Annual Report ICTJA 2014

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Annual Report ICTJA-2014 Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera

Cover photography: SYSMIN Project – Caribe, Prof. Andrés Pérez Estaún in memoriam Disseny i maquetació: Masgrau-Yani, SL




JosĂŠ Luis FernĂĄndez Turiel Director

The Earth Sciences offer a rich variety of research targets and opportunities. Researchers and students in this field are driven by fundamental curiosity about the past and present states of the Earth, including the origin of earthquakes, mineral resources and raw materials, volcanic activity, changes in the earth's climate and environment, and the impacts of global changes on society. The Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera of the Spanish National Research Council (ICTJA-CSIC) in Barcelona established in the year 1965 focusing on Earth Sciences. From the Antarctica to the Caribbean, from the Mediterranean to the dessert of Atacama and the Puna in the Andes, from the Pacific coast of Asia to central Asia, ICTJA-CSIC scientists work examining the Earth's Systems through their particular specialties covering many time and space scales. Cutting across the traditional disciplinary boundaries of geology, physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics, and using advanced instruments, ICTJA-CSIC seeks to advance the understanding the geologic processes and materials to meet industrial and social needs with knowledge transfer applied to geohazards and exploration and exploitation of geological resources. We take great pride in the integration of graduate students and technicians in our research efforts. The aim is to promote the creative thinking and the ability to develop independent and original research. Our research activities are strongly supported by the specialized technical and administrative staff available in our scientific and administrative services. This 2014 Annual Report describes the scientific activity of the four research groups: Structure and dynamics of the Earth, Environmental changes in the geological record, Geophysical and geochemical modelling of geological hazards and resources, and Crystallography and optical properties. The Service units and laboratories section outlines the major capacities of these infrastructures. The ICTJA 10 highlighted papers section allows obtaining a fast snapshot of our research. The following sections round off this Report with a look to training, outreach activities and media presence, international collaboration, editorial activities, and finally a summary of the ICTJA big numbers for 2014.



Contents ICTJA at a glance ................................................................................................................................6 ICTJA organization chart.....................................................................................................................8 ICTJA Research Groups.....................................................................................................................10 Structure and dynamics of the Earth ...................................................................................10 Group members................................................................................................................................................................10 Research outline................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Publications 2014..............................................................................................................................................................13 Research projects 2014...................................................................................................................................................17 Crystallography and optical properties............................................................................... 20 Group members...............................................................................................................................................................20 Research outline..............................................................................................................................................................20 Publications 2014.............................................................................................................................................................22 Research projects 2014..................................................................................................................................................22 Environmental changes in the geological record..................................................................23 Group members................................................................................................................................................................23 Research outline...............................................................................................................................................................23 Publications 2014............................................................................................................................................................ 28 Research projects 2014................................................................................................................................................. 30 Geophysical and geochemical modelling of geohazards and georesources . ...................... 31 Group members.................................................................................................................................................................31 Research outline................................................................................................................................................................31 Publications 2014.............................................................................................................................................................37 Research projects 2014..................................................................................................................................................38 Service units and labs.......................................................................................................... 40 Service units......................................................................................................................................................................40 Scientific services and laboratories........................................................................................................................... 43 X- Ray Diffraction Service . .......................................................................................................................................... 43 Paleomagnetism Service (CSIC-UB) ......................................................................................................................... 45 labGEOTOP Service ....................................................................................................................................................... 47 Seismic Laboratory..........................................................................................................................................................48 Raman Spectroscopy and Photoluminescence Laboratory . ............................................................................. 49 LARX – X-ray Fluorescence Laboratory.....................................................................................................................50 Th-230/U-234 Geochronology Laboratory...............................................................................................................51 SIMGEO (UB-CSIC) . .......................................................................................................................................................52 Scientific Boreholes (Almera-1 & 2)............................................................................................................................53 ICTJA 10 highlighted papers ............................................................................................................54 PhD Theses.......................................................................................................................................75 Courses and Seminars.......................................................................................................................76 ICTJA-SPA Awards 2014.................................................................................................................. 80 Outreach activities............................................................................................................................82 ICTJA and the media........................................................................................................................ 84 Other activities................................................................................................................................ 85 ICTJA in numbers............................................................................................................................. 89 How to reach us . ............................................................................................................................. 90



ICTJA at a glance Our Mission ICTJA is an international geosciences research institute of excellence whose mission is to advance the understanding of Earth System. We will achieve this by applying advanced (forefront) experimental and analytical methodologies to well-defined, knowledge-driven research objectives. A key part of our mission is to meet



industrial and societal needs through knowledge transfer applied to geohazards and exploration and exploitation of geological resources. Central to our mission is quality training of the next generation of Earth Science researchers and technicians.

The ICTJA at a glance

Our Aims • Identify new and emerging, high-priority research opportunities. • Enhance our training capabilities of the next generation of Earth scientists. • Increase our support of early career researchers. Raise our level of international collaboration. Create and translate breakthroughs in knowledge-driven research into practical applications that provide the knowledge transfer that industry and society seeks. Advance knowledge and understanding within and across the different fields of Earth Sciences.

• • •

Our expertise • Geological and geophysical studies of the lithosphere and shallow subsurface. • Characterization, quantification, monitoring, and forecasting of resources. • Experimental and numerical modeling of geological, environmental and climate processes and hazards. Multidisciplinary analytical and experimental characterization of geological materials and processes. Technological development (instrumentation and software) applied to geophysical, geochemical and environmental monitoring, quality control, and quantitative assessment.

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ICTJA organization chart





ICTJA Research Groups The research groups of ICTJA are organized in two departments.

The Department of Structure and Dynamics of the Earth and Crystallography consists of two research groups:

The Department of Environmental Geology and Geohazards is composed of two research groups:

• Earth’s structure and dynamics • Crystallography and optical properties

• Environmental changes in the geological record • Geophysical and geochemical modelling of

geohazards processes and subsurface resourc

Josep Gallart Department Head



Santiago Giralt Department Head

ICTJA Research Groups

Structure and dynamics of the Earth Group members

Grant Buffett, Contract Post-doc Emilio Casciello, Contract Post-doc Josep Gallart Group Leader Research Professor Ramón Carbonell, Research Professor Manel Fernández, Research Professor Andrés Pérez-Estaún, Research Professor Joaquina Álvarez-Marrón, Senior Research Scientist Dennis Brown, Senior Research Scientist Jordi Díaz, Senior Research Scientist Montserrat Torné, Senior Research Scientist Jaume Vergés, Senior Research Scientist Daniel García-Castellanos, Research Scientist Ivonne Jiménez, Research Scientist Martin Schimmel, Research Scientist Antonio Villaseñor, Research Scientist Contxi Ayala, IGME Visiting Research Scientist Mario Ruíz, Technical staff Stéphanie Barde-Cabusson, Contract Post-doc

Charlotte Fillon, Contract Post-doc Edouard Le Garzic, Contract Post-doc David Martí, Contract Post-doc Juan Diego Martín, Contract Post-doc Ignacio Marzán, Contract Post-doc Massimiliano Melchiorre, Contract Post-doc Eduard Saura, CSIC-JAE Post-doc Arantzazu Ugalde, Contract Post-doc Siddique Akhtar, Marie Curie Pre-doc Giovanni Cammani, CSIC-JAE Pre-doc Alberto Carballo, JAE Pre-doc Alba Gil, FPI Pre-doc Jan Globig, Marie Curie Pre-doc Lavinia Tunini, FPI Pre-doc Vinyet Baqués, CSIC contract Israel Cruz, CSIC contract Beatriz Gaite, CSIC contract Clara Gómez, CSC contract Mar Moragas, CSIC contract Mireia Peral, CSIC contract David Cruset, CSIC contract

Research outline The multidisciplinary research of this group investigates the structure and dynamic processes of the Earth’s interior. The main objective is to understand how the Earth works at different scales through the integration of a wide range of different datasets and methodologies, including Geophysics and Geology, Numerical Modeling, Geodesy, and Geochemistry.

The acquisition of high resolution seismic, potential field data and surface geology is combined with numerical models to achieve an integrate approach to basic and applied research in Earth Sciences. Related projects to industry include applications for hydrocarbon exploration, waste disposal and geological storage of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2).



ICTJA Research Groups



ICTJA Research Groups

Publications 2014 Akhtar Ehsan, S., R. Carbonell, P. Ayarza, D. Marti, A. Perez-Estaun, D. Jesus Martinez-Poyatos, J. Fernando Simancas, A. Azor, and L. Mansilla (2014), Crustal deformation styles along the reprocessed deep seismic reflection transect of the Central Iberian Zone (Iberian Peninsula), Tectonophysics, 621, 159-174, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2014.02.014. Alcalde, J., I. Marzán, E. Saura, D. Martí, P. Ayarza, C. Juhlin, A. Pérez-Estaún, and R. Carbonell (2014), 3D geological characterization of the Hontomín CO2 storage site, Spain: Multidisciplinary approach from seismic, well-log and regional data, Tectonophysics, 627, 6-25, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2014.04.025. Alvarez-Marron, J., D. Brown, G. Camanni, Y. M. Wu, and K. C. Hao (2014), Structural complexities in a foreland thrust belt inherited from the shelf-slope transition: Insights from the Alishan area of Taiwan, Tectonics, 33(7), 1322-1339. Ayarza, P., R. Carbonell, A. Teixell, I. Palomeras, D. Martí, A. Kchikach, M. Harnafi, A. Levander, J. Gallart, M. L. Arboleya, J. Alcalde, M. Fernández, M. Charroud, and M. Amrhar (2014), Crustal thickness and velocity structure across the Moroccan Atlas from long offset wide-angle reflection seismic data: The SIMA experiment, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15(5), 1698-1717, doi: 10.1002/2013GC005164. Bastida, F., P. Busquets, R. Carbonell, and N. Heredia (2014), In memoriam: Andrés Pérez Estaún (1947-2014), Trabajos de Geologia(34), 7-14. Bezada, M. J., E. D. Humphreys, J. M. Davila, R. Carbonell, M. Harnafi, I. Palomeras, and A. Levander (2014), Piecewise delamination of Moroccan lithosphere from beneath the Atlas Mountains, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15(4), 975-985, doi: 10.1002/2013GC005059.



ICTJA Research Groups

Bonnin, M., G. Nolet, A. Villaseñor, J. Gallart, and C. Thomas (2014), Multiple-frequency tomography of the upper mantle beneath the African/Iberian collision zone, Geophysical Journal International, 198(3), 1458-1473, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggu214. Camanni, G., D. Brown, J. Alvarez-Marron, Y. M. Wu, and H. A. Chen (2014), The Shuilikeng fault in the central Taiwan mountain belt, Journal of the Geological Society, 171(1), 117-130. Camanni, G., C. H. Chen, D. Brown, J. Alvarez-Marron, Y. M. Wu, H. A. Chen, H. H. Huang, H. T. Chu, M. M. Chen, and C. H. Chang (2014), Basin inversion in central Taiwan and its importance for seismic hazard, Geology, 42(2), 147-150, doi: 10.1130/G35102.1. Cantarero, I., C. J. Zafra, A. Travé, J. D. Martín-Martín, V. Baqués, and E. Playà (2014), Fracturing and cementation of shallow buried Miocene proximal alluvial fan deposits, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 55, 87-99. Corbella, M., E. Gomez-Rivas, J. D. Martín-Martín, S. L. Stafford, A. Teixell, A. Griera, A. Travé, E. Cardellach, and R. Salas (2014), Insights to controls on dolomitization by means of reactive transport models applied to the Benicàssim case study (Maestrat Basin, eastern Spain), Petroleum Geoscience, 20(1), 41-54, doi: 10.1144/petgeo2012-095. Custódio, S., N. A. Dias, B. Caldeira, F. Carrilho, S. Carvalho, C. Corela, J. Díaz, J. Narciso, G. Madureira, L. Matias, and C. Haberland (2014), Ambient noise recorded by a dense broadband seismic deployment in Western Iberia, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 104(6), 2985-3007, doi: 10.1785/0120140079. Chevrot, S., A. Villasenor, M. Sylvander, S. Benahmed, E. Beucler, G. Cougoulat, P. Delmas, M. D. S. Blanquat, J. Diaz, J. Gallart, F. Grimaud, Y. Lagabrielle, G. Manatschal, A. Mocquet, H. Pauchet, A. Paul, C. Péquegnat, O. Quillard, S. Roussel, M. Ruiz, and D. Wolyniec (2014), High-resolution imaging of the Pyrenees and Massif Central from the data of the PYROPE and IBERARRAY portable array deployments, Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth, 119(8), 6399-6420, doi: 10.1002/2014JB010953. Díaz, J., and J. Gallart (2014), Seismic anisotropy from the Variscan core of Iberia to the Western African Craton: New constrains on upper mantle flow at regional scales, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 394, 48-57. Díaz, J., M. Ruíz, L. Crescentini, A. Amoruso, and J. Gallart (2014), Seismic monitoring of an Alpine mountain river, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119(4), 3276-3289. Emry, E. L., D. A. Wiens, and D. Garcia-Castellanos (2014), Faulting within the Pacific plate at the Mariana Trench: Implications for plate interface coupling and subduction of hydrous minerals, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119(4), 3076-3095, doi: 10.1002/2013JB010718. Escuder-Viruete, J., M. Castillo-Carrión, and A. Pérez-Estaún (2014), Magmatic relationships between depleted mantle harzburgites, boninitic cumulate gabbros and subduction-related tholeiitic basalts in the Puerto Plata ophiolitic complex, Dominican Republic: Implications for the birth of the Caribbean island-arc, Lithos, 196-197, 261-280, doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2014.03.013.



