R.A.W Magazine Spring 2017 : Draft Day

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contents. ISSUE 005 - SPRING 2017 editor in chief MASON TAYLOR editorial assistant JARED QUICK mens fashion analyst EJ SULAPAT



addrinne randle



ivan beslic






natalia madej ILLUSTRATOR

40 tiffanie anderson CONTEMPORARY ARTIST



bryan thompson SAXOPHONIST


mens fashion feature



48 reina love RECORDING ARTIST


fools know clothing CLOTHING BRAND




Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017



How do you use your art to inspire other women of color? The most significant thing about my art are the faceless women. I intentionally paint women without facial characteristics to allow other women to see themselves in my pieces. I take pride in everything there is in being a black women and instead of drowning out our culture, tradition and beauty;

bly the most creative class any freshman will ever take at a university. This class opened up so many creative bells in my head that I never knew where there. Projects ranged from creating a flag representing yourself, sketching, speeches and everything in between. At the end of the semester I knew that the only career that would make me happy would be something that I was

I embrace it. I also have a line of products from notebooks to pillows to help keep women inspired in their everyday life as working, head of the household superwomen.

constantly creating, challenging myself and ever evolving.

Can you describe the time when you first realized that creating was something you absolutely had to do? My first year in college at Virginia Commonwealth University as a Mass Communication major you have to take a class called “curiousness”. It’s proba-


How has painting influenced your life? Painting is a stress reliever. It’s been the only thing I can turn to when stuck in a tough place. It’s really saved me from being in extreme dark places. It’s a light at the end of the tunnel that keeps me going.

Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017

What’s the best thing about being able to create for a living? Forever changing! As a creative I get to figure things out as I go without being judge, frowned upon and sometimes without consequences. It’s a life of turning mistakes into masterpiece and that in itself just make me happy.

be the next best thing to my deep color artwork. Where can people buy your art? All my pieces can be seen and purchased on AddieRawr.com

Do you have a favorite piece that you’ve made? And why? I have a lot of favorite pieces. I don’t have just one favorite piece because all my pieces are personal and reflect a time of my life. But if I had to choose Medusa would be my all time favorite. I painted the piece in two days with a concept I slept on for months. The piece is pretty simplistic but carries a boldness about it that it can’t be overlooked. Also it represents a time of my life that was hard, discouraging and full of sin. I’ve created the piece into t-shirts and proudly wear the shirt every Friday to remind myself of getting out of a vain time of my life. What inspired you to become an artist? I’ve been an artist since I was young. I don’t think anything inspired my career path, it was chosen for me way before I knew it. Is there a medium that you haven’t worked with that you want to in the future? And why? I haven’t worked with spray paint and would really love to pick up a can. I’ll have to practice a lot but I think the wrist work needed to handle a spray can I can pick up on. Since I normally use acrylic which is fast drying medium, spray paint would




Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017




Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017



How do you balance your creativity day to day through your music, and then through your everyday life? I do a lot of journaling and do my best to meditate before going to bed. That’s where most of my ideas, whether it be for songwriting, performing, etc. - come from. That’s where I also lay to rest any frustrations I may have experienced that day.

How has your upbringing influenced your music to this point? My upbringing has made me a super hard worker. I grew up in a middle class neighborhood with parents that truly strived to make the best life for us every single day. That work ethic has always stayed with me in anything I do especially with my music career and what it takes to create and roll-out successful projects.

the media - within my family. A particular inspiration was my grandmother, Isaura Mendoza. I really looked up to her career in theatre and as an actress. I always knew I would become a successful singer, from as early as I can remember.

What do you want listeners to get out of your music? I want them to be inspired. I want them to release any worries, any old wounds they may have. I want them to know they can have a great life, all they have to do is believe and never give up on themselves - no matter what!

What are your goals that you want to accomplish through music?

How do you weave your personality into your art while maintaining the balance of being relatable? I am always myself, you can take it or leave it. I think that’s what people appreciate most about me. I’m 100% honest, but I’m also mindful about and compassionate to other people’s experiences and circumstances. I know what it’s like to be misunderstood.

