2 minute read
There are many people, teams and organisations to thank for Te Kupenga.
The Alexander Turnbull Library Endowment Trust, and trustees John Meads (Chair), Suzanne Snively (Deputy Chair), Margaret Kawharu, Neil Plimmer, Emeritus Professor Erik Olssen and Associate Professor Kerry Taylor, have supported and, through the New Zealand Lottery Grants Board, helped finance the development and publishing of this book. The project would not have got off the ground without their backing.
Our writers: the contributors to Te Kupenga represent a collaboration between two households in the National Library whānau: the Alexander Turnbull Library and the Services to Schools directorate. We are hugely grateful for their willingness to participate and for the initiative and effort behind their contributions. Thanks, too, to their managers and workmates who enabled thinking space for them to research and write.
The indefatigable Jessica Gray has done magnificent work in managing the project in house, including coordinating and liaising with writers, photographers, editorial advisers, rights holders, content creators and the publishers.
The Turnbull Library Imaging Services Team has gone all out to accommodate the demands of the illustrations for Te Kupenga: special thanks to Alicia Tolley, Claire Viskovic, Llewelyn Jones and Mark Beatty.
We have called on the knowledge and expertise of many people in various editorial, governance, selection, advisory, reader or fact-checking capacities. Special mention is due to Amanda Sykes, Aneeshla Prasad, Arapine Walker, Basil Keane, Bob Weston, Carolyn Carr, Charlotte Macdonald, Elizabeth Jones, Erena Williamson, Eva Gregory-Hunt, Fran McGowan, Hamish Ansley, Jennifer Shennan, Dr Jocelyn Powell, Jock Phillips, John Meads, Kerry Taylor, Associate Professor Leonard Bell, Majid Daneshgar, Melanie Lovell-Smith, Nelly Bess, Niborom Young, Paul Diamond, Paula MacLachlan, Stephanie Gibson, Susan Thorpe, Rhys Richards, Rene Burton, Robert Holmes, Ruki Tobin, Susi Bailey, Samuel Beyer and Vaka Lemisio for the parts they have played.
Nicola Legat and Emily Goldthorpe of Massey University Press have anchored the publication process for us. Special thanks to Nicola for her incisive editorial critique and overview of the book’s development.
Maintaining connections with donors and rights holders of our collections, either directly or through their families and representatives, is of key importance to the Library. For essay input, advice and permissions, thanks go to Ans Westra, Barbara Einhorn, Christian Heinegg, Damer Farrell, Dylan Owen, the Earle Riddiford family, Fu Fighter Arts, Gareth Ball/Diogenes Designs Ltd., Jim Hubbard, Jule Einhorn, Julia Brooke-White, Kilbirnie Mosque community, Kristin de Sousa, Luke Rowell, Malcolm Evans, Mark Winter, Mark Denton, Matthew McIntyre Wilson, Max Oettli, Murray Webb, Natalie Jones, Niborom Young, Nina Kurzmann, Piripi Walker, the Nunns family, Rob Cross, Rob Tuwhare and the Hone Tuwhare Charitable Trust, Robert Holmes, Sam Orchard, Sandy Callister, Sascha Nolden, Semira Davies, Sharon Murdoch, Shaun Yeo, State Library Victoria, Stephanie Gibson, Stuff Ltd, Suite Gallery, Susan Thorpe, Terence O’Neill Joyce, Victor Young, Wendy Colling, Wendy Pond, and William Direen.