The Master Electrician Magazine Autumn 2009

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inside MISSION SUCCESS Super data centre unveiled

WOMEN IN CONTRACTING Leading from the front line

ECONOMIC DOWNTURN The facts about redundancy

we put the new Mercedes-Benz VITO to the test



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The devastation caused by the Victorian bushfires and North Queensland floods has shown that compassion is well and truly alive in the community. Many were quick to offer support with donations and supplies coming in from all over the globe. Fundraising events were held across Australia as well as worldwide locations including Papua New Guinea, New York and Los Angeles. The electrical industry was not without a heart. Master Electrician Matt Electric offered their services and financial support. You can read more about their contribution to those affected on page 10. We follow up our last issue which featured a survival guide to the economic downturn, with a useful article on how to deal with redundancies. As many businesses face the real prospect of downsizing it is important that the decision to lay off staff is carried out correctly. Turn to page 39 to read about the facts of redundancy. In tough economic times, business owners are encouraged to collaborate with others to share information. The ECA and Master Electricians Annual Conference will assist contractors keen to pick up useful knowledge in surviving the economic crisis. The event also includes presentations covering green opportunities, cultural safety and how to keep your business family-owned. More information can be found at

Jessie Badger Associate Editor


Welcome to the third issue of The Master Electrician magazine.


contents MASTER ELECTRICIANS RACING On the right track

read more page 18


Super data centre unveiled

read more page 8

WOMEN IN CONTRACTING Leading from the front line read more page 13

COVER photo: Andre Borell General Enquiries master electricians australia 57 Berwick Street, Fortitude Valley PO Box 2438, Fortitude Valley BC Queensland 4006 phone 1300 889 198 fax 07 3251 2400 email web abn 97 131 416 183

04 up front with the regulators 10 the master electricians helping rebuild Victoria 14 securing business finance 21 meet a master electrician 22 letter of the law 27 news from distributors 30 the buzz 32 the interview 36 technical talk 38 workplace relations 42 news from head office 44 gadget guide 46 test drive 48 events calendar 49 your best (or worst) day on the job 49 your best (or worst) photo 50 last word

Editorial Contacts & Contributors editor Malcolm Richards Associate editor Jessie Badger advertising enquiries Jessie Badger phone 1300 889 198 fax 07 3251 2400 email design and print POMO 07 3844 3873

keep up-to-date yearly subscriptions (4 issues) just $38.50 or call 1300 889 198

Disclaimer: The statements and opinions expressed in this publication are offered solely in pursuance of the objects of the Electrical and Communications Association and Master Electricians Australia to provide an informative service to contractors in the electrical industry on legal, commercial and other issues and problems related to the industry. The Electrical and Communications Association and Master Electricians Australia are not aware that any person intends to act or rely upon such statements and opinions contained in this publication or the manner in which it might be possible to do so. The Electrical and Communications Association and Master Electricians Australia issues no invitation to any member or other persons to act or rely upon such statements or opinions or any of them and it accepts no responsibility for any of them. It intends by this provision to exclude, to the extent permitted by law, all liability for any such statements and opinions. The Master Electrician Magazine can be viewed online at

the master electrician : AUTUMN 09



up front with the victoria

Energy Safe Victoria The Victorian electrical industry had an exceptional response in restoring power to bushfire ravaged communities


uch of Victoria’s electricity supply network was badly damaged in the “Black Saturday” bushfires of 7 February 2009. Parts of the distribution infrastructure were totally destroyed and thousands of properties in the bushfire ravaged areas were left without power. “The response by Victoria’s electricity industry to the disaster was quite exceptional and credit must go to everyone involved – including the linespeople who restored the damaged network and hundreds of electricians who volunteered their time to get people back on supply both


successfully and quickly,” said Victoria’s Director of Energy Safety, Mr Ken Gardner. Energy Safe Victoria (ESV) also responded quickly to the situation by introducing a number of important initiatives to facilitate the reconnection process. “As the electricity safety regulator, ESV wanted to do all it could to help relieve some of the suffering of the bushfire victims and support the efforts of the amazing number of volunteer electricians who came forward to restore supplies,” Mr Gardner said. ESV initiatives included supplying hundreds of certificates of electrical safety free of charge to contractors and electricians working in the bushfire areas. Proposed changes to the electricity safety regime were also brought forward allowing Licensed Electrical Inspectors holding a G class licence to inspect the installation of generators.

Information on the safe connection of generators to electrical installations is available on the ESV website at ESV also announced it would permit builders’ poles to be used to connect properties in bushfire affected areas to the electricity supply, and remain in place for 12 months. Poles can only be used where there is not enough vegetation to pose a risk of fire. Electricians coming from interstate to help the restoration process in the fire damaged areas can obtain a Victorian licence for a period of six months at no cost to them. A large amount of electricity and gas safety advice was provided by ESV in media releases and also in flyers for emergency authorities to distribute around the areas which suffered from the bushfires. “We wanted to help as much as we could. At the same time safety could not be compromised

up front with the regulators : STATE NEWS

– hence the need for other electrical safety regulatory requirements to remain in place, with the integrity of the certification system also being maintained,” Mr Gardner said. NEW south wales

Office of Fair Trading Pilot dispute resolution services for builders and tradespeople


rom 1 March – 1 June 2009, the NSW Office of Fair Trading is piloting an expanded service which enables licensed builders and tradespeople to be able to access its free dispute resolution service if a dispute occurs with a consumer over a residential building issue. Where a consumer and trader are unable to resolve their dispute, Fair Trading will attempt to mediate an outcome that is suitable to all parties concerned. Fair Trading realises there is a greater chance of successfully resolving a dispute where there is early intervention and building inspectors who are trade qualified and highly experienced. This expanded service is available across NSW to licensed traders from all home building licence classes. It represents a significant gain

for licensees who will have access to services previously available only to consumers. If a home building licensee is in dispute with a consumer, they should contact Fair Trading on 13 32 20 or visit a Fair Trading Centre. In response to the trader enquiry, Fair Trading will contact both parties to clarify the nature of the dispute and to seek agreement, from both parties, to participate in this intervention. Depending on the nature of the matter, the possible outcomes could be: n That the matter may get resolved at the outset with a Fair Trading officer contacting both the trader and consumer; n If the matter involves defective and/or incomplete work, it will be referred for a

Where a consumer and trader are unable to resolve their dispute, Fair Trading will attempt to mediate an outcome that is suitable to all parties concerned

possible on-site mediation with a Fair Trading building inspector. If it is determined that there is defective or incomplete work, the Building Inspector may issue an order against the home building licensee. n If the dispute is solely in relation to the payment of outstanding monies or a progress payment, licensees will be advised to lodge a claim with the Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal (CTTT). Trader to trader home building disputes will continue to be handled by the CTTT. south australia

SafeWork SA

New safety standard proposed for insulation installers


mandatory safety standard for installing insulation has been earmarked by the Rann Government after two house fires in SA were blamed on incorrectly installed insulation recently. Minister for Consumer Affairs Gail Gago says feedback on a proposed new safety standard is now being canvassed from installers and related industry associations. the master electrician : AUTUMN 09


“A safety standard is clearly warranted after the Metropolitan Fire Service attributed two roof space fires in Adelaide to incorrectly installed blow-in insulation,” says Minister Gago. “It is obvious that a voluntary standard is not providing the level of protection that South Australians deserve and we will work with the bulk insulation industry to introduce a workable arrangement that offers greater safety. “The standard will be further supported by a potential penalty of up to $10,000 for any breaches of the standard.” Working in conjunction with the Office of the Technical Regulator, The Office of Consumer and Business Affairs (OCBA) is developing a safety standard that is based on the voluntary Australian Standard ‘Thermal insulation of dwellings – bulk insulation – Installation requirements’. OCBA proposes to introduce this safety standard under section 23 of the Trade Standards Act 1979 by midyear. western australia

EnergySafety WA

Electrical contractor fined over unsafe electrical work


n electrical contractor has been fined $10,000 over an incident in 2006 in which a worker received an electric shock when a drilling rig mast came into contact with high voltage power lines. Jeremy Paul Blakiston Fowler (then trading as Electro Power Services) pleaded guilty to failing


to ensure that the workplace was safe and was fined in the Perth Magistrates Court. In May 2006, Western Power had contracted Outback Power Services to perform works and construct a voltage regulator at Eneabba. Electro Power Services had then been contracted by Outback Power to supervise drilling works to be performed by a drilling contractor. On May 17, Mr Fowler and the drilling contractor were engaged in drilling holes with a drilling rig underneath power lines. The position in which the drilling contractor chose to place the rig required him to raise the mast very close to the power lines. In repositioning the rig, the lefthand outrigger was raised and the mast tilted towards the power lines. The mast touched the power lines and the drilling contractor received an electric shock and was thrown backwards from the drilling rig. The court heard that no formal prestart meeting had been held before the work commenced, and that the drilling contractor was not given any directions for the work, with the exception of where the holes were required to be placed. Mr Fowler had not checked whether the power lines were live, assuming they were. He was the person in control of the workplace, and so responsible for the drilling contractor’s safety. WorkSafe WA Commissioner Nina Lyhne said that the case once again illustrated the vital importance of taking every possible precaution when working with or near electricity. “Over the past five years, 17 Western Australians have died as a result of electrocution,

Over the past five years, 17 Western Australians have died as a result of electrocution, eight in workplaces and nine outside of workplaces eight in workplaces and nine outside of workplaces” Ms Lyhne said. “Electricity is one of WorkSafe’s operational priority areas, and a lot of time and resources are directed towards lessening the toll and educating people on how to work safely with electricity. “The employer involved in this case was an experienced electrical contractor who held all the relevant qualifications to supervise the work being performed that day. “He really should have known better than to allow a worker to perform tasks so close to live power lines, but he did not advise the worker to approach the job in any other way or discuss any other options with him. “The worker was extremely lucky to have escaped any serious injury in this incident, and the case should serve as a reminder to anyone who has control of a workplace that they have a duty of care to ensure that the workplace is as safe as is practicable.” Further information on working with electricity can be obtained by telephoning WorkSafe on 08 9327 8777 or on the website at www.

