Mary Valley Voice April 18 2012 - Vol.22 No.7

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18 April 2012 Vol. 22 No. 7

connecting communities



Last Friday of the Month

27th april Jam Night 3rd Annual

starts at 10am!

Mary Valley Classic Car Show SUNDAY 29th APRIL


Exhibitors can turn up on the day, 60x classic cars confirmed already… plus car themed stalls incl. bike and car clothing, model cars, tin posters, metal polishing and more.

Wednesday SUNDAY 13th May

Live band


Thursday & Sunday

includes two glasses of Champagne = $60 PH

5446 0206


18 Elizabeth St, Kenilworth





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$ 99 ea Martini Asti, Yellowglen Yellow NV Sparklings, Yellowtail or Houghton Stripe Wines.



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Oyster Bay Wines. (Excludes Pinot Noir & Sparklings.)




Jim Beam White Premix or Canadian Club Premix.

Close to you.


18 Elizabeth Street, Kenilworth Tel 5446 0206

Specials available from Wednesday April 18th, 2012 until Tuesday April 24th, 2012. Images are for illustrative purposes only. Specials available only in the state of Queensland. Beer prices may vary in country and far North Queensland. Different pack sizes and variants may not be available in all stores.

2 | April 18, 2012


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6x375ml Cans.

KENILWORTH The Spider Bridge


n the 1951 article by Arthur Tanner published on Friday 11 May edition of the Nambour Chronicle and North Coast Advertiser he recalls:As necessity if the mother of invention, the advent of a motor vehicle in this district (devoid of bridges) caused much trouble until the idea of the use of two halves of hollow logs to cross boggy gullies. This led to what is known as “spider bridges”, to cross rivers. The first of these structures was built on to trees or anchored with bed logs in the river banks… The worth of them is invaluable where the ordinary bridge would entail enormous expense (page 5). The history of Spider Bridges in the area is covered in the DVD presentation “Looking Back – Ed Sims Memories of Kenilworth” shown to all visitors to the Kenilworth Museum, but their importance to the district has been covered in many of the newspaper articles available for reading at the Nambour Chronicle website Spider Bridges were essential to road travel to and from Kenilworth prior to the opening of the “new” Mary River Bridge on December 5, 1931 as indicated by the District news published in the Nambour Chronicle, February 6, 1931. Inconvenience to residents and carriers has already been caused by the river crossings as the spider bridge at Kenilworth has been submerged for some days. Although the new main road bridge over the river has been completed for some months, it is not trafficable as the approaches are not even commenced (page 7). This article also reported that Mr. and Mrs. A. McGinn, after spending their honeymoon at Pialba, have returned home. In the June 12 edition of the same year it was reported that the old road over Purdon’s flat and the spider bridge are in use again, while the main roads gang is forming the approaches over the new bridge. Another section had to be added to the spider bridge, and quite a lot of sand was moved to make it trafficable. This was done by means of a working bee (page 9). (A community helping itself). Another example of community self sufficiency is shown in a letter from Mr. H.H. Liekefett to the Landsborough Shire Council tabled at the March meeting, 1932, published on page 3 March 18 edition, agreeing to supply timber for a spider bridge in front of his property at Conondale, providing Council grant permission to Mr. Kolb, bridge contractor to erect same at £93.

KENILWORTH MARCH 2012 223.6 mm over 20 days Report kindly submitted by Michael Pfeiffer

Maroochy Shire Council meeting minutes published March 23, 1934 record that Coolabine residents petitioned the Maroochy Shire Council to have a decked spider bridge over Obi Obi Creek constructed. Spider Bridges were an integral part of the development of the district and a fine example of the ability of earlier residents to face a problem and come up with a practical solution for the benefit of the whole community. Photograph: Heritage Library, Sunshine Coast Council.

Lenore Meldrum President Kenilworth and District Historical Assn Inc.



ALLERY TOUR An art gallery tour by bus recently took members to the Caloundra Regional Gallery to see the photographic exhibition ‘Memory, Myth and the 1/4 Acre Block’ by Australian born photographer Bronek Kozka. His photographs portray the ordinary stories that were common in many Australian suburban households during his childhood of the 1970’s. Bronek’s technically perfect, atmospheric photographs, untouched by computer, are taken in carefully constructed sets or outdoors, much as commercial advertising or a film would be with carefully controlled lighting. Either actors or friends were subjects. The next gallery stop was at the Kawana Community Centre where we were treated to a close-up viewing of winning work by local artist Pam Black, of the 2011 Kenilworth Prize at the art festival at Kenilworth Celebrates! . After lunch at the Ginger Factory, our gallery tour took us to the Yandina Historic Homestead which features work by local artists, and finished at the Lasting Impressions Gallery where owner Kay Cathro showed us the latest exhibition at this impressive gallery.



he Kenilworth Bowls Club will be holding a fundraising afternoon for Sunshine Coast Legacy on Anzac Day once again this year. The club will open at 1pm and if you would like to play barefoot bowls you need to be there then to get your name in. All proceeds from green fees, raffles and two-up will be donated to Legacy. The Club holds this event every Anzac Day to help raise money for this vital cause. It is a great afternoon with plenty of fun to be had by all and everyone is most welcome to attend. Enquiries - phone the Club on 5446 0292.

GYMPIE LIVESTOCK SALES SULLIVAN LIVESTOCK run sales at Gympie. Fat and Store sale every second Monday; Pigs and calves sale every Wednesday. Further details the rep, Jim Barron 5494 4526. April 18, 2012 |


ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.

ANZAC Day falls on the anniversary of the Gallipoli landing in 1915 and is the day we remember all Australians who served and died in all wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations.

Kenilworth & District Remembers

ANZAC Day Wednesday 25 April, 2012

“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.”

Kenilworth’s ANZAC Day Programme

7.30 am Free breakfast

in Kenilworth Town Park

8.45 am Assembly of Parade in Town Park March to ANZAC Memorial g 9.00 am Memorial Service & Wreath Laying Please join us after the Memorial Service for a hot cuppa and some homemade ANZAC biscuits at the Public Hall.

“Lest We Forget” Photo of Kilcoy Troop 2nd / 19th Light Horse regiment

Colonial period, 1788-1901 Sudan, March to June 1885 Sth African - Boer War, 1899-1902 China (Boxer Rebellion), 1900-01 *First World War, 1914-18 Second World War, 1939-45 Occupation of Japan, 1946-51 Korean War, 1950-53 Malayan Emergency, 1950-60 Indonesian Confrontation, 1963-66 Vietnam War, 1962-75 First Gulf War, 1990-91 Peacekeeping, 1947 to present

*For Australia the First World War remains the most costly conflict in terms of deaths and casualties. From a population of fewer than five million, 416,809 men enlisted, of which over 60,000 were killed and 156,000 wounded, gassed or taken prisoner.

*Source: Australian War Memorial website

Kenilworth RSL meets every 2ND MONDAY of the Month at the Hall. New members welcome. Ph Jim 5446 0637 Note RSL Membership is open to supporters and non service personnel as well as returned servicemen.

4 | April 18, 2012



gain the Easter Saturday Kenilworth Cheese, Wine and Food Fest was a great success. The crowds were there, the food was there, and everyone had an enjoyable day. The hard work and dedication of a very small committee again put Kenilworth on the foodie map. A very big thank you to all the sponsors and volunteers that made the day as successful as it was. Major sponsors, Kenilworth Country Foods, supplied all the cheese for the competitions and prizes, as well as, financial assistance and Bruno Kempter of Coruno Enterprises who donated the portable satellite-TV dish kit for our major raffle prize, won by Natalie and Andy Ma of Mt. Creek. A special thanks to Lena for the extra cheese when needed. The Cheese Factory’s generosity is greatly appreciated. Also Kenilworth Realty, Gitsham Prime Foods, the Sunshine Coast Daily, Bruno Kempter of Solar Laser Productions and all the other people and local businesses that gave off their time and or helped with the dollars. Thanks Cr Paul Tatton, the new toilet block actually was finished on time and looked so much better than the old one. Kenilworth Newsagency • Kenilworth Friendly Grocers Kenilworth Garage • Kenilworth Pharmacy • Kenilworth Butcher • Kenilworth Bakery • Cedar Creek Bush Foods • Francis Golightly and Ashley • John and Kathy Pinnington • Col Bidewell and Holly • All the First Responders • Kenilworth SES • Information Centre • David Morris • Betty Anne Doyle • CSP Hire-Generator • Lolie Murtagh and Belinda • Kenilworth and District Chamber of Commerce and Citizens Inc.



n the great tradition of the travelling troubadour, Melanie Hall and Susan Carcary have packed their Akubras, boots, books, plenty of tea and the cat, and they have taken their unique two-woman variety show on the road. You can’t miss them as they tootle around Australia in their wildly colourful ex-Japanese library bus. Both Mel and Susie are Australian Champion Bush Poets. Their show is a mix of riotous comedy, good old Aussie yarns, a bit of singin’ and some dead set, hand on your heart love of country sentiment. “We are so fortunate to live in a free, democratic society” says Mel, “We travel Australia and cross our borders without having to show papers or passports. Mateship and the ability to pitch in and help your neighbour when they’re in trouble is a strong part of the Aussie culture, as is that


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Licence # 69449


Proudly sponsored by the Kenilworth Hall, Show and Recreation Ground Assn. Inc.


