14 minute read
Page numbers in bold refer to images.
0–9 28th (Māori) Battalion men with a gift of preserved tītī for Christmas (Kaye) 150–51, 151 350 Pacific protest 238, 239 A Acres, Avis 160–61 Adsett, Sandy 172 Afeaki, Kalo 239 Akoga Kamata 170 – Alexander Turnbull Library 8–11, 10, 15 – 3.5-inch floppy disks awaiting digitisation 234–35 – Boxed photographic prints store 158–59 – Drawings, paintings and prints store 12–13 – Framed painting store 106–07 – Master tape archive awaiting digitisation 200–01 – Rare books cage 2 All Blacks tours of South Africa 192–93, 194 – see also Springbok tour of New Zealand, 1981 Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and
Joiners, Wellington Branch 108, 109 Amnesty Aroha 176 Anae, Melani 174 Andersen, Johannes Carl 9 Andrew, Stanley Polkinghorne 112–13 Anson, George 21 Aotea Knitting Pattern 7256 (Mosgiel Woollens Ltd) 166, 167 Arahanga, Julian 211 Ardern, Jacinda 228, 237 Armed forces library, probably in the
Western Pacific region 148, 149 The Art Album of New Zealand Flora 76 Auckland Committee on Racial
Discrimination 176 audio-cassette labels 202, 203 ‘Auswanderung’ (Einhorn family papers re emigration from Germany) 140–43, 140–43 Autograph album (Joanna Elizabeth
Turnbull) 82, 83–85 B Baker, Ianeta (née Tinielu) 171 Baker, Ida 118, 119 Ball, Murray 188–89 Barclay, Barry 211 Barry, James 24–25 Bennett, Agnes 104, 105 Bible Society in New Zealand 204 Bilders (Bill Direen band) 203 Binney, Judith 23 Bishop, Thomas 54 Bligh, William 18 Bloomfield, Ashley 248, 249 Booke of Soveraigne Medecines Against the Most Common and Known
Deseases of Man and Women (Feckenham) 246–47, 246–47 Books in Māori 1815–1900 Ngā Tānga
Reo Māori 96 British Museum, drawing of the rā 16, 17 Brooker, Don 233 Brooke-White, Julia 216–17 Brough, Karen 195, 195 Brown, Kerry 210, 211 Brunner Rugby League Club 225, 225 Brutal Pageant roller derby team 228, 229 bubonic plague 246, 247 Buck, Sir Peter (Te Rangi Hiroa) 16 Buller, Walter 90 Busby, James 33, 138 Byles, Marie 135 C Cabot, Charles Henry 168 Callaghan, Sir Paul 218, 219 Cambodian oral history project 182, 183, 183 Cameron, Alfred, war diary 110, 111 Carmen’s International Coffee Lounge,
Wellington 186, 187 Carnell, Samuel 39, 66–67, 78–79 Carroll, Hēni Materoa 78 Carte de visite portrait of Maraea Mōrete 68, 69 Carte de visite portrait of Rēnata Kawepō
Tama-ki-Hikurangi, Napier (Carnell) 39 Champion Shorthorn Cows and
Bulls (Fodor) 74–75, 74–75 Chapman, Cyril 178 Chatham Island Jockey Club 114, 115–17 Chatham Islands (Rēkohu,