ICTJA Research Groups

García-Lobón, J. L., C. Rey-Moral, C. Ayala, L. M. Martín-Parra, J. Matas, and M. I. Reguera (2014), Regional structure of the southern segment of Central Iberian Zone (Spanish Variscan Belt) interpreted from potential field images and 2.5 D modelling of Alcudia gravity transect, Tectonophysics, 614(0), 185-202, doi: Gil, A., J. Gallart, J. Diaz, R. Carbonell, M. Torne, A. Levander, and M. Harnafi (2014), Crustal structure beneath the Rif Cordillera, North Morocco, from the RIFSIS wide-angle reflection seismic experiment, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15(12), 4712-4733, doi: 10.1002/2014GC005485. Gomez-Rivas, E., M. Corbella, J. D. Martín-Martín, S. L. Stafford, A. Teixell, P. D. Bons, A. Griera, and E. Cardellach (2014), Reactivity of dolomitizing fluids and Mg source evaluation of faultcontrolled dolomitization at the Benicàssim outcrop analogue (Maestrat basin, E Spain), Marine and Petroleum Geology, 55, 26-42, doi: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2013.12.015. Grobe, R. W., J. Alvarez-Marrón, U. A. Glasmacher, and F. M. Stuart (2014), Mesozoic exhumation history and palaeolandscape of the Iberian Massif in eastern Galicia from apatite fission-track and (U+Th)/He data, International Journal of Earth Sciences, 103(2), 539-561, doi: 10.1007/s00531-013-0976-3. Gualtieri, L., E. Stutzmann, V. Farra, Y. Capdeville, M. Schimmel, F. Ardhuin, and A. Morelli (2014), Modelling the ocean site effect on seismic noise body waves, Geophysical Journal International, 197(2), 1096-1106, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggu042. Levander, A., M. J. Bezada, F. Niu, E. D. Humphreys, I. Palomeras, S. M. Thurner, J. Masy, M. Schmitz, J. Gallart, R. Carbonell, and M. S. Miller (2014), Subduction-driven recycling of continental margin lithosphere, Nature, 515(7526), 253-256, doi: 10.1038/nature13878. Macquet, M., A. Paul, H. A. Pedersen, A. Villaseñor, S. Chevrot, M. Sylvander, and D. Wolyniec (2014), Ambient noise tomography of the Pyrenees and the surrounding regions: Inversion for a 3-D Vs model in the presence of a very heterogeneous crust, Geophysical Journal International, 199(1), 402-415, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggu270. Mesalles, L., F. Mouthereau, M. Bernet, C. P. Chang, A. T. S. Lin, C. Fillon, and X. Sengelen (2014), From submarine continental accretion to arc-continent orogenic evolution: The thermal record in southern Taiwan, Geology, 42(10), 907-910, doi: 10.1130/G35854.1. Messager, G., R. Hassani, and B. Nivière (2014), Mechanical analysis of a natural example of onland gravity gliding: The role of river incision and deposition, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 119(7), 1581-1603, doi: 10.1002/2013JF003062. Messager, G., B. Nivière, P. Lacan, Y. Hervouët, and J. P. Xavier (2014), Plio-Quaternary thinskinned tectonics along the crustal front flexure of the southern Central Andes: A record of the regional stress regime or of local tectonic-driven gravitational processes?, International Journal of Earth Sciences, 103(3), 929-951, doi: 10.1007/s00531-013-0983-4. Najafi, M., A. Yassaghi, A. Bahroudi, J. Vergés, and S. Sherkati (2014), Impact of the Late Triassic Dashtak intermediate detachment horizon on anticline geometry in the Central Frontal Fars, SE Zagros fold belt, Iran, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 54, 23-36.



ICTJA Research Groups

Ouraini, F., R. Carbonell, D. M. Linares, K. Gueraoui, P. Ayarza, and M. Harnafi (2014), Finitedifference approximation of wave equation: A study case of the SIMA velocity model, Applied Mathematical Sciences, 8(173-176), 8679-8688, doi: 10.12988/ams.2014.49779. Palomeras, I., S. Thurner, A. Levander, K. Liu, A. Villasenor, R. Carbonell, and M. Harnafi (2014), Finite-frequency Rayleigh wave tomography of the western Mediterranean: Mapping its lithospheric structure, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15(1), 140-160, doi: 10.1002/2013GC004861. Replumaz, A., F. A. Capitanio, S. Guillot, A. M. Negredo, and A. Villaseñor (2014), The coupling of Indian subduction and Asian continental tectonics, Gondwana Research, 26(2), 608-626, doi: 10.1016/ Robert, A. M. M., J. Letouzey, M. A. Kavoosi, S. Sherkati, C. Müller, J. Vergés, and A. Aghababaei (2014), Structural evolution of the Kopeh Dagh fold-and-thrust belt (NE Iran) and interactions with the South Caspian Sea Basin and Amu Darya Basin, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 57, 68-87. Saura, E., J. Vergés, J. D. Martín-Martín, G. Messager, M. Moragas, P. Razin, C. Grélaud, R. Joussiaume, M. Malaval, S. Homke, and D. W. Hunt (2014), Syn- to post-rift diapirism and minibasins of the Central High Atlas (Morocco): The changing face of a mountain belt, Journal of the Geological Society, 171(1), 97-105. Stange, K. M., R. T. Van Balen, D. Garcia-Castellanos, and S. Cloetingh (2014), Numerical modelling of Quaternary terrace staircase formation in the Ebro foreland basin, southern Pyrenees, NE Iberia, Basin Research, n/a-n/a, doi: 10.1111/bre.12103. Thurner, S., I. Palomeras, A. Levander, R. Carbonell, and C. T. Lee (2014), Ongoing lithospheric removal in the western Mediterranean: Evidence from Ps receiver functions and thermobarometry of Neogene basalts (PICASSO project), Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15(4), 1113-1127, doi: 10.1002/2013GC005124. Ugalde, A., B. Gaite, and A. Villaseñor (2014), Temporal variations of seismic velocity at Paradox Valley, Colorado, using passive image interferometry, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 104(3), 1088-1099, doi: 10.1785/0120130133. Valera, J. L., A. M. Negredo, M. I. Billen, and I. Jiménez-Munt (2014), Lateral migration of a foundering high-density root: Insights from numerical modeling applied to the southern Sierra Nevada, Lithos, 189, 77-88, doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2013.08.021. Zlotnik, S., I. Jiménez-Munt, and M. Fernàndez (2014), Coupled mantle dripping and lateral dragging controlling the lithosphere structure of the NW-Moroccan margin and the Atlas Mountains: A numerical experiment, Lithos, 189, 16-27, doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2013.10.016.



ICTJA Research Groups

Research projects 2014 National Funding Agencies Project Title: ALCUDIA WA – Propiedades físicas de la litosfera en la Zona Centro Ibérica (Península Ibérica) Financed by: PNIDI-CGL - CGL2010-17280 Years: 2011-2014 PI: R. Carbonell Project Title: MISTERIOS - Monitorización integrada del sistema tierra en España: red de investigación y observación sísmica. Financed by: PNIDI-CGL - CGL2013-48601-C2-1-R Years: 2014-2017 PI: J. Gallart Project Title: PROTAI/2 - Efectos de la arquitectura heredada del margen continental sobre la deformación y cinemática de cuñas orogénicas de colisión.arcocontinente Financed by: PNIDI-CGL - CGL2013-43877-P Years: 2014-2016 PI: J. Alvarez/D. Brown Project Title: RIFSIS – Estructura sísmica de la corteza bajo la cordillera del Rif Financed by: PNIDI-CGL - CGL2009-09727 Years: 2010-2014 PI: J. Gallart Project Title: TECLA – Interacción entre la tectónica y el clima árido de sistemas orogeno-Cuenca Financed by: PNIDI-CGL - CGL2011-26670 Years: 2012-2015 PI: D. García-Castellanos Project Title: Red TOPOIBERIA – Red TOPO IBERIA-IberArray: estudios integrados de geodinámica y estructura de la placa ibérica Financed by: PNIDI-CGL2014-54582-REDC Years: 2014-2016 PI: J. Gallart



ICTJA Research Groups

International Funding Agencies Project Title: EPOS – European Plate Observing System Financed by: European Unión - 7PM-PP 26229 Years: 2010-2014 PI: J. Gallart Project Title: NERA – Network of European Research Insfrastructures for Eartquake Risk Assessment and Migration Financed by: European Unión - 7PM-PP 262330 Years: 2010-2014 PI: J. Gallart Project Title: TOPOMOD-Sculpting the Earth’s topography: Insights from modelling deep-surface processes Financed by: European Unión - 7PM- RTN 264157 Years: 2011-2014 PI: M. Fernandez Project Title: Performance of the conversion to digital form of the phase arrival times for all earthquakes includes in the bulletins of the international seismological summary Financed by: International Seismological Center Years: 2013-2014 PI: A. Villaseñor



ICTJA Research Groups

Industry Project Title: Integrated structural and geodynamics geological research studies Financed by: STATOIL-HYDRO PETROLEUM ASA Years: 2008-2015 PI: J. Vergés Project Title: Seguimiento geofísico del confinamiento geológico de CO2 Financed by: REPSOL Years: 2010-2015 PI: A. Villaseñor Project Title: Identificación y validación de métodos geofísicos para la detección y caracterización de discontinuidades en medios sedimentarios recientes Financed by: ENRESA Years: 2013-2015 PI: R. Carbonell Project Title: Geomargen III: adquisición, análisis e interpretación de datos sismológicos de la Cuenca de Tarfaya Financed by: REPSOL Years: 2014-2016 PI: A. Villaseñor

Project Title: Financed by: Years: PI:

Regional structural sections across the IraqI Kurdistan TOTAL 2014-2016 J. Vergés



ICTJA Research Groups

Crystallography and optical properties Group members

Lluis Artús Group Leader – Senior Research Scientist Ramón Cuscó, Research Scientist Jordi Ibáñez, Research Scientist Nuria Domènech, FPU Pre-doc Robert Oliva, FPI Pre-doc



Research outline This line of research is focused on the study of the optical properties of semiconductor materials. Over the past few years we have carried out Raman scattering studies on a variety of III-V compound systems such as GaN, InN, InGaN, InAs/GaAs, InGaAs, InP, AlGaSb, InAsSb, GaSb, GaAsN, as well as on ZnO, a II-VI wide band gap material which is intensively being investigated because of its potential applications in transparent electronics and in blue and UV light emitters.

ICTJA Research Groups



ICTJA Research Groups

Publications 2014 Consonni, V., S. Renet, J. Garnier, P. Gergaud, L. Artús, J. Michallon, L. Rapenne, E. Appert, and A. Kaminski-Cachopo (2014), Improvement of the physical properties of ZnO/CdTe core-shell nanowire arrays by CdCl2 heat treatment for solar cells, Nanoscale Research Letters, 9, 222, doi: 10.1186/1556-276X-9-222. Cuscó, R., N. Domènech-Amador, J. Jiménez, and L. Artús (2014), Electron density gradients in ammonothermally grown Si-doped GaN, Applied Physics Express, 7, 021001, doi: 10.7567/APEX.7.021001. Domènech-Amador, N., R. Cuscó, R. García-Hernansanz, G. González-Díaz, J. Gandhi, A. Bensaoula, and L. Artús (2014), Multiphononon resonant Raman scattering in He+-implanted InGaN, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 29, 045013, doi: 10.1088/0268-1242/29/4/045013. Hernández, S., J. López-Vidrier, L. López-Conesa, D. Hiller, S. Gutsch, J. Ibáñez, S. Estradé, F. Peiró, M. Zacharias, and B. Garrido (2014), Determining the crystalline degree of silicon nanoclusters/ SiO2 multilayers by Raman scattering, Journal of Applied Physics, 115, 203504, doi: doi:http:// Oliva, R., J. Ibáñez, R. Cuscó, A. Dadgar, A. Krost, J. Gandhi, A. Bensaoula, and L. Artús (2014), High-pressure Raman scattering in InGaN heteroepitaxial layers: Effect of the substrate on the phonon pressure coefficients, Applied Physics Letters, 104, 142101, doi: 10.1063/1.4870529. Oliva, R., A. Segura, J. Ibáñez, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Nanishi, and L. Artús (2014), Pressure dependence of the refractive index in wurtzite and rocksalt indium nitride, Applied Physics Letters, 105, 232111, doi: 10.1063/1.4903860.

