10-9-12 Cayuga Collegian

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Cayuga Community College Auburn & Fulton, New York

Collegian www.cayugacollegian.com

Vol. 61 Issue 3

National recognition for radio station

CAYUGABriefs October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October has been deemed “National Domestic Violence Awareness Month” this year by Presidential Proclamation. On average, three women per day are killed and women between the ages of 16 and 24 are most susceptible. You can learn more by calling the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE or by visiting www.TheHotline.org

Transfer Questions? A transfer representative from Wells College will be on the Auburn campus to answer questions and provide applications outside of the Student Development office on October 11th from 9:30 am12:30 pm. CCC has a cross-registration agreement for transfer students with Wells College.

Chorus Fall Concert is October 17th The College Chorus Fall Concert is coming up! Wednesday, October 17th, during the 11 to 12 classes-free activity hour, Professor Amy Bellamy will direct the CCC Chorus as they perform songs including “Defying Gravity” from the musical Wicked, “Burning Love” as performed by Elvis Presley, “ABC” by Michael Jackson, “Blackbird” by The Beatles, and more. The concert will also feature the co-ed a cappella group 3’s A Chord, and the chorus will be accompanied by Professor Sally Bailey on piano. It will be in the student lounge (near the theater) and is free to attend.

SGO Fall Fest Oct. 17 The Auburn SGO is sponsoring “Fall Fest” on October 17th from 11 am-2 pm in Spartan Hall. “Fall Fest” encourages the student body to come celebrate autumn and relax after midterms. Games, free food, and information on campus life are some highlights.

COLLEGIAN OFFICE HOURS ANDY SCHEMERHORN Mondays: 11 am - 3 pm Tuesdays: 9:30 - 10:30 am Wednesdays: 11 am - 1 pm Fridays: 11 am - 1 pm

ALEC RIDER Monday: 2:00 - 5:00 pm Tuesday: 2:00 - 4:30 pm Wednesday: 4:00 - 5:00 pm Friday: 9:00 - 10:30 am


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Staff Meetings Mondays at 11:00 AM


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October 9, 2012

By Ashlee Saret, Staff Writer

WDWN staff members host “College Radio Day” in the cafeteria on the CCC Auburn campus. From left to right, Steve Foulkrod, Jim Balloni, Brendan Hogan, Troy Gronau, and Jeff Szczesniak.

WDWN celebrates College Radio Day By Ashlee Saret, Staff Writer CCC students got to eat to the beat of a live broadcast of the college’s student-run radio station, WDWN, last Tuesday in the Auburn campus’ cafeteria. The radio station took center stage in the cafeteria, giving out prizes and giving information about the station as part of College Music Journal’s International College Radio Day. The station was one of 585 across

29 nations participating in the event, which is intended to raise awareness of college radio stations on an international level. The organizers feel that college radio, free from the constriction of needing to be commercially viable, is one of the last remaining outlets for creativity in programming, “where those involved in the programming believe passionately continued page three

Awards? National recognition? All Right! Congratulations are in order for CCC’s student-run radio station, WDWN (WIN 89.1 in Auburn, 97.7 in Fulton), which has received not one, but two College Music Journal 2012 College Radio Awards nominations. This is the first time WDWN has been nominated for a national award. The entire WDWN team received a nod in the category for “Most Creative Programming.” With only five nominations per category out of 200 CMJ reporting stations, the nominations are a huge testament to the talents of WDWN’s student DJs and staff. “I think it’s really good for the station. Our Telcom department is already nationally recognized, and this puts the radio station on that level. It really shows how hard we work down here,” said WDWN’s Program Director, CCC sophomore Joe Mungo. The second nomination, for “Best continued page three

New building planned for Auburn Campus By Alec Rider Co-Editor-in-chief

Lost in the excitement of the new Fulton campus and the soon to be constructed Karpinski Athletic Complex is a very important step toward a more connected CCC. The proposed Media Arts and Communications Center, (MACC), expected to be constructed on the Auburn campus in the future, would bring the Media, Arts, and Communication divisions under one roof. “The Media and Arts Center is an exciting project for the college. It will house the programs that are currently part of the college’s School of Media and the Arts (Media, Art and