Electrical Safety Office Pay your electrical worker licence renewal on-line


ueensland electrical worker licence holders can now pay their licence renewals on-line using a credit card or BPAY. The on-line payment system through the Electrical Safety Office website accepts all major credit cards including American Express and will speed up the delivery of licence renewals. You can complete your worker renewal form and pay on-line via the website at . Just follow all the prompts and a tax receipt will be issued at the end of the process. Feedback on the new system is welcome and you can call the Electrical Safety Office on 1300 650 662.

up front with the regulators : STATE NEWS


Rewarding safe work practices


ueensland businesses of all sizes can nominate for Workplace Health and Safety’s 2009 Work Safe Awards from 28 April. The awards recognise businesses, individuals, associations, partnerships and other organisations that show a commitment to excellence in workplace health and safety. There are six categories, including ‘best solution to an identified electrical safety issue’, which recognises excellence in developing and implementing a solution to electrical safety issues. Entries for this award could include: n a product solution n engineering innovation n a training program n an awareness raising activity n a risk control measure that reduces the risk of electrocution and electrical-related injury. Entering is easy, and can be done by mail, or by visiting and completing the online entry form. Entries close 5pm 31 July 2009 so be quick. The website also contains more information about the awards, as well as details of previous winners.

Working near live parts as dangerous as working live


lectrical workers know the dangers of working live, but working near live parts whether low or high voltage can be just as dangerous. The risks associated with working near exposed live parts are the same as those associated with live electrical work. If you make contact, either directly or through any conducting medium, you put your life at risk. Even insulated parts can be hazardous for electrical workers in some circumstances, so taking risks with exposed parts is asking for trouble. Treat all exposed parts in switchboards, equipment control panels and similar situations as live unless they are tested and proven otherwise. This means doing a risk assessment and using appropriate safety controls. Evaluating the risks and developing controls helps you develop safer work practices, and most importantly, it means you get to go home at the end of the day. It is vital for employers to provide adequate information and training to their workers so they can identify hazards, assess risks in the course of their electrical work and apply a safe system of work. Stay safe. Use a safe system of work, turn the power off, and test before working on or near live exposed parts.

the master electrician : AUTUMN 09


Master-planned mission:



ustralia’s newest, purpose-built data centre is complete and fully operational with five highly-secured floors, its own back-up power supply and almost 7000m² of storage area. In a joint venture with Suncorp, the Springfield Land Corporation commissioned the $220 million Polaris Data Centre to house the information of large government and corporate customers. The original plan was for a 500m² data centre that would house the IT infrastructure of Greater Springfield – a purpose built housing estate in Brisbane’s west. However, booming demand for off-site data storage soon saw Polaris grow into a much larger commercial facility, servicing a range of customers in the private and government sectors. All these clients rely on their operating systems and the information in their databases to function. It is mission-critical information.


Storing and protecting this information is a costly and highly strategic operation, often outsourced to off-site data centres such as the Polaris Data Centre. The Polaris Data centre is configured to be n + 2. This means, when n is the data currently being stored, the same problem can occur three times before any information is lost. Springfield Land Corporation executive general manager of commercial projects Chris Schroor said construction was a multiparty project. “This is an electrical and mechanical building so during construction these components were very important. “We used Theiss to construct the building and maintained a collaborative and open relationship with them and our other suppliers including electrical engineers Richard Flanagan and Company,” Mr Schroor said.

Electrical engineering While the building has to be secured from perpetrators, it also has to secure power supply. The Polaris Data Centre provides sophisticated power and cooling services that must operate at all times – even when local distributors experience power outages. Richard Flanagan and Company chief executive officer Richard Flanagan said it was an enormous logistical and technical challenge to outfit the building with its power back up system. “There are two sources of power that guarantee supply to the building at all times. “The primary source of power is from two 11,000 Volt substations that receive separate supplies from ENERGEX. “The back up supply is generated by six Uninterrupted Power Systems (UPSs) housed on the fifth level of the building,” Mr Flanagan said.

feature : POLARIS

Master Electricians Richard Flanagan and Company have helped create one of Australia’s largest, most secure and technically excellent data centres. Emily Clark investigates …

Want access?

There are five levels of security clearance to get onto a data floor of the Polaris Data Centre. The building’s security system includes: n 24 hour physical presence security n Full internal and external CCTV n Bullet-proof rooms n Swipe access to lifts n Fingerprint scanners n Weighted man-trap cylinders n And if you want to get in the front door you have to provide photo identification to prove you’re one of the pre-authorised visitors.

Got cables? The electrical outfitting of The Polaris Data Centre required: n 2 kilometres of bus duct n 71 tonnes of fire-rated sub-main cable n 16 tonnes of high-voltage cable n 30 tonnes of TPS and XLPE cable n And numerous kilometres of cable tray and ladder.

The two sources of power, ENERGEX and UPS,

“There is enough diesel and water stored

Mr Schroor said the data centre was built

work in conjunction with one another to ensure a complete back up of the building’s systems and ultimately the clients’ information. “The ENERGEX power is reticulated to two 6 x 3MVA transformers within private substations in the ground floor of the building. “Through a series of bus ducts the system reticulates the power from these private substations to six main switch boards also located on the ground floor. “From here the power is reticulated up to the different data-storage floors of the building,” Mr Flanagan said. “The six 2.4MVA Piller UPSs on level five of the building are always in circuit should the ENERGEX power fail, securing the power supply to the data centre.” Mr Schroor said in one year the Polaris Data Centre will have only 21 minutes of downtime.

on-site for the data centre to run for 48 hours independently of the power grid. “When the data centre is operating at full capacity it is essentially a 20 Megawatt power station,” Mr Schroor said.

with a look to the future with inbuilt upgrading systems relatively simple to initiate. “We can add additional modules to the system to double the capacity without disrupting the operations of the data centre. “We can do a full upgrade and add new generators and chillers and no current information will be affected in any way,” Mr Schroor said. The supply to the building is currently 800MW per square meter but it can be upgraded to 1500MW per square metre with little effort, increasing its capacity to operate storage and cooling facilities. “The Polaris Data Centre is built to be modular, flexible, and scalable to take advantage of tomorrow’s requirements,” Mr Schroor said.

The finished product The Polaris Data Centre opened in January when customers including the Queensland Government, Suncorp, Ipswich City Council, British Gas, NEC, and Citec moved in. The Queensland Government uses the Polaris Data Centre as a hosting platform to store mission-critical information such as criminal records and licensing information. The occupancy rate of the Polaris Data Centre climbed towards 100 per cent even before it was complete.

the master electrician : AUTUMN 09


The Master Electricians helping

rebuild Victoria 10

Want to

When devastating fires engulfed Victoria recently Australians quickly launched into action, donating everything from money to food and even blood.

help a good cause? 1. To support the victims of the Victorian bushfires or the Country Fire Authority, please visit www.redcross. or 2. To support RACQ Careflight, please visit or phone (07) 5503 5800.

Seeking Experienced Electrical Tradespeople



aster Electricians Matt Electric recognised the need of Victorian residents and sought to assist both financially and by providing services where possible. These victims must first recover from their ordeal before they can move forward and re-build their lives. That is why the thousands affected by this tragedy need members of the public to help make the process as painless and stress-free as possible. Matt Electric acted immediately when tragedy struck, contacting disaster recovery organisations and offering their services to assist bushfire victims. They have also pledged one dollar for every hour each technician from the company works in Victoria for the rest of 2009. Matt Electric’s commercial manager Scott Lyall said the company wants to assist as much as possible to help communities recover from the devastating bushfires. “We estimate our ‘dollar for hour’ pledge will equate to somewhere between $20,000 and $30,000 in total. “We are currently talking with the various authorities and charities about the best way for us to provide services as and where they are needed,” Mr Lyall said. Because the fires were among the worst in Australia’s history, there is little precedent for the recovery process. However, difficult times and events have historically brought out the best in Australians – both individuals and businesses – and the Victorian fires have proved no different.