Research projects 2014 National Funding Agencies Project Title: Financed by: Years: PI:


OPTOFOT Propiedades ópticas de materiales opto electrónicos y fotovoltaicos PNIDI-MAT: MT2010-16116 2011-2014 Ll. Artús


ICTJA Research Groups

Environmental changes in the geological record Group members

José Luis Fernández-Turiel Group Leader – Senior Research Scientist Ramón Julià, Research Professor ad-honorem Pere Anadón, Senior Research Scientist Antonio Vázquez, Research Scientist Rosa Utrilla, Research Scientist Santiago Giralt, Research Scientist Agustin Lobo, Contract Researcher Miriam Gómez-Paccard, Visiting Marie-Curie Post-doc Juan Cruz Larrasoaña, IGME Visiting Research Scientist Montserrat Jiménez, Universidad de Oviedo Visiting Professor Elisabet Beamud, Technical staff (UB) Marta Rejas, Technical staff Maria Jesús Rubio, FPI Pre-doc Guiomar Sánchez, JAE Pre-doc

Research outline Our multidisciplinary group promotes the reconstruction of environmental and climate changes, their causes, and dynamic interactions through the multiproxy characterization of the geologic record. Throughout the history of our planet, the geological processes in general and climate change in particular have fingerprinted the sedimentary record. Furthermore, the increasing anthropogenic influence in the recent past is also readily identifiable in this geological record. This research is carried out using a multiproxy approach and focuses on lake sedimentology and global change, impact of geological and anthropogenic processes on the natural geochemical balances, sedi-mentary processes and biomineralization, geochronological dating and physical and magnetic properties of the sediments as indicators of environmental and climatic processes. The objective of the research group is the robust and accurate reconstruction of past climate oscillations and environmental fluctuations as well as identify short, medium and long term trends of these changes through the multiproxy characterization of the geological sedimentary record. These reconstructions provide valuable data to put into a broad temporal perspective the current climate and environmental trends as well as they provide useful insights about which has been the historical and current anthropogenic role in the recent evolution of the Earth. These climatic and environmental reconstructions also provide data that allows the establishment of possible future climatic and environmental scenarios.



ICTJA Research Groups

To achieve this goal the group is developing the following research lines: reconstruction of climatic and environmental changes using a high temporal resolution multiproxy approach of lacustrine sedimentary re-cords; determining the geochemical impact of large-scale geological processes (e.g., explosive volcanic eruptions or floods);

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• evaluating the relationships between processes and sedimentary environments and biomineralization, and-characterizing physical and magnetic properties of the sedimentary record as proxies of climatic and environmental events.

ICTJA Research Groups





ICTJA Research Groups



ICTJA Research Groups

Publications 2014 Ballbè, E. G., D. R. Antón, A. P. Mañosa, R. P. Obiol, R. J. Brugués, M. C. Bal-Serin, and N. Mazzucco (2014), The mountains in prehistory: 10 years of research in Western Catalan Pyrenees, Trabajos de Prehistoria, 71(2), 261-281, doi: 10.3989/tp.2014.12134. Ballbè, E. G., D. R. Antón, A. P. Mañosa, R. P. Obiol, R. Julià Brugués, M. C. Bal-Serin, and N. Mazzucco (2014), The mountains in prehistory: 10 years of research in Western Catalan Pyrenees, Trabajos de Prehistoria, 71(2), 261-281, doi: 10.3989/tp.2014.12134. Ballesteros, T., E. Montoya, T. Vegas-Vilarrúbia, S. Giralt, M. Abbott, and V. Rull (2014), An 8700-year record of the interplay of environmental and human drivers in the development of the southern Gran Sabana landscape, SE Venezuela, Holocene, 24(12), 1757-1770, doi: 10.1177/0959683614551229. Barreiro-Lostres, F., A. Moreno, S. Giralt, M. Caballero, and B. Valero-Garcés (2014), Climate, palaeohydrology and land use change in the Central Iberian Range over the last 1.6 kyr: The La Parra Lake record, Holocene, 24(10), 1177-1192, doi: 10.1177/0959683614540960. Canet, C., P. Anadón, E. González-Partida, P. Alfonso, A. Rajabi, E. Pérez-Segura, and L. A. AlbaAldave (2014), Paleozoic bedded barite deposits from Sonora (NW Mexico): Evidence for a hydrocarbon seep environment of formation, Ore Geology Reviews, 56, 292-300, doi: 10.1016/j. oregeorev.2013.06.009. Cañellas-Boltà, N., V. Rull, A. Sáez, M. Prebble, and O. Margalef (2014), First records and potential palaeoecological significance of Dianella (Xanthorrhoeaceae), an extinct representative of the native flora of Rapa Nui (Easter Island), Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 23(3), 331-338. Cortizas, A. M., I. R. Muñiz, T. Taboada, M. Toro, I. Granados, S. Giralt, and S. Pla-Rabés (2014), Factors controlling the geochemical composition of Limnopolar Lake sediments (Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island, South Shetland Island, Antarctica) during the last ca. 1600 years, Solid Earth, 5(2), 651-663, doi: 10.5194/se-5-651-2014. Daura, J., M. Sanz, J. J. Fornós, A. Asensio, and A. R. Julià (2014), Karst evolution of the Garraf Massif (Barcelona, Spain): Doline formation, chronology and archaeopalaeontological archives, Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, 76(2), 69-87, doi: 10.4311/2011ES0254. Jiménez-Espejo, F. J., A. García-Alix, G. Jiménez-Moreno, M. Rodrigo-Gámiz, R. S. Anderson, F. J. Rodríguez-Tovar, F. Martínez-Ruiz, S. Giralt, A. Delgado Huertas, and E. Pardo-Igúzquiza (2014), Saharan aeolian input and effective humidity variations over western Europe during the Holocene from a high altitude record, Chemical Geology, 374-375, 1-12, doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2014.03.001. Kissel, C., H. Guillou, C. Laj, J. C. Carracedo, F. Perez-Torrado, C. Wandres, A. Rodriguez-Gonzalez, and S. Nomade (2014), A combined paleomagnetic/dating investigation of the upper Jaramillo transition from a volcanic section at Tenerife (Canary Islands), Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 406, 59-71, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.09.003.



ICTJA Research Groups

Larrasoaña, J. C., Q. Liu, P. Hu, A. P. Roberts, P. Mata, J. Civis, F. J. Sierro, and J. N. Pérez-Asensio (2014), Paleomagnetic and paleoenvironmental implications of magnetofossil occurrences in late Miocene marine sediments from the Guadalquivir Basin, SW Spain, Frontiers in Microbiology, 5(MAR), doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00071. López-García, J. M., H. A. Blain, R. Julià, and J. Maroto (2014), Environment and climate during MIS 7 and their implications for the late Middle Pleistocene hominins: The contribution of Mollet cave, Serinyà, Girona, northeastern Iberian Peninsula, Quaternary International, 337, 4-10, doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2012.12.025. Lloveras, L., O. Vicente, M. Molist, J. Nadal, S. Riera, R. Julià, and A. Estrada (2014), Taphonomic interpretation of the marine mollusk fauna in the Neolithic site of the caserna de Sant Pau del camp (Barcelona), Archaeofauna, 23, 169-179. Margalef, O., A. Martínez Cortizas, M. Kylander, S. Pla-Rabes, N. Cañellas-Boltà, J. J. Pueyo, A. Sáez, B. L. Valero-Garcés, and S. Giralt (2014), Environmental processes in Rano Aroi (Easter Island) peat geochemistry forced by climate variability during the last 70kyr, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 414, 438-450, doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2014.09.025. Morellón, M., F. S. Anselmetti, B. Valero-Garcés, S. Giralt, D. Ariztegui, A. Sáez, M. P. Mata, F. Barreiro-Lostres, M. Rico, and A. Moreno (2014), The influence of subaquatic springs in lacustrine sedimentation: Origin and paleoenvironmental significance of homogenites in karstic Lake Banyoles (NE Spain), Sedimentary Geology, 311, 96-111, doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2014.07.004. Ortí, F., L. Rosell, L. Gibert, M. Moragas, E. Playà, M. Inglès, J. M. Rouchy, J. P. Calvo, and D. Gimeno (2014), Evaporite sedimentation in a tectonically active basin: The lacustrine Las Minas Gypsum unit (Late Tortonian, SE Spain), Sedimentary Geology, 311, 17-42. Pereira, C. L., P. M. Raposeiro, A. C. Costa, R. Bao, S. Giralt, and V. Gonçalves (2014), Biogeography and lake morphometry drive diatom and chironomid assemblages' composition in lacustrine surface sediments of oceanic islands, Hydrobiologia, 730(1), 93-112. é Prado, F. E., J. L. Fernández-Turiel, M. Tsarouchi, G. K. Psaras, and J. A. González (2014), Variation of seed mineral concentrations in seven quinoa cultivars grown in two agroecological sites, Cereal Chemistry, 91(5), 453-459, doi: 10.1094/CCHEM-08-13-0157-R. Servera Vives, G., Y. Miras, S. Riera, R. Julià, P. Allée, H. Orengo, S. Paradis-Grenouillet, and J. M. Palet (2014), Tracing the land use history and vegetation dynamics in the Mont Lozère (Massif Central, France) during the last 2000 years: The interdisciplinary study case of Countrasts peat bog, Quaternary International, 353, 123-139, doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2013.10.048. Soto, R., E. Beamud, B. Oliva-Urcia, E. Roca, M. Rubinat, and J. J. Villalaín (2014), Applicability of magnetic fabrics in rocks associated with the emplacement of salt structures (the BicorbQuesa and Navarrés salt walls, Prebetics, SE Spain), Tectonophysics, 629, 319-334, doi: 10.1016/j. tecto.2014.07.004.



ICTJA Research Groups

Valero-Garcés, B., M. Morellón, A. Moreno, J. P. Corella, C. Martín-Puertas, F. Barreiro, A. Pérez, S. Giralt, and M. P. Mata-Campo (2014), Lacustrine carbonates of Iberian Karst Lakes: Sources, processes and depositional environments, Sedimentary Geology, 299, 1-29, doi: 10.1016/j. sedgeo.2013.10.007. Yao, Z., X. Shi, Q. Liu, Y. Liu, J. C. Larrasoaña, J. Liu, S. Ge, K. Wang, S. Qiao, X. Li, F. Shi, X. Fang, Y. Yu, G. Yang, and Z. Duan (2014), Paleomagnetic and astronomical dating of sediment core BH08 from the Bohai Sea, China: Implications for glacial-interglacial sedimentation, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 393, 90-101.

Research projects 2014 National Funding Agencies Project Title: LACATALAS – Environmental characterization of Miocene lacustrine systems with marine-like faunas from the Duero and Ebro basins: geochemistry of biogenic carbonates and palynology Financed by: PNIDI CGL - CGL2011-23438 Years: 2012-2014 PI: P. Anadón Project Title: QUECA – Impactos medioambientales de erupciones cuaternarias en los Andes Centrales: Modelado para la prevención de los efectos de futuras erupciones Financed by: PNIDI CGL - CGL2011-23307 Years: 2012-2014 PI: J. L. Fernandez-Turiel



ICTJA Research Groups

Geophysical, and geochemical modelling of geohazard processes and subsurface resources Group members

Joan Martí Group Leader – Senior Research Professor Ignasi Queralt, Senior Research Scientist

Research outline Geological, geochemical and geophysical studies are applied to model natural processes that can become geological hazards. These studies include research topics related to volcanism, seismology, landslides or geochemical transfer in subsurface and surface land. From a multidisciplinary point of view, the research is focused on the physics of hazardous geological processes, development of analytical tools for geochemistry, borehole geophysics and remote sensing.

Carles Soriano, Research Scientist Maria José Jurado, Research Scientist Adelina Geyer, JdlC /RyCajal Post-doc

Among the most important techniques we highlight:

F. Xavier Castelltort, CSIC contract Post-doc

• Simulation of geological processes using a

Helena Gallardo, FPI Pre-doc Raquel Noriega, FPI Pre-doc Stefania Bartolini, JAE Pre-doc Silvia Aragó, CSIC contract Xavier de Bolos, CSIC contract Laura Becerril, CSIC contract José Crespo, CSIC contract Carlos Viñolo, CSIC contract

combination of numerical & experimental methods Application of X-ray radiation for the study of materials and residual waters Borehole geophysics and subsurface imaging Development of new algorithms for remote sensing and geographic information systems.

