Jakub Orszulam LCVP Application

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GENERAL QUESTIONS: 1) What does AIESEC mean to you? What has changed in you since you joined AIESEC? AIESEC for me is place, organization for young people, who want do something in their life instead only study on university. This organization help young people to improve they skills, sometime show the way in life. AIESEC to each person is something different. AIESEC connecting people who want do something good for other people, for they city or country, even for world. Form me AIESEC is place when I can meet a lot of great people, talk with them and share experience. I can do a lot of great things from small to big, it’s doesn’t matter the size of this thing. For me matter is that I do something, this is important. Before I join AIESEC I was thinking that my life will be connected only with biotechnology, now after few months in this organization I realize that, my future can be totally different. I can’t believe how much I’ve changed since I join AIESEC. I defeat some of my fears like (lack self confidence, I became more responsible person) I still working on some things like public speaking, time management. And I will be working on this thing till I will win. I now there is more things to improve and I will do it in the future. Before I join AIESEC each failure I took to my heart, and I was depressed for few day, now I understand that each failure is as important as victory and I can learn from it. I still care about failure but less, now I analyze it for future to don’t do it again, and also to help other people to don’t do it. I can say more before I join AIESEC I was afraid to get out my comfort zone now I do it with pleasure, because I know this is good for me, and I feel better after I did. I say everywhere “step out your comfort zone, don’t think just close your eyes and, do it and you won’t regret it” In my case it work. I feel that AIESC change my life in 180˚, for better, and I’m very happy that was happened.

2) What attitudes should leader in AIESEC present ? What would be the characteristics of a perfect leader? Which of them do you posses, and on which you still have to work?

Attitudes Open minded

Should Listen his team






Stick to deadline







This is hard question very hard, I think the best leader is leader who can do everything with good team. The best leader should know his and his team week and strong sights, to use whole potential of his team. I think he can’t afraid to make risk decision. He must be good in giving good feedback, and delegate tasks. Also good leader give his team member free hand in some task. He trust his team members. He took all responsibilities for themselves after fail. He is a good friend for his team members. He should know who to talk to each member of his team. If we are talking about me I know how to delegate tasks, I’m also a good friend of each person I work with. But I steel need to work on feedback, time management, I think.

3) What is and what should be the role of EB? What will be Your role in LC life as a part of EB team? What is the role of EB? I can separate the role of EB into 2 lines: work and private. I will start from work line: At first EB is a main team who make a strategic choice for LC and provide then into life, they discussed about what action should be done, and what not, to develop our LC. They receive information about strategy, plans form MC and what should be done to develop LC/AIESEC Poland, and they are the first step in connection with MC. I think EB is a Team who know about each action/project in LC, they know main project so they can help each project to develop it if that help is necessary. They are the core of each LC and without them LC can’t exist. EB has a big knowledge about AIESEC and about project in LC, so they are treasure of knowledge and experience, and with this they always can help, and share they knowledge with other person if they want. EB also provide necessary trainings for newbies. Prepare session, simulations for rest of people, they role is to help develop people. Show people they potential and how they can use it in their AIESEC way. Second line is privet line: I mean here that EB is not only the most important team but mainly they are people like each of you, and they work hard to develop our LC . But also they are our friends they always help us if we need help in personal and business things. Just call one of them I they will talk with you. They show us how to party in AIESEC style, teach us AIESEC dance. They also provide us fun events like LCM, Wigilia, Andrzejki and a lot of other things. I wrote up what is a role of EB now I will write what should be EB. At firs EB should be as I wrote below?? And EB should work on develop LC. EB should help members develop them self providing training simulations, sessions, personal talk, I think idea of coach is very good. EB should tell people how important is to take part in LC life I mean here LCM and GA, not only life in their project. Because if we will be close only for our project, LC will die. EB should encourage people to left they comfort zone and by this make bigger they comfort zone. I need to effective work friendly atmosphere, for me this is important to create friendly atmosphere in our LC. What would my role in our EB? As you may know I’m very friendly, open, smile, helpful person. And this won’t change after I will be elected to EB. At first I will always try to create good atmosphere in EB and in LC, by talking with people, share my thoughts, my experience, my knowledge. I’m almost always smile and i think my smile help people in hard moments or when they are angry so my next mission is to by my smile help them. As I say I’m helpful person, if sb will need my help or I will see that someone need help I will always help them if I can but If I won’t know the answer for they question I find way to get know answer, and tell them. I’m also very creative person I have a lot of ideas sometime I have too much idea for one moment. During brain storm I will be very useful to find resolution for problem. I like work in team especially when we understand each other. In team like my oGCDP. We know we can count on each other, we build trust. In that kind of team I love work and our work is very efficiency. I will try to provide as my trainings as I can for our LC, and I will try to show members of our community how important is to take a part i LC life.