Design, Music, Theatre, Literature, and Writing). By encouraging interaction across disciplines, it will enable students in those programs to work together in learning communities that will enhance their educational experience. It will enable faculty to combine media and arts subjects to develop exciting new degree programs,” said Humanities and Communication Division Chair Steve Keeler. The MACC has been part of the College master plan, along with the athletic complex and Fulton’s new campus for several years. It was ready for Auburn’s last capital project but funding wasn’t sufficient to move forward according to CCC President Dan Larson. “During those intervening years, the project has come into further developed form, although still as a concept instead of detailed plans. The priority for the last few years has been the new Fulton campus. With that one done, there are other projects in line, with the An artist’s rendering of the proposed MACC being one,” said Media Arts and Communications Center. President Larson.

The Telcom hallway remains in a configuration that is more than a few years old. With an increased partnership between Media and the Arts, it makes sense to design a building to continue these partnerships into the future. “The MACC remains on our list of important projects. If you think about it, an addition to the Technology Building would just about fill out that final corner of the Auburn campus. It would mean moving the Child Care Center, in the basement of the Library, to another location. It would mean some modification of the back roadway and parking lot behind the Technology Building out to Prospect Street. So, it would be much more than just building the project itself,” said President Larson Capital projects for SUNY community colleges receive 50% New York State funding. The remainder comes from a local sponsor. In the college’s case, they cover that remainder for the local sponsor through private donations through The Cayuga County Community College Foundation, Inc., through increased enrollment, and through grants and other revenue as they identify sources.





ALEC RIDER The First Presidential Debate in 2012, undeniably, went to Republican Mitt Romney. President Obama looked resigned, deflated, and at times seemed as if he outright didn’t want to be in the state of Colorado. He was the complete opposite of the inspiring and fantastic orator that he tends to be, in front of a TelePrompter that is, that lead him to the Presidency in 2008. Romney hammered the President on everything from the economy, Obamacare, the size and scope of government to Wall Street reform and kept Obama on the defensive for almost the entire night. After 18 months of being referred to as a drone that had absolutely no compassion for the common people, Romney made it abundantly clear that he is the man that will bring the middle class back to its former prosperity. He reminded Obama that, while the President complains about the economy that he inherited, that he has done nothing to improve it. In fact, he did nothing for the economy for the first two years of his presidency, instead focusing on his pet project known as Obamacare that had no bi-partisan support whatsoever while unemployment ballooned and the stock market dropped even farther. When President Obama tried to tell Governor Romney that he was the Grandfather of Obamacare, Romney acknowledged it. Romney also acknowledged that he was a Republican governor in the bluest state in the nation with an 87% Democratic legislature. Romneycare was a truly bi-partisan effort that required hard work and compromise to make happen. While Obama accused Romney of having a “trickle down” approach to the economy, Romney shot back that Obama has a “trickle down government” approach. Every time Obama tried to make Romney out to be part of the evil 1% that didn’t care about anybody, Romney came back with anecdotes about families he’s met in places like Ohio that have basically lost everything in the last four years. He looked directly into the camera, passionately pleading the American people to realize the damage that has been done by this President. Obama supporters Andrew Sullivan and Bill Maher said that the President was boring, abstract and less human-seeming than Romney, and that it looked like the President actually did need a TelePrompter respectively. In snap polls by CBS News it was found that Romney won 46% to 22% while CNN had it even larger at 67% to 25%. -Alec Rider, Co-Editor-in-chief



