12/12/12 Marysville Globe

Page 1


SPORTS: Lady Chargers fall to the Eagles, 63-26. Page 12


2 E 189










Students learn about recycling BY KIRK BOXLEITNER kboxleitner@marysvilleglobe.com


Globe, Times donate to Cascade Valley Hospital Foundation. Page 4

SPORTS: M-P, MG swimmers back in the water. Page 12

MARYSVILLE — A number of Marysville elementary schools are getting some dramatic and interactive lessons on the importance of recycling and preserving the environment this winter, courtesy of Waste Management. After appearing at Pinewood Elementary on Nov. 29, a pair of players from Triangle Associates took their prop-heavy skits to Shoultes Elementary on Tuesday, Dec. 4, as part of a program of 25 free school assembles and 50 classroom workshops scheduled for this fall and winter in Snohomish County by Waste Management, which has also been contacted by six schools for technical assistance on recycling.

Kellogg Marsh Elementary is set to receive a visit from the eco-conscious acting duo of Eric Mulholland and Pamela Turpen on Dec. 17. Kelly Meacham, a fourthgrade teacher at Shoultes Elementary, worked with Waste Management to schedule the Dec. 4 skit assembly to try and pass on the values that she practices outside of the classroom, so that her students might do the same. “I know that we all can make growth in our recycling, reusing, reducing waste and rethinking how to conserve our natural resources,” Meacham said. “I’m a huge environmentalist with seven compost containers at home, and in the classroom I have a scrap paper box for students to SEE RECYCLE , PAGE 2

Kirk Boxleitner/Staff Photo

Actor Pamela Turpen as “Granny Mayhem” reminds Shoultes Elementary students that some items can be reused before being recycled, during a school assembly on recycling and the environment coordinated by Waste Management on Dec. 4.

Work continues on new Marysville Walmart BY KIRK BOXLEITNER kboxleitner@marysvilleglobe.com


Vol. 120, No. 15 Courtesy Image

The planned design of the new Marysville Walmart storefront, which is expected to open its doors by mid-2013.

MARYSVILLE — The Marysville Walmart store currently under construction at the intersection of State Route 9 and Highway 528 is aiming for an official grand opening by the middle of next year, according to company spokespersons. Rachel Wall, senior manager of community affairs for Walmart, touted the new 150,000-squarefoot Marysville Walmart store as a means of boosting the economic vitality of the east side of the city. “Our wages and benefits are competitive with a majority of

our Washington competitors, and our stores are often magnets for growth and development,” Wall said. “We look forward to engaging with Marysville residents to listen, answer questions and share information about our company. At the end of the day, we want our stores to reflect the communities where they are located and serve real customer needs.” Gloria Hirashima, chief administrative officer and community development director for the city of Marysville, sounded a similarly positive note on the opening of a Walmart store SEE WALMART, PAGE 11



December 12, 2012

use the back sides of their paper, and a recycle container next to the garbage that I check at the end of the day, and let students know if they’ve used it correctly.” One of Meacham’s goals in inviting the skit players to Shoultes was to get her students excited about reducing waste in the classroom, from the ways they pack

their lunches to how they dispose of waste from their lunch trays, especially since Shoultes recently began a recycling and composting program in its lunch room. “But what I learned is that I could have my students put their notebook papers in a place where other students could use the other sides of that paper,” Meacham said. “This is a way of rethinking how to reduce waste for me too.”

Mulholland and Turpen just began their current tour of Snohomish County schools on Nov. 19, during which they each don a variety of wigs and costumes to play a an assortment of comic characters in front of a colorful backdrop that gets converted into several “locations” throughout the course of their performances. But behind their wacky antics and picking students from the audience to join them

onstage, where the gradeschoolers get to dress up as water bottles and play mock game shows, their program hammers home the message that Earth’s resources are essential and need to be used responsibly. “At a lot of assemblies, the kids just sit and watch,” Mulholland said. “The information loses some of its power that way. One of the best things about this approach is that it helps solidify what the kids are learning by making them a part of it. There are a lot of us on this planet, and we all have a lot of stuff, but we can all do our part to make the planet cleaner, and part of that involves getting future generations in the habit of recycling stuff.”

Candy Castellanos, the public education and outreach manager for Waste Management in the Pacific Northwest, explains that this school program is merely one facet of Waste Management’s outreach to educators, businesses and community groups alike to raise awareness of why recycling and conserving resources is important, how to recycle the right way, and why it’s important to keep garbage out of the recycling. “We do site walks through workplaces and recycling workshops for adults,” Castellanos said. “For kids, we’re not just looking to give them recycling 101, but also some sense of how this will help natural habitat and why

they shouldn’t want these resources to go to waste. Grade school is when kids really start to take an interest in the world around them. Not only can they gain a better understanding of recycling, but they also get to be experts and ambassadors on the subject at home.” Castellanos added that the school assemblies are designed to incorporate state standards for science education, and will be followed by surveys and studies comparing the students’ recycling behavior before and after sitting in on those assemblies. Assemblies, workshops and technical assistance are available to any elementary school in Snohomish County from now through December of 2013.

Kirk Boxleitner/Staff Photo

From left, actor Ed Mulholland recruits Shoultes Elementary students Jonathan Zinck and Mia Ellis, along with fellow actor Pamela Turpen, to teach the students’ classmates about what happens to water bottles that are recycled and thrown away.



The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe



The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe

Arlington earns planning award

ARLINGTON — The Washington Chapter of the American Planning Association and the Planning Association of Washington recently recognized the award-winning planning and development of the city of Arlington’s “Old Town Wetland Project.” Richard Hart, chair of the 2012 APA Planning Awards Committee, presented the award to Arlington Mayor Barbara Tolbert, Storm Water Manager Bill Blake and Public Works Director Jim Kelly on Nov. 19, for what Hart and his awards jury deemed “an outstanding project.” Hart credited those

behind the project with demonstrating creativity in tackling the critical issue of storm water control and the concepts of retrofitting, and deemed the project itself a role model-worthy prototype for other cities to follow in those areas. “Especially noteworthy is the excellent implementation of comprehensive plan goals,” Hart said. “The project retains farmland, and enhances recreation and open space opportunities, which are very important goals. This planning effort has a very efficient use of budget, and leverages multiple funding sources with large amounts of grant monies.” Hart quoted comments from the awards

jury, asserting that the Arlington City Council and city staff should be recognized for persisting with this project for more than a decade, from their acquisition of the land to the planning, funding and eventual implementation of the project. “This speaks well of the continuity of staff and elected officials in following through from beginning to end,” said Hart, who deemed the project’s nomination well-written and presented, and praised it for addressing “superbly the entire award judging criteria in exact detail. Other cities could certainly use this project nomination as an example for future nominations.”

Santa photos help horses BY KIRK BOXLEITNER kboxleitner@marysvilleglobe.com

MARYSVILLE — More than 20 families traveled from as far away as Seattle to get their photos taken with Santa Claus and some obliging ponies during the first day of the nonprofit All-Breed Equine Rez-Q’s holiday fundraiser on Saturday, Dec. 1, and Sunday, Dec. 2. “We’ve had quite a few adults along with the little kids said Margie Thorngren, a volunteer at the All-Breed Equine Rez-Q who greeted

families before ponies such as Blackie, a mini-gelding whose coloring lives up to his name, were trotted out for youngsters to sit on. Thorngren explained that even regular fundraisers such as the Santa pony photos just barely keep pace with the All-Breed Equine Rez-Q’s recurring expenses, from outstanding veterinarian bills to the ongoing cost of feeding the horses. “The wood shavings for their stalls are $500 a truckload just by themselves,” Thorngren said. “None of


us are paid any money to do this. It all goes to the horses. There’s no overhead for the volunteers. We all do it as a labor of love.” Thorngren noted the number of young people who volunteer their time at the All-Breed Equine RezQ, which she believes gives them experience in the act of giving. The All-Breed Equine Rez-Q is located at 2415 Marshall Rd. in Marysville. For more information, call Thorngren at 425-3503346 or log onto www.allbreedhorserescue.com.





December 12, 2012

December 12, 2012

The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe

Globe, Times donate to CVH Foundation

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just to disseminate infor‘Pink Editions’ raiseJennifer...Call Please Contact orgetemail mation, but to involved more than $1,000 with the community,” said (360) 653-2223 email: jenniferd@villageconcepts.com who expressed a for breast cancer Brown, desire to give back to the awarenessRetirement community that he sees as Community having supported both The

Cascade Valley Hospital and Clinics Representative Heather Logan noted that fear is often as inhibiting as a lack of awareness when it comes to factors that keep people from receiving treatBY KIRK BOXLEITNER 5800Marysville Globe and The ment in time. 64th St. NE, Marysville 648364 kboxleitner@marysvilleglobe.com “Awareness of breast canArlington Times so strongly cer is actually pretty high,” for so many years. ARLINGTON — On Brown was inspired by Logan said. “It’s the fear of Tuesday, Dec. 4, the Cascade 655669_GrandviewVillageConcepts0801.indd 1 7/27/12 12:46:26 PM Valley Hospital Foundation the women in his own life that diagnosis that I think received a holiday gift that’s to become a booster for the stops a lot of people from on track to become an cause of National Breast following through.” More than one Cascade Cancer Awareness Month annual tradition. Paul Brown, publisher of in October, and what began Valley Hospital Board memThe Marysville Globe and with obtaining pink paper ber acknowledged having The Arlington Times, pre- for the presses ultimately dealt with cancer on a more sented a check for $1,012.01 saw advertisers volunteering personal level, either through to the Cascade Valley portions of their proceeds their own diagnoses or those Hospital Board of Directors and reporters covering vari- of their loved ones. “If you hear that a friend for breast cancer awareness. ous aspects of breast cancer has been diagnosed with and its impacts. The amount of the check “This wasn’t just the Globe breast cancer, or any other drew from portions of the advertising proceeds from and the Times,” Brown said. cancer, call that friend, and the two newspapers on this “This was a very collabora- then get yourself checked out,” CVH Board member year’s “Pink Editions,” dated tive effort.” Sharon Billdt said. “Those stories in the Oct. 10, whose stories likeBrown promised the wise promoted breast can- paper were great,” CVH Board President Barbara Cascade Valley Hospital cer awareness. “I came into this job a lit- Tolbert said. “They high- Board of Directors that “Pink tle less than a year ago won- lighted how many young Editions” of The Marysville Globe and The Arlington dering what I could do, not women are survivors.”