Warren Blee OAM, local pharmacist is Standing for Mayor

tanding for Mayor is not a step to be taken lightly, so when asked why he was standing Warren Blee said that as a long time resident with family on the Coast, he believed the Coast could be made a so much better place to live with more jobs if the economic environmental balance could be achieved while broadening the economic base of the Coast with the knowledge and clean-tech industries. As for his political background, he is an independent who in other major organisations has successfully worked with governments of both political persuasions. Asked about his experience, Mr Blee referred to his 33 years in business in Maroochydore, his election five times as State President of the peak professional body and his time on the National Board plus his over 40 years involvement in youth development via the Australian Navy Cadets. Awarded an Order of Australia Medal this year he stated that it had been for services to the Pharmaceutical Industry and the Australian Navy Cadets and was really recognition for the achievements by teams of great people who he had the privilege to lead. As to who was funding his campaign he said that in excess of 97% of the funding was out of his own pocket, but with a smile added it was never too late for generous people to donate. Asked his final message, he said “He hoped people would vote for a long time local businessman who simply wanted to bring some practical commonsense to local government”.

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larrikin streak and our irreverent sense of humour. All of this is reflected in our show.” “We love what we do; we are taking Aussie yarns, verse and songs to audiences who may not have been exposed to poetry since their school days,” said Susan. “The biggest obstacle is getting the bums on seats, a lot of folk remember standing in front of the head masters office waiting for the cane because they failed to learn The Man From Snowy River. We put the fun back in to poetry.” Mel and Susie will be at the Kenilworth Showgrounds Hall on Saturday 21 April, BBQ from 5pm. More info from Vanessa Clinton on 07 5472 3057 or email

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PLUMBING, Call Drainage, RRIS JEFF MO G on ROOFING & MBIN Farm Irrigation... PLU58 633 463 04 April 18, 2012 |






Cam kicks on to a bright ‘Korea’

ameron Taylor from the San Taekwondo Club in Conondale and Maleny is off to Korea for a three month scholarship to study at the Hanzhong University, one of Korea’s most prestigious Taekwondo education centers. Cameron has been selected for the scholarship as the only Australian and one of only a handful of non-Korean students who are offered a place each year. “Taekwondo was developed in Korea thousands of years ago and is practiced by most Koreans at some stage, so it’s no surprise that they are recognised as the very best in the world” said Cameron. “The people that I will be living and training with are world champions.” “To say I am excited by the opportunity is an understatement” Cameron said. “I know it will be a challenge but I am really looking forward to it” A typical day will start with a three kilometre run in the mountains followed by a training session. After breakfast are some classes learning Korean for a few hours before lunch, another afternoon training session, dinner and more training before bed. Conditions at the University are strict with traditional values being enforced. Some of the skills the team have can be seen on their facebook page: TDFteam (including a demo from Brisbane last year). Cameron is currently studying for qualifications in fitness and hopes to build a career in the fitness industry after he returns. This opportunity will be invaluable in that journey, as well as being a great life experience. This is another example of the benefits of training with a club with national recognition. San Taekwondo is the only club on the hinterland that can advance students beyond club level, to offer real national and international opportunities. New students are welcome all through the year and the class is made up of people of all ages and abilities, which helps to maintain the friendly, family-orientated approach. For any information on taekwondo at Maleny or Conondale visit or call 0428 712 883.

DAGUN GROWERS MARKET The freshest, just-picked, spray-free, local fruit and veg around. Dagun Growers Market every Saturday from 2pm. Ph 5484 3749 • or find latest updates on FaceBook.

6 | April 18, 2012



IEW Club Cooroy ladies enjoyed a wonderful brunch at the delightful Metal Tiger Tea Emporium on Gympie Terrace, Noosaville. We were provided with a great range of teas (also coffee to our suprise) and we ate authentic Asian street food which was very tasty. It was a great morning as we overlooked the Noosa River on what was one of the finer days this month. We meet at the Cooroy Hotel 2nd Tuesday of the month 10.30am for lunch and hear a guest speaker. The 4th Tuesday of the month we enjoy a social morning out and about. Contact Grace 5471 1364 or Lal 5449 1902 for more information.



elli’s last dance in March went ahead despite heavy rain and local flooding with Sunshine Swing band braving the elements to provide their popular live entertainment. Despite heavy downpours, sixty two dancers, including young families, enjoyed the live sound and danced the evening away, enjoying a hearty supper in the usual country style. There was a fun community spirit evident throughout the night with experienced dancers spontaneously teaching visiting young novice dancers their old-time dance moves. The organisers appreciate the support of dancers and in particular, the Sunshine Swing band, for their enthusiasm as they danced the night away. Belli’s next Old-Time Dance will be held on Saturday 28 April, commencing at 7.30 pm. Popular local band, Sunshine Swing, will again lead the dancing with vocalist Rex Eggmolesse. Entry fee of $12 per adult includes a countrystyle supper and door prizes. Bring the whole family for a great night of old-style dancing. Belli Hall is located at 1170 Kenilworth Road, Belli Park. Visit our website at www. or contact Margaret on 5447 0175. Belli Hall is again hosting Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea on Thursday 24 May, commencing 9.30 am. This year we have a fantastic line-up of live entertainment, including popular award winning entertainer, Catherine Fox. There will be prizes galore, including everyone’s favourite, another gorgeous quilt, handcrafted and donated by Joyce Woods. So mark this date in your diary and support the Cancer Council while enjoying a scrumptious morning tea and entertainment. We welcome donations from local businesses and goods for our ‘bring and buy’ stall. Further information ring Margaret on 5447 0175.

STANDING TIMBER REQUIRED Flooded Gum and Mahogany Timber required. Suitable for wood chopping material. Contact Mike Osborne 5486 7222.



armers and food producers in the Mary Valley are being asked to take part in a proposal that aims to support local food production and boost the rural economy, by supporting the development of a Mary Valley Food Hub. Food hubs are a form of co-operative where local producers can join together to help market and distribute their goods. “For many growers, the main thing we are good at is producing high quality goods,” said Elaine Bradley, a market gardener from Dagun who has been working on a project to investigate the establishment of a food hub in the Mary Valley. Elaine is also one of the co-ordinators of the Dagun Growers Market. “What we are not so good at is selling what we grow. A food hub would be a great tool to help market our produce. It could help get local food into homes, restaurants, cafes and institutions such as hospitals throughout the region.” The food hub would also coordinate the logistics of planning crops to avoid gluts and to ensure that there was always a good supply of a diverse range of produce. “It has the potential of saving growers time and money,” said Elaine. “It can also create economic opportunities and jobs in our communities.” Food producers are invited to discuss the draft business plan and specific activities of the local food hub. Comments will be taken into account for the final plan. It is expected that the Mary Valley Food Hub will then be ready to start operations by June. Sessions will be held as follows: Kandanga 7pm Tuesday 24 April at Kandanga Bowls Club Kenilworth 7pm Thursday 26 April at Kenilworth CWA Hall Material will be available for reading from 6.30pm before discussions start, or can be emailed/posted on request a few days prior. For more info, please call Elaine Bradley on 5484 3749 or email to


Fashion your Facebook with Mary Valley Country

he Mary Valley is warming up to become South East Queensland’s next greatest tourism destination.

