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Mary Valley Dateclaimers 2023
Anything missed? Email maryvalleyvoice31@gmail.com with any new event dates as they are known.
7th Imbil Bull Bronc & Barrels Round 1 for MVSC P&C
15th MV Film Society free film Bitter Springs, Kandanga Hall
11-16th Qld Caravan Club, Maleny showgrounds
17-18th Summer Warm-up Festival, Maleny showgrounds
5th Clean Up Australia! – 2023 Rethink Waste
7-10 Easter 2023 long weekend
22-23rd Gheerulla Hall Art Fair
25th ANZAC Day
29th Maleny Wood Expo weekend
29th Imbil Bull Bronc & Barrels Round 2 for Imbil Pool
6th GourMay Mary Valley Festival Day, Imbil
5– 7th Sth Qld Outriggers Championship – Rainbow Beach
18-20th Gympie Show 26-28th Kenilworth
25th ArtsFest – Silver Jubilee
Kenilworth Quilt & Craft Show
2-3rd Maleny Show, Nambour
9-11th Conondale Classic Weekend S/Coast Motorcycle Club
23-25th Maleny Music Winter Solstice Festival Kenilworth P&C Annual Campdraft
JULY 2023
1-3rd Knitfest, Maleny
7-9th Queensland Garden Expo, Nambour showgrounds
15th Mary River Festival, Kandanga
22-23rd Accent Benchtops Rally Qld motorsport, Gympie 28-30th Mary Valley Art Festival, Imbil
27-30th Noosa Alive! 2023 Festival
20th Yandina Street Fair 24-27th Gympie Music Muster, Amamoor
26th Mary Valley Show, Imbil Cooroy Mountain Spring Festival
Kenilworth Classic Car Show Kenilworth Chook Chase (non-competitive) motorcross
3rd Mary Valley Scarecrow Festival (month-long)
8th Noosa Country Show, Pomona showgrounds
8-10th Kickarse Music & Camping Festival, Kenilworth
9– 11th National Chevrolet Festival, Gympie showgrounds
15-17th Mitchell Creek Rock N' Blues Fest weekend
16th Kenilworth Show & Rodeo
30th Imbil Bull Bronc & Barrels Final for MVSC P&C Gheerulla Hall Art Fair
Cooroora Woodworkers Woodcraft Expo, Cooroy
16th UlyssesRV National Rally, Maleny
Heart of Gold International Film Festival, Gympie
S/Coast Ukulele Festival, Imbil
MV Community Xmas Fair, Imbil
Imbil Kenilworth Christmas Party
Cooroy H/made & Artisan Fest
Residents of the Mary Valley are warmly invited to free monthly screenings of classic movies from the mid-1930s to the late-1990s at Kandanga Hall.
The Hall’s Committee believes the free screenings are a good way for residents from Mary Valley’s many villages to gather for a great movie, plus hear a five-minute talk from a Mary Valley community organisation about their group. Then followed by with a “strict five minute” Q&A.
The first of these talks will be from Tony Hawkridge, President, Friends of Kandanga
Screenings occur on the third Sunday of each month starting 15 January, 2023. Hall doors open at 4.30pm. Tony’s talk at 5pm sharp. Movies start 5.15pm sharp!
Kandanga Hall has just installed one of the largest cinema screens in the Gympie region. The retractable screen is four metres by 2.6m high, with a highspec 6000 lumens laser projector, both brand new, courtesy of a Queensland Government grant.

Aust/UK 1950 Bitter Springs movie
MVFS will screen the best of brilliant but little-known Australian, American and British movies from around a thousand feature films per year that the global film industry produces. Plus, the odd foreign language film, and if available with sub-titles for the hard of hearing.
Pictured above, our first screening a 1950 Australian/British movie, Bitter Springs, with a contemporary theme.
It’s the first movie made on the conflict between settlers creating new lives establishing grazing properties on land occupied by Aboriginals.
Stars the best-known actor from the period, Chips Rafferty and some who later became TV/movie stars: Michael Pate and Bud Tingwall plus Aboriginal actor, Henry Murdoch and others who all speak in Pitjantjatjara language.
Gold coin entrance fee for tea and coffee provided at start, while the film is free. It’s ok to invite people from outside Mary Valley. If you arrive late, please enter quietly.
Kindly submitted by Jim Beetson, Kandanga.

US 1947 The Ghost & Mrs Muir

UK 1954 Hobson's Choice

Random pic sent in by Yvonne James of Kenilworth Fire Brigade Open day, from 19 November 2022. This is what happens when one throws water onto an oil fire. It explodes in a fire ball.