Building, Extensions and Remodelling magazine 2015-16

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BROTHER PROJECTS 2015 MBA Award Winner - Remodelling $250k - $450k, Kingston, ACT

Master Builders Association of the ACT 1 Iron Knob St, Fyshwick ACT 2609 PO Box 1211, Fyshwick ACT 2609 Tel: (02) 6247 2099  Fax: (02) 6249 8374  Email:  Web:







2015/16 Vol 15

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2 Building & Remodelling In Canberra

Welcome To Building, Extensions & Remodelling For the vast majority of us, our home is the single largest investment in our lives. It’s not surprising then that building or renovating can be as nerve wracking as it is exciting. We’ve created Building, Extensions & Remodelling in Canberra to help tip the balance towards excitement for families connecting with the housing and construction industry in the Territory. That’s not to say we can rid you of all anxiety. Healthy doses of angst are an inevitable part of any major undertaking. A bad haircut might last a few weeks. A bad build can have life-long consequences. One of our aims at Master Builders ACT is to encourage a strong relationship between you and your builder and help you understand the important steps in seeing your project unfold successfully. This booklet contains important information on technical and planning issues, new products and material, environmental requirements, legal considerations and other news to help you protect your biggest investment. Your relationship with your builder is the key to your project’s success. A range of plain english Master Builders contracts are available to our members to formalise and clarify the relationship with clients. These contracts deal with the ACT’s latest legislative and regulatory requirements and are specifically designed to ensure clear communication between builders, contractors and you, the client. A clear understanding built on quality communication and realistic expectations will keep the angst down and the excitement up. Where a dispute arises that cannot be resolved through direct communication, Master Builders ACT can arrange independent professional mediation services. As well as working with professionals from the outset, access to low cost mediation and industry expertise is another major benefit of working with a Master Builder. Although mankind has been building homes for literally thousands of years, the home building industry here in the Territory is in constant flux. Rules and regulations change, but more importantly for you as a client, innovative ideas and materials continually upgrade the liveability and affordability of Kirk Coningham OAM modern homes. Executive Director This informative guide has been developed and refined over a number of years. It is a logical starting point to help you as you set out on your building or remodelling journey. A quick flick through this book is valuable, but I think you’re better off sitting down for a thorough read. A bit of time in research is a sound investment in what could be the biggest investment in your life. I conclude in wishing you a satisfying and rewarding experience as you watch your ideas and dreams become reality with the support of Master Builders. Exciting times ahead.

Contents Message From The Minister: Mick Gentleman MLA .........2

Pattern Paving In Concrete........................................42

Trades, Services & Suppliers Index.............................2

Frames & Trusses........................................................44

Acquiring Land In The ACT...........................................4

Floor Tiling Guide........................................................45

Arranging Finance.........................................................6 Thinking Of Building Or Renovating In The ACT........... 8 For More Information - Contacts.................................. 14 Building Designers In The ACT..................................16 Buying A Home In The ACT........................................16 Legal Aspects Of Home Purchase.............................17

Wall Tiling Guide..........................................................46 Planning Your New Bathroom....................................47 Planning Your Ideal Kitchen.......................................48 Asbestos - What You Need To Do.............................50 Maintenance Of Your Investment..............................51

The Surveyor, You And Your Land.............................20

Energy Efficient Design..............................................53

What The Engineer Will Do For You..........................21

Green Living.................................................................53

Termite Protection For Your Home...........................22

How To Have A Happy Marriage - With A Builder.........54

Home Foundations......................................................25

Installing A Solar Energy System...............................55

Moncrieff Display Village............................................26

Carpet - The Crowning Glory.....................................56

Reinforcing Steel.........................................................40

How EnergLogic Works (advertorial).........................57

The Swimming Pools ACT 2012.................................40

Building Schedule........................................................58

A Guide To Better Concreting....................................41

Building & Remodelling In Canberra 1

Introduction Message – Minister Gentleman MLA This has been an exciting year in the development of Canberra from a city coming of age to one of the most liveable cities in Australia. None would be possible if it wasn’t for strong governance, sound planning and building industry prowess. We have seen a significant move towards a more compact, sustainable city and, as it grows, we will be looking at even stronger partnerships with the building industry to fulfil the vision. Builders continue to be the backbone of our city, not only in constructing our buildings and homes, but in creating jobs and supporting our wider economy. The industry makes a major contribution to the ACT’s economy. The value of building work that required approval during the 2013-14 financial year totalled over $2 billion. The sector is worth $3.5 billion a year to the ACT economy, including other building work that does not require building approval. The building industry is crucial to the ACT Government’s realisation of a future Canberra that is not only sustainable and compact but remains a showcase of ingenuity and forward thinking. The ACT Planning Strategy, Transport for Canberra and the Climate Change Strategy are driving a more compact city where urban renewal has seen growth in the demand for multi-use, high rise buildings that are energy efficient and sustainable. New greenfield developments in Molonglo and Gungahlin offer new opportunities to provide adaptable, affordable, sustainable homes that meet the needs of Canberrans during different stages of their lives. The ACT Government’s master planning process for town and group centres offers more building opportunities. Recently completed and upcoming master plans for Woden and Belconnen town centres and Mawson, Kippax, Calwell and Curtin group centres are the catalysts for the revitalisation of our much loved local centres. Many offer opportunities for new residential and commercial developments while continuing to provide amenities to enrich the lives of a new generation of Canberrans. The Capital Metro Light rail project from Gungahlin to the City will support major development and redevelopment along the rail corridor for some time into the future, Mick Gentleman MLA providing employment for the industry and helping to grow the Canberra economy. ACT Minister for Planning This is an exciting time for our city and I look forward to continuing the ACT Government’s strong partnership with the MBA to help the industry and our city continue to prosper.

Trades, Services & Suppliers Index


Balconies........................................................................ 12

Private Certification...................................................... 10

Balustrades.................................................................... 12

Recycled Timber............................................................ 35 WITHOUT THE ADMINISTRATION

Builder.................................................. Front Cover,19,23

Reinforcing Steel...................................................... 26,29 Consider the advantages of becoming a Front Cover,19 Building Hardware......................................................... 15 Remodelling..............................................

Host and the benefits to you. Building Supplies........................................................... 15 Employer Soil Testing.................................................................... 21

Master Group Training invoices for the actual hours the Concrete Pumping........................................................ 29BuildersSolar Hot Water........................................ 41,Back Cover apprentice, trainee or cadet works on the job. You are not invoiced for

Public annual leave, sick leave, RDO and training days. Master Concrete Supplies......................................................... 24holidays,Solar Power............................................... 41,Back Cover Builders Group Training is responsible for all administration of wages,

Concrete Water Tanks.................................................. 30 Compensation, long service leave and superannuation. Workers Solicitor.......................................................................... 20 Concrete....................................................................Master 11,29Builders Group Training employs field officers to assist you with Steel Fabrication........................................................... 25 hosting the apprentices, trainees or cadets. If you directly employ your Doors & Door Hardware............................................... 15 own apprentice Master builders can provide the training required. Steel Supplies................................................................ 25 Energy Efficient Window Tinting.................................. 43 There are benefits for the industry including opportunities for apprentices, Surveyor......................................................................... 20 trainees Frames & Trusses....................................................... 5,31 and cadets, on site learning opportunities and contributing to skilling the future construction industry. Swimming Pools. ........................................................... 27 Geotechnical Reports................................................... 21 Tiling....................................................... Front Cover,3,19 Hand Rails...................................................................... 12 Timber Flooring............................................................. 35 Home Design................................................................... 9 Kitchen Benchtops........................................................ 35

Waterproofing Products............................................... 24

RTO NO. 88163

Waterproofing. .......................................... Front Cover,19 MBA Group Training Ltd. LED Lighting............................................. 41,Back Cover 1 Iron Knob Street, Fyshwick ACT 2609 I PO Box 1211, Fyshwick ACT 2609

Window Tel: (02) Fax: (02)Tinting.............................................................. 6280 9118 Email: Web: Pest Control..................................................................... 7 6280 9119 Plumbing........................................................................ 33 2 Building & Remodelling In Canberra

Windows-Aluminium..................................................... 13

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Acquiring Land In The ACT The Leasehold System Among the things that set the Australian Capital Territory apart from the rest of Australia is its system of land ownership. All land in Canberra, the nation’s capital, is owned by the Commonwealth. Unlike other cities in Australia, Canberra does not have freehold ownership of land. Instead, there is a leasehold system. You buy the right to use lease land for a term usually 99 years. In every practical way, though, you build your house and own it just as you would anywhere else in Australia. Prospective buyers of homes and of house and land packages should feel secure in their investment and happy with their land tenure.

History The Commonwealth ensured that the form of land tenure in the ACT would be different when it adopted the Seat of Government (Administration) Act 1910. Section 9 of the Act states “.... no Crown land in the territory shall be sold or disposed of for any estate of freehold ....”. Leasehold tenure was adopted so that speculation in undeveloped land could be avoided, and future increases in the value of land remained in the public purse. The leasehold system also has planning advantages. The Government, being the land owner and responsible for development decisions, can ensure that planning and development policies are implemented in an orderly and efficient manner. Thus, the problems inherent in systems used in other States, such as fragmented development fronts and mismatches between the demand for amenities and their provision, have largely been avoided. The leasehold system should be seen not only as a method of control by government, but also as a system that protects the leaseholder.

Who manages the land? The ACT Government is responsible for managing Territory land. That is the land in the ACT which has not been retained by the Commonwealth and declared National Land. National Land is located mostly in the Parliamentary Triangle. The ACT Government agency responsible for leasehold administration and planning is ACT Planning and Land Authority.

Who develops land for housing? The ACT Government decides when and how a particular area, the estate, is to be developed for housing. Through the Land Development Agency the ACT Government sells the right to develop the land and in some cases becomes a joint venture partner in the development. The buyer (the land developer) enters into an agreement with the ACT Government to develop the estate adhering to any specified planning and engineering standards and any special conditions which might apply.

What does the developer do? Developers of an estate provide roads and infrastructure such as water supply, sewerage and drainage. Prior to the introduction of the new Planning legislation The developer prepared and obtained approval Lease and Development Conditions for each block of land in the estate. The developer must now adhere to a Precinct Plan which sets out the over-arching details of the sub-division and the conditions which a builder and home owner must meet.

Who sells the land and when? The Land Development Agency sells land in the ACT. This is done in a variety of ways. This is done by either ballot, auction, tender or over the counter. To find out by which method your selected parcel of land will be sold contact the LDA. Land available for sale can be found either through the Land Development Agency’s web site at or by directly contacting the Agency. Before you enter into a contract to buy a lease of a block from a land developer, you can ask the Land Development Agency for a copy of the Precinct Plan. This document and your lease govern everything you can do on your block, including where you build, where things such as water, drains, sewers, stormwater, electricity, gas and the telephone lines can be connected, and landscaping requirements. It is therefore most important that you see and understand this document (take a copy of it away if you wish) before you decide to buy the lease of any block in which you may be interested. Often blocks are advertised for sale before the estate is completed. There is nothing wrong with this practice, but you should know that individual leases are NOT available until the developer meets all the conditions of the agreement with the ACT Government have been satisfied. That means that you will have to wait until the stage of the estate which contains your block is completed before you can obtain a lease. Without a lease, you may not be able to borrow money from a bank or other financial institution for your home and you therefore cannot start building.

What is a lease? A lease is a document that is a legally binding agreement between the Government and you - the lessee. It is a written document that sets out the rights and obligations of lessees and states the purpose for which the land can be used. 4 Building & Remodelling In Canberra

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Building & Remodelling In Canberra 5

One of the key obligations of lessees is to develop the land in the time prescribed in the lease. For residential uses the standard clause states that construction must start within 12 months of the commencement of the lease and be completed within 24 months. The front page of your lease will state the commencement date. For its part the Government warrants that the lessee can have and use the land that is described in the lease for his or her benefit and can remain as the owner of that land for the term of the lease.

How long does my lease last? Most residential leases in the ACT are granted for a term of 99 years.

What happens when my residential lease expires? Provided that the land is not required by either the Territory or Commonwealth for public purposes, the Government will grant a new residential lease towards the end of the 99 years, to the person holding the old residential lease, without payment (other than an administrative fee). This gives the lessee continuing security of tenure.

Can I mortgage and sell my residential lease? Yes. As a lessee you can mortgage and sell your lease provided you have completed either the construction or the improvements required in the lease. The one exception is that if the improvements have not been completed the sale can only be made with government consent. Before you can sell a residential lease without restriction, you will have to complete the construction of the residence. Otherwise, residential property in the ACT is as readily saleable as if it were anywhere else in Australia.

What is the ACT Land Rent Scheme? The Land Rent Scheme is an ACT Government initiative to increase access to affordable home ownership. The main purpose of the scheme is to reduce the entry costs and mortgage payments for homeowners. The scheme is also expected to be used as a means for people to advance their entry into home ownership, by saving to buy the land outright in the future while paying land rent. The Land Development Agency are the sellers of the land initially under the Scheme. Throughout the course of a developments lifetime, there may also be house and land packages or built homes available through builders or previous owners that include a land rent lease. The LDA can be contacted on 1800 777 952. Under the scheme, lessees rent the land from the Government. They are required to pay the Government land rent, calculated on the unimproved value of the block of land. Lessees are required to construct a house on the land within two years of the lease being granted. The scheme allows a person to lease the land rent block of land on an ongoing basis or to convert the land rent lease to a traditional Crown Lease at a later date, effectively purchasing the land from the Government at that time. Land Rent is not a ‘rent to buy’ scheme. Land Rent Eligibility – As of 1 October 2013, entrance to the Land Rent Scheme is restricted to low to moderate income households eligible for the discount land rent rate of 2 per cent. To be eligible for Land Rent, your total gross income must be assessed by the ACT Revenue Office and must not exceed the income threshold of $160,000. Income is calculated on a household basis (that is, the income of a lessee and their domestic partner), and includes income from all sources, such as a second job, salary packaging benefits and short term higher duty payments. The income threshold is increased by $3,330 for each dependent child, up to a maximum of five children. In addition to the eligibility criteria, in order to enter into a Land Rent contract buyers will be required to provide the following at Exchange: • • • • • • •

a completed Land Rent application which includes a Statutory Declaration confirming they believe they meet the eligibility criteria; a $2,000 security payment that will be credited towards their land rent payments at settlement. Within 90 days of Exchange, Land Rent contract buyers will be required to provide the following to the LDA’s solicitor: a Statutory Declaration witnessed by their solicitor declaring they understand the contract and their rights and obligations; a certificate from a qualified financial advisor or practising accountant confirming they have received financial advice; and provide proof of attendance at the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) Land Rent Information Session. The contract with the LDA will be conditional upon the ACT Revenue office confirming that the buyer meets the eligibility criteria.

