9 minute read
Wednesday AM Sessions
AM Sessions
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
If you Fall, You May Lose It All | Part 1 9:00 - 10:00 am | Part 2 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Fall protection is the duty of all employers with employees working at heights. Not only are you required to properly train employees, you are also required to properly train supervisors of those individuals. Every year, fall protection is an OSHA top-ten most-cited violation. Most of the time, equipment fails due to a lack 2 SAFETY CREDITS of proper maintenance or inspection. In 2020, 645 people died on the job because of falls to lower surfaces, per the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In this seminar we will discuss the techniques for performing a pre-use inspection, how to identify an adequate anchorage point, and also best practices for mitigating exposure to an undesirable outcome.
Fee: $200 per person
Presenter: Chris Pankow | Cross Roads Mobile Maintenance - Williamsburg, IA
Respirators - Clean Air Matters | 9:00 - 10:00 am
Respirators are your lungs last line of defense from the toxins in the air you breath. From the tiny particles of silica and asbestos to the invisible fumes and vapors, your lungs need protection. This secession will cover the different types of respirators and their specific applications. We will talk about the N95 single use respirator to the SCBA worn by rescue crews. We will talk about the responsibilities of the employer and employee regarding respiratory protection. We will also cover the required medical exams, fit testing and record keeping necessary for respirator use. And the final requirement for respirator use, a written Respiratory Protection Program.
Fee: $100 per person
Fleet Safety - Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations for Iowa Contractors | 9:00 - 10:00 am
Contractors who haul their own materials and equipment on state highways with pickups, trailers, and straight trucks have rules to follow even though a CDL may not be required. This seminar will be presented by a retired Iowa Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Enforcement officer who will dive into the rules and regulations of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, as well as the State of Iowa, informing participants what needs to be done with the vehicles and the loads prior to pulling out onto the highway to assure safety for the driver, general public, and other motorists.
Fee: $100 per person
Presenter: Kurt Miene | Stockton Towing - Lawton, IA
EMR, TRIR & DART - Managing Your Lagging Indicators Like a Boss | 9:00 - 10:00 am
The Workers’ Compensation Insurance Experience Modification Rating (EMR) has been used in contractor prequalification for years, but with recent changes to the calculation is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain a 1.0 or below. In this seminar, we will address how to build a proactive plan to manage your EMR along with other prequalification factors such as the Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) and the Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred (DART) Rate. Fee: $100 per person
Presenters: Sarah Allender & Aaron Brown | TrueNorth Construction Specialty Group - Cedar Rapids, IA
Lead and Asbestos Awareness: What You Should Do and What You Are Required to Do |
9:00 - 10:00 am
Lead and asbestos each present their own set of risks to your health, from damage to the central nervous system to lung cancer and asbestos. It takes very little exposure to either of these contaminants to start affecting your health, most often with no obvious signs of danger. Recognizing the presence, or potential presence of these health hazards and knowing what to do about it can help minimize risk and exposure to you, your employees, and families. During this seminar we will discuss the proper procedures for working under conditions where lead and/or asbestos is present. Topics include: regulations regarding lead and asbestos containing material, appropriate personal protective equipment and when it’s required, air monitoring, and legal requirements.
Fee: $100 per person
Emergency Action Plans/Site Security | 9:00 - 10:00 am
Plan for your worst day. In short, that is what an emergency action plan is. Sometimes we say plan for the worst and hope for the best. If mother nature has taught us anything in the Midwest, it’s that when we think we have it all figured out, we see a side we haven’t seen in a lifetime. The 2020 Derecho for example. We are certain nearly three years later, everyone has updated their plans to include Derecho response. If you haven’t, you will be doing so soon. In this seminar, we will discuss the regulatory requirements, best practices, and common safe operation tips to assist in creating or reviewing your Emergency Action plans. We will also explore requirements, best practices, and operational tips for a secured site while preventing break in’s and theft from an unattended job site.
Fee: $100 per person
Scaffold Awareness | 9:00 - 10:00 am
In this seminar, we will cover the dos and don’ts of scaffold safety. We will discuss OSHA Regulations and best practice procedures for setting up and using the most common types of scaffold. When we are done, you should be able to recognize issues and help to correct them so everyone can go home safely at the end of the shift. Fee: $100 per person Presenter: Kurt Fiddelke | Construction Safety Specialists, Inc. - Waterloo, IA
AM Sessions
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Mobile Equipment Safety | 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
On any given day, there can be several different pieces of equipment on an active job site with each one having its own hazards and unique regulatory requirements. Some of these requirements can get fuzzy for individuals who are not familiar with the respective standard or do not have the expertise. This seminar is going to drill deeper into the different pieces of equipment, the common hazards, frequent citations, and regulations associated with each unique piece of equipment. We will explore the different regulatory requirements for that operating equipment, inspect, and supervise operations. Best practices will also be shared from the presenter’s decades of experience in the field and safety. Fee: $100 per person Presenter: Brandon Black | Construction Safety Specialists, Inc. - West Des Moines, IA
Electrical and Arc Flash Safety | 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
While improvements continue to be made, electrical hazards continue to cause life-altering and sometimes fatal injuries in the workplace. This seminar will explore how we can continue to better educate owners, customers, supervisors, and employees at all levels about the risk involved with working with and around electricity and what factors contribute to the worst incidents. We will also discuss how to fight against complacency and the pressures of task demands in a service-based industry to get the job done while sending everyone home safely. Fee: $100 per person Presenter: Jeremy Baysinger | Tri-City Electric Co. - Des Moines, IA
Crystalline Silica and Improving Worker Protection | 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
About 2.3 million people in the U.S. are exposed to respirable crystalline silica at work, putting them at an increased risk of developing silica-related diseases like silicosis, COPD and kidney disease. As of June 23, 2017, OSHA’s Silica standard for construction requires employers to take steps to protect workers from exposure to respirable crystalline silica. During this seminar we will discuss what the standard requires, the health risks of working with silica, work practice controls, exposure assessments, respirator use, medical surveillance, written exposure control plans, and the competent person. Fee: $100 per person
Rigging - Below Hook Inspections | 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Rigging gear is one of the most widely used pieces of equipment on a construction project, and often the most abused. Rigging is used by all trades for lifting, from air handlers to steel beams and joists to roofing materials. Without rigging, our jobs would be much more difficult and hazardous. That is why a rigid inspection protocol is so important. As professionals we need to have a good understanding of the gear’s limits and with regular inspection when the gear needs pulled out of service. This session will cover the different types of rigging gear most commonly used and the inspection process for them. Fee: $100 per person
Active Shooter in the Workplace | 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
This class is an overview of recent trends and data on workplace violent crime where we will discuss mitigation techniques and common precursors. We will also discuss the emergency response system and how to prepare for an active shooter event. These events are the definition of preparing for the worst and hoping you never have to work the plan. In the event you need to, it is important to be prepared and have the necessary resources in place. We will discuss best practices for developing and evaluating an organizational plan for workplace violence and active shooter events. Fee: $100 per person Presenter: Lane Thayer | Iowa American Rescue - Gilbert, IA
A dirty job site is an unsafe/unproductive job site. In this session, you will learn how to have a clean, efficient, and safe work area by setting some good routines and habits. Find out how to move material with the right equipment, keeping your workforce safe. Set yourself apart from the rest! Learn what OSHA requires for a clean workspace and what you can do to go above and beyond. Fee: $100 per person