Final Score Magazine

Where Every Experience Tells a Story
To serve, educate, and provide safe soccer play for all. Lead, inspire & unite soccer communities to create environments that support development, encourage dreams and foster belonging.
MEMBERSHIP ORGANIZATION WITH MORE THAN: 327 member organizations and leagues
146,000 players
25,000 coaches, administrators, and volunteers
1. Who has been your biggest supporter along your ODP journey and how have they encouraged you?
I've been fortunate to have amazing coaches who helped my grow as a player, starting when I was young and first playing soccer to now with training and games. They taught me the importance of mastering technical skills so I could be ready for the level of competition in ODP, and have always pushed me to play to my strengths while also working hard to improve areas where I can grow My biggest supporter along the way has definitely been my mom She's always there encouraging me, helps me stay focused and see what's possible to accomplish in ODP and beyond
2. What's your pre-game ritual that gets you in the zone?
I have a few things I always do before a game to get myself ready. I listen to music that pumps me up, then stretch and get my muscles ready to go. But the most important part is mentally focusing. I always take time pregame to picture myself playing my best, thinking about good passes, strong tackles, and scoring goals. I also like to talk with my teammates about the game to get pumped up together and set a positive tone
3. What's the most memorable moment in your ODP journey so far?
It's truly hard to pin one moment down, but I really like the East Region Tournament in general Every year it amazes me to see how far the players have come over the 5 months we've been working with them. The best moment is when you see a handful of consistent, but quiet players really come out of their shell during the tournament and put in some really impressive performances.
4. What's one skill or quality you've developed through soccer that helps you off the field?
One skill I've developed through soccer that helps me off the field is teamwork Soccer has taught me how to communicate, support others, and work together towards a common goal On the field, we have to trust each other to make the right passes and play as a unit Off the field, this has helped me be a better friend, daughter, and student I've learned how important it is to lift others up and be a good team player in all areas of my life.
SafeSport is a comprehensive program of policies, procedures, and processes created to help participants detect and report abuse and misconduct, respond to it, and prevent future occurrences through education and training.
The United States Congress (federal law) and the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC), U.S. Soccer and Mass Youth Soccer Policy.
SafeSport Abuse Prevention Training (Yearly Requirement) - There are very few exceptions on who must complete SafeSport Abuse Prevention training, click HERE for to review those exceptions.
U.S. Center for SafeSport Reporting Requirements – There are no exceptions to this other than being the victim of abuse. Adult Participants are Mandated Reporters of Child Abuse and are also required to report all Sexual Misconduct, Prohibited Conduct, and Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy (MAAPP) violations as outlined in the U.S. Center for SafeSport 2024 Code and MAAPP. Additional important policy information is also found in the MA Youth Soccer Athlete and Participant Safety Policy
For More Information, please review the Mass Youth Soccer Reporting Abuse and Misconduct web page. or contact the Mass Youth Soccer Director of Safeguarding at CLICK HERE TO REPORT A CONCERN.
As winter approaches, soccer games and practices take place in colder conditions. The Sports Medicine Division at Boston Children’s offers these tips to help athletes play safely in colder weather.
Dress for the weather
Staying dry is essential in cold weather, as is protecting skin from frostbite.
Dress in layers that can be added or removed as athletes get cold or hot. Choose fabrics like polyester or wool that wick moisture away from the skin.
Cover as much skin as possible.
Wear a hat and gloves to prevent heat loss through the head and hands
Know the signs of cold-related illness
Frostbite, when the skin starts to freeze, can cause permanent damage Signs of frostbite:
· skin becomes white, hard, and swollen
· tingling, burning, or numbness
· blisters
In case of frostbite:
· DO move the athlete out of the cold and slowly rewarm the frozen skin with warm water.
· DO NOT rub the affected area or use heat sources that could burn the skin.
Hypothermia happens when the core body temperature drops below 95 degrees. Signs of hypothermia: shivering confusion slurred speech
In case of hypothermia:
· DO place a heating pad on the athlete’s trunk and give them warm fluid or food
· DO NOT put the athlete in a hot shower or bath to try and warm them up
Remember, even in mild temperatures, wind and rain have a profound cooling effect. On cold, wet, or windy days, have blankets and extra layers, especially for athletes on the bench. Make sure there’s a warm, dry location for athletes that show signs of cold-related illness
Learn more about the Sports Medicine Division or book an appointment.
What inspired you to pursue coaching, and how did your journey lead you to the Town Select League?
While my coaching journey began the second my kids were old enough to join soccer tots, it started to feel more like a calling the year my oldest daughter started playing more competitively. I had the fortunate experience of coaching a team of mostly brand-new soccer players with two female co-coaches with no coaching experience. It wasn’t long before we realized how big of an impact we had as coaches on our players, and we proceeded to pour our hearts into the team and each other. The result was strong friendships, a powerful team community, dedicated and disciplined young soccer players who grew by leaps, and a memorable bid to the playoffs at the end of the year. The reward of that year was enough to keep me coming back, but the opportunity to contribute more is what drove me to step up my coaching game.