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the master electrician : AUTUMN 09


Google to Help Electricity CustomerS Track Power Usage Google said it would use its software skills to help consumers track their home energy usage and thereby lower demand and the global warming emissions that come from producing electricity.

“In these economic conditions, and with unpredictable situations occurring like these bushfires, it is important for individuals and companies alike to dig deep. “If there is any room whatsoever for you or your company to help either in donated time or money, these groups and causes all need our assistance. “Our donations are the lifeblood of these organisations,” Mr Lyall said. In addition to supporting the victims of the Victorian bushfires, Matt Electric has been involved with several community organisations in Queensland, including the Palm Beach Currumbin Rugby Football Club, The Palm Beach

difficult times and events have historically brought out the best in Australians – both individuals and businesses – and the Victorian fires have proved no different

AFL Junior Football Club, and RACQ Careflight. Time and materials are also routinely donated to various surf lifesaving clubs and related charities. Matt Electric’s managing director Matthew Hanley said the company is only too happy to assist these groups and others in need. “Our company is fortunate enough to be in a position where we can help others achieve their goals, and further assist those in need. “We don’t think twice about committing ourselves to a cause like the Victorian bushfire victims. We are there to provide aid and services where needed,” Mr Hanley said. Mr Lyall said that even in times of crisis or economic strain, it is important any electrical work is conducted by a professional. “At Matt Electric, we are about safety first. “If members of the public aren’t sure about anything electric, it’s important they contact a licensed electrician. “There are many dangers when it comes to electrics, and doing it yourself isn’t worth the risk,” Mr Lyall said. To learn more about Matt Electric, its services or charitable activities, please visit

The move is part of Google’s effort to pump hundreds of millions of dollars into renewable energy, electricity-grid upgrades and other measures that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Google PowerMeter is currently being tested by employees and is not yet available to the public.

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from the front line



Trudy Scott is a woman who knows how to hard-wire a business for success. Gemma Ward reveals how Trudy uses her leadership skills to boost her business and employee morale.


t’s no secret – good managerial and leadership skills are the keys to a successful business. Talent, skill, and experience are important in our business, but they are expected when you work for a Master Electrician. Trudy Scott, the Managing Director of Pulse Electrical in Brisbane, told The Master Electrician the secret behind her company’s continued success is determination. “From day one, we have been determined to create a future for our business that we ourselves want to live in. After all, if we don’t create our future, somebody else will just do it for us,” she said. Trudy and her husband Robert started out as most electrical contracting businesses do – as a husband and wife team. While Rob worked long days on site, Trudy was busy raising two children, working full-time as Queensland’s only female IT Manager for Main Roads, and doing the business accounts at night. “Having a career was always important to me, and I was empowered by the position I had achieved at Main Roads,” Trudy said. “But at the end of the day, it was just work – I didn’t own it and I never would. What Rob and I were chasing was a sense of ownership in our jobs; something that would not only grow the business, but help us to grow as individuals also.” An educational seminar for entrepreneurs gave Trudy and Rob the vision they needed to take Rob Scott Electrical to the next level. And in 2003, after much research and financial investment, Rob Scott Electrical became Pulse Electrical.

“Professional and educational seminars are crucial for our industry. Discussing new ideas and winning business strategies with likeminded people are the most important business development activities a manager can undertake. I regularly attend seminars and conferences on behalf of Pulse, because as a woman, I enjoy the experience of furthering my education and business skills in a social environment,” Trudy said. Today, Trudy and Rob have turned their vision into reality and they are the directors of a multiskilled team of more than 90 people based at four different branches across Queensland. “Knowing I’m responsible for such a large team inspires me to push myself, because I know that I’m not just working for myself, I’m working to improve our business and the jobs of more than 90 people,” she said. “However, we were determined to retain the close-knit team environment we had when we first started Pulse. Team meetings and constant communication with each other have helped us to sustain our personal team environment. It also helps everyone to understand how their roles contribute to our overall success.” During the economic downturn Trudy insists that it has never been more important to know who you are and what you stand for as a company. “We spent a long time building our Code of Honour, which has become the central idea behind everything we do; it’s who we are as a company, its why our team members are so loyal,

and it’s often the reason why customers choose us over other contractors,” she said. The Pulse Electrical Code of Honour lists several rules which its team members must follow, including: work with the game in mind, never abandon a team mate in need, danger or trouble, and only make agreements that they are prepared to keep. During her career, Trudy has learnt that there is nothing more important than keeping a healthy balance between work and family. “Sometimes work does clash with family time. But if you and your business are in good physical, mental, and financial shape, then I’ve found that you can get through anything,” she said. Trudy keeps her business in shape by keeping her team up-to-date with the latest industry knowledge, by holding regular team-building activities, and by getting her different teams together to review the year and plan for the future. “As a Managing Director of Pulse, it’s my responsibility to keep the communication flowing through the business and through our teams on the front line. My front line team also helps me to keep our business relationships strong and the business goals in check. Naturally, the women at Pulse do this flawlessly!” she joked. Good managerial and leadership skills are the keys to a successful business, but, Trudy adds, “These skills are only useful if you have established a mutual trust and respect with your partner and team members. Trust and support are essential.” the master electrician : AUTUMN 09


finance securing business

in a tough environment

The economic climate might have you thinking it will be difficult to access credit, but The Master Electrician discovered banks are standing firm on their policies for business customers.


Financial products n

Working overdraft Asset finance n Larger loan n

Application criteria n Cash-flow n Current n



and future income

rumour is moving around the Australian banking industry suggesting banks are changing their credit policies and suspending lending to business customers. While it’s true that big businesses around Australia are having difficultly securing corporate loans in the midst of the global financial crisis, the credit situation for small business customers is completely different. According to Commonwealth Bank Chief Operating Officer for local business banking Bernard Tanner, now is the time for contractors to look at their finance options. “Small business finance opportunities still very much exist,” Mr Tanner told The Master Electrician. “All banks are out there, at the moment, trying to be proactive in reaching small business customers. “I would encourage any business owner to come in and talk to their bank,” Mr Tanner said. Mr Tanner insists the million-dollar debts of Australia’s big businesses will not affect small business credit policies. “Small business operators have less debt and therefore have less risk, especially when they are borrowing against equipment and vehicles or have some other security,” he said. If you are an electrical contractor considering your finance options, Mr Tanner recommends the best place to start is to simply meet your local business banker.

“The first thing we do is sit down for a face-toface conversation about a customer’s business and what things they are looking for from their bank. “We don’t just meet large corporate clients. We are interested in sole-traders and owner-operators and we’re interested in their businesses.” Once you are comfortable with your business banker and have introduced them to your business, they will discuss the different financial products available and which will best suit your individual situation. The Commonwealth Bank recommends three financial products to electrical contractors: a working overdraft, asset finance, or a larger loan. Each of these products is suitable to different situations. The reason your business needs finance will generally determine which product is best for you. For example, if a business needs a new workshop a larger loan facility would be best, but if it needs some working capital until an invoice is paid, a working overdraft would be most suitable. Once you and your bank have determined the financial facility that is most suited to your needs, the application process will begin. Finance applications are generally assessed on three criteria: cash-flow, current and future income, and any assets the business holds. Mr Tanner said the best thing an electrical contractor can do to help the application process is effectively identify their income and expenses.

“For small business owners, the equity in their home can be used as security against their business finance without any day-to-day integration of the customer’s business and personal banking.” The application process will differ from business to business but the most important advantage you can give your business is to develop a professional relationship with your business banker. “We want to understand our customers’ businesses so we know when their tools may need upgrading and how important the upgrade is to their business,” Mr Tanner said. “Furthermore, we want to know about their goals and aspirations for their business, where they are at and where they want to be.” If your bank knows what you are planning or what struggles may arise it can support you through the changes. “In difficult times, we encourage businesses to get in contact with their bank early. “If this environment is affecting your business get into your bank and have that conversation,” Mr Tanner said. “Constant communication with your business banker will support the growth of your business.”

Hazardous area and HigH Voltage installation audits


“Banks need to be sure businesses can cover the finance repayments. “For employees, they provide their contract and a copy of their pay slips but for electrical contractors they are working to create employment for themselves. “We need to sit down and understand their processes so the bank can make an informed estimate of the future income stream,” Mr Tanner said. “We look at historical tax returns and for proof that the business is up and running.” The bank will assess the business’s assets to determine any potential finance security. If there is security on the loan, the risk to the bank is lower and therefore the finance attracts a lower interest rate. “That is why the asset finance facility is so relevant to electrical contractors,” Mr Tanner said. “Contractors can keep their equipment and vehicles up to date by borrowing for them and they will receive a lower interest rate because the materials they buy are security for the finance.” Mr Tanner said even if no business assets exist, owner-operators can use other personal assets to secure business finance. “Residentially secured debt is less risky than commercial debt.