Times would continue every October for the length of his tenure as publisher. “I think Paul and I started

delighted that this will continue, and I hope this year’s total will set the benchmark for the years to come.”

our jobs at the same time,” laughed Tolbert, referring to her own term of office as Arlington mayor. “I’m just

Kirk Boxleitner/Staff Photo

Cascade Valley Hospital Foundation receives a check for $1,012.01 from this year’s ‘Pink Editions’ of The Marysville Globe and The Arlington Times. Front row from left, CVH Board member Catherine Russell, Secretary Kay Duskin, President Barbara Tolbert and Paul Brown, publisher of The Marysville Globe and The Arlington Times. Middle row from left, Cascade Valley Hospital and Clinics Commissioner Steve Peterson, Board Treasurer Susan Jones, Board member Jenny Naumann and CVHC representative Heather Logan. Back row from left, CVH Board members Sharon Billdt, Dolores Thompson and Annette Shaffer.

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December 12, 2012

The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe


Dog owners should take precautions due to parvovirus

MARYSVILLE — With the recent outbreak of the canine parvovirus in King County, and the city of Everett temporarily closing their dog parks, the city of Marysville is asking dog owners to take precautions. The canine parvovirus is


highly contagious and dangerous, especially to young dogs. At this time, the off-leash area at Strawberry Fields For Rover is open, but with concerns spreading across Snohomish County, the city of Marysville is asking that


Rover Park will be monitoring the situation closely to determine if it will be necessary to temporarily close the park due to the

increase in the virus. For more information, please contact the city

of Marysville Parks and Recreation Department at 360-363-8400.

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The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe


Why I am thankful

he Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays are always a special time of year for people who live and work in Marysville. It’s a time to be with family and enjoy the company of friends and loved ones, a time to say thanks for all that we have, and a time to reflect on what we have shared with those who are not as fortunate or have fallen on tough times. It’s the people who make Marysville a welcoming place to live, work and play, from the organizations and businesses we support to the neighborhoods where we live and look out for one another. Marysville is a community that goes above and beyond in community service. Our citizens give selflessly of themselves to make others’ lives better, helping each other and looking out for their neighbors. I am thankful for the people who make this city what it is — a welcoming, lively, compassionate and innovative place where anyone, whether newcomer or visitor, can feel a sense of being home. I am thankful for the hardworking employees of the city of Marysville, from the police officers and firefighters who risk their lives every day to the engineers, to the technicians and planners who make the city run and make sure we’re moving in the right direction. I can think of many groups and activities to be thankful for in our community, but here is a short list through the seasons in 2012 that immediately come to mind. n Nothing captured the essence of civic pride and

Guest Opinion Jon NehrinG Marysville Mayor

spirit of giving at the top of 2012 more than Clean Sweep Week. This weeklong series of events brought together hardworking volunteers, merchants, church and civic groups and city employees who gave downtown Marysville a once-over spring cleaning that polished our community’s image and put an extra shine in downtown. Groups painted over graffiti, removed trash from streets and sidewalks, hauled away unsightly junk that created an eyesore for neighborhoods, planted flowers in public places and installed bike racks, and Third Street businesses added several aesthetic improvements to make for a more pleasant shopping visit (we expect to host more of these cleanups around Marysville in 2013). n Service clubs like the Noon and Sunrise Rotary Clubs, Kiwanis, Soroptimists and the Lions. These groups and others contribute their time and resources throughout the year toward a better future for our kids and others in our community. You can find them co-sponsoring many of the community’s premier events including the FatherDaughter Valentine’s Dance, Easter Egg Hunt, Fishing Derby, Strawberry Festival, Healthy Communities Challenge Day, See MAYOR , PAGE 7

The Marysville


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The Arlington Times and The Marysville Globe are owned by Sound Publishing, Inc., a Washington Corporation www.soundpublishing.com Copyright 2012, Sound Publishing Inc.

December 12, 2012

Love and Logic® for schools and parents


f you listed the most difficult jobs in the world, would parenting be at or near the top? Just the experience of dealing with children arguing, begging and challenging can be exhausting and frustrating for the parent or teacher. If someone told you that you could learn to neutralize arguing with your children, would you believe that was possible? Learning the principles of Love and Logic® is one resource for parents and teachers and neutralizing arguing is introduced by teaching parents and teachers to become a “broken record” or going “brain dead” by saying a repeated statement like “I know but what did I say?” It’s hard to keep arguing when one side doesn’t engage. (It is tempting to think that children are looking for logic and reason when they argue rather than seeking control) At Kent Prairie Elementary and other Arlington elementary schools, the techniques of Love and Logic® are used to help the students process problems. n When adults take care of themselves, they hand the problem back to the student who created it. n When the student has to solve the problem, they have to think. n When students have to think, they learn that decisions have con-


Guest Opinion Kathy EngEll sequences. n When the student learns to ask, “How is my behavior going to affect me?” they have learned selfcontrol. Love and Logic® was developed by Jim Fay, child psychiatrist, Foster W. Cline, M.D. and Charles Fay, Ph.D. Love and Logic® skills promote healthy relationships and positive school-wide discipline. Throughout the Arlington elementary schools, the tenets of Love and Logic® are employed by teachers and administrators. Students process the choices they make, when those choices create problems for themselves and/or others. The adults give the problem “back” to the student with empathy and guide the problem solving when necessary. The goal is that children will experience the relationship between choices and consequences when the cost is more “affordable” than when the stakes are higher and conse-

quences are more costly because the person is a young adult. In the school setting, the problem is “handed back” to the child with a heavy dose of empathy and words like “What do you think you are going to do?” The empathy (“How sad.”) often opens the child’s mind to thinking/learning and many students will come up with solutions. When the child “owns” the solution, he or she is doing the thinking rather than the adult. If students don’t have ideas about solutions the adult can ask permission to make some suggestions such as “Would you like to hear what other kids have tried?” The adult is careful to give very limited suggestions (some can even be ineffective ideas), as the goal is to get the student to “own” their idea. Every time a solution is mentioned, the child is asked, “How do you think that will work?” with the adult avoiding giving a value judgment such as “I think that’s a good idea.” The adult’s goal is to have the student owning the solution so that the opportunity to learn about the relationship between choices and consequences happens when the cost is “affordable”, before adulthood. So the final step is for the adult to give the child permisSee ENGELL , PAGE 7

Generosity and Gratitude

et me take this opportunity to give thanks to the many, many community partners that make the lives of our students and our community so much richer. On behalf of our dedicated, hardworking staff, thank you for your generous gifts of time, talent and treasure to make our schools and community better each year: n The city of Marysville provides school resource officers at city high schools and partners with Marysville Schools in joint use and maintenance of school fields and gyms. Inter-local agreements help us meet community needs together at lower cost to taxpayers. And Healthy Communities helps make Marysville even more livable. n YMCA and the Minority Achievers Program builds hopes and dreams for minority students — showcasing minority student success, building college and career skills, and providing scholarships. n Sno-Isle Library partners with the schools in our number one mission — reading for all students. Librarians bring programs into our schools, make library cards available, maintain a 24/7 homework hotline, and provide reading activities in the library. n Marysville Together (Community Coalition) helps coordinate the 411 conference each year

Guest Opinion Dr. Larry Nyland — bringing together community partners to showcase services to meet special needs in our community. They were recently awarded a county grant to help with drug awareness, prevention and intervention. n The Greater Marysville Tulalip Chamber of Commerce supports hundreds of local businesses which give vitality to our community and support to our schools. n Tulalip Tribes provides well over $1 million in support for Tulalip students as well as students district-wide. Their funding provided science materials for all middle school students as well as a data system to show student progress. n 150 Community Partners participate in our annual college and career Opportunity Expo each April. Local businesses, service agencies and college/tech/trade schools feature dozens of career opportunities. n Rotary provides $1,000 per

school for literacy, makes grants to schools and raises $50,000 for student scholarships that support our mission of college readiness. n United Way makes a positive and lasting difference in the lives of families and children by providing free books to pre-school children, after-school programs, varsity letters for community service, and volunteers to read with students. n Junior Achievement raises funds — and volunteers — to provide 1,000s of kids each year with basic financial literacy awareness. n Parents: The Parent Teacher Association, at the district level and at each school, provides key contacts with parents and raises essential funds to support teachers in the classroom. Booster clubs for music and athletics provide volunteers and funding that we couldn’t live without. Parent volunteers (like reading tutors and Watchdog Dads) are essential to the success of our schools. n Charitable groups like the Marysville Food Bank, Kloz 4 Kids, Operation School Bell, Operation Marysville Community Christmas and more, provide clothes and supplies for needy children. n Area churches help in so many ways, from school supplies See NYLAND, PAGE 7

December 12, 2012

The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe

NYLAND FROM PAGE 6 to grounds clean up. Marysville Assembly was recognized this fall for hundreds of volunteer hours contributed to cleaning up school grounds. Mountain View Presbyterian was honored in November for partnering with Cascade Elementary year-round, but especially so during their recent fire. n Outstanding students are recognized by Soroptimists and Kiwanis — which also provide many scholarships. The General Advisory Council (for Career and Technical Education) recognizes vocational students of the quarter.

