The Spectacular Garnet Dissertation

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Thesis Dissertation Masshal Saif 117677


Thesis Dissertation Masshal Saif 117677

Contents INTRO ...................................................................................................................................... 3 THESIS STATEMENT................................................................................................................... 6 RATIONALE............................................................................................................................... 6 OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................................................. 8 SCOPE ...................................................................................................................................... 8 Social Cohesion and Interactivity ................................................................................................... 9 User Typology ............................................................................................................................ 10 Scale/ Contextual Responses....................................................................................................... 10 Limitations ................................................................................................................................. 10 Sub-programming....................................................................................................................... 10 RESEARCH .............................................................................................................................. 11 RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES................................................................................................... 11 METAPHORIC PROCESS (Primary based on secondary, concluding with ethnographic model)......... 11 NARRATIVE MYTH (Secondary) ................................................................................................... 12 LITERATURE REVIEW (Secondary) ................................................................................................ 13 CASE STUDIES (Secondary) ......................................................................................................... 13 SITE SELECTION....................................................................................................................... 14 SITE SELECTION CRITERIA ........................................................................................................ 14 1. Accessibility............................................................................................................................ 14 2. Location ................................................................................................................................. 14 3. Catchment Area...................................................................................................................... 15 SITE SELECTION RATIONALE..................................................................................................... 15 PRECENDET STUDY.................................................................................................................. 17 LITERATURARY REVIEW ........................................................................................................... 18


Thesis Dissertation Masshal Saif 117677

INTRO Contemporary architectural discourse on narrative studies suggests that a succession of events or impressions embodied within fiction can be 'read' through the sequencing of space in a building. Continuing with this line of reasoning, we can further assume that a building can be 'read' the same way as a sequence of shots in a film or the plot in a book. This is the course taken by many architects in the field who have based some of their best works upon the careful construction of a series of events and framed views, creating a narrative of their own. Architecture is not an abstract medium whose purpose is the creation of meaningless construction or mere pattern-making for the sake of aesthetic. The Building is an extension of human expression; a vessel for our bodies, memories and identities. Accordingly, architecture begins from an existential need of confrontation with the familiar. According to Juhani Pallasmaa, all powerful artistic expressions in literature, music, painting and cinema alike are similar existential condensations; capable of communicating the complex experience of being human instantaneously through a singular image. An architectural metaphor is a highly abstract and condensed experiential entity, which fuses the multiplicity of human experiences into a singular lived image, or a sequence of such images.i The use of metaphor in architectural discourse is often debated upon. The question of whether its use is only as a translational concept-to-design manifestation tool or more arises; framing of design situations, the generation of goals and constraints, and the mapping and application of structural relationships to the design problem. iiIn any real case scenario, intangible architectural ideas that are to be translated into design include memory, social hierarchy, soul, programs, and many other things. These abstract, existential aspects along with operative instrumental knowledge about what defines a space, such as


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gravity, climate and weather, topography, hierarchy, movement and space come together to be processed into lived-space. The aspect of existential translation during this process is termed as the Metaphoric Process. This existential knowledge comes directly from the lived experiences of the designer, in this scenario, myself, and how I live and express my existence. When both aspects and their various ontological approaches merge, architecture of great value is produced. It manifests both functional value and artistic, existential imagery at the same time.

All artistic and architectural effects are evoked, mediated and experienced through poeticised images. These images are embodied and lived experiences that take place in ‘the flesh of the world', becoming part of us. -Juhani Pallasmaa

This thesis is concerned with the translation of fictional narrative into spatially distributed data in a real world urban setting. Analogous to how literary and film narrative plot devices (such as foreshadowing, cutting, fading and so on) have their architectural equivalents, this thesis will closely revolve around the dissection of an embodied image of a particular fictitious character. A ubiquitous ontological approach to a range of architectural concepts which are developed from literature, linguistics and creative acts like writing, ends up exploring the role of fictional lived space and narrative in architecture as a counterpoint to modern technological trends. This thesis attempts to go a step further by appropriating methodologies from narrative studies, such as genre and metaphor theory. Further, through conducting a close reading of the relevant texts, the project hopes to envisage an alternative model(s) of architecture in urban settings.