As a TSL parent for two years, I found myself feeling envious of the coaches while spectating While I was knee-deep in the endless challenges associated with developing multiple town travel teams, the benefits of TSL’s true player-development philosophy became very clear Watching my daughter step so far out of her comfort zone into new and slightly intimidating soccer experiences pulled on my heartstrings She had amazing TSL coaches, and I knew I had the right energy and personal experiences to support young female soccer players in that aspect of their soccer journey I wanted to help create a steppingstone where young players feel comfortable and empowered to find new strengths, and that’s what TSL is all about
How would you describe your coaching philosophy, and what strategies do you use to nurture young athletes’ growth on and off the field?
As a mother of two daughters and a coach, I have developed both a passion for concurrently building skill, strength, character, and community as well as the very strong belief that young girls deserve to have smart, compassionate, athletic, outspoken, and experienced women coaches supporting and advocating for them, and exposing them to how far being an athlete will take them I don’t know if this is a philosophy, but I am sharing it in the hopes to help instill this belief across youth soccer at every level.
My coaching philosophy entails putting in the effort to know who my players are as people, understanding their unique needs and strengths, and then determining the right course of action. I believe in a balance between building skill and character, that fun and discipline can co-exist, and that deep-rooted respect amongst the team starts with the coaches.
I am a big fan of the concept of failing forward, highlighting players on a weekly basis who display leadership behaviors that the players have set as standards, empowering the players to lead the team, and team parties. I genuinely love connecting with the players, and work hard to create an environment where they are comfortable stretching and being vulnerable.
What has been the most fulfilling part of your experience coaching in the Town Select League?
The vast range of maturity, confidence, personalities, adaptability, and skill on a U12 girls’ team can make for an interesting dynamic, to put it gently This past season as a new TSL coach, my 2013 Girls group were all predominantly new to TSL as well, and most of the players did not know each other It was beyond heart-warming to see how quickly they accepted each other, meshed as a team, and grew to really like each other as people. We had a lot of fun, and I like to think I played a part in creating an atmosphere where new friendships and teammates were formed.
What’s your approach to building a strong sense of teamwork and encouraging sportsmanship among your players?
Teamwork and sportsmanship are so embedded into my total coaching personality and it’s hard to segregate that aspect of my approach (but I’ll try!). I feel that team goal setting is an important way to kick off a season and ensure that each player understands and is committed, and that our objectives are very clearly defined, communicated, and most importantly, understood by the players and agreed on. Alternative to popular opinion, I like letting my players talk and hearing their thoughts and feedback. I always tell my players – “this is your team, your practice, your experience, not mine.” We celebrate victories, learn from mistakes, and take a total team approach to understanding why they happen.
My concept in choosing captains weekly is initially, of course, to highlight players who are stepping up. More importantly, however, being chosen as captain is just the start of their leadership role, and that continuing to bring those behaviors for the rest of the season will strengthen the team over time, and that if everyone brings their best behaviors forward and become a captain, we’ll have a team of leaders by the end of the season This past fall, I realized that my players were becoming each other’s best mentors, and I started having them thank each other at the end of each practice It felt like the right thing to do, and I hope they believed it!
When you’re not on the soccer field, what hobbies or interests keep you busy?
Between coaching soccer, watching my girls play soccer, and playing soccer myself, most of my free time really is soccer-related! But I do love watching my son in between whether it be on the football field, the basketball court, or the baseball diamond. I also love, LOVE musical theater and seeing movies at the theater, especially during movie award show season. It’s hard to make the time but makes me so happy and relaxed when I do.
Celebrating International Persons with Disabilities Day
Presented by: Mass Youth Soccer - DEIB Committee
Mass Youth Soccer and our Member Organizations are committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment for all participants. We understand the serious harm that racial slurs and derogatory language can cause. We prioritize the wellbeing of every child and are actively working together to build a respectful and supportive community for all players.
It's a new year! Together, let's all strive to create a more positive and supportive environment for our children, staff, and volunteers We believe that everyone deserves to feel respected and valued. Harmful, hurtful, and hateful behavior has no place here.
Our goal is to foster a safe and inclusive environment for everyone, and we believe that through education and collective accountability, we can achieve this see something, say something.
��: Language Incidents or Discriminatory Acts Response Guidelines
To report abuse or misconduct, click HERE
Want to know more about the birth year vs. school year debate and the thoughts of US Youth Soccer? We had a chance to speak with Skip Gilbert, CEO of US Youth Soccer, on the latest episode of the Mass Youth Soccer FINAL SCORE podcast.