9-24-07 Collegian

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CCollegian The Voice of Cayuga Community College Students for more than 50 years


CCC Student Loses County Election

By Mathew Kratts, Collegian Editor-in-chief CCC student Sean Stanyon was defeated in the recent Democratic Primary by candidate Daniel Sincebaugh in the race for Country Legislator in the 14th District. The voters spoke and candidate Stanyon was defeated 298 to 44. This isn’t the first time the CCC student has run for elected office. With two unsuccessful runs for a seat on the board of the Auburn Enlarged City School District, Stanyon says he was keeping his hopes high for this election. The absentee ballots are yet to be counted but the race looks like it’s in the bag for Sincebaugh. The young Democrat believes he worked well on his campaign and felt the experience made it all worth it. “Even if I got zero votes,” Stanyon said, “I should be proud that I went out there and tried.” Now that members of the community know his name and what he’s done so far, Stanyon hopes this will help him out in the future for when he chooses to run for a political office again. He looks forward to his youthful position in that he has plenty of years ahead of him to prepare for the next step.

Staynon broke the record in being the youngest running candidate for County Legislator and felt that he received a lot of support. “I’m went out there at 21 years old with a lot of help from friends, family members and people of the community.” Staynon feels he is a huge supporter of the college and his community. “I’m heavily involved in my college, my community and my democratic party,” On Constitutional Day, Stanyon said he registered close to 80 CCC students to vote, which compared to results from college voter drives in years’ past, is quite an accomplishment. Cayuga County Legislature’s 14th district represents constituents who live in neighborhoods in South West Auburn under the 14th District. Both Stanyon and Sincebaugh were vying for the spot to replace Democrat Michael Lepak, who had reached the end of his 12 year term. Now that the elections have been decided, Sincebaugh will now go on to face Republican Michael Didio in the November election All three candidates were in their first office election.

Vol. 56 Issue 4

September 24, 2007

No Coach Yet for the CCC Men’s BB Team By: Tiffany Collinsworth, Collegian Sports Editor The Cayuga Community College Men’s Basketball Team may have to start their season without a head coach, said CCC Athletic Director Peter Liddell. The head coach of last year’s team, Coach Clayton Pittinaro, decided not to return this year for professional reasons. With the little time left to do an adequate search for a proper new head coach, Liddell said he would step in and coach on an interim basis, just for this year. Liddell said the search to fill the head coaching job will continue. Lidell wants the boys to have a good experience. “I’m looking forward to this year,” said Liddell. Liddell isn’t without some reservations about stepping in to coach. He said he’s worried people may misunderstand his new involvement with the team. There is plenty of indicators this will be a good season for the team. The basketball court floor in Spartan Hall was recently renovated and the men’s team will be receiving new

uniforms for the season. He also worries other CCC teams may be resentful because he is coaching the men’s basketball team. He wants everyone to know they will be treated in the same respect. Returning from last year is assistant coach Tony Piscitelli. Piscitelli will aide Liddell in any way he can. This will be Piscitelli’s seventh year working for the Cayuga men’s basketball team. Liddell has a positive outlook on the team. “There are some talented players out there, it’s hard to tell. They’ll be able to compete for sure,: said Liddell. As of now the men’s team has between 20 to 25 guys show up to open gyms practices. Liddell is only able to roster 1215 players. On October first and second there will be tryouts for any one interested in joining the basketball team, the time will be announced.

Rough Waters Don’t Ruffle CCC Students By: Jess Miles, Collegian Assistant Editor

Cayuga Community College students brave white water rapids.

A three hour bus ride, a two and a half hour white water raft ride through Letchworth State Park and a hamburger or hot dog all for $20 isn’t bad. Last weekend Norman Lee took about 30 students both from the Auburn campus and the Fulton campus. on the first white water rafting trip. Kait Donovan, a sophomore at the Auburn campus went on the trip. “The trip was really great” she said, “I have never been before. It was a lot of fun even though the weather was a bit cold. I think every one else enjoyed the trip also.” Although students spent three hours on the bus, once they got to the park and seen the breath-taking scenery, it was all worth it. “I think students get a sense of adventure by going on this trip. They all come together. They just have fun” says Norman Lee. Ryan Koch also a sophomore from the Auburn campus went on the trip. This was also his first time going white water rafting. “I enjoyed the experience