Thesis Dissertation Masshal Saif 117677

The condition of the world reflects the condition of our collective consciousness. Collective or group consciousness provides a common context from which we can collectively recognize-and begin to heal-the psychic wounds that divide humanity (such as racial and gender oppression and injustice). Perhaps the most basic challenge that we face is to awaken our capacity for collective knowing and conscious action so that we can respond successfully to the immense social and ecological difficulties that confront us. This thesis would like to present a fictional character-Garnet-as a mould, with which to tackle the aforementioned issue. Garnet is a truly complex character who is an embodiment of ideas that hold true potential to unravel multi-sensory experiences. Garnet is a Crystal Gem, and is introduced at the onset of the cartoon serial, Steven Universe, as one of the three motherly figures in half-gem-half-human-boy-protagonist Steven’s life. She is calm, cool and the leader of their 'family'. It is clear that all gems and humans in her life look up to Garnet for strength. During a shocking reveal, Garnet is revealed to be a 'fusion' between two gems, Ruby and Sapphire. She is the physical embodiment of their bond and has been able to maintain a stable fusion for over thousands of years due to the two gems’ trusting relationship. Their bond enables them to form one of the strongest and most compassionate members of the cast. Ruby and Sapphire’s physicality is the exact opposite of one another and as a fusion, Garnet is able to harness their polarity and maintain a highly stable sense of being. In conclusion, this thesis can be seen as an attempt to foster tangible experiences of belonging, and to strengthen the primal sense of personally experienced place through a pattern of explorations of the particular fictionally occurring realities of Garnet.


Thesis Dissertation Masshal Saif 117677

THESIS STATEMENT An architectural narrative manifested (into what would ultimately be real world spaces), will come about as the direct consequence of an invasive character analysis of Garnet, a character from the popular children's animated television series, Steven Universe. The metaphoric process will be utilized to translate the abstract existential knowledge gained into a space that enables the articulation and expression of the collective self, something that holds true to the character. The project aims to use various literary and film devices as a research methodology to briefly summarize plot control architecture, describing canonical character roles and how interactions are represented.

RATIONALE Garnet is a truly multifaceted personality who is an embodiment of ideas that hold true potential to unravel multi-sensory experiences. It is for this reason as well as the symbolism behind her conceptualization that Garnet has been chosen specifically to be used as a mould to tackle the phenomenological ambitions of this project. What does Garnet symbolize? •

Strengthens the sense of self-awareness of those around her during times of turmoil. Her ability to reflect and fortify the other characters’ image of self is paramount. This can be aligned with the existential aspirations of the architectural space to be designed.

Garnet clearly believes fusion to be sacred and personal. Being a fusion of two gems herself, this can be taken as a reflection of Garnet’s awareness of who she is and her self-acceptance. A genuine artistic and architectural experience is primarily a strengthened awareness of self.


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Garnet's reason for protecting Earth is because it is where she may live free as a fusion. Her lines from the extended opening theme are "I will fight for the place where I'm free! To live together and exist as me!"

Similar to the gemology for a garnet gem, Garnet’s characteristics revolve closely around traits that the gem are associated with which include strength, bravery, love, determination and self-confidence.

She is the physical embodiment of love.

She is the leader of the Crystal Gems due to her stable, calm and collected demeanor. She brings out the best of every group member and genuinely cares about the wellbeing of the gems and their duty to protect earth. She becomes the main structure that holds their working system in place. Her quest for what is right resonates with ideas of social justice.

It is evident after the deconstruction of Garnet’s character that the architectural space must be one that unites, articulates and expresses the collective self. Science has proven that imagination, memory and experience hold equal qualitative weight in our consciousness due to the same patterns of brain activity evoked by all three things. It is in this way that art is able to emote images that are as true in nature to actual encounters in life. The ontology of art is such that despite the uniqueness of moving works of art, their success is fundamentally shared by their ability to reflect upon the collective human experience. This paradox manifests itself in all successful works art and architecture and like a record on repeat, exclaims what it feels like to be human in this world. For that reason, it is essential that the program to be introduced develops existential and lived metaphors through space, structure, matter, gravity and light.


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The introduction of a public forum for artistic expression will be made onto a site within a relatively urbane setting. Furthermore, there will be huge potential for connectivity as well as the integration of exploratory, evolved programs. Taking precedence among these will be a massive public arena to serve as a canvas for self-expression and other artistic endeavors. A post-modern ode to the ancient Greek Agora. The endeavor to create a contemporary perception of what a public space could be in a non-traditional site with a variety of programs in mind calls for atypical techniques for analysis.


A character analysis which will define a real world space

The creation of a public space where temporal public art will respond to, reflect and

explore the context it inhabits. •

An arena for the articulation of the public landscape.

