introducing the
for your
contents mission 7 stationary 11 the truck 17 the smoothie 21 media 31 merchandising 35 events 45 promo 49
Water = Water is a transparent fluid which forms the world’s streams, lakes, oceans, and rain. It is the vital component of the fluids of living things.
Mellow = adjective (especially of sound, taste, and color) pleasantly smooth or soft; free from harshness.
mission 7
Water & Mellow is a Smoothie truck
The name originates from two unique words
We will sell products in our truck such as shirts,
with specific meanings. Together they create
hats, straws, balls and towels.
the perfect marriage for your day,
Our advertising will be in local magazines, bill-
Our customer enjoys beach life, sports, and ap-
boards, and social media.
preciates good and healthy smoothie. They like
To advertise our products we will collaborate
to take care of their bodies, mind and I am here
with other marketing companies at sports con-
to provide the greatest smoothie with many fla-
tests, music events and many more.
vors which will create the perfect day.
MISSION STATEMENT At Water & Mellow it’s our mission to support ac-
TARGET General beach, sport, life lover.
tive and healthy lifestyles by creating and serv-
ing blended and fresh smoothies, in a truck.
Increase the visibility of the truck at the beach-
The smoothies are highly nutritious. Our trucks
es and social events with the goal of satisfying
will be following the summer, going throughout
our loyal customer and gain new ones.
beaches, parks and events.
THE idea
stationary 11
7466 c
bebas neue
1787 c
382 c
bebas neue
the truck 17
the smoothie 21
our recipe made with love chill TIME
The perfect blending of strawberry, peach, banana, and papaya to get you through your week
red love The smoothness of banana mixed with the taste of raspberry, strawberry, acai and mango.
summer night A tangy blend of mango, strawberry, and banana
chill time
red love
summer night
water & mellow is...
& healthy !
so cool off & try it !
Media 31
merchandising 35
events 45
promo 49
ll er&me t a .w www
cool off.
applied branding marcella silva september 16, 2014