Attic and Collectibles. It is encouraging to see new business activity in Marysville despite the current unpredictable economy, a sure sign that our community is a good place to invest. n We should be thankful for the families and service members who serve aboard the USS Nimitz and its carrier battle group who are stationed at Naval Station Everett, many of whom live and work in our community, and to those in the Army Reserve and National Guard who work or train at the Marysville Armed Forces Reserve Center, providing support at home for those deployed in the field. n The Marysville Community Food Bank and Toy Store, its corps of hardworking volunteers and the great many who donate food and money throughout the year to assist needy families locally. It isn’t sur-

n Gifts, in addition to the above, total $400,000 per year from various community partners. Fred Meyer and Target have been some of our biggest contributors, providing benevolent funds for homeless children, school supplies and athletic fees for those less fortunate. And many more … community members, donations to programs, special projects such as A&T Robotics, the Boeing STEM initiative, and the Marysville and Tulalip Boys & Girls Clubs. Thank you Marysville and Tulalip for your generous contributions to help make our community the best place to live, to learn and grow.

prising that we came full circle when we honored Rita Henry as Volunteer of the Month in January for leadership with the Toy Store, then finished the year recognizing Food Bank Volunteer Coordinator JoAnn Sewell for her contributions to the Food Bank. And, in an unexpected surprise gesture that put an exclamation point on giving at the holiday season, Mike O’Brien, owner of O’Brien Auto Group that

will open a Honda dealership in north Marysville later this year, was so moved after hearing Sewell’s story of passion for feeding the hungry, he donated $10,000 to the Food Bank in her name. During our region and nation’s most challenging economic times when the Food Bank has asked for help, the community has generously responded. This holiday season, and as we enter the New Year,

ENGELL FROM PAGE 6 sion to either solve the problem or not. “Good luck, I hope it works out.” If the child is fortunate enough to make a poor choice, he or she may have a double learning lesson! The goal is that when our kids grow up, they are confident they can solve problems. Since the Love and Logic® principles work for school and home, Kent Prairie Elementary and Pioneer Elementary occasionally facilitate classes in “Becoming a Love and Logic Parent.” Two parent classes have already been offered this school year at Kent Prairie and another begins Feb. 21 and runs every Thursday through March 28, from 6 – 7:45 p.m., with childcare pro-

I encourage all Marysville residents to reflect on the good that has been done in 2012 while enjoying special times with family and friends. I wish you and yours a safe, warm and peaceful Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Mayor Jon Nehring can be reached at mayor@marysvillewa.gov or 360-3638091.

vided. The facilitators donate their time and the workbooks are $10. The class at Pioneer Elementary will be held in January. Kent Prairie Elementary’s classes and registration information are listed on the school’s website: www.asd.wednet.edu/kp. For Pioneer’s class, please contact the school office 360618-6230. A great resource is www.LoveandLogic. com. Check out the free materials and weekly newsletter. Parents comment after learning Love and Logic® techniques that it doesn’t solve everything but can make the journey a lot less stressful and a sometimes a bit more fun. Kathy Engell is the Principal at Kent Prairie Elementary and can be reached at 360-618-6260 or via email at kengell@asd. wednet.edu.

Arlington’s Hometown Holidays

Dr. Larry Nyland is the Superintendent of the Marysville School District and can be reached at 360-653-0800.

Santa Parade and Visits with Santa Claus Sponsored by the City of Arlington

Saturday, December 15th All Day

Santa @New Beginnings, (311 N.Olympic on Dec.15) 11:00-4:30 Free Wagon Rides (begin @City Hall) 11:00-2:30 Gift Wrapping. Located at 314 N. Olympic Ave. (Schoolbox). Proceeds to be donated to the Oso Fire Department Auxillary.

Gingerbread House Competition

Displayed @the Local Scoop Café (434 N.Olympic Ave.) Entry Nov. 24 – Dec. 1 Age 18 & older ~ $100 Cash Prize, Age 13-17 ~ Prize Value $50, Age 8-12 ~ Prize Value $25, Age 7 & younger ~ Prize Value $10. People’s Choice Award (all ages) Prize Value $100. For Rules & Entry Forms: Downtown Arlington Association www.arlingtonwa.org Hometown Holiday events sponsored by: Downtown Arlington Business Association & City of Arlington. Please call City of Arlington Recreation 403.3448 with questions. www.arlingtonwa.gov


Truck, Merrysville for the Holidays and Cedarcrest Golf Course Holiday Tour of Lights. The Arts Coalition also deserves praise for its successful firstever Art Walk downtown last September, reminding us of the importance of the arts to improving quality of life in our community. n Countless volunteer hours are also donated through city-sanctioned activities like the Police Department’s Marysville Volunteers Program (MVP) for crime prevention, and the Ken Baxter Community Center. n We are also thankful to those individual citizens, families and groups who volunteer their time, energy and resources to the many volunteer community projects, youth sports leagues

and church service projects such as Serve Day, and also to those who serve on the many volunteer boards and commissions within Marysville, lending their own knowledge and expertise. n We should also be appreciative of the positive activities and places for our youth, including the Marysville YMCA and Marysville Boys & Girls Club, and youth groups like Boys and Girl Scouts, and Camp Fire USA. n Throughout the year, the City Council and I participated in more than a dozen ribbon-cuttings and dedications for new businesses and projects. They ranged in scale from dedications of the Armed Forces Reserve Center and Everett Clinic at Smokey Point, to more mom-and-pop-sized businesses including Simply Caketastic and Aunt Nae’s





December 12, 2012

The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe

Cedarcrest Middle School holds info night for Hispanic families on Dec. 17 MARYSVILLE — The Marysville School District will be conducting an information night for the Spanish-speaking families of

set to include the school system, community resources, upcoming events and activities, sports and helpful tips for parents of teen-

Cedarcrest Middle School on Monday, Dec. 17, from 5-6 p.m. in the school’s library and computer lab. Topics of discussion are

agers, according to Wendy Messarina, the multilingual parent/community Spanish liaison for the Marysville School District.

Messarina explained that school district officials would also answer questions from parents, and have bilingual staff members and interpret-

ers available. For more information, call 360-657-0279, or the Spanishlanguage information line for families at 360-657-0250.

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Classic Worship Celebration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8:15a.m. Kidz’ Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:00a.m. Casual Worship Celebration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:00a.m. Student Ministries (Jr . High-Wednesday) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:00 p.m. Student Ministries (Sr . High-Thursday) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 p.m. Hillside Christian Preschool NOW Enrolling for the 2012-13 School Year Groups for Children, Youth, College/Career, Young Marrieds, Families and Seniors marysvillefmc.org



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11/2/12 11:05:13 AM

92nd Street Church of Christ lutheran

Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church

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11/7/12 3:08:31 PM

Childcare & Preschool Advent Wednesdays — 6 p.m. Soup Supper — 7 p.m. Worship

Sunday Worship at 10:30 a.m.

Dennis E. Niva Bible Classes...……………….……9:30am Worship & Communion…… . . . 10:30 am Minister Sunday Evening Service…...….…6:00 pm

See Website for other programs: 92ndstchurchofchrist.org 4226 92ndSt.NE • Marysville • 360-653-2578

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Non-denominational & Non-instrumental

Preaching the Bible in a Positive Format

11/16/12 8:12:02 AM



615 E. Highland Dr. - Arlington, WA 98223 - Church: 360-435-8921 Pastor Scott Summers - www.arlingtonwachurch.org 708131 Pastor Rick Long & Pastor Luke Long 708131_OurSavioursLutheran1205.indd 1 11/29/12 8:29:51 AM

670556 670577

Sunday Worship - 8:30 and 11:00 am Weekly Bible Studies Youth Ministry Sunday School 9:45 am


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Bible teaching, upbeat music, friendly and casual atmosphere 670580







Sunday School ............................. 9:30 am Coffee Fellowship .......................10:30 am Morning Worship............................ 11 am Evening Service..................................6pm Youth Group.......................................6pm

www.fbcmarysville.org A CBA Church

81st & State Ave. • 360-659-1242

11/20/12 3:05:54 PM



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non denominational


Women’s Bible Study ..................9:30 pm


AWANA Clubs (Pre2K - 5th)..............6:30 pm

THURSDAY: (Sept. - May)


WEDNESDAY: (Sept. - May)

December 12, 2012

The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe

M-P grad opens Pro Grow in Smokey Point BY LAUREN SALCEDO lsalcedo@arlingtontimes.com

SMOKEY POINT — Those interested in starting their own indoor garden need not look too far for their supplies. Smokey Point’s Pro Grow is a new local business that supplies everything from lights to hydroponic systems needed for growing indoor plants and vegetables. Pro Grow owners Robert Bayya and Alex Munday were neighbors while attending the University of Washington where Bayya studied business and Munday studied economics. They quickly learned that they shared a vision for owning a small business and decided to focus on indoor growing supplies. “I am huge on sustainability,” said Bayya. “Right now, kids don’t know what real food is. If you ask them, they will say chicken nuggets, but to me that’s not food. Real food is grown, usually from the earth. I don’t know the last time I saw a star- or dinosaur-shaped chicken walking around. Our vision is to foster sustainability and help people with growing their own food and having their own garden.”

Bayya grew up with an agricultural background, which lends knowledge and experience to his business, and graduated from Marysville-Pilchuck High School in 2001. “My grandfather raised cattle and we grew up on a farm,” he said. Bayya is glad that the effort to grow your own food and buy local produce is taking off. “I think the sustainability movement is very much alive,” he said. “Those were the first people who came around here to shop — organics growers and local farmers.” The most popular plants and vegetables grown indoors are tomatoes, lettuce, basil, mint and peppers. “I have a gentleman who has a huge orchid collection,” said Bayya. “Specialty flowers are huge here too.” Pro Grow offers a variety of sale items, but also donates some of its profits back into the community. “I try to establish relationships with the community and our neighbors,” said Bayya. “We have donated money to support the Arlington High School cheer-


leaders, as well as sponsored an AHS student who races go-karts. We also have an art gallery, and we sell paintings from local artist Stefani Buell.” Bayya noted that he also invests in the education of his employees and has attended sustainability conventions around the state. He also offered a one-hour beginning hydroponics class for customers. “It’s surprising, but a lot of farmers don’t know about the new technology,” he said. “There’s also this thought that an indoor hydroponics garden is expensive, but it’s not any more costly than a soil garden. Another myth is that you can’t grow organically indoors, but you can. We carry both organic and synthetic nutrients here at our shop.” Pro Grow offers free consultations for customers interested in starting an indoor garden. “Every environment is different,” said Bayya. “We are more than happy to sit down and help put rooms together.” For more information call Pro Grow at 425-999-7441 or log on to www.facebook.com/progrownw.