For blocks initially sold prior to 1 October 2013, a 4 per cent rate of land rent may be available under an earlier version of the scheme. Land Rent Information Session Prior to entering the Land Rent Scheme, you are required to attend an information session at the CIT. This session will provide you with further detail on the scheme and allow you to ask questions. To make a booking or for further information on the information sessions send an email to or phone 02 6207 3188. 6 Building & Remodelling In Canberra

Strong business foundations are built on quality insurance advice As the preferred broker of the Master Builders Association, let Austbrokers Canberra provide your business with specialist advice and local knowledge for all your insurance needs.

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Thinking of building or renovating in the ACT Once you’ve decided to build or renovate, you need to find out what approvals are needed (if any) and get the relevant advice and information. The Environment and Planning Directorate (EPD) is a great start. Not all developments need to be approved. Houses, extensions and alterations, and many smaller projects like pergolas, carports and fences are exempt as long as they meet certain requirements. Go to and click on ACT Planning and Land Authority.

You can search for:

• planning and lease requirements • exemptions and development applications • level of consultation and notification required • approval times and procedures • fees and charges. You can also contact EPD on 13 22 81 or visit the EPD Customer Service Centre at Dame Pattie Menzies House at 16 Challis Street, Dickson. In addition to the EPD website, take the time to look at other home and renovation sites, visit display centres, read EPD publications and talk to neighbours and industry professionals about what you are planning to do. Design ideas: Some things to consider in your design: • your lifestyle • the useable area of your site and features such as slopes • best use of views and open spaces around your home • the size of your development and number of rooms • your storage requirements • quality and cost of building materials • use of natural daylight, solar aspect and energy efficiency • trees on your site.

You may want to also think about:

• if you want a combined living, dining, family space or separated spaces • the relationship between the indoors and outdoors • how many bedrooms you need now and in the future • where you might want to locate a clothesline, garbage bin or compost heap • the bathroom configuration you like • where existing service easements and infrastructure are located on your block • the type of car accommodation you need. If you decide you like the design of an existing house or of an exhibition home, be aware that the plans and specifications of these designs are subject to copyright. You will have to negotiate with the project builder if you want any changes to the design. Changes and alterations will add to the cost. Approvals required: Most construction requires approval. Approval in the ACT usually has two stages: • development approval, which is an application to have your design and siting approved • building approval, which is given to allow construction to begin and involves other checks during the building process. Some building work also requires approvals where the work affects trees or heritage listed properties. These approvals are part of the development approval. The approval process you need to follow for your development varies according to its type, location and complexity. Some construction is exempt from approval. A list of exemptions is available from EPD website. Get development approval: EPD gives development approval except for developments in designated areas of Canberra, which need National Capital Authority approval. Once you have prepared documents for development approval, you, your builder or the design professional who prepared the plans can lodge them with EPD. Some applications may require notification. Notification gives your neighbours or others the opportunity to comment on your plans. In addition, some applications may need to be referred to other Government agencies for comment, particularly those involving significant trees, heritage and road access. Applications are approved, approved with conditions or refused within certain time frames. More information on this process can be found on EPD’s website. Get building approval: A licensed building surveyor (certifier) gives building approval. You will need to appoint a licensed building surveyor as your certifier and provide plans and other relevant documents to them so you can get approval. You will also need to appoint a licensed builder for any building work that requires building approval. Your builder needs to apply to your certifier for a commencement notice and you need to sign this application. The work can start once your certifier has issued the commencement notice to your builder. Approved forms must be used for appointment of a certifier and builder and these forms are available on the EPD website. Find a certifier and builder: Certifiers and builders must be licensed. You can find a licensed professional or verify a licence from the lists published on EPD’s website or by contacting an industry profession such as the Master Builders Association. Only builders and certifiers licensed in the ACT can perform work in the ACT. Make sure your builder and certifier are appropriately licensed. The role of a building certifier: Your certifier is required to inspect the building work at specific stages to ensure 8 Building & Remodelling In Canberra

Building & Remodelling In Canberra 9

your builder is carrying out the work in accordance with the approved plans and the Building Code of Australia. A certifier generally acts in the owner’s interests. This is why it is important that you appoint the certifier and not have the builder or someone else do this for you. A certifier must be independent. They must not have any direct or indirect financial, legal or equitable interest in the work or have any relationship whether personal, professional, commercial or financial, with you or your builder. A certifier must also not be involved in the design or construction of the work being done. Some certifiers may provide additional services, such as quality control, for an additional fee. However, you can engage your own representative, such as an architect or building consultant, to inspect and monitor the quality of the work to ensure it is being done in accordance with the contract. Selecting a builder: Before you employ a licensed builder it is preferable to get at least three written quotes based on the completed plans and specifications. If you change your mind, write a list of changes or have the plans redrawn and ask the builders to re-quote. It is also a good idea to ask the builder for details of similar past work and recent clients to check the quality of the work.

Looking for a builder? Master Builders ACT can help you find a qualified and approved Master Builder. Just visit the MBA website and use the Find a Builder function.

Quotes and estimates are different:

• An estimate is a reasonable guess of the costs involved without knowledge of the exact extent of the work to be done or the exact costs of materials. An estimate, even if written, will not bind the professional, and you can end up paying more or paying for work you didn’t specifically authorise. • A quote is a legally enforceable document detailing all the work to be performed and materials to be used, and should have a time limit for which the quote is valid. The quote should always state for how long it is fixed. Cost plus quotes are based on an hourly rate plus costs. These types of quotes do not guarantee a set price. Once you have decided on a builder you need to employ them using a written contract. You need to ensure they hold a licence adequate for the work they are about to undertake on your behalf.


1. Are the designs and plans exactly what I want built?

2. Is the work to be carried out clearly defined?

3. Do I require development approval? (Check with Environment and Planning Directorate - )

4. Do I require building approval?

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(Check with Environment and Planning Directorate)

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Owner-builders: If you build yourself instead of employing a licensed builder, you need an owner-builder

licence. You will need to have building approval issued for the work before you can apply for an owner-builder licence. Only an individual can apply for an owner-builder licence and must be an owner of the land. You are not entitled to an owner-builder licence if you have, in the previous five years, had an owner-builder licence issued for work on another site in the ACT. Owner-builders can build or renovate their residence or build ancillary structures around the residence, such as decks, pergolas or carports provided the building work is on their main home or ancillary to it. Generally, they cannot install a swimming pool, demolish a building, handle asbestos or perform work on a commercial building. For more information about owner-builders go to EPD’s website. Contracts: If you don’t understand, or are unhappy with, any detail of the contract or its practical consequences, don’t sign it – seek legal advice. The contract must: • be signed and dated by you and your builder (not the company or any other person who contracted the builder) • state your name and your builder’s name • have the address where the work is to be carried out • state the builder’s licence details • state the start and completion dates • state the payment arrangements • have the plans and specifications attached • contain the statutory warranties • display the total contract price. Make sure the work agreed to is stated fully in the contract. This includes variations and things that could affect the price such as prime cost items. Prime cost items are items that a consumer hasn’t specifically selected at the time of the contract but the builder or trades person has made an allowance for in the total price. This allowance will be for a standard or average item and if you choose a more expensive item, you will have to pay the difference. Prime cost items can include stoves, heating, tiles, carpets, taps, bathroom fittings and light fittings. Prime cost items should either be specified in the contract or listed in an attachment to it. Put everything in writing, signed by you and your builder, and attach it to the contract. This will help to prevent misunderstandings and minimise disputes. Insurance and protection: Builders who carry out residential building work valued over $12,000 must have a residential building insurance policy or a fidelity certificate, which protects you against defective and incomplete work and provides a warranty cover for up to six years in circumstances where the builder is unable to rectify the work due to insolvency, disappearance or death. Be sure that the name of the builder appears on the statutory warranty and insurance certificate or fidelity certificate. If you make an insurance claim and the name of an unlicensed company is on the insurance, you may not have redress with the builder. Building & Remodelling In Canberra 11

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Checklist 1. Is my certifier correctly licensed? 2. Is my certifier independent? 3. What service does my certifier offer services in addition to the minimum legal requirements? 4. Do I have the means of ensuring I get the quality of work I want? 5. Does my builder have a current licence for the type of work required? 6. Have I obtained more than one written quote for the same work? 7. Am I satisfied with the quality of work previously undertaken by the builder? 8. Does my builder have the insurance or a fidelity certificate to carry out the work? 9. Is the agreed work clearly defined in the plans and specifications of the contract? 10. Are all additional promises/ discounts/ variations detailed in the contract? 11. Do I understand and agree with everything written in the contract? 12. Has the licensed builder contracted to do the work signed the contract? 13. Has the licensed builder obtained a commencement notice for the work? 12 Building & Remodelling In Canberra

Subcontractors: Most builders will subcontract electricians, plumbers, gasfitters, carpenters, bricklayers and other trades people during construction. The builder is required to ensure that any persons engaged are appropriately qualified. Electricians, plumbers and gasfitters are licensable occupations in the ACT. However, carpenters, bricklayers, tilers, plasterers etc are not required to be licensed and the work they do are the responsibility of the licensed builder.

Notifications and inspections: A number of notifications and inspections will be made during construction. This ensures the work is carried out to the required standards before you can apply to be issued a certificate that allows you to have legal occupancy of the building. Building certifiers conduct inspections during construction at the written request of the licensed builder in charge of the work and issue a certificate of completion once the building work has been satisfactorily completed. You can then apply to EPD for a certificate of occupancy and use. This will be issued if the building work and any associated electrical and plumbing work have been certified as complete. It is against the law to occupy or use the building until the certificate of occupancy and use is issued.

When things go wrong: Things do not always go as planned when building or renovating your home. Disputes may arise for various reasons such as faulty work or misunderstandings between you and your builder. It is important to be sure of the contents of the contract and the agreement between you and your builder (to avoid potential conflicts). One common source of dispute is when variation to the plans or contract are only verbal and not in writing, signed by you and your builder. Raise any issues or problems as soon as possible with your builder. For example, if defective work is done, notify your builder immediately so the problem can be rectified. Put your concerns in writing and give your builder reasonable time to respond. If the problem cannot be resolved by negotiating with your builder you can try dispute resolution services, arbitration, expert determination and finally litigation. Check to see what your contract says about dispute resolution and the processes.


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Building & Remodelling In Canberra 15

Building Designers In The ACT The Design is the single most important element in establishing a new house or addition to an existing house. The design process can be complex and requires a thorough understanding of planning issues, and the construction process, and how best to maximise any unique aspect that the building block/or existing house have. By engaging a Member of the Building Designers Association these issues are all taken into consideration. Initial consultation will usually commence with a site visit in which all the important issues will be discussed and recorded, views, orientation, the prevailing winds, vegetation, contours, privacy, vehicular access, neighbouring buildings etc. Planning issues, lease and development conditions and any special requirements are also considered at this stage. Next, your specific needs and wishes are discussed including budgeting issues and style. These requirements are known as ‘the brief’. Once all of these steps have been completed, it is time for your designer to prepare the ‘Design Concept’. This is usually a rough outline sketch showing the approximate location of rooms, windows, views and internal circulation. Your designer will then discuss this concept with you and work with you until agreement is reached on the basic layout. Once you are satisfied, this design is developed in more detail to show furniture locations, building materials, architectural detailing etc. When you are satisfied with the preliminary design, it is time for the preparation of the ‘working drawings and specification’. These documents tell the builder exactly how to construct your house in detail. These documents are very important. First of all they allow all builders who are tendering on your house to quote for exactly the same thing. If the documents don’t have enough detail or are unclear, different builders will quote on differing things and you will be unable to accurately compare your builders quotations. The second reason that the working drawings and specification are important is that they form part of your contract with the builder. When considering where you should go to have your new house designed, it is important to understand who owns the copyright. Copyright of a design rests with the person who created it. Thus, if your builder prepares your plans, your builder owns the copyright. This prevents you from calling tenders, and you are stuck with only one quotation! Remember, also, that nothing is free. Good design takes time and therefore costs money. It will cost more to have a house individually designed that it will to adopt an ‘off the shelf’ design or a ‘cheap set of plans’. However, the benefits of a good individual design will repay themselves many times over during the life of the house. The advantages of having a house individually designed for your building site, for you and your family tailored to the way you want to live cannot be underestimated. The cost of having your new house individually designed is money well spent.

Buying A Home In The ACT Remember a house is not just brick and mortar It is also a piece of land with often complicated legal rights thrown in. However small your garden may be, or even if you haven’t a garden at all, the land your house is built on can involve problems over boundaries, fences and easements. In Canberra too, compliance with Lease Conditions and Departmental building requirements can be of crucial importance. It is no good leaving these things to chance resulting in expensive disputes or jeopardising your leasehold title. These are some of the reasons why the first person you should see as soon as you contemplate buying is a solicitor. Your solicitor will attend to the legal side of transferring the house into your name (this is called conveyancing). You should not enter into a contract without this advice so that your particular problems are fully dealt with your solicitor in your contract.

But your solicitor will do more than that • Your solicitor will be acting for you, he/she — tells you how much you can borrow, who from and how it is best done; • Considers the purchase agreement or a building contract if you are going to be moving into a new house; • Advises husbands and wives on the possible benefits of co-ownership and the various forms available and relates this to your Wills and your future estate; • Warns you of any restrictions on the sale, mortgage, or sublease of the Crown Lease you propose buying imposed by the Crown Lease itself or by legislation; • Protects you against oppressive contract conditions or conditions which do not meet your particular circumstances; 16 Building & Remodelling In Canberra

• Explains the terms of the contract to you and warns you of the consequences of your failure or inability to perform it; • Advises whether there are additions or alterations to the house which are not approved by the Building Controller..... you are dependent upon Ministerial consent to any dealing with the property . . . the vendor to you is in breach of one or more of the Crown Lease conditions . . . . your solicitor will be on the lookout for problems like these. He knows what to look for and where to find the answers. Don’t hesitate to ask his advice and help on all matters connected with the transaction. The long term certain security of tenure you get in the title to your property will be well worth it.

Your Solicitor can tell you On your first visit, your solicitor can tell you almost exactly how much you will have to pay in legal fees including stamp duty, land registry fees, search fees, and any incidental costs. Your solicitors fees are purely for the legal work in ensuring your home is legally secured and you are getting what you expect when you move in. Your solicitor will assist you to complete the transaction by either arranging bridging finance if monies are tied up in your old house. Your solicitor will assist in ensuring that the transition to the new house and where people are moving into your existing house is carried out in a smooth efficient manner and at the appropriate time. In short you will have the benefit of your solicitors experience skill, tact and knowledge to ensure a successful transition which is vital to safeguard your interests.