This public art space, laced with new urbanist ideas will develop a narrative myth

with which to experience the city. •

Permits ease of movement and avoids severing the neighborhood.

Eventual dissipation of permeability within and around the selected site through

pedestrian networks and other connections which might encourage walking, cycling etc.

SCOPE The re-contextualization of Garnet in the flesh of the world requires rationalizing the symbolic virtues of her character into a real world setting through defining architectural parameters, and defining spatial permutations and combinations. In the same way that the architecture to be designed aims to be reflective for/of its users (as a fundamental derivation based upon Garnets' character), it needs to first reflect the essence of the context it will respond to. Geographically speaking, the urban repercussions that the chosen


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site will have upon the city of Islamabad will work along the over-arching theme of selfreflection. Society in Islamabad is composed of culturally, socially and economically distinct groups of people with different lifestyles. However, aspects of life in the city appear to be characterized by segregation between these groups rather than by interaction among them. The concern is that this may lead to an increased fragmentation of the population and alienation rather than to the cohesion needed for a healthy society. Unfortunately, most of the urban public spaces in the city do not seem to contribute in bringing the different groups of the society together, unable to promote interaction among them.

Social Cohesion and Interactivity Beckley (1994) defines social cohesion as the extent to which a geographical place achieves ‘community’ in the sense of shared values, cooperation and interaction iii. In this definition, interaction refers to the notion of intensive relations in social networks through which social capital is built. Social capital generally refers to resources that are accessible through social interactions and social networks, reciprocity, norms and mutual trust, and is seen as a prerequisite for social cohesion. Interactions in daily life between people across ethnic divides are one way of creating social cohesion, because they provide the basis for bonds between individuals. Interactions with other people help individuals to participate in society and to create feelings of acceptance. Public spaces are of importance because they offer the opportunity for high levels of interaction between persons of different social and ethnic backgrounds. The phenomenon of triangulation is particularly strong in the public realm. Triangulation is the process by which some external stimulus provides a linkage between people and prompts strangers to talk to other strangers as if they knew each other.


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Such interactions can provide relief from daily routines and alleviate tensions in a neighborhood.

User Typology This project aims to dispel segregation between the inhabitants of the city of Islamabad and will propose solutions that will lead to social cohesion and interactivity on an urban scale. The users will not be limited in terms of social distinctions or any other idiosyncratic lifestyle differences.

Scale/ Contextual Responses Although the project will remain confined to a built structure, the programs and subprograms allow the outreach of this project to manifest itself on an urban scale. The presence of the building will not be political although its impact and use may or may not be politically charged in future scenarios.

Limitations The architectural space to be conceived is ultimately an embodiment of the symbolism and inherent meaning behind the idea of Garnet; not a direct translation of fictional space into real world space or a space to inhabited by Garnet.

Sub-programming In order to incorporate spaces for the expression of art in all its formal manifestations, spaces will range in genre, medium and style to house visual, performance, theatrical writing, photography, printmaking, sculpture, architectural etc based artistic endeavors. i

Palasmaa, Juhani . The Embodied Image. West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons Publishers , 2011. Pri nt Assessing the Use of Metaphors in the Design Process. Available from: https ://www.researchga cati on/23541537_Assessing_the_Use_of_Metaphors _in_the_Design_Process iii T. Beckley, Community stability and the relationship between economic and social well-being in forest dependent communities, Society and Na tural Resources , 8 (1994), pp. 261–266 ii


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CHAPTER 2 RESEARCH Due to the dual nature of this project, translation of two types of information will be a prerequisite for the design stage. In order to produce architecture of significance, the project must be a translation of two types of ontological approaches; abstract experiential ideals that have an intangible architectural ideation as well as operative knowledge grounded in real world architectural studies. These intangible ideas include memory, impressions, soul etc. Alongside this, instrumental knowledge about what defines a space such as gravity, climate hierarchy movement and spatial knowledge must be dissected and researched upon as well. Through this twopronged approach to research, this projects hopes to manifests both functional value and artistic, existential imagery at the same time.

RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES METAPHORIC PROCESS (Primary based on secondary, concluding with ethnographic model)

The translation of abstract facets into material is termed as the Metaphoric Process. A large portion of this project will be dedicated to the translation of the fictionally occurring realities of Garnet's character-within its context-into real, spatial ideas. This process will rely upon an exploration of the use of metaphors during different phases of the design process. These stages will deal with the clarification of design concepts and how design scenarios are structured, the generation of goals and constraints, and the mapping and application of structural relationships to the design problem. iv


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The metaphoric translation of information will require primary date based upon the model put forth by the metaphoric process. Conclusions will be drawn through ethnographic studies including: •



Modal shifts between analysis: 1. Hermeneutics 2. Semiotics 3. Narrative and Metaphor


The endeavor to create a contemporary perception of what a public space could be in a non-traditional site with a variety of programs in mind calls for atypical techniques for analysis. The project will need to distance itself from conventional analysis and problem solving methods that take precedence in urban design. Iris Aravot has approached this problem that often leads to fragmentation of the authentic experience of a city in an interesting way. He proposes the development of a 'narrative-myth'.v According to Aravot, in order to capture the liveliness of a city as a singular entity, one must analyze the aspects of the local culture based upon Cassier's five symbolic forms; 1.

Myth And Religion










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Literature review will help establish a theoretical framework for the thesis project. By giving historical references as well as latest developments on the discourse of metaphoric translation of intangible ideas into real setting, a connection will be developed between what this thesis is set out to achieve and what precedents have to show for similar debates. Some relevant primary research sources are stated below: 1. The Thinking Hand by Juhani Pallasmaa 2. The Embodied Image by Juhani Pallasmaa 3. Metaphor And Genre As Cultural And Cognitive Templates In Disciplinary Acculturation: The Case Of Architecture Students by Rosario Caballero-RodrĂ­guez 4. The Role Of Metaphors In The Formation Of Architectural Identity Nezih Ayiran 5. Architecture: The Making of Metaphors by Barie Fez-Barringten 6. Architecture and Setting in the Shaping of Fictional Characters by Sean T. Griffin 7. The Bridge Of Urban Literacy: A Literary Approach To Lived Space In Urban And Architectural Research And Practice by Klaske Havik 8. Narrative-Myth and Urban Design by Iris Aravot

CASE STUDIES (Secondary)

Case studies on the current architectural scenario in the public domain in Islamabad will be researched upon in order to specify what is currently missing. Existentiality and emotive quality of spaces will be focused upon or the lack there-off in order to articulate the reasons behind such phenomenon and why they might be a resultant on the urban fabric of the city of Islamabad. These case studies will shed light upon both successful as well as unsuccessful public spaces within the city. Their temporality, purpose and event related dependency will


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be delved into. Ultimately a synthesis of how- environmental cues that hold a certain emotive value effect and translate into our interpretation of these spaces-will be made.

SITE SELECTION The city of Islamabad is often criticized for its 'unnatural' and often elitist behavior within the urban landscape. This project is concerned with achieving a sense of community within the fragmented public realm. For that reason, the site to be chosen must act as a connecting node that imposes a sense of integrated social cohesion. This site must promote interactivity between the cities residents, irrespective of social boundaries.

SITE SELECTION CRITERIA The eventual site must have the following characteristics:

1. Accessibility

The site must geographically be located at a crux between the hierarchical distributers of the city.

Eventual dissipation of permeability into the site from residential and commercial zones in the city is paramount. The imposition of the program onto the site should not sever the neighborhood it inhabits.

2. Location

Potentials for urban connectivity through pedestrian networks and other connections which might encourage walking, cycling etc.

Geographically speaking, the urban repercussions that the chosen site will have upon the city of Islamabad will work along the over-arching theme of selfreflection, the site must encapsulate the essence of Islamabad in its entirety.

A context which supports the thriving development of arts and performing arena and assists organically in its growth.


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Situated near main networks of circulation and traffic flow so that its approach and location becomes feasible on a macro scale.

3. Catchment Area


Availability of similar scenarios in the direct context of the site to support the project. In this way a segment from the targeted user typology will naturally benefit from the intended program and rejuvenate the existing spaces which hold emotive power in this case but might or might now be derelict or abandoned.


Nearby residential and commercial areas should attract an influx of people onto the site.

SITE SELECTION RATIONALE The Site selected is the sector of F-9 in Islamabad which serves as a Urban Park catering to the residents.The rationalization behind this decision is multi-faceted. The placement of the Fatimah Jinnah Park is such that it lies at a major crux within the capital city which a centralized zoning to encourage residents from all background to visit. The existing road networks and parking zones in their current state are although not ideal for the scope of this project, with some urban work, the fact that these exist and allow for pedestrians such as large families living far away to visit. Existing pathways with major trajectories break off into secondary pathways to allow for a more permeable experience. Furthermore, public zones like plazas, open air theaters, cafes, cricket grounds, specialized seating zones etc are all an integral part of the parks language which is very inclusive of many typologies. The formalistic language of all the free-standing and programmatically inclined structures dispersed in the park bring about very interesting emotive experience.