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ICTJA Research Groups



ICTJA Research Groups



ICTJA Research Groups



ICTJA Research Groups



ICTJA Research Groups



ICTJA Research Groups

Publications 2014 Barde-Cabusson, S., J. Gottsmann, J. Martí, X. Bolós, A. G. Camacho, A. Geyer, L. Planagumà, E. Ronchin, and A. Sánchez (2014), Structural control of monogenetic volcanism in the Garrotxa volcanic field (Northeastern Spain) from gravity and self-potential measurements, Bulletin of Volcanology, 76(1), 1-13. Bartolini, S., L. Becerril, and J. Martí (2014), A new Volcanic managEment Risk Database desIgn (VERDI): Application to El Hierro Island (Canary Islands), Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 288(1), 132-143, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2014.10.009. Bartolini, S., A. Geyer, J. Martí, D. Pedrazzi, and G. Aguirre-Díaz (2014), Volcanic hazard on Deception Island (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica), Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 285, 150-168, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2014.08.009. Becerril, L., S. Bartolini, R. Sobradelo, J. Martí, J. M. Morales, and I. Galindo (2014), Long-term volcanic hazard assessment on El Hierro (Canary Islands), Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 14(7), 1853-1870. Bolós, X., L. Planagumà, and J. Martí (2014), Volcanic stratigraphy of the Quaternary La Garrotxa Volcanic Field (north-east Iberian Peninsula), Journal of Quaternary Science, 29(6), 547-560, doi: 10.1002/jqs.2725. García, O., S. Guzmán, and J. Martí (2014), Stratigraphic correlation of Holocene phonolitic explosive episodes of the Teide-Pico Viejo Volcanic Complex, Tenerife, Journal of the Geological Society, 171(3), 375-387, doi: 10.1144/jgs2013-086. Geyer, A., and J. Marti (2014), A short review of our current understanding of the development of ring faults during collapse caldera formation, Frontiers in Earth Science, 2, doi: 10.3389/feart.2014.00022. López, C., J. Martí, R. Abella, and M. Tarraga (2014), Applying Fractal Dimensions and EnergyBudget Analysis to Characterize Fracturing Processes During Magma Migration and Eruption: 2011-2012 El Hierro (Canary Islands) Submarine Eruption, Surveys in Geophysics, 35(4), 1023-1044, doi: 10.1007/s10712-014-9290-2. Marguí, E., A. De Fátima Marques, M. De Lurdes Prisal, M. Hidalgo, I. Queralt, and M. L. Carvalho (2014), Total reflection X-ray spectrometry (TXRF) for trace elements assessment in edible clams, Applied Spectroscopy, 68(11), 1241-1246, doi: 10.1366/13-07364. Mattei, M., N. R. Riggs, G. Giordano, L. Guarnieri, F. Cifelli, C. C. Soriano, B. Jicha, A. Jasim, S. Marchionni, L. Franciosi, S. Tommasini, M. Porreca, and S. Conticelli (2014), Geochronology, geochemistry and geodynamics of the Cabo de Gata volcanic zone, Southeastern Spain, Italian Journal of Geosciences, 133(3), 341-361, doi: 10.3301/IJG.2014.44. Molina, F., J. Martí, G. Aguirre, E. Vega, and L. Chavarría (2014), Stratigraphy and structure of the Cañas Dulces caldera (Costa Rica), Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 126(11-12), 14651480, doi: 10.1130/B31012.1. Pedrazzi, D., L. Becerril, J. Martí, S. Meletlidis, and I. Galindo (2014), Explosive felsic volcanism on El Hierro (Canary Islands), Bulletin of Volcanology, 76(10), doi: 10.1007/s00445-014-0863-1. Pedrazzi, D., X. Bolós, and J. Martí (2014), Phreatomagmatic volcanism in complex hydrogeological environments: La crosa de sant dalmai maar (Catalan Volcanic Zone, NE Spain), Geosphere, 10(1), 170-184, doi: 10.1130/GES00959.1.



ICTJA Research Groups

Pedrazzi, D., G. A. Díaz, S. Bartolini, J. Martí, and A. Geyer (2014), The 1970 eruption on Deception Island (Antarctica): eruptive dynamics and implications for volcanic hazards, Journal of the Geological Society, doi: 10.1144/jgs2014-015. Pereira, M. F., A. Castro, M. Chichorro, C. Fernández, J. Díaz-Alvarado, J. Martí, and C. Rodríguez (2014), Chronological link between deep-seated processes in magma chambers and eruptions: Permo-Carboniferous magmatism in the core of Pangaea (Southern Pyrenees), Gondwana Research, 25(1), 290-308, doi: 10.1016/ Pitarch, A., A. Ramón, A. Álvarez-Pérez, K. Castro, J. M. Madariaga, and I. Queralt (2014), Multispectroscopic characterization of oil on copper painting, Spectroscopy Letters, 47(1), 38-51, doi: 10.1080/00387010.2013.782319. Porreca, M., F. Cifelli, C. Soriano, G. Giordano, C. Romano, S. Conticelli, and M. Mattei (2014), Hyaloclastite fragmentation below the glass transition: An example from El Barronal submarine volcanic complex (Spain), Geology, 42(1), 87-90, doi: 10.1130/G34744.1. Sainz-Maza Aparicio, S., J. Arnoso Sampedro, F. Gonzalez Montesinos, and J. Martí Molist (2014), Volcanic signatures in time gravity variations during the volcanic unrest on El Hierro (Canary Islands), Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119(6), 5033-5051, doi: 10.1002/2013JB010795. Scaini, C., A. Felpeto, J. Martí, and R. Carniel (2014), A GIS-based methodology for the estimation of potential volcanic damage and its application to Tenerife Island, Spain, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 278-279, 40-58, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2014.04.005. Sobradelo, R., S. Bartolini, and J. Martí (2014), HASSET: a probability event tree tool to evaluate future volcanic scenarios using Bayesian inference, Bulletin of Volcanology, 76(1), 1-15, doi: 10.1007/ s00445-013-0770-x. Soriano, C. C., G. Giordano, N. R. Riggs, M. Porreca, A. Bonamico, D. Iosimi, F. Cifelli, M. Mattei, A. De Benedetti, L. Guarnieri, and S. Marchionni (2014), Geologic map, volcanic stratigraphy and structure of the Cabo de Gata volcanic zone, Betic-Rif orogen, SE Spain, Italian Journal of Geosciences, 133(3), 325-340, doi: 10.3301/IJG.2014.45. Tao, W., M. Timothy, Z. K. Shen, R. Erika, and Y. Zhang (2014), Triggering effect of the Zipingpu Reservoir on the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan, China, Earthquake due to poroelastic coupling, Chinese Journal of Geophysics (Acta Geophysica Sinica), 57(10), 3318-3331, doi: 10.6038/cjg20141019. Tárraga, M., J. Martí, R. Abella, R. Carniel, and C. López (2014), Volcanic tremors: Good indicators of change in plumbing systems during volcanic eruptions, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 273, 33-40, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2014.01.003. Telesca, L., M. Lovallo, J. Martì Molist, C. López Moreno, and R. Abella Meléndez (2014), Using the Fisher-Shannon method to characterize continuous seismic signal during volcanic eruptions: Application to 2011-2012 El Hierro (Canary Islands) eruption, Terra Nova. Villasante-Marcos, V., A. Finizola, R. Abella, S. Barde-Cabusson, M. J. Blanco, B. Brenes, V. Cabrera, B. Casas, P. De Agustín, F. Di Gangi, I. Domínguez, O. García, A. Gomis, J. Guzmán, I. Iribarren, G. Levieux, C. López, N. Luengo-Oroz, I. Martín, M. Moreno, S. Meletlidis, J. Morin, D. Moure, J. Pereda, T. Ricci, E. Romero, C. Schütze, B. Suski-Ricci, P. Torres, and P. Trigo (2014), Hydrothermal system of Central Tenerife Volcanic Complex, Canary Islands (Spain), inferred from self-potential measurements, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 272, 59-77.



ICTJA Research Groups

Research projects 2014 National Funding Agencies Project Title: GEOSUB/2 – Investigación y monitorización de fallas sismogénicas en sondeos para la elaboración de una propuesta de perforación al ICDP para perforación en el SE Peninsular Financed by: PNIDI-CGL2010-21568 Years: 2011-2014 PI: M. J. Jurado Project Title: IMPAS - Impact in Aquifer media and Soils of nonconventional water (treated-desalinated) use and sewage sludge application: laboratory and field investigations Financed by: PNIDI-CGLI - CGLI22168-C03-01 Years: 2011-2014 PI: I. Queralt Project Title: EXCAVA-Explora, caracteriza y visualiza Financed by: PNIDI-IPT – 2012-0979-380000 Years: 2013-2015 PI: M. J. Jurado Project Title: Modelado y caracterización físico-química de los magmas en Tenerife y su aplicación en el sistema de vigilancia volcánica del Observatorio Geofísico Central Financed by: IGN Years: 2013-2014 PI: J. Martí Project Title: Definición de guías de exploración y explotación de recursos energéticos y minerales en calderas volcánicas de colapso (CALECOM) Financed by: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas PROGRAMA CSIC CONEXION INTERNACIONAL Years: 2014- 2015 PI: A. Geyer

International funding agencies Project Title: VUELCO – Volcanic unrest in Europe and Latin America: Phenomenology, eruption precursors, hazard forecast, and risk mitigation Financed by: European Unión - Project # 282759 Years: 2011-2015 PI: J. Martí



Service units and labs

Service units and labs Service units Management and General Services The Management and General Services depend directly on the Institute’s Manager and include the administration of:

• Human resources. Management of permanent

staff, contract personnel and trainees, taking up their posts, contracts, grants, end of contract, reporting joiners and leavers to the Social Security system, etc. Project management. This includes applying for monitoring and financial management of national and international projects (public and industrial). Purchasing and procurement of supplies, service and maintenance – buildings, special infrastructures, technical services, vehicles. Management of travel and subsistence expenses.

• • •

The General Services are also responsible for maintenance of electrical and mechanical installations and devices, porter, mailing, and cleaning.

Manager José Luis López Burguillo

Administrative support Leonor Fernández, Purchasing and procurement Francisco Mosquera, Payer María Consuelo Palacio, Human Resources Esmeralda Rodríguez, Project management Elisa Zamorano, Travel and subsistence

Maintenance Óscar Ávila, Technical staff Miquel Ángel González, Technical staff


Front desk

Dimas Calvo Meca, Technical contract

Xavier Pascual, Receptionist Alejandro Tatevosian, Receptionist

Jesús M. Foncubierta,


Technical contract

Service units and labs

Computing and Communications Service The main objective of this service is to facilitate the communication and computing tools and basic and advanced services to allow researchers of ICTJA to achieve their scientific objectives. The unit manages a network infrastructure compose of about 150 medium size computers, a wifi spread throughout the building, some server-oriented computing, storage and connectivity with the Scientifc Ring/RedIris/Geant2. ICTJA facilitates the access to 5 CSIC research institutes (CID, IBB, CEAB, IBMB and IIBB) to this Scientific Ring.

theses, etc. on any aspect of the geology of the Iberian Peninsula. The publication of the journal Geological Acta is also managed through this service. It is an international journal of Earth Sciences providing an innovative and high quality media of scientific dissemination. Geologica Acta aims to stimulate rapid diffusion of results and efficient exchange of ideas among the widespread communities of Earth Sciences researchers (with special emphasis on Latin-American, the Caribbean, Europe, and the Mediterranean regions). The Journal is edited in collaboration with the University of Barcelona. Since 2007, Geologica Acta is included in the Journal Citation Report of ISI Thomson with an Impact Factor (IF) of 1.483 in 2013 and a 5 year IF of 1.777.

Joan Benavent, Technical staff Marc Español, Technical contract

Library Library The Library of Geology (UB-CSIC), housed in the Faculty of Geology, is jointly managed by the Faculty of Geology of the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera (ICTJA-CSIC). This library is one of the most important geology libraries in Spain in terms of repository of journals and books and quality of service. In addition, major bibliographic databases are also offered (WOS, SCOPUS, GEOREF, PASCAL, CINDOC, and BIGPI). The library is currently compiling a database on Bibliography of Earth Sciences of the Iberian Peninsula (BIGPI) including more than 40,000 records of articles, lectures, books,

Jordi Casadellà Saladas, Chief Librarian (UB) Dolores Fernández, Chief Librarian (CSIC) Marta Boullosa Guerrero, Librarian (UB) Daniel Casanueva González, Librarian (UB) Emma Dalmau Ollé, Librarian (UB) Maria Josefa Martínez López, Librarian (UB) Concepción Porcar Ferrer, Librarian (UB) Montserrat Puig, Librarian (UB) Laura Rincón, Geologica Acta, Journal Manager (UB)



Service units and labs

The library in numbers • 18,000 books and subscription to thousands of e-books • 1.054 printed journals and subscription to thousands of e-journals • 10.000 maps (geological, topographic, etc.) • 14.000 aerial photographs • 8.000 article reprints of the geology of the Iberian Peninsula • 350 PhD Thesis



Service units and labs

Scientific services and laboratories X- Ray Diffraction Service The X-ray Diffraction Service of ICTJA-CSIC is an analytical facility focused on the qualitative and quantitative characterization of the crystalline phases of materials. The XRD Service, with more than 30 years of experience in the field, offers support to ICTJA researchers and also to external users from public and private universities and acompanies. One of the main objectives of the XRD Service at ICTJA is to support the ongoing investigations carried out by ICTJA researchers on Earth Sciences topics, including studies of volcanology, petrology and sedimentology. The XRD Service offers also support to external researchers working in geology, materials science, environment, chemistry, pharmacy, archaeology, etc. A large number of companies and organizations from the public or private sectors make use of the XRD Service at ICTJA for their industrial applications, quality control, environmental studies, forensics, etc. Range of services offered Identification of crystalline phases Crystal-quality assessment, composition determination and microstructural analyses Semi-quantitative and quantitative analysis of crystalline phases and amorphous content Application of the Rietveld method for profile adjustment, structure refinement and quantitative phase analyses Investigation of small or inhomogeneous samples with micro-diffraction Determination of crystalline structures Non- destructive X-ray fluorescence analyses with a handheld spectrometer for field work and cultural heritage studies

• •

Some examples of applications provided by the laboratory to research groups and companies

• Phase identification and quantification of

geological samples. Identification and analysis of clay minerals Analysis of mineral phases in building materials: cement, concrete, aggregates, etc. Study of degraded calcium aluminate cements, identification of fiber cements, etc. Determination of the amorphous content in ashes and synthetic mixtures Study of corrosion products Determination of crystalline silica in respirable airborne dusts by direct-on-filter methods

• • • •

Jordi Ibañez, Scientific Director Josep Elvira, Technical Director María Soledad Álvarez, Technical Staff

• • • • •



Service units and labs



Service units and labs

Paleomagnetism Service (CSIC-CCiTUB) The Paleomagnetic Laboratory was founded in 1989 as result of an agreement between the CSIC and the Catalonian Geological Service of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Since 1998, the laboratory depends on the CCiTUB and the CSIC. The laboratory provides technical support to research groups working on several research topics within the Earth Sciences, among them: Magnetostratigraphic dating of sedimentary sequences and correlation with their fossil and paleoenvironmental record.

