Vocation Office E-Newsletter August 2021

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laudare, benedicere, praedicare TO PRAISE, TO BLESS, TO PREACH

August 2021

A U G U S T 2021 Bl. Jane of Aza was the mother of Saint Dominic famous for her dream before his birth.

St. Hyacinth of Poland was known as the "Apostle of the North" in bringing the Gospel to many Slavic countries.

Bl. Mannes de Guzman was the brother of St. Dominic who followed him into the Order of Preachers.

St. Rose of Lima was born in 1586 and was known for her penances and friendship with another Peruvian Saint, Martin de Porres.

1 / EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 2 / Blessed Jane of Aza, Mother of Saint Dominic 3/ 4 / St. John Vianney 5 / Dedication of St. Mary Major 6 / Transfiguration of the Lord 7 / St. Sixtus II and companions; St. Cajetan 8 / NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, Feast of Saint Dominic 9 / St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

10 / St. Lawrence 11 /St. Clare of Assisi 12 / St.Jane Frances de Chantal 13 / St. Maximilian Kolbe 14 / St. Matthias, Apostle 15 / ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY 16 / St. Stephen of Hungary 17 / St. Hyacinth of Poland 18 / Bl. Mannes, brother of St. Dominic 19 /St. John Eudes; St. Bernard Tolomei 20 / St. Bernard 21 / Pope St. Piux X 22 / TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 23 / St. Rose of Lima 24 / St. Bartholomew 25 / St. Louis of France 26 / St. Joseph Calasanz 27 / St. Monica 28 / St. Augustine of Hippo 29 / TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 30 / 31 /

Celebrations from the Dominican calendar appear in italics.

The Four Pillars of

Dominican Life Prayer


Light Church


of the

A Reflection on Saint Dominic


BY A DOMINICAN SISTER OF ST. CECILIA very evening, for centuries, Dominicans have followed Compline (Night Prayer) with the singing of the Salve Regina and a hymn to Our

Holy Father, Saint Dominic, known as the O Lumen. The hymn is comprised of various titles attributed to our founder and father in faith, opening with "Light of the Church" (O Lumen Ecclesiae). This idea of being a "Light" to the Church calls to mind two particular images with this opening title: first, we recall the dream that Blessed Jane of Aza had during her pregnancy with her son, St. Dominic. She dreamed that she would give birth to a dog that would run through the whole world with a torch in his mouth setting it ablaze. It was understood from the beginning that this dream represented the mission of her son who would light the fire of the Love of Christ in the hearts of the faithful through his life and legacyas indeed he has and still does today!

As Dominicans, we continue to carry the torch of the fire of God's Love in preaching the joy of the Gospel, the light of faith, and the freedom of truth that illumines our path to intimacy with the Lord. While the forum for preaching the Gospel has taken on various forms throughout the centuries, the inherent mission to first be set aflame and then to extend this light to others is a call for every Christian by our baptismal graces- as Christ Himself emboldens us: "You are the light of the World... let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:14 & 16) The second image of light draws our minds to the silent, constant, and ever-vigilant sanctuary lamps that accompany the Presence of the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. St. Dominic was indeed a sanctuary light in his time to announce the Presence of the Lord. Faithful and constant his life, words, and actions, called from the depths of his being: "He is here," he reminds us, "Emmanuel... God is with us." As daughters of Saint Dominic, as daughters of the Church, may we ever proclaim the Presence of God-here and nowthrough our fidelity to the Church, through faithfulness to our vows, through the living of our charism, through our very being.

As baptized Christians, we are called to be "salt and light" to the world. While our world recovers from the dark days of isolation, uncertainty, and loss during the pandemic, we are invited anew to witness to the Light that comes from following Christ who is the Light. He is the "light that shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it." Pope Francis reminds us that while indeed we have received light we must not keep it for ourselves, but let it shine for all to see. In a Lenten reflection last March, Pope Francis tells us: "it is not enough to receive light, one must become light. Each one of us is called to receive the divine light in order to manifest it with our whole life”. So let us all, like Dominic, through Christ, radiate the love which has so generously been "poured into our hearts" so that we may let the "little light" in our hearts grow into a heart set afire with Love Himself to set the world ablaze. Saint Dominic, Light of the Church, pray for us.

O Sacred Banquet in which Christ is received "At the Table with Dominic" is the selected theme for this year's 800th Jubilee for the Anniversary of the heavenly birth date of Saint Dominic by Master of the Order, Gerard Timoner, O.P. This theme was inspired by the above image of the "Mascarella table" painted shortly after Dominic's canonization in July of 1234. In this Jubilee year, we are invited once again to the table with Our Holy Father Saint Dominic- here and now- to be renewed by his example of rooting his life and sharing his legacy as nourishment not only for ourselves but upon all

those who call upon his patronage. In his steady gaze, we are compelled to find our very identity, our solace, our mission at the Banquet in which Our Savior becomes our Food so that-as St. Augustine eloquently exhorts us- we can "believe what we see, see what you believe and become what you are: the Body of Christ." As we all return to the Eucharistic Table, we give thanks to God for His

...and the pledge of future Glory is given us. faithfulness- He truly is "Emmanuel"- Godwith-us. Through the Blessed Sacrament, He is our "Food for the journey" so that we might ever praise, bless, and preach Him who has given Himself totally for those who follow Him. At the Table we are called, we are fed, and we are sent to become this bread- broken and blessed, shared and restored- to all those we meet in order that we ourselves might bring Communion to others-through our words and actions that proclaim this Love to

the world. Let us renew our devotion and attention at Mass-grateful to be in person before His Sacred Presence and rejoice in this magnificent love which has so loved man. We look to Saint Dominic, who invites us as a true son of Christ, to be alteri Christi, another Christ. We, with the whole church cry aloud "Amen! Yes! I believe this is the Body and Blood of Christ, Yes I see Him who has loved me unreservedly, Yes I too will be Christ to others."

Our Lady Queen of Preachers WASHINGTON,DC

"What a gift this summer has been! Saint Dominic always spoke to God or of God, and these weeks of summer study allow us to imitate him in this in a new way. To take courses taught by the Friars and engage in deep study and faith-filled conversations with my sisters, all while living our common life of prayer, has been a real joy and privilege praise God!"

4th of July

at the motherhouse

TOP / "Enjoying the view"sisters sit back and enjoy the annual Novitiate versus Professed Volleyball game LEFT / The sisters raise the flag and pray for our country RIGHT / Basketball tournament competitors BOTTOM / The band leads some patriotic songs


Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia Nashville, Tennessee


at the Motherhouse for single, Catholic women ages 17-30

Jesu Caritas Retreat

February 25-27, 2022

Come & See Retreat

October 1-3, 2021

Vocation Retreats

November 4-7, 2021 January 6-9, 2022 March 10-13, 2022

For More Information Sister Mara Grace, O.P. | 615.256.0147 | vocation@op-tn.org | 801 Dominican Drive nashvilledominican.org | facebook.com/dominicansistersofsaintcecilia

Go out to all the world, and preach the Gospel to all creation.

-Mark 16:15


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