A lot of success. Grammys, chart topping hits, great films, sold-out shows/ arena tours and concerts. But most of all, touch people’s hearts. The most rewarding moments I’ve ever had in my career have been when supporters express to me how much my music and/ or seeing my work ethic online, has inspired them and held them high through tough times. At the end of the day, my ultimate goal is to share my gift with the world for the greater good.

What got you into music?

Music has always been in my blood. There are a lot of musicians, actors, and people involved in


Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017




Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017





Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017



When did you fall in love with art? I started painting in 2007. I remember that night like it was yesterday. It is a funny story , because that night my Super Nintendo was not working, I was bored so I started drawing sketches out of nothing. 100% self-taught, what began coincidentally became a hobby, then a passion and now it´s my job. Time flew by so quickly, it´s my 10 year Anniversary this year.

How long have you been creating in this medium? I used to try a lot different materials in my beginnings, like acrylic, oil, pencil, spray can and marker of course - learning by doing- it’s been 3-4

years now since I decided to do all my artworks with marker only.

How did you come up with your style of art? I was Interviewed by EDDING, a German company for writing and marking tools, a few years ago about my work. Back then I used to put highlights with paint markers on my acrylic artworks. So EDDING decided to send me two big boxes full of markers as a gift. What to do with all that stuff? That was the moment when I was thinking about to paint whole artworks with markers only.


How long does the process take to complete a single painting? It depends, I always paint several artworks at the same time. A painting in 80x60 cm size takes 2-4 days to be finished, for bigger pieces around 1-2 weeks. My preferred medium is hand deckle edged Hahnemühle Paper or wood panels. I use up to 40-80 different pens for one single painting, it’s all about freestyle tagging and scribbling, using different types of markers and colors, it’s great to see the final product with all the different layers on it. If I’m not 100% happy about my artwork, it will not leave my studio.

Have you done any collaborations with other artists, such musical artists or fine artists? How was the experience? Or if you haven’t, is this idea something you’d like to entertain in the future? Art brought me to a lot of cool places and I have met a lot of great people. Through my art I was able to paint and meet my favorite Hip Hop artists like Public Enemy, De La Soul , Dilated Peoples, DJ Premier and many others. I designed the tour poster for the European Redman shows for example, and currently I´m working on a cover for a German Rap Album. Besides connecting with Music Artists, I have just started to work with other fine artists - one of them is the Dutch artist KWILLS, he got

Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017

a great style and is also painting with markers, we are working on a artwork together, which will be auctioned soon for a good cause. It’s fun to work with other creative heads, I’m always open for new projects. The journey has just begun!

What would you say inspires and influences your style or makes it stronger? Trust the process! The more you do, the better you get! When I started doing art I was painting more simple motives like cartoon characters, now I got a bigger skill set. Most of my recent pieces are portraits, especially Hip Hop and Basketball related stuff. There are so many great artists out there, I like to check out their work, go to exhibitions - seeing other people’s work makes me work harder on my own craft.

My biggest inspiration is to create paintings that will last “forever”. Seeing someone hanging one of my artworks in his or her living room for the next years puts a smile on my face.

What lessons have you learned over time that have helped shape your skill set? Beginnings are always the hardest part! I did art for the first 7 years as a hobby, besides my regular job. If you want to do it the right way, you need time! Money was never my first aim, of course bills have to be paid, but if you put in work, success will come automatically one day. Just keep on trying, keep on working, art is a craft, that has to be shaped. Being an artist nowadays is a lot more than just hanging out in the studio and paint, there is much “behind the scenes” stuff that has to be done.


Social media is very important, building a “Fan Base”, meetings, doing print samples, shipping out orders. But I like it, I don’t look at it like it’s work.