Wharekauri) 80, 81 Chhay San 183 Chinese Immigrants Act 1881 93 Christchurch earthquake, February 2011 226, 227, 227 Christchurch mosque shootings 236, 237, 237 Church Missionary Society 22, 24, 25, 26 – Letter written to Church Missionary Society leaders by a 10-year-old pupil at the CMS school, Kerikeri (Hongi) 26, 28–29 Citizens All Black Tour Association 192, 193 Clark, Helen 125 Clarke, Cuthbert 40–41 Clarke, George 26 Claudet, Antoine 52–53 climate change protest 238–39 Colenso, William 33 Colling, Wendy 233 Collis, William 73 Communicado Features Limited 210–11 Cook, James 16, 18, 131 – track of first voyage (1768–71) 20 Cooper Whina 178, 180, 181 Cotter, Ed 135 Cotton, William Charles 39 Covid Tracer QR code poster, signed by Dr Ashley Bloomfield (Ministry of Health Manatū Hauora) 248, 249 Cresswell, Walter D’Arcy 122, 122–23 Cross, Ian 220, 221 Cross, Tina 222, 223 Crown Studios Ltd 193 Crying Kiwi cartoon (Yeo) 237, 237 cuneiform tablets 156, 157 curios 130, 131, 131
D Dadson, Phil 178 Dalgety & Co. Ltd 74, 75 dance workbook of Kellom
Tomlinson 212–13, 212–13 Davis, Semira 240, 241 dawn raids 174, 176 ‘Dawn raids: The ugly reality’ information sheet (Auckland Committee on Racial
Discrimination) 176, 177 De Beer, Dora 134, 135 De Sousa, Kristin 222 Declaration of Independence,
He Whakaputanga, 1835 26 DeLatte, Theodore 46 Denton, Mark 196
Department of Māori Affairs 33 Depot Theatre (later Taki Rua) 169 ‘Diary from leaving England Octr 8th to November 8th 1866’ [page 8] (Hawkins) 54, 55 Dickson, Euan 131 Direen, Bill 202, 203 Disasteradio (Luke Rowell) 232, 233, 233 Diver, Henry 73 Dryburgh, Stuart 211 E ‘E Ipo’ (‘My Darling’, song by Prince
Tui Teka) 191 Earle, Augustus 30–31 Einhorn, Ester and Helmut 140–43, 143 Evans, Malcolm 226–27
F Farrell, Damer 225 Featherston prisoner-of-war camp 144, 145, 145, 146–47 Featon, Sarah Anne 76–77 Feckenham, John 246–47 Festival of Pacific Arts 216–17, 216–17 Finau, Nimilote 165 Firth, Raymond 16 Fischer, Carl Frank 46 Fodor, George Ferdinand 74–75 Footrot Flats (Ball) 188, 189 ‘For Diver’s Reasons’, cartoon, Wellington
Advertiser, 19 November 1881 72, 72–73 French nuclear tests, Mururoa Atoll 196 Frizzell, Dick 138 Fu Fighter Arts 240, 241 Furneaux, Tobias 18
G Gaitanos, Sarah 220 Gallipoli campaign 110, 111 gender pay gap 244–45 Geological and Topographical Atlas of New Zealand [three plates] (Hochstetter and Petermann) 46, 47–49 George IV, King 31 German Jewish Aid Committee 141 Gerstenkorn, Karl Andreas 80–81 Globe and case, 1776 20, 21 A Grammar and Vocabulary of the Language of New Zealand (Kendall) 22 Gray, Alison 220 Grey, George 41, 87 Griffiths, Merv 199 Guest, Ernest 115 Guest, J. J. 115 gumfields, Te Tai Tokerau 102, 103 H Haast, Julius von 46, 49 Haddon, Oriwa Tahupōtiki 32, 33, 33 Haining Street (Tong Yan Gai),
Wellington 132 hākari 40–41, 40–41 Halt All Racist Tours (HART) 193, 195 Hamilton, Augustus 16 Hamilton-Gordon, Ishbel Maria 60–61 Handford, Sophie 239 ‘Handwritten account by Heni Pore about her involvement in the NZ Wars’ [page 4] 56, 57 Harpley (ship) 43 Hatzopulos, John Theo (Kiriki Hori) 96, 97 Hawkins, William Webster 54–55 Heinegg, Christian F. 178–81 Herring, Harry 86 Hikanui, Herewini 208 Hillary, Edmund 135 Hinerangi, Te Paea (Sophia Gray; Guide