Legal Aspects Of Home Purchase Normally a buyer first comes into conflict with the property through a real-estate agent. Remember that the agent works for the seller, not for the buyer, and that the seller pays the agent’s fees or commission for negotiating the sale. This means that the agent’s obligations are primarily owed to the seller, not to the buyer. It is what is said in the contract itself, not earlier verbal representations, that matters. This means it is extremely important that the buyer check these things thoroughly or through a solicitor before contracts are exchanged. After exchange may be too late.


It is very common for a buyer to give the agent a sum of money as a holding deposit in the belief that they can then rest assured that the property is as good as theirs. This is not so. Whether or not a holding deposit is paid to the agent, or to the seller if there is no agent, the rule

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is that neither party is legally bound to go ahead with the transaction unless a written agreement or contract is entered into between them. This is normally prepared by the vendor’s solicitor in duplicate. One copy is signed by the seller, the other by the buyer. The copies are then exchanged by the two parties or by their respective solicitors and the parties are then legally bound from that point of time, not earlier. Either party can withdraw at any time before exchange whether or not a holding deposit has been paid. It sometimes happens that a seller, or the agent, will accept a holding deposit from more than one potential buyer, then tell intending buyers that the price has gone up. This leaves the intending buyers in the position of having to outbid each other as if it were an auction. This undesirable practice is called gazumping and as the law stands there is nothing the buyer who loses the property can do as the seller is entitled to decline to proceed with him, or to increase the price at any time before a binding contract exists. The contract itself is prepared by the seller’s solicitor and submitted by him to the buyer’s solicitor for his approval. It will be on a standard form approved by the Law Society. The contract contains a description of the property being sold and the conditions of sale. The first job of the buyer’s solicitor is to advise his client of the significance of those conditions and especially of any special conditions added to the printed form of contract. The standard form of contract has been prepared to protect both the seller and the buyer on the basis that it keeps a reasonable balance between their interests. Nevertheless, it is extremely important that the buyer sits down with a solicitor and goes through the contract in detail. Members of the public should never hesitate to ask their solicitor to explain the contract to them in detail, after all, this is what the solicitor is paid for. From the solicitor’s point of view, it is an advantage if the buyer client shows interest in the detailed terms and conditions of the contract, as it is then easier for the solicitor to understand and appreciate the client’s particular requirements and to point out to the client any problems that might be involved.

Before Exchange:

Most contracts for the sale of real estate contain no promises by the seller on the condition of any improvements on the land. It is very much a case of buyer discovers, for example, that the roof leaks or the woodwork is infested with borers. Although by legislation the seller has to provide a pre-sale Building Report, it would be wise for a buyer to have the property surveyed and a structural report carried out by a Building Consultant of their own choice before the exchange. It is unwise to rely on a report that was commissioned by the seller. Whatever you do it is necessary to provide a report anyway if the buyer is borrowing funds to finance the purchase. The lender, or mortgagee, will usually require an up-to-date survey report. For the same reasons, it is wise to have the improvements on the property checked for pest infestation before exchanging of contracts. A buyer will be held to accept the buildings on the property in the state they are in at the time of exchange unless there is a clause in the contract to the contrary.

After Exchange:

The buyer’s solicitor will also prepare the transfer of the property and will arrange for stamp duty to be paid on the contract. This is payable by the buyer. The solicitor will also provide all necessary details to the buyer’s lender to enable the lender to prepare a mortgage over the property. Usually, the lender also requires the same searches and enquiries that the buyer’s solicitor is obtaining. The deposit, usually 10 per cent of the purchase price, is handed over by the buyer’s solicitor to the seller’s solicitor at the time of exchanging contracts. The cheque for the deposit is then given by the seller’s solicitor to the agent, who holds it as stakeholder on behalf of both the seller and the buyer until the transaction has been settled. However, the contract will often provide that the deposit is to be invested by the seller’s solicitor, or by the agent or financial institution, for example, until the time of settlement and that the interest earned on the money is to be shared between the seller and the buyer. This is a matter for negotiation and the desirability of doing it should be discussed by both parties with their respective solicitors. Keep in mind that the agent does not account to the seller or the solicitor for the deposit until after settlement and until after the buyer’s solicitor has authorised this to happen.


Your solicitor will attend to the conveyance of a clear title and will arrange for your mortgagee to attend to ensure that the funds are available to complete the purchase. Most contracts stipulate a time for completion and it is important that you comply with those time limits. Your solicitor should advise you adequately of the consequences of non-compliance and should ensure that you are not put at risk but cannot, however, do certain things. Only you can attend to sign documents and do all things that your solicitor advises are necessary. For this reason, you must ensure that you are available to sign documents and that you do not cut off the lines of communication with your solicitor, particularly when the time for completion is drawing near. At completion, your solicitor will ensure that each of the parties pays his or her fair proportion of the rates and other outgoings in relation to the property. N.B. Should the seller give you notice to complete and you fail to do so, the seller may keep your deposit of up to 10% of the sale price and either sue you for breach of contract or re-sell the property and recover any losses incurred from you. Insurance: After the exchange of contracts both you as the buyer, and the seller, are liable for insurance of the property. Both parties have an insurable interest until after the completion of the sale. Therefore, it is important to see that you are properly covered because should the building be damaged or destroyed an insurance policy can be 18 Building & Remodelling In Canberra

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worthless if the insurance proposal form contains a false statement or if the premium is unpaid. If this were to occur between the exchange of contracts and completion of sale, the seller can require you to complete the sale as if the building had not been damaged or destroyed. After completion, and if you have a mortgage, the lending institution will require you to insure the property adequately to cover their interest in the property. So make sure that prior to completion, you have paid the first year’s premium and obtained an insurance policy or a certificate of currency showing you as the owner of the property and the lending institution as mortgagees. Make sure the lending institution approves your choice of insurance company.

Your insurance should cover the following: • fire, lightning, explosion • earthquake • storm and/or tempest and rainwater • burglary, housebreaking and theft • malicious damage, riots and strikes • aircraft damage and articles dropped there from • water discharged or leaking from pipes or water systems • leakage from oil heating systems • accidental breakage of glass, sinks, sanitary system and telephones • impact by vehicles or animals • damage to TV or radio aerials • fusion to electric motors and loss of frozen foods • removal of debris and temporary accommodation expenses • legal liability • flood also can be covered upon a satisfactory inspection of the property at extra cost. There are two types of Householders policies available, one for Indemnity conditions and the other for Reinstatement and/or Replacement conditions. Whilst both types cover the aforementioned perils, indemnity conditions insurance, in the event of a loss pays today’s value less depreciation for age. On the other hand a Reinstatement and/or Replacement policy requires the building to be insured for a figure representing the estimated value to rebuild the home. In effect, you receive a loss settlement based on new for old. There is no depreciation deducted! The latter type policy is recommended for your complete protection. These conditions also apply to your furniture and personal effects, and whilst it is not always obligatory to insure the home’s contents when effecting a loan, it is advisable to do so. The foregoing is a very brief summary of legal aspects when buying a house in the ACT. The ACT Law Society has published a book entitled “Legal Notes For Home Buyers” which can be obtained from The ACT Law Society and most solicitors.

The Surveyor, You, And Your Land Purchasing A Property: Typically your house and land represent your largest asset. If you are contemplating

purchasing a property you should know as much as possible about the piece of land in which you are going to invest. Your surveyor can provide you with peace of mind, defining the legal boundaries of the property and ensure that the survey pegs are in place. Should the land be occupied, your surveyor will identify the house and determine the exact location of the building on the site, to ensure that it conforms with the requirements of the ACT Government. Your surveyor can also arrange for the relevant documents to be forwarded to The ACT Planning and Land Authority. Only surveyors who are registered by the ACT Government may legally define and report on the boundaries of your land. They have the requisite training and experience to undertake a wide range of such surveys.

Land Boundaries: As a professional your surveyor

is also well qualified to provide advice where a dispute over land boundaries has occurred. Problems occur where encroachments of buildings or fences and other such boundary infringements occur between neighbours. Your surveyor may help rectify the problem and help you and your neighbour to avoid unsatisfactory and expensive litigation processes if that is possible. If not, your surveyor will assist you and your solicitor to resolve the matter by providing expert advice in regard to the problem. Before re-fencing your property, it is wise to ensure that you know the exact location of the common boundaries between yourself and the adjacent properties as well as the street alignment. If you are not sure, your surveyor will help you.

Building Surveys: A surveyor can also assist before, 20 Building & Remodelling In Canberra

during and after the construction process. When designing your home you should have your architect or designer contact the surveyor, particularly where the

property boundaries are irregular in shape, to obtain assistance in siting the building on the land before final design commences. Calculations can be easily carried out by the surveyor to determine the widths and depths available in the position chosen by you to build your house. In some unusual instances, particularly with old properties, an assumption that the boundaries are the same as the old document can lead to difficulties. It may be necessary for a field survey to be carried out to determine the amount of land available for your purpose. Land Slope And Height: The slope of the land may also be determined by survey. Ask your surveyor to advise you. A detailed survey may be required by your architect or designer where the site is more difficult than usual. The survey would show the contours of the site on Australian Height datum, the actual position of existing features such as rock outcrops, trees, adjoining buildings, creeks, gullies etc. The plan would allow the designer to work out the site of the building and plan for the cuts and fills that may be required, the location of driveways, the siting of retaining walls, etc. The plan can be drawn to any scale required and handed directly to your architect or designer. Building Lines: The Government is generally very strict in regard to the building line requirements. A surveyor can set out the house for you and check the building in the course of construction. This is often a requirement of Government in any event. Government has, in some instances, requested that construction work wrongly placed be removed, which is an expensive exercise and creates delays and financial difficulties, not only for the builder but also for the owner. Engineering Design: Many surveyors are qualified and experienced to enable them to provide advice, design and contract administration for road, drainage and sewerage reticulation construction. Government normally requires consultants to prepare plans for these works and submit such plans for their approval. This may be a condition to a subdivision development with roads or a building development which includes the provision of carparking and associated drainage. You should seek out those consulting firms that provide this specialised service. Planning: A surveyor is also qualified to deal with the physical, legal, economic, environmental and planning constraints of a site which enables him to optimise the development potential of the land. Most surveyors can provide the advice necessary for basic subdivision design, while some firms with specialist planning qualifications may offer more detailed town planning advice. Land Laws: Numerous new laws and ordinances have been introduced in recent years. This has meant a dramatic increase in the complexity of using or developing land. Surveyors are qualified to give advice on land laws and they have close links with the legal profession where interpretation is required. Unit Title: Surveyors can provide a wide range of services for unit title. These include site and building surveys, unit subdivision, planning and execution. Surveyors have been intimately involved in the development of the unit title system since its inception and have been active in obtaining amendments to the laws to provide for the many demands of the development industry. General: Surveyors have offices throughout the region and have generally been established for many years. They thus have an intimate knowledge of its land and people. If a surveyor cannot provide a service they will generally know who to contact because of their wide association with other professionals, designers, contractors, etc.

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What The Engineer Will Do For You A consulting engineer is best qualified to carry out a pre-purchase inspection if you are thinking about buying vacant land, first to advise you on the suitability of your land for your intended needs and secondly to advise you on the most suitable foundation and floor system to suit your block and your proposed method of construction. It is important for the architect or architectural draftsperson to have this information prior to the preparation of house plans. The final choice will depend on multiple factors including your finances, your needs and your block. With the combination of advice from your engineer and

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architectural draftsperson you will be able to make the right choice in home design, saving you from unnecessary extra building costs later and helping you stay within your budget. Various lending institutions often require an Engineer’s Certificate approving the various stages of construction before progress payments are issued. It is important for you to consult with your lending institution for any specific requirements they may have in regard to whom they will want to carry out the inspections. The complex nature of soils and sub soils means the engineer must be extensively trained in all matters relating to building foundations from the strength of the soil required to support the weight of the building, to the affect of sub-surface water on the strength of foundation soils. With the density of housing increasing in all urban areas, you may find the block of your choice means your home may have to be built on a slope. Designing and placing footings under these conditions require the skills of a qualified engineer. You will require an inspection by a qualified engineer if you are building under any of the following conditions — loose sands which settle unevenly, reactive clay foundation soils which expand and shrink with change of season, poorly compacted filled sites or difficult vehicular access. Remember that the engineer with local knowledge can often be the best choice.

Termite Protection For Your Home Information Courtesy Mike Harding Member of Australian Building Codes Board’s Building Codes Committee. Termites or “white ants” as they are commonly referred to, cause millions of dollars in damages to buildings and structures in Australia every year. To the majority of the general public, termites are either not thought of, or not seriously considered when building a new home, carrying out an extension or renovating an existing home. It is estimated that 1 in 5 homes suffer termite damage of some kind during the life of the building. Many millions of dollars are spent annually by home owners rectifying this damage and because of the nature of termite activity few, if any, insurance companies will insure against damage by these pests. With this in mind, it is in the best interest of the building designers, builders and owners to install an effective termite management system during construction, that will minimise the risk of attack. Your new home or extension is a substantial investment. You owe it to yourself to protect that investment by being fully aware of your responsibilities and the options available to you with regard to termite protection. Description and Habits: Termites have existed for approximately 100 million years. There are about 350 species in Australia, of which approximately 30 species are known to cause significant damage to timber and buildings. Most damage is caused by subterranean termites (those that form nests in the ground). These nests may be formed in the soil near ground level, in stumps, the trunks of living trees, or other suitable timber/wood products such as sleeper retaining walls. A single colony may last many years and the population of an individual nest can run into millions. All attacks by subterranean termites originate from the nest. They reach their food source by foraging underground or by building mud shelter tubes called galleries when above ground. Attack by termites is not restricted to below ground, and in some cases where there is a source of permanent moisture, such as leaking plumbing, available to them, they may nest within the building without contact with the soil. Termites will eat anything that contains cellulose. They will eat timber and timber based products found in floors, walls, roofs, cupboards, skirting, architraves and furniture. As well, they will attack carpet, fabrics, paper and cardboard. They even eat the backing paper off plasterboard linings. Regulations: 1.The Building Code of Australia (BCA) states that all buildings must have an effective termite control system installed to minimise the risk of attack by termites. The BCA requires “protection” only to structural or primary building elements. The BCA references Australian Standard AS3660. 2. “Protection of buildings from subterranean termites—new building work”. This document gives some “how to” solutions for termite management systems. These will be explained in a little detail below. 3. Some local Government Authorities, particularly in NSW, may require additional requirements so you need to consult them to determine whether the requirements of your local area are more demanding than the BCA. Myths V’s Facts: There are some myths and misconceptions relating to termites that all home owners need to be properly informed about. 1. I have a termite barrier in my home, therefore I’ll never have a problem with termites- WRONG! There is no guarantee that termites will not attack your home. The whole purpose of installing termite barriers is to prevent termites from gaining concealed access to your home. Effective termite barriers force termites into the open where they can be detected. 2. Termite barriers protect my home - WRONG! All termite barriers act as a detection system and require ongoing maintenance. Builder’s Responsibilities: Is the builder totally responsible for ensuring my home is fully protected? The builder is responsible for the installation of the barrier system and ensuring that it complies with the regulations and manufacturers instructions. The owner also has obligations to maintain the system after occupancy. Owner’s Responsibilities: 1. The owner is responsible for ensuring that there are regular inspections to detect termite activities. These should be done at least every 12 months and more often in high risk areas and should cover the whole property within the boundary and not just the main building itself. If you do detect termites, do not disturb them or their workings in any way. It will be more difficult for a professional to eradicate them if they have been disturbed. If termites are found, call your builder or a pest control agent. Your local Master Builders will be able to give the names of competent and reliable operators. 22 Building & Remodelling In Canberra