very much” said Koch, “I liked how it was pretty relaxed. Everyone that went was really awesome and made it more fun to be there. It was also really nice for me because about ten years ago I was at the gorge looking down and this time and I was looking up at it.” Because the water was too low, the students could not use the real raft boats, but instead used kayaks. There were a few times where everyone got stuck and had to get out and push there boats because the water was so low. Along the ride, there was a spot where everyone could get out. When they got there at this point, there was a little nook where a pool of water had collected. This nook was about seven feet deep and people could take turns jumping in. Norman Lee was one of the people to jump in. Even though the weather was not the greatest, everyone seemed to have a good time. “The whole trip went really well and everyone got along well” says -continued page two-

Guys Can Wear Pink Too! Rough Waters... The Reigning Pink Strikes Back for a Worthy Cause By: Christina M. Ghaly-Wilson Contributing writer Though Cam’ron and hip-hop may have ushered in the pink age in 2001, allowing men to retain their masculinity while sporting pink; the phase didn’t gain much popularity until 2005 and today in 2007 it seems to be quickly dying. I’m here to resuscitate that fad, breathe new life into it. Guys, it’s not just OK to don that pink polo but you should, in fact wear it with pride. If you’re wondering why I’m suggesting that pink should make a comeback, it’s not just because I think pink is a palett-pleasing color but because it’s the official color of breast cancer awareness, the color of October. Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States and according to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is expected to strike 178,480 American women this year. Of those, nearly 25 percent – a staggering 40,460 cases – are expected to result in death. Though these figures are still higher than they ought to be, they’re significantly lower than they were years ago. In 1950 a women’s chance of survival was only 80 percent

but today a woman’s chance of survival is up to 98 percent – assuming early detection. Early detection is dependent on yearly mammograms and physician’s visits which start with a campaign to educate women about the disease and make them aware of the services available. Organizations like Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the American Cancer Society raise millions of dollars each year to promote awareness and provide services to the underprivileged public. You can make a difference by participating in any of the regular scheduled walks. Visit makingstrides. acsevents.org to sign up for a local race or simply promote awareness by wearing pink. Even if you’re wary of wearing pink 365 days of the year, stand tall (or shot) in your pink getup if even only for one month. If you’re still not sure you can hack that, how about jazzing up your car or your jacket with the breast cancer ribbon? Early detection counts and you can help spread the word.

A Feeling Called Love

Love, a word, four simple letters of the English alphabet but meant to express the most complicated emotion known to man. Love, it says it all but doesn’t even scratch the surface. What is it? Is it a feeling or emotion felt for someone to the extent that you would do anything for them? Or is it simply a choice made day in and day out, to put the object of your love first? Is it both? It seems to truly love you have to give all of yourself. Your worries, secrets, fears, weaknesses, strengths, every part of you must be exposedyou must be vulnerable. Only then it seems can you know true love. For if someone can see and know everything about you, negative, positive, and still love you without judgment or explanation-that is love. Or should I say the beginning of love. True love is also based on a strong foundation-Christ and his Word. The strongest love with out Christ, in time will fade, become boring, dull and become empty. Only love with a foundation in the Word will stand… In addition to all this there is, however small, that one question. The question that anyone who’s been hurt knows…”what if”? What if I give my love, my heart, my life, my all, and it’s not good enough or I give it and someone else comes along with something that seems better and she’s gone? It’s happened before…why not again? Is it even worth it? The pain? The suffering and agony? All the sleepless nights…is love really worth it?

Editorial Board

MATHEW KRATTS, Editor in Chief TIFFANY COLLINSWORTH, Sports Editor/Assistant Editor JESSICA MILES, Assistant Editor BEN BOLDING, Chief Photographer MARY G. MERRITT, Advisor


Kristi French, Staff Writer Kathleen Sperduti, Fulton Correspondent Lye Nelson, Contributing Writer Matthew Kelley, Movie Reviewer Ryan Wart, Staff Critic Carl Phillips, Staff Artist

The Cayuga Collegian is published on announced publication dates during regular semesters at Cayuga Community College, 197 Franklin Street, Auburn, NY 13021. Our phone number is 315-255-1743. The Cayuga Collegian is funded by CCC’s Faculty-Student Association through student activity fees. Opinions expressed in columns, news stories, features, interviews or letters to the editor are not necessarily those of the college administration, faculty, staff or students at CCC. The Cayuga Collegian is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press.


