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Cayuga Community College Auburn & Fulton, New York

Collegian www.cayugacollegian.com

May 15, 2012

Pizza with the President

CAYUGABriefs Spartan Speakers

By Alec Rider, Staff Writer


Spartan Speakers Club will offer an opportunity to see what Toastmasters International is all about. Individuals interested in developing their communication, leadership, teamwork and mentoring skills will benefit from Toastmasters. Spartan Speakers is one of more than 13,000 clubs worldwide. Each meeting is a learn-by-doing workshop that can help win job interviews and networking opportunities while making new friends and having fun. Beginners as well as long-standing members and guests are encouraged to attend. The open house will take place on Monday, June 11 at 7 p.m. in the Student Lounge at Cayuga Community College, 197 Franklin Street, Auburn, NY. There will be door prizes and refreshments will be served. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, call or email club president, Christine Townsend at 315-515-2490 or ctownsend9780@hotmail.com

Cayuga Collegian Welcomes New Student Leadership

Vol. 60 Issue 16

CCC President Dr. Daniel Larson at the 2nd “Pizza with the President” event on April 30th.

The officers of CCC-Auburn’s many clubs sat in the student lounge recently for the 2nd Pizza with the President; an informal, wide-open conversation on the state of the college, as well as the near future and updates on college projects. Many things were discussed, with the student lounge even falling victim to some deadpan humor. President Dan Larson started the meeting by discussing the school’s outreach efforts with universities in India. CCC is in the process of establishing partnerships with universities in India that would allow both student and faculty exchanges between the two countries. One of the more contentious and drawn out discussions among the group was the subject of student housing. “I just came back from a meeting this morning where we spent a good hour working through the language of the request for proposals that should be out within the next week or so, asking companies to submit their proposals back to us, to design, build and finance student housing on this campus,” Dr. Larson said. It has long been known that CCCAuburn is very much landlocked.

There have been talks between the school and the Auburn City School District about land behind Holland Stadium and the land along Prospect St. as possible locations for student housing in the past. There are 30 schools in the State University of New York (SUNY) system. 18 of those schools have on-site student housing where the other 12 have students in housing that they don’t own, are in the process of building housing on-site, or have neither. The other two developments that have been featured in The Collegian in the last few months that were discussed at PWTP are the new book and food providers coming to the school; Barnes and Noble, and Subway. Discussion concerning the fire in the arborvitae tree recently; also came up. It was suggested that the clubs create a partnership of sorts, maybe even with the community, to get the message out that smoking on school grounds, especially around the entrances, won’t be tolerated. A new student lounge could also be in the works in the long term. President Larson commented that in the wake of the possibility of continued page 3

Spartans Capture Mid-State Golf Title By D.J. DuVall, Sports Editor

Andy Schemerhorn Collegian Editor-in-chief

SPARTAN GOLF TEAM Jim Cutillo Harrison Davenport Jake DeChick Alec Rider Collegian Assistant Editor

EMAIL THE COLLEGIAN AT: cayugacollegian@gmail.com

Gavin Dennis Bob Dushatinski Bobby Gage

On April 20th, CCC hosted the Nicholas J. DeSocio Memorial Invite at the Highland Park Golf Club in Auburn with a shot at the Mid-State Tournament on the line. Led by James Cutillo who shot a team low 78, the Spartans escaped with a 1 stroke victory to capture the title. Cayuga finished with a 323 overall, followed by Onondaga with a 324, Broome kept it close grabbing third place with a 327. Cutillo, Jake Dechick, and Bob Gage earned All-MSAC honors when they finished in the top eight golfers for the tournament. Cayuga’s Katie Tonzi represented the women well by winning their side of the tournament. Spartans Head Coach Kevin Muirhead was named Coach of the Year after leading CCC to their first title since 1998. It was a great win, and a nice boost for the Cayuga golf program. David Keller Phil Tabone Steven Titus

Head Coach: Kevin Muirhead



Opinions Opinions Opinions

Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian Collegian

Why Can’t Young Ladies Be “Young Ladies”? Growing up, I was always told to be a young lady. We were hardly ever allowed to play with the boys in the family because they feared that we would turn out rough. We were always told not to fight and to only use “appropriate” vocabulary. As a child I thought all young ladies were being told the same thing…I guess I was wrong.

As I moved through school, I witnessed things that I never would have dreamed of seeing. I saw so many fights and heard so many arguments between girls that I almost went crazy. I have never understood why guys fought, let alone girls. I was always told that my face was too pretty and

fighting would make me ugly, now my mind was made up. Also the words coming out of some girl’s mouths are atrocious. It’s so unattractive to hear a guy swear and when I hear it from a girl I’m disgusted. The mere thought of some people being so ignorant that they can’t find a substitute word to use saddens me. It makes me wonder what people are learning at home from their parents and in the school systems. Oh, and how about smoking…yuck! Not only are you killing yourself, but you’re killing everyone around you. It stinks, it makes your breath stink, it ages you rapidly, and it stains your teeth. Who wants to spend time with a walking ashtray? Not me! And I’m not saying I live the perfect life but I don’t swear, I’ve never fought, I don’t smoke, and I’m doing very well in life. I learned how to cook, clean, and take care of a family. I see nothing wrong with being a young lady. It’s attractive and will help get you far in life. But being a young lady doesn’t mean wearing revealing clothes in hopes of getting someone’s attention. It’s not a good look. No guy wants a girl who shows “his goodies” to everyone around him. Respect yourself and see how far you make it. I guarantee you’ll go a lot farther than you thought you would. Becoming a true “young lady” will be the best decision you ever made. -LaRae Brooks, CCC Freshman

Earn credits while writing articles for Cayuga Community College’s student-run, award-winning newspaper by registering for Telcom 204 this fall!