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2. Ensure that where timber floors are used that: (a) there is sufficient space beneath the floor to inspect the floor (min 400mm);(b) that there is adequate ventilation to the subfloor area and that the vents are not covered by garden beds or paving etc.; (b) that there is adequate ventilation to the subfloor area and that the vents are not covered by garden beds or (c) when using timber sleepers, etc., in gardens, extra vigilance needs to be considered because of the increased risks of termite attack. Selection of an Appropriate System: Before construction commences it is advisable that discussion takes place between the builder and the owner. The selection of a termite barrier system should not be based merely on price. Other considerations such as the topography of the site, known risk factors of the area and construction techniques must also be taken into account. We would recommend that the owner ask their builder for a copy of the Master Builders Australia publication “Home Owner’s Guide for Protection From Termites” and that this document form part of the contract document. Special considerations need to be given to extension where the existing building has no Barrier Systems in place. Likewise, when doing additions such as decking and pergolas, attention to detail will prevent termite entry into the main building from these structures. Termite Management Systems: Since the banning of organochlorides in 1995, there have evolved a number of termite “barriers”. These may be divided into two categories: (a) chemical and (b) physical. Chemical Barriers: These may be applied either by hand spraying beneath and around a building or by using a reticulation system underneath a concrete slab. The main chemical used today is Organophosphates. Selection of this system needs to be subject to the soil types, site location, availability of chemicals and local regulations, as well as the expected life of the chemical. Physical Barriers: Physical barriers may be divided into two categories. Those for use with suspended floor systems and those for use with concrete slab on ground. For suspended floors, the most common form of barrier is ant capping, or termite shields. This is a very thin metal shield placed on top of piers and foundation walls. It is placed directly below the lowest floor timber or concrete slab. It extends the full width of the wall or pier and is turned down on either side (in the external face of exterior walls it finishes flush). An alternative to metal shields is stainless steel mesh. Regular inspections will reveal termite activity as they build galleries around the shield. For slab on ground construction a little more care needs to be taken because there is limited inspection or no opportunity to inspect the barrier once the building is completed. The slab itself, if designed and constructed to limit movement is considered a termite barrier. All penetrations (pipes) through the slab must have a collar embedded in the slab. The edge of the slab may be left exposed to detect termite activity or alternatively the cavity between the inside timber and external brickwork may have a 24 Building & Remodelling In Canberra

barrier installed at this location. An excellent system for this situation is stainless steel mesh. It is adhered to the slab and built into the brickwork. Stainless steel mesh may also be used as a full protection beneath a slab and for service penetrations. The graded stone termite barrier system works on the principle that the particles, which range in size from 1.7mm to 2.4mm and have particular shape characteristics, are placed so as to block termite access into the building. The termites cannot find a path through the layer of stone as the particles are too hard for them to eat are too heavy to move out of the way, while the voids between the particles are too small for the termites to pass through. Similarly graded stone barriers may be used as a full barrier beneath a slab, for service penetrations and perimeter protection. All of these systems may be used singularly or in unison with each other, there is a system just right for your home. Finally, for new work it is a regulatory requirement to have a durable notice installed in the electrical meter box or other such prominent position advising the homeowner and future inspectors of what system or systems have been installed. Don’t allow yourself to be lured into a fool’s paradise and think it won’t happen to me. Remember 1 in 5 homes will be affected by termites. Termites are worse than teenagers, they will eat you out of house and home.

Home Foundations The foundations of your home are subjected to a wide variety of stresses, and accordingly there are different designs in order to cope with particular soil types and with excessive expansion and contraction. If you have any doubts concerning the footings of your construction be sure to seek the services of a professional. Solid, stable foundations are the basis of all good construction. The base of a wall rests on footings or on a concrete raft foundation. Both of these are in the ground and usually maintain a fairly constant temperature. The upper portion can be subject to much greater temperature range, which causes expansion and contraction, which in time can result in minor hairline cracking in brickwork or surface finishes, or even in the footing or raft foundation. These hairline cracks are of minor significance, and only need attention if they deteriorate further or if they appear on a surface which you consider detracts from the appearance of your house. In that case, minor touch up is all that is needed. (continued on p40)


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Building & Remodelling In Canberra 25

M O N C R I E F F D I S P L AY V I L L A G E O P E N I N G I N 2 0 1 6

MONCRIEFF MASTER BUILDERS DISPLAY VILLAGE Showcasing the latest living ideas from some of Master Builders ACT’s leading builders.

26 Building & Remodelling In Canberra Building & Remodelling In Canberra 27

M O N C R I E F F D I S P L AY V I L L A G E O P E N I N G I N 2 0 1 6

Designs to make the spirits soar at Moncrieff Named after Gladys Moncrieff, Australia’s ‘Queen of Song’ in the 1920s, Canberra’s newest suburb – and the fabulous display village at its heart – will make any home buyer’s heart sing. With nature on its doorstep and stunning views of the surrounding countryside, Moncrieff is planned to include up to 2,200 homes, a group centre, community facilities, parks and playgrounds.

A collaboration between Master Builders ACT and the Land Development Agency, the display village will feature 12 single and double storey homes packed with state-of-the-art design, smart technology and clever ideas to suit all budgets and tastes. “There’s no better way to experience the best in modern housing design and construction than by wandering through this display village,” says MBA’s executive director in the ACT, Kirk Coningham.

“There’s no better way to experience the best in modern housing design and construction than by wandering through this display village” Kirk Coningham The mixture of single residential, medium and high density multi-unit developments will provide plenty of choice for Canberrans wanting the best of suburban living just a stone’s throw from the heart of Gungahlin. When the Moncrieff Master Builders Display Village opens its doors in March 2016, expect to discover the latest living ideas for sustainable, accessible and affordable homes.

28 Building & Remodelling In Canberra

Families have plenty of designs to choose from in the Moncrieff Master Builders Display Village.

The 4BXL Design 13 by Achieve Homes enhances family living with an open plan kitchen, and stunning family and meals areas that flows directly onto a lavish outdoor alfresco space. High ceilings, generous bedrooms and large wardrobes are sure to be a hit.

Building a New Home or Knocking Down & Rebuilding? Discuss your options with Gracious Living Constructions

“From This”

“To This”

To book your obligation FREE site inspection & speak with a Gracious Living staff member please call 0401 733 661 Ph: (02) 6241 0544

Builders lic numbers ACT 200112298 NSW 127718C

M O N C R I E F F D I S P L AY V I L L A G E O P E N I N G I N 2 0 1 6

Practical day-to-day living is also at the heart of Stoneleigh by McDonald Jones Homes. Ideal for a modern day block, this home is flawlessly designed with well-appointed entertaining and private living areas. The gourmet kitchen, oversized outdoor alfresco area and centrallylocated home theatre or children’s activity room are just three of the design features of this contemporary home suited to a busy family.

we think people will be impressed with the clever design ideas around every corner of this beautiful home.” Just a few steps away at The Renoir, Renaissance Homes sets a new benchmark in project home choice, quality and affordability. The generously-proportioned rooms in a highly functional and flexible layout are matched with a user-friendly kitchen connected to a huge family and meals area. The large alfresco area under the roofline offers the best of informal dining.

The generously-proportioned rooms in a highly functional and flexible layout are matched with a user-friendly kitchen connected to a huge family and meals area. The family who moves in to The Fina will never want to leave. J&F Homes’ design is flooded with light and features incredible views of the nearby parklands, as well as all the modern fixtures and quality appliances buyers expect. “The Fina blends practicality with luxury,” explains Joe Perkovic. “From the huge walk-in pantry to the generous bedrooms with specialised internal shelving and drawers in the wardrobes,

30 Building & Remodelling In Canberra

Buyers will be blown away by the ‘Boronia’. Developed by Sekisui House, the Boronia’s design perfectly balances spacious living areas with private zones to keep the whole family happy. The open plan layout provides a seamless flow from the kitchen to the dining, family, rumpus and outdoor living areas – creating a relaxed, inviting feel that suits the way many modern Australian families love to live.


VISIT THE VILLAGE TO INSPECT OUR MOTORISED AND ENERGY RATED BLINDS AND DRAPES AVAILABLE TO COMPLETE YOUR HOME • Australia’s largest range with over 50 products on display • Custom made to measure • Shapes and angled blinds • Child safety compliant# • Excellent warranties*



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COMPLETE LUXAFLEX EXTENSIVE RANGE OF PRODUCTS INLCUDING: SOFT SHADES DUETTE Shades, LUMINETTE Privacy Sheers, SILHOUETTE Shadings, PIROUETTE Shadings MOTORISATION NEW Qmotion Technology offers super quiet battery operation and iOs devices control for Roller blinds.


Fabric collections from all leading fabric suppliers. Modern S Fold or traditional pinch pleat headings to suit all decors and styling.


1/64 WOLLONGONG STREET FYSHWICK PH 6280 4762 • 3/66 HEFFERNAN STREET MITCHELL PH 6255 0623 MITCHELL@RITEWAYS.COM.AU • WWW.RITEWAYS.COM.AU *Conditions apply, see website for details #All LUXAFLEX® products will comply with the Trade Practice (Consumer Product Safety Standard – Corded Internal Window Coverings) Amendment Registrations 20110 (No.1) © Copyright 2013 Hunter Douglas Limited (ABN 98 009 675 709) ® Registered Trade Mark of Hunter Douglas Limited C11468_11.2012)

Building & Remodelling In Canberra 31

M O N C R I E F F D I S P L AY V I L L A G E O P E N I N G I N 2 0 1 6

Canberrans will love,” Kosei adds. Aspiring chefs will love The Hinton, APA Homes’ addition to the village. Featuring quality appliances, soft closing drawers and a walk-in pantry, The Hinton’s kitchen is the centre of family life, integrat-ing seamlessly with the generous living and meals area.

The Moncrieff Display Village is located 4km north-west of Gungahlin town centre

Next door, RAM Constructions presents The ModHaus, a home that combines classic modernist ar-chitecture with the latest in sustainable design. A certified ‘Green Living’ builder, RAM Constructions is committed to building homes that are good for the environment – and good for people too. Light, airy and full of character, The ModHaus’ streamlined design connects the inside and outside spaces in an energy-efficient home that packs a punch.

Aspiring chefs will love The Hinton, APA Homes’ addition to the village. Featuring quality appliances, soft closing drawers and a walk-in pantry, The Hinton’s kitchen is the centre of family life, integrating seamlessly with the generous living and meals area. Making the most of space is not only a big feature of the ‘Boronia’, but in all Sekisui designs. “Sekisui House originated in Japan, where houses are small and clever utilisation of space is critical,” says Kosei Shibata. “Our designer has applied his unique experience working with small spaces to create clever design solutions at affordable levels that 32 Building & Remodelling In Canberra

The Calgary also shows buyers how small can be smart, sustainable and super livable. This innova-tive three bedroom home opens up new possibilities for small blocks with challenging site topogra-phy. Elevated Living’s home has been designed to achieve a seven star energy efficiency rating, with clever passive design ensuring the home is light-filled even on the coldest winter days.

renaissancehomes are a proudly local and family owned new home building company. With over 47 awards for excellence in building to date, we pride ourselves on offering and providing;      

High quality affordable homes A large range of standard designs that can be adapted to suit individual requirements Quotation service for custom home designs Several inclusion / specification levels Specialised service in knock down & rebuilds A personalised, professional and informative service that welcomes & encourages client involvement

We are proud to have completed over 1000 new homes in Canberra and the surrounding region over the last 20 yrs

Visit our current 2015 MBA award winning display home at ; 10 Arthur Blakeley Way Coombs open Friday to Monday 11am to 5pm

From purchase of land or knock down rebuild feasibility through to home completion and after sales service – your renaissance team has the dedication, knowledge and expertise to guide you through the whole process OFFICE: Unit 3 20-24 Essington Street MITCHELL ACT 2911 | P 6220 8600 | FBuilding 6242 6068 | & Remodelling In Canberra 33 ACT BUILDERS LICENCE NO: 199610753 | NSW BUILDERS LICENCE NO: 118206C | ABN: 47 075Builders 691 253 ACT Licence no. 199610753

M O N C R I E F F D I S P L AY V I L L A G E O P E N I N G I N 2 0 1 6

Livable, accessible design is a key feature of many of the homes at Moncrieff. Gracious Living’s home showcases many livable design features – from generous bathrooms, a carefully-considered kitchen and spacious hallways through to taps, light switches and handles that are easy to operate. “Our design gives house hunters an idea of how they can create an accessible home on a sloping block,” says Gracious Living’s Director, Matthew Smith. “We want to show people the simple design solutions that are great for people of all ages – whether that’s a kid with a bike, a parent pushing a pram or an older person with limited mobility,” Smith adds. MBS Housing promises modern, beautiful and sophisticated homes – and it certainly delivers with The Monti. Designed to achieve a ‘Gold’ level rating from Livable Housing Australia, The Monti is perfect for people of all ages – whether a young family or a retired couple looking to downsize. The master bedroom has been deliberately positioned on the ground floor, while the ensuite features a step-free shower.

Fernbank 245 is GJ Gardner Homes’ sophisticated single storey dwelling that maximises the houseto-land ratio and ensures living space is amplified. From the moment you enter the home, you’ll be wowed by the grandeur of the high ceilings, the clever placement of windows and natural light – a surprising complement to the urban styling of the façade. And finally, inspired by Canberra’s spectacular backdrop, Rawson Homes has created The Brindabella. Be intrigued and impressed by this open plan masterpiece of appealing proportions. Combining attractive architectural lines and clever design, The Brindabella presents the perfect mix of entertaining space and quiet sanctuaries that any family – big or small – will adore. The 12 imaginative and inspiring homes at the Moncrieff Display Village bring to life the best in contemporary Australian design - blending beauty with practicality, sustainability with livability – to help people capture their own Great Australian Dream.

House and land packages: ranging from $415,000 to $734,000.

Contract home builder: building for customers with their own land, specialising in home designs from $235,000 to $435,000.

