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White Paper Contents Surveys completed by the correct respondents and the correct sample size are still one of the most valuable tools in collecting information and feedback about your products, services and your market.
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Market Directions Boston
MARKET DIRECTIONS SURVEY PROCESS DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONNAIRE DEVELOPMENT Research is motivated by a problem or an opportunity for an organization. To begin the questionnaire development, we will first consult with the Connector to make certain that the real issues will be addressed as a result of the questions developed for the research instrument. ISSUES AND TOPICS COVERED In developing questions for the research project we assure the questionnaire will consider: • • • • •
Attitudes – knowledge, feelings and expectations regarding need. Images – the mental picture developed by respondent of “subject” Decisions – the perceived benefits vs. burdens endured Behavior – how does the “subject” influence? Demographics – indicating the make-up, who, what, where, etc.
TYPES OF QUESTIONS AND SCALES Open ended--- Multiple Choice, Demographics etc., what types of questions are appropriate for our audience will be determined once we meet with Connector staff.
SCALES The most common scales used to marketing surveys are classical “Likert” scales. These scales have five values that describe the range of possible attitudes about something --- from “very dissatisfied” to “very satisfied”--or very likely to unlikely in order to determine if the respondent will take action. Since these scales are what the respondents expect we would recommend their use in this survey. SURVEY LENGTH With the ease of on-line surveying many surveys today are too long and, ask too much information. Therefore, abandonment by the respondent is a result. Our experience helps you set concise objectives by asking only those questions that are related to the objective. We keep you from asking "nice to know" questions in hopes that someday you will use this additional information. The shorter the survey, the better the response rate, as the graph demonstrates.
ADMINISTRATION Our administration of your survey project consists of quality control throughout the process; we will communicate with the MOO throughout on progress and interim results. We will also make available a website address where you can view on-line results as they are happening.
EXPERIENCE AND ENGAGEMENT OF THE RESPONDENT Our process ensures that research participants – and the data they provide – are treated with care and respect. We can personalize the survey experience for respondents through the use of existing profile information or responses to questions answered earlier in the survey. During the development process we work to identify issues with language, culture, logic, and length. Our survey process meets the needs of people completing surveys, regardless of their technical skill level. Our surveys are attractive, efficient, and easy to use. Some highlights of the respondent experience include: • • • • •
Universal Access - Our respondent interface works with all common web browsers. Stop/Continue Later - While completing a survey, a respondent can stop at any point and receive an access code that allows him or her to continue the survey later. Change Answers - If a respondent wants to go back to review or change a response, this can be done at any time while he or she is completing the survey. Progress Monitor - Respondents can see what percentage of the survey they have completed at any point. Response Summary - After completing the survey, respondents can download a summary of their responses.
IMPLEMENTATION Once the questionnaire design is finalized, the database is formatted and timeline determined, we begin the survey implementation process with a Survey Invitation. The email invitation consists of information about the “who, why and how “of the survey. It is concise but gives respondents enough information to make them want to fill out the survey including an estimated time for completion. The invitation also describes any benefits the respondent may receive for their participation. Additionally, depending on the amount of field time allotted for the survey, we send the appropriate number of follow-ups to those who did not fill out the survey after the first invitation was sent. We monitor the process daily to determine if we are achieving the response rates expected. If response rates are low, we then recommend tasks for increased responses. These tasks include: Increasing the respondent monetary incentive; implementing a call campaign to encourage participation or; get completed surveys over the phone.
ANALYSIS AND MEASUREMENT Gaining an accurate understanding of your survey results is the final step in the survey process (excluding any action taken based on those results). QUANTITATIVE DATA We start by looking at the numbers. Generating a report for all respondents and determining the following: • • •
Overall Average Scores Standard Deviations Frequency Distributions
REPORTING MEAN ANALYSIS — FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION The frequency distribution serves as a summary of all of the data. Standard deviations indicate the level of agreement amongst respondents. A low standard deviation means people generally had a higher level of agreement and higher standard deviations mean less agreement. One pattern in particular we look for is a bi-modal distribution where there are clusters of responses on both the high and low ends of the response spectrum. This report also provides of through summary of the weighted average of the respondents. DATA FORMATS We can deliver data in .xls, .csv or SPSS. formats, in case our clients with to use the data for their own analysis. OPEN ENDED TEXT REPORT Every research project typically involves verbatim responses. The open ended text report allows you to view the open ended responses. INDIVIDUAL RESPONSE VIEWER From any point in the process, individual surveys can be viewed. The data includes the IP Address, Date/Time, and the respondent’s answers. CROSS-TABULATION AND GROUPING REPORTS To better understand how two different survey items inter-relate, crosstabs are used a common requirement is to compare the results of the survey for different groups of survey respondents. For instance, how did males answer vs. females on a given question?
ABOUT MARKET DIRECTIONS Market Directions is a full-service market research and consulting firm that provides insight to establish strategic direction. With exploration, we’ll help you discover the make-up of your customers, market and competition to position you for the future. This insight helps you develop new products, improve customer retention and increase profit margins— establishing competitive advantage.