3 minute read
By Kerri Smith
A year ago, I boasted that the Young Lawyers Section provides opportunities for young lawyers to develop into leaders who do great things in the MSBA, in the profession, and in our community. This year was no different as I had the privilege to work with an outstanding and dedicated group of young lawyers who accomplished some amazing things. I hope they are as proud of their accomplishments as I am!
A few of the highlights include:
• On August 31, 2022, the Membership Committee kicked off the year by welcoming back nearly 150 members at a networking event in Baltimore City along with colleagues from the Alliance of Black Women Attorneys of Maryland, the Asian Pacific American Bar Association, the Bar Association of Baltimore City Young Lawyers’ Division, the Maryland Hispanic Bar Association, and our sponsor Minnesota Lawyers Mutual Insurance Company.
• On September 28, 2022, the Education Committee hosted Tips for Young Lawyers, and offered meaningful advice to young lawyers about the “dos” and “don’ts” of practice.
• On October 15, 2022, the Family Friendly Committee hosted a day of Fall Fun at Sharp’s at Waterford Farm including pumpkins, hayrides, animals and autumn treats for the whole family.
• On November 10, 2022, the Open Meetings Committee presented the YLS Fall Open Meeting, a panel discussion entitled How Women & Minorities Navigate the Legal Profession. The panel included Judge Lisa Hall-Johnson, Judge Ana Hernandez, Tara Barnes, Esq., and Daniella Prieshoff, Esq. and they offered an informative and honest discussion on topics such as deciding when it is opportune to make a lateral career move, advice on what steps to take to advance your career, and how to manage challenges in obtaining new opportunities.
• On November 16, 2022, the YLS Summit was held during Legal Excellence Week. The evening of programming included a fireside chat with the Honorable Angela M. Eaves of the (now) Supreme Court of Maryland where we heard about her fascinating path to the bench. The programming continued with an interactive discussion with Dr. Aneil Mishra on “Intentional Leadership.” There were also receptions that offered plenty of opportunities for networking for young lawyers in attendance.
• On December 14, 2022, the Technology Committee presented a program entitled Social Media as Evidence – A Practical Application, which was an opportunity to learn how to preserve, collect, discover, and authenticate social media as evidence.
• On February 4, 2023, the Public Service Committee organized the Section’s annual participation in the Polar Bear Plunge benefiting Maryland Special Olympics at Sandy Point State Park.
• On March 22, 2023, the Diversity and Inclusion Committee invited members to a program entitled, Dialogue Over Debate: Building Community Through Difficult Conversations. This facilitated dialogue included strategies for engaging in difficult conversations that lawyers can apply in and outside of practice to develop genuine and mutual understanding and respect.
• On Friday, April 21, 2023, the Activities Committee hosted the annual Charity Event benefiting Athletes Serving Athletes at Gertrude’s at the Baltimore Museum of Art. Athletes Serving Athletes (ASA) is committed to elevating the quality of life for individuals with limited mobility by empowering them to train for and participate in mainstream running events. ASA is a champion of inclusion and works to break down barriers or inaccessibility in our communities.
• On May 8, 2023, the Pro Bono Committee partnered with the Maryland Pro Bono Resource Center to sponsor an EstatePlanning Clinic. This free clinic helped community members age in place, preserve intergenerational wealth, provide security for families, and protect the rights of homeowners. Volunteer attorneys helped prepare wills, advance medical directives, and financial powers of attorney for community members at Bon Secours Community Resource Center.
Organizing, advertising, and keeping track of the logistics for these many events is no small task, and I extend my most sincere thanks to Angela Munro for her guidance and hard work this year. We truly wouldn’t be able to do all that we do without you.
I am so grateful to Heather Krick, and the members of the Publications Committee, for their hard work this year in preparing and editing issues of The Advocate.
It’s been my honor to serve as YLS Chair this year, and I’m excited to pass the gavel to my friend, Lauren Lake. I have no doubts about Lauren’s ability to lead the YLS and ensure it continues to serve the profession and the community. Good luck, Lauren!