Sophia) 11, 11 Hobson, William 33, 138 Hochstetter, Ferdinand von 46–49 Hongi, Eruera Pare 26, 27, 28–29 Hongi Hika 22, 30, 31 Hroch, Christina 233 Hutchinson, Vivian 178 Hutton, Thomas Biddulph 38, 39 Hutu and Kawa books (Acres) 160, 161
I Ihaia, Rakera 100 Iles, Arthur 101 ‘Ilolahia, Will 174 ‘I’m gonna wash that man right out’a my hair …’ (poster, Denton) 196, 197 immigrants – see also refugees – Chinese 92, 93 – Jewish 140–43, 143 – Pacific Island workers and families 164–65, 165, 176 – Syrian 93, 94–95 – Tokelauan 165, 170, 171
J Japanese songbook, crafted at the
Featherston prisoner-of-war camp 144, 145, 146–47 Jones, Marjorie Edgar 135 Jorgensen, Ian 233 K kaitiakitanga 150–51 Kara, Timi (James Carroll) 78 Karaka — Corynocarpus laevigata (Featon) 76, 77 Kawepō, Rēnata Tama-ki-Hikurangi 38, 38, 39, 39 Kaye, George Frederick 150, 151 Kebbell, Mr 9 Kendall, Thomas 22–23 Kent, Thelma 128–29 Kerry-Nicholls, James 11 ‘Kevin diving’, Fairfield College,
Hamilton (Oettli) 152, 153 Khouri family, from Syria 93, 94–95 Khumbu Icefall, Nepal (Riddiford) 135, 135 Khun, Neary 183 ‘Ki a Puano ma’ (letter by Tītokowaru) 62, 63–65 The King Country; or, Explorations in New Zealand (Kerry-Nicholls) 11 King, James 18 King, Marcus 33, 138–39 King, Michael 220 Kiriki Hori (Greek George; John
Theo Hatzopulos) 96, 97 knitting patterns 166, 167 Kohikohinga o te Reo Irirangi o Te Upoko o te Ika 198, 199 Koriniti, Whanganui River 162 Koroua and baby, Koriniti (Westra) 162, 163 Krippner, Martin 61 L Labour Day 44, 108 ‘The Lagmhor Song Book’ (McLean) 86, 88–89 Lane, Nicholas 20, 21 Lange, David 174, 196, 197 Lee, Samuel 22, 24 Leigh-Wood, James 82 Lemisio, Susana (née Perez) 170, 171 libraries for the armed forces 148, 149 Lilburn, Douglas 131, 154, 233 Logan, Robert 124 Lomano, Savelio 171 Lovelock, Jack 126, 127, 127 Lowe, George 135 Lowe, Joseph Eager 212 M Mackay, Charles 122–23, 123 Mackley, Ian 195 Maeder, Raven 239 Mahuika, Goddess of Fire 154, 155 Mahy, Margaret 230–31, 231 – cartoon obituary 230 Maka, Hinalagi 171 Malietoa Tanumafile II 125 Mansfield, Katherine 131 – Corona 3 typewriter 118, 119 – Notebook 39, page 42, from the draft of ‘The Story of Pearl Button’ (Example of handwriting) 118, 120–21 manu (bird) trade 36 Manuele, Akileo 171 Māori (28th) Battalion men with a gift of preserved tītī for Christmas (Kaye) 150–51, 151 Māori design in clothing 172, 173
Māori Land March 178, 184 – Ko te Hīkoi mō te Whenua kei Kirikiriroa (Heinegg) 180, 181 – Māori Land March leaving Te Reo Mihi Marae, Te Hāpua (Heinegg) 178, 179 Māori showbands 191 Māori stories in films 210–11 Māori Theatre Trust 169 Māori Writers and Artists Conference 184 Marsden, Samuel 24 Matthews, Joy 132 Mau parade along Beach Road in