Same Speech, Different Day While messaging my friends about Wednesday’s Presidential Debate (yes, my friends are all nerds too), one of them struck me as thought provoking. Me: “Hey, are you gonna watch the debate? Friend: “You bet, I’m gonna commentate it like a boxing match.” And that’s a problem. Debates aren’t meant to be contests, they’re supposed to be scenarios where we see what candidates have planned for dealing with our problems, and explain why they feel the plans of their opponents plans didn’t work. The Nixon-Kennedy debates are a great example. They took turns, gave explanations, and if they disagreed, it was because they were concerned that it would have an unintended side effect. THAT’S a debate. What we’ve been seeing throughout primary season was not. And yet, the public would rather see blood than a platform. They’d rather vote for the better trash talker than a set of ideas to help the country. And with that as criteria, obviously Mitt “won” the debate. So far, this campaign as had a simple theme: Romney disses Obama, Obama doesn’t acknowledge Romney’s existence, Romney gets carried away and says something controversial about minorities/ women/the poor, Obama sits back and watches Romney scramble to put out fires. Obama, meanwhile, is merely giving his plans for a new term while doubting “some critics” and explaining why he disagrees with their pessimism. And bingo, Obama comfortably leads polls. The debate, while well intentioned, was a much better environment for Romney’s style of campaigning, because rather than having the luxury of waiting for Mitt to self-destruct, Obama was made to actually argue some of Mitt’s claims. And with both of them simply saying “That’s not true” whenever a blemish on their record is pointed out, there is no high ground for the President to wait on. Mitt, on the other hand, was clearly looking for a fight. Nobody’s going remember how he went on tangents or just copied Obama’s policies but tacking “except the states do it,” “except this will make jobs,” or “except I can ignore math because magic,” when it came to real issues. They’re going remember him

Is it worth the change? By Faith Fanning, Staff Writer

On September 12, 2012 it was announced: Apple came out with the new iPhone 5. While many people waited in line to preorder their latest gadget, others sat back to weigh the pros and cons of the upgrade before hashing out their hard earned money. Some have asked, “What’s the difference between the iPhone 5 and the iPhone 4S, and do I really care about the new features?” While I can’t make a decision for you, here are the facts. Twenty percent lighter and eighteen percent slimmer with a four inch screen (half an inch taller than any other iPhone to date) the iPhone 5 is the thinnest smart phone on the market. With the new A6 processing chip this gadget is two-times faster at CPU tasks and has quicker graphic display than its predecessors. Although the race among smart phones for higher megapixel cameras is becoming a thing of the past, the creators of the new iPhone couldn’t resist adding some new features. The iPhone 5 sports a f2.6 aperture, backside illumination, hybrid IR filter, a fiveelement lens, and a new low-light setting which can auto adjust the camera up to two aperture settings to compensate for dim lighting situations, but the megapixel count is still the same as the iPhone 4S.

constantly fighting Jim Lehrer for mike time, nonstop insults of Obama’s policies (regardless of whether or not the policies are working), and the President looking away in an effort that was meant to say “This childishness is beneath me,” but ended up saying “I am submissive to Mitt.” Did Mitt finally give some policies? Kind of, though not nearly enough to form a platform. He’s still trying to make this a black and white election between a glorious restoration and the apocalypse, and why would he have to explain his revival when “not the apocalypse” could work? But hey, if you wanted a “prizefight” debate, Mitt was willing to try biting his opponent’s ear off. -Andy Schemerhorn, Co-Editor-in-chief

T h e Cayuga Collegian welcomes letters from its readers. Submissions must be emailed to cayugacollegian @gmail. com. Submissions may be edited for content or length. Submissions must include your name, address and daytime phone number. All letters to the editor are copied exactly and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the Collegian office, its staff or advisors. All letters are simply the opinions of the writers themselves.

Siri also has updates; she can now answer questions more efficiently and responds to more commands. Some say this could quite possibly be the best smart phone on the market. Since the release of the original iPhone 2007 there have been certain consistencies that fans of the smart phone have grown to expect such as a 3.5 inch screen and the Apple, trademark connection port. The latest model has defied those traditions by increasing the screen size by half an inch and creating a smaller input port. While some users love the changes, Doug Gross from CNN posted on kypost.com that many users expressed a dislike for the “advances”. According to Gross consumers are very upset that their old Apple chargers, alarm clocks, and speaker systems will not connect with the new iPhone without purchasing an adapter. They have also found the boasted light weight of the 5 to feel cheap and “toy-like”. Perhaps the most significant problem that was found involved the built-in maps. Up until the most recent model the iPhone used Google maps as the main directional center, with this new phone came a new set of maps made by Apple. Users have found that they are unreliable, have “chunks” of the world “missing”, and give wrong directions. Apple claims this to be a minor glitch which they are working on fixing.