• Archaeomagnetic dating of archaeological remains. • Paleomagnetism applied to the study of orogenic belts and plate tectonics. • Environmental magnetic studies aimed to

unravelling paleoenvironmental and climatic variations in the sedimentary record.

The laboratory facilities include superconducting and spinner magnetometers, thermal and AF demagnetizers, a susceptibility bridge and a pulse magnetizer.

Elisabet Beamud, Technical Director (CCiTUB) Ana Gómez, Technical staff Ylenia Almar, Technical contract



Service units and labs



Service units and labs

labGEOTOP Service – Geochemistry Laboratory The labGEOTOP Service, Laboratory of Elemental and Isotopic Geochemistry for Petrological Applications, carry out multi¬disciplinary research in Solid Earth Sciences using an established core of world class equipment and laboratories, and expertise in the technical and applied aspects of their use. The service plays a key role in catalys¬ing leading edge cross-disciplinary research within the CSIC and into Spain. The labGEOTOP service provides a central mass of equipment that enables significant scientific collaboration on a regional, national and international scale. We undertake a wide variety of analytical work for scientific institutions and industry. The labGEOTOP offer elemental and isotopic analysis of solids and liquids covering the range of elements determined by high resolution-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. The service focuses on the analytical needs of R&D projects on:

• Compositional structure and evolution of

Earth’s mantle: mantle geochemistry mainly through the open window of the volcanic rocks; origin of mantle plumes. Compositional structure and evolution of the lithosphere: geochemical processes at the margins of tectonic plates. Geochemical evolution of magmatic and metamorphic processes. Sedimentary geology and paleoclimate reconstruction: geochronology and processes related to climate change. Volcanism: temporal evolution of pre- and syn-eruptive magmatic processes: geochemical flows related to volcanic activity. Experimental petrology and mineralogy.

The analytical services provided by the labGEOTOP go beyond ICTJA needs and represent a significant breakthrough in the analytical services required by the Spanish and international scientific community on element and isotope geochemistry for process modelling in both whole rock and high resolution single mineral analysis. The labGEOTOP is a Project co-financed by ERDF through the Scientific and Technological Infrastructure National Program in the National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation (R&D) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation, Reference CSIC08-4E-001.

Jose-Luis Fernandez-Turiel, Scientific Director Marta Rejas, Technical Director Jonathan Cotano, Techinical contract

• • • • •



Service units and labs

Seismic Laboratory ICTJA Seismic Laboratory is composed by two main sections, the Data Acquisition Instrumentation Pool and the Seismic Processing Center. The Data Acquisition Instrumentation Pool includes seismic equipment intended to be used in temporary deployments. Up to 90 broadband and 36 short period seismic acquisition systems are available to allow managing both short-term controlled source seismic profiling and long-term passive seismic deployments. The Seismic Processing Centre includes three main servers, around 100 Tbytes of disk space and Linux work stations with dedicated processing software. The Centre is now able to receive and store in near-real time seismic data from temporary seismic stations and selected per-



manent sites. The facility features connectivity with the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre and has research relationships with other computation, processing, interpretation and modelling facilities such as GEO-MODELS (University of Barcelona) and the Barcelona Centre for Subsurface Imaging.

Jordi Díaz Cusí, Scientific Director Mario Ruíz, Technical Director

Service units and labs

Raman Spectroscopy and Photoluminescence Laboratory The Laboratory of Raman Spectrocopy and Photoluminescence is focused on the study of the optical properties of semiconductor materials. Among others, the lab carries out Raman scattering studies on a variety of III-V compound systems such as GaN, InN, InGaN, InAs/GaAs, InGaAs, InP, AlGaSb, InAsSb, GaSb, GaAsN, as well as on ZnO, a II-VI wide band gap material which is intensively being investigated because of its potential applications in transparent electronics and in blue and UV light emitters.

Lluís Artús, Scientific Director Ramon Cuscó, Research Scientist Jordi Ibañez, Research Scientist



Service units and labs

LARX – Laboratory of X-ray Analytical Applications The LARX research laboratory, created in 1994, is an excellence’s research facility of ICTJA. The activities of LARX are focused on the development of methodologies for the study of solid matter using X-ray spectroscopies such as X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF, EDXRF, TRXRF and micro-EDXRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and other solid-state non-invasive analytical tools. Likewise, LARX staff is leading collaborative research projects related to Environmental Geosciences and Geochemistry. Since its creation, the laboratory has also undertaken many teaching and training activities at national and international level, in collaboration with the European X-ray Spectrometry Association (EXSA), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and X-ray instrumentation manufacturing companies. During last decade, and within this initiative have taken several doctoral and master thesis in the fields of environmental pollution and cultural heritage materials. At now, LARX is a joint associated laboratory with the Analytical Chemistry Department of the University of Girona (Spain) and the Hydrogeochemistry Group of the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC).



The instrumentation of this infrastructure allows the determination of major, trace and ultratrace elements in solids (minerals, rocks, particulate matter, filters, industrial wastes, etc.), including chemical mapping and microprobe analysis, layer thickness determination at nanometre scale and chemical speciation. Through research collaborative agreements the laboratory provides technical support for research groups working on:

• Cultural Heritage materials and artworks,

especially studies of paint pigments, old coinage and metallic artefacts, manuscripts and wall paint materials. Environmental geochemistry of soil, water and vegetation, including biogeochemical modelling. Forensic research related to the use of inorganic chemistry data.

• •

Ignasi Queralt, Scientific Director

Service units and labs

Th-230/U-234 Geochronology Laboratory The Laboratory of Geochronology was founded in 1989 and fully updated in 2010 with the acquisition of two 8-channel ORTEC alpha spectrometers. The laboratory is specially designed for dating marine and continental carbonates such as travertines, speleothems, endogenic lacustrine carbonates, corals and marine crusts, although it is possible to date primary sulphates (gypsum) and chlorides (halite) using the uranium series desequilibrium method (230Th/234U). The laboratory provides technical support for research groups working on:

• Absolute dating of upper Pleistocene and

Holocene continental and marine carbonate samples for a large variety of purposes such as climate, anthropic, geologic and/or environmental reconstructions. Absolute dating of human and other archaeological carbonate prehistorical rests.


Staff Santiago Giralt, Scientific Director Graciela Monzon, Technical Director



Service units and labs

SIMGEO (UB-CSIC) The Laboratory of Geological Processes Simulation (SIMGEO) was created in 1995 as a joint venture between the Faculty of Geology of the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera (ICTJA-CSIC) in the field of experimental and theoretical modelling of geological processes. SIMGEO seeks to promote application of experimental and theoretical models to the study of geological processes and, in particular, processes that involve a risk to people and the environment, through funding raised by public and private research projects and contracts and agreements. SIMGEO offers researchers a large space and equipment to design and develop experimental models. The SIMGEO has a laboratory of experimental petrology and mineral synthesis, a hydraulic channel 16 m length and a computer lab equipped with the necessary software to develop mathematical models and simulations using geographic information systems.

Staff Joan MartĂ­, Scientific co-Director (CSIC) Ferran Colombo, Scientific co-Director (UB)



Service units and labs

Scientific Boreholes Almera-1 & 2 Two scientific boreholes were drilled in 2012 in the UB campus of Barcelona as part of the subsurface research studies of the Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera (ICTJA) in cooperation with the Faculty of Geology of the University of Barcelona (UB). The Almera-1 borehole is 214.20 m deep and is used as an experimental facility for the development of geophysical data logging methods. The hole Almera-2 is 1 m away from Almera-1, reaching a depth of 46 m, and is meant to carry out routine piezometric measurements and cross hole experiments. A subsurface connection for cables and tools with the borehole and monitoring research lab inside ICTJA building facilitate long term and continuous monitoring and control from the lab. This facility is equipped with a complete system of geophysical logging tools and borehole monitoring data loggers that are used for testing of new devices and experiments in the frame of ongoing research projects.

Staff Maria JosĂŠ Jurado, Scientific Director Jose Crespo, Technician contract Carlos ViĂąolo, Technician contract Francesc Castelltort, Technician contract



ICTJA 10 highlighted papers

ICTJA 10 highlighted papers 2014 The coupling of Indian subduction and Asian continental tectonics In order to understand the potential controls on Asian tectonics during the subduction of the Tethys and Indian lithospheres, we reconstruct the coupled subduction-continent deformation history using tomographic imaging, kinematics constraints and numerical modeling. The global P-waves tomographic images of the mantle below the India-Asia collision zone provide constraints on the deep structure of continents and subduction history. Linking the slab positions in the mantle to the Asian tectonics reconstructions and the Indian plate kinematics, we reconstruct the timing and location of successive subduction and breakoff events, showing one major breakoff occurred between India and the Tethys Ocean ~ 45 Ma. In the western syntax, a vertical slab continuous to the continent is shown to override the deeper detached Tethys slab. In the central region similar structure is found with a detached slab, yet closer to the Tethys slab. In the eastern syntax, no slab is imaged. It is inferred that after Tethys slab had broke off, subduction only resumed in the center of the margin, while underthrusting took place at both extremities of the convergent margin. During following convergence, a second breakoff event detached the central Indian slab from the margin ~ 15 Ma ago, which renewed Indian lithosphere underthrusting below Asia. This most probably occurred when the Tibetan Plateau was already uplifted, implying that uplift is not a direct result of underthrusting. Numerical models of breakoff during subduction illustrate the controls of slab detachment



on the complexities of the Indian margin. In these models the subduction of continental lithosphere resumes after breakoff only where this is entrained by the mantle flow associated with the long lasting oceanic slab sinking, that is in the center of the margin, while converging continent edges underthrusts the upper plate. Furthermore, the breakoff during subduction has profound implications on the Asian intraplate tectonics. In the models, the breakoff is rapidly followed by large stresses in the upper plate interiors, propagating at large distance from the margin, along a belt oriented at ~ 45° from the trench. The long-term evolution of the Asian continental tectonics shows drastic changes in the fault pattern, with successive strike-slip faulting across the Asian continent, which are in agreement with the mechanisms illustrated by the models. Transient large coupling at the trench caused by the breakoff events during India-Asia convergence offers an explanation for episodic nucleation of lithospheric faults within the Asian continent and their link to deep processes.

Reference Replumaz, A., F. A. Capitanio, S. Guillot, A. M. Negredo, and A. VillaseĂąor (2014), The coupling of Indian subduction and Asian continental tectonics, Gondwana Research, 26(2), 608-626, doi: 10.1016/

ICTJA 10 highlighted papers



ICTJA 10 highlighted papers

Basin inversion in central Taiwan and its importance for seismic hazard On 27 March 2013, a 6.2 ML earthquake occurred at 19 km depth in eastern Nantou, central Taiwan. Over a 2 week period it was followed by more than 680 aftershocks that ranged to 5 ML. Most events occurred below the ~10-km-deep detachment fault predicted for this part of the mountain belt, coinciding with other precisely located hypocenters that indicate that much of the crust in this area is seismically active. We combine geological data with a three-dimensional (3-D) P-wave velocity model derived from local tomography and earthquake hypocenters to determine a model for the structure of central Taiwan. Much of the surface geology of the area comprises the uplifted Eocene rocks of the Hsuehshan Basin. The 3-D P-wave velocity model shows a shallowing of higher velocities across the Hsuehshan Basin and hypocenter data indicate that its western bounding fault is clearly defined by an eastward-dipping band of events that extends to



>20 km depth. The eastern bounding fault is interpreted to coincide at depth with a cluster of events between 20 and 30 km depth. These data suggest that the preexisting, rift-related extensional faults of the Hsuehshan Basin are currently being reactivated and the basin is being inverted. We present hypocenter data from the Nantou sequence that corroborate this interpretation and show the importance of choosing the correct structural model when assessing seismic risk.

Reference Camanni, G., C.-H. Chen, D. Brown, J. Alvarez-Marron, Y.-M. Wu, H.-A. Chen, H.-H. Huang, H.-T. Chu, M.-M. Chen, and C.-H. Chang (2014b), Basin inversion in central Taiwan and its importance for seismic hazard, Geology, 42(2), 147-150, doi: 10.1130/g35102.1.