Lauren Salcedo/Staff Photo

Pro Grow owner Robert Bayya displays an indoor plant at his shop which is located at 3411 169th Pl. NE in Arlington.

Worship Directory


Christmas Holiday Sing

Christmas Program December 16, 6:00pm

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 5:00pm Christmas Day Service 10:00am

Join Us December 23rd for an Afternoon of Acapella Christmas Carol Singing, Just Like the Old Days Everyone is Welcome to Join In!

December 23, 2012 - 3:00 pm - Refreshments served, No offerings taken.


92nd Street Church of Christ G 4226 92nd Street Marysville, WA 98270 G 360-653-2578 708064


Acapella Christmas Carol Singing

6905 172nd St NE, Arlington 360.435.9191 • www.aflchurch.org

11/21/12 8:35:42 712801_92ndStChurchChristHolWorship1212.indd AM 1

12/6/12 12:54:09 PM



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For more info, call 360.435.4384 or 425.530.5709


To Advertise Please Call 360-659-1300 ext. 2050

December 12, 2012

The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe



December 12, 2012

The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe

south of Arlington and east of Tulalip. “We’ve been working closely with Walmart since 2006 on their plans to build a new store in Marysville,” Hirashima said. “They’ll be opening a hiring office in Marysville soon, and we look forward to more local jobs for our residents, and to establishing a strong relationship with them as a corporate partner within the Marysville community.” Viet Nguyen, vice president of corporate and public affairs for Frause Full Spectrum Communications, provided more details on the new Marysville Walmart store, whose construction contractor is Steady Flux of Seattle. “In addition to the temporary contract jobs during the store’s construction, this Walmart Supercenter will create approximately 300 quality jobs for associates,” said Nguyen, who agreed with Hirashima that a hiring center is scheduled to open shortly after the start of the New Year to facilitate job placements in time for the store itself to open its doors in the late spring or early summer of 2013. The new store’s selection is set to range from grocery and household items such as fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, a garden center, a drive-through pharmacy and vision center, to merchandise including apparel, home goods, health and beauty aids, and electronics. As for the facility housing this shopping, Nguyen touted its built-in sustainability, from its water‐conserving restroom fixtures and heat-reflective roofing to cut down on cooling costs, to longer-lasting LED illumination and a centralized energy management system to regulate energy use, refrigeration temperatures, lighting and the heating, ventilation and air conditioning. “Occupancy sensors will be installed in most non-sales areas,” Nguyen said. “The sensors will automatically turn the lights off when the space is unoccupied. Walmart will also utilize xeriscape principles, leveraging drought tolerant plants to reduce water consumption.” Nguyen noted that Walmart’s average wage for regular full‐time hourly associates in Washington as of July 31 of this year is $13

per hour. He joined Wall in praising Walmart for its contributions to local charitable causes and credited its stores with being a significant source of sales tax revenue for local governments, an assessment which was echoed by Caldie Rogers. “You couldn’t have a friendlier neighbor,” said Rogers, the president and CEO of the Greater Marysville Tulalip Chamber of Commerce. “People

have asked me if the new Marysville Walmart means that the Quil Ceda Village Walmart is going out of business, to which I say no, there’s just that much business here for them that they need a second store to serve it all.” Just as the Chamber did prior to the opening of the Quil Ceda Village Walmart, so too does Rogers plan to offer a free seminar for local small businesses to give them tips on how to collab-

orate with the new Walmart to their mutual benefit. “If, say, you have an office supply store, you can go to the Walmart, give them your business card, and they’ll train their staff to tell customers, ‘If we don’t have it here, go to this store,’” Rogers said. “We can assuage their fears and increase their patronage.” Rogers reported having followed up with local small business owners a few months after the opening

“They’re conscientious in their desire to support the community, and we’re grateful for the tax revenues they’ll be supplying to the city’s coffers.” Caldie Rogers President and CEO, Greater Marysville Tulalip Chamber of Commerce of the Quil Ceda Village Walmart and received largely positive feedback. “They’re not a threat, but a potential partner,” said Rogers, who pointed out that the Quil Ceda Village

Walmart is a Chamber member. “They’re conscientious in their desire to support the community, and we’re grateful for the tax revenues they’ll be supplying to the city’s coffers.”





THE SPORTS PAGE The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe

December 12, 2012

Lady Chargers fall to Arlington, 63-26 BY LAUREN SALCEDO lsalcedo@arlingtontimes.com

MARYSVILLE — The Lady Chargers fell to the Arlington Eagles in a non-league game on Wednesday, Dec. 5, with a final score of 63-26. The Chargers started out a little uneasy facing the top-ranked Wesco 4A North school, scoring only 13 points in the first half, while the Eagles put up 50 points. Turnovers hurt the Chargers as Arlington proved themselves defensively strong, blocking passes and stealing several times in the first part of the game to trigger fastbreaks leading to several successful shots for the Eagles. The Chargers were beaten down going into halftime, when the score sat at 50-13. However, when the athletes emerged from the locker room, they seemed more resolved to put up a fight. They scored another 13 points in the second half, keeping pace with the scoring of the Eagles, who put up nine points in the third quarter and four in the fourth. The top-scorer for MG was Marina Wika, who scored six points, including two 3-pointers. MG’s point guard Kaitlyn McCormick scored five points, as did teammate Lexy Wilson. Point guard Khalyn King scored three points, as did Rachael Lefstad and Ashlynn Trujillo. Despite the loss, MG’s head coach Shannon Grandbois said she believes that facing such challenging teams is good for

them. “We are a team that started out at the beginning of last year not knowing how to dribble,” she said. “To go from that to this, where we put up 13 points in the second half, is awesome. Last year we lost to them by 60 or 70 points. They are 4A and are picked No. 1 in their league so playing them makes us better.” Over the summer, five Chargers trained with Grandbois to prepare for the season. “Kaitlyn McCormick, Alexis Wilson, Ashlyn Trujillo, Katie Stordahl and Marina Wika were pretty much my core group of girls who worked their butts off over the summer,” she said. “All of our players want to learn, they want to get better and they have hearts of gold.” The Chargers have already come a long way from where they started and had their first taste of victory on Monday, Dec. 3, against Mariner High School. “It was a really good game and I’m glad they experienced it. They need to know that it does make a difference and they needed to feel that,” said Grandbois. They beat the Marauders 50-41. Overall, the team is on a steady streak of improvement. “I just think that these are the best girls to coach,” said Grandbois. “They all have amazing personalities and loving spirits. Lauren Salcedo/Staff Photo I’m lucky to have this opportunity.” Marysville Getchell faces Stanwood at Marysville Getchell point guard Khalyn King looks to pass during the Wednesday, Dec. 5, home home on Wednesday, Dec. 12. game against Arlington High School.

M-P, MG swimmers back in the water BY LAUREN SALCEDO lsalcedo@arlingtontimes.com

MARYSVILLE — The Marysville-Pilchuck and Marysville Getchell boys swim teams hosted the Shorecrest Scots for their

first dual meet of the season on Tuesday, Dec. 4. The Scots managed to out-swim the Marysville teams, topping the Chargers 140-45 and topping the Tomahawks 135-50, but

despite the initial loss, Marysville head coach Meredith Jenks is expecting a good season overall. “The start of the season has been going very well,” said Jenks. “This is really a

Lauren Salcedo/Staff Photo

Marysville Getchell’s Taylor Dalton competes in the 200-yard freestyle against Shorecrest on Tuesday, Dec. 4.

great group of boys. There’s a really great team atmosphere with both M-P and MG practicing together.” Jenks noted that both teams offered several returning seniors and strong swimmers. “For M-P we have Colin Willis, who is a returning senior, as well as Jonathon Pusateri. And for MG there’s Daniel Swanson, Kevin Korte and Connor DeMarco, who is a freshman, but he’s been doing really well. This meet is a chance for us to go out and show what we’re made of.” M-P’s Willis took first for the 200-yard individual medley with a time of 2:05.45, as well as the 100yard butterfly with a final time of 59.28. MG’s Korte took second place in the 50-yard freestyle with a final time of 24.58, as well as the 100-yard freestyle with a final time of 57.22. MG’s Swanson took second place in the 100yard breaststroke with a

final time of 1:14.55. MP’s Pusateri placed third in the 200-yard freestyle with a final time of 2:09.9. MP’s Ryan Carr took third place in the 100-yard freestyle with a final time of 1:01.36, while teammate Tony Preston took third in the 500-yard freestyle with a time of 6:13.49. MG’s Austyn Galang took third place in the 200-yard freestyle with a final time of 2:14.95, while teammate Taylor Dalton took fourth by two seconds with a time of 2:14.97. Both Charger and Tomahawks relay teams placed in the top three. Getchell’s relay team of Dari Corcoran-Clark, Swanson, Dalton and Korte took third in the 200-yard medley with a time of 1:59.49. MG took third in the 200-yard relay, with the team of Michael Cozart, Conner Lindgren, Swanson and DeMarco, who finished with a time of 1:51.57.

The 400-yard relay team of Dalton, Corcoran-Clark, Jimi Hicks, and Korte also finished third with a time of 4:11.60. MP’s 200-yard medley relay team of Thomas Durand, Pusateri, Willis and Jacob Blomberg finished third with a time of 1:56.76. The 200-yard relay team of Willis, Blomberg, Grant Baker and Owin Ell took third with a time of 1:45.45. Their 400-yard relay team of Carr, Preston, Durand and Pusateri took third with a time of 4:10.19. Marysville divers made an impact, as MP’s Taner Husby took third with a score of 144.4 and David McCall took fourth with 73.65. MG’s Brisen Williams took third place with 118.95 and Dominique Gray took fourth with a score of 109.45. Both Marysville swim and dive teams are set to compete against Cascade at home at 2:45 p.m.