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Corporate involvement: The decision to add a McDonalds at the periphery layers onto the programmatic function of the site, it serves as a magnetized hub in the park. While a lot of the points above highlight some positive aspects of the site as it is, there are huge flaws in zoning and accessibility which detracts from the aforementioned positives. With slight changes on a meso and macro scale, these negative aspects can be eradicated and the avenues they open us can be harnessed as opportunities for the inclusion of the intended program. Below is a graphical analysis of the various features around the site and an attempt to understand their language.

Herman, Casakin, Assessing the Use of Metaphors in the Design Process, Envi ronment and planning b planning and design, (Ma rch 2006) 33(2):253-268, Web. v Ara vot, Iris . Beyond Narrative-Myth and Urban Design. Journal of Archi tectural Educa tion. Vol . 49, (Nov., 1995), pp. 79-91. Print.


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CHAPTER 3 The following section will focus upon taking a look at design methodologies that have created a precedence for the type of thesis I aim to undertake. These projects/literary devices are not only chosen due to their similarity in terms of research content, but also in terms of their programmatic parallels. For this reason, the two elements will be analyzed, the first, a case study, of which has more to do with the exploration of fictional lived space through character analysis. The second, a literature review, is aimed to create a historical perspective through which the relevant research needed for the specific program can be conducted. Namely, the creation of inclusive, socially just and expressive architecture for the public landscape.

PRECENDET STUDY 1. Poohtownvi This project uses the protagonist Winnie the Pooh as a metaphor for happiness. Emerging from within the fictitious world of A.A.Milne’s ‘Winnie the Pooh’, the happy world of Pooh and his friends is a further conjuring of the real boy Christopher Walkin living in the 'real' ficticious world which is ultimately unhappy. Suffering from the post war blues and industrial sprawl, the city of slough is revisited in its 1920's state where it aspired to be socially inclusive, peaceful and happy. This project uses a historical narrative and imposes the fictional world of Pooh and his friends to manufacture happiness as an industrial import. The project takes the shape of a design experiment which explores the potentials of a happily ever after scenario. Through the imposition of 'Winnie the Pooh' and its metaphorical understanding of the universal entity of happiness, the project goes beyond the scope of just the city of Slough and during its 1920's industrial sprawl abmitions. The projects focus has been upon the anthropological, emotional state of designing rather than the application of reason and technical skills alone. At face value, Poohtown seems like an aestheticized, whimsical exploration of a fictional narrative set in a real world framework. In reality it is much


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more, it begs of us the answer to basic design questions that tend to go unexplored. When designing for the objective happiness for humans, the purpose of architecture and the power of its emotive value are questioned. In this way, Poohtown ends up asking what this project aims to answer through its design outcomes.

LITERATURARY REVIEW Through the use of precedent studies, a historical narrative for similar research is established. Through the means of a literature review, a thorough reading of the relevant texts will provide a basic framework for research. This framework will ultimately allow the


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generation of research questions, design hypotheses to further guide the conduct of research and in doing so, the design process. 2. The Call and Response of Street Art and the City. By Scott Burnham vii This piece pays an ode to the fairly contemporary phenomenon of street art which has made a global impact as artists everywhere have explored the arts of graffiti, street-tagging, site-specific sculptures, installations and so on outside of the walls of gallery spaces. This paper discusses a facet within the street art movement which acts as a DIY ode to urban design in which the urban fabric of the city is altered and manipulated through the use of interventions. In this phenomenon, the urbanity of objects becomes the beginning of design rather than the end, where shadows cast by objects become canvasses for stenciled in artwork, where cracks in the sidewalk and discarded tires become the resources needed for the reinterpretation of urban public space. "The city’s fixed visuals, structures, objects and areas no longer represent the end result of an urban design process, but the beginning.� This vernacular approach to city-wide design ends up creating a narrative myth with which to view the multi-dimensional, and oftentimes contradicting nature of the city. The platitude of everyday commutes is transfixed with dynamic ideas of space which transform the city into an entity entirely capable of dialogue and articulation of the public mindset. The arguments put forth by Burnham are a contemporary elaboration of the social justice debates upon the equitable access to public and urban outlets, in this case, outlets of urban creativity. In my opinion, a public space dedicated to the expression of art must align itself with the emotive gestures that it hopes to possess. I hope to take from this analysis of street art, what art can imbue in an urban space and turn it into a catalyst for change in my design proposal.

vi vii

Archi tectural Student Thesis Project: Nick Elias The Ba rtlett School Of Architecture, UCL London UK, 2014 The call and response of street a rt and the ci ty, Scott Burnham, Ci ty, 2010, vol . 14, issue 1-2, pa ges 137-153, 2010


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CHAPTER 4 In this chapter, focus will be placed upon synthesizing the research obtained and translating it into the design brief. This translation will be done through theorizing the data analyzed using design tools and techniques relevant to this project.