4) Imagine, that you can make three changes in our Local Committee Łódż, what would it be and why? Draw main strategies of introducing those changes. 1)I think the most important thing is to explain, show newbie and MM how important is participant is LCM and GA in our LC, because I saw that only few people participant in LC life. And participating in LC life is important, because if only small group of people will participant in other activities than their project I think our will have a big problem, like we will not have candidates to EB, or for LCP position. The most important thing is to have a lot of candidates for those positions. My Idea is to start from MM. Create more meetings with MM and tell them how important is to participant is all this actions, and what they can get from this meeting, like new ideas, fun, new friends. And then try to convince them to participant in LC life. The next step will be talk with MM about their OC, and their participant in community life. We will get through MM we will get to OC. Why because building awareness in team is better than try to do it directly from EB to OC, of course EB will show OC this is important but I think more important for OC will be words from their OCP. 2) Communication between Executive Board and Middle Management and of course OC. The flow of information nowadays is very important, without it all big organization won’t exist. My idea is to create LCVP responsible for communication in LC with small team of coordinators (2-3 persons). They job will be take care about communication between EB and MM and OC. This people will be responsible for flow of information in all LC. They will take information’s from EB and send it to MM and OC. Of course after divided it for 2 parts one for MM and second one for OC. This function I think will help us build future leaders of our organizations. The main strategy is: LCVP responsible for communication will be giving ale information’s from EB meeting to their coordinators. Coordinators will prepare this information for MM and OC and they will put it on our LC Google group. The will also have enough knowledge to answer for people questions about this plans. 3)I talk a lot about good contact with all university in Lodz. To be like a LC Poznań were they have a good contact with rector of the university. I heard that we had in the past some good contact with university but after some mistakes from our sight it’s finish. I think we should try to rebuild this contact. You ask me why? Because money, and other profits, like maybe new office, free accommodation for our interns or maybe something else. My idea is to create new LCVP position and name it LCVP expansion . This LCVP works in Ukraine very well. And we as LC have a problem with that because we want do something but we don’t have right person to do it. New LCVP will be this person. Why? Because he or she will focus only on contact with university. My plan is to create new LCVP with small team 3-4 people max, each person from team will be coordinator to contact only with one university. They will go for meetings with rector and dean, they will write papers to university. They will our contact with university. I think it can work and it will work. If we do it properly we can earn some money and safe some money, so our financial stabilization will grow.

5) What are your personal values (min.4) Give examples when you have behaved according to those values. The first one is honest: This is very important because without honest we will die in lie, and honest always help us in our life. When I wa very young when I did sth I was always lied to my parents to avoid punishment and they don’t trust me know, And they try to check me from time to time, and they are very shock that now I honest with them. I’m honest all time so I can’t give good example. The second one is my friends and family: Why because without friends I thing we will be nothing just empty bottle, friends fill us, help us, they just are and this is great. One example maybe not very happy but real, It was 3 years ago I was learning to exam during all week, and during Friday night at 3 or 4 am, ( I was sleeping) my best friend called to me, she was crying and she ask me can I came and take her home? I ask what happen? She told me that she with her boyfriend was on house party and he gets belched and hit her and then sad sth very bad and went home... So after I heard this I stop thinking, I just ask where are you, and she told me where is she, so I put my clothes on my took my car and went for her, I don’t care that I have an exam on Monday, I just came for her and took her