-contined from front pageDonovan “Everyone seemed in high spirits even though we all had to bear the cold day. The only thing that would have made the trip better would if it wasn’t so cold and the water had been higher, we went a little late in the season.” Lee is not sure if he will do this trip again. “We might do it again next year. It helps students bond together. It gives

them something to look back on and remember when they went rafting” says Lee. If the trip was offered again Kait Donovan would do it all over again. “I would definitely do it again” says Donovan, “I would recommend other students to do it as well. I think everyone should have this experience or something like it at least once in their life time.”

SPARTAN SPORTS Visit Fulton’s Academic Support Center By: Katie Sperduti, Collegian Fulton Correspondent

Soccer Team Forced to Give Up Wins By: Tiffany Collinsworth, Collegian Sports Editor Cayuga Community College’s Men’s Soccer Team was forced to forfeit their first five games of the season, despite winning the first four. The team was disqualified due to a misinterpretation of the eligibility rules in regard to on of their players. The player is Matt Gillis. C a y u g a ’s athletic director Pete Liddell says, “I take responsibility for it, it’s just an error on my part.” Gillis was recorded on the books as a first year student. According to college rules and regulations, being a first year student allows him eligibility, however, Gillis was technically starting his second year as a transfer student; making him ineligible. Coach Liddell was saddened that he did not catch the mistake before the season began and the boy’s soccer team was forced to give up the early wins they worked so hard for. It is lucky however, that the mistake was found early enough. If the team kept playing

with a player who was ineligible, they would have been forced to give up every single game. That would have been a lot more difficult. Now, the boys will have to work extra hard to make up the points lost to try and make regional play. The team was given two options. One was to finish out their regular season playing without the help of Matt or to become a club team. Becoming a club team would allow Gillis eligibility and he would be able to continue playing. Liddell wanted the final decision to be completely up to the guys. They decided to finish regular season, so what of Gillis? Matt made it very clear he wanted to stick with the team regardless of playing time. He is now acting along side the coaching staff as an assistant. He pitches in on tasks such as team books, practices, and study hall--anything to keep him connected to the team. “He’s got a great attitude about it,” says Liddell. Since the bomb was laid on the team, they have played in three games. Each were hard fought battles which unfortunately ended in loss. Still optimistic, the men are holding their heads high in hopes of pulling out a few more wins.


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A tradition at CCC for more than 50 years!


To join, email: collegian@cayuga-cc.edu

Picture this situation: You’re a couple weeks into school and so far, you’ve been able to handle the workload then suddenly... your teachers start piling on the work and you feel overwhelmed. Students always need help in many areas of the school. English, Math, Science, and every other subject the Fulton Campus offers. ASC also known as the Academic Support Center is made specifically for these types of problems. Located directly in the library, the ASC in Fulton provides one and one tutoring and assistance with specialists in both Math and English but provide student tutors in almost every subject. The benefits to being located in the library are that it is more visible to the students which provides easier access. Those reading on a subject or trying to figure out a math problem can just walk a few feet for help, unlike Auburn where the ASC is located in a completely different section. The only drawback of the location could be the lack of quiet space, because students are working on computers in the library. This semester alone, there are about 20-25 tutors ready to help the students.

Fulton campus. The lounge is still in the experimental stage, but it has many

features to offer. She explains that students can come to the lounge, write on a laptop provided by her and get guidance from her as they write their paper. Yaw says her goal, as a specialist is to provide help in all aspects of the writing process whether it be brainstorming or writing an introduction or conclusion. The goal of the ASC is to assist students in their studies and classes, not just by tutoring the subject matter but by also teaching better study habits. The goal is also to provide support to the students to help them reach their full potential. Yaw and Coordinator of Tutorial services, Andrea Baird, both agree that working with the ASC can significantly reduce the chance of failing or dropping out of school. When students feel the stress coming on from all that work being thrown at you, have no fear, the ASC is here to assist you in getting that work done, English Specialist Sarah Yaw and Coordinator of Tutorial Services understand the material Andrea Baird of CCC’s Fulton Academic Support Center and relieve you of your Sarah Yaw, the learning specialist for academic stress. At the Fulton campus English also works in the writers lounge; the Academic Support Center is just a a feature that is only available on the stroll away from excellence.

A History of Central New York... Auburn Schine Theater

The Schine Theater in the 1940’s.