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the master electrician : AUTUMN 09



Master Electricians take to the grid


aster Electricians are backing race car driver Andre Borell in the 2009 Genuine Ford Parts Australian Formula Ford Championship. The future star of Australian motorsport has graduated to one of the most competitive series in Australia after two successful years in the Queensland State Championship. Many of the world’s top drivers have come through


the ranks of Formula Ford to score major international successes, such as Formula One driver Mark Webber. Borell kicked off the championship series at the chaotic Australian Grand Prix at Albert Park in March. After engine trouble in the practice Andre was at a disadvantage from the start. The qualifying session saw cars crashing and bringing out red flags on two occasions. He finished 17th

in the first race and crashed out in the second but his hopes remain high for future rounds. “I’m confident of scoring points and running in the Top 10. From Tasmania onwards we’ll start aiming for podiums” Andre drives a Van Diemen RF06 and although the British marque has suffered from a lack of numbers on the grid, Borell remains confident.


“I know there is nothing wrong with the Van Diemen. The company has been around for a long time, and knows what they are doing when it comes to building Formula Fords,” Borell said. Master Electricians Australia have partnered with Andre to invest in the young star’s future as well as promoting the Master Electricians brand according to Master Electricians CEO Malcolm Richards. “The Master Electricians brand is all about raising the bar on quality and safety. Our partnership with Andre will help to raise awareness of the importance of electrical safety in the community,” Mr Richards said. the master electrician : AUTUMN 09


What’s slowing you down? How often is your day slowed down because you don’t have access to the information you need? These may be common occurrences that slow you down... • A customer calls and asks if you can do a job on Tuesday and you have to get back to him. By the time you do, he’s booked it elsewhere. • Your estimate gets lost and you can’t remember exactly what you quoted. • Your employees have to travel to the office just to hand in paperwork. • You forget to invoice for parts used on a job.

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master electrician

In this edition’s Meet a Master Electrician, we introduce you to Kieran Francis, a fellow Master Electrician and manager of Manfield Colair in Nhulunbuy, Northern Territory.


t’s a little known truth, but city suit-types are jealous of electricians. And after listening to Kieran Francis rave about his trade, you can understand why. “As electricians, we have freedoms that city suits will never have. We have the freedom to work anywhere in Australia, the freedom to instantly see the results of our work, and the freedom to be in a stable job and booming industry during these tough times,” Kieran said. Kieran has come a long way from his days as an apprentice at ABB Australia. During his career, he has worked all over Australia and is currently the manager of Manfield Colair in the Northern Territory. “When I was first starting out in the trade, I was constantly looking for ways to learn from the older guys. I took every opportunity that came my way and I believe it’s because of my hard work that I’ve achieved the great job I have today,” he said.

In his current position, Kieran is responsible for leading 30 electrical tradespeople to deliver on site electrical support to Rio Tinto’s Gove alumina refinery and mine. During his day, Kieran is also responsible for managing contracts and ensuring that on site OH&S objectives are met. “I enjoy the satisfaction of working with my team to overcome the daily challenges we encounter on site. Working with people who enjoy their job just as much as I do is rewarding in itself, and I think we deliver a higher quality of work and service to our customers because of this,” he said. Working on the $1.8 billion Bechtel LNG pipeline and power station project in Darwin was a great professional experience for Kieran. His next goal: to help pioneer renewable energy technologies and encourage renewable energy projects in Australia. “Renewable energy is an area in our trade which is still in its early stages of development, but it’s the way of the future. It’d be a great professional

Name: Kieran Francis Company: Manfield Colair

meet a master electrician : KIERAN FRANCIS

meet a

achievement to be involved in bringing renewable energy projects and technologies to life and to our local communities,” Kieran said. As a senior electrician, Kieran encourages Manfield Colair and other electrical contracting businesses to continue to employ apprentices during these tough times. “It’s never been more important for us to take charge of our industry and support our apprentices; they’re the future of our industry. It’s up to us to ensure that when the economy turns around, there are top quality tradespeople ready to get to work,” he said. As for Kieran’s choice to work in the NT, “You can’t beat it for work-life balance, and a great fishing trip. It’s the place to be!” Being a Master Electrician certainly has its perks!

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the master electrician : AUTUMN 09


letterof the law Is my company insolvent?


t is important to determine if your company is insolvent because: 1. If it is, you as a director, will be personally liable for the debts of the company… so you could lose everything you own; and 2. It assists you as the directors, to formulate a plan to avoid insolvency, save the business and your employees’ jobs and to avoid issues with creditors, lenders and the Tax Office. As directors you need to be aware of the company’s financial position and know whether it has crossed the line from “Financial Distress” to “Insolvency”. Insolvency can be difficult to establish at any given point in time. In essence, the question you as the directors must ask is: Is the company able to pay all of its debts as and when they become due and payable? The answer will not always be clear. So, to help you get the right answer, McKays Solicitors have prepared the following checklist. Depending on your answers to these questions, you may need to seek professional advice urgently. The attached guide is indicative of insolvency and is not a definitive test. One to two indicators may not necessarily indicate insolvency but if the indicator persists you should see your accountant. More than two indicators or persistent indicators means your company is probably insolvent and you should contact your solicitor, together with your accountant and an insolvency practitioner, to get the best advice to move forward. For more information contact McKays Solicitors on 07 3223 5900 or visit


Insolvency Indicators Banks 1 2

Exceeding overdraft limits and unable to obtain further credit No access to alternate finance or ability to raise equity

n n

Creditors 3 4 5 6 7

Increasing debt - (liabilities greater than assets) Statutory demands & legal action Creditors unpaid and outside of usual terms of trade Poor cash flow Issuing post dated cheques & dishonoured cheques

n n n n n

Suppliers 8 9

Suppliers demanding payment before supply Suppliers stop supply

n n

Losses / Stock / Maintenance 10 Ongoing unsustainable losses 11 Falling Stock levels 12 Postponement of essential maintenance

n n n

Key Debtors 13 Unrecoverable Loans Owed to Company 14 Key Debtor goes broke

n n

ATO 15 ATO demands from overdue taxes


Financial Records 16 Incomplete Financial Records



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from distributors

CitiPower and Powercor

CITIPOWER and POWERCOR win emergency recovery award CitiPower and Powercor have won a prestigious international award for its emergency response to the major, gale force wind storms that rocked Victoria in April 2008. The “Emergency Recovery Award,” presented annually by US based Edison Electric Institute (EEI), recognises exceptional efforts in restoring power services disrupted by severe weather or other natural events. Following an international nomination process, a panel of judges chose CitiPower and Powercor as winners, acknowledging their exceptional efforts to restore 99.9 per cent of customers impacted by sustained power outages after just one day. The wind storms were among the worst the state has ever seen, bringing hundreds of trees down across power lines and contributing to major impacts for rail networks, the closure of major arterial roads and thousands of calls to the State Emergency Service.

The 130 kilometre-per-hour winds affected around 400,000 electricity customers across Victoria, of which 140,000 are supplied by CitiPower and Powercor. “CitiPower and Powercor worked tirelessly to execute the challenging effort to bring their

news from distributors : WHAT’S HAPPENING IN YOUR INDUSTRY


customers back on line,” said EEI President Thomas R. Kuhn. “The company’s actions offered a terrific example of our entire industry’s determination to restore power safely and as quickly as possible.”

the master electrician : AUTUMN 09



Apprentices to the fore in Upper Hunter “backyard blitz” As many as 20 EnergyAustralia apprentices are presently involved in an electrical “backyard blitz” for residents and businesses in the Upper Hunter townships of Scone and Aberdeen in New South Wales. The apprentices are gaining hands-on experience in a $33 million project that involves development of a new regional substation at Scone and a new, high-voltage power line between Aberdeen and Scone. The second, third and fourth-years are among 153 apprentices presently being trained as line workers, cable jointers, electrical mechanics, motor mechanics and fitter/ machinists at EnergyAustralia’s Wallsend and Muswellbrook training facilities. EnergyAustralia’s Executive General Manager Engineering, Geoff Lilliss, said many of the apprentices involved in the SconeAberdeen upgrade would be delivering improved electricity supply to their own community’s doorsteps. “This work will benefit more than 6000 customers in Scone and surrounding areas such as Gundy, Kayuga, Segenhoe, Parkville, Wingen and Bunnan,” Mr Lilliss said. “So for many of these young people, it represents something of a backyard blitz.

SP AusNet


Electricity poles connecting schools to the web

ENERGEX agrees to land swap for future power substation in Withcott

In a Victorian first, SP AusNet, east Gippsland’s local electricity provider together with VERNet, Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board and East Gippsland Institute of TAFE (EG TAFE) have worked together to use electricity poles to expand fibre optic cable to east Gippsland. This cable extension runs along the existing electricity network and connects EG TAFE to broadband as well as making fibre optic cable available to the wider education sector in the region. SP AusNet spokesperson Natasha Whalley said the connection was a significant achievement, connecting the two regional towns of Bairnsdale and Lakes Entrance, providing the education sector with critical connectivity requirements across the region, which directly benefits local communities. “It’s a great win for the local communities, the local TAFE and also the emergency services, as this new fibre optic cable will be used to improve and upgrade computer connections in this region for all parties involved,” Ms Whalley said. VERNet Chief Executive Officer Roger Tanton said collaboration had been the making of this project. “Fibre networks are becoming a foundation of modern economies. This project shows that by getting together the private and public sectors, we can make this more affordable,” Mr Tanton said.

