October 31, 2024| 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
It is important to periodically review the fundamentals of fall protection systems to help maintain the highest level of safety at the worksite. This refresher training will concentrate on the skill sets of a Competent Person. This one-day session will not only include a review of previously learned course content but will also highlight any recent changes and developments to regulations, equipment standards, and best practice.
The instructor-led program will guide students through the prescribed curriculum using a series of workshop activities. The course goal remains to expand students’ knowledge and ability to identify hazardous conditions, develop programs, and make equipment selections to properly deal with fall hazards.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will receive a certificate acknowledging they have demonstrated understanding in keeping with requirements outlined by regulatory bodies (OSHA) and consensus groups (ANSI & CSA)
Construction Safety Specialists, Inc. West Des Moines, IA
Brandon began his career as a card-carrying member of the Carpenter’s Local Union #106 and worked his way through the ranks of several Iowa specialty interior contractors. Brandon was previously employed with an ENR Top Specialty Contractor where he worked on the site of Microsoft’s large data center project in Des Moines. This opportunity allowed him to look at construction project safety from a different perspective, all the while providing him knowledge growth of “wholeproject” safety. Brandon now helps to provide a well-rounded safety mentality to job sites and provides the CSSI team with a “field perspective” while delivering a wide array of services related to inspections, site visits, and employee education.
• Identify Possible Specific Regulatory Requirements
• Comprehend the Components and Purpose of a Fall Hazard Survey
• Learn the Purpose and Contents of a Fall Protection Plan
• Refresh and Update Your Understanding of Fall Protection Safety Systems as They Apply to the General Work Environment
• Must have a current 3M 16hr
Competent Person qualification
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Registration Fee:
October 31, 2024 | 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Please copy for additional registrants
$199 / Person - MBI Members
$250 / Person - Non-Members
Fee includes: Training materials and lunch. Upon successful completion of the course, attendees will be issued a 3M Competent Person Fall Protection Wallet Card.
Payme nt Method:
Cancellation Policy: Registration cancellations must be submitted to CSSI via email to NFry@MBI.Build. Cancellation requests submitted at least 7 days prior to the start of this program will be refunded 100%. No refund for cancellations less than 7 days prior to the start of this program. No refund for no-shows.
Please send registration and payment to: Construction Safety Specialists, Inc. Attn: Nichole Fry 4100 Westown Pkwy, West Des Moines, IA 50266
Email: NFry@MBI.Build