Do you have any art shows or major projects coming up in the near future? Well, it’s a lot stuff going on right now, I don’t know if you heard about the Rick Ross story, he stole 2 of my artworks during one my art shows in Germany a few months ago. I’m currently suing him, so I’ll need to come to the States soon to attend Court. Fighting for my rights! Besides this negative story there are some conventions and galleries where I will show my work in Europe this year. Having my own art show in the States is on top of my bucket list, Watch out, I might exhibit soon in your neighborhood.



Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017

“Squad Goals” by Natalia MadeJ




Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017



What was the first medium you used, do you still create in that medium? As far as I remember the first medium I used were crayons. I can guess they’re probably every child’s first art medium to use and the same thing applied to me. Crayons were my favorite thing to create with for longer while. Then I started to discover other art supplies to broaden my techniques. Now I’m mixing different techniques I find the most suitable for my drawings and crayons are definitely on my list.

What is the driving force behind your passion for art? It’s hard to explain to be completely honest. But I would say it’s just the never ending love for creation of something new. I truly enjoy being the one to decide upon every little detail of my pieces and then seeing the process of a drawing coming up

What would you say defines your artistic style?

Be creative, have fun with both art and fashion and put your heart and passion to everything your doing.

How did you get into drawing?


It was also something that started off naturally. I never planned to create instagram account with the purpose to get likes and followers. I stared uploading my pieces for fun, just to see what the reaction will be. On the beginning it was more among my friends than any larger public. But within some time I got a lot of appreciation and my audience started to enlarge naturally without me doing any effort. Or actually- with me working hard to show the best off my skills because it was exciting to expose my work to people’s opinions.

What is the main message that you want to be heard behind your art?

It would be most definitely a combination of latest fashion trends all around the world and hip hop culture which I’m into as well.

It started off naturally. Drawing was one of my favorite activities when I was a little kid and then, within some time I started to notice that drawing was something that I enjoyed doing on everyday basis, it became my daily routine. The progress I was noticing and the abilities I was gaining encouraged me to create and kept me growing into drawing more and more.

How have you been able to leverage social media to get your art seen?

What got you started on the path of illustrating women?

together from the scratch. Also, like I said earlier, the never stopping ability to see the progress is crucial for me to keep going.

Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017

Fashion was always my first love and the biggest interest. While flipping through fashion magazines I discovered fashion illustration. I got amazed and inspired by it and since that moment I knew that I will strive to make a place for myself in the fashion illustration world.




Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017




Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017



How did you get started playing the saxophone? Was it the first instrument you tried, if not what was and how did you end up playing the sax? I got started by listening to smooth jazz on the radio and that inspired me to be more active and I eventually had a growing desire to play the saxophone. It was the most popular amongst the smooth jazz genre.

Do you come from a musical family? Most of the people in my family are singers. We have barely any musicians in my family. I’m glad that I have hopefully started a trend of instrumentalists in the family! I also grew up listening to gospel music in church, which was actually the first place I had every heard live musicians.

What is one major thing you’d like to accomplish with your music? One major thing I would like to accomplish is performing for a major music award show, like the Grammys or the AMA’s. That would be a dream!

Are there any artists you look up to that you’d like to collaborate with? My top 3 artists that I look up to is Michael Jackson, Bruno Mars and Kenny G. These are artists that have mastered their craft and have touched the hearts of so many with their music. Their icon sounds and styles really inspire me to be innovative and creative. To be able to collaborate with Bruno Mars however would an ultimate life changing experience!

What was it like to work with Kirk Whalum? Working with Kirk Whalum was simply breathtaking. His level of wisdom and musical insight had me in awe. He is really down to earth and humble and I learned a lot about how to make a personal connection with music after attending some of his workshops.

How do you let your personality show through your music? This is a very interesting question. My music is like someone else listening to my thoughts but with melodies instead of words. I try to become the instrument so that I can communicate with people and allow them to feel what I feel when I’m playing. Sometime how my songs are written one may be able to understand the emotion in the song and may understand me as a musicians...All with no words.