The marketing committee will launch its new brand and website for Mary Valley Country on April 30 at Kandanga Bowls Club. Mary Valley Country is offering valley businesses the opportunity to attend free workshops to help them maximise their exposure through links to the website, Facebook, blogging, Youtube and photo galleries in order to keep their key activities up there with the rest of Australia. dtb! Advertising, who will run the workshops, has built an interactive website and its associated branding so that businesses and community can get the most out of the site by improving their skills to utilise the marketing campaign. Questions like “Why is the digital approach so important to the region?” and “how to set up your Facebook page” will be answered at the free workshops. Participants will find out about allowing information to be easily accessed by the digital user, and most importantly how to increase your Search Engine Optimisation. Businesses and community are invited to attend the launch at Kandanga Bowls Club on April 30 at 6pm. Local business woman Julie Worth said: “With such large tourist traffic only 40 minutes from our door on the Sunshine Coast, Mary Valley Country invites visitors to come out to play and have some great family fun.” “We have a chance to really surprise visitors with the quality of outdoor activities that are available in the valley. I urge businesses to get onboard and not miss this opportunity to work together”. Workshops are to be held at Mary Valley State College on May 14, 28 and June 11 in the evening. For further information and inquiries phone Lesa Bell on 5488 6595 or 0428 193156 or email

MARCH 2012 MOY POCKET March 2012 275mm • 11 years average 140mm March 2011 168mm Report kindly submitted by Graham Brennan

Photo left: MVC Allan, James, Michael. Photo right: MVC Lesa, Brenda, Michael, Julie.

JUDITH GRACE Craniosacral Therapy, Reconnective Healing and Munay-Ki rites. Judith works with people of all ages to bring about change and healing. Ph: 07 5447 9077 Mob: 0438 983 036 • Mary Valley Community News Association Inc, publishers of the Mary Valley Voice, reserves the right to refuse inappropriate advertising and submissions for both print and website, and any opinions expressed in any published advertisements or submissions does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Association or its editor. It also reserves the right to determine what is inappropriate for publication purposes.

April 18, 2012 |




Council on the hunt for pests

on’t be alarmed if Sunshine Coast Council officers stop by soon to investigate pests lurking around your property. Council officers will be conducting a Pest Survey Program in accordance with Section 241 of the Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002 throughout the region. Community Response Manager, Sheryl Krome said the purpose of the program was to monitor the distribution and spread of declared pest plants and animals and raise community awareness about them. “Council’s Pest and Vector Control Officers will be carrying out the survey in rural and peri-urban properties throughout the Sunshine Coast,” Ms Krome said. “The Pest Survey Program will commence 2 April 2012 and continue until 22 June 2012. “We will be promoting to landowners best practice in the treatment of declared pest plants while also monitoring compliance with the Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002.” Particular emphasis will be placed on inspecting the localities of Maleny, Witta, Meridan Plains, Belli Park, Conondale, Eerwah Vale, Gheerulla, Lake MacDonald and Cooroibah as part of the Pest Survey Program. A copy of the Pest Survey Program is available for inspection and/or purchase during the period of the program at council’s Customer Contact Centres. For further information, contact council’s Customer Contact Centre on (07) 5475 7272 or email



ost people would be aware that bullying is fairly topical at the moment. Most of the information being released is from bullying in schools but it occurs in all levels of society. ADVERTISEMENT

Bullying that occurs in schools is best dealt with by the schools in the first instance. We are aware that all schools in this area have anti-bullying policies and the matter should be raised with the principal initially. Assaults can be reported to Police whether they occur at school or not. In an assault matter, the person assaulted will be required to attend a medical practitioner to be examined, whether there are injuries or not. This is required for any future court matter. The person assaulted is then required to attend a Police Station and make a formal complaint and have a statement taken. The person committing the assault will be interviewed and their version obtained. The person assaulted may be required to appear in Court and give evidence if the matter proceeds that far. This is the process for all reports of assault, whether by juveniles or adults and whether there are injuries or not. A problem arises when parents become involved in instances of bullying at school. If the parents have a complaint about bullying at school, it can be made to the Principal as outlined above. If parents confront children, other than their own, out of school, the matter could result in the parent being charged with an offence. “I was sticking up for my child”, while understandable, is not a defence to a charge. Please use the proper channels if you have a problem, it may stop the problem from becoming bigger then necessary. Terry Kennedy Sergeant

Bill Greer Senior Constable

working bee reminder


ushcare Group at Little Yabba Park (Cambroon) working bees are held on the first Friday of the month. We usually work for a couple of hours, have a cuppa and then a forest walk nearby for those interested. All equipment provided. If you would like to be part of restoring this beautiful little park, please join us at our next bee on Friday 4 May 8am. We will be planting and weeding. If you have any queries, contact Susie Duncan on 5429 6622, wilderness@ You might also like to read about the activities of the group at

FAMILY DAY CARE @ BELLI PARK Vacancies available. New: Vacation care. Child Care Benefit and Child Care Rebate approved. Phone Yvonne on 5447 9598 to discuss your individual care needs.

8 | April 18, 2012

Kenilworth Cheese Wine and Food fest 2012

Happy stall holders on the Main Street. Shopping frenzy for herbs and seedlings getting ready for winter crop and our girls, Veronika and Di queens of the BBQ!

Photos kindly submitted by Jill Guldbransen

Murphy & Nowland Wholesale Nursery Open to the Public



Anzac Day Services

MARY VALLEY RSL SUB BRANCH & CITIZENS AUXILLIARY Extend an open invitation to the community of the Mary Valley to attend the

KANDANGA MEMORIAL PARK, KANDANGA Wednesday, 25 April, 2012 DAWN SERVICE – 5.30am ALL are invited afterwards to a Community Breakfast

hosted by the Widgee - M.V. Lions Club at the KANDANGA HALL

DAY SERVICE – 12.00pm

Gympie Caledonian Pipe Band

March to assemble in Elizabeth St, Kandanga (opposite school) at 11.30am and afterwards Veterans and Partners, War Widows, invited guests and past and present Service Personnel are invited to a luncheon at the Kandanga Hall at 1.00pm. To assist with catering, please RSVP for the luncheon to Phil Jensen (President) 5484 5335.

The traditional TWO-UP GAME will be held at the Railway Hotel, Imbil with guest music, sausage sizzle and raffles. Join the League through Mary Valley RSL Sub-Branch and wear an RSL Badge on ANZAC Days. The Mary Valley RSL Sub-Branch can provide welfare/pension assistance to Veterans and their widows, RSL Care facilities and a range of social activities including RSL youth group, a Tai Chi group, choir and sporting groups. For all details, contact Sub-Branch secretary Ian Stubbins, 5484 5245.

Naval Cadets lead the March

April 18, 2012 |




hake, rattle and roll to Mary Valley and Imbil ‘Mothers Day Special’ Fundraising Fiesta on Sunday 6 May* from 7:30am with all proceeds to aid Neighbourhood Watch and MV Children’s Community Christmas party. Who will be there? Amamoor Country Crafts, Australia Park Nursery, Earth Boula, Functioning Beautifully, Gallery Frit of Imbil, Beryl’s locally made jewellery, Lynn’s Healing Hands, Helen’s Glass Art, Michelle’s Kahuna massage, Simply Unique Quality Clothing,

face painting for the children and Shellie’s Weight Loss Challenge, a sausage sizzle by Imbil SES plus fresh and cooked seafood. Something for all ages, along with cold drinks, ice creams, tea, coffee and cakes plus amazing, fantastic Mother’s Day raffles to win with accommodation at Rosevale B&B and many more. It’s all the fun of the Fiesta with rock wall climbing and jumping castle by P&C Amusements plus much more from belly dancers to a big band of local musos who will create a funky Fiesta ambiance. Location is near centre of town at 126 Yabba Road, Imbil and for more info phone Robyn or Phil on 5484 5363. *Note Fundraising Fiesta is on Sunday BEFORE Mothers Day (13 May). ADVERTISEMENT



Funding assistance for community organisations

Building a Culture for Postive Change SAT 28TH APRIL 2012

Visit council’s website for guidelines and to apply online. 6SHDN WR D *UDQWV 2I¿FHU IRU IXUWKHU LQIRUPDWLRQ RU DVVLVWDQFH 07 5441 8616 JUDQWV#VXQVKLQHFRDVW TOG JRY DX


your local lawyers 62 Maple Street, Maleny | T 5494 3511 6B/3 Obi Obi Road, Mapleton | T 5478 6500 P.O. Box 255 Maleny Qld 4552 | F 5494 2477

10 | April 18, 2012 Authorised by Warren Blee, 6 Ocean St, Maroochydore

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You are invited to contact me with any questions via the website or website blog.