December 12, 2012

The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe

Marysville Sorpotimists donate $1,000 to food bank toy store




BY KIRK BOXLEITNER kboxleitner@marysvilleglobe.com

Courtesy Photo

boys and girls. “Last year, we bought movie tickets for teens and families, which went over really well, but I think that’s already been taken care of for this year,” Ferri said. The Marysville Community Food Bank Toy Store will be open from noon to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 19, and Thursday, Dec. 20, at the former Dunn Lumber building.


such as Bonnie Ramsey and Rita Henry, with scouring the local Kmart, Fred Meyer, Target and other stores to collect donations and arrange buys of various items, which is especially essential since the Toy Store “starts from zero” and depends on donations for the bulk of its selection, which its volunteers then supplement to fill out the various age groups for both


From left, Mike and Elaine Ferri receive a check for $1,000 from Marysville Soroptimist member Cha Monteith for the Marysville Community Food Bank Toy Store.


MARYSVILLE — Soroptimist International of Marysville recently presented the Marysville Community Food Bank Toy Store program with $1,000 for this year’s holiday season. Mike Ferri, who joined his wife Elaine in accepting in the $1,000 check from Marysville Soroptimist member Cha Monteith, explained that the Toy Store will apply a significant amount of these donated funds toward the challenging task of purchasing appropriate gift items for teenagers. “The majority of toy donations that we receive are for younger children, and we absolutely welcome more of those,” Mike Ferri said. “The problem is that teenagers are tougher to shop for, because they don’t really want toys, so we have to come up with other suitable items for them.” Ferri credited veteran volunteers of the Toy Store,


December 12, 2012

The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe LEGAL NOTICES by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satisfaction of the obligation in any Court by reason of the Borrower’s or Grantor’s default on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust/Mortgage. III. The defaults) for which this foreclosure is made is/are as follows: Failure to pay when due the following amounts which are now in arrears: $20,674.01 IV. The sum owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is: The principal sum of $218,907.72, together with interest as provided in the Note from the 11/1/2011, and such other costs and fees as are provided by statute. V. The above-described real property will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. Said sale will be made without warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances on 12/21/2012. The defaults referred to in Paragraph III must be cured by 12/10/2012 (11 days before the sale date) to cause a discontinuance of the sale. The sale will be discontinued and terminated if at any time before 12/10/2012 (11 days before the sale) the default as set forth in Paragraph III is cured and the Trustee’s fees and costs are paid. Payment must be in cash or with cashiers or certified checks from a State or federally chartered bank. The sale may be terminated any time after the 12/10/2012 (11 days before the sale date) and before the sale, by the Borrower or Grantor or the holder of any recorded junior lien or encumbrance by paying the principal and interest, plus costs, fees and advances, if any, made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust, and curing all other defaults. VI. A written Notice of Default was transmitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the following address(es): NAME KEVIN F. DOHERTY, JR., A SINGLE MAN ADDRESS 2713 CALLOW RD, LAKE STEVENS, WA 98258 by both first class and certified mail on 6/26/2012, proof of which is in the possession of the Trustee; and the Borrower and Grantor were personally served, if applicable, with said written Notice of Default or the written Notice of

Default was posted in a conspicuous place on the real property described in Paragraph I above, and the Trustee has possession of proof of such service or posting. VII. The Trustee whose name and address are set forth below will provide in writing to anyone requesting it, a statement of all costs and fees due at any time prior to the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantor of all their interest in the abovedescribed property. IX. Anyone having any objections to this sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursuant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee’s sale. NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS - The purchaser at the Trustee’s Sale is entitled to possession of the property on the 20th day following the sale, as against the Grantor under the deed of trust (the owner) and anyone having an interest junior to the deed of trust, including occupants who are not tenants. After the 20th day following the sale the purchaser has the right to evict occupants who are not tenants by summary proceedings under Chapter 59.12 RCW. For tenant-occupied property, the purchaser shall provide a tenant with written notice in accordance with RCW 61.24.060. THIS NOTICE IS THE FINAL STEP BEFORE THE FORECLOSURE SALE OF YOUR HOME. You have only 20 DAYS from the recording date of this notice to pursue mediation. DO NOT DELAY. CONTACT A HOUSING COUNSELOR OR AN ATTORNEY LICENSED IN WASHINGTON NOW to assess your situation and refer you to mediation if you are eligible and it may help you save your home. See below for safe sources of help. SEEKING ASSISTANCE Housing counselors and legal assistance may be available at little or no cost to you. If you would like assistance in determining your rights and opportunities to keep your house, you may contact the following: The statewide foreclosure hotline for assistance and referral to housing counselors recommended by the

Housing Finance Commission: Toll-free: 1-877-894-HOME (1-877-894-4663) or Web site: http://www.dfi.wa.gov/consumers/homeownership/post-purchasecounselors-foreclosure.htm. The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development: Toll-free: 1-800-569-4287 or National Web Site: http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD or for Local counseling agencies in Washington: h t t p : / / w w w. h u d. g ov / o f f i c es/hsg/sfh/hcc/fc/index.cfm?webListAction=searc h a n d s e a rc h s t a te = WA a n d f i l terSvc=dfc The statewide civil legal aid hotline for assistance and referrals to other housing counselors and attorneys: Telephone: 1-800-606-4819 or Web site: http://nwjustice.org/what-clear. If the sale is set aside for any reason, including if the Trustee is unable to convey title, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the monies paid to the Trustee. This shall be the Purchaser’s sole and exclusive remedy. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Trustor, the Trustee, the Beneficiary, the Beneficiary’s Agent, or the Beneficiary’s Attorney. If you have previously been discharged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal liability for this loan in which case this letter is intended to exercise the note holders right’s against the real property only. THIS OFFICE IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be submitted to a credit report agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations. Dated: 08/21/2012 Quality Loan Service corp. of Washington, as Trustee By: Tricia Moreno, Assistant Secretary Trustee’s Mailing Address: Quality Loan Service corp. of Washington C/O Quality Loan Service corp. 2141 Fifth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101 (866) 645-7711 Trustee’s Physical Address: Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washington 19735 10th Avenue NE, Suite N-200 Poulsbo, WA 98370 Sale Line: 714-730-2727 Or Login to: http://wa.qualityloan.com TS

No.: WA-12-507765-SH A-4290373 11/21/2012, 12/12/2012 Published: November 21, December 12, 2012 #704295

NOTICE OF A SEPA THRESHOLD DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE Notice is hereby given that on December 3, 2012 a SEPA threshold mitigated determination of Non-Significance was issued for the following proposal: The Plan proposes to develop the Project Area at approximately 70 to 85 percent build-out, assuming a maximum of 85 percent imperviousness throughout the area. Commercial development will include buildings, parking areas, stormwater facilities, and road improvements. The existing 51st Avenue NE and 156th/152nd Street NE will be widened to 90 feet to become principal arterials (fivelane roads). Additional, connecting minor roads (70 feet in width) will also be constructed in the Project Area. Regional stormwater facilities are also proposed in the Project Area. These activities will result in the fill of wetlands, jurisdictional ditches, and portions of Edgecomb Creek. A key element of this project is the realignment and restoration of Edgecomb Creek. The proposed project involves relocating Edgecomb Creek from its existing degraded and ditched condition within agricultural lands, to a newly formed 325-foot-wide floodplain and riparian/wetland forest to the east of its existing alignment. The City’s intent by taking the initiative with this realignment project is to address watershed-scale improvements of Edgecomb Creek by restoring its floodplain, creating an opportunity for an appropriate channel migration zone, and establishing a range of habitat types that can be permanently protected in a contiguous area located between the proposed light-industrial development and an existing railroad grade to the east. The condition of this area has changed sig-

nificantly over the last 100 years, as draining and tiling associated with agriculture has taken place. Historic records and current conditions to the north of the Project Area indicate that a large portion of the area used to be wetland. The property is generally located north of 146th St NE, south of SR 531, east of Smokey Point Blvd, and west of the BNSF railroad tracks. File Number: PA 10-016 Lead Agency: City of Marysville Applicant: City of Marysville Public Works Department Kari Chenault, Program Engineer Surface Water Supervisor 80 Columbia Ave Marysville, WA 98270 SEPA Contact: Cheryl Dungan, Senior Planner (360) 363-8206 The lead agency has determined that this proposal as conditioned does not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) IS NOT required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review by the City of Marysville of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with this agency. A copy of the complete determination is available for review upon request. This MDNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340; and is subject to a 15 day comment period and a concurrent 15 day appeal period. Written comments may be submitted to the lead agency at the address above 15 days from the date of issuance of this MDNS. APPEALS: This MDNS may be appealed pursuant to the requirements outlined in Section 22E.030.180 MMC, Appeals and Title 22G MMC within 15 days of the date of issuance of this MDNS. Any appeal must be addressed to the Community Development Director, accompanied by a filing fee of $500.00, and be filed in writing at the City of Marysville Community Development Department. The decision and complete case file is available for review at City of Marysville, Community Development Department, 80 Columbia Avenue, Marysville WA 98270. Published: December 12, 2012 #713055


NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Pursuant to the Revised Code of Washington 61.24, et seq. TS No.: WA-12-507765-SH APN No.: 00385600100602 Title Order No.: 120137792-WA-GSI Grantor(s): KEVIN F. DOHERTY, JR. Grantee(s): JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. Deed of Trust Instrument/Reference No.: 200810230392 1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washington, the undersigned Trustee, will on 12/21/2012, at 10:00 AM On the steps in front of the North entrance to the Snohomish County Courthouse, 3000 Rockefeller Avenue, Everett, WA 98201 sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable in the form of credit bid or cash bid in the form of cashier’s check or certified checks from federally or State chartered banks, at the time of sale the following described real property, situated in the County of SNOHOMISH, State of Washington, to-wit: LOT 7, BLOCK K, BAILY’S SECOND ADDITION TO LAKE STEVENS SANDY BEACH TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 10 OF PLATS, PAGE 84, RECORDS OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON; TOGETHER WITH THE NORTHERLY 28 FEET OF LOT 6, BLOCK K, BAILY’S SECOND ADDITION TO LAKE STEVENS SANDY BEACH TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 10 OF PLATS, PAGE 84, RECORDS OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 6. SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH, STATE OF WASHINGTON. More commonly known as: 2713 CALLOW RD, LAKE STEVENS, WA 98258 which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated 10/22/2008, recorded 10/23/2008, under 200810230392 records of SNOHOMISH County, Washington, from KEVIN F. DOHERTY, JR., A SINGLE MAN, as Grantors), to CHICAGO TITLE, as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A., as Beneficiary, the beneficial interest in which was assigned by JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. (or by its successors-in-interest and/or assigns, if any), to JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association. II. No action commenced

December 12, 2012


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The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe

December 12, 2012


The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe



Kirk Boxleitner/Staff Photo

Magic Shears employees Jamie Johnson, left, and Carrie Lufkin show off some of their shop’s collections for Cascade Valley Hospital’s oncology department.