Biden set up President Obama for Controversy During NBC’s Meet The Press on on a recent Sunday, Vice-President Joe Biden made arguably one of the most controversial statements during this election season and placed President Barack Obama between quite the large rock and hard place. “I am vice president of the United States of America,” Biden said. “The president sets the policy. I am absolutely comfortable with the fact that men marrying men, women marrying women, and heterosexual men and women marrying one another are entitled to the same exact rights, all the civil rights, all the civil liberties. And quite frankly, I don’t see much of a distinction -- beyond that.” Vice-President Biden sort of put civil unions and gay marriage into one pot and swirled it all around in that quote, but the political sphere and the country took it as an unequivocal thumbs up for gay marriage and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan agreed with Mr. Biden the next day on MSNBC. Here’s the problem for President Obama. He got outed by the VicePresident of the United States. This forced him to accelerate a response that I’m sure he wanted to wait on until after the election. What was that response? “It is important for me personally to go ahead and affirm that same-sex couples should be able to get married.” President Obama said. And that folks is the 20 words that just elected Mitt Romney. Here’s the deal. The Democratic National Convention is in Charlotte, North Carolina this year. It is customary for both political conventions to be inside swing states that usually wouldn’t vote for that party. Now that President Obama has come out in support of gay marriage, the DNC will immediately make it a plank in their

party platform. Why is this a problem? Oh, maybe because North Carolina doubled up on their state’s law that says marriage is defined as between one man and one woman by voting Amendment One, a gay marriage and gay civil union ban, into their state Constitution on Tuesday night. The only states to pass gay marriage legislation are all in the northeast except for Iowa; Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, the District of Columbia, Maryland and Washington. The states of Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, Virginia and North Carolina are all swing states and all but North Carolina have Republican governors. These states, especially Pennsylvania, might support civil unions but are against gay marriage because they view marriage as a religious sacrament between one man and one woman before God. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not bigoted, in fact I support civil unions. There is absolutely no reason why two people who love each other can’t visit each other in the hospital and all that stuff. But marriage is not and never will be a civil right. And come election day, now that the President endorses gay marriage, half of the all-important swing states including the always breathtaking battleground states of Ohio and Florida are going to give their electorate to Governor Romney and will bring the Republican Party back into the White House. This could be one of the closest elections in recent memory, or it could be a huge blowout. Either way, this election will have the most votes than any other election before it. -Alec Rider, CCC Freshman

So Long to Members of the Collegian Staff

Desperately seeking participation from the Fulton Campus. Email The Collegian at cayugacollegian@gmail.com to join!

T h e Cayuga Collegian welcomes letters from its readers. Submissions must be emailed to cayugacollegian @gmail. com. Submissions may be edited for content or length. Submissions must include your name, address and daytime phone number. All letters to the editor are copied exactly and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the Collegian office, its staff or advisors. All letters are simply the opinions of the writers themselves.



Jamie Blumrick Editor-in-chief

D.J. DuVall Sports Editor

The Collegian office will never be the same after these three individuals graduate and move on. We have had some fun and interesting times together including raucous discussions, fast and furious emails and travel experiences as we attended a national media conference in NYC. One of the rewarding parts of my job at CCC is having the privilege of mentoring all the wonderful students who find their way onto the

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Jim Collins Co;umnist/Writer

Collegian staff, sharing with them my experiences and knowledge, and learning even more from them as I watch them evolve, improve and grow. I can’t wait to see what these three will tackle next. I feel like I’m the luckiest instructor on campus because after four (or more) semesters working with these bright lights, I feel like they are all part of my extended family and I will cherish their friendship forever. -Mary Merritt, Collegian Advisor


Double Student Loan Interest Rates? By Alec Rider, Staff Writer


aroused applause from the chamber. If you thought there was some“To pick this big political fight thing, anything remotely agree- where there is no fight is just silly. able between Democrats and Give me a break,” Boehner added. Republicans… well you were wrong. In an ironic twist, Democrats have On July 1st, interest rates for subsi- seemingly forgotten the fact that a dized Stafford student loans would condition in a law that Democrats double from 3.4% to 6.8% affecting railroaded through Congress 5 years 7 million people in this country and ago is the reason why we’re facing almost every single student on this this issue now. campus and costing those of us with the loans an extra $1,000. President Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney have both come out in support of a freeze. But with a Republican controlled House and a Democrat controlled Senate it isn’t whether they all agree there should be a Speaker of the House John Boehnero law, it’s how are they going to pay for it, and whose proposal Concerning the Prevention and becomes law thereby getting all of Public Health Fund, when the the credit. It’s nothing more than Democrats voted solidly to raid the political posturing and grandstand- fund of $5 billion to pay for the payroll tax cut extension this year and ing. The House’s version of the bill President Obama’s own failed buduses a preventative care fund set up get plan called for cutting $4 billion by Obamacare to pay for the $6 bil- from the fund, no one on the left was lion tab; they would use the other complaining. Meanwhile, on the other side $5 billion for deficit reduction. Representatives voted on Friday and of the Capitol building, Senate despite a vote strictly on party lines Democrats were finalizing their own and an attempted revolt by conser- bill that, of course, required the rich vatives in the Party, the bill passed and middle class small businesses to 215-195 with 30 Republicans against cover the $6 billion cost by paying and 13 Democrats for. Social Security and Medicare payBut in a microcosm of the last year, roll tax and ended subsidies for oil Democrats are accusing Republicans and natural gas companies. of waging a war on women’s health Rep. Peter Welch (D-VT) tossed and looking for anyway to demean the politics aside and said what President Obama’s health care law we’ve all been thinking. “That’s the work of Congress while Republicans are accusing Democrats of crying wolf on issues now; they (Republicans) go to their trick bag, which is to eviscerate the that do not exist for political gain. “People want to politicize this health care bill. We (Democrats) go because it is an election year. But my to our trick bag, which is to vilify the God, do we have to fight about every- oil companies. And nobody in the thing?” said Speaker of the House country cares, but what they do care John Boehner in a rare speech before about is getting whacked because the House in a thundering voice and they can’t pay college cost.” at times pounding on his lectern that