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jgMaryValleyVoice 2012




EcoFlicks 2012

ICA’s Catherine Cheung was the brainchild of EcoFlicks - the Sunshine Coast Environmental Film Festival. Catherine has now moved on but her legacy remains in what is possibly the most popular community environment film festival in Australia. Now in its third consecutive year, the Sunshine Coast Council supports EcoFlicks both financially and with continuous screenings at selected venues throughout Green June, following the official screening and awards presentation at World Environment Day (Sunday June 10) at University of the Sunshine Coast. Noosa Integrated Catchment Association (NICA) coordinates the event and has secured award sponsors as well as much needed technical assistance for participants by way of a free two-day workshop from Qld School of Film and Television (QSFT). “The major program and award sponsors this year are once again SEQ Catchments, the Original Eumundi Markets, and QSFT. It is also great to see other environmentally minded businesses jump on board and throw their support behind this event in getting the clean, green environment message out there - they include Home and Energy Solar, Noosa Avalon Farm Cottages, and Salon Salon Cooroy.” said NICA’s Project Coordinator, Maree Prior. “We now want lots of participants - wannabe filmmakers







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Photo of 2011 ECOFLICKS by M. Prior: Stephanie Haslam (NICA), Leigh Warneminde (Coolum Coastcare), Di Seels (Best Film), Ian Mackay (Most Inspirational Award and Most Informative and Entertaining Award), Melanie Rothman (teacher on behalf of Sunshine Beach High School awards for Best Student and 2 x Encouragement Awards), Peter Homan (manager of Original Eumundi Markets, major sponsor), John Joseph (Peoples Choice Award), Wendy May (NICA Ecoflicks Team).

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and YouTube buffs - to enter a five minute film in the festival. Details can be found on the NICA website under Projects Go to EcoFlicks 2012 and download the Rules and Registration form.” “We are also thinking ahead and are interested hearing from 2013 sponsors who would like to discuss Naming Rights to promote this fantastic event; a YouTube contest and a dedicated website” Maree said.

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April 18, 2012 |




Medicine from our Gardens

trawberries are coming into season now – the first of the crop heads up our way from southern parts of Australia, but this is a prime time to put in our own plants in preparation for a winter harvest. Australians are not generally known as huge strawberry eaters, but if more of us realised just what a food powerhouse they are, those statistics would almost certainly change. I’m yet to meet a person who says they don’t actually like the taste of strawberries - basically they’re delicious – but let me tell you about their incredible health benefits.

Strawberries are very high in fibre but at the same time low in calories, so they are a good fruit to include in a weight loss diet. Although they do contain natural fruit sugars, this is considered to be low in most berries. As with all brightly coloured fruits and vegetables, strawberries are very high in antioxidants, which is where their rich, red colour comes from. The word antioxidants is bandied around a fair bit, often without a great deal of understanding as to their role, however the Sunshine House of Wellness most important Naturopathy { Herbal Medicine thing to know is that including as [ Massage many antioxidant Recently opened in Belli Park rich foods in your Opening special - 1hr Massage $50 diet is the easiest Call Gabby Scott on 0421 134 451 Member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society way to ward of

OPEN 7 DAYS 5 am to 6 pm


many cancers and age-related diseases. Strawberries are also known to be anti-inflammatory, which means that conditions such as osteoarthritis, asthma and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) all benefit from generous strawberry consumption. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nature of strawberries, combined with the significant levels of both folic acid and vitamin C which are found in strawberries, provides an overall boost to heart health, including helping to lower blood pressure. These benefits are increased by the presence of manganese in strawberries, which is a crucial mineral for both heart and bone health. Studies have also shown that strawberries contribute to a reduction in cases of macular degeneration. Need I continue? This list of benefits from strawberry consumption is on it’s own enough to encourage us to eat more strawberries, apart from the fact that they taste great! Here is one of my favourite ways to include strawberries daily in your diet: Breakfast Smoothie This not only tastes great but will last you through the morning as it contains healthy proteins. Blend the following ingredients for a refreshing and extremely tasty smoothie: 1 cup strawberries • 1 cup plain yoghurt • 2 Tbsp natural flavoured whey protein powder (available from health food shops) • 1 Tbsp L.S.A (Linseed, sunflower, almond blend available from health food shops) • 1 tsp of honey or Agave syrup • 1 tsp coconut oil (a very healthy natural fat) • A few cubes of ice.

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Councillor for Division 5

OUR COMMUNITY Greg Rogerson Nominates for Division 10


otorcycle enthusiasts are regularly seen parked in the Kenilworth town centre. But one such rider stood out on Saturday at the Kenilworth Cheese Wine and Food Festival. Greg Rogerson the former Division 1 Maroochy Shire Councillor was welcomed back to Kenilworth as he rode into town on his BMW motorcycle and walked about the festival catching up with locals and enjoying the welcoming atmosphere.

“It’s the interaction with good hearted, community minded people who always give of themselves for the benefit of their local town; that spirit never ceases to amaze and inspire me” Greg said. “I’ve seen the Kenilworth community spirit exemplified many a time in the ‘Chook Chase’, the Kenilworth Show and Rodeo and in the Kenilworth Celebrates! Arts and Craft Festival. Now the Kenilworth Cheese, Wine and Food Festival, that I have witnessed here today, speaks heaps for the future character and appeal of the hinterland region and what’s just simply good about Kenilworth”. Greg said it was great to see Kenilworth alive and buzzing and to refresh old ties with friends and acquaintances. He was also pleasantly surprised at the encouragement he received throughout the day when people realised he had nominated as a candidate in the forthcoming Sunshine Coast Regional Council election on the 28 April. “When it’s all said and done, I missed the rapport and interaction with the PH 5446 9298 • 0413 012 398 community and the ability to make a difference in the lives of everyday Residential • Rural • Commercial people, who for one reason or another New work, Repairs, Renovations couldn’t get the representation and • Drainage • Septic tanks • Trenches the voice in Council they deserved”.



Plumbing & Gas

— Blocked Drains —

Helping spread Greg’s come back GAS installations • Solar Hot Water AGEMENT PARTIES message was long standing friends Bathroom & Kitchen renovations Y PARTIES Gary Osborne and Mark Murray. “Don’t risk it, use a licensed plumber.” Y EVENT OR certainly FUNCTION Mark knew what the term PROPRIETORS: JOHN & JO-ANNE MCKENZIE ‘pressing the flesh’ was all about in DECORATIONS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Council election PHONE LANA ON 0418 102 771 note new ph # pls! terms as he is the son of the late Fred WEDDINGS Murray who was an BABY SHOWERS esteemed Mayor in BIRTHDAYS the Maroochy Shire ENGAGEMENT of yesteryear. PARTIES

Functioning Beautifully

Photo Left to Right – Gary Osborne, Belli Park resident, Susanne Potter, Mark Murray, and Former Councillor Greg Rogerson.



Currently taking bookings for events to be held after July 2012. No deposit required. Confirm your booking by 30.6.2012 = 10% discount.

April 18, 2012 |


OUR COMMUNITY Div 8 Gympie Council Candidate Ian watt


orking as a fitter and turner, including plant installation and maintenance, has given me a practical and technical background. I became a Children’s and Youth worker and for 22 years have worked as a Minister in the Uniting Church, the last nine in the Mary Valley. I also worked as a Blue Care Chaplain in Pastoral Care, supporting staff and running programs. My wife Linda and I, have raised three children who live and work in Brisbane. I concluded my time of church leadership in the Valley believing the time is right to take on a new challenge and I would love to take up the challenge of working for our community. My strengths and experiences are in: • listening to and hearing people’s concerns • representing people and working for positive outcomes • being a team player • technological excellence • a common sense approach With only one councillor for this division, you will need a skilled representative who will work extremely hard for you. I am passionate about the future of this Valley and believe my experience and skills combined with that passion uniquely equip me to serve this community well. We need strong commitment from Council and State to support us in restoring the community after the damage and devastation incurred by the previous government. I commit to making sure that happens. I have a good relationship with our Local State Member and support strong relationships being forged with the new government. I am eager to see our community’s plans further developed and implemented. If I am entrusted with the responsibility of councillor, I will be an active and strong advocate for the issues that concern the people of the Valley.

