Hellagood, and much more. They pounded out their own version of these songs on their unique sets. As the show was just about over, each member took turns kicking something over to make sure everyone in the audience was hooked on what they were doing. After the show, the four members of the band came out front of the theater to greet everyone. It was clear to see that the audience loved this band. The more and more people that came out the less and less merchandise were available. As the band signed autographs and took pictures with fans for over an hour, people talked amongst themselves about how good the show was. Community member, “Dave Morris really enjoyed the show, “I really liked it. My favorite part was how the two drummers could drum in unison together without messing up”.

New Tutor for a New Kind of Student

Artist Visit

By Mathew Kratts, Collegian Editor-in-chief The Auburn’s Academic Support Center has appointed a new tutor to deal with new problems. The position is known as “Mechanics for Online Courses” and it helps students learn how to navigate through online learning. The position began when students found themselves overwhelmed on how online courses are structured. For most students, these courses are easy and convenient but for others it can be a learning experience all by itself. Teresa Hoercher, the Coordinator of Tutorial Services who proposed the idea, believes that even with the distance of online learning, students can still come to the ASC. “Just because it’s online, doesn’t mean they can’t ask for help,” she knows that some courses are only offered online and hopes to help any student in need of assistance. The tutor appointed this new position, Colleen Leontovich, a non-traditional student who has had experience with online courses. She is expecting the new tutoring position will

attract many students who will find it very helpful. Of course the down side is, according to Leontovich, that once the students understand how to use the system her services will no longer be needed causing the tutoring position to be short-lived but an important one for students. Since this is a new step for the ASC, Hoercher wanted to do some digging up before putting this into motion. Over at Onondaga Community College, they have developed a successful online tutoring program. Hoercher plans on finding out the way they function to help make this new approach operational. “No reason to reinvent the wheel,” she said. Hoercher hopes that this new program will help identify the main function of the ASC. “The goal of tutoring is to make a student work independently,” since this is the first semester it is unclear if the tutoring position has found its way to Fulton but as of right now it’s offered at the Auburn campus.

Artist Susan Weinreich held a discussion on the CCC campus about her collection titled: Living with Mental Illness.

Students Comment on Café... -CONTINUED FROM FRONT-

café? Most stick right around the college and go to Grant Ave for something from one of the many fast food chains. Taco Bell, McDonalds, and the Down Town Deli were very popular choices among college students. Jill, liberal arts major likes to eat at Down Town Deli, “I like to go there because the prices are a lot cheaper for the amount of food I get.” College students may turn away from the café because of the slim selection of food. Even though the college is relatively small, people want variety. Some of the things students would like to see at the café include fruit, tacos, big soft pretzels, some kind of Chinese food, hot and cold deli sandwiches with many

different things you can put on your self, along with more vegetables. A second year student commented on the food choices offered at the college, “I would really like to see the big soft pretzels and cheese at the café, it’s not like we can live off of the vending machines while we are here.” With so many students complaining, it’s curious to see if the company changes its policy to include more food varieties such as more vegetarian options or accepting credit cards. It’s easy to tell that if either of these steps were to be taken that the Cayuga Café would receive more business.

Freshmen Adapting To CCC! By John Young, Collegian Staff Writer

ASC Tutor Colleen Leontovich of Auburn Tutors: Mechanics for Online Courses Major: Business Administration GPA: 3.5 Clubs: President of Phi Theta Kappa, Orientation Leader, Plans on getting the Non-Traditional Club back together Colleen works in the Admissions office as part of the mail room. She is a non-traditional student and has two kids. One of which attends CCC as a freshmen. She graduated from Auburn high school in ‘82 and is now attending college to get her associates degree in Business. She loves it here at CCC and is graduating in the spring.

ASC Tutor Kara Kinney of Syracuse Tutors: English, History and Psychology Major: History, Political science Clubs: President of IMPACT GPA: 3.0 - 4.0 Kara is a Non-traditional student originally from Syracuse but grew up in Cortland. She has a daughter that is 13 years old and is planning on furthering her degree at Texas University. She plans on majoring in both History and Political Science but wants to eventually go to Law school. Kara graduates from CCC in the spring.

Freshmen at Cayuga Community College seem to be adjusting to college life with relative ease, excitement, and enthusiasm almost five weeks since the start of classes. “School is going really well - the people here are all really nice,” said Ryann Lamphere, a first-year student from Weedsport. “There is more freedom and the breaks in between classes are nice and the best part is the new people I get to meet.” With the various pressures of schoolwork aside, freshmen report enjoying their classes and having little trouble locating them. “Everything here is really easy to find. Both my classes and professors are making me feel rather comfortable and at the same time, I feel like I am really learning

something,” freshman Dave Palmer of Union Springs said. “It might seem like high school in some ways, but it is definitely not as boring! You also get offered classes that you are interested in that were never offered to you throughout high school.” Cassie Simolo, a 2007 graduate of Mynderse Academy in Seneca Falls, said the small class sizes at CCC make it easy to learn. “I like all my classes and my favorite class is psychology because my professor always knows how to make us laugh,” she said. Simolo said she is also enjoying the opportunity to meet new people. “It is so much better than high school,” she said. “It’s a brand new experience.”