STUDENTS The Cayuga Collegian is looking for staff writers to cover news and events happening on the CCC Fulton Campus. Please email cayugacollegian@gmail. com


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SPARTAN SPORTS Spartans will finally get a home field By Alec Rider Co-Editor-in-chief

Thanks to a half-million dollar naming gift from Dr. Joseph F. Karpinski Sr., Cayuga Community College announced its plans to build a new turf athletic complex.

Cayuga Community College’s future athletes will soon be able to finally have that “home field advantage” that has been nonexistent for decades of Spartans. The Karpinski Athletic Complex will be a $6 million, 150,000 square foot project that will include a softball field, a baseball field, and a multi-use field that can be used to host College soccer and lacrosse games. For years, Spartan teams across all sports have had to travel for their “home” games outside of Auburn most of the time. But that’s all about to change. “The Karpinski Athletic Complex would give the College our first outdoor athletic facilities in our 60-year history. We never have owned our own. Our home lacrosse games, for example, in prior years were played at Corcoran High School in Syracuse,” said CCC President Dan Larson. Home soccer games are played on a field at Emerson Park, on Owasco Lake.

College Radio Day...


in its mission. The purpose of the event is to encourage radio listeners who don’t usually listen to college radio to do so on that day, in hopes that they will like what they hear and become regular listeners.” Three prize packs including one vinyl record and two CDs each were raffled off, and Telcom students and radio station employees were on hand selling t-shirts and pizza. Event volunteers also handed out more than 500 free bumper stickers representing the radio station and a variety of independent musicians to CCC students, faculty, and staff. Subway employee Karen Tucker the station’s live broadcast. “Can you turn the music up?” she asked with a smile. Jeff Szczesniak, WDWN’s station advisor, was pleased with the event. “I was really impressed today.” He said that this year’s turnout was better than last year, and they sold out of pizza twice. But, he said, the goal of the event was awareness, not money.

“We’re funded through the Telcom department, we’re not here to make a profit. All the proceeds go back into the RAT Guild.” RAT stands for Radio and Television. The RAT Guild is the Telcom department’s student club, which meets every Wednesday at 11 in the television studio on the first floor of the Tech Building. These stations, which receive their funding through the schools with which they are affiliated, have the freedom to be fearless in their programming. According to the College Radio Day website, College radio is the only free, live medium to regularly air the work of local, unsigned, and independent artists. Many of today’s popular mainstream artists owe their big breaks to college radio stations around the world. Next year’s event will be held on Tuesday, October 1st 2013. For more information about College Radio Day, visit www.collegeradioday.com.

Radio station...


Taste in Music,” went to WDWN faculty advisor Jeffrey Szczesniak, who is thrilled about the station’s showing on this year’s nomination list. “I feel very honored to be nominated for these awards. To be nominated by your peers in your work field means you’re doing something right, and that is a good feeling. It was a great group effort from the students and community volunteers who go above and beyond the call of being regular,” he said. When asked what he enjoys most about his job, he told us it had to be the music. “I love listening to all sorts of music and I am still searching for that perfect song.” Cayuga Community College Humanities Division Chairperson, Electronic Media Programs Director, and Professor, Steve Keeler, is very proud of the committed efforts of the station’s staff and students whose work led to the nominations. “I think the CMJ nominations really show what a great station this is. It shows how dedicated the staff and students are to making the station successful. I think people don’t realize that WIN89 is on a national stage.

