1 minute read
The Young Lawyers Section Membership Committee has had a busy end to the 2022-23 Bar Year. On April 26, 2023, the YLS co-sponsored a joint bar association happy hour in Columbia, Bringing the Bars Together. It was an incredibly diverse and well attended event held at a unique venue, The 3rd – a space built by and for Women of Color to network, collaborate, and thrive. The other co-sponsoring bar associations were Maryland Association for Justice, Asian Pacific American Bar Association, Hispanic Bar Association, Alliance of Black Women Attorneys, J. Franklyn Bourne Bar Association, and the Haitian American Lawyers Association.
The Membership Committee concluded the Bar Year with a rooftop networking happy hour on May 11, 2023 cosponsored with the Bar Association of Baltimore City Young Lawyers’ Division. The attendees enjoyed a sunny spring evening at the SkyBar, on top of the Lord Baltimore Hotel, in downtown Baltimore. This day marked the official end of the federal COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Declaration. Drinks were flowing and scrumptious appetizers were appreciated by all those in attendance.

If you have any questions about your YLS Membership, feel free to contact Divya Potdar, at dpotdar@divalaw.net.