Magic Shears collecting for Cascade Valley Hospital patients BY KIRK BOXLEITNER kboxleitner@marysvilleglobe.com

ARLINGTON — For the past eight years, ever since their 26-year-old son Cameron passed away from cancer, Magic Shears coowners Randy and Debbie Howell have donated items to the oncology department of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center of Seattle, but as they planned their collection drive for this year, the Arlington couple decided to focus on the needs of those a bit closer to home. So, through Saturday, Dec. 22, Magic Shears’ collection box will be taking in books, games, blankets and

other items to comfort the patients at Cascade Valley Hospital’s oncology department. “We know how tough it is to spend time in a hospital with nothing to do,” Debbie Howell said. “Our shop has been here for 30 years, and this community helped us out through our son’s illness, so we’d like to return the favor.” Magic Shears has already taken in a few coloring books and markers for younger patients, but they’d also like to receive some pens and paper, puzzles and other games for adults. “Lap blankets help keep the patients warm, since they get cold very eas-

ily when they’re undergoing treatment,” Howell said. “Freshly knitted hats and scarves will not only also keep them warm, but help prevent them from catching germs from used clothing items.” The Howells plan on dropping their collections off to Cascade Valley Hospital in person, in memory of their son. “They’re in our backyard and they need it,” Howell said. “Arlington is our bread and butter, and it’s supported us throughout the years.” Magic Shears is located at 306 N. Olympic Ave. in Arlington. For more information, call 360-435-3833.


To Advertise in This Section Please Call:


MARYSVILLE — The Ken Baxter Community Center is accepting donations of non-perishable food items and new toys for the Marysville Community Food Bank. Items may be dropped off up through Monday, Dec. 17, during the center’s regular business hours, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays, and from 9 a.m. to noon on Fridays.

The Ken Baxter Community Center is located at 514 Delta Ave. in Marysville. For more information, please call 360-3638450.

Taproot Theatre presents ‘Christmas in Flight’ Dec. 16 ARLINGTON — Taproot Theatre will be bringing a touring production of “Christmas in Flight” to the Sisco Heights Community Church on Sunday, Dec. 16, at 10:30 a.m. This humorous and heartwarming production

presents the holiday tale of married couple Veronica and Alan, who book a winter vacation so that Veronica can avoid her family for reasons she won’t reveal to Alan. However, when their Christmas Eve flight is delayed, Alan discovers Veronica’s secret, and with the help of fellow travelers who share their own stories of family, faith and forgiveness, Alan hopes to warm Veronica’s heart. For more information, call the Sisco Heights Community Church at 360435-4384 or 425-530-5709. 625024


Ken Baxter Community Center hosts holiday food & toy drive



December 12, 2012

The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe

PRODUCTION Insert Machine Operator




Buffalo Hunt Raffle Troy Lions Club at Whitepine Ranch Guaranteed Trophy Bull Package: Hunt, Meat, Hide, Head, Horns - $5 / ticket Drawing is 12/31/12 Hunt 1/1/13- 2/1/13 By mail: P.O. Box 11 Troy, Idaho. 83871. Order online at

www.buffalo raffle.com 208-835-TROY


ADOPT ~ A loving family longs to provide everything for 1st baby. Expenses paid. 1-800-8315931. Matt & Serafina

A NOTE FROM SANTA. HOLIDAY WISHES. A NEW YEAR GREETING. Surprise someone special with a message in the newspaper! Your message will include a note with up to 25 words and a seasonal graphic and will run in one edition of your local community newspaper and online for the week. All for only $20.

Employment General

INSIDE SALES CONSULTANT NEEDED Little Nickel, a division of Sound Publishing, Inc. is seeking an experienced Inside Advertising Sales Consultant. Position will be based out of our Eve r e t t o f f i c e. We a r e looking for candidates who are assertive, goaldriven, and who possess strong interpersonal skills—both written and verbal. Ideal candidates will need to have an exceptional sales background; print media exper ience is a definite asset. If you thrive on calling on new, active or inactive accounts; are self-motivated, well organized, and want to join a professional, highly energized and competitive sales team, we want to hear from you. Must be computer-proficient at Word, Excel, and utilizing the Internet. Compensation includes a base wage plus commission and an excellent group benefits program. EOE Send resume and cover letter to: hreast@soundpublishing.com

Or mail to: Sound Publishing Inc. 19426 68th Avenue S.Kent, WA 98032 ATTN: HR/LNIS

ADOPTION: Local, happily-marr ied, & stable couple, eager for baby (0-2yrs). Loving home f i l l e d w i t h a f fe c t i o n , strong family values & financial security for your baby. Joshua & Vanessa 4 2 5 - 7 8 0 - 7 5 2 6 http://bit.ly/joshandvanessa

Spacious 3 bedroom 2 bath home close to Lake Goodwin! Home features an open floor plan with vaulted ceilings, skylights in kitchen & master bath, built-in hutches and lots more! There is a formal living room and family room with wood burning fireplace. This home needs some TLC to bring it back to its full potential again. Yard is .84 acres, partially fenced and includes a large detached shop/garage.

Care Givers Needed

For Seniors & People with Disabilities Starting Wage: $10.31-$10.41 per hr.


lMileage Reimbursement lPaid Training and

Travel Time lPaid Vacation lExcellent Medical, Dental, Vision lExcellent References Required lMust be able to pass a background check lVehicle with current driver’s license and insurance required..

Advertise your upcoming garage sale in your local community paper and online to reach thousands of households in your area. Call: 800-388-2527 Fax: 360-598-6800 Go online: nw-ads.com


Top floor 2 bedroom 2 bath condo. This condo features an open floor plan, fireplace and deck. Both bedrooms have full bathrooms. It is located close to all amenities and I-5. Condo HOA Dues are $327.00 per month includes water/sewer and garbage.

Wendy Smith 360-435-4003 or 425-319-5036

To be included in this Directory call 360-659-1300

712322_WendySmith1212.indd 1

12/6/12 8:58:31 AM

Office Hours:

8am-4:30pm Stop By to pick-up Application 1001 North Broadway Suite A-12 Everett, WA 98201 EOE

Sell your stuff free in the Super Flea! Your items totalling $150 or less will run for free one week in your local community paper and online. Call today to place your ad 866-825-9001


Call Today 800-388-2527




Rosie Lou Lou Name: Lou Lou & Rosie Animal ID: 17759950 & 17759935 Breed: Domestic Med/Short Hair Age: 1 Year 1 Month Gender: Female Color: Black/Orange & Grey/Orange Spayed/Neutered: Yes There is nothing sweeter than a pair of cat sisters. We came to the shelter because our previous owner became ill. We are a bonded pair that need to be go together. You'll have so much fun with us! We are sweet & love to be around people & love attention. We are still very curious about things & have an active spirit. Come take a look at us & see if we would go well in your home!

Name: Granger Animal ID: 18005011 Breed: Pug Age: 6 Years Gender: Male Color: Buff & Black Spayed/Neutered: Yes Little Granger will make a great addition to any family! Pugs are smart, happy go lucky dogs. They are peppy, spirited & are very loyal to their families. They love to play, are rambunctious & overall silly dogs. They are great companions who love to go w/you everywhere. They do fine w/other animals & young children and prefer to be indoors because they don't tolerate cold or hot weather well.

All animals adopted from EAS are neutered, microchipped, vaccinated, wormed and treated for fleas. All cats are tested for FIV/FeLV.

See us and other pets at the



333 Smith Island Rd • Everett, WA 98205


Call 800-488-0386


NOTE: If the particular featured pet is not available, we have many great animals to choose from and you are sure to find the perfect pet for you. email us at animalservices@ci.everett.wa.us. Website www.everettwa.org



THE RENTERS GUIDE To be included in this directory, contact 360.659.1300 to speak to a sales rep.

Arlington Duplex FOR RENT!!!

A well-stocked first aid kit for dogs includes:


Sponsored By:

2 Bedroom, Garage

$850 per month. $1,000 Security Deposit


MARYSVILLE t 1340 State Avenue t 360-658-7817

Water & Garbage Paid. No Pets


714891_KarenTregoning1212.indd 1





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SNOHOMISH 2 Bedroom Apt. Gleaming Hardwood Floors. New Pa i n t . H u g e S t o r a g e Unit. Covered Parking. W a l k t o S h o p s . Yo u won’t find a nicer apt for the money in the area! Ava i l . J a n 1 s t . $ 7 5 0 MO+UTIL. Steve 206930-1188 Vacation/Getaways Rental

Health Care Employment


Sound Publishing has an for Class A Drivers opening for a Machine Operator on the night H $900-$1000/wk avg. shift in our Post-Press H SIGN ON BONUSES Department. Position re- H $3000 for pre-made quires mechanical aptiteams t u d e a s w e l l a s t h e H 5000+ miles/wk, 3-man ability to set-up and run H Weekly Hometime or Heidelberg and Muller 2-3 weeks out inserting machines. Familiarity with Kansa la- H 14 days out/7 home belers and Muller stitch- H Day one medical + benefits ing and trimming machines is a plus. Call 866-331-3335 Sound Publishing, Inc. www.drivecrst.com strongly supports diversity in the workplace; we are an Equal OpportuWhether you’re nity Employer (EOE) and buying or selling, recognize that the key to the ClassiďŹ eds our success lies in the has it all. From abilities, diversity and viautomobiles and sion of our employees. We offer a competitive employment to real hourly wage and bene- estate and household fits package including goods, you’ll ďŹ nd health insurance, 401K everything you need (currently with an em24 hours a day at ployer match), paid vawww.nw-ads.com. cation (after 6 months), a n d p a i d h o l i d ay s. I f you’re interested in joining our team and work- Health Care Employment General ing for the leading indep e n d e n t n e w s p a p e r Busy Dental Practice in publisher in Washington Beautiful Oak Harbor is State, then we want to seeking a registered hear from you! Dental Hygienist & Email your cover letter and resume to: Dental Assistant hreast@soundpublishing.com for flexible, part-time poor mail to: sitions. If you are profesSound Publishing, Inc. sional, friendly, detail 19426 68th Avenue S. oriented and a team Kent, WA 98032 player, please drop off or ATTN: HR/Operator send your resume to: Dr. Valarie Cicrich DDS, 275 www.nw-ads.com SE Cabot Dr. Suite A-1, We’ll leave the site on for you. Oak Harbor, WA 98277

click! www.nw-ads.com email! classified@ soundpublishing.com call toll free! 1.888.399.3999 or 1.800.388.2527 Apartments for Rent King County

Employment Transportation/Drivers


Employment General



12/5/12 1:11:53 PM

Member of the largest suburban newspapers in Western Washington. Call us today to advertise.


