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new york_new york
[ competition ] at bishop land design role: competition team member at bishop land design role: project team member at bishop land design role: project manager, designer
PARK XING was BLD’s submission to a design competition to reimagine Park Avenue in Manhattan. The concept occupies the medians of Park Avenue traces the lines of the City and its moving parts. Overlaying onto the existing streettrain-pedestrian corridor, PARK XING mixes the concepts of above and below. The structure is a flexible and responsive mechanism that creates a series of elevated paths, program amenities, and integrated points of access at buildings and at street level. The connective pathway runs through a SUPERFOREST, a microhabitat of high-performance vegetation that reduces urban heat island effect and helps sequestering carbon emissions generated by the traffic. I was on the team that worked on the submission and worked on both developing the design and creating the submission boards.
[ planning ]
BLD was the landscape consultant on a multi-disciplinary team to investigate efficient landscape interventions for mitigating industrial and transportation pollutants in Delray neighborhood of Detroit. The landscape planning strategy for this project aimed at offsetting industrial and transportation emissions, exploring opportunities to boost investment, and enhance the overall quality of life for existing residents and workers. Central to this, the plan explores a cost-effective long-term strategy and identifies coding opportunities to create efficient vegetative buffers that balance economic growth with environmental justice considerations. As a team member I helped producing the analysis and research graphics for the final report.
[ concept design ]
The client wanted a destination for seasonal vacations and get-togethers with friends and family, that’s also suitable to be used throughout the year. The site contains a range of ecological conditions and opportunities to create outdoor spaces that accommodate and encourage mindful interaction with nature, like gardening and deer watching. One existing asset of the site is a pond that sits on the front portion, creating the perfect spot to locate the house and organize near-house landscape and pathways around it. The site includes a wetland area that required specific regulatory and ecological considerations to assure its preservation. I managed the project team, worked on site investigation and analysis, concept development and presentation.
the_fargo_project:ecological_ stormwater_guidebook roaring_waters_residence grenham_playground_at_macy_ street_park
fargo_north dakota
[ research + regional planning ] at bishop land design role: project team member+coordinator at bishop land design role: project tmanager, designer at bishop land design role: project tmanager, designer
The Ecological Stormwater Guidebook was developed as a comprehensive set of guidelines to be utilized by the city, developers, and neighborhood groups to address the unusual challenges of Fargo’s extensive stormwater infrastructure, including a large network of retention & detention basins that are used to capture excess runoff from storm and flood surges. The guidebook includes large scale ecological typologies, inspired by analogous situations found in post-glacial landscapes, that can be adapted to conditions either found or created within basins. I worked on the extensive ecological and environmental research and the development of the narrative and outline of the guidebook. I also worked on preparation of the graphic and text contents of the final book. This residential property consists of two conjoined lots’ fabulous Lake Michigan views. The client’s vision is to build two structures- a private residence and a guest cottage. BLD was commissioned to develop a master plan and conceptual design for the site that included gardens, amenity terraces at the top of a bluff, revetment construction, & lake access. The proposed design invites the energy and dynamism of the lake and its rocky edges into the site to create vibrant spaces that accommodate for larger active groups and calm solitude. Planting strategies addressed privacy requirements. Incorporation of plants helped stabilize the armor stone revetment. As project manager, I worked closely with client, house architects and revetment contractors through design and construction processes. The playground was designed to provide a multigenerational gathering space for the community of Houghs Neck in Quincy, Massachusetts. Community participation was sought early in the process and feedback was incorporated into the design of the park. A peripheral curving fence with integrated seating,provides a protected space with play equipment for young children. The open lawn area supports passive recreation and ball play. Sustainability and low maintenance were achieved by xeriscape planting. I contributed to the design from day zero through construction documentation, and administration. Site visits for contractor coordination, material testing and equipment installation were among tasks I carried out.
[ masterplan + site design ]
[ site design ]
massoud_bagheri urban/landscape/design
somerville ma (978) 942-8612 mass.bagheri@gmail.com linkedin.com/in/massoudbagheri
Tehran ‘Tamashakheneh’ Cineplex | Bachelor’s Degree Final Project | IAU-South Tehran | 2007