The new art adorning the wall in the Technology Building’s lobby lounge. “SOMA is an initiative by the college that will offer students in media, art, music, theater, literature, and writing new opportunities to work and learn together,” said Steve Keeler, Director, Broadcasting/Electronic Media Chairperson, Division of Humanities and Communication.

The SOMA Experience By Jamie Blumrick, Editor-in-chief When walking through Cayuga’s campus you may have noticed some work being done such as new paint, signs, artwork, and a new thing called ‘SOMA’ down in the telecommunications wing. What does it mean though? Well it stands for Cayuga’s School of Media and the Arts, the school decided to put a little more personality into where a small lounge area once was near an entrance way to the school. They built small half sized walls that enclosed that small area where there is now a small mural and some comfy chairs for students to hang out. There students now feel comfortable to relax and play their

music and do homework till class. After asking several students how they felt about the new lounge they for the most part all agreed that it was much nicer than the one that was once there. They said they enjoy the walls because it creates a nice sound for when practicing their instruments and provide a sense of privacy while there. The mural is also a nice feature because it expands and creates awareness of Cayugas Media and Arts programs on campus as well. Students as well as Faculty can’t wait to see what else there is in store for the future after seeing what the school had done to one of their older lounges.

More “Room” in Auburn President Pizza... By Jim Collins, Staff Writer

By the end of July 2012, a new hotel and convention center will be opening in Auburn located at 74 State Street called the Hilton Garden Inn. The hotel will add an additional 150 plus rooms and suites to the Auburn and Finger Lakes area. The facility will feature two new restaurants, The Great American Grill which will serve breakfast daily and The Beau Vine Restaurant, featuring local wines and tasteful and alluring entrees’. According to a hotel offi-

cial, the hotel will be “a great place to hold a wedding reception and business meetings with accommodations for up to 300 people.” With the upcoming music festivals scheduled in the Auburn area, more rooms for tourists will be a boost to the economy for the local area. Applications for those seeking employment at the hotel can apply online at the Auburn Hilton Garden Inn website.



new athletic facilities in coming years and the wellness center moving with them, a student lounge could span from The Cube, through the nurse’s office and into the wellness center. “This is probably the furthest thing from a “student lounge” imaginable,” Dr. Larson said, inciting laughter from the students. The student lounge’s, where the meeting was held, greatest attraction is 4 flags on the wall and a few windows. It’s mostly used for large meetings. The goal of this expanded student area would be to provide a fun and appealing area to those kinds of students and a quieter area of the lounge for the more studious. The clubs agreed that the students need better places to study than the library and random open places in the hallways around the school. It

continued from front page

would also keep Lattimore students happy, instead of going back to the dorms and being bored. The clubs agreed that most people know that good things don’t happen when college kids get bored and try to have “fun”. On a lighter note, the idea of a Veterans commemoration was brought up to the group and was widely accepted. It involved creating brick patches that could have messages engraved in them, placed in strategic locations along the nature trail that maybe could use a walkway. The meeting was a highly productive one, which, along with the pizza and refreshments left everyone happy. There will be a 3rd Pizza with the President next semester if Dr. Larson has anything to say about it.

CCC FULTON STUDENTS The Cayuga Collegian is looking for staff writers to cover news and events happening on the CCC Fulton Campus. Please email cayugacollegian@gmail.com




CCC’s Future Business Leaders of America PBL Chapter News PBL CLUB EARNS CAMPUS-WIDE CLUB DISTINCTION AWARD Reported by Dawn Perrault FBLA-PBL at Cayuga Community College has not been seen or heard from for several years – but they are back in-the-saddle and they mean BUSINESS! Under the direction of co-advisors Amy Valente and Chris Fama, they are winding up their first full year with plenty of things to celebrate! Five club officers recently participated in an online competition at the state level and all of the participants qualified for the national competition being held this summer in San Antonio,

The PBL Club raised over $6,000 for community charities during the spring semester alone, and they were presented with the Outstanding Club Service Recognition Award at the college’s 42nd Annual Appreciation Banquet. Texas. Those members are Byron Wall (President), Alec Rider (VicePresident), Jodi Rogers (Historian), Ron Stuart (Secretary), and Max Appleby (Treasurer).


