Headless Technologies for Non-Techies - eBook

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This document will provide a basic introduction to the concept of headless technologies, specifically headless websites. It will take a look at the pros, cons, risks, and rewards of having a headless website, so you can decide if such a step is right for you. If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to c ​ ontact North Studio for more advice.




What is Headless technology? Traditionally, “Headless” refers to software programs and hardware configurations that lack a graphical user interface (GUI). Headless applications and devices such as these are often controlled via specific hardware ports, remotely (over the network), or via simple command-line interfaces. These sort of devices are also common among server set ups or as embedded devices performing very specific functions. The newest take on Headless technology are Headless websites, or Headless content management systems (CMS). In a setup such as this, the presentation layer (the part the user sees and interacts with) is divorced from the content repository. In other words, the head has been divided from the body.

Why does headless technology matter? With a Headless website approach, you are separating the presentation layer from the content (or, the front-end from the back-end). Why is this important (or useful)? Because it allows you to have not one head, but multiple heads. Your website can have a single content resource, all feeding multiple presentation layers. It also allows your content to be accessible via a multitude of devices and interfaces. Let’s look at it this way:

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Your typical website has a database of content managed by such applications as Drupal or Wordpress.

This database is connected to an administrative interface that allows for editing of the site’s content. There is an integration of the database with the administration side and the user side to allow the reading and writing of data and content.

The presentation interface combines content from the database with HTML coding to give the user a website to look at and interact with.






With a headless website, we remove part four from the equation. The rest—the database, the administrative interface, and so on, remains. Now, you’re free to develop independent presentation interfaces that can be customized to specific tasks. For example, you can simultaneously have a specific e-commerce site, a general webpage, an Android application, an iOS application, and so on. Each has its own—specific—user interface, but everything draws from the same source.

When should I choose a Headless approach? The primary reason to choose a headless approach is that it allows you to separate your data from the front end. This can be a boon when it comes to saving money on development. Additional reasons to use a headless website are as follows:




You want to build a website using technologies you are familiar with.

You intend to use various JavaScript applications and frameworks (such as Angular, React, or Vue).

You intend to create your website with a static site generator, such as Jekyll or Middleman.



You wish to make your site or content available as a native application on a mobile platform (such as Android, iOS, or Windows).

You have an e-commerce site and want to be able to easily edit product information.

This last point is the strongest case of a Headless approach to your website. As there is no specific user interface, you are free to deliver your content via an application programming interface (API) to any platform you wish. This makes a Headless approach a powerful and versatile solution when deciding to deliver content to the vast mobile market.






What are the risks of a Headless approach to a website? Are there risks associated with a headless approach? Sort of. A headless approach is not for everyone. It does require a certain outlay (both financial and virtual) to create and manage a headless approach to a website. For example, a headless site is of limited use to a business or site creator who maintains a fairly static site. Also, if time is a factor, the investment in content management may be too much for some. Lastly, a headless site does require a strong development team. If you don’t have one, or if your needs are simple, then you’ll want to look at a more basic self-manageable site instead. Once again, contact and consult with North Studio for advice on the best choice to take.

Why does a Headless approach matter? With a Headless website, your users can experience your content in a richer and more responsive environment. It also allows your development team more creativity in deciding how to deliver your content and to what platforms. It also has the following benefits when it comes to site design and maintenance:


It allows your website to be truly interactive, by making it an in-browser application. The back-end, containing your content, remains the default state of the site, while all user interaction happens in real-time directly in the browser. By streaming the back-end and making the presentation layer the responsibility of the client, you have a more responsive site. Your presentation layer can simply on delivering content without needing to stop and assemble the data via an 2 focus assortment of display rules.









Your front-end developers are now free to build your site without being restricted by any back-end conventions and restrictions. This means the developers can fully control the user experience using tools designed specifically for the job. You can easily redesign and update the site, without needing to deal with the content management system residing in the back-end.

By delivering your content via a Progressive Web Application (PWA), you can have your website run as a mobile application right on the user’s mobile device.

Is the Headless approach right for me? The answer to this question depends on who you are. For most medium to large businesses, a Headless approach to your website is something you should consider. If you’re a smaller business, it depends on the volume of content you expect to produce. If it will be of high volume, you should consider it as well. More specifically, a Headless website is useful for:

1. Small to medium-sized businesses,

enterprises, and organizations who intend to product cross-channel or cross-class content. In other words: entities who want to deliver their content to multiple interfaces and platforms.

2. Businesses, enterprises, and

organizations who have a large amount of repeated content. For example, e-commerce sites who have multiple products available and listed in different sections of their website(s).

3. Businesses, enterprises, and

information across a multitude of website pages. For example: sites that contain a number of similar product pages or sites that list similar venues or locations.

4. Businesses, enterprises, and

organizations with multiple individuals responsible for content creations, as well as editing and proofing such content, approving content, and publishing content to the website. A Headless site will reduce the chances of such individuals interfering with or affecting the site’s design or functionality, as those parts are kept in the hands separate developers.

organizations who present or repeat similar






How does Headless compare to a traditional CMS? Looked at in a simplistic manner, you have three main types of websites. ► There is the traditionally-hosted content management system, in which everything is hosted in-house on a physical server or servers. Such as set-up requires a significant investment in hardware, software, physical space, and administrators to keep everything running. In addition, such as configuration is limited when it comes to changes and growth. Both may require an expensive and extensive outlay of time, money, and personnel. ► A cloud-based content management system removes the need to host the server(s) from your business. This reduces maintenance costs, as well as need to provide space for the servers. Instead, you manage your site via a specific administrative interface, adding optional applications and plug-ins as needed. The big issue here is that you’re limited by the software’s capabilities. If there are things it can’t do, then you need to add in options that can—and this can get expensive. This sort of set-up also requires personnel with broad skillsets, and if those skills are overextended, costly mistakes can happen. Finally, if you need to maintain multiple locations and websites, things can get very time consuming and difficult to manage.


► With a Headless content management system, all you need to worry about is what the user is going to experience. You, and your development team can concentrate on what matters most—the end user’s experience. You also can customize your site to meet your specific needs, adapting and utilizing only those technologies that work for you. The biggest expenditure of

time and money is the initial set-up. After that, you are free to work as you see fit—at least until a new content type is added or the core content is changed. And even then as long as the content model remains the same, you can redesign and remodel your site as you see fit.


Final words There is no one true way to create, present, and host your website. That said, the Headless approach is very useful and versatile, and applicable to a wide range of needs. If you aren’t sure if a Headless approach is right for you, want to know more, or need help in creating a Headless website, contact North Studio for a consultation.




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