ENERGEX has recently purchased land in the township of Withcott in Queensland that will house a new substation in future years to accommodate the on-going residential and industrial growth in the area. ENERGEX originally had land to construct a new station adjacent to the existing electricity network near the Warrego Highway, however ENERGEX has worked with the Lockyer Valley Regional Council to source a more communityfriendly site. The $1.3 million substation will now be located 500m north from the intersection of Roches Rd and Warrego Highway in an industrial area. The substation will benefit the community by providing improved power supply to 1500 homes and businesses in the Lockyer Valley area.

German Thief Electrocuted While Stealing Copper Cables The charred body of a 32 year old man was found in Germany. Police say the man died and burned beyond recognition because of a 10,000 volt electric shock. A set of cable cutters and a pile of stolen cables were found beside his body which led Police to believe that he tried to steal a live copper cable. One of his hands was severed from his body from the shock. He was indentified because the finger prints on this hand were already on record.


Tasmanian invention detects potentially lethal electrical faults Tasmania’s Aurora Energy has launched a device invented by its employees to detect a dangerous electrical fault that has challenged the electricity industry worldwide for decades. The world-first invention – named CablePI (as in private investigator) – detects a broken

neutral fault, a relatively common but potentially lethal problem. The CablePI was tested successfully by Aurora employees with an initial roll out for residents of South Hobart and Smithton. Aurora will provide the free devices to more than 200,000 Tasmanian customers and many industries later in the year. The CablePI is a small device, about the size of a typical air freshener, which can be plugged into a normal electrical power point to detect broken neutrals.

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“Broken neutrals are potentially life-threatening and have the capacity to direct dangerous voltages into household objects,’’ Aurora Chief Executive Officer Dr Peter Davis said at the launch in Hobart. The device is considered so promising that Aurora Energy, has set up a subsidiary company EziKey Group Pty Ltd, licensed to commercialise the international patent for the product.

news from distributors : WHAT’S HAPPENING IN YOUR INDUSTRY

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the master electrician : AUTUMN 09


Productivity Placement Program As part of the Skilling Australia for the Future initiative, the Australian Government aims to provide 701,000 training places nationally under the Productivity Places Program (PPP). The PPP is essentially training delivered to job seekers and existing workers to either enter the labour market or further develop skills. The training places are industry-driven to meet

buzz the

Here’s the latest news and information from the electrotechnology industry across Australia.

critical skill shortages and provide training for expected emerging skills. The relevant State and Territory training authorities have been working with the Australian Government to implement the program to determine the qualifications that are a priority within specific geographical regions. Many training authorities have worked closely with their Industry Skills Councils and consulted key stakeholders to determine these qualifications. There





listed for the PPP which include business, telecommunications, training and assessment, gas, energy supply and electrical. The training places have been separated to meet the needs of two specific groups that are funded under the PPP to access training. These groups are: n Job

seekers, and,

n Existing


Of the total 701,000 training places allocated 309,000 will be delivered to job seekers and 392,000 delivered to existing workers. There are also 10,000 Structural Adjustment Places for those workers who receive a separation notice in industries affected by the slowing economy. Individuals who are affected need to approach the Office of the Minister for Education to access these places. Although the initiative is an Australian Government Commitment, each State/Territory is responsible for administering the PPP. Go to for a list of contact information for each State/Territory. Detailed information on the Productivity Places Program nationally is available from the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations at: Skills/ProductivityPlaces


Despite the pressure, agent gets away with 10,000 data readings Fluke recently tried their hand at video animation, Batman style, to showcase its latest Digital Multimeter. Complete with ominous music and chiselled characters, the impressive video is set in a secret industrial complex and shows our heroes dodging an armed security team. The mission – to capture 10,000 readings using the Fluke 289 Industrial Trending Digital Multimeter. In an effort to promote the Multimeter’s features, the video shows how the Fluke 289 DMM can be attached to a circuit and collect information while the operator is busy elsewhere. According to Fluke, in today’s environment of decreased staffing and greater work load, having the Fluke 289 DMM is like having another electrician on staff. The user can later review the saved data on the meter’s large display to spot anomalies and identify trends. The collected data can also be downloaded to a PC, where FlukeView Forms software allows you to create custom graphs and reports. View the video at demos/fluke_spy.asp

the buzz : issues affecting your industry

2009 Electrotechnology Annual Conference ECA and Master Electricians Australia have teamed up this year to hold the ultimate event for electrical and communications contractors. Set amid the tropical location of Darwin, attendees will hear from renowned speakers on economic survival, green opportunities, cultural safety and how to keep your business family-owned. Held from August 28 – September 1, the event promises to be value for money with a host of activities including: n Business and Technical Sessions n Trade Expo n Jumping Crocodile Cruise n Fishing Charter Expedition n Go Karting Championship n Territory Wildlife Tour n And more! For more information visit or contact 1300 889 198.

Clipsal’s changing of the guard After 17 years with Clipsal Australia including three years at the company’s helm, Executive General Manager, Erik Scholz is leaving.

China Rolls Out New Electric Buses Battery powered buses that can cover 188 miles on one charge and recharge in 20 minutes will hit the roads in China in June. Seventy of the 24-passenger buses, powered by lithium-ion batteries will be put to use in Jilin province in northeastern China. The new buses cost about US$73,145 each.

Erik, 52 has made a personal decision to retire early, to spend more time with his family and to focus on his family’s business interests. He leaves Clipsal in an outstanding market leadership position with 75 percent of the electrical accessories market, market leadership in home automation and equal leadership share of the data communications market. Since taking over the reigns of Clipsal Australia in February 2006, Erik has delivered excellent results for stakeholders, pioneered new markets, achieved market leadership in many categories, integrated key acquisitions, and always with a complete customer focus in mind. “I have been fortunate to be part of a dynamic and innovative industry. I have enjoyed

building exceptional relationships with electrical wholesalers and contractors, and working with many talented people within the company. As Clipsal embarks upon a new era in a new home at Gepps Cross, I wish the company every success for the future.” Erik has also played a crucial role in the delicate transition of Clipsal from a family business (Gerard Industries) to become part of parent company, Schneider Electric. “I would like to thank Erik for his many contributions to the business in the Pacific region and beyond,” said Lionel Finidori, Managing Director, Schneider Electric Pacific Zone. Erik Scholz is succeeded by General Manager, Pacific ISC (Installation Systems and Control), Damien Cummins.

If you have something to submit, please email

the master electrician : AUTUMN 09


interview with Joe Hockey

In our Summer edition, The Master Electrician spoke with Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard about the Government’s response to the global financial crisis. Last month we crossed the political divide to speak with Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey – a key member of the Opposition’s leadership and policy group.


I’m really enjoying the challenge. The majority of my professional and political career has been within the economics and finance sphere so this is quite a natural transition. The economy is at the front and centre of Australian politics and so it’s a great privilege to be appointed to this central role. What would be your number one priority if you became the Treasurer? I think the number one priority has to be to protect Australian jobs. So far not a single action of the Rudd Labor Government has delivered Australians the job protection or job security they were promised. First we had the $10.4 billion December cash-splash that was meant to create 75,000 new jobs. Then we had the $15.2 billion COAG package that was to create 133,000 jobs, the $4.7 billion Nation Building Package to create 32,000 and finally the $42 billion Nation Building and Jobs Plan to protect up to 90,000 jobs. That’s more than $72 billion dollars of taxpayer money committed on a promise to protect or create Australian jobs. However, what we’ve

actually seen is that during this period is over 80,000 Australians lose their full-time jobs – a far cry from the 330,000 jobs that the Government promised its policies would create. The best way to protect jobs is to create incentives for businesses to continue to employ. The Coalition believes that reducing the cost of employment to employers is integral to protecting and creating jobs for Australians, and we’ll continue with policy initiatives that aim to achieve this. How do you rate the Government’s economic strategy during this global financial crisis? I think the greatest challenge at the moment is for the Government to demonstrate they actually have a well-considered economic strategy and not just a political one. If you look at the decisions made by Kevin Rudd and Wayne Swan since their election you can clearly identify a number of instances where the Government has made the global financial crisis worse for Australians. For example, when Kevin Rudd and Wayne Swan talked up inflation in early 2008, interest rates increased. This effectively put the brakes on the Australian economy at a time when, with

the global financial crisis looming, we should have been going for growth. Their rhetoric also terrified thousands of Australians who, fearing that interest rates would continue to rise, fixed their home loans and are now stuck paying rates of around 9 per cent. Then came the bungled mess of the bank deposit guarantee, which created huge distortions in credit markets, catalysing a major run on cash and mortgage funds and ultimately left over 200,000 Australians without access to their retirement savings. Now we have the $42 billion stimulus package which in my opinion, is badly targeted and not money well spent. What’s more, every cent of the package is coming from borrowed money which will leave future generations with billions of dollars of debt. We were one of the best-placed countries going into this downturn and I fear that the Government’s actions will leave us worse off heading out of it.

the interview : WITH JOE HOCKEY

How have you settled into your role as Shadow Treasurer?