• The Auburn Schine Theater has a proud role in the history of America’s golden age of movie exhibition. • The theater was built in 1938 as part of the Schine Theater Chain, the largest independent circuit in the country at the time. • 15th September 1938 1:00 PM Grand Opening Following “Pageant of Progress” parade • First film: “Four’s A Crowd” Errol Flynn & Olivia DeHavilland • 1965 Schine Brothers sold the Auburn Theater. • Panther Theaters, and later Galaxy Theaters operated the movie house. • 13th April 1978 Theater closed as a movie house. • Last film shown was “Madam Kitty” (Rated X) • 19th December 1980 Opened as “Charlie’s” Night club (Charlie Chaplin theme) Live bands on stage • In 1986 “Who’s On First” video store opens in lobby of theater. Auditorium is sealed off and abandoned. During this time the roof leaks and eventually caves in. Busts, Clock and various lighting fixtures are removed and presumably sold. • Cayuga County Arts Council is awarded $88,000 grant from state Environmental Bond Act, for purchase and stabilization of the theater. • Auburn Schine Theater is listed as an American Treasure by Hillary Rodham Clinton’s Save America’s Treasures project. • 2004 $250,000 HUD Special Projects Grant - Secured by US Senators Hillary Clinton and Charles Schumer. • The Schine’s Theater in downtown Auburn will be restored to a multifunctional civic auditorium. This historic John Eberson Theater will be restored to its original Art Deco design while the facility will be rehabilitated for performance and visual arts uses.


Kelley’s Korner BOOK REVIEW: Timequake



by Matthew R. Kelley, Collegian Movie Reviewer I’ve seen 592 movies since September 12th, 2002. I’m not sure what exactly possessed me to start keeping track. I guess I realized that I had the habit of watching a lot of movies, and I was curious as to just what that amount might be. The number is useless, as are the titles written next to the numbers on the list. I don’t find myself flipping through the pages, trying to dredge up particular memories that the movies may relay. And I don’t believe that the fact that I’ve had the patience to sit through so many motion pictures gives me the right to call myself a “Reviewer” or a “Critic”. You might as well slap the label of “Charlatan” or “Hack” when you describe such dubious professions. I’m a man with an opinion, no better and no worse than anyone else’s. The fact that there are people out there who get paid simply to express their opinions is an utter joke. Are their opinions somehow more sophisticated than yours? Their “intimate” knowledge of the field gives them some sort of credibility that your Grandmother lacks? Do they believe Strawberry jam is truly greater than the legendary Grape jelly? You hear the quotes amongst your friends all the time – “I heard it was great” or “I heard it sucked”. From who did you hear these great pearls of wisdom? And why should we believe them? I believe, and I could be wrong, that reviewers and critics alike are simply failed artists in the field in which they speak of. And I don’t mean failed in the sense that they never could make it in a commercial market, in this consumer driven


atmosphere of today. If you judge art in that manner, well then I have no pity for your soul. I mean that they could no longer see the real reason for art in the first place – it is something you are meant to enjoy while in the act of doing. The results are always inconsequential. Vonnegut draws your attention to this in Timequake, pointing out that Van Gogh only sold two paintings in his lifetime but that he knew, truly knew within himself, that he was doing great work and got pleasure out of it, the “I created that?” moment of wonder. “I didn’t need a timequake to teach me being alive was a crock. I already knew that from my childhood and crucifixes and history books.” Even though this novel was written by Kurt Vonnegut, and told from a first person perspective, the quote is by Kilgore Trout. If you are at all familiar with the work of the late Mr. Vonnegut’s, you know that this character exists throughout his career, a Sci-Fi writer that has the habit of throwing away his short stories right after he writes them. It is an alterego of sorts, and Vonnegut admits as much, but it doesn’t seem to falter the story at all when he describes a meeting with Kilgore at a writer’s retreat called Xanadu. I discovered Timequake around a year ago. It was published in 1997. It was the CCC library that I first saw the book, I was there working on a manuscript of my own. At the time, I had only experienced SlaughterhouseFive by Vonnegut, a mandatory read for some English Lit class. I thought the concept of the novel sounded interesting. The universe gets bored