SYNTHESIS AND KEYFINDINGS 1. Site Selection The site in question has been selected through the scrutinous analysis of the site selection criteria, factors which would positively impact the programs to be introduced. It is well within the bounds of accessibility in terms of the users the project is intended for as well as located in a bias free zone. The absence of any commercial or residential works within the F9 sector reinforces the fact that no social structures or hierarchy have yet been established within the Parks bounds and the space can serve as a democratic, socially cohesive, interactive hub for people from all walks of life. 2. User Unification A large focus on this venture lies upon the projection of Garnets character onto the physicality of the real world. Her character traits come to life through the notions of self expression. For this to be possible, the user demographics cannot be in any way limited by ethnic background or dividers in race religion or social placement. This project aims to dispel segregation between the inhabitants of the city of Islamabad and will propose solutions that


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will lead to social cohesion and interactivity on an urban scale. The users will not be limited in terms of social distinctions or any other idiosyncratic lifestyle differences. 3. Triangulation Interactions in daily life between people across ethnic divides are one way of creating social cohesion, because they provide the basis for bonds between individuals. Interactions with other people help individuals to participate in society and to create feelings of acceptance. Public spaces are of importance because they offer the opportunity for high levels of interaction between persons of different social and ethnic backgrounds. The phenomenon of triangulation is particularly strong in the public realm. Triangulation is the process by which some external stimulus provides a linkage between people and prompts strangers to talk to other strangers as if they knew each other.


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Such interactions can provide relief from daily routines and alleviate tensions in a neighborhood. 4. Building Design "The art is here for the public and the public is here for the art". -Paul Ramirez Jonan It is evident after the deconstruction of Garnet’s character that the architectural space must be one that unites, articulates and expresses the collective self. Through the employment of the essentials of place-making, architecture of value will be produced which will manifest both functional value and artistic, existential imagery at the same time. ARCHITECTS BRIEF To design a Public Forum for artistic expression with a focus on public interactions, connectivity and socially just architecture. The design will cater to the general public and be an accessible forum for all classes within the fragmented city of Islamabad. It will be an engaging platform for social interaction and congregational purposes and a place for the expression of personal and popular opinions through creative means.

Site: Fatimah Jinnah Park, F-9 Sector, Islamabad, Pakistan Total Area: 80,000 square feet

1. Sub Programming In order to incorporate spaces for the expression of art in all its formal manifestations, spaces will range in genre, medium and style to house visual, performance, theatrical writing, photography, printmaking, sculpture, architectural etc based artistic endeavors.

2. Programmatic Distribution


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The major programs to be introduces will be divided according to event. These events will cater to a progression of artistic spaces catering majorly to the public realm. SPACE Parking Forum for artistic expression Cataloguing/Archives Library Oratory Forums Restrooms Sculpture Gardens Broadcasting Rooms Studio Spaces Writers Lounge Workshop spaces Photography Studios Informal Galleries Admin Offices Printing Station Kitchenette Storages Services (Waste, Janitorial, Mechanical) Locker Rooms Multi Purpose Hall Urban Spillways and Connectivity Sky Tram Station

QTY 1 1 3 1 1 4 1 2 3 1 3 1 3 3 1 1 3 1

OCCUPANCY 50 cars 100 people 50 people 20 people 4-5 stalls 5 people 15 people 15 people 10 people 5 people 30 people 6 people 6 people 3 people -

TYPE Public Public Private Public Public Public Public Semi-Public Semi-Public Semi-Public Semi-Public Semi-Public Semi-Public Private Private Private Private Private

AREA 12,000 ft2 15,000 ft2 5,000 ft2 3,000 ft2 1,000 ft2 2,000 ft2 500 ft2 1,000 ft2 1,000 ft2 500 ft2 500 ft2 800 ft2 100 ft2 300 ft2 200 ft2 2,000 ft2 500 ft2