We’re one of the stations that determines whether or not new and upcoming bands will be successful. So the station has a lot of influence on the national music scene. I think that the nominations are really telling people a lot about the quality of our programming and the influence that we have on the national music scene,” he said. Voting will take place on site at the CMJ Music Marathon, October 16th-18th, in New York City. Szczesniak will be in attendance, representing himself and WDWN. The festival, which ends on October 20th, consists of five days of concerts, panel discussions, and other events. The Awards Ceremony will be held at 4 p.m. on “College Day”, Thursday, October 18th. CMJ is a trade publication which serves non-commercial and college radio stations nationwide. Tickets for the event can be purchased at www.cmj.com/marathon/ attend. Pre-registration is open until Friday, October 12th. Discounted student and student group rates are available with valid student ID.

It’s believed that the new athletic complex will provide a much needed boost to programs that have not had sufficient collegiate facilities. The travelling on top of all the hours spent practicing and juggling school at the same time can’t be easy. “We’re sending teams all over the place for practices, for games. In men’s lacrosse, we’ve only hosted one game in Auburn in my seven years here. Every other home game has been in a turf facility offcampus,” said Athletic Director Pete Liddell. As the college’s Athletic Director, Liddell is responsible for coordinating all inter-collegiate athletic programs and the facilities that associate with those programs. The facility is going to be on campus which garners a great deal of attraction for it, not only for the student athletes, but for the rest of the student body because of the decrease in potential travel. Not only does this create opportunities

for the student body as a whole, but it opens up a modern up-todate facility, centrally located, to potentially house local high schools. This also opens up more and potentially better doors for recruitment. “When you have legitimate facilities, you can recruit legitimate student athletes,” Liddell said. The economic impact on Auburn could be full of untold amounts of optimism. The NJCAA is looking for a place for a women’s soccer tournament to emanate from in the coming years, particularly in 2014, 2015 and 2016. A.D. Liddell has made it known that he would like to throw his hat into the ring to bring that tourney to Auburn. This facility will bring more business and spur economic development for Auburn. People staying in area hotels and shopping on the Grant Ave. strip will more than likely create a significant economic impact.

The Spartan Men took on the OCC Lazers today in a county rivalry at Emerson Park in Auburn NY. The Spartan’s set the pace and tone of the game right from the start with Cayuga getting some early chances on the OCC goal. Both teams worked hard to keep possession and try to find the net, but there was no score in the first half of this exciting contest. The Spartan’s broke the deadlock in the 67th minute when the 2 Co-Captains William Backhouse (Swindon, England) and Muke Heri (Syracuse, NY) combined together for the opening goal. Backhouse became the provider for Heri to put the Cayuga Men in the lead 1-0 with a low shot into the bottom left corner. Both teams came close on

both ends of the field but no one could take an advantage. It wasn’t till the 74th minute when Muke Heri (Syracuse, NY) was fouled about 25 yards outside the box. Muke took the free kick and floated it into the top corner to finish off the OCC Lazers and win the game for Cayuga. Coach Wynne talked to us after the game and said, “I’m delighted for the players and especially for Muke who put in a fantastic effort in the game. Backhouse, Boxx, Muke and Oduro all had standout games for the Spartans and I’m proud of the team for all their hard work and effort in tonight’s match. It was a game we needed to win and I’m happy for the boys for making that happen”.

Spartan Men Beat OCC in County Rivalry

The Avengers released By Miranda TenEyck, Staff Writer It took four long years for Marvel to release the individual films for each hero of the Avengers. Now, fans get to finally enjoy a film with each character fighting together in order to protect the world. Who is this threat to the Earth that we all love so much? That, my comic book fans, would be from the super villain Loki (Tom Hiddleston) who plans to rule over Earth. In Thor where we are introduced to Loki for the first time, people could have an understanding to why he would want to take over the world. It’s easy to say that some people would not be pleased with the thought of a Norse God ruling over them. Nick Fury (Samuel L.


