30-30 Vs. 45-70 : Which is the Better Lever Action Rifle Cartridge?

If youareinterestedinaleveraction,youhavealotofchoicesforammoselection. But the 30-30 and the 45-70 govt are the two most popular roundsforleveraction rifles. Both are proven cartridges with over a century of use, and both can deliver theperformanceyouneedfromaleveractionrifle.
Now the question is 30-30 Vs.. 45-70; which is better? The choice will always depend on the individual's requirements. Still, you need to understand the differencesbetweenbothcaliberstochoosethebetterone.
Let's get started to know the difference between.30-30 vs 45-70.
30-30 Vs. 45-70: Specifications
30-30 Vs. 45-70: Overview And History
The 30-30 and 45-70 are both popular rifle cartridges that have unique features and advantages.
The 30-30 cartridge is known for its accuracy at moderate ranges and relatively light recoil, making it a popular choice for hunting medium-sized game such as deer. It has a maximumeffectiverangeofaround200yardsandisoftenusedinlever-actionrifles.
The 45-70 cartridge, on the other hand, is a more powerful cartridge that is designed for larger game such as bear and moose. It has a maximum effective range of around 400 yards and is often used in single-shot or lever-action rifles. It also has a heavier recoil comparedtothe30-30.
30-30 Ammo Overview & History:
The .30-30 Winchester cartridge, also known as the .30 Winchester Centerfire or .30WCF,wasintroducedbyWinchesterin1895foruseintheirlever-actionrifles.
The cartridge was originally designed for useinhuntingmedium-sizedgame,such as deer and black bear, at ranges up to 200 yards. It quickly became popular with hunters and sportsmen inNorthAmerica,andremainsapopularchoiceforhunting today.
The 30-30 cartridge is a centerfire cartridge with a bullet diameter of .308 inches, which is why it is sometimes referred to as the .30 Winchester Centerfire or .30 WCF. It has a typical bullet weight of 150-170 grains, and a muzzle velocity of around2,300-2,400feetpersecond.
Over the years, the 30-30 cartridge has undergone various modifications and improvements, including the addition of pointed bullets and the use of smokeless powder. It remains a popularcartridgeforhuntingandrecreationalshooting,andis commonly used in lever-action rifles such as the Winchester Model 94andMarlin Model336.
In addition to hunting, the 30-30 cartridge is also popular in cowboy action shooting competitions, where shooters use rifles and revolvers from thelate1800s to early 1900s. The 30-30 cartridge provides a good balance of power, accuracy, andrecoilforthistypeofshooting.
Overall, the 30-30 cartridge has a long and rich history, and remains a popular choiceforavarietyofshootingapplications.
45-70 Ammo Overview & History
The.45-70Governmentcartridge,alsoknownasthe.45-70Springfield,was developedbytheU.S.Armyin1873foruseintheirSpringfieldModel1873rifle. Itwasinitiallyintendedforusebycavalrytroopsandinfantrymen,aswellasfor useingarrisondutyandguardduty.
Thecartridgeusesa.45caliberbulletweighingbetween300and500grains, typicallypropelledatavelocityofaround1,300to1,400feetpersecond.The originalloadingusedablackpowderchargeof70grains,whichiswherethe cartridge'snamecomesfrom.
The.45-70cartridgequicklybecamepopularwithhuntersandsportsmeninthe late19thcentury,andwasusedtohuntlargegamesuchasbison,elk,andbear.It wasalsousedbyfrontiersmenandsettlersforprotectionagainstwildanimalsand NativeAmericanattacks.
Overtheyears,the.45-70cartridgehasbeenusedinavarietyofrifles,including lever-actionriflesfromWinchesterandMarlin,aswellassingle-shotand bolt-actionrifles.Ithasalsobeenadaptedforuseinsomehandguns.
Today,the.45-70remainsapopularchoiceforhuntinglargegame,particularlyin regionswhereshotsaretypicallytakenatrangesoflessthan200yards.Itisalso usedinsomeshootingcompetitionsandforrecreationalshooting.Thereare severaldifferentloadsavailableforthe.45-70cartridge,includingthosedesigned fortargetshooting,hunting,andself-defense.
45-70 Vs. 30-30: Cartridge Sizes

The .30-30 Winchester and .45-70 Government cartridges are two of the most popular cartridges for hunting in North America, but they have some significant differences in sizeandpower.
The 30-30 cartridge has a bullet diameter of 308 inches and a case length of 2039 inches. The overall length of the cartridge is 2.554 inches, and it typically uses a bullet
weighing between 110 and 170 grains. The muzzle velocity of a .30-30 cartridge can rangefromaround2,000to2,400feetpersecond,dependingonthespecificload.
The .45-70 cartridge has a bullet diameter of .458 inches and a case length of 2.105 inches. The overall length of the cartridge is 2.550 inches, and it typically uses a bullet weighing between 300 and 500 grains The muzzle velocity of a 45-70 cartridge can rangefromaround1,300to2,000feetpersecond,dependingonthespecificload.
As you can see, the .45-70 cartridge islargerinbothbulletdiameterandcaselengththan the 30-30 cartridge This generally means that the 45-70 cartridge can deliver more energyandgreaterstoppingpowerthanthe.30-30cartridge,particularlyatlongerranges.
However, the 30-30 cartridge is typically lighter, more compact, and easier to handle than the .45-70 cartridge, making it a popular choice for hunting in brushy or heavily wooded areas. Ultimately, the choice between these two cartridges will depend on the specifichuntingsituationandtheshooter'spreferences.