1 1 1

30 lockers 50 people 100 people

Semi-Public Semi-Public Public

500 ft2 1,500 ft2 10,000 ft2 20,000 ft2

DESIGN INTENT The intent of the building reflects first and foremost the unique methodologies employed behind the making of the building design. From the design process to the concept translation, the character outline as dissected through thorough studies will drive the decision making process. The purpose of these design exercises is to elaborate upon the use of unconventional approaches to design problem solving methodologies and how opening up the academic


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field of architecture to new possibilities might result in unprecedented outcomes. Through a focus on social cohesion and interactivity amongst the real world residents of the city of Islamabad, the project aims to keep in mind the civic responsibilities of architecture despite the whimsical approaches one might take towards aspiring towards goals. In order to create meaningful, sensory spaces that bring people together and highlight an overall utopian scheme, the fictional narrative set through animated narratives hopes to broaden the real world possibilities of our city and bring about some positive change to the lives of its residents.


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CHAPTER 5 The initial design phase of the project called for a strategic plan with which to approach the problem at hand. The need for a methodology through which to capture Garnet's existence as a fusion became crucial and this chapter aims to focus on the steps taken to achieve that undertaking. DESIGN CONCEPT TRANSLATION In a project where a fictional character that is meant to be used as a facilitator towards design strategies, it is important to realize that the resultant outcome can come about through a plethora of different approaches. Each approach yielding its own unique results. For this reason, a step-by-step approach that would lead to eventual architectural repercussions was devised. The design challenge, all the way from the commencement of understanding Garnets abilities as a fusion all the way until the recognition of an architectural form, is based upon a the following five steps. STEP 1 Identifying The first step builds up the foundation of the project and sets its scope. The most important aspect of Garnets physicality and the driving force behind her convictions is her existence as a fusion. In this step, five important episodes that highlight the importance of fusion with respect to Garnet are chosen as the pillars upon which the thesis will rest. The courses of action


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after this point will be a resultant of the narrative within each episode (phenomenon) of Fusion & of the over-arching narrative formed when stringing them together. STEP 2 Mapping This part of the design phase will take the first plunge into Garnet's fictional narrative embodied in an architectural language. Together with the initial identifying, this step will go on to highlight the sequences held within the individual narratives of each episode and what they signify. In order to achieve this task, a transitory medium will be incorporated


in an inevitable

graphic fragmentation. These initial spatial compositional decisions are the first step towards a purely architectural understanding of garnet as a fusion. STEP 3 Site + Psycho-analysis During step three of the design phase, a direct link with the context is made. Site specification will be an important aspect of the project as the resolution of Islamabad's hierarchical discrepancies is the ultimate aim of this thesis. Through employing placemaking techniques and further investigative studies, the full potential of the site can be harnessed. Furthermore, mental mapping of the site will engage targeted users and


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highlight current site issues to be tackled through design. A narrative based approach towards design can be incorporated at this point in the study of f-9 park in order to investigate and understand factors impacting site conditions.

STEP 4 Defamiliarization In this stage the re-sequencing of Garnets fusional characteristics will be captured through a secondary medium onto the site. The previous illustrations resultant of a transitory experimetics towards architectural language are explored through the lenses of the site. A programmatic potential could also be a resultant of such studies once these illustrations are captured in context to the site forces. This step Directly facilitates spatial design.


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STEP 5 Spatial Evolution Based Upon Narrative Study Over the course of the last four steps, there has been a gradual breaching towards purely architectural questions. The final step will require the storyboarding of the entire sequence of episodes as an over-arching linear plot onto the site. The episodes have been studied in isolation thus far, this final step aims to string together a sequential narrative of experiences to be felt of site based upon Garnet's existence outside of a vacuum. It is this final step that will result in the final product, an architectural solution to a real world problem using Garnet as a mold to facilitate design. ARCHITECTS BRIEF TRANSLATION INTO PHYSICALITY The driving force behind the architects brief is the design intent previously discussed in chapter four. The uncharacteristically fantastical approach to design might result in some unprecedented architectural resolution, simultaneously keeping project aims in clear sight. The brief calls for a multitude of programs to be characterized into meaningful spaces. The previous design experiments have resulted in understanding some of the way fusion behaves to external and internal stimuli. Each experiment yielded a graphical representation of the ideas held within a singular aspect of fusion. The brief to be translated was reworked to align programmatically with one of the five definitive characteristics of fusion in accordance to the chosen episodes. Structure The overall sequencing of the episodes upon the site edge is based upon a the structure of the linear plot line followed by the character arc. The episodes are


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organized in a sequential order with The Fusions weaving in between. As opposed to a complex overlay of all the episodes atop each other, this alternative preserves clarity of conceptual ideation.