Jackson), the leader of S.H.I.E.L.D. brings the heroes together, and creates the Avengers to help protect this world from anyone who would dare to attack it. Although we see a lot of returning actors with the likes of Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans, we are introduced to Mark Ruffalo, who plays the Incredible Hulk. Joss Whedon directs a film that is appealing to the human eye, and can satisfy fans who know the comic books like the back of their hands. Sadly, we won’t be seeing another Avengers film until 2015, but we can still watch the first one on DVD over and over again until the new one comes out.


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Visit to Alum’s Business RANDOM Sports


WHY IS THERE EVEN A DEBATE HERE? Detroit Tigers 3rd baseman Miguel Cabrera did something on Wednesday that hadn’t been done in Major League Baseball and the American League in 45 years. Cabrera hit for the Triple Crown, the first player to do so since Boston Red Sox Left Fielder Carl Yastrzemski did it in 1967 and the first Hispanic player to perform the feat in MLB history. A player achieves the Triple Crown when they lead their league in batting average, home runs, and runs batted in at the end of the season. In comparison, there hasn’t been a Triple Crown winner in the National League in 75 years. But amazingly, there is a debate of who should be the American League’s Most Valuable Player. The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim’s 21 year old phenom Mike Trout has made waves in his rookie campaign to even be considered for an MVP award. Trout finished only 4 points behind Cabrera in the batting average column which could have derailed Cabrera’s chances of the Triple Crown, he crossed home plate on account of other batters 20 more times than Cabrera and lead the league in stolen bases. Trout became the youngest player to

ever join the 30-30 club, belting thirty homers and stealing 49 bases. The 29 year old Cabrera on the other hand, did something that obviously doesn’t happen every day. Every Triple Crown winner in the Modern Era is a Hall of Famer. There had never been as long of a lull between Triple Crown winners in the history of baseball than the one between Yaz and Cabrera. Many talking heads have argued that Sabrmetrics, the analysis of baseball through objective evidence, should be the stats that decide which player is actually the most valuable. Well guess what? Cabrera is also #1 in OPS, which is on base % plus slugging %. Trout may have the greatest Wins Above Replacement (the number of games that said player adds to their team’s record compared to a normal minor league replacement) of any active player, but it doesn’t match up to the straight statistics that Cabrera rules over. Miguel Cabrera is undeniably the Most Valuable Player of the American League. Beyond all the stats, it comes down to this one simple fact. Trout’s Angels are sitting home this October and Cabrera’s Tigers won the A.L. Central Division title.

By Andy Schemerhorn, Co-Editor-in-chief

CCC’s RAT guild sponsored a trip to Syracuse’s Subcat Studios for the college’s students last Wednesday. Led by Professors Jeff Szczesniak and Mike Marano, the roughly two dozen students were given a thorough tour of the studio which has now grown to record national acts like A Day To Remember, Switchfoot, Guy Fieri, and Halestorm. One of the tour guides was owner and former CCC Telcom student Jeremy Johnson, who had some very interesting methods to share about how the incredible three story complex came to be. After years of operating in Skaneateles, Johnson and fellow owner Ron Keck decided to buy a building in Syracuse on the edge of Armory Square. Turning a building that once housed a travel agency, chapter of the American Dairy Association, and a strip club was a long process that took over a year, but they have a lot to show for it. The student saw rooms for bands to hang out in, a room full of guitars, amps, keyboards, and percussion gear, a room for copying CD’s and making the cases they come in, the guitar repair room, a dance studio, a café, lesson rooms for instruments and music production, and a theater, all of which can be recorded to one of their two main recording studios, thanks to the staff wiring the entire building themselves for three months. The staff told students their equipment as well, which actually predates some of the equipment the college Telcom department has. One such thing was a pre amp that they dug out of a dumpster. Johnson explained to one group why they go to such lengths. “We want to offer the artists