A History of Central New York... Theodore Willard Case

Theodore Willard Case: Few people realize he was the first to develop a commercially successful sound system for film.

• Theodore Willard Case found the research lab with his father, Willard Case in 1916. • First commercially successfully system of sound for film was created. • Exhibits the dark room, chemistry lab, and recording studio, the first sound camera, experimental recording equipment • There is a history of commercialization of sound film including such ventures as phonofilms, Fox-Case Company Movietone, and Fox Films (now 20th Century Fox) • Case began working on his sound-on-film process in 1921 after his Case Research Lab’s development of the Thallofide (thallium oxysulfide) light-sensitive Tube, 1916-1918. The Thallofide Tube was originally used by the United States Navy in a top secret infrared signaling system developed at the Case Lab. • Titles filmed by Case in his process, all made at the Case Studios in Auburn, New York, include Miss Manila Martin and Her Pet Squirrel (1921), Gus Visser and His Singing Duck (1925), Bird in a Cage (1923), Gallagher and Shean (1925), Madame Fifi (1925), and Chinese Variety Performer with a Ukelele (1925). Gus Visser and His Singing Duck was nominated to the National Film Registry in 2002. • The second floor was where the sound film studio lab is. It is here that hundred of films were done including the prison reforms one • The research lab now belongs to the Cayuga Museum.

Case Mansion in Auburn

Case Laboratory is behind the former Case Mansion, now home to the Cayuga Museum.


Kelley’s Korner TV REVIEW: Californication



by Matthew R. Kelley, Collegian Movie Reviewer O.J. Simpson is on the television. It’s like I’m back in high school all over again. It would be an easy argument for me to say that the “boob tube” or “idiot box” – my favorite term – is mostly a complete waste of our time. I’m up for the challenge as I’m writing this , so I’ll go along and say that there are some - albeit few and far between – redeeming qualities to the cold glare of the screen. I think it is okay to like a few shows, because even if the medium is one giant subliminal advertisement used to keep you from working out that muscle locked in your skull, you can’t fault it for be entertaining or occasionally, thought-provoking. I’ve been known to enjoy Six Feet Under, Heroes, The Simpsons, Survivorman and a few others that have come and gone with the time (as apparently, O.J. just won’t). As for the majority, I think it has the equivalents of watching your cat clean itself for hours on end. Along comes this show, starring that guy from the X-Files, (David Duchovny) a show I never paid much attention to. It’s on Showtime, which I mistakenly assumed the network as a HBO substitute. The premium cable channels are the last true uncharted wilderness for television, where any creativity left will flock to, because everything there is not about ratings and advertising (well, at least not most of it). This show, Californication, is as

clever as it sounds. Duchovny is Hank Moody, a writer in the vein of Bukowski, only with looks (it is television after all), a Kerouac missing a little bit of the soul, and a Hemingway with the same general disdain for women. As with most writers, if they weren’t interesting characters themselves, who knows how well their writing would stand up? And this writer, displaced in L.A. (one of the most forsaken cities I’ve ever visited), is trying to overcome that dreaded “block”. He drinks, he smokes and he has no P.C. switch implanted in the base of skull like most of this irrational society has. He’s an ass, the troublemaker who is unafraid to cause the big scene for attention. He is all about promiscuous sex and intelligent quips that I’m almost ashamed to be laughing at most of the time or I’m busy being jealous I didn’t come up with it myself. Take the title of the novel that made him noteworthy: “God Hates Us All” Brilliant Hank Moody, my hero? It wouldn’t be much of a show without a Yang to this Yin or a conflict at the core of his soul. He screwed up things with the love of his life, the mother of his child and now he wants her back. Or is he just in love with the idea of being in love with her? Isn’t that always the dilemma? And I’m not saying that in a bad way either. It is an interesting dilemma because you don’t sense automatically that yes, he is going to win out and they are going

to be together forever, and happy! For instance, she happens to be engaged to the man that is the complete opposite of Moody – stiff, professional, boring – and also, Moody’s boss. Oh yeah, and there is also the fact that Moody slept with this man’s daughter, whom he didn’t know was sixteen at the time. Who said true love was easy? The writing is top notch. I don’t feel like I am being placated to because I like to read or have intelligent discussions with human beings that don’t revolve around celebrities. The show isn’t afraid to be sacrilegious or edgy, but also, not just for the sake of being so. That would be too easy, and even though the laughs come that way, everything else has been worked at. I like it that Hank is a dirty cynical bastard with the heart of a hopeless romantic – most of the best writers are. It gives me something to aspire to, a point to relate with. I figure that if we are going to watch the slow death of the English language as a written art form, it might as well be with some substance as well as style. I’d never tell someone to watch their television instead of experiencing life in some other engaging form (just imagine the family oriented fun you could have in Las Vegas, for instance), but if you insist on letting that waistline expand and those brain cells disappear, then I might as well recommend this. It sure it beats the crap out of anything on MTV.