How has your family’s small business background helped to shape your views of how government should operate? Coming from a small business background has solidified my belief that small business really is the engine room of the Australian economy. I think

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the master electrician : AUTUMN 09


the interview : WITH JOE HOCKEY

I think the greatest challenge at the moment is for the Government to demonstrate they actually have a well-considered economic strategy

that it is vitally important that this engine room doesn’t suffer neglect. The role of Government should ultimately be to make it easier for small businesses to do business with appropriate but not excessive levels of regulation. I don’t think that the Rudd Labor Government is effectively delivering policies to help support small business owners ride out this economic downturn.

How well do Australians know the “real” Joe Hockey? Is there another side to you apart from your public persona? I like to think it’s very much “What you see is what you get” when it comes to my public persona versus the ‘real’ Joe. I think Australians like to see a real person and I like to think that’s how I come across. How do you like to unwind away from public life? At the moment I’m in training for a walk up Mt. Kilimanjaro in July with the Humpty Dumpty Foundation – a charity that raises money to purchase equipment for children’s hospitals across Australia. In politics it can be hard to find time to unwind, but when I do have some down time I like to spend it with my family, including my wife Melissa and my two children Xavier and Adelaide.

What advice do you give business owners, particularly those struggling as a result of economic conditions? Three words: Keep on trying. I think it’s important to believe that you can ride out these tough times. I remember as a young boy the 1974 recession when my father, who ran a small real estate business, came home one day and said to us: “I don’t think we’re going to make it.” But my mother refused to have a bar of this and said that failure was simply not an option. We would all work together and do whatever was required to make it through. I think it’s messages of hope like these that are crucially important in both good times and bad. What areas of the Australian economy require the most urgent attention or reform? I think one of the biggest problems facing our economy at the moment is the lack of credit flow, particularly to small business. The problem is that it’s difficult to get credit flowing when there is such a complete lack of confidence in the system. Late last year when Kevin Rudd told Australians that things were going to get worse before they got better, he took a cricket bat to the confidence of Australian consumers and business. The Government needs to start injecting confidence back into the system with both its actions and its words and quit scaring Australians with its rhetoric of doom and gloom.


Two Brothers Killed by Electrocution at Foam Party in Turkish Hotel Two Israeli tourists, brothers aged 18 and 14, were electrocuted to death at a foam party in the Turkish resort town of Antalya. During the party, a foam machine shortcircuited, causing the brothers’ death and injuring others.

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technical talk

Understanding Fault Loop Impedance


andatory electrical testing procedures are often the final task completed and are vital to ensuring our electrical obligations are met. Electricians who install electrical equipment have an obligation to ensure that, once the electrical equipment is completely installed, they test to ensure it is electrically safe. The Earth Fault Loop Impedance test is conducted to ensure the disconnection of supply occurs in the required time if a fault of negligible impedance (dead short) occurs between the active conductor and any exposed conductive part or the protective earthing conductor within the installation. For disconnection to occur, the impedance of the earth fault loop from the supply transformer to the fault and back to the supply transformer, “Zs”, must be low enough to cause a current to

flow which will ensure the protective device will operate within the required time. To ensure disconnection takes place the Electrical Contractor is now required to verify the fault loop impedance at the most distant point of the circuit under test. Clause of the wiring rules describes the two basic methods of verification for Fault Loop Impedance. a) Isolate the circuit under test and connect the circuit active conductor to the circuit protective earthing conductor at the origin of the circuit (switchboard). Then at the most distant point on the circuit, measure the resistance between the active and earth conductor. The value obtained (Rphe) should not exceed the value given in Table 8.2 for the conductor size and associated protection device.

Illustration of the system from the supply source to a building


b) Where supply is available the Fault loop impedance may be tested with an appropriate test instrument and the result verified by Table 8.1. The use of a test instrument has the advantage of including all factors, such as bad connections and back e.m.f.s’ generated by adjacent lines and other loads on the system. Appendix B in the wiring rules provides a detailed description of the principle of Automatic Disconnection of Supply (B4.1) and the Earth Fault Loop (B4.4), calculation (B4.5) and measurement (B4.6). Table B1 offers a guide to maximum circuit lengths based on conductor size and protective device rating. ECA members and Accredited Master Electricians can contact the Technical Team on 1300 889 198 for any enquiries on Fault Loop Impedance.


ore than a decade has passed since the then Minister for Communications, Richard Alston, announced in 1998 that Australia would adopt digital television. In 1999 this decision was further enhanced by the government’s decision to adopt High Definition Television (HDTV). The present federal government, through Minister Stephen Conroy, announced in October last year: “The digital television switchover is a challenge on the scale of the 1966 decimal currency change...” It was at this time that the Government announced the switchover timetable, commencing in Mildura/Sunraysia in January next year and scheduled for full completion nationally by the end of 2013. Now that the country has a timetable and a government commitment, everyone in the industry can move forward and prepare for the change. However, as service providers, we are currently in the position to pick up on the knowledge and skills needed for what should be an opportunity for business growth. The government recognises that more than 42 per cent of Australian homes have a digitalready television – including connections to pay TV source – with many having more than one.

Did you know that Digital TV was officially launched in January 2002 in metropolitan centres, and rolled out in regional areas by 2004? How many presently work on legacy analogue television cabling systems for their Free-To-Air (FTA) content? It is very likely that digital TV Broadcasting is already available in your area, and that customers are not aware of what to do to make use of it. What’s more important is the possibility that they will lose the analogue signals they currently tune into due to the government’s mandate to turn off analogue broadcasts by 2013. The timing for the switchover is different for each area. Information can be obtained from the Australian Government’s web site at www. HDTV heralds a new era of high quality picture and sound content, improved information services and more programming. However, customer experience will be affected by the ability of their equipment to receive the broadcast signals properly due to the new frequencies in use for Digital TV. It is possible that many households will have to re-equip their TV cabling and antenna systems to receive the digital signals successfully. This may include upgrading the antenna, or the whole system.

Any new system should be capable of supporting PayTV signals, and may therefore need PayTV supplier approved cabling and connectors. The free-to-air (FTA) broadcasters formed an organisation to improve the awareness of FTA digital TV in Australia that can be accessed at their website: At this site you will find information on programming and you can observe the difference between standard definition channels and high definition channels. High Definition channels contain the higher quality sound and video content promised by HDTV, and require high definition-capable set top boxes to receive them. Ultra High Definition (also called Super High Definition) is currently under development and planned for Japan in 2015, although there are still many very high technological hurdles to be jumped.


How far have we progressed with the Digital Television ‘revolution’?

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the master electrician : AUTUMN 09


workplace relations Proposed Super Changes Could Cost Business Millions


n December 2008, the Federal Commissioner of Taxation announced a draft ruling to amend the definition of ‘ordinary times earnings’ (OTE) under the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cth) (the Act). The draft ruling expected to apply from 1 July 2009, will mean employers have to pay their employees superannuation on regular overtime and parental leave. The Act defines OTE as: (a) The total of: (i) Earnings in respect of ordinary hours of work other than earnings consisting of a lump sum payment of any of the following kinds made to the employee on the termination of his or her employment: (A) A payment in lieu of unused sick leave; (B) An unused annual leave payment, or unused long service leave payment, within the meaning of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997; and (ii) Earnings consisting of over-award payments, shift-loading or commission; or


(b) If the total ascertained in accordance with (a) would be greater than the maximum contribution base for the quarter, the maximum contribution base. This definition remains unchanged under SGR 2009/2. SGR 2009/2 SGR 2009/2 replaced draft ruling SGR 2008/ D2. Originally under the draft ruling ‘ordinary hours of work’ will include the employee’s regular and customary hours of work, even if they are regarded as overtime. This means that employers will now have to make superannuation contributions for regular and systematic overtime. However SGR 2009/2 provided that employers are not required to pay superannuation on overtime earnings due to the fact that overtime does not extend to ordinary hours of work. Under SGR 2009/2 superannuation contributions remain similar to now, OTE is still

calculated on the employee’s ordinary hours of work. The main changes under SGR 2009/2 are: n SGR 2009/2 extends OTE to bonuses which do not relate to performance, i.e. Christmas bonuses. This means that superannuation must now be contributed for any kind of bonus. n SGR 2009/2 states periods of paid leave is ordinary time pay. SGR 2009/2 is yet to deal with the status of payments made to an employee on parental leave. The Federal Government announced on May 12, 2009 that it intends to clarify the superannuation guarantee in relation to these payments. Implications for Employers Employers will need to consider the impact the draft ruling will have on their business, particularly if the employees are working large amounts of regular or systematic overtime.