Apia, Sāmoa, on Black Saturday, 28 December 1929 124–25, 124–25 Maui Fleeing from Mahuika, Goddess of Fire (Taylor) 154, 155 Maynall Studio 58–59 McCormack, Jean 185 McLean, Alice (later Mackay; née Rowley) 86, 87, 88–89 McLean, Donald 86 Meeting of the Artist and Hongi at the Bay of Islands, November 1827 (Earle) 30, 31 ‘Mimpi Sedih’ (song) 190, 191 Ministry of Health Manatū Hauora 248–49 Mita, Merata 211 Moeono-Kolio, Mary 239 ‘The moko of Renata Kawepo, drawn by himself’ 38, 38 Mōrete, Maraea (Maria Morris) 68, 69 Moriori group, Wairua, Chatham Island (Gerstenkorn) 80, 81 Mortimer, George 24 Munro, Bert 130, 131 Murdoch, Sharon 244–45 Murry, John Middleton 118 music 232, 233, 233 – digital music preservation 233
N Narbey, Leon 178 National Library of New Zealand 9, 10 Native Land Court 68 Naxi women washing laundry, Lijiang,
Yunnan, China (de Beer) 134, 135 Nene, Tāmati Wāka 138 Nepia, George 192, 193 New Zealand Army Education and
Welfare Service 149 New Zealand Opera Company 168–69 New Zealand Society of Authors (NZSA) 220 New Zealand Wars 40–41, 56–57, 62–65, 66 ‘News of the Week’, Otago Witness, issue 1104, 26 January 1873 70, 71 Ngoc Chou Tran 183 Nias, Joseph 138 ‘No Maoris — No Tour’ protest meeting,
Wellington, 1959 192, 193, 194 Northwood, Arthur James 102–03 ‘Notes on Trip to Vienna by Wiremu
Toetoe and Te Hemara Rerehau’ [two pages] 50, 51 Novara expedition 46, 51 nuclear-free policy 196, 197 Nuku Tawiti, a Deity in the First
State (Kendall) 22, 23 Nunns, Richard 208–09
O Oettli, Max Christian 152–53 ‘On the ice fall’, Khumbu Icefall,
Nepal (Riddiford) 135, 135 Once Were Warriors – film 210, 211, 211 – stage production 222 Orchard, Sam 240, 242–43 Orientation Tour Candidate C60 cassette (Direen) 202, 203 Otago Witness, issue 1104, 26 January 1873 70, 71 Owen, Dylan 238, 239 Owen, Rena 210, 211
P Pacific Climate Warriors protest 238, 239 Pacific Island workers at a plywood factory, Auckland (Westra) 164–65, 165 Pacific Song Contest 222 Pai Mārire 57, 66 pakapoo ticket 132, 133 Papakura, Maggie (Mākereti) and Bella 100, 101 Parihaka 62, 72, 72–73, 73 Parnell, Samuel Duncan 44, 45, 108 Pascoe, John 145 Petermann, A. 46–49 Peth Soun 183 Phalla Chok 183 Pharazyn, Edward (attributed) 72 physical education 152 Pike River Mine explosion 227, 227 Pink and White Terraces 11, 11, 48 Pocket globe and case, 1776 20, 21 Poll tax certificate for Yong Sai Sue,
Canton (Guangzhou) 92, 93 Polynesian Panther Party (PPP) 174, 176 – legal aid handbook 174, 175 Polynesian sailing technology 16 Pōmare, Albert Victor 58, 59 Pōmare, Hāre 58, 59 Pomare Queen of Otaheite with her husband Tamatoa in full dress, also in their usual walking costume with
Aritaue their eldest son 42–43, 43 Pompallier, Jean-Baptiste 33 Pore, Hēni 56–57, 57 Porgy and Bess, New Zealand Opera
Company 168–69, 169 Prince Tui Teka, cover from The
Maori Album (detail) 191 Public Lending Right for New Zealand
Authors 220 Pūhoi 60–61, 61 Pukehinahina Gate Pā attack, 1864 57 pūtōrino 208, 209 Q Queenstown, Lake Wakatipu and the Remarkables (Whites Aviation hand-coloured print) 137 Quinn, Kenneth 184, 185, 221 Qur’ān 204, 205–07