home, and stay few minutes until she come down. And I get sure that everything is ok right now. I back home. The third is determination: Why? When I start something I always finish it, no matter how hard it will be or how much time I must spend at this but I will finish it. Examples I start in this year second study cores, it was hard sometime, very hard to menage 2 faculty, AIESEC and home responsibilities. When was hard I was thinking for what I do it, but then I talk to myself, if I start it I will finish it no matter how hard it will be or how much time I will spend learning to exam session or how many nights I will be sleeping for 4h.I will do it. Now I have results after one semester. I almost pass all exams. And I will pass all future sessions. And I know after that I will be very happy. The fourth is never give up: When I do something or when I want do something and everything is against me I never give up I always looking for some solution and I always found it sooner or later but I do it. Last summer I want go with AIESEC for GCDP and my parents weren’t so happy of this idea, and when I told them I need 350 zł for access to date base of all practice they said no way. I was very sad but I didn’t gave up. I was looking for solution, and I found it after 2 weeks I found it I finally found person who were lend me some money and with my money I was able to pay for access. I was very happy this day I wrote to Karolian mail I have money.

6) Write at least 2 actions towards each ELD program that can be undertaken in LC Łódź to improve the quality of AIESEC experience. ELD Program

Firs Action

TMP Provide Coaching sessions TLP oGCDP oGIP iGCDP iGIP

Good introduction and promotion GC Increase promotion out of UE Provide more sessions about how to be a good buddy. Invite EP for trainings, simulations.

Second Action Provide more trainings for OC, from all areas Encourage MM to go for internship Encourage people to join to AIESEC after they come back Focus on targets groups Integrate EP’s to AIESEC activities

7) How do you as an AIESECer have an impact on the society? Give at least three examples of how you were an agent of positive changes. Since I join AIESEC I start talking about it to my friends, how cool is AIESEC what are we doing here, that we are sending people abroad, that people from different country came to Poland, we also help students by organizing such event as Career Day. I always say about parties, conferences, . That with AISECE you will had chance to participant in the best parties ever And I saw that some my friends are very interested about join AIESEC. I’m very happy because of that. Being an AIESECer obligatory for each person to explain what is AISECE to people if they ask. I always explain what is AIESEC but it’s hard as you may know there is no one AIESEC definition. I always say it in totally different way but people understand me and after small conversation they said AIESEC do good thing, they start changing they mind about AIESEC or they get know AIESEC. I hear a lot of time this in my dream, I want do it but it’s impossible, or they will not accept my, in past I didn’t think about it, but now I know that everything is possible and when I hear that sad staff I always say to these people stop talking, do it, go prepare yourself and do it, try to do it. Give how much you can to do this. If you will fail, you will never regret, you tried, you will know you did whatever you can to do it. But if you will be success, you will be very happy and you will realize how simple were it, today when I spoke with my roommate in Kiev, he is on camera operator faculty, when he heard I’m from Lodz. He told me his dreams are come to Lodz and start study in our city, but he said this is dream. So I said no you can do it just stop dreaming and start doing sth. with your life. At the end answer for this question I want write about something I didn’t realize how important it is but I always do it. I’m talking about encourage people, my friends to apply for GCDP or GIP. How I did it just simple talk about my GCDP and how it was fantastic and people ask more and more question and








I’m really happy I can answer or all they questions. And they start thinking about GCDP or GIP. I always said if you have more question just ask.

SPECIFIC QUESTIONS: OGX 1) Describe two crucial synergies that can work between OGX and other areas. I think the crucial synergies are between OGX and TM (TMP, TLP), OGX and Finance. At first OGX/TM, people before go for GCDP or GIP mostly don’t know what real AIESEC, they think this organization help young people go abroad, do something and see other country. A lot of people think that with AIESEC they can travel around the world. But sometime during they internship, they get know AIESEC, from the first hand. And they start enjoy it. Sometime like me they wrote to his/her buddy in origin country, that they want join AIESEC. Or just after they internship they receive mail with ask, „do you want join AIESEC”. Synergy between OGX/TM is like another recruitment process, thanks this synergy we have more people in our organization, and these people can tell their friends about AIESEC and message will go into world. And also these people usually are fascinated about AIESEC, and came to organizations with a lot of energy and new ideas. Another thing about synergy OGX and TM is to build exchange culture in LC. I thinking about encourage members to go for GCDP or GIP. They will better understand our product, and their AIESEC Experience will be more extensive. In future they will better promote OGX in future.