FIREWOOD FOR SALE Firewood avaible now! Good dry hardwood for Kenilworth and surrounds. Call Daen on 0412 386 124. ADVERTISEMENT

Announcing new Division 8 Gympie Council Candidate

IAIN WATT Let’s see the Mary Valley’s future far exceed what it has been in the past. In finalising my nine years as a Minister in this community I know first hand that a strong advocate is needed to address the future hopes and aims of the Mary Valley.

“We’re here and we have a voice! With your vote I will make sure we are heard.” Mobile

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Email Iain –

14 | April 18, 2012

Authorised by L Watt, 199 Ballard Rd, Imbil

Launch of the Regional Australia Institute


he first national, independent think tank dedicated to regional issues was launched at Parliament House on 28 February 2012. The Regional Australia Institute (RAI) was born out of the Federal Government’s 2010 commitments to Independent MPs from regional Australia. It is being established with $8m seed funding from the Federal Government. Using existing information and commissioning new research, RAI will reframe the issues and opportunities for growth and development in regional Australia. “Regional Australia is experiencing massive opportunity, particularly in mining, food and communications. To build a resilient economy for the future of all Australians we need an informed rethink of regional policy,” said Mal Peters, RAI Chairman. Regional Australia is crucial to our economic and social future: • Primary industries, resources and energy are the backbone of the Australian economy, representing 67% of the country’s export revenue: $65B. • 32% of Australians live in non-metropolitan areas. • Population growth in some regional centres [e.g. Port Hedland (WA), Townsville (QLD)] exceeds the growth experienced by major cities. • Fly-in, fly-out, regional commuting and lifestyle choices are drawing more city people to find their future in regional Australia. By virtue of geography and diversity, regional Australia needs a comprehensive policy strategy to empower each region to make the best of its advantages. RAI will play a key role in this by contributing independent thinking and fostering public and policy debate. The Regional Australia Institute is independent, apolitical and not-for-profit. It is governed by a Board of eminent Australians with a passion for regional Australia. Ms Su McCluskey has been appointed as the RAI’s inaugural Chief Executive Officer. Minister for Regional Australia, Development and Local Government, The Hon Simon Crean MP, and Mal Peters, Chairman RAI has launched the Regional Australia Institute last February at Mural Hall, Parliament House, Canberra. For more information please go to this website

DIRRAWEE YOGA Yoga is 50% with the body and 50% with the mind. Regular practice can have an influence on all ailments from physical, emotional and spiritual. Classes Tues/Thurs nights. Ayurveda consults available. Call Maureen 5484 5848.



Maleny Show Society seeking ambassadors

he Maleny Show Society is looking for participants in the categories; Show Girl, Show Princess, Rural Ambassador and Charity Person, for the 2012 Maleny Show Ball to be held on Saturday 19 May at the Maleny Show Grounds. Participants will have the opportunity to be interviewed by a panel of three judges on the night of the Ball, as well as introduce themselves with the chance of winning cash and prizes. Nominees for the Charity Person will have the opportunity to win $5,000 worth of travel vouchers and cash, in celebration of the 75th Maleny Agricultural Show. Participating within the Show Ball gives the nominee the opportunity to not only become recognised within the community but also develop skills in interviewing, public speaking and conducting themselves appropriately. Entering may seem to be daunting however the whole experience is very rewarding and is highly recommended. Renee Jones, 2012 Miss Show Girl, was not only successful at Maleny but also had the opportunity to continue onto the Queensland RNA Show. “The whole experience is very rewarding no matter what category you enter into”, states Miss Jones. The Show Ball is a lot of fun for the whole community with a live Band sponsored by Easton Lawyers. For entry application forms please visit Download an entry form. Entrants can send their completed entry form to the address given or personally delivery it to the Maleny Show Grounds Office. If you have any additional questions or require more information please do not hesitate to contact the Maleny Show Office on 5494 2008 or email 2012 Show Ball a great way to get involved and win big!

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Renee Jones [left] Maleny Show Girl and Miss Popular 2011 RNA Exhibition


Reflecting on the Mary Valley A word from Cr Jenny McKay

he Mary Valley has been high on my agenda in the role as Councillor of Division 5 in the new Sunshine Coast Regional Council. Mary Valley Inc. has been a driving force in the revitalisation of the recovery after the saga of the Traveston Dam. The residents of Crystal Waters and Conondale, together with Cambroon, form part of the headwaters of the Mary River. I am one of two endorsed representatives on the Mary Valley Inc. During the term we have met in a variety of towns from Amamoor to Conondale keeping in touch with issues that have impacted the Conondale Valley. During my representation Council has built bridges, upgraded Conondale Park, established a group to ensure that the Hinterland Region was included in the Disaster Management Planning for the Sunshine Coast. This work is ongoing and has received enormous support from all government agencies working together with residents and the Council. The hinterland has taken a pounding from the recent weather conditions but I will continue to lobby for necessary funds to seal roads, provide all weather access and keep the communities connected. I have regularly attended the wonderful market at Crystal Waters to keep in touch with locals and of course, purchase great produce and I find the best bread in the world at Les’s Bakery. The call of the Witta Markets has been strong and I often travel to purchase fresh fruit and vegies whilst keeping in touch with locals. I’m also grateful to Ashley at the Conondale store for being a terrific conduit, collecting and passing on to me the many important community issues. I have visited residents in their homes through the Upper Mary Valley and shared coffee from the social hub of Conondale at the Conondale Store. Andrew Powell MP and I have regularly visited the Conondale School with staff from local and state government to discuss issues such as parking during school hours and enjoyed memorable Anzac Days at the Conondale School. The most distressing time has been through the ERA Laws and the impacts on the Conondale Store. I am very pleased that through good management on behalf of the Conondale Store, fuel still flows from the bowsers. It has been a wonderful opportunity to be representative of the western part of the newly formed Sunshine Coast Regional Council for the past four years.


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April 18, 2012 |



for newsletters / updates email -

Amamoor Country Craft 5488 4148 Friends of Amamoor 5484 3278 JP Cynthia Hayes 5484 3694 Amamoor Hall Bookings 5488 4313 Craft Shop Betty 5484 3640 Markets 1st Saturday Sarah 5484 3311

EUMUNDI SPIRITUAL CENTRE Eumundi CWA Hall 2nd & 4th Sunday. Healing 10 am. Service 10.15 am. Guest speaker. Rev. Laine Harry 5449 0937.


AMAMOOR SCHOOL P&C Meet every 3rd Tuesday of the month, 3.15 pm at school. Enquiries to 5401 1333. AMAMOOR CHURCHES • Mary Valley Uniting Church - Amamoor Sunday service 10 am. Rev. Iain Watt 5488 6752 • Mary Valley Wesleyan Methodist Church - Rev. Brian Brown 5484 3687 or 5484 3640 a/h

CLUB FED Federal Memorial Hall operates fortnightly on Friday nights, and is an opportunity to catch up with locals, have a cheap meal and drinks, in a friendly family oriented space. Kitchen operates from 6 to 8 pm, and the bar is open until later. Pool table, air hockey, and ball games for the children. The hall is available for hire. Enquiries to Zani 5485 1118 or Jenny 5485 1580.

NOOSA & DISTRICT SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Tinbeerwah Hall, Sunrise Rd, Tinbeerwah Service at 3pm each 2nd & 4th Sunday - All welcome - 5442 5072

Federal Playgroup - Federal Memorial Hall Tuesday’s and Thursday’s 9.15am - 11.30am. Phone Lisa: 0439 732 444.

VALLEY BEES Athol Craig on 5482 3637 or email

GHEERULLA HALL HIRE - available for rental - enquiries Blair Meldrum 5472 3090 or go to the website President Val Pearson, Vice-President Esme Williamson, Secretary/ Treasurer Blair Meldrum


Veterinary Surgery (24hr) Vet Peter Agnew 5447 0325 BELLI HALL OLD TIME DANCE MEETINGS: 2nd Tuesday after a dance at 7.30pm in the hall. All local residents are welcome to attend. www.




