CAMPAIGNS Hotel Nikko Tokyo Michael Habachy Breensmith Intwined Bows Naked Americans for the Arts
“If it scares you, it might just be a good thing to try.” - Seth Godin
Problem: For a luxury brand, the quality of their advertising was far lacking. Solution: A modernized yet elegant ad campaign was launched.
Indoor billboards were created and placed near transit areas to engage potential clients.
Traveling advertisements played a key role for our audience to visualize their personal retreat. After all, business is always better mixed with a little pleasure.
Bus Ad
We also repeated these techniques on several outdoor billboards.
Outdoor Billboard
Rack cards were placed in travel agencies and mailed out to locals who requested information on Japanese travel.
Rack Card
In-flight visuals allowed fliers to engage with the brand. The planes’ window panels became canvases and let the passengers enjoy their view, even with the windows closed.
Airplane Window Ad
A video presentation was featured on airplane screens.
These door tags, subtly, reminded the guests to use their manners.
Door Tags
This pamphlet notified patrons of the hotel’s many amenities.
Problem: Interior designer, Michael Habachy, was overdue for a rebrand. Solution: The brand was given a new identity, one that would guarantee its efficiancy in the professional world. Design: Nikole Glenn Copy:
Maryum Samah
Logo Comps
Final Logo
DESIGNS 434 Marrietta Street #406
Atlanta, Georgia 30313
o. 404.220.7597 f. 404.589.9499
A new business card and letterhead made everything cohesive. 434 Marrietta Street #406
Atlanta, Georgia 30313
o. 404.220.7597 f. 404.589.9499
"Less is more" - Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe
The company site was reinvented with a sleek layout and a user friendly navigation system.
That's the motto used by acclaimed interior designer Michael Habachy. Based in Atlanta, Ga, Michael, along with his team at Habachy Designs creates minimalistic interiors for commercial and residential clients, while delivering maximum impact. His work varies from lounges, trendy restaurants, boutiques, glamorous residences, and chic spas. Michael's designs leave a modern, yet timeless feel while giving each room an unique touch that seamlessly blends the unexpected.
Residential Bachelor’s Residence :: Buenos Aires, Argentina Dunaway Residence :: Atlanta, Georgia Apogee Residence :: South Beach Miami, Florida Liotta Residence :: Atlanta, Georgia Doud-Conner Residence :: Atlanta, Georgia Douglas Residence :: Atlanta, Georgia Artefacto Style House :: Atlanta, Georgia Symphony Showhouse 2011 :: Atlanta, Georgia
Commercial Rhinoceros Boutique :: Atlanta, Georgia Blue Med Spa :: Atlanta, Georgia Vanquish :: Atlanta, Georgia Shoe Bar :: Atlanta, Georgia Polished Beauty Salon :: Atlanta, Georgia Reign :: Atlanta, Georgia The Blue Corset Co. :: Atlanta, Georgia Entebello Spa :: Atlanta, Georgia Compund :: Atlanta, Georgia Footique :: Columbus, Georgia The Royal :: Atlanta, Georgia
E. o. 404.220.7597 f. 404.589.9499
434 Marrietta Street #406
Atlanta, Georgia 30313
We made his work visible to the public by printing consecutive ads in The Atlantan, a local magazine.
Magazine Display
Creating A presence
Creating A presence
scan this image
with layar app
scan this image
with layar app
Print Ads
A press release was written in order to expose his rebrand.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Michael Habachy Ph: 404.220.7597 Local Designer, Michael Habachy revamps Atlanta Culture Have you ever craved an escape, but didn't have the luxury or time to travel and find it? Thanks to Michael Habachy at Habachy Designs, we have the option to get away, right here in Atlanta. Michael Habachy uses fundamental design skills to create lush atmospheric decor that soothes the senses among entrance. His designs include a mix of modern and clean lines with the aid of some traditional elements that correspond with one another in an unique and unexpected way. Habachy and his team bring a new and refreshing feel to the Atlanta lifestyle that's almost reminiscent to the urban Miami city life. Habachy Designs is responsible for the lavish looks for Footique, Dressed Restaurant, Blue Med Spa, Buddha Restaurant and widely celebrated lounges such as, Compound, Reign, Vanquish, and Aurum. 434 Marrietta Street #406
Atlanta, Georgia 30313
o. 404.220.7597 f. 404.589.9499
Press Release
The capacity of Habachy’s vision was expressed through the placement of these printed window vinyl’s.
Guerrilla Ad
Copywriting Intern
Problem: Intwined Bows is a new brand that implements minimal marketing methods. Solution: Advertisements, a mobile app, and a website were created to combat the issue. Concept: Maryum Samah Photographer: Andrew Michael Phillips
Strategically placed advertisements made the brand more accessible.
Bus Stop Ad
Product placements ran throughout malls across the city, encouraging people to visit the stores.
Mall Ad
Bold visuals left a lasting impression on drivers who passed the ads.
With our help, Intwined launched its very first website.
The Intwined app enabled users to try the bows on, create their favorite looks on the “look book,� and purchase the looks.
Mobile App
Problem: Although prominent, Naked needed a more exciting approach to social media. Solution: A Pinterest page was created, along with a blog, and a fun Instagram hashtag.
Hashtags are an entertaining, yet, informative way to conduct research. This hashtag revealed how and when people choose to consume Nakeds’ products.
By using Pinterest, consumers were able to interact with the brand. Our flavor boards served as personal profiles for each of the unique tastes.
Pinterest Page
The addition of a Pinterest contest drove traffic to the “Naked Page� and revealed to contestants just how versatile their products were.
Pinterest Contest
The information, gathered from the contest, aided in the conception of Naked’s recipe blog, full of all the guilt-free delicious goodness.
Problem: Arts programs are slowly being removed from public schools. Solution: We emphasized the usefulness of a creative education. Illustration: Blanche Fisher Wright
Readers of popular parenting magazines were shown what their childhoods may have been like without the influence of art.
Print Ad
Without art, there would be no books, or stories. It was only appropriate for us to place these reminders in schools and public libraries.
The print ads carried their weight in every place, that held any relevance, affiliated to art and the development of children.
Bus Stop Ad
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Informational kits communicated the importance of an art’s education to parents who had their children studying in the public school system.
Not only did we want to reach our audience, we wanted them to respond. This digital bookmark served as a platform for supporters to share their stories so that our message would resonate with people who were able to make the change.
Nook Bookmark