Additionally, the club held numerous fundraising events throughout the year from holiday raffle baskets to tickets for a Syracuse University Men’s’ Basketball game with VIP privileges. Their end goal was to make enough money to be able to attend the National Conference in Texas. PBL placed 2nd and 1st place in the campus-wide club Penny War competitions; donating half of the prize money to charitable agencies. Some club members took the fundraising efforts to the next level and combined a class project for their Event Planning class with community services through PBL – collectively - they held a Community Talent Show at the college, donating funds to a local musical charity; they helped the SPCA raise funds at a very successful dinner-auction that brought in over $4,000; and they created a new fundraising event for Air 1 – a search and rescue helicopter utilized by law enforcement and emergency rescue and medical personnel in a 14-county radius – this event was a Daddy Daughter Dance and generated $2,000 for Air 1. The PBL Club raised over $6,000 for community charities during the spring semester alone, and they were presented with

Pictured above L-R: Mat Pidgeon, Jodi Rogers, Amy Valente, Max Appleby, Undersheriff Warren Darby, Dawn Perrault, Byron Wall, Katie Luba and Alec Rider. Kneeling: Ron Stewart the Outstanding Club Service Recognition Award at the college’s 42nd Annual Appreciation Banquet. Also notable, club advisor Amy Valente received the J. Richard Mahlstedt Award, an award voted on by the student population for a faculty member who is active in both school and community events – and always there for the students they serve. Other distinguished honors were presented to the Club Reporter, Dawn Perrault, and Byron Wall, President. Ms. Perrault received the Nichole C. Judware Achievement Award – presented to an active club member whose overall activities have made a significant impact for the overall community; and Mr. Wall was

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awarded the Merit Achievement Award – an honor bestowed on a student who actively engages in several clubs and organizations – creating new paths along the way. At the National level, the Future Business Leaders of America – Phi Beta Lambda at CCC Club earned an Achievement Award for outstanding recruitment of new members in a one-year period – 18, to be exact – and new club member and Vice-President Elect, Mat Pidgeon, split a 2nd place win with another CCC student in the State University of New York (SUNY) Business Idea Competition! Breaking Barriers? - We have only just begun!


SPARTAN SPORTS Spartan Bowlers Finish 4th at NJCAA Nationals The Cayuga Community College Spartans Bowling Team had a successful result in their third ever NJCAA. National Championships held at the Thruway Lanes in Buffalo, New York. The team finished 4th overall out of the 17 colleges participating. The team was led by All-American Robert Moro (Syracuse, NY) and bowlers David Fox (Auburn, NY), Richard Meyers (Manlius, NY), Matt Race (Auburn,

NY), Steve Titus (Auburn, NY) and Josh Darling (Aurora, NY). The Spartans put together their best finish ever in the National Tournament. Megan May (Auburn, NY) also competed as an individual female at the NJCAA Nationals …finishing a very respectable 19th out of 58 total bowlers in the singles event. Megan will return next season to help lead the incoming

freshman class of women bowlers. In the men’s event…Robert Moro (Syracuse, NY) fired a 2470 for all events and took 2nd place at the NJCAA Tournament. Moro was runnerup to the eventual MVP Jalen Scott Robert Jones from Vincennes Moro University by a single

pin…which was decided on Moro’s final shot. This earned Bobby a place on the NJCAA All-American team to culminate a successful freshman season. Moro took home three first place titles in five events prior to his All-American performance at the Nationals. The future looks bright for the Spartan’s men team as they return all but one member of this year’s team in 2012-13.

Book Exchange Unfolding

By Christina Lupien, Staff Writer

The college book store is winding down it’s time as a Follett Bookstore. Come this fall the bookstore will be run by Barnes and Noble as a result of new proposals brought to the college by Barnes and Noble, Follett, Neebo and Kraftees. The decision to change the source for text books after five years with Follett came following a mass email to the student body telling them what was going on and asking for any input they had on the situation. Students surveyed are unsure if changing bookstore vendors will solve any of the problems that the students have been facing in the past. Between book shortages (since quantities ordered are based on number of students enrolled in classes weeks before classes actually start) and general communication problems between the CCC faculty and the management at the bookstore, many are doubtful that changing vendors will accomplish anything. In a mass email to the entire college community Jeff Rosenthal said “The decision by the FSA Board of Directors to accept Barnes and Noble’s proposal was based on how best to serve our growing and evolv-

ing college community. No decision of this magnitude is ever easy or without challenges, and I can appreciate the impact this change may have on the work you do at Cayuga. In the coming weeks, representatives from Follett and Barnes and Noble will be working with College staff to ensure a smooth transition.” So what does the student body think about the bookstore changing hands? “I’m not quite sure what to think so being its my first semester but I do think it will be more expensive. The Follett staff was very helpful when I was there though,” said Freshman K a s e y Durgan. Many students have voiced concerns over the price of text books soaring even higher when classes begin in the fall. “Having been a student here way back in the late 90’s, I can say from experience that the switch to Follett from what we had then was a vast improvement and much more organized that it was then,” said a student who asked not to be identified. “Here’s hoping that the experience with Barnes and Noble is yet another step forward for Cayuga.”

The Art Association of Oswego announces the opening of a new exhibition called Assembled Stories: Narrative Collage by Pat Stevens, Charlotte Arcadi and Bill DeMott. Charlotte and Bill are art instructors at Cayuga Fulton and Pat Stevens is an artist from Auburn. The show will open with a reception at the Oswego Civic Arts Center on Saturday, May 12 from 7 to 9 pm. This event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served. The artists in this exhibition each come to collage from different angles. Pat Stevens is a graphic designer and fine artist whose collages often commemorate important people. Her designs are meticulous and impeccable; some collages are actual and some are digital. Charlotte Arcadi’s background as a photographer plays a big part in her collage process.