• CONONDALE PLAYGROUP - Every Friday 9.30 - 11am at Conondale School. Wendy Sholley 5494 4516. • SOCCER AT CONONDALE School oval Saturdays from 9am. Enquiries to 5494 4571. • SAN TEAKWONDO Conondale Hall Thursday 4:30 - 6pm. Norm Taylor 0428 712 883 or email :


• COORAN STATE SCHOOL: 31 James St, Cooran 4569. Ph 5480 8333. Opened in July 1890, it is the oldest school in the district. P&C president: Jill Lowth, vice-president Ruth Berlin, Sec Andrew Jacques, treasurer Mimi Morrow, assistant-sec Belinda Simonsen, fundraising co-ordinator Zymar Mulcahy. • TALL TREES ART EXHIBTION 19th & 20th May, 2012 on Facebook Tall Trees Art Exhibition or


Cooroy Churches Hinterland Christian Centre 113 Marara Street Sundays 9 am ‘Celebration Service’ Sundays 6 pm ‘Sunday Night Live’ Pastors Brian and Pearl Clothier 5447 7298? PLAYGROUP held every Wednesday at 9-11am in the Activity Hall at Cooroy State School. For details call 5472 2100. JP (Qual) Elaine Bradley 5484 3749 Dagun State School 5484 3232 Dagun Community Group 5484 3576 / 5484 3197 DAGUN Growers Markets every Saturday from 2-5pm. Contact Lesa Bell -

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TENNIS Social tennis will be played at Gheerulla tennis courts Tuesdays starting at 9.30 am. Beginners most welcome. Enquiries to 5446 0197.


Brooloo Hall Group Inc President Deb Williams 5484 5597 Secretary Maureen Lisle 5484 5848 Treasurer Gary Lisle 5484 5848



IMBIL MEDICAL SERVICES • MEDICAL: Monday 1-5 pm RSL Hall; • Channon St Medical Centre Cooroy Doctor’s Surgery (The Imbil Clinic) 6 Imbil Island Road, Mon - Fri 8 am-12 noon - 5488 6868. Outside these hours: Cooroy 5442 6833 (until 5.30 pm) - 0408 713 395 a/h • Range of Motion PHYSIO - 5478 6600 • Imbil PHARMACY Dispensary Hours: Monday to Friday 2pm to 5pm (Closed Public Holidays) 5488 6699 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Glenda at Police Station when open • JP Alan Lutton 5484 5182 • Kathy Worth JP 5484 5178 • Imbil District Amateur Swimming Club - Ray McNab Pres. 5484 5109 a/h • IMBIL TENNIS CLUB: Juniors – Friday U10’s 4-5pm; O10’s 5-6pm; Ladies’ tennis - Mondays 5-7pm, Men’s tennis - Thursdays 5-7pm, Sunday interclub competitions, BBQ last Friday/month. Professional coaching terms 2 and 3 Saturdays, all age groups. Tiffany McCarthy 5405 9138 or 0448 897721 • Mixed Social Tennis Friday 6 pm & Sunday 12 pm - Coaching Saturdays Terms 2 & 3 • IMBIL BOWLING CLUB: 5484 5102 • IMBIL GIRL GUIDES: Wed, Guide Hut, 4-6pm; Jenece Drake 5484 5629 or Amanda Toombs 5488 4086 • IMBIL KARATE CLUB: Steve Gorlick 5488 6862 • IMBIL MARY VALLEY SCOUT: Group Leader Ray McNab 5484 5109 Scouts: Monday 5-7 pm, Cub Scouts: Tuesday 3.30-5.30 pm • IMBIL WALKING CLUB: Shellie Johns 5484 5455. • Imbil Rural Watch - Rob Priebe – Coordinator 5484 5216 • MARY VALLEY STATE COLLEGE (P-Yr10): 15 Edward St, Imbil 4570. Principal Neil Mahoney 5488 5333 • P&C - ring School. • MV Child Care: 35 William St, Imbil 5484 5560. (Long Day Care) • Imbil Seniors Group 0421 362 117 • RSL Mary Valley Sub Branch - meets every 3rd Sunday of the month at 10 am. • RSL Hall bookings - Ian Stubbins 5484 5365 IMBIL PUBLIC LIBRARY 5484 5488 - Tues & Thurs 9.30 am – 12.30 pm, Wed & Fri 2-5 pm

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• Imbil Public Hall Bookings - Val Sykes 5484 5298 • Mainly Music (up to school age) - Meets every Tues 9.30 am at Imbil Church Hall - Belinda 5488 6480 MARY VALLEY SHOW SOCIETY Barry Grainger (President) 5484 3680, Vicki Waller 5484 5441 and Naomi Cooney 5488 4379 (Vice Presidents)- Lee Evans (Secretary) 5481 1709 - Lyndall Ensbey (Treasurer) 5484 3267 - Val Sykes (Hall Bookings) 5484 5298 MARY VALLEY ARTS FESTIVAL - or ring Jan Watt 0437 733 383. MARY VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INC. Col Huddy, president 5488 6681 or 0400 476 118 or Meet every third Tuesday at Imbil RSL, 6pm MARY VALLEY INC. President Graham Miller, secretary Kaili Parker-Price (5484 5338, 0447 053 244) - more info IMBIL SWIMMING CLUB: Thurs. 6pm, Imbil pool, Ray McNab 5484 5109 THE SAFE & CONFIDENT LIVING PROGRAM Imbil Uniting Church Hall, Elizabeth St 9.30–11.30 am. Enquiries to 5443 7281 or Upper Mary Valley Care 5446 0820. IMBIL JUNIOR BOWLS Imbil Bowls Club Sunday 10am - 12noon. IMBIL INDOOR BOWLS Imbil Hall Fri. Imbil hall, 12.30pm, Val Sykes 5484 5298. IMBIL SOCIAL TENNIS Imbil town courts. Tuesday and Thursday 4.30 – 5.30 pm, Wednesday and Friday 6 pm. Enquiries to Tiffany 5484 5073. IMBIL RED CROSS OP SHOP Wednesday, Friday & Sunday 8.30am – 1.30pm. IMBIL CHURCHES • Mary Valley Uniting Church - Imbil Sunday Service 8.30am, Sunday School 8.30am - Rev Iain Watt 5488 6752 • Imbil Gospel Hall – W & S Walsh 5449 0728 or C R Smith 5482 5471 • Lutheran Church – F Rasenberger 5482 1435 • Anglican Church – Richard Martin 5482 2629 MV CLASSICAL YOGA: Maureen Lisle 5484 5848 FAR A WAY RIDERS ASS: Bob Sample 5447 0076 MV PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB: Brett Watson 5484 5455 MARY VALLEY PONY CLUB: Loris Hinds 5484 5458 after 6pm MARY VALLEY RANGERS SOCCER CLUB: Peter Deschamps 5484 3384 MARY VALLEY RSL YOUTH GROUP: Michelle Coyle 5485 5452 PLAYGROUP ASS OF Qld Imbil: THURSDAY, Girl Guide Hut, 9-11.30am, Renita Gordon 5484 5573 SPORTS NUTRITION & WALKING GROUP: Shellie Johns 5484 5455 TAI CHI GROUP: Monday-Friday 6.30am-7.30am @ Imbil RSL Hall, Jenece Drake 5484 5629 - or Lynne Hogg 5484 5006 SPORTING SHOOTERS ASS AUSTRALIA (IMBIL BRANCH) INC: 0423 499334 YOGA: Lynne Hogg 5484 5006


Justices of the Peace: Adrienne Dan (CD) 5484 3382 Bronwyn Kerr Qual J.P., Kandanga Post Office 5484 3203 • Kandanga Bowls Club 5484 3253 • Kandanga Public Hall Bookings 5484 3454 or 5484 3493 a/h • Kandanga Tennis Club - Donald Grieves Secretary 5488 4329 • Wednesday Night Fixtures 6pm $5.00 tennis fee. BBQ and meat supplied for extra $2.00. Contact Julie 5484 3195. • Thursday afternoons Social Tennis, commencing 1.00pm. Contact Donald 5488 4329. FRIENDS OF KANDANGA Friends of Kandanga meet every third Wednesday of the month, Kandanga Information Centre 2pm. KANDANGA INFORMATION CENTRE Located next to the PO in Main St. PO Box 16 Kandanga 4570 • Ph 5488 4605 • Fax 5488 4608 • Open 7 days 10 am-4 pm, closed public holidays. Displaying community history, art gallery, book exchange library, internet cafe. Classes weekly – Leadlight, Woodwork, all reasonable rates. The Centre also caters for bus visits. Quotes obtainable from Friends of Kandanga 5488 4605.


