Ready, Set, Here We Go Again!
he 55th Halifax Art Festival is being held on November 4-5th on historic Beach Street. There are over 250 artists ready to showcase an array of fine art for purchase. Andrea Pair, HAF Chair, Pam Fieldus, Artist’s Contact and all of the HAF Committee members have been at work since February to insure the “Best of Outdoor Art Festival”. This year the distinction is given to the Halifax Art Festival by HomeTown News. In addition, Daytona Beach Major Derrick Henry has made a proclamation that October 30th through November 5th is “ Halifax Art Festival Week”. in Daytona Beach. Please come and visit the artists and volunteer to help. This year the FAMILY Festival of Trees is being held on Saturday December 9th from 11am -4pm. This is a new twist to allow parents and grandparents and their children to have a fun day of activities at the Museum, along with a visit with Santa Claus. A special Holiday program will be featured in the Planetarium that day. Cost is $ 5.00 per person. ( Adult MOAS members are free). Don’t miss the Teddy Bear story time. Have fun with the kids! Finally, a new executive board has been elected and will be installed on December
Andrea Pair, Mayor Derrick Henry, Kathy Wilson
12th at the Guild’s Annual Holiday party.. Beverly Grissom will be the new President along with an energetic group of new officers. Thank you all for the past 2 and 1/2 years as President. It has been a great experience for me. I am proud of what was accomplished during these past years, with all your support and help. Kathy Wilson, MOAS Guild President
Congrats to the New 2018-2019 Guild Board of Officers President - Beverly Grissom 1st Vice President - Hilary Reilly 2nd Vice President - Andrea Pair Recording Secretary - Sandy Buckley Corresponding Secretary - Brenda Rivers Treasurer - George Fortuna Ass’t Treasurer HAF - Karrie Houlton Ass’t Treasurer FOT - TBD
November 4 | 10am November 5 | 10 am 55TH ANNUAL HALIFAX ART FESTIVAL November 14 | 10am GUILD MEETING
December 9 | 10:30am FAMILY FESTIVAL OF TREES
December 10 | 11:00am GUILD HOLIDAY CELEBRATION Full 2017-18 events calendar on page 2!
2017-2018 Guild Event Calendar Updated information about programs will be published in the Musings along with the specific details for the events listed below. Consult the Arts & Sciences Magazine for Museum events, activities and receptions. Tuesday, November 14 GUILD MEETING John Brinkley, Founder and current Chairman of the Daytona Beach Veterans Museum and Education Center The center is located on the second Floor at TicToc on Beach Street. Mr Brinkley will speak about the role the Veteran Museum plays in the local community.
Joan Horneff, Santa (Mike Armstrong), Doreen Armstrong, Karrie Houlton, Maureen Mahoney, Connie Holland, Kathy Wilson, Sue Fream, Jennie Palmer, Vicki Shultz, Andrea Pair, Diane Rogers
for a variety of duties. We also need Books, , plastic egg cartons. Come and be a part of this great event. HAF Chair: Andrea Pair 407-701-1184 Saturday November 4 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sunday, November 5 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 55th HALIFAX ART FESTIVAL Our annual fundraising event brings Beach Street to life with artists, crafters, music, food and fun. Volunteers are needed
Become a Patron of the HAF - it is an easy way to support the artists and the Museum. Special Patron Happy Hours are held on August 15th, September 12th, October 10th and the Patron reception on October 30th. RSVP to join us. Contact Patron Chair: Gloria Keay 386-453-7380
Thursday, December 9 FAMILY FESTIVAL OF TREES at MOAS 10:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. A new twist to bring families together for a day of activities and food choices. Santa will also be present along with a Holiday boutique Cost: $ 5.00 per each child and adult. Grandparents are welcome too! Tuesday, December 12 GUILD HOLIDAY CELEBRATION 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at MOAS A festive and fun holiday party for Members only. Thank you for all your support. There will be the installation of the new Guild officers for 2018-2019.
Visit for up to date event and membership information!