30-30 Vs. 45-70: Performance
When it comes to performance, the .30-30 Winchester and .45-70 Government cartridgeshavedistinctdifferencesduetotheirsizeanddesign.
The .30-30 cartridge is a moderate-powered round that is popular for hunting medium-sized game at ranges up to 200 yards. It has a reputation for being accurate, reliable, and easy to shoot, making it a popular choice for beginners and experiencedhuntersalike.
The typical bullet weights for the .30-30 cartridge range from 110 to 170 grains, and the muzzle velocity ranges from around 2,000 to 2,400 feet per second. The effectiverangeofthe.30-30cartridgeisgenerallyconsideredtobearound150-200 yards,althoughsomehuntershavetakengameatlongerdistances.
In contrast, the .45-70 cartridge is a large, powerful round that is designed for hunting large and dangerous game at shorter ranges. It has a reputation for delivering a lot of energy and stopping power, making it a popular choice for hunterspursuinggamesuchasmoose,elk,andbear.
The typical bullet weights for the .45-70 cartridge range from 300 to 500 grains, and the muzzle velocity ranges from around 1,300 to 2,000 feet per second. The effective range of the .45-70 cartridge is generally considered to be around 200 yardsorless,althoughsomehuntershavetakengameatlongerdistances.
The .45-70 cartridge is more powerful and capable of delivering greater stopping power than the .30-30 cartridge,particularlyatshorterranges.However,the.30-30 cartridge is generally considered to be more accurate and easier to handle thanthe .45-70 cartridge, making it a popular choice for hunting in brushy or heavily woodedareas.
Ultimately, the choice between these two cartridges will depend on the specific huntingsituationandtheshooter'spreferences.
30-30 Vs. 45-70: BallisticsThe.30-30Winchesterand.45-70Governmentcartridgesarebothpopularrifle cartridgesintheUnitedStates,withalonghistoryofuseinhuntingandshootingsports. Here'sabreakdownoftheballisticsofeachcartridge:
The.45-70Governmentcartridgegenerallyshootsheavierbulletsatslowervelocities, butwithmoremuzzleenergythanthe.30-30Winchestercartridge.Thismakesthe.45-70 abetterchoiceforlargergameatshorterranges,whilethe.30-30isbettersuitedfor medium-sizedgameatmoderateranges.The.45-70isalsopopularamongblackpowder cartridgeshootersandhasastrongfollowingamongenthusiastsoftraditionalor historicalfirearms.
30-30 Vs. 45-70: Power and Range
The.30-30Winchesterand.45-70Governmentcartridgesarebothpopularchoices forhuntingandshootingsports,buttheyhavesomesignificantdifferencesinterms ofpowerandrange.
The.30-30Winchestercartridgeisamedium-powerroundthathasbeeninusefor overacentury.Itfiresabulletthattypicallyweighsbetween110and170grains, andhasamuzzlevelocityofaround2,200to2,500feetpersecond(fps). Theeffectiverangeofthe.30-30isusuallyconsideredtobearound200to300 yards.
Incontrast,the.45-70Governmentcartridgeisamuchmorepowerfulroundthat wasoriginallydevelopedforuseinmilitaryrifles.Itfiresabulletthattypically weighsbetween300and500grains,andhasamuzzlevelocityofaround1,300to 1,500fps.Theeffectiverangeofthe.45-70isusuallyconsideredtobearound400 to500yards.
Overall,the.45-70Governmentcartridgeismorepowerfulandhasalonger effectiverangethanthe.30-30Winchestercartridge.However,the.30-30isstilla popularchoiceforhuntingandshootingsportsduetoitsaffordability,availability, andeffectivenessatshorterranges.
30-30 Vs. 45-70: Recoil
The recoil of a firearmisdeterminedbyacombinationoffactors,includingtheweightof the gun, the weight and velocity of the bullet, and the amount of gunpowder used to propelthebullet.
Between the .30-30 Winchester and .45-70 Government cartridges, the .45-70 typically produces more recoil due to its heavier bullet and higher powder charge. However, the perceivedrecoilalsodependsontheweightanddesignofthespecificfirearmbeingused.
In general, a heavier rifle with a longer barrel will typically have less felt recoil than a lighter rifle with a shorter barrel, all else being equal. Additionally, the design of the stockandtherecoilpadcanalsoimpacttheperceivedrecoil
30-30 Vs. 45-70: Application
The 30-30 and 45-70 are two popular types of ammunition used for hunting and shooting. Both cartridges have different applications based on their characteristics andcapabilities.
The 30-30 cartridge is a rimmed cartridge that is typically used for medium-range hunting,suchasdeerandothersmalltomedium-sizedgameanimals.
The 45-70 cartridgeistypicallyusedforbiggamehunting,suchasmoose,elk,and bear. The 45-70 cartridge is better suited for largergameanimalsandlonger-range shooting.
30-30 Vs. 45-70: Weapon Selection
Both the .45-70 and .30-30 are compatible with some high quality firearms, with the vast majority being lever-action rifles. Winchester, Henry, Marlin, and Rossi manufacture weapons for these cartridges.
A 30-30 rifle is generally lighter, more compact, and easier to handlethana45-70 rifle.Itisapopularchoiceforhuntingandtargetshooting,especiallyforthosewho prefer a lighter rifle with less recoil. A 30-30 rifle can also be a good option for beginners,asitisgenerallyeasiertoshootaccuratelythana45-70.
A 45-70 rifle, on the other hand, is a heavier and more powerful firearm. It is generally better suited for hunting large game at longer ranges, and can also be used for long-range shooting competitions.However,itcanbemorechallengingto handleduetoitsheavierweightandgreaterrecoil.
When selecting a firearm, it is important to consider theintendeduseandpersonal preferences. If you plan tohuntmedium-sizedgameatshorterranges,a30-30rifle maybeabetterchoice
If you plan to hunt larger game at longer ranges or participate in long-range shooting competitions, a 45-70 rifle may be a better choice. It is also important to consider your physical ability to handle the firearm, as a heavier rifle with greater recoilcanbemoredifficulttohandleforsomeindividuals.
30-30 Vs. 45-70 - Price & Availability
Thepriceandavailabilityofammunitionforthe30-30and45-70cartridgescan varydependingonvariousfactorssuchaslocation,demand,andmanufacturer. The30-30cartridgeiswidelyavailableandrelativelyinexpensive Thepricefora boxof20roundsof30-30ammunitioncanrangefromaround$15*to more dependingonthebrandandtypeofbullet.Itisalsocommonlyfoundinmany sportinggoodsstoresandonlineretailers.
On the other hand, the 45-70 cartridge is a larger and more powerful round that is often used for hunting large game such as bear and elk. Due to its sizeandpower, it is generally more expensive than the 30-30. A box of 20 rounds of 45-70 ammunition can cost anywhere from $40* to more, depending on the brand and typeofbullet.
The .30-30 cartridges are less limited than the .45-70 round and way cheaper. For the .45-70 round, availability is limited. 405-grain ammunition is available from RemingtonCore-Lokt,withapricetagofabout$2.25*eachround.