KARI GALLERY 10a Elizabeth Street, Kenilworth KENILWORTH & DISTRICT HISTORICAL MUSEUM - www.kenilworthmuseum. Sun. 10 am–2 pm - Adults $3, Children $1, Families $7. Groups by appointment: contact Lenore Meldrum 5472 3090 Mary Valley Voice - fortnightly community newspaper & website (2200 copies). All editorials to - Mail to PO Box 158, Kenilworth 4574 - (Veronika Spicer president, Shirley Moreland secretary and Carol Gilmour treasurer). Kenilworth town website - Kenilworth State Community College 5440 0555 - www.kenilworthscc. Kenilworth POST OFFICE 5446 0247 RACQ Kenilworth Garage 5446 0214 KENILWORTH FIRST RESPONSE – meeting at SES shed every second Monday at 7pm. Enquiries to President Wayne Lashmar 5446 0723 or Secretary Nina Cox 5472 3156. KENILWORTH FIRE BRIGADE training Tuesday at Kenilworth Fire Station 6.30 – 8.30 pm. KENILWORTH & DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Meets in the KAC Shack 6 Elizabeth Street at 6 pm on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. JUST WALK IT KENILWORTH Enquiries to Brenda 5446 0778 JUST WALK IT WALLI CREEK (Gumnut Park) Enquiries to Cheryl 5446 0350 KENILWORTH LIBRARY - Elizabeth Street Kenilworth • Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs 2 – 5, Friday 10 – 3 Saturday 9 – 12. Enquiries to 5446 0101. MARY VALLEY CLASSIC CAR SHOW 29 April 2012 - http://www. KENILWORTH WINE, CHEESE AND FOOD FEST Easter Saturday - http:// KENILWORTH ARTS COUNCIL - Committee meetings KAC Shack, 6 Elizabeth St, 2nd Monday at 6pm. PO Box 123 Kenilworth 4574. Secretary 5446 0500 or office 5472 3223 - - www. MARY VALLEY SCARECROW FEST - KENILWORTH CELEBRATES! FESTIVAL Visit: KENILWORTH QUILT & CRAFT CIRCLE every 2nd & 4th Wednesday 10 am at the Kenilworth Historical Museum. Enquiries to Jan 5446 0167 or Paula 5446 0229. Quilt Show Queen’s Birthday Weekend. MAHJONG at the KAC Shack every Thursday at 3 pm. KENILWORTH BRANCH QCWA meets at the CWA Hall 1st Sunday at 3 pm, all welcome. Pat Hampstead 5446 9174 (treasurer), Elvira White (president) and Carol Miller (vice-president) KENILWORTH EARLY BIRDS PLAYGROUP Thursdays 9.00am to 10.30am at Kenilworth State Community College. Enquiries to Kenilworth State Community College on 5440 0555 KENILWORTH R.S.L. meetings are held every second Monday of the month 7pm at the R.S.L. room at the Kenilworth Hall, adjacent to the ANZAC Memorial. All are welcome! Reformed committee 2010 - Jim McKillop (President) 5446 0637, Dale Lainesworth (Vice Pres), Noela McKillop (Sec/ Treasurer) and Sonja Kallman (Publicity Officer) 5446 0448. KENILWORTH MEDICAL SERVICES • Kenilworth MEDICAL Centre - 5446 0343 Surgery hours Mon – Fri 9-3, After surgery hours 5445 7177 • Range of Motion PHYSIOTHERAPY - 5478 6600 • Barbara Dilworth Physiotherapy 5446 0654 • Kenilworth PHARMACY 5446 0356 - Mon – Friday 9 am - 1.30 pm • Kenilworth VET Surgery (24hr) 5472 3085 - Vets: Marcus Anstey, Susan Anstey & Julie Kemp • Kenilworth RECYCLE TRANSFER Station Cambroon Lane, off KenilworthImbil Road. Hours: Mon & Fri 7 am – 12 pm, Sat & Sun 7-5 Justices of the Peace Bob Dunstan (Qual) 5446 0703 • Joyce Lashmar (Qual) 5446 0723 Brenda Parker (CD) 5446 0213 • Lolie Murtagh (CD) 5446 0222 Olive Hassall (CD) 5446 0131 KENILWORTH CHURCHES • Friday 6.30 pm Girls Brigade in the SES Hall. Joclyn 5476 4195. • Seventh Day Adventist Church 5446 0299



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April 18, 2012 |


• Anglican Church – Kenilworth 1st, 2nd, 4th Sunday, 9am – Gheerulla: 3rd Sunday 9am. • Uniting Church - St John Bosco Kenilworth 4th Saturday, 5.00 pm. • Catholic Church Kenilworth - Service at St John Bosco’s, Kenilworth every Sunday at 9 am. - 5th Sunday of the month ecumenical service 10.30 am. • MEDITATION every Thursday 9.30 am St John Bosco Church. Glen & Sue Wolter 5446 0158 or visit

KENILWORTH COMMUNITY GROUPS • Kenilworth’s Charity CHOOK CHASE 23 & 24 July 2011 - all motorcross nominations to Olive Hassell - • Kenilworth Show & Rodeo, Lolie Murtagh 5446 0222 - third Saturday in September • Kenilworth Hall Committee - Olive Hassall 5446 0131 or Bill Morris 5446 0338 - Hall, meeting room and full kitchen facilities all available for hire. Also camping - powered sites on showgrounds $12 per night (hot showers). Details www. (PO Box 47, Kenilworth 4574) • Artists of Kenilworth, Veronika Spicer 5446 0427 • Kenilworth Quilt & Craft Circle - Olive Hassall 5446 0131 and Paula Gillis 5446 0229 • QCWA Kenilworth Branch - Pat Hampstead 5446 9174 • Kenilworth First Response Group - Nina Cox 5472 3156 • Upper Mary Valley Care 5446 0820 • Delivered Meal Service 5446 0820 • Nambour & District Care Inc. 5441 4441 • Kenilworth Information Centre Elizabeth St 5446 0122 and Community Craft Shop 5472 3089. Ph for hours. • Friends of Kenilworth Library - Yvonne James 5472 3089 • 1st Kenilworth Girls Brigade - Daphne Morris 5446 0338 • Kenilworth P&C - Cynthia Henderson: chend82@ 0407 460 228 or 5440 0555 • Kenilworth and District Chamber of Commerce & Citizens: Peter Cusack 5446 0211 • Kenilworth & District Historical Assoc. - Lenore Meldrum 5472 3090 • Kenilworth Swimming Pool, Swim school: squad training from 4pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Enquiries call pool on 5446 0326. • Kenilworth Bowls Club - Mens: Russ Ferriday 5446 028 • Ladies: Veronica Ferriday 5446 0281 • Kenilworth Cricket Club - Jnr. Rob Blinco 5446 0064, Snr. Jason Woods 0419 764 504 • Gheerulla Tennis Club - Jessie Wood 5446 0197 • Melba Woods (court bookings) 5446 0242 • Kenilworth Masonic Lodge - Trevor Wilcox 5477 1546 • Wildlife Volunteers 5441 6200 (24hr)

POMONA POMONA HALL • Pomona Hall Hire & Enquiries - Heather Manders 5485 2427 • 0411 114 077 • Indoor Bowls (Wed) - Contact Peter Young on 5485 1472 • Harmony Dance (Tues) - Contact Pat and Norm Young on 5485 2007 • ASKA Karate (Mon & Thurs) - Contact Kim Vines on 5485 0725 • Learn To Dance (Wed) - Contact Christine on 0429 829 328 • Alcoholics Anonymous (Sun) • Christian Outreach Centre (Sun) - Contact Joy Starr-Cross 5485 1583 • Yoga (Tues) - Contact Pam Whitehead on 5485 2947 • Playgroup (Mon) - Contact Trudy Martin on 5442 5826 • Table Tennis (Frid) Contact 5485 2427 POMONA CHURCHES Christian Outreach Centre, Joy Starr 5485 1583 POMONA COMMUNITY HOUSE 1 Memorial Avenue, Pomona - Enquiries to 5485 2427 Regular services: Self paced computer lessons; Tax help; Free legal advice; Language classes; Child health; Broadband internet café; Photocopying, Laminating, Binding; Library; Creative writing; Craft activities; Games – Cards, Scrabble, Chess & Mahjong.


RIDGEWOOD HALL GATHERING last Friday of each month at sundown BYO BBQ bits & drink. RIDGEWOOD CHURCHES The Lighthouse is a group who meet every 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday at the Ridgewood Hall – everyone welcome. Enquiries to 5447 9179.