workplace relations : REDUNDANCY

The Facts about Redundancy


usiness owners are starting to see the effects of the global economic downturn on their businesses, from higher product costs to loss of work. Many employers will be faced with decisions regarding the viability of their businesses and the need to downsize. Employers will be faced with cost cutting, restructuring and redundancy. In April 2009 the number of people looking for work increased to 630,000 and the unemployment rate increased to 5.5 percent according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

What is Redundancy? Redundancy is a situation when a position within an organisation becomes unnecessary due to downsizing, economic reasons, technology changes, reorganisation and mergers or takeovers. Implementing redundancies is a stressful situation for employers and employees which can be made worse if the situation is handled incorrectly. Redundancy relates to the position, not the employee. An employer may dismiss an employee and allocate the work he or she was performing amongst remaining employees. This


is a legitimate redundancy because the job being undertaken has been broken up and is no longer being performed by one person. Requirements before making an employee redundant Prior to selecting employee/s to be made redundant, consultation must take place. The consultation process involves discussing the situation with the employees to ensure they understand the direction that the company is heading towards and possibly to establish if any of the employees are agreeable to volunteer Ph: 07 3357 7244 Fax: 07 3342 6512 Mobile: 0407 435 744

MCB 1-2-3 POLE 2-63A 10kA RCBO 10-16-20-25-32A 10kA 30mA



for redundancy or if the employees are willing to accept a different position (which may mean less pay). In addition, employers should also consider their redundancy obligations under the relevant industrial instrument, their contractual obligations, potential industrial risks (i.e. union activity) and penalties for breaches. Implementing a Redundancy Strategy Determining which position/s should be made redundant is a difficult decision. Employers should implement a redundancy selection process to help alleviate any undue pressures. The redundancy selection process should consider: n The needs of the business. n The skills, experience, knowledge, training and ability of the individual. n Behaviour and attitudes including n Commitment to achieving goals and targets n Supportiveness of fellow employees n Action Focus n Cost Consciousness n Ability to handle change n Positive view of the company n When all else is equal, length of service. n SelectionELQ criteria should9/17/2008 be objective Advert eca.pdf 1:10:48 and PM nondiscriminatory.


Selection criteria should be measurable against and directly related to work requirements. Under the Workplace Relations Act 1996 (Cth) employers intending to terminate 15 or more employees on the basis that their positions become redundant, an obligation exists to contact both Centrelink and the relevant Union(s) and provide information on: n the reason for termination; n the numbers and categories of employees to be terminated and employees likely to be affected by the terminations; and n the time period over which the terminations are going to take place. This provision is not applicable to employers who are sole traders and unincorporated trusts and partnership. Sole traders and unincorporated trusts and partnerships should see their relevant State legislation for their obligations in relation to redundancy.

These alternatives may only be used when there is agreement between the employer and employees, as employees cannot be forced to take unpaid leave or pay cuts. Remember, procedural fairness must be exercised towards employees being made redundant. To avoid possible disputes and claims, redundancies must be based on genuine operational reasons. Under the Workplace Relations Act 2006 (Cth) the Australian Industrial Relations Commission does not have jurisdiction to hear unfair dismissal claims if the termination of employment is a genuine operational reason. Recently the Workplace Ombudsman fined a New South Wales Manufacturing Company $22,900 for failing to pay more than $80,000 in redundancy entitlements. It is imperative that employers handle redundancies correctly and legally.

Alternatives to Redundancy

The redundancy provisions will change under the Fair Work Act set to commence on the 1 July 2009. The Act provides that employers will have to consider alternative employment arrangements prior to making employees redundant. Where employers don’t consider alternative employment arrangements, employees will be able to bring an unfair dismissal claim.

There are alternatives to making employees redundant, these include: n Pay-cuts; n Change in the nature of employment (e.g. full time to part time or casual); n Leave without pay or n Leave on low pay.

Proposed Industrial Relations Laws

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Safety and Standards Branch and carries a unique approval number, N20187. Products like the ELQ and ELQ-TW have passed the many tests to meet the rigorous requirements of the Australian Standards.

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Are you a Master Electrician? Master Electricians deliver the highest levels of quality, electrical safety, integrity and energy advice. Why become a Master Electrician? Consumers trust the ‘Masters’ brand, and are more likely to choose a Master Electrician over the competition. Buyers equate Master Electricians with experience, quality, reliability and integrity. Through our extensive advertising to public and industry on the benefits of using a Master Electrician, you will be in demand from the public, builders, principle contractors and government.

When you become a Master Electrician, you get the following benefits: n

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news from head office

Second report on harmonised safety laws released

Master Electricians Australia is actively involved in the preparation of the new Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) harmonised laws for Australia. The latest report from the panel responsible for the process lists a number of key items for our industry. The report recommends that unions not be given the power to prosecute for an OHS offence or breach, with a section allowing any party to seek review of any decision not to prosecute. Also of interest are changes, for most states, to the “Duty of Care” requirements. The panel has strengthened personal liability provisions putting an unequivocal obligation on officers and

New Vehicle Purchasing Deal Accredited Master Electricians and ECA Members can now take advantage of a great new arrangement negotiated by us, to get fantastic deals on the purchasing and financing of new and used vehicles. The AP Group Ltd, a publicly listed company, who has dealers across multiple states in


the like, with the aim of achieving a reasonable approach to the “duty of care framework”. The recommendations call for duties of care to be imposed on all work recipients. Each work participant would have a clearly stated duty of care, while those conducting a business or undertaking will maintain their level of care as owed in current legislation. Occupational Health and Safety matters will permit unions the right of entry to a premises to consult and inspect safety breaches, documents and records. Prior notice will be mandatory with a minimum of 24 hours notice to be given to gain right of entry. While this right currently exists in some states, there are some changes included for most.

Generally all employers should be happy with the recommendations. Employer focus should now be on maintaining the existing recommendations and guaranteeing a smooth transition as the implementation process moves forward, and Master Electricians is active in this area. Unions will be expected to energetically oppose this report and its recommendations due to the loss of rights to prosecute and the expansive approaches to right of entry. More detailed versions of this commentary can be obtained from the Master Electricians website at or by calling Master Electricians Australia on 1300 88 91 98.

Australia, and represents almost every vehicle brand, is our partner in the new ECA and Master Electricians Fleet Service. To make things as simple as possible, all you have to do is call head office asking for Fleet Services, and we will take it from there, arranging for one point of contact to work through your vehicle and financing requirements with you.

You will be able to take advantage of a wide range of benefits, including ultra competitive pricing, free window tinting, and a customer rewards program. Don’t forget, this arrangement is only open to Accredited Master Electricians, and ECA Members. To see some current hot deals, turn to page 24 for just a sample of what is available.


For accurate, reliable control Time switches & Hour meters Australia’s leading range of daily, weekly and yearly time switches and hour run meters.

Hour Run Meter BW22.15 Hour Run Meter BW70

New Act is bad for business Hour Run Meter BW40

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Ohio Teacher Admits to Zapping Students Din D’Ettore, a science teacher in Mount Vernon, Ohio, admitted giving some of his students a high-voltage, static-electricity shock using a Tesla coil device to inspire them to learn about science. D’Ettore maintains participating students agreed to take part in the demonstration and were informed beforehand of a temporary mark that is occasionally caused by the device.

Daily/Weekly/Yearly Time Switch SC98

Daily/Weekly/Yearly Time Switch SC48

Who else would you trust! CROFT/AMPERE ME1/3P

The recent inquiry held by the Senate Committee looking into the new Fair Works Act, has failed to recognise the negative impact the new Act will have on businesses both large and small. In its submission to the inquiry, Master Electricians Australia (MEA) raised concerns in the following areas: n The abolition of individual agreement making, whereby the employer has the ability to negotiate terms and conditions directly with individual employees, n The introduction of flexible working arrangements as a right of employees who care for school aged children, n The reintroduction of unfair dismissal laws, n The increased right of entry powers for union officials, n Changes to agreement making laws which allow matters not pertaining to the employer/ employee relationship to be included in agreements. The concerns MEA has is not out of step with other industry associations across the country. The Committee’s disregard for these issues and the government’s subsequent passing of the Fair Works Act, means that companies and businesses will be less likely to employ new staff at a time when the business community is already very nervous. The new Act does nothing to help create new jobs.

Ampere Electrical Manufacturing Co. Pty. Ltd. 168-176 High St, Prahran, Vic. 3181. Tel (03) 9510 4333, 9510 2428 Fax (03) 9510 5940 Toll Free 1800 AMPERE (1800 267 373)

the master electrician : AUTUMN 09


gadget guide Master Electricians staff sampled some of the latest gadgets and are giving you the good oil on the best stuff! WD TV™ HD Media Player Western Digital’s TV HD Media Player turns your USB drive, into an HD media player. Connect your USB hard drive to this device and play crisp HD movies, listen to high-quality digital music, and watch slideshows of your family photos on your TV. There’s no limit to the size of your media collection; just add more drives for more movies. Supports Full HD 1080p video playback and navigation. Also works with cameras, camcorders, and portable media players that can be recognized as mass storage devices.