with itself, contracts, and decides to start expanding again. We are all warped back ten years into our past, repeating the same mistakes, hollow successes, hopes, experiences that we had the first go-round. It is a re-run in every sense of the word - there is no free will. We are the watchers of our own lives. For whatever reason, I didn’t read it at the time. For whatever reason, I’m back at school, and decided that now was the time to read it. The experience was worth the wait. The book travels in every direction, it isn’t a simple fiction tale of the Timequake, the book includes random observations and tales from Vonnegut’s own life. Or so we’re led to believe. The truth is blended fantastically with fiction, and almost makes you wonder if he did experience some sort of Timequake, or that maybe Kilgore Trout isn’t all that imaginary either. And truly – life as a re-run? How novel an idea! You can see the parallels drawn to the Idiot Box that all but runs our nation and stifles all creative forces within it’s youth. When the re-run ends, and free will resumes, everyone falls down. Why? Because they have been on automatic pilot for so long, they have forgotten how to behave, how to think for themselves. I can’t promise that you’ll like the book, if you decide to give it a try. And even if I could make that promise, I probably wouldn’t. I can only share my discovery, my frame of reference, and let you go from there. Let free will take over. If such a novel idea truly exists?

on Music Wart

with Mat Kratts

What’s Happening! Monday, September 24th (Auburn) Wednesday, September 26th (Fulton) Living with Mental Illness A display of artwork and discussion with artist Susan Weinreich

Student Lounge, 10 am – 1 pm

Tuesday, September 25th Recycle Percussion (Auburn) Performers will create

music from an assortment of power tools, scuba tanks, barrels, step ladders and even the kitchen sink, a must see event.


Jann Wenner’s Lonely Hearts, or, Open Mind, Open Pants By: Ryan Wart, Collegian Music Reviewer When our beloved Collegian decided to give me a weekly music column, my first reaction was to smile. Then my reaction was to cry. Then it was to eliminate household odors (why, I haven’t figured out yet.) Regardless, this will be my little slice of the Cayuga Community College world, all under the tidy format of music journalism. That said, if you’re going to be so foolish to expect reviews of Kayne West’s’ latest offering or some exegesis on the merits of whoever’s fooling you on American Idol this week (talent will not always out), please proceed, just like a good lemming, to the latest issue of Rolling Stone. Now dear reader, you may not believe this, but there exists a

veritable pant load of good music out there, a great deal of which was popular without having to call a toll free number to verify said popularity (can you imagine the youth of 1968 calling the offices of Apple Ltd. In London because the Beatles wanted you to vote on which tracks made it onto the White Album?) The whole reason I’m writing this column (as opposed to doing something I’d get paid for) is for the be all and end off reason of any healthy, neurotic rock critic: to make you like what I like, or at least make you aware that it exists. Alternatives, my towheaded grandchildren, alternatives!! So… who do you wanna see picked apart, praised around the crest of the sun, or ground into the fertile

earth? Most any musician will do, thought if they’ve been around long enough to grace the t shirts in you parents old yearbook pictures, you’re definitely on the right interstate. Suggestions will be skeptically pored over at ryan_wart@yahoo.com Boy howdy!!! (Not the) Johnny Depp






Auburn Movieplex Grant Avenue Plaza, Route 5 Auburn, NY 13021

(315) 255-4635

Schedule through Thursday September 27, 2007 MATINEES: Saturday, Sunday, and Wednesday Rated Matinees Mr. Bean’s Holiday G 1:20 3:20 Resident Evil: Extinction R 1:00 3:10 No Reservation PG The Bourne Ultimatum PG-13 1:15 3:30 Becoming Jane PG 1:00 3:30 The Simpson’s Movie PG-13 1:10 3:30 Balls of Fury PG-13 1:15 3:15 Superbad R 1:00 3:20 HP Order of the Phoenix PG-13 1:00 3:30 Sydney White PG-13 1:10 3:30 Hairspray PG 1:00 3:20

Evenings 6:45 8:50 7:00 9:10 9:10 6:45 9:05 6:40 9:00 6:45 9:05 7:00 9:05 6:45 9:05 6:40 6:45 9:05 6:45 9:10

Length 1H 27MN 1H 45MN 1H 44MN 2H 15MN 1H 53MN 1H 27MN 1H 30MN 1H 53MN 2H 18MN 2H 02MN 1H 52MN

Superbad will be shown on the NEW Sony Flat Screen. So grab some popcorn and soda from the concession stand and enjoy a great movie tonight.


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