Custom home building

• • House land packages: ranging Knockand down re-build from $415,000 to $734,000. •

Huge range of plans that can be adapted Contract home builder: building

customers with their own • forAchieve Homes Colour Selections land, specialising in home designs Studio: making the personalisation of many aspects the home easy. from $235,000 toof$435,000.

House and land packages: ranging from $415,000 to $734,000.

Contract home builder: building for customers with their own land, specialising in home designs from $235,000 to $435,000.

Custom home building

Knock down re-build

Huge range of plans that can be adapted

Achieve Homes Colour Selections Studio: making the personalisation of many aspects of the home easy.

House and land packages: ranging from $415,000 to $734,000.

Contract home builder: building for customers with their own land, specialising in home designs from $235,000 to $435,000.

Custom home building

Knock down re-build

Huge range of plans that can be adapted

Achieve Homes Colour Selections Studio: making the personalisation of many aspects of the home easy.

Building Level 1, 9/24 Iron Knob Street House and land packages:Fringe ranging Fyshwick ACT 2609 | P 2 6280 6778 | F 2 6280 9890 • Custom home building ABN 311 378 720 14 ACT Licence 2009645 NSW Licence 224797C from toStreet $734,000. Fringe Building$415,000 Level 1, 9/24 Iron Knob • Fyshwick KnockACT down 2609 |re-build P 2 6280 6778 | F 2 6280 9890 311 378 720 14ofACT Licence 2009645 NSW Licence 224797C range plans that •• ABNHuge Contract home builder: building can be adapted for customers with their own • Achieve Homes Colour Selections land,making specialising in home designs Studio: the personalisation FINALISTS IN HIA & MBA offrom many aspects of the home easy. $235,000 to $435,000. HOUSING AWARDS Fringe Building Level 1, 9/24 Iron Knob Street Fyshwick ACT 2609 | P 2 6280 6778 | F 2 6280 9890

ABN 311 378 720 14 ACT Licence 2009645 NSW Licence 224797C

NEW DISPLAY CENTRE • PLUS Custom home building HOUSE & LAND • PACKAGES Knock down re-build COMING • SOON Huge range of plans that TO MONCRIEFF. can be adapted Fringe Building Level 1, 9/24 Iron Knob Street Fyshwick ACT 2609 | P 2 6280 6778 | F 2 6280 9890

ABN 311 378 720 14 ACT Licence 2009645 NSW Licence 224797C

MAKE THE CALL TODAY Colour TO Achieve Homes Selections SECURE YOUR BRAND Studio: making the personalisation NEW DREAM HOME. of many aspects of the home easy.

Fringe Building Level 1, 9/24 Iron Knob Street Fyshwick ACT 2609 | P 2 6280 6778 | F 2 6280 9890


ABN 311STREET, 378 720 14 ACT Licence 2009645 NSW Licence 224797C 11 DOT BUTLER



Building & Remodelling In Canberra 35

ACT Builder’s Licence no. 2009197 NSW Builder’s Licence no. 226045C

M O N C R I E F F D I S P L AY V I L L A G E O P E N I N G I N 2 0 1 6

Spotlight on our Preferred Partners BANK AUSTRALIA “Bank Australia creates mutual prosperity for Australians and plays an important role in building a strong, fair nation and a healthy planet. We’re excited to support Moncrieff Display Village and be a part of the next chapter in the ACT’s innovative and sustainable homes.”

RITEWAY CURTAINS AND BLINDS “We are proud to showcase our high efficiency blinds and curtains in Master Builders’ new display village at Moncrieff.”

Adam Ceeney, Branch Manager, Bank Australia

BOB WALKER’S CARPETS “With a wide range of quality carpets, vinyls, timbers and laminates, Bob Walker’s Carpets has enjoyed a long association with many of Canberra’s leading builders. We’re delighted to present some of the latest and greatest in contemporary styles in Moncrieff’s exciting new display village.”

SCYON WALLS AND FLOORS “We’re excited to be showcasing Scyon Walls and Floors, and showing Canberrans a faster and more modern way to build homes that are resilient and ooze personality and style.”

Allan Smith, Director, Riteway Curtains and Blinds

Anne Walker, Director, Bob Walker’s Carpets

Nick Gorrie, Territory Manager, James Hardie

REECE “As Australia’s leading bathroom retailer with more than 300 showrooms across the country, Reece offers the biggest range of national and global brands to help you create the perfect bathroom. We are committed to the best service so that everyone can experience bathroom happiness™.” Keiran Sweeting, Region Leader, Reece

RIVOLAND TILES “We supply many of the builders in the Canberra region. Highlighting our products in real homes helps people visualise the latest tiles on the market. We’re proud to present our quality products in this exciting new display village.” James Hibberson, General Manager, Rivoland Tiles

TREND WINDOWS AND DOORS “Trend manufactures quality windows and doors here in the ACT that help builders achieve their 6 star energy rating. We are proud to be a part of the new Moncrieff display village – homes made for Canberra.” Peter Sullivan, ACT Branch Manager, Trend Windows & Doors

36 Building & Remodelling In Canberra

ORIGIN ENERGY “Origin has been working with MBA nationally for many years and is now proud and excited to extend this relationship to the ACT Building Industry” Bryan Hegarty National Manager, Building Industry, Origin Energy

CAPITAL DOORWORKS “Capital Doorworks specialises in the supply, installation, repair and maintenance of Residential Garage Doors, including Panel/Sectional Doors, Roller Doors, Manual and Motorised Gates, Tilt Doors and Motorising new and existing garage doors. We are looking forward to working with the Moncrieff builders and their clients.” Geoff Didier, Director, Capital Doorworks

P R E F F E R E D PA R T N E R S O F T H E D I S P L AY V I L L A G E Use the logo with the ACC tag where possible

If the ACC type is too small to be legible use version without it.

Use the walls only logo when referring to cladding products only and the range reference to floors would be odd.

Colours - Yellow PMS 124C - Process C0 M 28 Y 100 K6

Building & Remodelling In Canberra 37


RAM constructions BUILDING

EST 1978

EST 1978

38 Building & Remodelling In Canberra



For more information on the Moncrieff Master Builders Display Village visit the

MBA website

Professional and innovative projects of only the highest quality. J&F Homes Pty Ltd is a local family owned building business that has been operating in the A.C.T region for over 15 years. Our mission is to deliver professional and innovative building projects on time and on budget, where only the highest quality and professional service is provided. • Contract homes, house and land packages, knock down – rebuilds, townhouse developments and apartments. • A highly skilled, specialised and qualified team provides excellence in building and construction. • Offers competitive inclusions to clients, making their vision a reality.

0402 962 799 | |

Building & Remodelling In Canberra 39 ACN 109372689 ACT Builders Licence no. 200413799

Canberra’s premier supplier of decorative concrete solutions and systems CE Construction Solutions provide a range of decorative concrete solutions for new and old structures alike. From colour oxides in your new concrete to resurfacing systems to rejuvenate your driveway or entertaining area. CE have a solutions. For over 40 years we’ve provided the Canberra region with a range of solutions for waterproofing, epoxy coatings, concrete repair, silicones, sealers, insulation, adhesives, concreting and general building needs.

Call (02) 6280 6010

30 Geelong Street, Fyshwick

Home Foundation continued from p25 Sometimes in an effort to obtain more storage space, basement areas are used by the owners of the home for items seldom used. Unless these are planned for this use in the original design they are difficult to waterproof, and it is therefore important to limit storage in such areas to items which are not likely to be damaged either by water, moisture in the air, mould or dust.

Reinforcing Steel The Australian Certification Authority for Reinforcing Steel (ACRS) administers an industry-based, third-party product certification scheme for steel reinforcement and prestressing strand. The globilisation of the steel industry and the increase in the number of domestic processors has created the potential for the supply of reinforcing steel of unconfirmed origin and quality. Due to the strong focus on quality and safety in the Australian construction industry, local builders have come to expect construction materials to comply with all relevant Australian Standards. However, with reinforcing steel and prestressing strand now being sourced from various suppliers within Australia, and from other parts of the world, designers, specifiers and contractors can no longer necessarily assume that the reinforcing steel delivered to site will continuously meet their requirements. Australia has an independent product certification scheme to ensure that construction standards are not eroded through the supply of potentially non-complying materials. The benefits of ACRS include: • Assured quality and fitness for purpose of the steel irrespective of origin of material • European experience shows it will not affect availability or competitive price levels • Preserve Australia’s world-class construction technologies • Prevent reintroduction of site inspection and testing

Swimming Pools Swimming Pools and spas cad add value to a new or renovated home. Most swimming pools and spas generally don’t require development approval - depending on factors such as the pool or spa’s capacity and height and its location. Most pools require some building approval, to ensure 40 Building & Remodelling In Canberra

compliance with laws aimed at reducing child-drowning risks. Some very small pools are exempt. It is also important that home oweners understand pool fencing laws and ACT pool licensing requirements. Home owners interested in building a pool should discuss this with their home builder or a specialist pool builder. Further information is also available from the EPD customer services.

A Guide To Better Concreting Ready mixed concrete is a versatile and creative material, it can be used in many places around the home, from plain smooth concrete floors for house and garage to beautiful decorative pavings and wall finishes. There are many ways you can use concrete around your home to make living more pleasant, gardening easier and at the same time add value to your property. • Foundations • Drains • Barbecue bases • Pools/Fish ponds • Paths • Lawn edging • Tank stands • Retaining walls • Driveways • Tennis courts • Borders • Garage/Shed floors

Tools required Before you start you will need: • hammer • shovel • straight timber formwork & screed board • wheel-barrow • wooden (and if required, steel) float • joining tool • spirit level • steel rods or wooden stakes • polythene sheeting or hessian • time to cure

Estimating the quantity

Ring your local concrete supplier with the dimensions of the work you plan to do. You will be given an estimate of the quantity of concrete required and delivery arrangements will be made.

WHAT OUR EXPERTISE CAN BRING TO YOU: ■ Detailed design & specification ■ Fully engineered pools, specific to each location ■ We travel from the south coast to the ski fields of NSW ■ We’re based in the ACT and readily service all surrounding areas. ■ High end custom concrete swimming pools and spas are our specialty. ■ Fully tiled pools are our specialty finish. ■ We have been the most awarded pool building company in Australia. “Australia’s most awarded Swimming Pool construction company" "Winners of the unprecedented ‘Platinum Award’ by SPASA"

p: 6297 6863 or 6297 6865

e: Building & Remodelling In Canberra 41

Set out the area

Remove the topsoil and level the area. Compact loose soil. Place the oiled timber boards at the edges so that the top of the board is at the desired level. Hammer steel rods (or timber stakes) into the ground at one metre intervals to hold the boards in place.


A fall of approximately 10mm (3/8”) per metre of path is desirable to run water away from your house.

Dampen the soil

Thoroughly soak the area before the truck arrives.

Large areas

If it is a large area, you may need some help to place and finish the concrete. Unless experienced work on maximum of 10 square metres per person but do not do it on your own.

Placing the concrete

Spread the concrete out and using a straight board, screed it off to the level of the top of the formwork and remove the rods or stakes on the inside of the formwork.


Work over the surface with a float to bring some mortar to the surface and fill the surface voids. Use your grooving tool to mark where you want your joints. You will find that free water will come to the surface. Wait until this has disappeared.


For a smooth finish a steel float or for a rougher non-slip finish use a wooden float. Carefully work over the area with the float of your choice until most of the float marks are gone. Use the grooving tool against a straight edge to put the joints in and then touch up any surface marks with the float.


Do not let the concrete dry out too quickly as it will crack. If possible, shield the wet concrete from strong wind and the sun. As soon as the concrete has gone hard (about 5 hours later) it should be covered with light polythene or damp hessian. Alternatively it should be kept continually damp for about 1 week.

Remove Forms

Forms may be removed the day after pouring. But be careful as the edges may still be a little soft and can damage easily.

Energy Efficient Concrete

In recent years home owners have become aware of the need to conserve energy, mainly due to the high costs of heating and cooling a home. Today an energy efficient home’s overall objective is to admit and store the sun’s energy when it is needed and to exclude and remove heat from the sun when it is not needed. The thermal mass or heat storage capacity—of the house is of prime importance and a reinforced concrete slab floor is the ideal starting point. Recent research has shown that a concrete slab floor alone can reduce the effect of the outside temperature swings by as much as 50%. If a concrete floor is coupled with other passive solar design techniques such as stone, brick or insulated walls the thermal benefits will be even greater and the entire home will help keep out the heat in summer and keep in desired warmth in the winter.

Pattern Paving In Concrete Pattern Paving is a paving process that combines the strength and durability of concrete with the style and beauty of cobblestones, slate, tiles and brick pavers. Pattern Paving offers a variety of patterns, colours and textures which gives the impression of custom-designed architectural paving or flooring. Ideal for driveways, paths, patios or pool surrounds, Pattern Paving now makes concrete the beautiful alternative.

Pattern Paving Offers So Much:

Pattern Paving is the ideal paving medium that will beautify your house and increase its value. Just look at the advantages. Strong and durable. Pattern Paving provides a strong permanent pavement that won’t collapse or deteriorate over the years. It is comfortable to walk on and safe for little toes and high heel shoes. The Natural Look. With Pattern Paving you can achieve the look and texture of cobbled surfaces and slate floors. The pattern range is virtually endless and various textures, rough or smooth, can be achieved. Colour Your World with Concrete. The colour range is almost infinite. On the surface pattern lines can be left 42 Building & Remodelling In Canberra






6175 9600


Building & Remodelling In Canberra 43

Concrete water tanks under your driveway, garage, lawn...


All shapes & sizes available. From 20,000ltrs to 500,000ltrs We’re ACT Locals Specialising in Commercial & residential From foot traffic to B Double trucks… our tanks can take the strain like no other • Hand crafted to last Dan: 0401 150 835 • Office: 6297 6863 • Office: 6297 6865

Tank Builder Licence N0. 6327D open or filled with coloured mortar to create the outside environment of your choice No Weeding, No Maintenance. One of the biggest problems with individual pavers is that weeds are often difficult to control and undulations develop in the surface. Pattern Paving is a permanent concrete slab. There are no gaps to allow weeds to penetrate. There are no pavers to come loose. The surface stays level year after year.

How is Pattern Paving Applied?

Pattern paving is the strong, tough, attractive paving alternative using specially formulated concrete suitable for slab construction. 1. The area to be paved is prepared and formwork constructed as for a normal concrete pour. The area is usually reinforced with steel mesh for even greater performance. 2. The concrete is delivered in an agitator truck and placed in position. A special process is then carried out to provide you with the colour and texture of your choice. 3. The surface is then sealed with a specially prepared sealer which provides added resistance to oil and grease stains, wear and ultra violet lights. 4. Pattern Paving provides a strong pavement. It is usually 100mm thick for domestic driveways and 75mm thick for other domestic purposes such as patios, pathways and pool surrounds. By comparison a timber floor provides little or no thermal advantage. To make the most of free solar energy in your house this can be achieved by following a few simple rules: house orientation, shape, size and a number of windows, these combined with the use of concrete floors and solid walls will give you the makings of an energy efficient home.