When do you take the most & least creative liberties when you cover songs? They are kind of random and unplanned. Before I cover a song I have to audibly feel how it sounds with my saxophone and then determine whether its a good fit. Not every song sounds good on a sax but I really have to feel it and create a work of art when I hear a song that i think the saxophone can embody. It has to touch me musically in a special way which then lets me know it will touch others.

Day to day how do you take in your surroundings and turn them into creative inspiration? I’m often inspired by beautiful sunny days, gloomy rainy days, and colorful dawns. The earth is a beautiful place and I often get melodies when I see how miraculous it was made and how everything has a rhythm and is in sync. My ideas come in random moments and any intrinsic thing can trigger a melody in my head that turns into a song.


Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017




Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017




Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017



Where are you from? How has your upbringing there influenced your creative style? I was born and raised in Kailua, Oahu, Hawaii. Growing up ‘reggae’ was the most popular genre of music,. All mainstream radio was reggae and hawaiian reggae called ‘Jawaiian’. So naturally I’ve always been influenced by reggae music. And being born with the name ‘Irie Love’ also led me in that direction lol. I consider aesthetic ‘Tropical African Queen’.

How did you get your start in music? I won a local talent competition at my High School in 1999 called Brown Bags to Stardom.

How would you describe your style of music? R&B/Reggae/Soul. I fell in love with the music of the short-lived Neo-Soul era of Lauryn Hill and Erykah Badu and D’Angelo. Blending that vibe with Reggae is my style.

What inspires your sound, or inspires your songwriting process? Life. I’m inspired by so many aspects of my life and the lives of people around me. Authenticity is my main inspiration and motivation behind the music I create. Music is meant to help people feel and


process life. I take that very seriously as my kuleana as an artist.

Are there any artists that inspire or challenge you to continue making music? Izik [@izikfamous] and Deandre Brackensick [Hawaiian R&B artists] have recently become really close friends of mine. They write music with me and inspire me to continue challenging my expression as an artist.

How have you grown creatively to this point in your artistry and how do you want to grow into the future? I would like to start incorporating more contemporary sounds in my music. Like electronic and hip hop inspirations. I’ve been working with some new writers and producers to develop my evolution in my sound.

Where do you get the content for your songs? From spirit, emotion and divine channels from above. Music is a spiritual experience. Both creating it and listening to it. I can only create magic when I’m connected to the divine.

Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017




Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017




Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017



Your style seems like a mix of avant garde and pop art, it’s really unique. How did you arrive at this style, or have you always created in that way? I was well aware of the fact that many artist can paint a nice portrait. I wanted to switch things up, create something that i hadn’t seen before. It took me about an hour to come up with the idea of using broken glass to create art but took me several years to perfect ways to implement that idea. Not being a safety hazard being the main objective!


What is the one thing you’ve learned on your journey to this point that stands out the most to you and why? Coming from a relatively humble beginning the one thing that is most apparent to me is, the higher i go, the further I have to fall. I have so much at stake, I have no choice but to make it as a mainstream artist and keep blindly moving forward, because for me there’s no safety net. How has art in this medium developed for you and added

Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017

to your day to day life? Well, I’m a woman. My artwork is usually quite large, blinged out, and quite heavy. The work is very hard and over time it’s definitely made me feel stronger mentally, physically and makes me feel very confident. What would you be doing if you weren’t an artist? I have a terrible answer but I have NO CLUE. Definitely in the wrong place I’m sure, this is my destiny! Born for this.

What do you do to stay inspired?

What is the experience like being commissioned to make art for celebrities?

My clients inspire me to keep going, the reaction I get from the public keep me going too. When I feel overwhelmed or like it’s too much, the excitement others pass to me re-energizes me to get better.

It’s exciting, mostly because working with a celebrity normally leads to another. Also, you never know what amazing opportunity could come from working with someone famous. It’s fun

Do you have a piece that you’ve done that is your favorite? What about it is special to you? My favorite piece so far is one I did of Elizabeth Taylor. She’s such a beauty. I have a wonder client and mentor name John McClain and he pushes me to outdo myself but still gives me a lot of creative freedom. So with all the creative juice I had, freedom and inspiration out came that piece.