BELLI PARK & NORTH BELLI PARK First Officer & Warden, Nigel Higgs 5447 0166 SOUTH BELLI PARK Howard Waugh 5447 0184 BLACK MOUNTAIN First Officer Marc Desmarchelier 5447 0224 Warden Eddie Rykenberg?0417 635 719 BLUE-BELL First Officer Craig Zonruiter 5484 3012 Warden Bruce Bull 5484 3555 BROOLOO/MARY RIVER First Officer Chris Stark 5446 0136 Warden Brad Dilger 5484 5364 DAGUN B. Mills 5484 3596 IMBIL FORESTRY Forest Ranger 5484 3900 KANDANGA First Officer & Warden Rodney Worth 5484 3493 (a/h) 5484 5178 (wk) Wardens Ian Morgan 5484 3655 Harvey Hasthorpe 5484 3379 Kevin English 5484 3191 MELAWONDI Rod Nolan 5484 5634 Meetings 1st Tuesday each month KENILWORTH Trains on Thursdays 6.30 to 8.30 pm Wardens Steve Saunders 5472 3164 KENILWORTH NORTH Michael Pfeiffer 5446 0247 (a/h 5446 0284) Whelan Rd C. Doyle 5484 5325

EMERGENCY SERVICES POLICE 000 KENILWORTH 5446 0220 IMBIL 5484 5222 COOROY 5447 6211 POMONA 5485 2586 POISONS INFO CENTRE 131126 SES KENILWORTH Local HQ 5446 0490 Group Leader Brenda Parker 5446 0213 Duty Officer 5444 5202 SES Flood Storm Emergency 132 500 IMBIL Local HQ 5484 5322 Leader – Athol Hales 5484 5582 CRISIS HELP LIFELINE 13 11 14 CAN-SURVIVE HOPELINE 1300 364 673

Walker Rd & Moy Pocket Rd Chris Stark 5446 0136 OBI OBI 1s. Officer: Grahame Beljon 5446 9252 2nd. Officer: Dennis Woodford 5446 9154 3rd. Officer: Steve Walker 5446 9208 Fire Warden: John Cutmore TBA Deputy Warden: Grahame Beljon 5446 9252 RIDGEWOOD First Officer John Sparrow 5447 9130 Warden Victor Hill (permits) 5447 9288 YABBA CREEK Chairman Marcel DeLeon 5484 5021 Secretary John Taylor 5488 6119 Please let us know of any alterations needed on this list. We would appreciate it if you could email clear, concise updates to - Thank you.

Mary Valley Voice NEXT ISSUE DATES & DEADLINES MVV- 02 MAY 12- Vol.22 #08 - Deadline Fri 20 April • MVV- 16 MAY 12- Vol.22 #09 - Deadline Fri 04 May EDITOR- Laetitia Hoffmann - • ADVERTISING - Jill Guldbransen - 07 5494 9918. View online issues URL

PUBLISHED EVERY FORTNIGHT 2200x A4 sized copies / 16-20pp colour + mono. CIRCULATION: 1665 x MAILBOXED to communities of Conondale, Kenilworth, Imbil, Kandanga, Amamoor, Dagun, Gheerulla, Brooloo and Belli Park / Kenilworth-Eumundi Rd. Rest are BULK DROPS: Incl. various shops, Crystal Waters, K Newsagent, K Info Centre, Gitsham Fine Foods, Pomona & Pomona Mitre 10 and 350x IGA Cooroy.

18 | April 18, 2012

19 Elizabeth Street


Established 1947

Kenilworth Q 4574 Enquiries 07 5446 0222 or 0407 135 797 email

Tonia Murtagh


Beautifully refurbished three bedroom lowset home on 5.2 private acres. Almost everything replaced from the roof to the kitchen sink!... this home is fabulously appointed with quality fixtures and fittings. Spacious open plan design with built-in cupboards throughout. Dining, lounge and family room. Stunning block, tucked away from main roads, complete privacy with no close neighbours. Only 7kms from Kenilworth and 24kms from the Bruce Highway at Eumundi. Fully fenced with two excellent dams including pump and piping. Book your inspection now, this property will truly surprise you.



This craftsman built grand old lady is 70 years young. Presented for sale in immaculate and very well maintained condition. Two large bedrooms and two large sleep-outs. Spacious timber kitchen. Extra large living room with ornate plaster ceilings. Timber French doors throughout. Alfresco dining area where outside meets inside. Formal Dining Room. Air-conditioned living room. Polished timber floors plus carpeted bedrooms. Fully enclosed underneath to accommodate two cars plus ample storage space. Located 1km from Kenilworth with town water and sewerage connected. This truly beautiful property comes with a fenced yard with plenty of shade trees. Genuine buyers are encouraged to book their Inspection Arrangements please.

Auctioneers • Livestock Agents • Livestock Transport

Livestock 0428 136 893 Terry & Lolie Murtagh • Stock Transport 0428 711 102 Clinton Murtagh Eumundi: Calf sales every Monday • Cattle sales every 2nd Tuesday

Kenilworth Realty 7 Elizabeth St. Kenilworth 5446 0164 Mobile 0417 603 451 Fax 5446 0742 or visit

Vacant Land with Coonoongibber Creek frontage – Moy Pocket – $360,000

Located in the Moy Pocket area is this 80 acre parcel of land. It has good creek flats onto Coonoongibber Creek and then undulating hills with improved pastures and several elevated house sites which you can choose to build that special home. The property also has a small section of private bushland and is currently used to graze cattle. Inspect now.

Perfect as investment or first home – Fresh and bright in Kenilworth – $260,000

Highset Queenslander has open plan living in the kitchen, dining and lounge room. Two bedrooms plus sleepout and sunroom. High ceilings, timber floors, T&G walls, a large rear deck, and underneath is the laundry, workshop and single car accom. The house sits on 964m2 block of land. The owners are relocating and have priced their home to sell.

Great value for large family home – Imbil – $294,000

Stunning view, a dream property – Belli Park

The owner of this unique property wants it sold! The price is right and the home is solidly constructed of timber and built to last. There are five bedrooms and two bathrooms... the master bedroom has walkin robe and ensuite. Large open plan living area features a centrally located wood heater with French doors opening out onto the large deck and inground swimming pool. The modern kitchen has granite bench tops, ample cupboard space, dishwasher and large gas cooker. Natural timbers feature throughout this home and includes: polished floors, exposed beams and hardwood timber walls. Panoramic views can be seen from the large rear deck even while you are swimming and the views from the front of the home are just as captivating. This 45 acre bushland block is fenced with almost 10 acres of grazing with two dams — and ideal for horses. This is a very private estate as the home is 1klm from the main entrance with no immediate neighbours in sight. Under the pool is a 40,000 gallon rainwater tank means no shortage of water here. There is approximately 450m2 of building under roof. An extra bonus with this property is the storage: 4-bay lockup garage at the house with 3-phase power plus large machinery shed also with 3-phase power and a covered awning which enables you to work on a semi or large machinery and this is located close to the front of the property for easy access. Interested buyers are welcome to inspect but by appointment only. Please phone now to book your time to view. Price $990,000.

The owners of this investment property want to move forward and have priced the property to sell. The home is an older style highset timber home which has been built in underneath. There are five bedrooms in total and two living areas. The kitchen is country style and comes complete with large solid hardwood timber table and unique timber shelving. There is a large deck at the front and on the side of the home which captures the surrounding views. The land is a mixture of natural bush and grazing. It is fully fenced, has a dam and seasonal creek. The property is only 5klms out of the Imbil Township.

RENTALS FROM $235 p/wk Contact Katie 5446 0164 Kenilworth, Cambroon and Brooloo KENILWORTH $230 pw. Neat and tidy TWO bedroom home with polished floors, bright and airy kitchen and dining room. Single carport, fully fenced rear yard. Walk to shops. BROOLOO $250 pw. THREE bedroom home in Brooloo. Quiet rural setting yet close to Imbil school, shops and doctors. Available from 20/04/2012. CAMBROON $270 pw. Large TWO bedroom home with office and two bathrooms. Polished timber floors, great views, verandahs. Rural location with 2 acre horse paddock. CAMBROON $270 pw. THREE bedroom family home in private rural location. Modern kitchen and bathroom. No close neighbours. Avail. 14/04/2012. KENILWORTH $525 pw. Executive residence in rural location. This stunning THREE-FOUR bedroom home has quality fitting and fixtures throughout. With polished timber floors, high ceilings, verandahs and decks on both sides of the home and double car port. The views are great and the location is convenient to Mapleton, Kenilworth and Maleny. Inspections are by appointment. MVVOICE-2012©KREALTY-18APRIL

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