We’ve got you covered!


December 12, 2012

The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe

Professional Services Security Services

Cemetery Plots

Cemetery Plots

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Free Items Recycler


ACACIA Memorial Park, “Birch Garden”, (2) adjacent cemetery plots, #3 & #4. Selling $4,000 each or $7,500 both. Located in Shoreline / N. Seattle. Call or email Emmons Johnson, 2067 9 4 - 2 1 9 9 , eaj3000@msn.com

Reach the readers the dailies miss. Call 800-388-2527 today www.nw-ads.com We’ll leave the site on for you. to place your ad in the Classifieds. www.AllTechSystemsInc.com



$ 6 , 5 0 0 * C E M E T E RY Plots; 6 avail. Beautiful, quiet, peaceful space in the Garden of Devotion. Perfect for a family area, ensures side by side burial. Located in Sunset Hills Cemetery, lot 74A, near the flag. Originally $10,000...Selling for only $6,500 (*when purchase of 2 spaces or more). Please call Don today at 425-746-6994. SUNSET HILLS Memorial Cemetery in Bellevue. 1 plot available in the sold out Garden of Lincoln. Space 328, Block A, Lot 11. Similar plots offered by Cemetery at $22,000. Selling for $15,000. Call 360-3878265

Advertise your upcoming garage sale in your local community paper and online to reach thousands of households in your area. Call: 800-388-2527 Fax: 360-598-6800 Go online: nw-ads.com



Weekends in Dec. Through the 23rd

10 am – 4 pm


Free Items Recycler

360-659-1300 thenriot@marsvilleglobe.com

Wood pallets for firewood or ? (Does not include 48x40 size)

Call Today!


FREE: NORTEL Option 11-C Telephone System with Phones. All in excellent working condition. Designed for businesses. Call 360-5483206 to arrange pick-up.


ext. 1560

A K C G R E AT D A N E puppies! Health guarantee! Very sweet, lovable, intelligent, gentle giants. Males and females. Now offering Full-Euro’s, HalfEuro’s & Standard Great Danes. Dreyersdanes is Oregon state’s largest breeder of Great Danes and licensed since 2002. $500 & up (every color but Fawn). Also; selling Standard Poodles. Call 5 0 3 - 5 5 6 - 4 1 9 0 . www.dreyersdanes.com

Ask for Karen Avis Get noticed! Add art to your classified ad and stand out. Call 800-388-2527 to find out how. Cats


Need extra cash? Place your classified ad today! Call 1-800-388-2527 or 11/29/12 4:00:43 PMGo online 24 hours a day www.nw-ads.com.

To be Included in this Directory, Please Call Terresa Henriot at

711038_HazelNeedham1205.indd 1


Firewood Pre-seasoned, $230/cord delivered.

1414 140th St. NE, Marysville


BENGAL KITTENS, Gorgeously Rosetted! Consider a bit of the “Wild” for your home. L i ke a d ve n t u r e ? T h i s may be the pet for you! www.seattlebengals.com then click on “Kittens” to see what’s available with pricing starting at $900. Championship Breeder, TICA Outstanding Cattery, TIBCS Breeder of Distinction. Shots, Health Guarantee. Teresa, 206-422-4370.

2006 MURCURY Grand Marquee LS. Sage green, new tires, 57,000 miles. Strong engine. Good gas mileage. Original owner, well taken care of. A beautiful Rottweiler / Doberman c a r . $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 O B O . Cross puppies! These (425)746-8454 puppies are intelligent, loyal and loving! Crisp, Vehicles Wanted sharp color pattern. Champion bloodlines. Born 9/26/12. AKC registered parents on site. 2 males. 6 females. Breed makes for excell e n t fa m i l y d o g s ! D e wormed and first shots. Ready for loving homes $750. Burlington. Photos A NOTE FROM and/or questions call or SANTA. email us today at 206504-9507 or HOLIDAY WISHES. firstfourkennels@gmail. com A NEW YEAR GREETING.

Surprise someone special with a message in the newspaper! PUPPIES FOR THE HOLIDAY!! 6 Mastador pups; 75% English Mastiff, 25% Lab, 2 males, 4 females, fawn or black ava i l a bl e, ( m o m 5 0 % Mastiff/ 50% Lab, dad is 100% mastiff), $700 each. AKC English Mastiff puppies, show or pet quality, 3 months old, only brindles available, holiday special - $1100 each. Parents on site. 1st & 2nd shots plus deworming included. Serio u s i n q u i r i e s o n l y. Ready now for their “forever homes”. 206-3518196

Build up your business with our Service Guide Special: Four full weeks of advertising starting at $40. Call 800-388-2527 to place your ad today.


TOY POODLE Puppy! Sweet as pie little girl! Housebroken, she rings a bell at the door to go outside. Loving and fun!! Can be registered. 6 months old. Fits under the seat of a plane, and loves to go hiking! Easy to care for, easy to train & very intelligent! 50% off grooming and boarding included. $950. Issaquah. Please call 425996-1003. Tack, Feed & Supplies

Fir Island Trucking Company E Shavings E Sawdust E Hog fuel E Playground Chips 1 Deliveries from 1 45yds-125yds

360-659-6223 Fax (360)659-4383

Your message will include a note with up to 25 words and a seasonal graphic and will run in one edition of your local community newspaper and online for the week. All for only $20.

Reach thousands of readers with just one phone call.

Call Today 800-388-2527

The Classifieds: Part of the largest suburban newspaper group in western Washington. Go online 24 hours a day: www.nw-ads.com or call us today: 1-800-388-2527 for more information.





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(360) 436-1787 Office (425) 231-0249 Cell #POEFE t *OTVSFE t -JD

ONE MONTH FREE!* To take advantage of this limited time offer, or to be included in this directory, contact Terresa Henriot at 360.659.1300 - X 2050. *Must sign a one year contract to receieve One Month Free



Vehicles Wanted



Automobiles Mercury


Firewood, Fuel & Stoves



December 12, 2012

The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe


Accepting resumes at: ISFBTU!TPVOEQVCMJTIJOH DPN PS CZ NBJM UP UI "WFOVF 4 ,FOU 8" ATTN: HR Please state which position and geographic area you are applying for.


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To be included in this directory call:



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CERTIFIED TEACHERS . NEW FACILITIES Indoor/Outdoor play area Kelly Stadum, Director . 360-653-2882 www.bethlehemlutheran.com




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December 12, 2012

The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe

" *#Are " Buying %( Now!!!

'+++ Porcellos




1"$$ "& 3(/+ + /3"& & 1(/$ $"# .( . # .!", ())(+./&".3 .( "&0". 3(/ .( (% , /, & + "0 & +(/, ( + ! ."% .( , $$ ", &(1: 1! & 3(/ ! 0 #&(1$ $ /3 +, 1".! (0 + ==' THURSDAY 3 +, ( 2) +" & DECEMBER .() 3 & , 3 ! $$( $ . ( (/+ 2) +., / . 3(/ (/. .( 36, % +# . 0 $/ ( 3(/+ 6TH (& THROUGH FRIDAY DECEMBER 14TH! ) +,(& $ )(,, ,,"(&,

WE NEED Bullion gold, Silver & Platinum – American Eagle Coins, Krugerrand, Maple Leaf – Proof and Mint Coin Sets. Large Diamonds, Rolex, Patek Philippe & Cartier watches. Named Pieces such as Tiffany, Cartier, Van Cleef & Arpels plus other Fine Jewelry.

0 +

Porcello Estate Buyers will be in your area buying and would like to take this opportunity to invite you to come see us and receive a generous CASH offer. The time to sell is now, when you have knowledgeable buyers with over 110 years of experience. Stop by and say hello... let one of our experts educate you about today’s market value of your personal possessions.

Cash for Coins

Cash for Diamonds

Cash for Gold, Silver and Platinum

Nationally Known Numismatists will be on site to evaluate your coins.

Almost everyone has an old class

ring or broken chain in a drawer We Buy all or safe deposit box. Bring them in and turn them into cash. Collector coins, Gold Jewelry and Scrap Gold & **'!+ " # # & **') 8Kt to 24 Kt US and Foreign, 1/3 Carat .....................up to $500 Class Rings......................................... up to $100

We also buy 1/2 Carat ..................up to $1,400 Including The List Wedding Bands.................................. up to $100 Bracelets .......................................... up to $1,000 precious gemstones 1 Carat......................up to $7,000 Below But Not (

%( Watch Cases ....................................... up to $700 " " $ " Do Not Clean Necklaces......................................... up to $1,500 2 Carat....................up to $20,000 including Rubies, Limited To: Your Coins Charms ............................................ up to $1,500

3 Carat....................up to $30,000 and # &( " ( Sapphires 4 Carat ....................up to $50,000 Broken Chains, Dental Gold, Scrap Emeralds. " $ & 5 Carat..................up to $125,000 Gold – bring in for cash offer.