ICTJA 10 highlighted papers

Subduction-driven recycling of continental margin lithosphere Whereas subduction recycling of oceanic lithosphere is one of the central themes of plate tectonics, the recycling of continental lithosphere appears to be far more complicated and less well understood. Delamination and convective downwelling are two widely recognized processes invoked to explain the removal of lithospheric mantle under or adjacent to orogenic belts. Here we relate oceanic plate subduction to removal of adjacent continental lithosphere in certain plate tectonic settings. We have developed teleseismic body wave images from dense broadband seismic experiments that show higher than expected volumes of anomalously fast mantle associated with the subducted Atlantic slab under northeastern South America and the Alboran slab beneath the Gibraltar arc region; the anomalies are under, and are aligned with, the continental margins at depths greater than 200 kilometres. Rayleigh wave analysis8, 9 finds that the lithospheric mantle under the continental margins is significantly thinner than expected, and that thin lithosphere extends from the orogens adjacent to the subduction zones inland to the edges of nearby cratonic cores. Taking these data together, here we describe a process that

can lead to the loss of continental lithosphere adjacent to a subduction zone. Subducting oceanic plates can viscously entrain and remove the bottom of the continental thermal boundary layer lithosphere from adjacent continental margins. This drives surface tectonics and preconditions the margins for further deformation by creating topography along the lithosphere– asthenosphere boundary. This can lead to development of secondary downwellings under the continental interior, probably under both South America and the Gibraltar arc, and to delamination of the entire lithospheric mantle, as around the Gibraltar arc. This process reconciles numerous, sometimes mutually exclusive, geodynamic models proposed to explain the complex oceanic-continental tectonics of these subduction zones.

Reference Levander, A., M. J. Bezada, F. Niu, E. D. Humphreys, I. Palomeras, S. M. Thurner, J. Masy, M. Schmitz, J. Gallart, R. Carbonell, and M. S. Miller (2014), Subduction-driven recycling of continental margin lithosphere, Nature, 515(7526), 253-256, doi: 10.1038/nature13878.



ICTJA 10 highlighted papers

Seismic anisotropy from the Variscan core of Iberia to the Western African Craton: New constrains on upper mantle flow at regional scales The regional mantle flow beneath the westernmost Mediterranean basin and its transition to the Atlantic domain is addressed by inspecting the anisotropic properties of the mantle. More than 100 new sites, from the Variscan core of Iberia to the northern rim of the Western African Craton, are now investigated using the data provided by different temporary and permanent broad-band seismic arrays. Our main objective is to provide a larger regional framework to the results recently presented along the Gibraltar Arc in order to check the validity of the different geodynamic interpretations proposed so far. The significant variations in the retrieved anisotropic parameters suggest that different



processes must be invoked to explain the origin of the observed anisotropy. Beneath the Variscan units of the Central Iberian Massif the new results show a moderate amount of anisotropy with fast polarization directions (FPD) oriented close to E–W. Those results can only be explained in terms of global mantle flow if models accounting for contributions from surface plate motion, net lithosphere rotation and density variations are taken into consideration. One of the major results presented is the significant number of good quality data without evidence of anisotropy (“nulls”) observed beneath permanent stations in southern Portugal. Those “nulls” can be explained by the presence of a predominantly vertical mantle flow associated to large

ICTJA 10 highlighted papers

variations in the lithospheric thickness. Beneath the Gibraltar Arc the FPD show a spectacular rotation, evidenced by the results presented by Díaz et al. (2010) and Miller et al. (2013). Those results are reviewed here taking also into consideration the geodynamic modeling presented recently by Alpert et al. (2013) and other geophysical and geodetic results. Further South, the analysis of new broad-band stations installed in the Moroccan Meseta and the High Atlas show a small degree on anisotropy and a large number of “null” events, pointing again to the presence of vertical flow in the mantle. The results favor an asthenospheric origin related to present-day mantle flow for the anisotropy observed from the Variscan core

of Iberia to the northern rim of the West African Craton. This flow is deflected around the high velocity slab beneath the Gibraltar Arc and seems affected locally by vertical flow associated to edge-driven convective cells. The presence of significant backazimuthal variations in the anisotropic parameters retrieved from single events suggests that a second order contribution from an anisotropic layer within the lithosphere may also exist.

Reference Díaz, J., and J. Gallart (2014), Seismic anisotropy from the Variscan core of Iberia to the Western African Craton: New constrains on upper mantle flow at regional scales, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 394, 48-57.



ICTJA 10 highlighted papers

Coupled mantle dripping and lateral dragging controlling the lithosphere structure of the NW-Moroccan margin and the Atlas Mountains: A numerical experiment Recent studies integrating gravity, geoid, surface heat flow, elevation and seismic data indicate a prominent lithospheric mantle thickening beneath the NW-Moroccan margin (LAB > 200 km-depth) followed by thinning beneath the Atlas Domain (LAB about 80 km-depth). Such unusual configuration has been explained by the combination of mantle underthrusting due to oblique Africa–Eurasia convergence together with viscous dripping fed by asymmetric lateral mantle dragging, requiring a strong crust– mantle decoupling. In the present work we examine the physical conditions under which the proposed asymmetric mantle drip and drag

mechanism can reproduce this lithospheric configuration. We also analyse the influence of varying the kinematic boundary conditions as well as the mantle viscosity and the initial lithosphere geometry. Results indicate that the proposed drip–drag mechanism is dynamically feasible and only requires a lateral variation of the lithospheric strength. The further evolution of the gravitational instability can become either in convective removal of the lithospheric mantle, mantle delamination, or subduction initiation. The model reproduces the main trends of the present-day lithospheric geometry across the NW-Moroccan margin and the Atlas Mountains, the characteristic time of the observed vertical movements, the amplitude and rates of uplift in the Atlas Mountains and offers an explanation to the Miocene to Pliocene volcanism. An abnormal constant tectonic subsidence rate in the margin is predicted.

Reference Zlotnik, S., I. Jiménez-Munt, and M. Fernàndez (2014), Coupled mantle dripping and lateral dragging controlling the lithosphere structure of the NW-Moroccan margin and the Atlas Mountains: A numerical experiment, Lithos, 189, 16-27, doi: 10.1016/j. lithos.2013.10.016.



ICTJA 10 highlighted papers

Structural complexities in a foreland thrust belt inherited from the shelf-slope transition: Insights from the Alishan area of Taiwan The Alishan area of Taiwan spans the transition from the platform with full thickness of the Eurasian continental margin in the north to the thinning crust of its slope in the south. This part of the foreland thrust and fold belt includes important along-strike changes in structure, stratigraphy, and seismic velocities. In this paper we present the results of new geological mapping from which we build

geological cross sections both across and along the regional structural trend. Fault contour, stratigraphic cutoff, and branch line maps provide 3-D consistency between the cross sections. Minimum shortening is estimated to be ~15 km with displacement overall to the northwest. A P wave velocity model helps constrain the structure at depth by providing insight into the possible rock units that are



ICTJA 10 highlighted papers

present there. P wave velocities of ≥ 5.2 km/s point toward the presence of basement rocks in the shallow subsurface throughout much of the southeastern part of the area, forming a basement culmination. The changes in strike of thrusts and fold axial traces, the changing elevation of thrusts and stratigraphic contacts, and the growing importance of Middle Miocene sediments that take place from north to south are interpreted to be associated with a roughly northeast striking lateral structure coincident with the northern flank of this basement culmination. These transverse structures appear to be associated with the inversion of Eocene- and Miocene-age extensional faults along what was the shelf-slope transition in the Early Oligocene, uplifting the margin sediments and their higher P wave velocity basement during Pliocene-Pleistocene thrusting.

Reference Alvarez-Marron, J., D. Brown, G. Camanni, Y. M. Wu, and K. C. Hao (2014), Structural complexities in a foreland thrust belt inherited from the shelf-slope transition: Insights from the Alishan area of Taiwan, Tectonics, 33(7), 1322-1339



ICTJA 10 highlighted papers



ICTJA 10 highlighted papers

High-resolution imaging of the Pyrenees and Massif Central from the data of the PYROPE and IBERARRAY portable array deployments The lithospheric structures beneath the Pyrenees, which holds the key to settle longstanding controversies regarding the opening of the Bay of Biscay and the formation of the Pyrenees, are still poorly known. The temporary PYROPE and IBERARRAY experiments have recently filled a strong deficit of seismological stations in this part of western Europe, offering a new and unique opportunity to image crustal and mantle structures with unprecedented resolution. Here we report the results of the first tomographic study of the Pyrenees relying on this rich data set. The important aspects of our tomographic study are the precision of both absolute and relative traveltime measurements obtained by a nonlinear simulated annealing waveform fit and the detailed crustal model that has been constructed to compute accurate crustal corrections. Beneath the Massif Central, the most prominent feature is a widespread slow anomaly that reflects a strong thermal anomaly resulting from the thinning of the lithosphere and upwelling of the asthenosphere. Our tomographic images clearly exclude scenarios involving subduction of oceanic lithosphere beneath the Pyrenees.



In contrast, they reveal the segmentation of lithospheric structures, mainly by two major lithospheric faults, the Toulouse fault in the central Pyrenees and the Pamplona fault in the western Pyrenees. These inherited Hercynian faults were reactivated during the Cretaceous rifting of the Aquitaine and Iberian margins and during the Cenozoic Alpine convergence. Therefore, the Pyrenees can be seen as resulting from the tectonic inversion of a segmented continental rift that was buried by subduction beneath the European plate.

Reference Chevrot, S., A. Villasenor, M. Sylvander, S. Benahmed, E. Beucler, G. Cougoulat, P. Delmas, M. D. S. Blanquat, J. Diaz, J. Gallart, F. Grimaud, Y. Lagabrielle, G. Manatschal, A. Mocquet, H. Pauchet, A. Paul, C. PĂŠquegnat, O. Quillard, S. Roussel, M. Ruiz, and D. Wolyniec (2014), High-resolution imaging of the Pyrenees and Massif Central from the data of the PYROPE and IBERARRAY portable array deployments, Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth, 119(8), 6399-6420, doi: 10.1002/2014JB010953.

ICTJA 10 highlighted papers



ICTJA 10 highlighted papers

An 8700-year record of the interplay of environmental and human drivers in the development of the southern Gran Sabana landscape, SE Venezuela The vegetation of the southern Gran Sabana (SE Venezuela) consists primarily of a treeless savanna with morichales (Mauritia flexuosa palm stands), despite the prevailing climate being more favorable for the development of extensive rainforests. Here, we discuss the results of our 8700-year paleoecological reconstruction from Lake Encantada based on the analysis of pollen, algal remains, charcoal, and geochemical proxies. We use the findings to assess a number of hypotheses that seek to explain the dominance of savanna vegetation and consider the relative importance of factors such as climate, fire, and erosion on the landscape. The reconstruction of vegetation



changes suggests the following trends: open savanna with scattered forest patches (8700– 6700 yr BP), forest-savanna mosaic (6700– 5400 yr BP), open savanna with forest patches (5400–1700 yr BP), and treeless savanna with morichales (1700 yr BP–the present). We conclude that the interplay between climate and fire and the positive feedback between the presence of grasses and increased fire frequency played a major role in the vegetation dynamics from the early to middle Holocene (8700–6700 yr BP). The synergistic action between reduced fires and wetter conditions appears to be a determinant in the development of rainforest around 6700 yr BP. Despite higher

ICTJA 10 highlighted papers

available moisture at ~5400 yr BP, the savanna expanded with the increased frequency of fire, potentially driven by human land-use practices. We also propose that the interplay between fire and erosion created forest instability during the middle and late Holocene. The current southern Gran Sabana landscape is the result of the complex interplay between climate, fire, erosion, and vegetation.

Reference Ballesteros, T., E. Montoya, T. VegasVilarrĂşbia, S. Giralt, M. Abbott, and V. Rull (2014), An 8700-year record of the interplay of environmental and human drivers in the development of the southern Gran Sabana landscape, SE Venezuela, Holocene, 24(12), 1757-1770, doi: 10.1177/0959683614551229.



ICTJA 10 highlighted papers

Environmental processes in Rano Aroi (Easter Island) peat geochemistry forced by climate variability during the last 70kyr We analyze the geochemistry of Rano Aroi mire record (Easter Island) using bulk peat composition (C, N, S) and stable isotopes ( 13C, 15N, 34S) and major, minor and trace elemental compositions obtained by ICP-AES (Al, Ti, Zr, Sc, V, Y, Fe, Mn, Th, Ba, Ca, Mg and Sr). Peat geochemistry and the pollen record are used to reconstruct the environmental changes during the last 70 kyr BP. Principal component analysis on ICP-AES data revealed that three main components account for the chemical signatures of the peat. The first component, characterized by lithogenic elements (combined signal of V, Al, Sc, Y, Cr, Cd, Ti, Zr and Cu), evidences long-term changes in the basal fluxes of mineral material into the mire. This component, in combination with stable isotopes and pollen data suggests a link between soil erosion and vegetation cover changes in the Rano Aroi watershed. The second component is identified by the signal of Fe, Mn, Th, Ba, Zr and Ti, and is indicative of strong runoff events during enhanced precipitation periods. The third component (tied mainly to Ca, Sr and Mg) reflects a strong peat oxidation event that occurred during an arid period with more frequent droughts, sometime between 39 and 31 kyr BP. Correlation coefficients and a multiple regression model (PCR analysis) between peat organic chemistry and the principal components



of ICP-AES analysis were calculated. Isotope chemistry of the peat organic matter further contributes to define Rano Aroi environmental history: 13C data corroborates a vegetation shift documented by the palynological record from C4 to C3 between 55 and 45 cal kyr BP; the 15N record identifies periods of changes in mire productivity and denitrification processes, while the 34S peat signature indicates a marine origin of S and significant diagenetic cycling. The geochemical and environmental evolution of Rano Aroi mire is coherent with the regional climatic variability and suggests that climate was the main forcing in mire evolution during the last 70 kyr BP. The coupling of geochemical and biological proxies improves our ability to decipher depositional processes in tropical and subtropical peatlands and to use these sequences for paleoenvironmental and paleoclimate reconstructions.