GARNET'S WORLD The first episode, Garnet's World translated into a collage that depicted a vision of speculation. An episode that highlights the mystery which shrouds Garnet's personality in the beginning. The illustrative translation depicts this exact feeling where things may be plausible from a certain standpoint but are not necessarily true. The programmatic linkages


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attached to this phase are the main gate, vehicular access and overall softened edge redefining the boundary of f-9 park. The episode represents fusion in terms of a totality. THE FUSIONS This aspect of fusing is not derived from a singular episode, rather an added phenomenon of fusing. Even though Garnet is a fusion she has the ability to fuse with more characters to create entirely new being based upon the overlaps of Garnet's personality and theirs. The program this calls for is one that would promote linkages overlaid on the existing terrain to create minimal impact and maximum change in the social fabric. This is the sole aspect of fusion that is not required to retain its sequential order and can exist in isolation as well as work as a gelling medium. The public art forum including bridges, follies and freestanding structures will be interwoven between every episode to represent this crucial insight into Garnet's manifestation. This phenomenon is represented in the terms of juxtaposition. JAILBREAK This episode captures the big reveal, Garnet is not just an ordinary character but an amalgamation of two beings coming together and choosing to live as one. Jailbreak marks the time from which Garnet accepts her truth and expresses herself as what she is unashamedly. To reach this point, she is violently attached and ripped apart into her two halves and they are kept from each other, their resulting fusion upon finding each other is stronger than ever, which is why this episode is represented in terms of synergy. In terms of the overarching narrative, jailbreak represents a climax in the linear plotline. A majority of the architectural brief is captured within this fragment, due to its being the first full-fledged built architectural structure. KEYSTONE MOTEL Keystone motel is a peculiar episode, its reasons for being chosen as a pillar episode is that it is the only one in which Garnet consensually decides to split into two halves after an 31

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internal struggle. The two opposing parts that make up the generally calm Garnet surface, unable to disguise the conflict within. The term chosen to architecturally take forward this episode is bipolarity. Two opposing programs have been chosen to physically manifest a bipolarity on the f-9 edge, a multi purpose hall and a sculpture garden. Both will attract opposing demographics and their architectural repercussions will be in contrast. In terms of a linear narrative plot structure, this is the direct consequence of a climax, a conflicting struggle moving towards a final resolution. THE ANSWER The final episode selected, The Answer serves to give closure to the running storyline, and most importantly to our understanding of Garnet. A final back story explains how and why Garnet came to be and her reasons for choosing to stay fused despite facing antagonism from the world. In opposition to the first episode, where totality is used to represent our minimal understanding of Garnet, this episode will be represented by the term mutuality. The significance of this is that Garnets unashamed acceptance of self shines through in every action of her character as it always has, it is only now after going through her journey do we understand. This episode is not the end in the series and neither will it be on the architectural journey, it will merely facilitate a metaphorical fading out after which users will be portaled into the park and experience it fully, like never before. ITERATIONS


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CHAPTER 6 DESIGN CULMINATION The translation of speculative, intangible knowledge- based research into ultimate architectonics was completed through during the last phase of this projects. This chapter will speak about the resultants brought forth by the design experiments carried out previously. Keeping in mind the guidelines set by the design intent, the finalized design focuses upon the unique methodologies employed in

the making of this build

environment. Through a focus on social cohesion and interactivity amongst the real world residents of the city of Islamabad, the project aims to keep in mind the civic responsibilities of architecture despite the whimsical approaches one might take towards aspiring towards goals. Through the creation of a public space where temporal public art will respond to, reflect and explore the context it inhabits, the project fulfills its objectives of meeting the ultimate design challenge set forth. That of, unleashing the collective potential to set about positive change for society.

DESIGN INSIGHTS An arena for the articulation of the public landscape opens the doors for processes that directly lead to micro changes in the societal fabric. These changes ultimately make way for larger reforms through which to tackle real world problems plaguing our contemporary Pakistani cities.


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IMPACT Through the making of sensory spaces that bring people together and highlight an overall utopian scheme, the fictional narrative set through animated narratives hopes to broaden the real world possibilities of our city and bring about some positive change to the lives of its residents.


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