endless possibilities,” Johnson said. “Anything we put through this pre amp actually sounds like 1965, and some artists are looking for that.” Keeping with this hope of making the best experience possible, the students were shown the recording booths, which were designed with “floating” floors and ceilings, meaning that they weren’t actually on the ground or connected to the walls above, but instead they connected on a number of large springs. This means the rooms are essentially suspended in a bubble of air, and once the doors close, you can’t hear any echo or noise outside. The two groups of students could see each other in the adjacent recording rooms (isolation booths), but not hear a single thing. The tour also showed that recording wasn’t all Subcat was limited too, and they saw the guitar maintenance room and a separate business called Black Lagoon Productions, which creates electronic/dubstep sounds for Subcat and indie filmmakers. Black Lagoon’s operator Emmett Van Slyke described the building as “A haven for all types of art and expression,” and the student’s enthusiasm during the event shows that they definitely agree.

BASIC blitz results By Faith Fanning, Staff Writer

CCC fighting world hunger By Andy Schemerhorn, Co-Editor-in-chief A greenhouse is going up behind the Nature Center here at CCC. This Greenhouse, in addition to being a new addition to CCC, is part of a collaboration between the college and the Cayuga/Seneca Community Action Agency, and funded entirely by the Wal-Mart foundation. The idea behind the project, as CCC President Dan Larson wrote in an email, is that it is “… an effort to demonstrate that fresh, nutritious food can be produced year-round in a cost-effective way, even during Winter in Central New York State.” The purpose of this co-op is to help the project called A Sustainable and Collaborative Approach to Hunger Relief. It is part of a larger project to help low income families have access to cheap, nutritious food and is under the umbrella of the Quench & Nourish foundation based out of Marcellus. This will also extend to help feed low income students attending CCC. As an addition to the college, it will also serve to educate people about sustaining agriculture. The building will be maintained by community volunteers and

AmeriCorp students. Using the cold weather as best as possible, the greenhouse will grow and store “hardy” vegetables, including spinach, kale, beets, carrots, and types of lettuce. The greenhouse, which is described as a “passive greenhouse” or “high tunnel”, will also be used to teach “season-extension techniques, drip irrigation, organic farming principles and practices, and sustainable methods of food production,” Dr. Larson also wrote. He also wrote “This project is part of a larger vision to teach people to feed themselves despite limitations of environmental condition.” The high tunnel will be open to any interested faculty, staff, students or community members interested in learning. As with many other projects here he has overseen, Larson is once again proud and excited about the coming addition. “The College is pleased to be part of this innovative initiative that empowers our community to address hunger relief and access to good nutrition in sustainable, unique ways,” Larson wrote.

“Free pizza party in the cafeteria at 4:30, you should come!” You most likely heard someone say this as he or she handed you a card— or 5, two weeks ago. During the days of September 24th and 25th the BASIC club’s goal was to make sure every student at CCC knew about their “Campus Blitz”. The purpose of the blitz was to make a Christian presence known at CCC in hopes that the message of God’s love would be spread throughout the college. Guest speaker Jonathan Burgio— an ex division 1 football player—and singer/songwriter Jeremiah Garcia, along with other members from the organization’s headquarters came to support the Cayuga chapter in their outreach. Roughly eight hundred “invites” were distributed throughout campus, and about forty students attended. Though the turn out may have seemed tame, club advisors John and Erin Sherman felt that it was a success. “We launched a lot of good connections that we hope will continue to grow though the year,” John said. The number of attendees has

risen slightly as a result of the event, and members are excited about the promising future of the group. “We look forward to meeting every Tuesday,” Erin said, “Along with that we will be planning fun events that we will open up to all students, and, of course, we are all anticipating the BASIC conference in Rochester each semester.” BASIC—Brothers and Sisters in Christ—is a nonprofit organization reaching college students across the nation. According to their mission statement, the purpose of BASIC at CCC is to… 1. Provide a Christian fellowship for a diverse group of people to foster a spiritual growth 2. Equip students with biblical solutions to contemporary problems to make a positive impact at CCC, 3. Connect students with a local church in the community, 4. Serve the community, nation, and world through volunteer and mission opportunities, and 5. Help others experience the joy and salvation found in Jesus Christ.”


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