A .30-30 ammunition with between 150 and 170 grains is available from RemingtonCore-Lokt,costingaround$1.15*eachround.
30-30 Vs.. 45-70: Pros & Cons
● Flattrajectory:The30-30hasarelativelyflattrajectory,which makesiteasiertoshootaccuratelyatmediumranges.
● Lightrecoil:The30-30produceslessrecoilthanmanyotherrifle cartridges,makingitmorecomfortabletoshootforsomepeople.

● Lightweight:Rifleschamberedin30-30aregenerallylighterand morecompactthanrifleschamberedinlargercartridges,whichcan makethemeasiertocarryinthefield.
● Limitedrange:The30-30isbestsuitedforshootingatrangesupto about200yards.Beyondthat,thebulletstartstolosevelocityand energy,whichcanmakeitlesseffective.
● Limitedpower:The30-30isnotaspowerfulaslargercartridges, soitmaynotbesuitablefortakingdownlargergameatlonger ranges.
● Limitedbulletselection:Therearefewerbulletoptionsavailable forthe30-30comparedtoothercartridges,whichmaylimitthe versatilityofthecartridge.
● Highpower:The45-70isapowerfulcartridgethatcantakedown largegameatlongerranges.
● Versatile:The45-70canshootawiderangeofbulletweightsand styles,makingitaversatilecartridgefordifferenttypesofhunting.
● Durable:Rifleschamberedin45-70areoftenbuiltonstrong actionsandcanhandleheavyrecoil,makingthemdurableand long-lasting.
● Heavyrecoil:The45-70producessignificantrecoil,whichcanbe uncomfortableorevenpainfulforsomeshooters.
● Limitedrange:Whilethe45-70ispowerful,itstrajectoryismore arcingthanflat,makingitbestsuitedforshootingatshorter ranges.
● Heavyandbulky:Rifleschamberedin45-70areoftenheavierand bulkierthanrifleschamberedinsmallercartridges,whichcan makethemmoredifficulttocarryinthefield.
Boththe30-30Vs.45-70havetheirprosandcons,andthebestchoice foraparticularshooterwilldependontheirindividualneedsand preferences.
The30-30maybeabetterchoiceforsomeonewhowantsalightweight andeasy-to-carryrifleforhuntingmedium-sizedgameatshorterranges, whilethe45-70maybeabetterchoiceforsomeonewhowantsa powerfulandversatilecartridgeforhuntinglargegameatlongerranges.