Frames & Trusses Floor frame

Your carpenter will place the bearers first, then the floor joists. Once the bearers and joists are fixed the carpenter should ensure that the floor frame is flat. If this is not checked at this stage, ir­regularities could occur later which could be dif­ficult to rectify. An inspection is required prior to the placement of the floor. This is an excellent time to organise anti-termite spraying. Sheet flooring (particle board) is the most widely used floor-type and is most satis­factory if the floor is to

be car­peted. It is impera­tive that both be fixed to the manufac­turers specifications. An alternative to the traditional bearer/joist system is the use of prefabricated floor trusses. Benefits of floor trusses include the ability to achieve long clear spans, lightweight and fast installation. More information can be obtained from your truss fabricator.

Wall frame

The Owner-Builder would be advised to utilise pre-fabri­cated wall frames. Time is vitally im­portant and prefabricated wall frames will simplify the job. Wall frames are to be manufactured or constructed in accordance with AS1684, unless otherwise specified. Their use reduces cutting and assem­bly costs on the job and theft of materials from the site is re­duced.

Floor Tiling Guide ACID ETCHING OF CONCRETE FLOORS: Apply a diluted hydrochloric acid (Muriatic Acid) — dilute 1:3 with water for smooth concrete and 1:6 with water for existing glazed tiles to the surface to be etched and leave for 15 minutes or until the reaction has ceased and wash down completely with large quantities of water. Let the surface dry before tiling. TILING ON TIMBER FLOORS - (Tongue & Groove and Structural Interior domestic flooring): Surface Preparation. Ensure that the timber floor is correctly nailed and rigid to eliminate excessive movement, and is free of grease, wax, dust and other contaminants. Sand down painted and contaminated surfaces and complete preparation as per the recommendations on the container of adhesive you are about to use for the job. Application. Spread adhesive as for normal floor application with a 6-12mm notched spreader. Allow adhesive to set for a minimum of 24 hours before grouting. MOVEMENT OR EXPANSION JOINTS: To allow for tile expansion leave a 5 mm minimum gap around the perimeter of the floor and in large areas at 5 metre intervals. SETTING OUT: The laying of the tiles should start at the centre of the floor working out to the walls. Mark the floor between the centre points of opposite walls and lay the first tile in one of the right angles formed at the centre. Continue the tiling outwards using the lines as guides to keep the tiling square to the walls. Before commencing the actual laying, place a row of loose tiles along each line from the centre to the

Peace of mind. The Master Builders Fidelity Fund was established in 2002 to protect the interests of both consumers and builders in the ACT. For Builders, the Master Builders Fidelity Fund provides financial certainty as money held by the Fund remains in the ACT. It is securely invested and used for the betterment of the ACT builders and consumers and is therefore not subjected to the vagaries of international markets and events.

The Fidelity Fund issues Fidelity Certificates which provide consumer protection for owners of new homes and those making significant changes to homes. The Certificates protect the owner during construction and for up to six years from the date of practical completion. Master Builders members receive reduced premium rates and we also offer special discounts for volume users of the Fidelity Fund. For more information contact the Master Builders Fidelity Fund.

Go online and find the cover that is right for you.

Master Builders Fidelity Fund 1 Iron Knob St, Fyshwick ACT 2609 | PO Box 1211, Fyshwick ACT 2609 Tel: (02) 6175 5995 Fax: (02) 6257 8349 Email: Web:

Building & Remodelling In Canberra 45

nearest full tile to each wall. Tiles will have to be cut to fit the spaces left and if it is seen that a narrow cut is required, it is advisable to adjust each row to give a cut tile as close as possible to a half tile. This will require new guide lines being drawn relative to the revised positioning of the central tile. Doing this will facilitate the cutting of the tiles. FIXING: Mosaic Tiles: Spread the adhesive with a 6 mm notched trowel, one square metre at a time. The mosaic sheet is beaten well into the ribs of adhesive ensuring that each individual tile is completely in contact with the adhesive. In the case of paper faced mosaics, the paper may be removed after approximately 1/2 hour. Any adjustments to the tiles should be made at this time. Quarry Tiles: Spread only one square metre of adhesive at a time with a 12 mm notched trowel and allow 8-12 mm between tiles for grouting. Other Tiles: Apply the adhesive with a 6 mm notched trowel. Spread only one square metre at a time. The tiles are pressed firmly into the adhesive bed. Do not fix tiles with tight joints. A guide for gaps between tiles is : — Internal tiles 2 to 4 mm; External tiles 4 to 8 mm; Quarry tiles 8 to 12 mm. The tiles are pressed firmly into the adhesive bed. There must be no voids beneath the tiles. The tiles may be adjusted to maintain true, even joint lines. Complete the section up to the nearest full tile to the walls. Leave all cut tiles until last. CUTTING THE TILES: If you have planned your layout properly, most of the tiles you have to cut will be a reasonable size. To measure the cut, place the tile in position face down, push the edge up to the wall, and mark both of the edges of the tile in line with the edge of the incomplete tiling. Lay the tile on a flat, firm surface. Score the glazed surface along the line of the mark. A tile cutter can be used to score the tile effectively. Break the tile by pressing down on another tile. GROUTING (FILLING THE TILE JOINTS): Grouting the joints can commence as soon as the tiles are rigid and cannot be disturbed. There are many variations available in both colour and quality of grout. Your local tiling supply shop should be best able to advise you on the most suitable grout for your tiling job. Work the grout into the joints using a squeegee or sponge. Remove the surplus grout from the tile before it dries. Finally, polish with a soft cloth.

Wall Tiling Guide PREPARATION OF WALLS: Wall surfaces must be level, firm and rigid. Make sure the surface to be tiled is clean, free from dust, oil, grease, etc. Plasterboard cement sheets should be coated with primer before tiling. Check the adhesive manufacturers recommendations before commencing fixing of the tiles. 1. Level Base: It is most important to select a level base for tiling. If tiling is to commence at floor level, nail a horizontal batten with its straight edge uppermost, one tile width above the lowest point of the wall. Use a spirit level to ensure that the batten is level. 2. True Vertical: At the centre of the wall to be tiled, establish a true vertical line with the aid of a plumb or spirit level and mark it on the wall. Place a row of tiles against the horizontal batten and then make necessary adjustments so that equal cuts in the tiling are made in the corners. The plumb line is then re-positioned at the centre. Tile from the centre line outwards ensuring that the tiles are positioned correctly. FIXING: Using the straight edge of a notched trowel, spread approximately one square metre of adhesive on the wall. In a horizontal direction notch the adhesive with a 5 mm notched trowel. Press the dry tiles into the ribs of adhesive ensuring that the whole of the back of the tile is in good contact with the adhesive. Most tiles have spacer lugs which automatically position them. A 1.5 mm space should be left between tiles (the thickness of a match) without spacer lugs. CUTTING THE TILES: If it is necessary to cut a tile use this simple method. Mark the glazed surface, place a rule or straight edge along the line and firmly score the surface with a glass cutter. Place a match stick under the tile in line with the cut and press down firmly on both sides; a clean break will result. The scored tile can also be broken by pressing down against a table edge. To cut half circles, scratch the shape on the glaze with a glass cutter then nip off very small pieces with a sharp pair of pincers until the correct fit is achieved. Hold the tile as closely as possible to where the cut is being made, smooth off sharp edges with a round file. GROUTING (FILLING TILE JOINTS): Wait until the adhesive has set (usually the next day) before grouting. Mix the grout with water to a thick paste consistency. Let it stand for 10 minutes and remix, but do not add extra water. Work the mixture thoroughly into all joints with a rubber squeegee or similar material, in diagonal motions rather than horizontal or vertical. Wash off excessive grout with a minimum amount of water and a soft sponge. The small amount of grout left on the tiles should be left until the grout in the joint dries and then wiped off with 46 Building & Remodelling In Canberra

a dry rag. The last process will also polish the tiles to give a gleaming finish to the job.

Planning Your New Bathroom The bathroom is one of the most frequently used rooms in your house and the secret of a success­ful and practical bathroom is in planning. Whether you are completely renovating an existing bath­room or planning a new one, careful consideration and con­sultation with family, professionals and suppliers is necessary. Involving the family in the planning stage can be an enjoyable experience and their ideas can add to the success of your bathroom and make it a func­tional and relaxing integral part of your home. Through magazines, books and brochures ac­quaint yourself with the multitude of products available for both renovations and new bathrooms. Consider your requirements carefully or you may be unhappy with the results.


Bathrooms have traditionally been one of the more expensive areas of the home and thus it is impor­tant to budget carefully before beginning your bathroom plan. Before renovating ask yourselves the following questions: 1. Is the existing bathroom large enough? If not consider extending it by using space from hallways other rooms or even perhaps the landing. This may sometimes require knocking out walls to connect available space. A job which should be done by a professional. Bathrooms which open out into small private courtyards are an exciting way of adding a feeling of space and comfort to your bathroom. 2. Keep in mind that bathrooms are used for many purposes other than simply bath shower and toilet use. It is necessary to consider the number of household members, visitors etc., who will be using the facility. Incorporate plenty of floor space in front of vanities, toilets etc., as well as a com­fortable area for dressing etc. 3. What do you like or dislike about your exist­ing bathroom? How can you improve the facilities in your renovation, and what do you want in the new work? Do you want, say, a spa bath? A separate shower enclosure, over-bath shower, an adjacent toilet suite? What style of fittings will you choose? Will the bathroom have more than one access? — for use as an ensuite to a master bedroom, for ex­ample. If so you will have to allow for two door en­try. Asking yourself these questions will help you allocate your budget more successfully. 4. How will you decorate your new bathroom? Do you prefer the warm and cosy look, the high-tech clinical vogue? Or perhaps a more traditional coun­try style. Will your bathroom be carpeted or tiled? What colour will your bathroom be? You may like to co-or­dinate the bathroom with the rest of the home or per­haps make it markedly different. Dis­cuss your ideas with the family.


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5. Consider the lighting aspect. There is a large range available in electrical fittings. Your may wish to have the subtle effects of pelmet lighting, indi­vidual spotlights will give you a more dramatic ef­fect, espe­cially if used as a highlight for mirrors. Downlighting can be utilised on a feature wall to good effect. Natural light can give your bathroom a bright, open feel. Ask your builder about the possi­bility of in­stalling a skylight. Moisture and conden­ sation can be a problem in the bathroom, as can odours — you may choose one of a variety of ex­haust fans. 6. Regardless of the quality and look of your bath­room — if it is cold it loses its charm. One solu­tion to this problem could be central heating, how­ever this may only come within your budget if it is al­ready extensively used in the remainder of the house. Other alternatives are supplementary heating provided by wall or ceiling units. If you choose to use an electrical bar heater, make sure that the switching is installed in accordance with Electrical Authority guidelines. Never put any type of electrical switch in reach of anybody who may be using the shower or bath. Heaters should not be installed where they could pose a burn hazard or ignite towels or clothing. A safe and sensible alter­native is a heated towel rail - considered by some to be an absolute luxury item, if you do install one be sure to have if fitted by a li­censed electrician. 7. Flooring offers a multitude of choices. The best surface by far in relation to cleaning and gen­eral good looks is ceramic tiles. They can however be cold and slippery underfoot, this can be solved with underfloor heating if your budget can allow for it. Carpet can be soft and smooth and is available in a variety of colours and styles to suit any decor. One small disadvantage to consider is hygiene es­pecially around the toilet suite, even more so if you have small children. Other surfaces available are cush­ioned vinyl, either in sheet or tile form, or cork tiles which are always warm to the feel, are durable and reasonably easy to clean. 8. Is it possible to decorate the bathroom and re­furbish other parts of the house at the same time. A built-in wardrobe in an adjoining room, for example, could make an excellent bathroom ex­tension. De­pending on the position of the bath­room, an addi­tional shower may be installed in the laundry area, with little extra plumbing cost. This small addition could take the load off your larger bathroom when you have guests in the house. 9. If your renovations include a total roof conver­sion it may be the time to consider the addi­tion of a second bathroom. An ensuite is worth thought while you have the builders and plumber on the job. 10. Having worked your way through the above, it is time to consider your budget. Select your most favoured option in all areas then consult with your builder and plumber to get an approximate considera­tion of the costs involved. If you find your­self way beyond your budget, bring the costs down gradually by eliminating what you consider to be the more luxurious items. If you find the selec­tion diffi­cult, talk to your builder once again. They generally have a very good idea on the costs of both materials and P.C. items. Local Government regulations must be taken into consideration when moving water, gas or electrical services. The ACT Environment and Planning Directorate have all the necessary de­tails and contacts in these areas. It is always advisable to use fittings which conform with Australian Standards. If you are considering using imported goods, make sure the local authori­ties will permit their installation. One distinct advan­tage of Australian manufactured goods is readily available after sales service. Although im­ported products are improving in regard to service, the home made product still has a distinct advantage.


One of your larger expenses will be the cost of in­stalling plumbing. Try to conform as much as possi­ble to existing plumbing arrangements. Mov­ing your new bathroom to the opposite side of the house to the existing water and drainage services, for exam­ple, will increase your plumbing costs dramatically. The more you conform to existing plumbing arrange­ments the cheaper the job will be. You may have your own ideas on where you want particular fittings, but you may make the job more difficult for the plumber and as a result more ex­pensive for yourself. Check these details with the plumber as you draw up your plans.

Planning Your Ideal Kitchen The materials and surfaces available to the con­sumer for today’s kitchen builder or renovator are astonishing. It is very easy to become confused unless you have very defi­nite ideas of what you want and need. In most homes the kitchen is the heart of the house. It is most important when you are about to build a new kitchen or renovate the old, that you consider the way you live your life and the role that you may want your kitchen to play in that life.

Where To Begin

Planning A good starting point is to make a list of all the things you dislike in your present kitchen. Then make a list of all the things you would like to have and do in your new one. For ideas and illustrations, find as many books, magazines and brochures which have kitchen de­signs to your liking. Newsagents, timber suppli­ers, hardware stores and kitchen manufacturers will all have supplies of welcome information. The amount of space you have available will de­termine in many ways the style of your kitchen as will of course your finances, another factor will be the style and decoration of the house. Perhaps one of the best ways to allocate your kitchen funds is to choose what you consider the very best design available, then trim back or alter the kitchen to suit your home and budget. Always stick to standard sizes when planning room dimen­sions, window and door locations to accommodate cabinets. This will help keep costs down, while not skimping on ef­fect and quality. 48 Building & Remodelling In Canberra

Design & Style

Your dream kitchen may be old country style, with large ar­eas of glowing timber, baskets of fruit and bunches of herbs, or it may be that you would like an up-to-date high-tech design, fitted with the lat­est in technology. Kitchen de­sign in the 21st century caters to all tastes. Before making your decision on style, surfaces and colour, consider the kitchen worker. It is very important that, as much as possible, the kitchen is designed, ergonomically, around the individuals who must use its facilities. Evaluating all the needs of both family and cook and accu­rately planning all details should help you to produce a workable efficient kitchen plan. The ergonomics of your kitchen involve the food storage areas (refrigerator and pantry), the sink and the cooking appliances.