She uses many of her own dynamic photographs in the creation of her work. Bill DeMott is a printmaker whose collages tend to be more raw and abstract, often involving other media. Also on display, in the Art Center’s Jo Hyse Gallery, will be a printmaking exhibit by artist George O’Connell. A Professor Emeritus from SUNY Oswego, O’Connell shows off some of his well-known, jazz-inspired prints--along with the blocks and plates they were printed from. The Oswego Civic Arts Center is located at the northernmost end of East 4th Street in Oswego, directly across from Fort Ontario. Regular gallery hours at the Art Center are from 2-5 on Saturdays and Sundays or by appointment. Both exhibitions will be on display until Sunday, June 3. For more information, call 3435675 or visit the Art Association on line at www.oswegoarts.org.

Art Exhibition Opening

Hi Everyone, On June 1 and 2 there will be a bicycle ride from Palmyra to Camillus. This is sponsored by the History Club. We would love to have your company or your support! Our trip will be approximately 60 miles generally along the Old Erie Canal. On the way we will look at ruins and hear a little history of the canal. The ride is flat, the company is good, we’re giving out tee shirts, and we are going to take a boat ride in Camillus on the Old Erie Canal. It should make for an enjoyable time. We hope to raise some money for the Montezuma Town and Park Design Committee’s development of a historic canal park in Montezuma. If you ride with us and can get some pledges we will give them to the rapidly developing park project. If you can’t ride on one or both of the days, maybe you can pledge a bit per mile to help out. If you are willing to make a pledge to the Montezuma Canal Park project, please send me an email telling me what you can pledge. The trip will happen in two parts. Friday, June 1: We will meet behind the CCC Tech Building at 8:30 a.m. to depart for Palmyra. We will bike from Palmyra (Canal Park, east of the village of Palmyra) to Montezuma. There will be a truck to carry bicycles and supplies. If you are going directly to Palmyra, try to be there at 9:30. Saturday, June 2: We will meet at the town park (behind the hotel) in Montezuma at 8:30 to ride to Camillus. At Camillus Sim’s Store Museum (Canal Park) we will catch a ride on a canal boat. I hope to hear from you Ron Grube



Small Town Pharmacy Celebrating One Year By D.J. DuVall, Sports Editor

If you’ve driven through nearby Port Byron in the last year, you must have noticed the recent changes to the village’s most prominent building. The old hotel is historically significant after surviving every change the

“When you own your own business, you appreciate every customer that comes through your door.” -Matt Herbst town has seen over the past 120+ years. After the entire structure was recently remodeled inside and out, Matt Herbst bought the building, and turned it into Herbst Pharmacy. Herbst has been happily married for 17 years, and has four children. He graduated from Lyons High School in 1985, then headed to Ithaca College for four years before heading to the Albany College of Pharmacology where he graduated in 1995. He has spent the past 17 years working as a pharmacist for a number of businesses, and was last employed at the pharmacy in the Auburn Wal-Mart before opening his own pharmacy in Port Byron in May of 2011. “I just wanted to do things my way, and not deal with the stress that comes with working for another company,” said Matt Herbst. Sure, being a business owner is stressful, but Herbst says he enjoys this kind of stress, and has fun at work on a daily basis. Why Port Byron? Herbst says that while working at Wal-Mart he saw the amount of customers that traveled all the way from Port Byron, Montezuma, Conquest, and areas beyond just to get their prescriptions. So when he decided to start his own business, he figured Port Byron was a great place to create Herbst Pharmacy. The pharmacy is filled with all kinds of gifts and supplies. Herbst carries a large selection of over the counter medication, as well as vitamins, school supplies, and children’s toys. If you have

Hebst Pharmacy of Port Byron is celebrating its one year anniversary. The owner of the pharmacy, Matt Herbst, makes his store stand out above the chain pharmacies by providing a personal touch and convenience for customers.

Matt Herbst opened his hometown pharmacy a year ago. He prides himself on being able to provide the personal, customized care for clients which larger chair chain pharmacies can’t afford to provide. an upcoming birthday or other celebration, Herbst also carries a wide variety of greeting cards (all for just 99 cents), flags, Port Byron High School apparel, home supplies, and much more. Mix all this with friendly ‘old fashioned’ hospitality, and customers seem pleased with the overall vibe around their hometown drug store. Herbst says his favorite part of owning a business in a small town is “getting to know the people on such a personal level.” He says that after one year “I would like it to be busier, but I realize building a business from the ground up takes time.” Herbst would like to thank the community for all their support over his first year in business, and encourages them to keep spreading the word, if they like the service they are receiving. Herbst’s motto is “People

Hebst Pharmacy of Port Byron, in addition to providing prompt, personalized prescription services, also stocks plenty of items for their local clients.

who choose Herbst are not just customers…they are members of the Herbst Pharmacy family.” He says that “when you own your own business, you appreciate every customer that comes through your door.” At Herbst Pharmacy you don’t even half to show up, because another ‘old fashioned’ touch Herbst has kept alive is free


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delivery. If you can’t make it in to the store to pick up your prescriptions, just give him a call at (315)776-4372, visit the website at Herbstrx.com, or even find him on facebook, and Herbst will deliver to your doorstep, free of charge. If you’re in the area, stop in and say hello, maybe you will discover what small town service is all about.


Get to Know Older Students

By Christina Lupien, Staff Writer

Here’s how to save money on gas. This Volkswagon owned by Kim Gilbetson runs on biofuel.