HPM Linear Soft-Touch Smooth as suede, HPM has launched a brand new range of Linea Soft-Touch colours, with a beautiful suede-feel finish. The new colours include rich earthy tones perfect for neutral interiors, as well as bright accent colours ideal for cheerful kitchens, children’s rooms and design-focused interiors. All products are available in standard mounting.

BenQ nScreen Following a highly successful launch internationally, BenQ has announced the Australian release of the nScreen – the clever integration of a computer inside a high definition (HD) widescreen LCD with a 16:9 aspect ratio. Dubbed a ‘net-top’ distinguishing it from the traditional desktop PC, this ingenious new product comes in two models, the 18.5” i91 and the 21.5” i221. The nScreen consists of a slimline LCD display, keyboard and mouse and requires the user to follow three easy steps; simply plug it in and switch it on and navigate a simple installation process to get online.

Cirlock Universal Lockout Device Made in Australia, Cirlock’s Universal Lockout Device for miniature circuit breakers is handy and easy to use. Simply attach to the toggle of the circuit breaker in the off position, place padlock and tag and the breaker is locked out. The device is able to securely lock out the majority of Australian used miniature circuit breakers.


If you have something to submit, please email

workplace relations : CLIMATE CHANGE

jump to success A CONFERENCE FOR SERIOUS CONTRACTORS If you’re serious about the success of your business then don’t miss this essential conference for electrical and communications contractors

Featuring presentations on: How to keep your business in the family Ken Bridges of B&R provides an insight into running a successful family business.

Buck the recession BT Financial Group’s Chief Economist shows us how to defy the recession, while our legal and financial planning gurus will get your business boom-time ready.

Go green to keep you out of the red Industry is looking towards alternative resources and despite the song it is that easy being green.

Electrical safety from the source How to avoid safety breaches and disciplinary action – real life examples from the electrical regulator.

The BIG NAMES give you the lowdown Bring your technical questions and have them answered by leading experts at the technical sessions.

Trade Expo Stay up to date with the latest products and services entering the market.

But it’s not just about business. Take part in these activities: n

Jumping Crocodile Cruise


Go Karting Championship


Fishing Charter Expedition


Territory Wildlife Tour

Visit to register

28th August to 1st September 2009 Darwin, Northern Territory

For more details visit the master electrician : AUTUMN 09


Master Electricians Racing Driver Andre Borell puts the Mercedes VITO to the test.

test drive W

hen I returned the MercedesBenz VITO 111CDI to the dealership after my test drive, I was running a fair bit late. It wasn’t because of traffic, and I didn’t have car troubles, I just didn’t want to give it back! Without sounding like a salesman, I can honestly say there wasn’t any aspect of this van I wasn’t impressed with. The VITO’s list of standard features reads more like a Mercedes Luxury car than a work van: Air Conditioning, Cruise Control, Power Steering, Speed Limiter, CD player, ABS, ESP, Electric Mirrors and Windows... the list just goes on. Aside from all that, there are also enough extras to allow you to customise your vehicle to your specific needs. Dual-cab, fully sealed bulkhead, side windows, alloy wheels and


many more features are available factory-fitted. The VITO is also only one of two commercial vehicles in Australia to have a 4-star ANCAP safety rating. So how does it drive? Your first impression when you get in the driver’s seat, is that it doesn’t feel like you’re in a van. The seating position is comfortable, the footwell is spacious, and the dash and instrumentation are both functional but stylish. I drove the 111CDi which is the middle of the range, 2.1L Turbo-Diesel, producing 85kW and almost 300 ‘torques’ (to use a Jeremy Clarksonism). The VITO also comes in a less-powerful 109CDI, a more powerful 115CDI. The top of the range is the super-quick 120CDI (150kW @ 3800rpm, 440Nm @ 1600-2400rpm). All Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicles are now

Diesel-engined, and in an age where a Diesel powered car can win the Le Mans 24hr, this doesn’t mean they are slow. The handling, once again, is not van-like at all. It rides well, absorbs bumps, but can handle some punishment in cornering. The brakes respond well, and the ESP (Electronic Stability Program) will get you out of sticky situations. So, what’s the negative? The short answer: I didn’t find one. Yes the cost is slightly more than other vans, but the VITO is simply in a league of its own. With services only required every 30,000km (yes, that’s not a typo), you simply can’t go wrong. Vehicle supplied by Mercedes-Benz Commercial – Rocklea



“Your first impression when you get in the driver’s seat, is that it doesn’t feel like you’re in a van.”

vehicle details Make & Model Engine Power Torque Fuel Consumption ABS / Airbag / ESP Transmission Cost (on-road)

Mercedes Benz Vito 111CDI 2.1 L Diesel, 4-Cylinder In-Line, Double Overhead Camshaft (Turbo Charged & Intercooled) 85kW @3800rpm 290Nm @1600-2600rpm 8.1L/100km YES / YES / YES 6spd Manual or 5spd Auto $40,990.00

the master electrician : AUTUMN 09


what’s on autumn 2009

JUNE09 3rd June

16th – 18th June

State of Origin 1



10th – 12th July

31st July – 2nd August

V8 Supercars – Dunlop Townsville 400

Queensland Safety Show & Queensland Materials Handling

ANZ Stadium, Sydney


V8 Supercars – Norton 360 Sandown Challenge

Townsville 400


Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre

15th July

Burswood Dome

19th – 21st June

21st August – 23rd August

Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane

14th June

RNA Showgrounds, Brisbane

13th – 15th June

National Tradesmans Expo – Perth

State of Origin 3

Going Green Expo

Hawkesbury Blokes Day Hawkesbury Hospital Grounds, Windsor

15th – 17th July CEDIA Expo

19th – 21st June

Convention and Exhibition Centre, Sydney

V8 Supercars – SKYCITY Triple Crown

V8 Supercars – Queensland Raceway Queensland Raceway

26th August

SkillsDMC National Conference Four Seasons Hotel Sydney

Hidden Valley Raceway

23rd June

State of Origin 2 Telstra Dome, Melbourne


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A lesson learnt the hard way Early in 1976 as a young tradesman not long out of my time, I was confident that I knew everything. So when asked by my Chief Engineer to investigate an electrical problem a friend of his was experiencing, I was quick to accept.


hen it was explained to me that the person involved was receiving a shock when using his Victa motor mower in his front yard I was devastated, and complained bitterly that this was an incredible waste of my time. Go and investigate the situation I was told in no uncertain terms. So together with an elderly installation inspector, Greg, whom I regarded as too old to know anything at all, I set off to the job. As we drove I continued to complain about

being assigned such a ridiculous investigation. Eventually Greg had heard enough and told me “just shut up, we’ve been given the job and we’re going to do it!” Upon arrival at the job site Greg took the lead and decided to do a complete test of the installation starting with main earth continuity. He handed me the smart end of the trailing earth and asked that I attach it to the earth electrode. This was located at the front of the house beside the rain water down pipe. As I went to attach the clamp it brushed against the down pipe, next thing I knew the world was a very dark place and full of sharp objects. I regained consciousness thirty feet from the down pipe and in the middle of a very well tended rose garden.

Our investigation found that the entire roof of the house was alive, as a result of a flashing slowly cutting into the mains, this meant that the down pipe was alive, and touching the greener and moister grass at its outlet onto the front yard. Consequently when the householder pushed the mower across this area which was at a higher potential than the rest of the yard, he received an electric shock. A classic case of Step Potential. So I learnt three important lessons that day. First I discovered step potential, secondly I learnt to shut my mouth and just get on with the job, and third, although it took me another thirty years to absorb, I did not know everything. Submitted by E. Horne, Brisbane.

best day on the job : A LESSON LEARNT THE HARD WAY

your best (or worst) day on the job

If you have a story you’d like to share email


your (or worst) photo The latest wiring rules requires the addition of overcurrent protection. There has been some confusion that the distributors service fuse fulfils this requirement, but in most cases does not. The distributors service fuse generally provides short circuit protection. Overload protection must be provided at the main switchboard or in accordance with Clause AS/NZS3000:2007. The picture shown (taken in India) is probably not the best example of compliance…

CLK-1 shown

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last word last word : MALCOLM RICHARDS

Master Electricians Australia speaks with Deputy Prime Minister


aster Electricians Australia (MEA) met with the Deputy Prime Minister and other business leaders in Canberra recently. Attending the Budget reading by the Australian Treasurer, I was privileged to sit with the Hon Julia Gillard, Deputy Prime Minister for dinner to discuss important issues affecting electrical contractors across Australia. High on the agenda of our discussions was the training of apprentices, and the allocation of funding to registered training organisations

(both public and private), including for example the amending of the Productivity Placement Program to provide better training to electrical and communications apprentices. Allocation of incentives to employers taking on apprentices was also something the Deputy Prime Minister took an interest in, and has sought further information from MEA. The Budget Dinner was also an excellent opportunity for MEA to talk to business leaders from all states about

the benefits of using a Master Electrician when requiring electrical work done on their projects.

Malcolm Richards Chief Executive Officer

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