The Work Triangle

The relationship between these three is called the “work triangle” and the connection between the three should be logical. It is a good idea to have the sink and the cooktop close together with work space on both sides. If you are right handed the most logical place for your stove is to the right of your sink, allowing as much bench space as pos­sible between the two, naturally this would be re­versed if the cook were left-handed. The sink must be fitted in with the general plumb­ing of the home and as a result its position is usu­ally more restricted, as it is the first item to be fit­ted. It will be much simpler to work out your layout once you have the sink located in the plans. Large appliances such as the wall oven, and, if used, the dishwasher, can be mounted high on a wall — making load­ing easier without bending. Cupboards should be no less than 40cm above benches, any lower and you will find they restrict your vision. If your kitchen area is restricted by size, be sure to use sliding doors on all cup­boards. All workbenches should have a comfortable area for toe space along the bottom so that you can stand comfortably at the bench.

More Planning Hints

Other general points to consider when designing your kitchen are: the height of the cook in relation to bench height (it is very irritating having to work every day at a bench that is either too high or too low) – positioning of power points along benches - access to the work area and the relationship of one work area to another - will you be having a breakfast bar or free standing table? - how many cooks are there in the family - how many appli­ances will you be using? (make a note of whether they require special plumbing or ducting) - will the kitchen form part of your general entertainment area? - will you be allowing space for a dishwasher - and perhaps the most important


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Building & Remodelling In Canberra 49

consid­eration of all; how much will you be spending? Planning is a matter of common sense and your individual requirements — no matter what you may see on display, there is no ideal kitchen. Always make sure that the final plan you choose fits both your lifestyle and your family. Remember that one of your primary considerations is to cut down on unnecessary walking and double handling as you go about preparing a meal. — When planning try to locate the ‘work triangle’ out of the way of foot traffic. When laying out your kitchen to an existing area you will find you are designing to a specific space. For a square room consider either a centre island as a main working area or a ‘U’ shape. A long nar­row area may mean you hav­ing to go for the ‘galley option’. An ‘L’ shaped room, which may have pre­viously been a dining/kitchen area could make an excellent kitchen with a large ‘walk-in’ pantry. If you have an unusually shaped floor area, consult your kitchen supplier.

Benchtops and storage

When planning your benchtops keep in mind that you can never have too much work area. You need as much as you can afford to build and prob­ably more. Now you must con­sider how to keep your work area clear. You should have all the storage area you can afford. In certain kitchens, things like whisks, colanders, spoons etc. may be hung from a grid mounted on a wall or a ceiling, however some cooks prefer all utensils to be stored in drawers and out of sight. Drawers can be very useful if placed immediately under benchtops. Improvements in design in slide supports means large drawers can now be constructed under benches to hold saucepans or any other cooking implement. Despite the fact that they are quite large they will roll in and out at the touch of a fingertip. A pull-out shelf can be in­corporated under the bench complete with fold up legs to give you additional table space. An ironing board may be installed in the same way.

Flooring & walls

If the cook in your family spends a lot of time in the kitchen, your choice of floor covering material should be well thought out. Ease of cleaning and durability should be major factors when planning your floor and wall materi­als. If you are using professional help, consider your architects or designers suggestions about kitchen wall and floor materials. Ceramic and quarry tiles look appealing and they certainly are very durable. A vinyl fac­simile or perhaps cork tiles may be an alternative. The choice of your floor material can be a good starting point for the final style or look of your en­tire kitchen. Some types of flooring can be in­stalled by you, others require professional instal­lation. Sheet flooring is more difficult to install but easier to maintain. Carpet in the kitchen is an­other viable option. Most carpet manufacturers have a comprehensive range of durable and stain resis­tant sur­faces available suitable for high traffic areas.

Professional Help

During the past ten years, kitchen design and renovation has developed into what can only be described as a sci­ ence. You will be amazed at the knowledge of kitchen de­signers and manufactur­ers and their ability to effectively utilise the bewil­dering array of materials available, the ne­cessity (or otherwise) of new appliances, the arrangement of light sources, the harmony of colour schemes and the po­tential costs. If you find the selection of a company to design and build your new kitchen difficult, it is some­times wise to seek out the opinions of satisfied customers — it may not only be a pointer in the right direction, but may save you money in the long run. Some people choose to work with a kitchen manu­facturer; some choose to do it on their own — if you choose to work with a manufacturer be careful of high pressure sales people. They will harass you with long interviews and some­times inflate the price of the kitchen to allow for later huge discounts.

Asbestos - What you need to do The word ‘asbestos’ certainly rings alarm bells with most people, but many of us still have trouble sorting the myths from the facts about this potentially dangerous substance. One problem is that many people don’t believe they have asbestos in their homes when, in fact, you’ll find it in almost every house that was built before 1985. In the ACT, chances are if you live in an area other than Gungahlin or Southern Tuggeranong is likely to contain asbestos. Mostly it’s in the eaves, or in wet areas like laundries and bathrooms in the form of asbestos cement sheeting (fibro). According to the experts, when materials that contain asbestos are in good condition and left undisturbed, they do not pose a risk to your health. In fact, if you live in a house that contains asbestos, you won’t necessarily be exposed to more asbestos fibres than people who live in homes that are totally asbestos-free. It’s that word ‘undisturbed’ that makes the difference. When you’re doing home repairs or renovations you need to be aware that this might disturb asbestos fibres. It is now illegal for any DIY renovators and trades people to handle or disturb any Material Containing Asbestos (MCA). Only Licensed Asbestos Removalists and “Prescribed Trades” that have had approved training in bonded asbestos handling, are legally allowed to handle or disturb MCAs. Asbestos fibres in bonded or loose MCA products once released through disturbance can be inhaled. In some people, this can lead to asbestos-related diseases. The chart below tells you where you’re likely to find asbestos in ACT homes.

50 Building & Remodelling In Canberra

Common locations of materials containing asbestos in ACT homes* (Percentage (%) of properties sampled where asbestos was detected) Location Pre 1965 1965 - 1979 1980 - 1984 Eaves 86% 92% 40% Garage/shed 80% 70% 15% Bathroom 54% 75% 50% Laundry 75% 80% 50%

1985 - present # 0% 0% 0% 0%

*Results of 2005 Asbestos Survey of over 600 ACT Homes. #One MCA was found in a 1985 house supporting roof tiles on a gable end.

Three Tips For Managing Asbestos • Find out what year your house was built and assess the chance of your home having asbestos. Visually check to see where it might be and make sure any materials are in good condition, not cracked or broken. If you’re not sure whether a material contains asbestos, it’s safest to treat it as if it does. • If you plan to undertake repairs or renovations that involve disturbing or removing materials containing asbestos –it’s important you take proper precautions. Do not disturb any material containing asbestos. For smaller jobs, like painting, make sure you download the DIY Fact Sheets from the asbestos website – . If it’s a tradesperson or handyman you employ, make sure they are trained and qualified to handle asbestos. Otherwise, for the bigger jobs like bathroom renovations and home extensions, engage an appropriately licensed asbestos removalist to remove MCAs. • If you’re not intending to renovate, keep an eye on any materials containing asbestos to make sure they remain in good condition. Mr Fluffy Asbestos The recent media attention on Mr Fluffy homes has led many people in our community to ask the question, ‘is my home a Mr Fluffy house?’ In February 2014 the ACT Government wrote to more than 1000 households that were part of this Commonwealth loose-fill asbestos insulation removal program and in addition a survey was undertaken in April 2014 to validate the list of 1022 properties affected by loose fill asbestos insulation. If you are still uncertain, some things to consider: Mr Fluffy stopped operating in 1979. It may also be useful to check your houses building file at the Environment and Plannig Directorate (EPD). The building file holds information on the construction of your home and should include details of any asbestos assessments undertaken on your property. EPD also provides a special search in relation to homes affected by loose fill asbestos. The loose-asbestos removal program building file search is free of charge and available to the owners of the property. You can download a search request form (PDF), visit EPD’s Customer Service Centre at 8 Darling Street, Mitchell or call EPD on 6207 1923. Regardless of whether you believe you may have loose-fill asbestos or not, the Asbestos Response Taskforce recommends that an asbestos assessment be undertaken before commencing any renovations on homes built before 1990. This assessment will identify all forms of asbestos in the home and allow appropriate measures to be taken during the renovation process.

Maintenance Of Your Investment Most Australians dream of owning their own home. With a little tender loving care, a home can be a lifelong partner. A new home is probably the most important and expensive personal financial transaction made in a lifetime. It would also be one of the best investments in terms of security and happiness, so it stands to reason that every possible precaution be taken to prevent minor problems. The Master Builders Association believes that prevention is always better than cure and while a Master Builder will take care of a few continuing obligations, it is of materials and mechanical devices that go to making a home. The owner is there to MAINTAIN a home, the builder will rectify DEFECTS. Much like a car, a home with proper care and maintenance will serve people who live there for an unlimited number of years. There are over 3,000 component parts of your new home. If the owner has a working knowledge of some of the more important of these, it will enable him or her to more fully understand the usual results of use — heat, humidity, expansion, contraction, or, in other words, the normal wear and tear on a home. Of course, an owner should only attempt to make minor repairs, more serious problems must be referred to an expert. If in doubt contact the MBA where expert advice is available. A wide range of terms is used to describe work carried out under the general heading of maintenance. Cleaning: This is the simplest form of maintenance. Besides giving a bright appearance, cleaning can prevent build up of moulds and can stop moisture being trapped which can cause rust or rot, check such things as: (a) clean guttering as necessary to remove leaves, mud and other foreign matters; (b) remove rubbish accumulating close to walls; (c) check that petrol and other flammable liquids are stored in a well ventilated area as far from the main portion of the house as possible, out of reach of children and pets and away from electric motors; (d) clean aluminium window and door frames; (e) clean insect screens, check for damage and replace mesh if necessary; (f) check for any increase in bushfire hazard through growth or accumulation of rubbish and remove the hazard; Building & Remodelling In Canberra 51

Preventative Maintenance: Regular repainting of timber, sealing of joints, keeping vents and pipes clear,

etc. can prevent damage occurring. For example: (a) make sure that exterior underfloor vents are not covered or clogged up; (b) check underfloor ventilation and for pests in the underfloor spaces; (c) check that water drains away from the house after heavy rain; (d) check and repair air-conditioning equipment Corrective Maintenance: Repair of damaged items; Early attention to repairs can prevent more serious damage. Fix these things early:— (a) repair and/or paint outdoor furniture; (b) check for leaking taps and replace washers immediately; (c) have inside painting and decorating done; (d) in bushfire hazard areas check that your garden hose is sound and remains connected to the tap nearest the most obvious hazard — in hazardous areas you should keep a few buckets of sand and water handy; (e) check underfloor ventilation and for pests in the underfloor spaces and check for leaking plumbing; (f) check roof tiling and pointing to ridge tiles; Rehabilitation or Replacement: When an item has reached the end of its economic life span or it has not been maintained it must be replaced. This can be expensive. (a) for exterior paint work — repainting is likely every 4 to 6 years for example; (b) rotten timbers because of moisture problems will need a Master Builders attention. Common problem areas: The following lists some of the common problem areas experienced in both new and older homes which may require some maintenance or attention. Condensation: Condensation is at its maximum in new homes. When homes are built many gallons of water go into materials such as concrete, plaster, wallpaper, tile work and even some types of paint. This water evaporates; which explains the reason for a higher moisture content than usual in new homes. To aid the drying out process it is important to ensure that adequate ventilation is provided during the initial occupancy of the house. Do not try to speed up the process by excessive heating in winter as this will only tend to create uneven drying which will exaggerate normal shrinkage. To control condensation, DO; • open windows in laundry area while washing and drying clothes; • provide an exhaust fan in kitchen, bath and laundry areas, or open windows after baths or showers if no exhaust fan is provided; • maintain proper drainage around the house to keep moisture from rising in the house; • provide a vent for equipment such as clothes dryers. Re-Flooring: In an older home, due to insufficient air circulation, the original flooring may have deteriorated or become damaged by “dry rot”. This will mean that the floor will have to be replaced and precautions taken to ensure that such damage does not recur. Termites and Pest Control: At the same time as you regularly inspect the underfloor space of your house, look for any signs of termites or other insect or rodent pests. Look at the sides of footings and walls for the earthen tubes which termites build or for signs of winged insects. In some areas spiders may multiply rapidly in underfloor locations if there is adequate food supply, and rats and mice may seek dry shelter here too, if they can readily gain access. The ACT Planning and Land Authority requires passive termite protection for all houses constructed in the ACT. The protection measures are designed to enable any termite activity to be easily seen by the owner without the termites coming in contact with internal structural timber. Regular inspections should be made of the perimeter of the building to ensure termites do not enter up the face of the slab into weep holes or other openings close to the ground. Moisture Penetration of Walls: Dampness on internal walls may be caused by: • condensation (kitchen, laundry, bathroom — improve ventilation by opening external doors or windows); • water penetration from above; • penetration across the wall cavity (accidental bridging of the cavity by mortar droppings or by an incorrectly installed wall tie or inadequate flashing around a window or door — difficult to rectify without skilled assistance, so consult a builder); • rising damp (absence of a dampcourse in masonry houses or bridging of a dampcourse by a water absorbent material, build up of a path or garden adjacent to the wall — visually check at least once a year, preferably when the moisture is visible on the internal wall). In bathrooms where plaster linings have been used as fixing surfaces for tiles, check to ensure that a breakdown in the sheet is not occurring due to moisture penetration adjacent to the bath or shower recess. Where a shower screen is adjacent to a door frame check that the joint between the screen and the wall adjacent to the architrave is remaining waterproof, as the moisture can cause dry rot in the timber, even under paintwork. Efflorescence on Bricks: The growth of white crystals on the surfaces of brickwork and blockwork is called efflorescence and is a common problem particularly in high rainfall areas. Efflorescence is caused by the presence of water-soluble salts which occur naturally in cement-water mixtures. The salts are brought to the surface of bricks or blocks as hydroxides when the bricks or blocks begin to dry. Once on the surface, the hydroxides react with carbon dioxide in the air and carbonate salts are formed. If tackled before heavy deposits occur, its removal is relatively simple, often just scrubbing with a stiff brush whilst running water from a hose over the surface. If the deposit is heavier, or proves hard to remove, the wall should be 52 Building & Remodelling In Canberra

watered down thoroughly (to prevent the penetration of acid into the bricks or the mortar joints) and a solution of hydrochloric acid (Muriatic acid or spirits of salts) diluted to one part acid to nine parts water may be used on the efflorescence. There are many other topics such as — cleaning of brickwork, painting brickwork, squeaking floors, floor finishes, ventilation, cracks in concrete, sticking windows and doors, re-roofing, security, and many, many other topics.