Second one in synergy between OGX/Finance. OGX is one of the most important projects in AIESEC and one of the most refundable projects. Connecting OGX with good promotion (synergy OGX/M) whole OGX and promotion targeted to special groups like (IT, Managers, Engineers and more) in case GIP, and promotion targeted to whole students for GCDP internship. If it will be done it properly, OGX will earn a lot of money for LC and it will help with financial stabilization for longer period of time. More money in budget is connected with better promotion, for OGX and local recruiting process. This is connected with higher number of application. But also synergy between OGX and Finance is very strong because it’s starts on the beginning of term when OCVP Finance working on plan for next year. This synergy is very good but it can only works when we connect it with good planning and cooperation between OGX and Finance.

2) Prepare SWOT analysis considering launch of a new OG GCDP product Global Citizen.







Project Directed at Specified Better Interface. Gropus.

More Money for LC.

New Platform. Consolidat ed Financial Model.

Seperate Wolontar y Program to 3 categorie s.


Facilitat ed Search.

Less Tools Used by LCVP and MC. Process Optimizatio n. 1 Month For Recrutation Process.

High Presure on Quality of Service. Strong Contact With EP.

2 Platorms instead One


New Product.

Dependency LC on the MC Activities in GC.

More Expensive for EP.






your Faster Metching Process.

comfort More EP Sended.

More EP After GC Will Apply for TMP or TLP.

Young People Want go Abroad. Young People are Opened for International Experiance.

More Possibility to Personal Grow for EP.

Students After Erasmus, want go another time abrod

Inceras AIESEC Experiance.

More money for LC


Can be Confused With GCDP on the Beginning.

OGX Team Can Have Problem With Implementation GC.

In Case Crossing Deadline for Response to EP, Another LC will take care EP.

Short Time to Response for Application .


Other Organization With Similar Program. This is New Product and it Could be Not Accepted on the Market.


New Product.









3) Our goal for Q3 in iGCDP is 40. How are you going to ensure fulfillment of this goal, describe at least 3 strategies I think we should work as we already work, because I saw increase iGCDP in LC Lodz in Q3 but to fulfillment goal 40 iGCDP we must work harder than last time. I know we have reception team and this works great but I think we should put there more people, and provide them good trainings. With good trainings they will be able to work better and better take care about our EP. I think we should divide this team for 2 sections one responsible for events, party and one responsible for reception. With less tasks people can focus more on their task and provide high quality services. Instead action only on local level why should also focus on international level. We will ask EP who were on GCDP in our LC to make some video about their internship here and make some notes to prepare blog with pictures from them. Then we will start promotion campaigns on social media like facebook or other. We will send this material to other LC to show it how cool is GCDP in LC Lodz. Also we will provide a lot of attraction for EP during their GCDP in LC Lodz, so after come back to home they will talk about how cool was on GCDP in Lodz and encourage people to come to us for another GCDP. Other thing is LC to LC partnership we will send them our TN-forms and they will promote it in their EP, encourage to come for GCDP to Poland. Of course EP from these LC will have easier matching process.

TM 4) How would you like to promote participation in National Conferences in LC Lodz? Please suggest three solutions.

Knowledge Fun


Conference Each of us is going for conference from different reason. I for example going for each 3 things I wrote above, but with advantage on one or 2 this point form 3. I have different aim for each conference, but still some aim are that same, like get know new people, spend great time, learn a lot of things, and depend on the period I have totally different aims instead these 3. I think the best way to promote national conference is to make movie form conference with some people spoken about conference, showing what are we doing there, how we spend our time. Show people what they lose, and what they can gain when they go for national conference. I think personal talking, EB with MM, and MM with OC is very good motivation for each of us, tell people why is so important to be on national conference. Tell them that LC will help with money, or also they can write request to Dean of their department. They will meet a lot of people from all country, and they gain new friends, share experience with them. And they can charge batteries to work on project.








Next idea is to talk with people who are going for conference from our LC. I think arrange some meeting on LCM or before some conference or on LCC will help us to convince people to go for conference. They will hear how cool are national conference, they will see pictures, and connecting with this we can prepare some sessions from conference, and this will show how much they can learn there.