R rā (waka sail) 16, 17 Rainbow Warrior 196 rangatira portraits, 1870–90 (Carnell) 78, 79 Rata, Matiu 180 Reddy, Dame Patsy 237 refugees 183, 214 – see also immigrants Reid, Phil 231 Rerehau, Te Hemara 50–51, 53 Richter City Roller Derby 228, 229 Riddiford, Earle 135 Ritchie, Thomas 114, 116 Roman Catholic Church at the Bohemian
Settlement of Puhoi (Hamilton-
Gordon) 60–61, 61 Rooster Tails online comic series 242, 243 Rosenberg, Gerhard 143 Rosenberg, Wolfgang 143 Roth, Bert 176 Rout, Ettie 112, 113, 113 Rowell, Luke (Disasteradio; Eyeliner) 233 – Charisma and Buy Now preservation by Turnbull Library 233 – LP album cover for Charisma 233 – performance at Bar Bodega, Wellington 232 Rowling, Bill 180 rugby league 225, 225 – first team, 1907 224, 225 Rupe, Carmen 186, 187, 242 Russek, Anton and Margaretha 61 S Said, Sarah 214, 215 Sāmoan independence 124–25 Sarelius, Waino 128, 129 Saxton, John Waring 36–37 Scholes, Robin 211 School Strike 4 Climate protest 238, 239 Scott, Margaret 118 Selwyn, George Augustus 39 Shelton, Ann 210, 211
Shennan, Jennifer 212 Sichun Saingtha 183 The Signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, 6 February 1840 (King) 33, 138, 139 The Signing of the Treaty of
Waitangi (Haddon) 33, 33 Simcox, Craig 214 Smash Malice roller derby team 228, 229 Smithells, Philip 152 Smoko, Featherston prisoner-ofwar camp (Pascoe) 145 Sok Vorn 183 Sokhom You 182, 183, 183 Somali Pacific Stars 214, 215 Somalia 214, 215 Springbok tour of New Zealand, 1981 192, 193, 194, 194–95, 195 – see also All Blacks tours of South Africa The stage erected to contain the food at the feast given by the native chiefs,
Bay of Islands, September 1849 40–41, 40–41 Staples-Browne, Richard 100 Steven, Geoff 178 Sullivan, Denis 172 Sumerian clay tablets with cuneiform inscriptions 156, 157
T Tahiti 18 Tahitian language 16 Tamahori, Lee 211 Tanu, Lele 171 taonga puoro 208, 209 Tarawera eruption, 1886 11, 46 Tato, Filika (née Lomano) 171 Taylor, E. Mervyn 154–55 Te Awa Tupua (Whanganui River Claims
Settlement) Act 2017 99 Te Hokioi o Niu-Tireni, e Rere atu na 51 Te Huki, Tama 199 Te Kooti Arikirangi Te Tūruki 68, 69 Te Matakite o Aotearoa — The Māori
Land March (documentary, 1975) 178 Te Pihoihoi Mokemoke i Runga i te
Tuanui 51 Te Rangi Hiroa (Sir Peter Buck) 16 Te Rau, Kereopa 66, 67 te reo Māori 16, 22, 24, 26, 34, 39, 51, 96, 169, 191, 222 – Te Upoko o Te Ika (te reo Māori radio station) 198, 199 Te Rihi, Pia Ngarotu 100 Te Rōpū o te Matakite o Aotearoa 178, 180 Te Upoko o Te Ika (te reo Māori radio station) 198, 199 Te Whareumu 31 Te Whiti-o-Rongomai III 62, 73 Te Wīata, Inia 168, 168–69 Teilo, Kailua 171 Teka, Tumanako (Prince Tui Teka) 190–91, 191 Tetley, Joseph and Elizabeth 54 Thol Sao 183 Thom, William Arthur 100 Tirikatene, Eruera 172 Tirikatene, Mauri 208, 209 Tirikatene-Sullivan, Whetu 172, 173 Titere, 1818 24, 25 Tītokowaru, Riwha 62–65 Toetoe, Wiremu 51, 52 Tohu Kākahi 62, 73 Tokelauan migrants 165, 170, 171 Tomlinson, Kellom, dance workbook 212–13 toroa (albatross) 36, 37 tourism, Māori-led 100–01 Tovio, Eneliko 171 Trans Week of Awareness, Rooster
