the Internet of Things
Words by Kenneth Muhangi
“Google and Facebook algorithms not only know exactly how you feel, they also know a myriad of other things about you that you hardly suspect. Consequently, you should stop listening to your feelings and start listening to these external algorithms instead. Whereas humanism commanded: ‘Listen to your feelings!’ Dataism now commands: ‘Listen to the algorithms! They know how you feel, when.” ― Yuval Noah Harari, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
he proliferation of the internet has ushered in an age where we are all dependent on technology to think for us and carry out even the minutest of tasks. While the internet has in most cases brought about a number of challenges, therein also lies a myriad of opportunities. Confronting these challenges requires political will as well as a new approach to utilise the internet and innovative technology not only for profit making and social connection, but for the good of the human race. The link between the internet and the devices that simplify our lives is one such connection that is now being explored to spur human and social 20
development world-over. This interoperability is what is now referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT is the use of intelligently connected devices and systems to harness data. This data is gathered by non-intrusive sensors and actuators in machines and other objects which, when connected to the internet via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and other networks, aggregate data that can be used to improve all facets of life. The Internet of Things essentially brings together advanced software with sensors
and other end-devices on a communications network. Along with advanced data analytics, IoT-enabled devices and sensors are being used to do things such as diagnose communicable and non-communicable diseases, reduce air pollution, improve crop yield, and eliminate traffic jam in large cities. In Spain for example, a citywide Wi-Fi and information network linked to sensors, software and a data analytics platform, enabled the city of Barcelona to provide smart water technology, automated street