Finance 5) Financial stability of our Committee is 5 months. Write three actions that you would undertake to change it into 12 months. At the beginning of term 2012 our LC had over than 50 thousand zł. Now we have over 30 thousand. So the aim for new LCVP Finance will be to increase financial stability from 5 months to 12 months. How could we do that? At first we should focus on OGX, this project was always the biggest cash machine for LC, so the main thing is to increase nr of EP going abroad, investing some money into promotion OGX, and we must get to as many students as we can, using People who were on GCDP or GIP, promotion, stands, class shouts, social media. So first action is increase profit from OGX, by giving more money for promotion and more resources. Second Thing is, to start cooperating with universities, and gains some profit from this cooperation’s like free accommodations for EP, some donations from universities to LC. To do this we need person who will contact with universities, here we can use LCVP Expansion as I said few pages ago. Or we can choose some person from MM or Leader Commission to do this, this will be separate project. We can offer promotions, trainings for students we can be a partners, English lessons for some free accommodations. Also instead of cooperation with university we can improve our new project host family, this project is good but we mast focus on promotion this project in whole Lodz, invite to this project students organizations, and normal students If we cut here costs iGCDP project will give us more money so we will some money or we don’t lost on these projects. Third thins I like to tell you is about AIESEC University, I know we don’t have it in Lodz but now is starting some new project name Train Your Language, This can be very profitable project, because mainly it’s focus on business company, schools, and students. If we prepare good promotion, and good logistic we can earn a lot of money on this project.

ER 6) Prepare SWOT of ER area based on last years' performance.








Strenght •Ambitiosu people whu want work •Experiance of EB and Coordinators •Good Business services. •Bundling sale

Weaknesses •Week theoretical and practical preparation •To few people in sales with bad profiles for sale •Don't use Alumni support •Not Enough sales simutaions •Tracks sales

Opportunities •Coaching •Trainings provide by Alumni, Company, EB Team, Partners •New company as our Partners •Create new portfolio

Threats •Competitive organizations •Few number of local businesses wanted to cooperate on partner level •Market Crisis •Dealy in Payment

7) What should be the focus of the ER area for the term 13/14 to ensure financial stability of the Local Committee?  

     

Main things we should focus on in synergy ER with OGX because this is our main project, who generate money. Next think we should defiantly focus on research in IT area in Lodz, because IT business is very big and good prospering in our region. We should do research, analyze this research and go with offer to all these firm, and try to sell them some of our product like iGIP, Ambassador program, Partner program, and Career days or Business Top Talents. We must create Business Portfolio because we don’t have it. We must make a lot of research in Lodz and our region. To create good products for our region. Our Region is different than others, for example Career days they almost don’t give us any good money. Next step will be focused on Career Days to analyze what we should do with this product, close it or rebrand it. Our region is growing very rapidly, we have a lot of opportunities to found new partners and sell one of our product. We also should focus on small local companies who can provide us their product for LCC, for promotion from our sight. Provide more sale trainings for our members, simulations, sessions, with EB, Alumni and Companies.

Communication 8) How would you improve cooperation with student organizations. Please point specific steps that have to be undertaken highlighting the sequence of the actions.








From my experience a lot of science circle doesn't know about AIESEC or they are don’t care about us. They just live their life. Or some scary us because they know and they afraid that we will still them they best members. New challenge for AIESEC Lodz is to come on the beginning to the biggest science circle and talk with them. On the beginning just talk with them about they plan for future about us plan, and us idea to connect our strength and do sth. together. My idea is :

• Meeting with students EB and talk why we want to cooperate with them, tell them more about AIESEC and about our activities. • Invitation SO for huge, big party to shoe whem how AIESEC play, with EP.

Create Trust and Relarioship

• Ask about what they need. • Prepare an offert and propose cooperation in some projects (juwenalia, Dni Kariery, Diversity), organazing some seminary, sesions, trainings . • Meeting with SO member during they meetings.

Breaking the Ice

• Ask SO to help in promotion OGX on univrsity departments. • Propose members of SO, internship with us. • Propose members of SO participation in such project like: buddy, host family, Lagnuage 4 language. • Continue cooperation in other projects. • Recruit members of SO to AIESEC. • Common initiatives.

Establish a broader and longterm cooperation. Legend: SO- students organization Right now I’m also a member of student organization, and I know we are open for all proposition of cooperation. I think this plan of cooperation will be good for most of students organizations.




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