2 minute read
The MSBA Continues to Adapt for You
So much has happened since the last issue of our Bar Journal. That issue focused primarily on our efforts to fight for the entire legal profession here in Maryland. From the solo practitioner to the largest firms based here who would be at a competitive disadvantage if the legislation seeking to tax legal services had passed. We heard from attorneys all across the state powering our efforts or simply expressing gratitude after we had won. We at MSBA appreciate the national recognition bestowed upon us by ASAE. Only 60 associations were chosen for awards in an industry of over 10K professional associations. Being recognized for doing what we’ve always done is great.
We then found ourselves confronted with a set of circumstances never experienced in our 124 years serving as the home of the legal profession. By now, we all understand the magnitude of COVID-19’s impact on our society, our world. Our members, firms, and the MSBA itself, have not been immune from its effects. We marshalled our resources and have already provided 23K+ hours of complimentary online learning to our members when they needed it most. We are continuing to provide free access to CLE for the rest of 2020. Beyond the dozens of webinars, providing complimentary access to our CLE catalog, ensuring rapid dissemination of key information via our dedicated COVID web page, and our efforts working with the federal and state judiciary, the governor's office, and our federal delegation of US Senators and Representatives, we continue to innovate.
We are focusing on development of an all-digital learning library with over 200 content elements which will serve as practical resources for all segments of the profession. In fact, we are rethinking our approach to content overall and will be sharing more of that in the weeks and months to come.
We’ve hosted numerous coffee talks, virtual networking and other online forums. We continue to adapt to the times and continue to focus on the value we provide. MSBA dues remain lower than 48 other state Bars even as we deliver more content and value than most. To remain relevant and continue serving this profession, like you, we must adapt. I hope you’ve noticed our efforts to date and I’m looking forward to what we have in store.
Thanks to the many firms who’ve pledged that 100% of their attorneys will be members. Thanks to the thousands who have already renewed. As I write this, over 90% of members have already renewed in the first 10 weeks of our renewal campaign – faster than at any time in my three years serving as your Executive Director. We will continue to adapt because we must. To serve you. It’s a privilege.
Victor L. Velazquez, Executive Director