5 minute read
Calendar of Events
April 22
Adult First Aid | CPR | AED Certification Training - Cedar Falls
This Adult First Aid/CPR/AED course incorporates the latest science and teaches attendees to recognize and care for a variety of first aid emergencies such as burns, cuts, scrapes, sudden illnesses, head, neck, back injuries, heat and cold emergencies and how to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies for victims about 12 years and older. In addition, this interactive course teaches skills that participants need to know in order to provide immediate care for a suddenly ill or injured person until more advanced medical care arrives to take over. The hands-on skills training portion of this course will give attendees the knowledge and confidence needed to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies, while teaching how to provide care for victims of sudden cardiac arrest through the safe use of an automated external defibrillator (AED). Successful attendees will receive a certificate for Adult First Aid/CPR/ AED valid for two years.
May 17 - 18
OSHA 10-Hour Construction - Coralville
Attendees of the 10 Hour OSHA class will walk away from this training with a knowledge of OSHA requirements, the importance of learning and adhering to proper safety procedure, as well as practical understanding of why safety conscious behavior is vital for each and every worker on the job site. Each participant will receive an OSHA wallet card signifying completion of the course.
May 17 - 20
OSHA 30-Hour Construction - Nevada
Attendees of the 30 Hour Construction Industry class will receive high level safety knowledge from a field leader perspective to understand and implement OSHA regulations and requirements on their jobsites. Instruction will be blended learning with lecture, interactive presentations, group activities and “live” demonstrations that include real life day-to-day scenarios, developing preplans the importance of learning and adhering to proper safety procedure, as well as practical understanding of why safety conscious behavior is vital for each and every worker on the job site. Upon completion of this course, attendees will receive a course completion card.
May 24
(MBI-LIVE) Bid Building with Excellence - Unpacking Speed, Efficiency, and Organizational Tools in the Digital Takeoff World
In today’s fast-paced, digitally driven world, contractors are constantly looking for ways to optimize your takeoff and estimating process? How do you prepare your bid results so others can interpret the data quickly and easily? How do you manage changes, keep your project timeline on track, and maintain your sanity all at the same time? In this interactive session, we will walk through some of the powerhouse tools in our OnScreen Takeoff and Quick Bid platforms that are designed to help you sharpen your skills and build competitive bids with excellence. Online Training
June 30
Competent Person - Scaffold Training - Des Moines
Gain an in depth overview of scaffolding safety. In this course, you will identify basic scaffold hazards and review OSHA’s scaffold standard, subpart L, in order to increase safety standards when using scaffolding. However, this course is not intended as training for erectors or dismantlers, nor will it certify competent persons or qualified persons.
June 21
7 Way to Optimize Your Online Presence Today
In today’s digital-first world, how your company is presented online is more important than ever. While face-to-face interactions are central to the success of building projects, a strong online presence — how a person encounters your company through your website, social channels or other sites — is equally important in helping you create a lasting impression, gain trust and increase loyalty. In this webinar, we’ll focus on tactical ways you can elevate your online presence to match the caliber of experience you provide offline. Attendees will walk away with seven immediate actions they can take to optimize their website, social channels and more to improve brand awareness, educate potential clients and gain more leads. MBI Members-Only Webinar
July 12
Touchdown!! Strategic Plays That Light Up Your Safety Scoreboard!
In this motivating and interactive webinar, we will discuss leading indicators that assist your personnel in taking your organizational safety to next level. In addition, we will explore activities and measurables that when intentionally tracked, documented, and addressed will positively influence a safety culture where your teams conduct safety activities “with” each other as opposed to “at” each other. MBI Members-Only Webinar
July 19
(MBI LIVE) 5S Your Way to a Cleaner, More Productive, and Safer Work Site
If you enjoy a clean, well-organized job site (this also improves morale and productivity) but haven’t yet found a way to sustain this – you’ve come to the right place. Lean 5S, commonly referred to as workplace organization, is a foundational element in the Toyota Production System and a common starting point for Lean adoption. During this interactive session, attendees will learn what each of the five S’s mean and how to systematically apply each, one-byone. We will explain how to apply in the field, warehouse, and fab shop. The instruction will include plenty of relevant photos, testimonials, and tools – allowing you to be ready to experiment immediately. We’ll explore how to use 5S as part of visual controls (a.k.a. visual workplace, visual factory). The instruction will include simulations to show attendees firsthand how powerful 5S is. Most importantly, attendees will see how 5S leads to a safer workplace. In fact, some companies use 6S, where the sixth S is for safety. While our industry has made great progress to improve safety, there are few programs that manage to improve safety while also dramatically improving the flow, quality and speed of work…5S does it all! Online Training
Blueprint Reading - Cedar Falls - Session 1: General Construction/Civil/Project Delivery Methods
Construction drawings can be difficult to understand and mistakes can be costly. Being able to read and understand construction drawings is a fundamental skill for anyone involved in the construction industry. In this series, participants will gain the skills necessary to read and understand typical construction documents - blueprints and specifications. Participants can register for the entire series to receive a discount, or register separately for only one or two of the sessions.
July 20
Blueprint Reading - Cedar Falls - Session 2: Architectural/ Structural
Construction drawings can be difficult to understand and mistakes can be costly. Being able to read and understand construction drawings is a fundamental skill for anyone involved in the construction industry. In this series, participants will gain the skills necessary to read and understand typical construction documents - blueprints and specifications. Participants can register for the entire series to receive a discount, or register separately for only one or two of the sessions.
July 21
Blueprint Reading - Cedar Falls - Session 3: Plumbing/ Mechanical/Electrical
Construction drawings can be difficult to understand and mistakes can be costly. Being able to read and understand construction drawings is a fundamental skill for anyone involved in the construction industry. In this series, participants will gain the skills necessary to read and understand typical construction documents - blueprints and specifications. Participants can register for the entire series to receive a discount, or register separately for only one or two of the sessions.