1794 1/2 Cent .................................... $125 To $4,300 1793 Chain Cent ........................... $2,200 To $10,000 1856 Flying Eagle Cent ................ $1,900 To $10,800 1877 Indian Cent .............................. $320 To $3,150 1937-D Buffalo (3 Legged)................ $175 To $1,000 1885 Liberty Nickel .............................. $150 To $850 1916-D Mercury Dime ...................... $220 To $4,800 1804 Draped Bust Quarter ............... $900 To $3,500 1916 Standing Liberty Quarter .. $1,100 To $10,000 1878-S Seated Half Dollar ........... $4,000 To $30,000 1893-S Morgan Dollar .................... $400 To $23,000 %( $ " 1899 CC Morgan Dollar ................. $100 To $23,000

Our Graduate Gemologists will be onsite to Silver ! ! Cash for Sterling educate you on today’s diamond market. ! ! ( Wanted! $ !

" # We buy all diamonds $ and jewelry items regardless of their All Sterling Silver

#, " Cash for Gold and Silver Coins

PCGS and NGC Coins Welcome

" & # !

...including tea sets, trays, knives, forks, spoons, and serving pieces.

Large Quantities Needed. We also accept monogrammed sterling. All patterns wanted, especially Tiffany, Rosepoint and Georg Jensen.

condition. We can offer you top dollar for all unique and period jewelry. Bring your item in to one of our experts for a FREE appraisal and cash offer. For larger diamonds we pay much more. We buy old mine cut and broken diamonds. We buy diamonds with or without GIA papers.

Cash for Jewelry

Cash for Gold & Silver Bullion, American Eagles =A<@ = - &. 7=-B .( 7@:;'' 7= '' ($ 7A' .( 7B:''' $1.00 U.S. Gold .................................... $70 to $5,000 & Paper Currency =A<; &. 7- B'

($ 7AB .( 7B:''' $2.50 ! "& U.S. Gold .................................... $757-:-'' to $5,000 .( 7=':'''

Cash for Estate Jewelry

$%(,. 0 +3(& ! , & ($ $ ,, +"& (+ +(# & $3.00 $3"& U.S. Gold .................................. $3007=:<'' to $7,500 .( 7=': '' = B? $ &. 7; '' ($ 7;'' .( 7A:B'' All Estate Jewelry Wanted! Antique Jewelry, Rings, Necklaces, ! "& "& + 1 + (+ , )(,". (2 $4.00 U.S. Gold ..................................up to $100,000 = AA & " & &. 7;-' .( 7;:=B' 7@ '' ($ /) .( 7='':''' +"& ./+&Of .! % "&.( ,! $5.00 U.S. Gold ......................................up to $5,000 Earrings & More. We Also.! % Buy "& All & Forms Platinum! =A<@ <B $ 7;AB .( 7B:?'' 7B '' ($ /) .( 7B:''' $10.00 U.S. Gold "% ..................................up to $10,000 $ ,,We "& , /) .( 7='' We not scrappers. appreciate fine jewelry. $20.00 U.S. Gold ..................................up to $15,000 =A<? $ "% 7BB' .( 7B:='' 7=' '' ($ /)are .( 7=':''' $20.00 High Relief ...............................up to $25,000 "& & , /) .( 7='' =<;A4 / $( 9;4 5 7=AB .( 7=:''' 7-' '' ($ /) .( 7=B:''' $1.00 Silver (1935 & previous) ...........up to $10,000 + $ ., /) .( 7=''' = B " +.3 7=B' .( 7 B' 7-' '' " ! $" /) .( 7-B:''' $.50 Silver (1969 " # $ & previous) ..................up to $400 . ! , , /) .( 7A'' $.25 Silver (1964 & previous) ..................up to $250 toll free =<=?4 + /+3 "% 7;-' .( 7@: '' 7= '' "$0 + 9=<;B )+ 0"(/,5 /) .( 7=':''' #$ , /) .( 7=:B'' $.10 (1964 & Previous) .............................up to $150 www.porcelloestatebuyers.com =A<? + ) /,. / +. + 7-:?B' .( 7-=:''' 7 B' "$0 + 9=<?< )+ 0"(/,5 /) .( 7@'' ! +%, /) .( 7=:B'' Do Not Clean Your Coins = '@ + ) /,. / +. + 7=-' .( 7-:='' 7 -B "$0 + 9=<?@ )+ 0"(/,5 /) .( 7-B' !( " ( ! =<=? . & "& " +.3 / +. + 7=:='' .( 7=':''' 7 =' "$0 + 9=<?@ )+ 0"(/,5 /) .( 7=B' =A<@ <B $(1"& "+ $ ($$ + 7-B' .( 7;:=''

# ! " !"! PHILIPPE% CASH # FOR " &' % PATEK " & # ! =A<? <A + ) ROLEX /,. $ ($$ + 7<:''' .( 7; :'''OMEGA CARTIER ! " " # " & #VINTAGE & # WATCHES " ! POCKET WATCHES = A 4 . $ ($$ + 7@:''' .( 7;':'''

( + !. ($$ + 7-:''' .( 7-;:''' = <;4 (+ & ($$ + 7='' .( 7-;:''' = < (+ & ($$ + 7='' .( 7-;:'''

Porcello Estate Buyers 1-800-317-5510

Cash for Watches

! ( $ # !

! " $

" $ # " !! "# !!" $ ' "( LOCAL, FAMILY' $ , OWNED AND OPERATED FOR 60 YEARS AND 3 GENERATIONS STRONG!!! " !" TRUSTED, ## ' "(, FRI THU 12/6 12/7 # & " %( "# SAT 12/8 SUN 12/9 TUE 12/11 THU 12/13 FRI 12/14

" PORCELLO’S #$ $ %( "# .) )-./)00. SAT 12/8 MON 12/10 TUE 12/11


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December 12, 2012



The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe

December 12, 2012

The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe



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704220_BusyBTreeFarmHomeHolShop1121.indd 1

11/28/12 10:43:53 AM

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Arlington Hardware 215 N. Olympic Ave


Unique Interiors

11/16/12 9:41:06 AM

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Since 1971


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11/14/12 11:55:16 AM


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BusyBTree Farm

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December 12, 2012

The Arlington Times • The Marysville Globe Paid Advertisement


“Local Arlington doctor seeks qualified patients for pain relief trial. If you suffer from back, joint or muscle pain, you may be eligible for this special program.” Find out how you can benefit from this offer from a local doctor who recently opened his fourth highly successful clinic in downtown Arlington and has an opening for 50 new patients to participate in a pain reduction or elimination trial If you were recently involved in an auto accident, work injury or have neck, back, joint or muscle pain of any type please keep reading this urgent health bulletin.. it may be the most important thing you read this year! Why? Because what’s about to be revealed may save you from years of pain, suffering, even arthritis. A local doctor is finally offering a treatment program to anyone suffering from short or long term un-resolving pain associated with injuries and accidents. If you have recently been involved in an auto accident, work injury or suffer from back, joint or muscle pain, you may not have found a complete and lasting

If You are In Pain, All The Pills In The World May Never Totally Get Rid Of Your Hidden Injury! solution to your problem. If you went to any health care provider, or even the emergency room, you may have been told something along the lines of “it’s probably just a sprain or strain, take these pills and call me in the morning…” The truth about pain relievers is that they may not reduce or eliminate the REAL cause of your pain. Pain medicines work by disabling your body’s ability to perceive pain. The sad truth is that the pain often returns even worse after the pain pills are gone. What makes these hidden injuries more dangerous is they often start small, and then slowly progress to the point where you feel totally stressed and unhealthy. Soon enough, your work suffers, your family relationships get strained and your health takes a nosedive. You stop enjoying activities that you always took for granted…golf, yard work, lifting the kids, sports. Your sleep gets disturbed. That small throbbing pain you feel today can come back with a vengeance in a week, month, or year, and if you do not treat it correctly, can eventually cause irreversible arthritis. Due to Federal law some exclusions may apply.

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“My name is Dr. Scott Peseau and I own the Arlington Spine Center in downtown Arlington. I am sure you have seen our beautiful building and heard about us from neighbors or friends. We have an incredible office and offer all of the latest advancements for the detection and treatment of hidden injuries that cause chronic unrelenting pain. Through years of research, I’ve discovered incredible treatment methods that address many sources of pain including injuries to the neck, mid and low back, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle and foot. I have

Honestly Ask Yourself: “Will My Quality of Life Improve in The Next 5 Years If I Continue With The Same Treatments That I Have Been Using?” specifically developed treatment programs for nerve problems such as carpal tunnel, tennis elbow and sciatica. Our clinic also treats fibromyalgia patients through a special treatment program involving joint and muscular therapy combined with nutritional restoration of body chemistry. We are one of the very few clinics in Washington to offer Cold Laser Therapy, highly effective at reducing inflammation in nerve and muscle. It is part of our 13 Step System for Muscle and Joint Recovery, which includes chiropractic treatment, stretching / strengthening exercises and muscular and joint therapy directed towards reducing or eliminating inflammation and deep scar tissue.

Safe, Natural Treatment Reduces or Eliminates Hidden Injuries & For A Limited Time Only Is Available FREE For Eligible Patients. If you qualify by having neck, back, joint

Dr. Scott Peseau

or muscle pain, you may be eligible for this trial program, which includes: FREE consult with Dr. Peseau FREE pain examination FREE diagnosis of your pain FREE relief treatment plan FREE first 5 treatments There is now a safe, natural and highly effective way to feel better and improve or eliminate joint, nerve, or muscle, problems without exposing yourself to the dangers of pills and surgeries. In addition, the great news is I have a limited time opening for 50 new patients during the next 30 days.

Call:Arlington Spine Center Ask For: Pain Relief Trial * Limited to first 50 participants. * Must present flyer at 1st visit * New Patients Only * Value range- $100-$500 depending on condition

Phone 360-474-9900 Arlington Spine Center 215 E. 3rd.St. 710003


12/3/12 9:20:25 AM

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