on Music Wart

The Ol’ Fey Outlaws Ain’t What they Used to Be By: Ryan Wart, Collegian Music Reviewer Colbie Callat,eh? There’s an mp3’s worth of time I’ll never have back. Track by track reviews are bore, and since I’m not feeling especially “Bubbly” right now, I’ll do you all the supreme favor of listing 5 slices o’poozwack (there’s a word for your yak Saks) you’d be much better off with.


1.) JONI MITCHELL As guilty as anyone is of 70’s

3.) RICKIE LEE JONES Occasionally I think it’s not

excess, I like how it’s the woman who comes off as the bore at the bar in “Raised on Robbery,” and if “California” doesn’t tempt me from east coast ball and chain. It sounds purty sho’ nuff’, and her “Boho Dance” should be required listening for this dimensional generation. Plus if you find a copy of For the Roses (Asylum,1972) on vinyl, you get to see her bare behind and that’s always a plus in my book.

a real rock and roll poet sends the Limp Lizard King crying home to his military momma. I’ll trade you my Doors 45 with the rare (so they say) “You Need Meat” b-side for anything of Patti’s and you’ll be sorry.

the critic in me that finds her appealing as much as it is the man. I mean, “Stick it into Coolsville” eh? Still, “Chuck E’s in Love” is the finest song about childhood crushes I’ve ever laid ears on, and darned if her “On Saturday Afternoons in 1963” is about the only song that makes me feel positively, um, wistful, I guess. These days.

4.) MARVIS STAPLES Good luck finding anything of hers these days, but her voice managers to transcend and exemplify everything good about southern soul and gospel, her version of “The Weight” cuts Aretha’s (even if Aretha somehow sings it like she knows what it means) and Bob Dylan once asked old Pop Staples if he could marry her. Go figure.

with Mat Kratts

What’s Happening!


The Jazz Ensemble (Music 263) will be making its swinging’ return this spring at the Auburn campus! The class will be open to students who will perform jazz compositions from the 50s, 60s, 70s, and present jazz repertoire. The class is aimed at developing improvisation, groove, ensemble playing, sight reading, and jazz styles. The class will be taught by Michael A. Cortese, a new face to Auburn, but he has been an adjunct instructor at the Fulton Campus since 2002. Michael is originally from Manlius, NY and holds a Bachelor of Music degree in performance from The University of the Arts in Philadelphia, PA, a Master of Music degree in jazz/commercial music performance from the Manhattan School of Music in New York City, and a Master of Science degree in music education from Syracuse, University. As a drummer, he has performed with jazz greats Stanley Clarke, Bill Watrous, Eddie Gomez, Edward Simon, Joey Calderazzo, Bobby Shew, Chris Vadala, and Melba Moore. Michael states, “I was speaking to Steve Keeler one day and in our conversation we both expressed interest in bringing back the jazz ensemble to CCC. This will be a great opportunity for the students to perform and improve their performance skills, and it will enable the audio production majors an opportunity to learn about recording jazz music.” Currently, Michael teaches the Chorus, Guitar, Jazz History in Fulton and Music Appreciation, and Music Essentials in Auburn. He has also been an adjunct instructor at Jefferson Community College, in Watertown, NY and Utica College in Utica, NY.


The longest time someone has typed on a typewriter continuously is 264 hrs., set by Violet Gibson Burns


Winston Churchill, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt were all cousins through one connection or another. (FDR and Eleanor were about five times removed.)


The Ramses brand condom is named after the great phaoroh Ramses II who fathered over 160 children.


When the University of Nebraska Cornhuskers play football at home to a sellout crowd, the stadium becomes the state’s third largest city.


Hershey’s Kisses are called that because the machine that makes them looks like it’s kissing the conveyor belt.


No NFL team which plays its home games in a domed stadium has ever won a Superbowl. (Guess that explains the Saints!)


microphone fellatio aside, she was rock, not soul (no matter what Ike may say), and Mick Jagger never would have gotten past harmonics and handclaps if not for her (ask him sometime).

So there you have it. I painted a nice rosy for you, go buy something.

From the mind of Carl Phillips... COLLEGIAN WORD SEARCH

CONTEST The first student to submit our word search completely and correctly filled out to Collegian Editor in Chief Mat Krats will receive 1 free movie pass to the Movie Plex!!

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