2017-18 GUILD EVENTS Tuesday, January 9 GUILD MEETING Planetarium with Seth Mayo, Curator of Astronomy at MOAS. We will explore the universe in the completely digital planetarium, where science, art and technology blend seamlessly to create an experience that you will not forget. Monday, February 13 FASHION SHOW AND LUNCHEON 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. What a treat to have our annual fashion show and luncheon at the Halifax Plantation as we “Spring Forward in Fashion”. Reservations contact: Jennie Palmer 386-236-9810 Cost: $35.00 Tuesday, March 13 GUILD MEETING Kathleen Hilbrandt, a Historic Woman in our Midst . Recognizing Women’s History Month brings us a World War II pilot. Kathleen will share what it was like being a woman pilot in a “Mens Only”” environment during the war. Finally granted veteran’s status in 1977, Kathleen will share the details of her most interesting life. Tuesday, April 10 ANNUAL GARDEN PARTY AND LUNCHEON Spring is in the air and the Brown Museum Courtyard will be bursting with color for our annual Garden Party. Selections that you can purchase and take home include potted plants, herbs, and beautiful blooming flowers. Cost $35.00 Limit 100 Reservations contact: Marilynn Sternberg 386-585- 4047
Monday, April 23 CHILDREN’S MUSEUM GOLF CLASSIC Come and “Play for the Kids” at our 8th annual Children’s Museum Golf Classic. Enjoy the day and play 18 or 9 holes on a spectacular private golf course at Plantation Bay Golf and Country Club. Registration will be at 7:30 am with a 9:00 am Tee Time followed by a luncheon and silent auction. Volunteers are needed. All Guild members and friends are invited to the luncheon and festivities. Cost of the luncheon only is $30.00 Reservation contact: Mike Armstrong 203-414-2379 Tuesday, May 8 GUILD MEETING Spring Thing/Fling featuring the Shenanigans, This group will surely entertain us with music and humor. You will thoroughly enjoy the group and are guaranteed to leave still chuckling.
Masterpiece Jewelers
for the Guild Fundraiser, held on Wednesday October 11th from 1-4pm. What fun we had and the Guild appreciates all that Stacey and Tracey and their staff did to make this fundraiser a success!
Artful Interludes 2018
Artful Interludes was begun several years ago as an opportunity for a small group of members (12-25) to become better acquainted with other Guild members in an interesting, enjoyable activity at nominal cost. In 2018, we will sponsor 4 events, January through April, our less busy Guild months. The dates are listed below. Plan to join us in this variety of fun and informative experiences. Exact times, travel arrangements and cost will be detailed at the December meeting. You may reserve your place by signing up after every general meeting. Numbers are limited so plan ahead.
Tuesday, January 23, 2018 Morse Museum of American Art (Tiffany Collection), Winter Park
Car pool to DeBary station and board the High Speed rail line directly into downtown Winter Park. Enjoy a private guided tour of one of the larges collections of legendary works by Louis Comfort Tiffany. Lunch in your choice of many charming restaurants. Stroll through the wonderful shops on Park Avenue. Ride back to DeBary anytime you choose.
Tuesday, February 27, 2018 Cafe 101/Southeast Museum of Photography, Daytona Beach
Luncheon and tour of current photography exhibit at Daytona State campus on ISB. Enjoy gourmet lunch prepared by the budding chefs of the Culinary School. The revolving photography exhibit is always interesting and engaging.
Tuesday, March 27 or Thursday, March 28, 2018 Gamble Place, MOAS Museum Property, Port Orange
We are introduced to this unique Museum property with a guided tour of the historic hunting lodge built by Proctor and Gamble millionaire, James N. Gamble. Enjoy a guided nature walk through native Florida woods, a catered picnic lunch, and guided boat tour of adjacent Spruce Creek.
Sunday, April 22, 2018 Athens Theatre, Deland 2:30 p.m. matinee performance of “Carousel”
Experience the popular musical, performed by a talented, professional ensemble. The Guild visited this theater in the past, and all were delighted with the expertise and polished performance. Choose lunch or dinner in DeLand.
2017-18 Board of the Guild of the Museum of Arts and Sciences President Kathy Wilson 1st V. President Ruth Ann Auditori 2nd V. President Beverly Grissom, Ed.D Recording Secretary Brenda Rivers Corresponding Secretary Diane Rogers Treasurer George Fortuna
Committee Chairs HAF Chair HAF Treasurer
Andrea Pair Karrie Houlton
FOT Chair FOT Treasurer
Joan Horneff Diane Rogers
Children’s Golf Classic Mike Armstrong
Fashion Show Chair Judy Krumbholz April Garden Party Marilynn Sternberg Artful Interludes
Sue Fream Ruth Snyder
Membership Chair TBD New Member Orientation
Long Range Planning
George Fortuna
Volunteer Hours
Maureen McAvoy
Pat Masotti- Abernathy
Hospitality Co Chairs Jane Funk
Board Advisory
Mary Alice Wnuk Joan Horneff
Musings Art Nikki Mastando Mastando Media Director For information on Board and Committee opportunities, please contact Kathy Wilson at 386-756-2342 or
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