Energy Efficient Design In the ACT the energy efficiency of a house must comply with Part 3.12 of the Building Code of Australia There are two methods where by compliance the performance requirements of the BCA can be achieved for housing: 1. By applying the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of the BCA Parts 3.12.1 to 3.12.5 or; 2. By lodging an Alternative Solution using an appropriate assessment method eg energy rating assessment tools. Architects and Building Designers: Architects and building designers designing new houses and additions, will play a key role in the design process and they must familiarise themselves with the Deemed-To-Satisfy Provisions of parts 3.12.1 to 3.12.5 of the BCA. The design must be fully specified to comply with the BCA prior to the plan being submitted to a private certifier for approval. The certifiers’ role is to ensure that the design, as submitted, will comply with the BCA and to inspect the work on site for compliance with the approved plans. If the design, in the first instance, does not comply with the BCA the certifier will reject the plans. The certifier cannot be involved in the design process.

The Key Role of the Building Fabric in Meeting the New Energy Efficiency Requirements:

The objective of the BCA is that the building fabric must meet minimum energy efficiency requirements. The building fabric and the building services combined must meet minimum energy efficiency requirements. The fabric of the building is not likely to be changed for the life of the building and yet features within the building services are often replaced after 10 years. Poor building fabric performance cannot be justified by compensating with additional heating and cooling. The simple message to the industry and consumers is that you spend less on energy if you improve the performance of the building fabric. The Deemed-To-Satisfy Provisions contained in the BCA are based on 8 climate zones. The ACT is in climate zone 7 and the intent in the ACT should be to ensure that the construction of the building fabric has sufficient levels of thermal performance to ensure energy is not used unnecessarily for heating due to our long cooler winter. In the ACT energy used for heating far exceeds the energy used for summer cooling. Accordingly, the BCA Deemed-To-Satisfy. Provisions are designed in our climate zone to ensure that the building uses the least amount of energy to heat the house.

Green Living Today environmentally sustainable building design and construction, or ‘Green Living’, is becoming increasingly common practice. Master Builders Association of the ACT provides the Green Living training program to educate and train builders with the necessary tools to pursue sustainability options in their building and construction activities. Builders who complete the training and adopt sustainable innovations in their operations are skilled in the design, construction and maintenance of high quality structures that adopt industry best practice for sustainability in the built environment. These builders can identify themselves as Master Builders Green Living Builders.

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How To Have A Happy Marriage — With A Builder Engaging a builder is like a courtship. Commencement of the building is the beginning of the marriage. The successful completion of the building project is like going to heaven after a lifelong happy marriage. The courtship: Before you enter into a building agreement with a builder, you and the builder should both set out your expectations for your future marriage. You should discuss at least all of the following: • Access to the site • Total price • Prime Cost items • Variations • Completion date • What happens if the completion date is not met? • Whose responsibility is it to clean up the site? Good communication links between yourself and the builder need to be established at this early stage. They will stand you in good stead throughout the whole project. Do not enter into a marriage with a builder unless you can communicate with him effectively before the marriage. Your wedding day: The building agreement should set out everything that has been agreed between yourself and the builder. In order to safeguard yourself and the builder, you should leave nothing out of the written agreement. Misunderstandings can easily arise if one person has a belief based on a general comment or a preliminary sketch. The standard MBA building agreement is a good agreement. Read through the agreement at your own leisure before signing it. If you have any doubts about the agreement, consult your lawyer for advice. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Only when you are ready do you sign and make your commitment. The marriage: Your marriage with the builder should be a short and happy one. If you have established good communication channels during your courtship and have paid attention to detail in your agreement with the builder, the chances of a serious misunderstanding are minimised. During the building, weekly meetings with the builder and/or architect are useful. Notes should be kept of the issues agreed to with the notes being circulated to everybody who participated. A conversation at the end of each week to discuss what is to happen next week is another positive step. You should raise any concerns with the builder as they occur, ie, to adopt a ‘your problem is our problem’ approach. Talk through the problems jointly and agree on an action plan for resolving the dispute. Time spent solving little problems early may prevent a bigger one later. What to do if there are serious problems in your marriage: The MBA has developed a detailed complaints handling mechanism. If there is a problem with your builder which you are unable to resolve with him directly, you should contact the MBA. The MBA can act as a counsellor. It is committed to resolving customer and builder marriage disputes. The MBA has appointed a complaints officer who has received training in dispute resolution procedures. That complaints officer is able to devote sufficient time from his or her other duties to engage in complaints resolution.

Set out below is a summary of the MBA’s complaints handling procedure.

1. When a complaint is received, that complaint is passed on to the complaints officer. 2. If the complaint is oral, the complaints officer will: (a) listen to the complaint; (b) explain the options that are available; (c) if necessary, assist you to fill out the appropriate complaints form. 3. If a written complaint is received, the complaints officer will: (a) provide a copy of the complaint to the builder and request a response within seven days. (b) If a response is received from the builder within a reasonable time, the complaints officer will make an assessment as to whether the complaint involves a complex contractual or workmanship issue. (c) If the complaint involves a complex contractual or workmanship issue, the complaints officer should encourage and guide you and the builder through an alternative dispute resolution process. This generally involves engaging a totally independent person to assist in the resolution of your dispute. (d) If the complaint does not involve a complex contractual or workmanship issue, the complaints officer will deal with the complaint. (e) The complaints officer will give you and the builder the opportunity to be heard fully in relation to the complaint. The complaints officer will always act fairly and impartially, will keep you fully informed and endeavour to resolve the complaint to the satisfaction of yourself and the builder. The complaints officer will not make any binding decision. Counselling, or the involvement of an independent third party for assistance, will not necessarily resolve all disputes but will resolve most. Once the dispute is resolved, you and the builder can continue with the project in the most efficient way possible. At the end of the building work, you should have a beautiful new or extended home. If you have adopted a policy of good open communications and avoidance of disputes, you would also have had a happy marriage with your builder. Where do you end up at the end of a happy marriage with your builder? In your dream home in heaven, of course. 54 Building & Remodelling In Canberra

Installing A Solar Energy System Solar energy systems can be a great way to reduce the energy consumed by a new home and can greatly increase its resale value. There are still generous government incentives available to assist your purchase of a system and many energy companies will pay you a wholesale rate (6-8c/kWh) for the excess electricity you generate. System Design: Solar Panels can be fixed to most roof structures using a well-engineered mounting system but it’s important to consider where they will be located and how the system will be connected to the home very early on in the home design process. Some key things to consider are: • Panel Orientation – ideally the solar panels will face north at a pitch of between 15 and 35 degrees • Inverter Location - the inverter, which controls the flow of electricity from the panels to your home and the electricity grid, should be located in a place that is well ventilated and not in direct sunlight • Cable Runs – as with any electrical system in your home the electrical cables for the solar energy system should be “roughed-in” during the initial phases of construction. This improves the aesthetics of the system and avoids having to run conduit externally • System Size – to maximise your return on investment you should install a system that closely matches your daytime electricity consumption. A solar system designer can help you work out the correct size system for your home and energy requirements. You should engage a Solar Panel installation company early in the design process to ensure your home is built to maximise the benefit of installing solar panels. Focus on quality: A good solar panel will last you 25 years or more so it’s important to select a panel from a reputable and well established manufacturer that can honour the warranty if anything goes wrong. You should also look for a panel that has a proven track record in the Australian climate as our climate – in particular the high heat – can produce some challenges for poorly made panels. A panel with a low temperature coefficient (below -0.45%/°C) and high module efficiency should be selected. Smart Energy: There are several new products coming onto the market in 2014 that will allow you to store the electricity you generate from your solar panels and this can be a great way to power your home during peak periods when the sun isn’t shining. These products will also allow you to control various devices in your home such as your dishwasher or washing machine and automatically switch these devices when the sun is shining and your system is working at peak efficiency. Connecting your system to the electricity grid: Depending on your jurisdiction there are several steps to getting



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Building & Remodelling In Canberra 55

connected to the grid: 1. Cables are roughed-in during early part of the build. 2. System is fitted off during the final phases of your build – once the roof is on and MSB is in place. 3. Electricity company or suitably qualified electrician hangs a new meter in your meter box. 4. System is inspected by an electrical inspector. 5. System is switched on.

Carpet — The Crowning Glory For Your Home Having purchased your home, the next most expensive purchase will probably be your floor coverings. With this in mind we have posed some questions and an­swers to assist you in your choice of carpet. What Is The Best Carpet — Wool Or Nylon?: It should be recognised that carpet is a material. In many ways it could be compared to the clothes we wear. It’s not the type of yarn that makes a carpet good or poor, but the quality of the yarn and the way the carpet is put together. In choosing a carpet for the majority of situations a good wool would have preference over a poor nylon, a good nylon over a poor wool, a good mix over a poor mix and so on. From this it is easier to see why some carpets cost more than others. A good quality yarn costs more per kilo and a better quality carpet has more yarn per square metre (better density). How Can I Know A Good Carpet?: This can be very difficult for someone who knows very little about carpet yarns, manufacturing technology etc. The best way is to discuss your requirements with a carpet re­tailer who has a good reputation and can be trusted. Many carpets are rated for wear factor by either the Wool Board or under the Australian Carpet Classification Scheme. Ask your retailer to show you some of these and read the labels. Price can also be an indication, as gener­ally a higher priced carpet is better quality than a cheaper carpet. What If I Only Want A Cheaper Carpet?: Yes, there are cheaper carpets for areas such as flats, playrooms and other hard work areas, or for light wear areas such as a bedroom. These can be very hard wearing but may not be seen as fashionable in today’s market or may lack the quality of carpets required for the more up-market domestic situation. What Is The Best Underlay?: The underlay selected should be compatible with the cho­sen carpet in the areas in which it is to be laid, e.g. stairs, family rooms, entertainment areas, etc. The underlay should also give the feel to the carpet that you require. There are many underlays available but the best quality range for domestic use comprises black domestic and gold commercial rubber or 9.5mm and 12mm bonded foam. All of these carry a 20 year warranty. Ask the retailer to show them to you and try them under your selected carpet for feel. How Do I Choose My Carpet?: First choose a carpet retailer with a good reputation who you can trust. Then discuss your requirements and budget with him or her. Remember, like most things in this world, choosing the right carpet involves a compromise. In this case quality, style, colour and price. A good retailer can help you make the choice that will give you the best value for your money. And What About Laying?: Good laying starts when the retailer plans your job. Joins should be in the most unobtrusive areas as possible and pattern matched where necessary, even if this takes a little more carpet. Ask your retailer about his guarantee on work done by his tradesmen.

This book is an independent publication produced by The Master Builders Association of the ACT. It is a general guide only and is not to be used as a substitute for the appropriate professional advice in particular cases. ABN 528 533 76 568 Readers are advised to consult their own experts prior to acting on anything contained herein, as the Publishers, The Master Master Builders Association of the ACT. Builders Association of the ACT, do not make any representations P.O. Box 1211, Fyshwick ACT 2609. of warranties in respect hereof and expressly disclaim any liability Phone: (02) 6280 9119 for loss, damage or expenditure of whatsoever nature which may Fax: (02) 6249 8374 result from reliance on the contents of this publication. Email:

56 Building & Remodelling In Canberra

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Building & Remodelling In Canberra 57

Building Schedule


Geotech/Wastewater/Engineer Reports Arrange Services/Arrange Subbies Order Materials Erosion & Sediment Control-Setout Clear Site - Survey Setout Excavation/Footings/Drains/Septic Tanks Plumber—Water & Gas Pipes Concrete Footings Bricklayer Sub-Floors Plumbing Service Termite Treatment - Penetration/Construction Joints Fit Pipes—Lay Concrete Slab Carpenter—Bearers & Joists Carpenter—Flooring Carpenter—Frames (Steel/Timber) Carpenter—Roof & Fascia Carpenter—Windows Bricklayer—Walls/Termite Treatment - Cavity Gas Pipe/Roof & Gutters/Air Conditioning Carpenter—Decking & Steps Electrician—Wiring/Lighting Design Alarm Wiring,Vacuum Sys, & Intercom Telephone/T.V. Pre-Cable Plumber—Fittings Brick—Cleaner/Insulation—Wall Plaster—Insulation Wet Area Treatment Carpenter—Joiner—Staircases Carpenter—Fix Out Interior Flooring Wall & Floor Tiling Painter Plumber—Gas Fitting—Final Electrician-Final/Insulation/Smoke Alarm Carpets/Floor Coverings Termite Treatment - Ext Barrier Landscaping/External Concrete Finish Up, Locks/alarms Final Inspection/Solar Inspection Repairs 58 Building & Remodelling In Canberra







NB. Before deciding to owner build/ renovate read the preceeding pages thoroughly making sure you understand the various statutory requirements. Whilst undertaking a project as an owner builder can result in financial savings, it is important to talk to a member of either the Housing Industry Association or the Master Builders Association and make a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of owner building.

 Master Copyright Searon Pty Ltd © Builders ACT










Possible Commencement Actual Working Days Certificates Required Mandatory Inspections

Building & Remodelling In Canberra 59

Maintain your lifestyle not your deck Maintain your lifestyle not your deck Call 13 83 53 for information and advice

Is your builder a Master Builder? Whether you are building a new house, renovating an existing house, adding a pergola or that extra room, make sure you use someone you can trust. Ask the Question is My Builder a Master Builder All members of the Master Builders Association of the ACT go through a thorough application process.

Master Builders Code of Conduct Members of the Master Builders Association are bound by the National Code of Practice. For a copy of the Code please contact the Master Builders Association of the ACT or visit our website.

Master Builders Support of Consumers The Master Builders provides contracts to ensure that dealings between builders and their customers are clearly set out and both parties know what to expect. Before signing a Master Builders contract or accepting a quote from a Member of the Master Builders you can contact our association for clarification on any questions you may have. It’s a matter of knowing who you can trust.

60 Building & Remodelling In Canberra

Master Builders Association of the ACT 1 Iron Knob St, Fyshwick ACT 2609 PO Box 1211, Fyshwick ACT 2609 Tel: (02) 6280 9119 Fax: (02) 6249 8374 Email: Web:

ACT Builders License 2015157

0411 204 648

Building & Remodelling In Canberra 61

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