What was your upbringing like creatively? My mother’s parents were both singers and artist so the ability to create kinda came in the genes. My mom was always very supportive with my odd career choices so definitely grateful for that!




Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017




Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017




Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017



Where are you from and how have your surroundings influenced your style up to this point? I am originally from Fayetteville, North Carolina, but being a Military Brat, I spent a huge portion of my life in Georgia. I believe growing up in the South has had a huge impact in my musical writing and style in general. Georgia has its own sound but North Carolina also has its own style so I incorporate a lot of my musical experiences between both states to inspire the music I create.

How did you get your start in music, when did you discover your talent? The funny thing about me is I’m very shy about singing and it stems from when I was forced into singing in church at the age of 9. I can remember my pastor standing in the back of the church saying “ I can’t hear you -- sing louder!”. I realized I could actually sing when I was also forced into singing with my school choir and we had a winter recital. The only thing I had at the back of my mind was my pastor saying “I can’t hear you” and I was the loudest singer out of the whole choir; I then realized I could actually sing. I was in the 5th grade at the time.

What inspires your sound in your life, what artists do you listen to that have inspired how you create? I can honestly say every genre of music inspires me. I grew up not just listening to R&B and Hip Hop but also Pop, Rock, Screamo, Jazz, Gospel, Country -- pretty much everything! I would say that Nina Simone, Adele and Amy Winehouse are the biggest influences in my music today. I create music with a mixture of these women in mind because of how powerful not only their music is but their voices. When they perform there is so much power behind these women, the whole room goes silent and listens. That is what I want from my


audience; I want them to listen and understand whatever message I am trying to get across. For the more popular music I would say Jhene Aiko and Rihanna because they may not sing as strong or boisterous as the others but Jhene Aiko has that smooth and soft voice and Rihanna has that wild, crazy and sexy appeal. These women were the foundation that inspired Reina Love.

Where do you get your content for your songs?

I tap into a lot of life and relationship experiences myself or people I know have had when I create music. I would say that sometimes it’s hard to recognize what my style is because I’m so comfortable singing so many different genres of music but if I could describe the style I am currently in the works of perfecting--I would say Trap Soul. I am such a soulful singer but R&B is not quite the lane I want to be labeled with so I am creating my own sound. I want to empower women and show them that you do not have to be a rapper or singer to do certain styles of music. For years I have stuck to being a “R&B singer” because that is what I’ve allowed others to categorize me as but when I perfect my craft I can guarantee it will be mind blowing!

Do you write your own songs, do you write for other artist, do you play any instruments? I write all my own music. I started writing poetry back in 2002 and wrote my first song in 2005. I figured if I can write poetry; why not try and create a song. I have been writing hooks/songs for my friends for years but this year I decided, why create music for other people when I can create it for myself?! When it comes to instruments, I had an acoustic guitar back in high school and back in those days I was very in tuned with my Country side, but unfortunately I could not continue lessons and as an adult I just let it fall to the wayside. I have definitely started thinking of picking up an instrument again but only time will tell.

Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017

How does the songwriting process start for you? When I create a song, I search through multiple producers to see what they have newly created (i.e. 5 days ago). I tend not to attach myself to a beat that has been around for months due to the fact of the amount of people that could potentially already have the beat. Once I find something I like, I just listen to it for a couple minutes and if I cannot think of anything within the first 2 minutes I move on. Writing a song is like cooking a meal, you have to follow certain steps to get the taste and consistency you want, if you cannot understand the melody of a song but you continue to write to it anyway--do not expect a masterpiece.