Reference Margalef, O., A. Martínez Cortizas, M. Kylander, S. Pla-Rabes, N. Cañellas-Boltà, J. J. Pueyo, A. Sáez, B. L. Valero-Garcés, and S. Giralt (2014), Environmental processes in Rano Aroi (Easter Island) peat geochemistry forced by climate variability during the last 70kyr, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 414, 438-450, doi: 10.1016/j. palaeo.2014.09.025.

ICTJA 10 highlighted papers

Pressure dependence of the refractive index in wurtzite and rocksalt indium nitride We have performed high-pressure Fourier transform infrared reflectance measurements on a freestanding InN thin film to determine the refractive index of wurtzite InN and its high-pressure rocksalt phase as a function of hydrostatic pressure. From a fit to the experimental refractive-index curves including the effect of the high-energy optical gaps, phonons, free carriers, and the direct (fundamental) band-gap in the case of wurtzite InN, we obtain pressure coefficients for the low-frequency (electronic) dielectric constant E∞. Negative pressure coefficients of – 8.8 x 10-2 GPa-1 and –14.8 x 10-2 GPa-1 are obtained for the wurtzite and rocksalt phases, respectively. The results are discussed in terms of the electronic band structure and the compressibility of both phases.

Reference Oliva, R., A. Segura, J. Ibáñez, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Nanishi, and L. Artús (2014), Pressure dependence of the refractive index in wurtzite and rocksalt indium nitride, Applied Physics Letters, 105(23), doi: 10.1063/1.4903860.



ICTJA 10 highlighted papers

The 1970 eruption on Deception Island (Antarctica): Eruptive dynamics and implications for volcanic hazards In the southern winter of 1970, a phreatomagmatic eruption occurred in the northern part of Deception Island (South Shetland Archipelago, Antarctic Peninsula). The eruption, with no eyewitnesses to the event, occurred in the same general area as the 1967 eruption, but with new, more widely distributed vents. Two contrasting groups of craters were formed in the 1970 eruption, showing that different active fissures and eruptive dynamics were operating. One group consists of ‘maar-like’ craters, whereas the other comprises conical edifices. The 1970 eruption can be classified as volcanic explosivity index (VEI) 3, with mainly phreatomagmatic phases that generated a bulk volume of about 0.1 km3 of pyroclastic material and an eruptive column at least 10 km high, from which fallout



deposits are recognized more than 100 km to the NE. The 1970 eruption was similar to that of 1967 and together these two eruptive events show how eruption dynamics can be controlled by the uppermost part of the volcano substrate and the width and orientation of the eruptive fissure. These influence magma–water interaction and hence may imply different eruptive phases and associated volcanic hazards.

Reference Pedrazzi, D., G. Aguirre-Díaz, S. Bartolini, J. Martí, and A. Geyer (2014), The 1970 eruption on Deception Island (Antarctica): Eruptive dynamics and implications for volcanic hazards, Journal of the Geological Society, 171(6), 765-778, doi: 10.1144/jgs2014-015.

ICTJA 10 highlighted papers



ICTJA 10 highlighted papers

Volcanic stratigraphy of the Quaternary La Garrotxa Volcanic Field (north-east Iberian Peninsula) The monogenetic Quaternary La Garrotxa Volcanic Field forms part of the Catalan Volcanic Zone (north-east Iberian Peninsula), one of the alkaline volcanic provinces of the European rift system. It harbours more than 50 basaltic monogenetic cones that range in age from the Middle Pleistocene to the Early Holocene and include cinder and scoria cones, lava flows, tuff rings and maars. This study is the result of extensive fieldwork, including the study of ephemeral outcrops and the stratigraphic logging of new water wells and geotechnical drill holes, also taking into account existing information gathered by recent geophysical studies that have applied shallow geophysical methods to establish the substrate geology of this volcanic field. We have obtained a comprehensive volcanic



stratigraphy of the area that identifies the products of each single eruption, their relative stratigraphy and their surface area. This volcanic stratigraphy constitutes an essential tool for understanding the evolution of this volcanic field and for establishing a correct volcanic hazard assessment for the area, but it also provides a precise reference for the Quaternary tephrochronology of the lake sediments in neighbouring areas..

Reference Bolós, X., L. Planagumà, and J. Martí (2014), Volcanic stratigraphy of the Quaternary La Garrotxa Volcanic Field (north-east Iberian Peninsula), Journal of Quaternary Science, 29(6), 547-560, doi: 10.1002/jqs.2725.

ICTJA 10 highlighted papers



ICTJA 10 highlighted papers

Total reflection X-ray spectrometry (TXRF) for trace elements assessment in edible clams The present contribution presents a preliminary investigation of the chemical composition with respect to major, minor, trace, and ultratrace elements in several clam species that are frequently used for human consumption in Portuguese markets and worldwide. In order to use a simple and rapid analytical methodology for clam analysis, energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometry and total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) spectrometry were selected as analytical techniques. The analytical capabilities of TXRF spectrometry were evaluated for the determination of minor and trace elements in commercial edible clams. We compared the direct analysis of powdered suspensions (using different sample amounts and dispersant



agents) with the analysis of the digested samples for trace element determination. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analysis of clam digests was also performed to evaluate the analytical possibilities of TXRF spectrometry for trace and ultratrace analysis.

Reference MarguĂ­, E., A. De FĂĄtima Marques, M. De Lurdes Prisal, M. Hidalgo, I. Queralt, and M. L. Carvalho (2014), Total reflection X-ray spectrometry (TXRF) for trace elements assessment in edible clams, Applied Spectroscopy, 68(11), 1241-1246, doi: 10.1366/1307364.

ICTJA 10 highlighted papers

PhD Theses Title Phd Student Phd Advisor Place & Date

3D seismic imaging and geological modeling of the Hontomín CO2 storage site, Spain Juan Alcalde Martin David Martí Linares, Ramon Carbonell Bertran Universitat de Barcelona - 04/07/2014

Title Geological and structural controls on La Garrotxa monogenetic volcanic field (NE Iberia) Phd Student Xavier De Bolós Granados Phd Advisor Joan Martí Molist Place & Date Universitat de Barcelona - 04/09/2014 Title Phd Student Phd Advisor Place & Date

Hydromagmatic monogenetic volcanism in continental and oceanic island environments Dario Pedrazzi Joan Martí Molist Universitat de Barcelona - 07/03/2014

Title Phd Student Phd Advisor Place & Date

Modelos geológicos en 3D de la isla de Tenerife Ilazquiñe Iribarren Rodríguez Joan Martí Molist Universitat de Barcelona - 27/10/2014

Title Phd Student Phd Advisor Place & Date

Seísmic characterization of the Central Iberian Zone from the surface to the upper mantle Siddique Akhtar Ehsan Ramon Carbonell Bertran Universitat de Barcelona - 05/12/2014

Title Phd Student Phd Advisor Place & Date

The last 70 kyr of Rano Aroi (Easter Island, 27oS) peatrecord: new insights for the Central Pacific paleoclimatology Olga Margalef Marrase Santiago Giralt Romeu Universitat de Barcelona - 14/03/2014

Title Phd Student Phd Advisor Place & Date

The structure of the South-Central Taiwan thrust belt Giovanni Camanni Dennis Lewis Brown Marsh, Joaquina Álvarez Marrón Universitat de Barcelona - 20/10/2014

Title Volcanic hazard assessment in monogenetic volcanic fields Phd Student Stefania Bartolini Phd Advisor Joan Martí Molist Place & Date Universitat de Barcelona - 06/10/2014 Title Phd Student Phd Advisor Place & Date

Volcano-structural study and long-term volcanic hazard assessment on El Hierro island (Canary Islands) Laura Becerril Carretero Joan Martí Molist Universidad de Zaragoza - 28/11/2014



Courses and Seminars

Courses and Seminars Courses


Recerca en riscos naturals. El CSIC a l’aula - Activitats per al professorat Curs 2013-2014. February, 17-21

J. Martí, A. Geyer

Metalls nobles del Patrimoni Cultural: Caracterització i análisis de materials per mètodes no-destructius Institut Català d'Arqueologia Clàssica - ICAC March, 3-4

I. Queralt

Curso Teórico-Práctico de ICP-MS 2014 ICTJA-CSIC, Barcelona May, 26-28

J.L. Fernandez-Turiel, M. Rejas

Curso Teórico-Práctico de de Difracción de Rayos X en Polvo 2014 ICTJA-CSIC, Barcelona May, 28-30

J. Ibáñez, J. Elvira, S. Álvarez


Courses and Seminars

Introduction to X-ray Fluorescence spectrometry: Application to materials characterization Workshop on Materials Characterization techniques by X-ray Diffraction and Xray fluorescence, RADDEL Intersectorial European network, EU Training course ICMAB-CSIC, May

I. Queralt

3er Curso de Postgrado sobre Volcanología Universidad de Girona, Olot (Girona) October, 13-26

J. Martí, A. Geyer

Calderas Volcánicas de Colapso y su relación con Recursos Geotérmicos UNAM, Sede de Morelia, México October, 30 – November, 3

J. Martí

Seminars Conference: Lecturer: Date:

Building and exhumation of the Western Carpathians: new constraints from sequentially restored, balanced cross-sections and low-T thermochronometry Dr. Stefano Mazzoli, Universitat de Nàpols January, 13

Conference: Lecturer: Date:

The future role of Earth Scientists in the governance of volcanic unrest Dr. Paul Myrow , Chair and Professor of Geology, Colorado College, USA January, 15

Conference: Lecturer: Date:

El sermón de la montaña turolense: la multiplicación de los saurios y las icnitas Dr. Luis Alcalá, Fundación Conjunto Paleontológico de Teruel-Dinópolis, Teruel January, 22

Conference: Lecturer: Date:

The Sima de los Huesos site: A taphonomical review Dr. D. Rabadà January, 29



Courses and Seminars

Conference: Lecturer: Date:

Assembly of Gondwanaland: an Antarctic and Himalayan perspective Dr. Paul Myrow, Chair and Professor of Geology, Colorado College, USA January, 30


Los lamprófidos cretácicos de Cataluña: Un viaje complicado desde el manto hacia la superficie Dra. Teresa Ubide February, 13

Lecturer: Date: Conference: Lecturer: Date: Conference: Lecturer: Date: Conference:

Mysterious ichnology: The trace fossil record of dumb animals doing some surprisingly smart things on ancient Spanish seafloors Cicle De Conferències “Amics d’en Jordi M. de Gibert Prof. Tony Ekdale, Dpt. Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah, USA March, 12


Cerro Blanco originó la mayor erupción de los últimos 5000 años en el noroeste de Argentina Dr. J.L. Fernández Turiel (ICTJA-CSIC), Prof. F.J. Pérez Torrado (ULPGC), Dr. A. Lobo (ICTJA-CSIC) March, 19

Conference: Lecturer: Date:

Remote Sensing of the Earth Surface: a guide for paracticioners Dr. Agustin Lobo, ICTJA-CSIC April, 1

Conference: Lecturer:

Sea-level during a glacial cycle with a focus on the Mediterranean Prof. Kurt Lambeck, Professor of Geophysics at the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia April, 3


Date: Conference: Lecturer: Date: Conference: Lecturer: Date:


Modeling internal deformation of salt structures targeted for radioactive waste disposal Zurab Chemia, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, Universitat of Copenhaguen, Danmark March, 5

Chemical stabilizationof natural Jordanian geomaterials for construction applications Dra. Islam Mahmoud Aldabsheh, Investigadora Postdoctoral, Departament de Cristal·lografia, Mineralogia i Dipòsits Minerals May, 7 Assessing nitrification and denitrification in the Seine river and estuaryusing chemical and isotopic techniques Dr. Mathieu Sebilo, Institut d’Ecologie et d’Environnement de Paris, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France May, 20


Courses and Seminars

Conference: Lecturer: Date: Conference: Lecturer: Date: Conference: Lecturer: Date: Conference: Lecturer: Date: Conference: Lecturer: Date: Conference: Lecturer: Date: Conference:

- Closing the loop between geologyand reservoir engineering in the building, calibration and history-matching of carbonate reservoir models Dr. Patrick Corbett, Visiting Professorship at UFRJ in Rio, Brasil, as the BG Group Professor of Carbonate Petroleum Geoengineering June, 6 - Is our carbonate reservoir fractured? Engineering says yes and geology says no! Dr. Patrick Corbett, Visiting Professorship at UFRJ in Rio, Brasil, as the BG Group Professor of Carbonate Petroleum Geoengineering June, 6 eARTh observation: Un Món per ser sensat Dr. Jordi Corbera i Vicenç Palà, Àrea d’Observació de la Terra, Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya June, 11 10 m slips on the Pitas Point Thrust: M8 earthquakes in the western M8 earthquakes in the western Transverse Ranges of southern California Thomas K. Rockwell, Dept. Geological Sciences, San Diego State University, Earth Consultants International, USA July, 3 Sedimentary and structural recordof the Albian growth of the Bakio salt diapir (Basque Country, northern Spain Yohann Poprawski, Géosciences Montpellier, Université Montpellier 2, France September, 12 Numerical simulation of subcontinental lithosphere dynamics: stability, evolution and formation Hongliang Wang, Durham University, UK September, 10

Lecturer: Date:

Thermodynamic studies on the behavior of organic compounds in diagenetic and hydrothermal settings Laurent Richard, Geochemist-consultant, Barcelona October, 8

Conference: Lecturer: Date:

Mélanges and geodynamic settings of their formation Andrea Festa, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Torino, Italy October, 21

Conference: Lecturer: Date:

Effects of surface processes on fold development Marine Collignon, ETH, Zürich, Switzerland September, 23



ICTJA –SPA Awards 2014

ICTJA –SPA Awards 2014 Temperature reconstruction by GDGTS for the last 700 years in Azores Archipelago: an example of a continental record in the North Atlantic Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers (GDGTs) have been studied in sediments of several ecosystems (ocean, peats, and rivers) and only recently have been determined in lakes. Here we have used them to reconstruct past temperature changes for the 700 years recorded in Lake Azul (Sao Miguel Island, Azores archipelago, Portugal) sediments at multiannual time resolution. This unique continental record in the southern pole of the North Atlantic

Oscillation has allowed us to unravel the evolution of the atmospheric circulation patterns in the North Atlantic during episodes of rapid climate change for the last 700 years. Thus, the Little Ice Age (from 1400 to 1750 yrs AD in this record) has been characterized by lower than usual temperatures that imply a positive predominance of the NAO, whereas the recorded recent warming (since 1930 yr AD) is marked by the negative NAO control.

