2 minute read
vol. 3, no. 1 Spring/Summer 2023 ISSN 2766-5011 PRINT; 2766-502X ONLINE
99 Bissell Road, Williamsburg, MA 01096 • phone: (413) 268-3302 • communityhorse.org
Community Horse is owned and operated by Community Horse Media LLC and is an all-breed, all-discipline equestrian publication for Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island.
© 2023 Community Horse publisher
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this magazine or portions thereof in any form without prior written permission.
Stephanie Sanders • steph@communityhorse.org • (413) 268-3302 editor Kathaleen Emerson public liaison
Sally L. Feuerberg . (203) 339-0357, sally@communityhorse.org feature writers
Christine Barakat, Mark R. Baus, DVM, Nicole Birkholzer, Alessandra Corbett Sally L. Feuerberg, Chrissy Marie, Jennafer Maselli, Dee McVicker, Kara Noble, Stacey Stearns contributors
Katie Hylen, ShawnaLee Kwashnak, Pictorial Tales Photography, Kristen Vallejo advertising & questions main office • (413) 268-3302 • info@communityhorse.org
Mare and foal #5 by Katie Upton, katieupton.com

The Fine Print
Community Horse is printed with soy-based ink on recycled paper.
The views and opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the CommunityHorse staff or independent contractors, nor can they be held accountable. CommunityHorse will not be held responsible for any misrepresentations or any copyright infringement on the part of advertisers. CommunityHorse will not be held responsible for typing errors other than a correction in the following issue. All letters addressed to CommunityHorse, its publisher, editor, and staff are assumed for publication. Photos, stories (verbal or printed), notifications, news items, and all other material that is submitted, including all materials and photos not specifically solicited by CommunityHorse, are assumed to be legally released by the submitter for publication. CommunityHorse assumes no responsibility for damage to or loss of material submitted for publication. Reasonable care will be taken to ensure the safety and return of all materials.
Community Horse Spring/Summer 2023 community /kə'myoonədē/ noun
1. A group of people living in the same place.
2. A feeling of fellowship with others as a result of sharing common interests.
Community Horse is just that, a group of equestrians in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island with shared interests and goals. Our goal is to build our equestrian community. We do this by focusing the features, articles, and calendar in every issue on local farms, equestrians, trails, and events; by giving the members of more than 60 organizations free online subscriptions and promoting those groups in our pages; and through our free Youth Awards program.
In this issue, see the Community Horse Youth Award winners on page 66. These young equestrians represent the future of our horse community and that future looks bright! Request a free Youth Award for your upcoming equestrian event. Visit communityhorse.org/youth-awards.
As we come out of winter, I am happy to be covered in horse hair. Happy Spring!
To the Editor: Just wanted to send a quick thank you for including us in the article Equine Safety Networking: Helping Horses in Need [Fall/Winter 2022]. It’s a great resource, and I’m excited to share it with folks. Thanks again for including us, and I hope all is well with you!

Heather Robertson Director of Development and Marketing MSPCA Adoption Centers, Methuen, MA