Being in this business, what things have you learned, what is the most difficult task you have faced so far? The biggest thing I have learned is to stay current and know your audience. Music is changing so rapidly that it’s hard to keep up with the latest trends without selling your soul. I say selling your soul because some people stray away from themselves to make a check and now they lose their true selves within the music they never initially wanted to make. A great friend of mine, Dac Flames, tells me all the time “ you gotta know who you want your music to reach-- you gotta know who you want to be in this industry and be the best at it.” I truly take those words to heart because

a lot of people get into a situation because money is presented to them but do not realize what has to be done for that money. I would say my most difficult task is writing. I am so used to writing when I want or whenever something popped in my head, but now I realize, reaching my goals are not gonna happen if I wait months for the next song to pop in my head. So I sit down, “try” to clear my mind, listen to beats and let my creative juices flow. I could be stuck on a song for days, hear another beat, write to it in 15 minutes and it will be a complete song with verses, bridge and all; just like that!

How do you challenge yourself to create and develop your style? What keeps you excited to continue to make music? There are different types of “trap” beats made around the world. You have the slower type that could have you in deep thought about life and then you have the hyper more aggressive type beats. I try to incorporate my R&B, Soul, Jazz, Country and Rock style of music into one package deal. I am not an avid Beyonce’ follower but her recent album definitely gave me inspiration. She had R&B, Hip Hop, Rock, Country, you name it, on this album and that’s how I want my first album to be. I want to break the stereotypes of “you can only be one genre”. I am super excited to continue on this Reina Love sound and I hope I inspire others to infuse their true selves into the trending music without losing who they truly are.




Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017




Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017



Who are you and how did you get your start

Did anyone or artist influence you create this tape?

I’m Jason Jones, a music artist and producer. I always had a love for music. I remember I used to do quick bar freestyles but never thought of it much till a certain time. I started form writing a 16 bar verse for my parents back in high school, to prove that I was serious they wanted to see some of what I can do. Since then I’ve just kept working at it, from the producing/writing stage

I pretty much study any artist I listen to...They all bring something different. It’s easy to hate with so many different styles, and true not all of them are as lyrical as some would want, but I draw form lyrical and non-lyrical artists as well. Things like cadence, flow, and rhythm. What music really is.

Who or What inspired you to start rapping and producing your own music? I used to listen to a lot of Kid Ink and his style and the style of beats he was on with his mixtapes really helped me find my vibe, which now is totally different from what it used to be, but it was a good starting point. I always have a thing for a melody.

What can we be looking forward to in the future? Just look forward to some dope videos, music, etc. Turning up to the next level with this music, stay tuned! Aloha Hype is the video shooter and great friend we’ll have something cooking soon!!! And a project soon

As a young artist coming into this industry , do you ever fear the moment that someone will challenge your skills? As a young hungry artist, I expect that not every other artist or someone affiliated with the scene will like me. But that’s ok. They’re not my focus because it’s all positivity here. There’s a time and a place for a verse or two. But I’ll keep it general because I know a lot of people can relate to seeing someone display that kind of negativity. It’s whatever though. I used to use that for motivation. But now I use my passion for music and the support from my family, friends, fans, real ones. That’s the real stuff that keeps you leveling up.

What your is your mixtape called and what’s the story or concept behind it? I was working on a tape, but now to be honest I’m working on just recording, getting views out. What I’m thinking’, doing, situations, etc. A tape will form from all of this though coming soon.


Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017




Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017



What is Fools Know? Fools know is an urban clothing line based out of Hawaii, that started in the Summer of 2012.

What is the idea behind the brand name and logo? F.O.O.L ; Found our own lane. | It also incorporates the idea that anyone that goes against the grain is considered a fool. By using the word fool, we are changing the stigma of the world.

What inspired you to start?

logo and had it printed on a shirt. It turned out that people were into it and I decided to push it as far as I can.

What are your thoughts on collaboration in the future. I’m not really in to doing collaborations with other brands, because I’m still working on perfecting my own brand, but I’m keeping an open mind . I do enjoy collaborating with musical artist. The idea of pushing the urban clothing brand with urban music artist is poetic [to me].

Really just from the desire to do something different. Honestly it was a positive route, opposed to selling drugs. I came up with a


Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017




Real Artists Wanted Spring 2017

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