Fuel Up with Vegetable Oil

By Christina Lupien, Staff Writer

A vegetable oil car you say? Recently Kim Gilbetson, who taught chemistry for 25 years at Moravia High School, brought his 1985 Volkswagon to the college to talk about his car that runs mostly on recycled vegetable oil. He purchased a converted Volkswagon car that can be powered by bio-diesel or straight vegetable oil. He has a setup at home to filter and process the bio-fuel. Gilbetson gets his own supply of vegetable oil from a local restaurant. Gilbetson shares a step-by-step guide on how to make bio-diesel as a usable fuel for a car. Step 1: Sodium hydroxide (lye) is mixed with methanol in a glass jar. It’s stirred using a motor with a paint mixer attached. Step 2: When the lye/methanol mix is dissolved. The liquid is poured into the filtered waste oil. The stirring motor is shifted to a mount above and used now to stir the mix into the oil. Step 3: After an hour of stirring, the mixture is dropped into a bucket to settle overnight. The bio-diesel will be on top and the glycerin sinks to the bottom form-

ing a gel. The bio-diesel is then poured off the top and washed with water. Step 4: Washing is done by pouring water over bio-diesel in a washing tank. The water goes to the bottom and does no mix with the fuel. An aquarium bubbler sends water-wrapped air bubbles through the fuel dissolving any unreacted materials and removing it from the fuel. This is the longest step in production and it requires a little tending. Step 5: After draining off the wash water the fuel is cloudy. It clarifies by itself after a day or two. At that point just pour it into the fuel tank and drive off! It’s important to remember that bio-diesel is not the same thing as the recycled vegetable oil that also fuels his vehicle. “The car has to be started on either regular diesel or bio-diesel. Bio-diesel is a fuel that we make at home. So the car runs on either regular diesel or bio-diesel or a combination, and then once the car warms up by driving it three or four miles, I can flip a switch and then it will run on pure waste vegetable oil,” Gilbetson said.

Telcom Dept. Awards Cayuga’s Telcom Dept gave out its annual student awards at the Telcom Banquet on May 2, held at the Auburn Public Theatre. The event is cosponsored by AmeriCU, the Telcom Dept, Radio and Television Guild, and the Cayuga Record Club. Awards 1 – 5 are permanent awards recognized by plaques in the Telcom Award Display area. MARK CASTIGLIONE COMMENCEMENT AWARD For contributions to the Telcom Dept. Lance Hall Lauren Maltese TELCOM FACULTY AWARD FOR SERVICE TO THE TELCOM DEPT (COMMENCEMENT AWARD)Established in 1994 by Telecommunications Professor Steven Keeler. This award is presented to graduates of the telecommunications degree programs who distinguish themselves by service to the department, excellence in production skills and/or exhibiting a willingness to serve as peer mentors. The recipients are selected by the telecommunications faculty and staff. Chase Sereno Jacob Squires Britni Gallo SBE 2010-11 SCHOLARSHIPS ($500 EACH) Awarded by the Society of Broadcast Engineers Ray Campagna Jon Stamp RADIO ADVISORS AWARD FOR OUSTANDING SERVICE TO THE COLLEGE RADIO STATION – WDWN (COMMENCEMENT AWARD) This award was established by Telecommunications faculty serving as advisors to the Cayuga Community College radio station – WDWN. This award is presented to graduates of the telecommunications degree programs who distinguish themselves by service to the college radio station – WDWN. The recipients are selected by the telecommunications faculty and staff. Kyle Winder TELCOM AUDIO PRODUCTION AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN AUDIO PRODUCTION (COMMENCEMENT AWARD) Established by Telcom faculty members Steve Keeler and Mike Cortese to honor

the efforts of Telcom students in audio production Michael Cappelletti WDWN SERVICE AWARD For dedication to the College Radio Station - WDWN Dylan Thompson Tess Eller TV PRODUCTION AWARDS Best Video – Video Production of the Year At War – Matt Davis, Alec Iwanski, Mike Sloan, AJ Spinelli Best Video Editor- Kyle Winder (for Floor of Eyes) Best Dramatic Video- Lonely Day – Chase Sereno, Lauren Maltese, Nate Robinson Best PSA-Wnner Hydrofracking – Bryane McCarey, Matt Davis, John Szozda Finalist- Metrospray– Alec Iwanski, Mike Sloan, AJ Spinelli HD Glasses – Jake Squires, James Balloni, Mike Westmiller Pass It Along – Tess Eller, Aaron Liedka, Chase Sereno, Emmett Drury Mr. T’s Mail order bride – Nate Robinson, Lauren Maltese, Dylan Thompson Best Comedy-Winner Barns Are Red, Violets are Blue - Chase Sereno, Lauren Maltese, Nate Robinson Best Promotional Video-Winner Cayuga Music Promo - Matt Davis, Alec Iwanski, Mike Sloan, AJ Spinelli Best Informational Video-Winner Academic Support Center– Katie Smith, Alyssa Angyal Best Script- Winner A Day in the Life of a Multimedia Journalist – Katie Smith Best Documentary-Winner A Day in the Life of a Multimedia Journalist – Katie Smith Best Music Video-Winner Best Movie Ever – Tess Eller, Bryanne Mccarey, Dylan Thompson Finalists Lonely Day – Chase Sereno, Lauren Maltese, Nate Robinson Floor of Eyes – Kyle Winder, Taj Francis At War - Matt Davis, Alec Iwanski, Mike Sloan, AJ Spinelli