Tails comic strip 242, 243 Treaty of Waitangi, Te Tiriti o Waitangi, 1840 32, 33, 138, 139, 150, 180 Tuai, 1818 24, 25 Tufala, Lui 171 Tūngaroa 22 Tu-nui-e-a‘a-i-te-atua (later King
Pōmare I of Tahiti) 18, 19 Tupaia 16 Tupua Tamasese Lealofi III 124 Tupua Tamasese Mea‘ole 125 Turei, Metiria 240 Turnbull, Alexander Horsburgh 8, 8–9, 9, 11, 15, 82, 96 Turnbull, Alexandrina 8 Turnbull Endowment Trust 7, 9 Turnbull, Joanna Elizabeth 82–84, 85 Turnbull, Walter 8 Tutapuiti, Hariata 58, 59 Tuuta, Watson 115 Tuwhare, Hone Peneamine Anatipa
Te Pona 10, 184, 184–85 – No Ordinary Sun 184, 185 –‘Self-portrait in pen as a gift from self’ 185 Tuwhare, Rob 10, 185
V Valentine, George Dobson 11 Vancouver, George 18 Victoria, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland 58 Volkner, Carl 66 Volunteer Sisterhood (established by Ettie Rout) 112, 113
W The Waimarie below Pipiriki (Auckland
Star photographer) 98, 99 waka sail (rā) 16, 17 walkathons, competitive 228 Walker, Piripi 199 Ward, Simon 233 Waro-Rakau Rugby League Club 225, 225 Waudby, A. J. 108 We Are Beneficiaries 240, 241 Webb, Murray 218–19 Webber, John 18, 19 Webster, Kenneth Athol 156 Wellington Advertiser, ‘For Diver’s
Reasons’, cartoon, 19 November 1881 72, 72–73 Wellington Islamic Centre, public tributes after mosque shootings 236, 236, 237 Westra, Ans 128, 162–66 Weyde, Henry van der 8 Whangamumu whaling station (White) 35, 36 Whanganui River 98, 99 whēkau, laughing owl (Sceloglaux albifacies) (Wright) 90, 91 White, Leo 35, 36, 137 Whites Aviation 136, 137 Wigley, Rodolph Lysaght 131 Wild Duck (sailing ship) 54 Williams, Henry 33, 138 Williams, Herbert W. 96 Wiltshire, Kate 228 Winter, Mark (Chicane) 230 Witoko, Chrissy 242 ‘Women Performing an Interpretative
Dance About the Gender Pay Gap’ (Murdoch) 244, 245 Wright, Henry 44–45, 90–91 Y Yate, William 26 Yeo, Sean 237 Yong Sai Sue 93–94 Young, Niborom 182, 183 Young, Victor 182, 183
First published in 2021 by Massey University Press Private Bag 102904, North Shore Mail Centre Auckland 0745, New Zealand www.masseypress.ac.nz Text copyright © Turnbull Endowment Trust, 2021 Images copyright © Alexander Turnbull Library and as credited
Design by Area Design Cover: Matthew McIntyre-Wilson (Taranaki — Ngā Mahanga, Titahi), He Mahi Kupenga (detail), installation commissioned 2020–21 to accompany the centenary exhibition Mīharo / Wonder: 100 years of the Alexander Turnbull Library. Photography by Mark Beatty. Pages 2–3: Rare books cage, Alexander Turnbull Library The moral rights of the authors have been asserted All rights reserved. Except as provided by the Copyright Act 1994, no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner(s) and the publisher. A catalogue record for this book is available from the National Library of New Zealand Printed and bound in China by Everbest Printing Investment ISBN: 978-0-9951431-7-3
Published with the support of the Alexander Turnbull Endowment Trust and the New Zealand Lottery Grants Board.