Rubio-Inglés M.J., Shanahan T.M., Sáez A., Pueyo J.J., Raposeiro P., Hernández A., Sánchez-López G., Gonçalves V., Giralt S., 2014. ASLO 2015, Aquatic Science Meeting Limnology and Oceanography, Granada, February, 22-27. Ref. 26615.



ICTJA –SPA Awards 2014

Geoid, elevation and crustal thickness: Investigating the lithospheric structure of Africa The African continent shows striking topographic features and has recently been target of numerous geophysical and seismic studies to determine its crustal structure, locally and regionally. Observation of surface tectonics coupled with knowledge of variations in crustal thickness provide a top to bottom frame to investigate sub-crustal processes, which affect the uppermost lithosphere and control today's African topography. As the significance of previous models of crustal thickness in Africa is debatable and favors premature conclusions here our motivation is to address the detailed structure of the African lithosphere revealing Moho and LAB geometry using 1D modeling of elevation, geoid and thermal data including the thermotectonic age of the crust as well as age and thickness of sediments to better account for lateral variations in crustal density. The four-layered model is composed of crust and lithospheric mantle plus sea water and asthenosphere, assuming Airy isostasy and is benchmarked against a detailed compila-

tion of seismic Moho data from active and passive seismic experiments across the continent and its margins. Relating better surface topography with the depth of the Moho and the LAB contributes to improve knowledge on the lithospheric structure in Africa that mainly comes from global models, such as CRUST1.0, regional tomography models and gravity modeling, which unfortunately miss a proper relation between elevation, mean crustal density and crustal thickness. Our approach therefore is seen to support the discussion around the strongly debated processes responsible for the anomalous high elevation especially in the south eastern part of Africa and the observed undulations in Moho depth from about 20 km below the extended regions of the East African Rift System to 50 kilometers underneath the thickest Proterozoic belts. By linking differences in age, density and thermal state of the lithosphere with topography and geoid we want to provide new information especially for the data remote areas in Northern and Central Africa.

Globig J., Fernandez M., TornĂŠ M., Faccenna C., 2014. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16, EGU2014-4372, EGU General Assembly 2014.



Outreach Activities

Outreach Activities The scientific and technical staff of the institute continued in 2014 with the task of bringing science to society through a series of activities to disseminate the scientific knowledge on Erath Sciences, mainly resulting from the research projects carried out at ICTJA. One of the main objectives is to bring science to young people to promote scientific vocations. In this sense, trying to reach the public as possible, outreach activities focused on showing the relevant role that Earth sciences in society, from the aspects related to geological hazards to the importance of raw materials in the technological

development. As example, Geoflaix! is a look at our lives from the perspective of minerals and rocks that are part of our environment. From minerals we obtain materials that are the key to a more comfortable life. The exhibition aims to show visitors how the majority of objects that surround us have a geological basis. It is also a taste for exploring the rocks ... what we obtain and what they tell us! These activities are usually co-organized with the Facultat de Geologia of the Universitat de Barcelona, and the Institut Cartogràfic I Geològic de Catalunya.

Recerca a Ciències de la Terra, EspaiCiència, Saló de l’Ensenyament, Fira de Barcelona Co-organized by ICTJA-CSIC and Facultat de Geologia-UB (12-16 Març 2014) GEOflaix Travelling Exhibition co-organized by ICTJA-CSIC, Facultat de Geologia-UB, Institut Geològic de Catalunya Institut Mercè Rodoreda, Hospitalet de Llobregat. 14 January - 5 February 2014) I.E.S. Domenech i Montaner, Barcelona (14 February - 5 March 2014) I.N.S. Castellar, Castellar del Vallès (14 March - 11 April 2014) Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya, Tremp (15 May - 15 Juny 2014) Espai Viu la Geologia, EXPOMINER exhibition, Fira de Barcelona Co-organized by ICTJA-CSIC, Facultat de Geologia-UB, Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (14-16 November 2014) Què investiguem a les ciències de la terra?, Setmana de la Ciència Organized by ICTJA-CSIC (17-21 November 2014) El CSIC en el Aula, Formació del professorat en Ciències, Tecnologia i Matemàtiques (CTM), Departament d'Ensenyament, Generalitat de Catalunya Qué podem aprendre d’un sismograma? by Jordi Díaz Cusí (3 December 2014)





ICTJA and the media

ICTJA and the media ICTJA-CSIC scientists contributed in the media to disseminate issues with ongoing research projects and to assist in the explanation news events related to the Earth Sciences. TV, radio and newspapers publish these interviews.



Topics discussed ranged from Bรกrรฐarbunga volcano eruption in Iceland, the structure of the crust in the Strait of Gibraltar and the genesis of earthquakes in the Nankai Trough in Japan.

Other activities

Other activities Organization of congresses 1st International Workshop on Volcano Geology, IAVCEI, Madeira, Portugal, July 7-11

Editorial activities Frontiers in Earth Science

J.C. Larrasoaña, Associate Editor

Frontiers in Volcanology

A. Geyer, , Associate Editor

Geologica Acta

J. Alvarez-Marrón, Associate Editor

Geological Society of America Bulletin

D. Brown, Editorial Board


D. Brown, , Editorial Board

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences

D. Brown, Editorial Board

Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Elsevier

J. Martí, Co-editor-in-Chief

Solid Earth

R. Carbonell, Editorial Board

Special Publications of the International Union of Geodesy J. Martí, Editorial Board and Geophysics, Cambridge University Press Tectonophysics

R. Carbonell, Editor-in-Chief

X-ray Spectrometry

I. Queralt, Editorial Board

International and National Committees Academia Europaea, section Earth & Cosmic Sciences

M. Fernandez and J. Martí, Members


J. Gallart, panel de expertos ACADEMIA

Comisión Asesora a la Presidencia del CSIC, Mujer y Ciencia J. Alvarez-Marrón, representante del personal

científico permanente por el Área de Recursos Naturales

Comisión de Evaluación del programa de Formación

A. Villaseñor, Miembro

Postdoctoral 2014 (contratos Juan de la Cierva, área de Ciencias de la Tierra) Comisión Permanente de Normas Sismoresistentes

A. Villaseñor, Miembro

(desde el 28/02/2014 hasta la fecha)



Other activities

Comissió Dona i Ciència del Consell Interuniversitari

J. Alvarez-Marrón, Membre

de Catalunya COST Action no. ES1401

Martin Schimmel, Spanish representant

EGU, Program Committee for the Tectonics and

Daniel García-Castellanos, Member

Structural Geology Division ESFRI-EPOS

J. Gallart, Spanish Scientific Representant

GMES Initial Operations

A. Lobo Aleu

Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, IODP

M. J. Jurado, NantroSeize Project scientist

Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, IODP

M. J. Jurado, IODP Expedition 348,

scientific group leader

Interational Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)

J. Martí, Executive Committee Member

Interational Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)

J. Martí, Executive Committee Member

Commission on Geophysical Risk and Sustainability (GRC) International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry

Secretary General

of the Eart Interior (IAVCEI) International Continental Drilling Program, ICDP

M. J. Jurado, Science Advisory Group (SAG)

International Continental Drilling Program, ICDP

M. J. Jurado, Operational Support Group

of Copernicus Global Land Products

A. Lobo, Member of the Review Panel


J. Gallart, Direction Board member

RES (Red Esp. de Supercomputación)

R. Carbonell, Coordinador del panel

de Ciencias de la Tierra

Secretary General of the Union Commission for Data

A. Geyer

and Information (UCDI Service National d’Observation en Volcanologie,

J. Martí, President of International


Scientific Committee

Sociedad Geológica de España

J. Alvarez-Marrón, Vocal

Union Commission for Data and Information (UCDI-IUGG) A. Geyer, Secretary General



Other activities

Invited scientists National Taiwan University, Department of Geosciences, Dennis Brown Taiwan Visiting Research Scientist, November 2014 - April 2015. Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Facultad de Química, J.L. Fernandez-Turiel Bioquímica y Farmacia, San Luis, Argentina Visitant Professor, June 2014

Invited talks Un repte per al segle XXI: millorar el coneixement del planeta

Montserrat Torné

on vivim VIII Cicle Desafiaments del S. XXI Residència d’Estudiants Barcelona, February, 3 X-ray Fluorescence spectrometry: Application to materials

I. Queralt

characterization Workshop on Materials Characterization techniques by XRD and XRF, EU RADDEL Intersectorial European network ICMAB-CSIC, May 2014 L’aplicació de la fluorescència de raigs X en les ciències forenses. How the structure of the Eurasian continental margin predetermines the development of the Taiwan orogen:

Queralt I., Brown, D., Camanni, G., Álvarez Marron, J., Ayala, C.,Wu, Y-M., Kuo-Chen, H., Hsieh, H.-H.

a view from surface geology, seismic tomography, earthquake hypocenter, and gravity data GEEA: Geodynamics and Environment in East Asia Hualien, Taiwan Cerro Blanco originó la mayor erupción de los últimos 5000

F.J. Perez-Torrado y J.L. Fernandez-Turiel

años en el noroeste de Argentina Sociedad Argentina de Antropología Museo Etnográfico Juan B. Ambrosetti, Buenos Aires, Argentina, June, 10 Fukushima: un paisaje, la tierra viva

M. J. Jurado

Residència d’Estudiants Barcelona, June, 16



Other activities

Evaluación del impacto ambiental geoquímico asociado a ceniza

J.L. Fernandez-Turiel

volcánica; aplicación a erupciones recientes y antiguas INQUISAL-CONICET y Universidad Nacional de San Luis Facultad de Química, Bioquímica y Farmacia de la Universidad de San Luis, San Luis, Argentina San Luis, Argentina, June, 18 Cerro Blanco originó la mayor erupción de los últimos 5000

J.L. Fernandez-Turiel

años en el noroeste de Argentina Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina, July, 3 The use of XRF instrumentation in Environmental Impact

I. Queralt

Assessment Studies 63rd Denver X-ray Conference, ICDD Big Sky, Montana, USA, July Designing probabilistic tools for multihazard assessment

J. Martí

and risk management Session Risk Assessment Methodologies, 5th International Disaster and Risk Conference IDRC 2014 ‘Integrative Risk Management The role of science, technology & practice‘ Davos, Switzerland, August 24-28 Downhole logging in active fault scientific drilling

M. J. Jurado

ICDP Training Course on Active Fault Zone Drilling New Zealand, October 6-10 La colonització de l’Illa de Pascua o la importancia de ser geòleg

Santiago Giralt

Opening of the Scholar Year of the Faculty of Geology, Universitat de Barcelona Barcelona, October, 22 Uso de técnicas de microfluorescencia de rayos X para la

I. Queralt

determinación rápida de capas y multicapas a escala nanométrica Actos del Año Internacional de la Cristalografía en el CSIC Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalúrgicas, CENIM, October La Investigación del subsuelo desde una perspectiva científica: preguntas y respuestas Centro Tecnológico del Mármol, CTM, Cehegín, Murcia, December, 5



M. J. Jurado

ICTJA in numbers

ICTJA in numbers Personnel

Data at 31/12/2014



ICTJA-SCI Publications



How to reach us The Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera, ICTJA, is located at the Pedralbes Campus of the University of Barcelona.

Lluís Solé i Sabaris s/n 08028 Barcelona (Spain) Phone: +34 93 409 54 10 Fax: +34 93 411 00 12





Annual Report ICTJA-2014 Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera



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