If you have noticed an increased number of older college students in your classes over these last few years, you are definitely in on the trend. Roughly 40 percent of college students these days are considered ‘non-traditional’ students, according to an article by Alan Tripp in the Washington Post. Most often these students are women, over the age of 25. Although there is no concrete definition of what a non-traditional student is, they are generally people who have taken some time off either between high school and college for work or travel, or have attended college before and just were not able to graduate the first time around. The Department Of Education recently reported that 13 percent of college students today are single parents, and most of that 13 percent are part of the 40 percent that make up the “non-traditional” students. Being a non-traditional student usually also comes with a job, either full-time or par-time, and a much larger stack of bills and responsibilities than your average 18-year -old college student. They are also the most likely demographic to drop out of college, citing family conflict, financial struggle, or health issues as reasons for dropping out. CCC (for the 2010-2011 year) is pretty close to that overall 40 percent. 31 percent of the students here were over the age of 25, with another 14vpercent in the 22 to 25 age bracket, making out non-traditional students just over the average at 45 percent. And just in case anyone out there was wondering, the women on campus make up 62 percent of our little population. Here are some of the non-traditionals you may see around campus this semester: Laken Nauseef age – 25 work – full time certified nursing assistant at Cayuga County Nursing Home Dream Job – brewmaster Where do you see yourself in five years? - RN on the path to Forensic Nursing Classes – Full Time, Online Is this your first time attending college, if no what prompted you to stop attending college in the past and how long ago was this? - No, I didn’t take college seriously the first time which was six years ago What is your current major, and what have you studied in the past? - Current major – nursing...I have studied coaching as well What was your determining factor in your returning to school? My grandma When are you expecting to graduate? - 2014 What is your current career goal? - forensic nursing Would you say you are more determined to graduate now as an adult than straight out of high school? Yes! Is there any advice you would give current traditional students about the importance of obtaining a degree?


Take the time to mature, don’t go to college right out of high school if you’re not mature enough. There is nothing wrong with waiting a few years, have fun, then get serious. Kasey Durgan: age – 26 Children – 2 Work – Part time cashier at Save-a-lot college

First time attending

What is your current major, and have you ever studied anything else? - currently, liberal arts/ social science and humanities, next year I will be in the nursing program What was the determining factor in you returning to school? - My kids When are you expected to graduate? - 2015 What is your current career goal? - to become an RN Would you say you are more determined to graduate now as an adult than straight out of high school? - Very much so Is there any advice you would give current traditional students about the importance of obtaining a degree? Stay in school and get that degree. It’s so very important when it comes down to looking for a job. Minimum wage doesn’t pay the bills. Danielle Bliss: age – 29 children – 3 Boys! Work – Part Time security guard for IPC What is your dream job?/ Where would you like to be in 5 years? I want to work with juveniles in the criminal justice system. Classes – none at the moment, but looking to find an online BA program for criminal justice Is this your first time attending college? No What is your current major, and have you ever studied anything else? Criminal Justice, no What was the determining factor in your returning to school? - How much it will cost and if there is a right college for me. However if CCC had an online BA program I would definitely would be attending. Graduation? I graduated at the end of the fall 2011 semester and am looking to continue my education with a BA Would you say you are more determined to graduate now as an adult than straight out of high school? If I was in high school and went right to college I don’t think I would have stuck with staying in school. Taking the long break or any break after high school helped me. Is there any advice you would give current traditional students about the importance of obtaining a degree? If you stick with the program you will be able to finish college sooner than later. Age is a factor with good jobs, even with a degree. Waiting may years to get a degree is still good to do, but you’re limited on the jobs you can get. Besides any degree is better than no degree. You might think having a degree won’t help, but it really does.



The Faces in the Halls of CCC

By Christina Lupien, Staff Writer Job: Since November 2009 I have worked for Merry go Round as the Assistant to the Educational Theatre Coordinator during the school year and the PA Stage Manager one summer and last summer and this summer in the Box Office. Favorite Class: depends on the day. The class that I roll out of bed with a big smile on my face to go to: Jeez I don’t know. English Lit has been interesting, tough but interesting. Or Steve Keeler’s classes.

2012 Brunell Visiting Scholar, Samite, performs in a final concert with students to end the semester at the Irene A. Bisgrove Theatre.

Samite Farewell Concert By Jamie Blumrick, Editor-in-chief On Wednesday May 9th, the Auburn campus welcomed back the 2012 Brunell Visiting Scholar, Samite, by having him perform for a final concert with students to end the semester at the Irene A. Bisgrove Theatre. Born in Uganda and known for his travels of the world to bring his message of peace and hope though his music, Samite accompanied Auburn’s Jazz Ensemble and Chorus for their final concert of the semester. The students had the privilege to learn and perform music with Samite. The theatre was filled with people enjoying and praising the students and Samite for their music. After the students finished Samite had a short but special performance with his band that included Jeff Haynes on percussion and Charlie Shew

on bass and guitar. There were several times during the concert people were seen swaying and participating with the music being played which was a very uplifting as a whole. At the end, Samite had his band played a few songs that got the whole crowd down in the front dancing and singing along to the beat. It was definitely a beautiful thing to see, how a small community can come together to appreciate and play music and to dance and sing as one, something Samite tries to spread to the world. Cayuga Community College enjoyed and appreciated what Samite had to offer and teach us and hopes to see more of him in the future as well. It was the perfect way to tie together the end of the semester with the students and community.

Annual Bird Walk and Talk By Andy Schemerhorn, Staff Writer

With a following of 7 CCC students and faculty, as well as a few members of the community, Professor Paul Richardson, a math professor at the Auburn campus, lead his 6th annual end of the semester bird watch hike. Accompanied with a few pair of binoculars, a large telescopic lens, and a bird identification field guide, the group enjoyed a pleasant walk just short of a mile, talking when possible and collectively holding their breath to not scare off any birds they came close too. This hike is held at the end of every spring semester on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 11 AM, weather permitting. Many students who have had the privilege of being Professor Richardson’s students know him for two things that make him stand out from teachers: his affinity for video games, and his knowledge regarding birds. While on the walk, Professor Richardson’s expertise in this field became evident immediately, as he quickly pointed out birds flying overhead that were only visible for a brief second, mimicking bird calls of species that the either could hear but couldn’t see, or birds that were willing to stay near the group, both in an attempt to draw them closer.

His knowledge of bird calls was very apparent, as he had a pneumonic device to describe and remember the types of calls that many local bird species’ use, identifying a cowbird on top of a giant evergreen tree from about 400 feet away, and sharing facts about different birds, such as the cowbird, who will knock eggs out of different birds and lay their own eggs there, and the original species of bird that built the nest won’t realize that the new egg is not their own, and will raise the chick for the cowbird. His humor was also on display: when a turkey vulture began circling the group overhead, the Professor joked “If you want a really up close view of it, lie on the ground and don’t move!”, and, while everyone was silent listening for a bird call and a car horn went off, he said (still hushed) “That sounds like the common Buick.” The hour long walk ended with the two most striking birds the group had seen that day, the turkey vulture, and not just one, but two of the seemingly highly-elusive orioles, flying in a large arch in front of the group. “Considering the wind, we had some pretty good results” Professor Richardson summarized.

Favorite TV show: anything that is labeled “Korean TV Drama” on Netflix lately

Name: Caryl Frame Age: 21 Graduated from: Skaneateles High School CCC Graduation Date: May 2012 Major: undecided, but graduating with a degree in Liberal Arts Dabbled In: Telecommunications, Psychology, Liberal Arts, Theater and Business Favorite Professor: Dr. Felter, hands down! oh, and Bob Frame of course Hobbies: Theater, walking on long beaches to the sunset and Sarcasm

Favorite Book: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, or Christina Dodd’s princess series, but that’s a little embarrassing Favorite Movie: A Little Princess, or Tangled Favorite Food: Mac & Cheese Career Goal: Mrs. Clause, no, um I would like to be an Assistant Director for TV or Film Where I see myself in five years: In the future. Sorry, I’m being sarcastic. Hopefully working on some TV show or movie.



Jim Collins

Well, after five semesters here at Cayuga Community College, this is the LAST Cosmo’s Corner. A little more than sad for me, (though I won’t miss the deadlines!), but I’m sure a good deal many of you will burn my effigy with pleasure. In all fairness, I didn’t set out on this adventure to win a friend or two, I only wished to do a little honest reporting. I realize that I was a bit too brutal on some of the local establishments and maybe a tad too fair on others, but the bottom line is, I gave my honest opinion. So, that being said, here is my final review. Once upon a time I graduated from Auburn High School with Honors and came to CCC. I grew up across the street on Herman Ave., so I knew the place well. Having wanderlust in my blood, Cayuga was definitely not my first choice. The University of Miami was. After being accepted, I was packed and ready to go when lo and behold, love stepped in. Fearing that I would miss my new girl too much, I opted for CCC. Bad move. I wasn’t into it, I didn’t know what I wanted to do, changed my major a bunch of times and constantly skipped classes. No big deal, my parents were paying for it. Fast forward 30 years and a friend of mine actually challenged me to go back to school. Always up for a challenge, I accepted. Not so fast. CCC didn’t want me back! The Admissions department (who I now love) demanded this, and the Dean demanded that! (thank you). They begrudgingly allowed me back. They would only take me back under certain conditions—no dropped courses, grade point above 3.0, retake certain classes. I agreed. I also footed the bill this time! That was Spring Semester, 2010. Since then, (five semesters), I’ve made the

Dean’s List every time with my lowest grade being a B-, thanks Mike C.! I won the Biden Award for Excellence in Journalism in 2011, (thank you John Hunter and Mary Merritt!).I also received Radio Personality of the Year Award at WDWN 89.1 FM, Auburn campus, (thanks Jeff Sezcniak!). I would like to thank the Telecommunications Department as a whole-Doug Brill, Jeff Sez again, Mike Marano, Mr B-, Mike Cortese!, (rhymes with Scorcese), Mary Merritt, Carey Eidel, Professors Valdina, Slowik and Aikmen. Thank you for pushing me and accepting me as a non-traditional student. Ed Wagner, Les Robinson and the rest of the help at the Wellness Center. The lighting guy-Bob Frame (tough course!-who da’ thunk it?). All the wonderful ladies in Financial Aid and the Student Development Center-you all rock! That means you Mr. Zizza! The wonderful ladies at the Information Desk and all the helpful people in the Library. Campus Security and the Health Office-I know you all had a hand in this! Mr. Hoffman for taking the time to talk to me, CCC school President Daniel Larson and the other folks in the Awards Department-thank you from the bottom of my heart. My deepest gratitude goes to the greatest teacher that I’ve ever had, Mr. Steve Keeler, the department head. The most patient, good-natured and thorough teacher that I’ve ever had! God Bless you all!! Funny how life changes. Once upon a time I didn’t even want to show up at Cayuga Community College, now I’ll miss it until the day I die…………………………. signing off. Cheers to all, Jim Collins. Comments or gripes? My email is colljimbo@yahoo.com


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