April 3, 2024 | 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
This 4-hour Rigging & Inspection course is designed to provide participants with a (competent person) level of knowledge of rigging gear inspection, proper rigging procedures, and load control using typical rigging techniques. Classroom interactive, and problem-solving workshops. All hook rigging devices will be discussed; i.e. shackles, spreader bars, etc. Load weight calculations and center of gravity will also be covered. Participants will come out of this course with a better understanding and competency in effectively inspecting rigging equipment, and assessing the overall competency of a lifting operation.
• Rigging introduction
• Rigging inspection
• Rigging selection
• Load handling theory
The intended audience are those performing inspections and rigging. Also designed for those seeking re-certification as a qualified rigging inspector.
C onstru C tion s afety s pe C ialists , i n C . W est D es M oines , ia
Kim has worked in heavy industry for more than thirty years, transitioning from the trades to full-time safety in 1997 as a yard safety specialist. His career continued to grow becoming a Washington State OSHA safety compliance officer and on to Safety Director for Alaska’s largest shipyard. The unique path from deck plates to the board room gives Kim a unique perspective and understanding of how safety is applied and practiced in the workplace. He knows that for a safety culture to exist and be successful requires “buy-in” from all levels of the company, a shared value in practice. His approach is not “Safety First”, but rather “Safety Always”. He also understands that employees must embrace safety; not because they are told to –but because they believe in it.
The Master Builder Designation program will offer credits for completion of this course.
For more information on becoming a ‘Master Builder’, please visit MBI’s website at www.MBI.Build/mbd.
April 3, 2024 | 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
City, State, Zip
$199 / Person - MBI Members
$249 / Person - Non-Members
Payme nt Method:
Check Enclosed Cre dit Card Ple ase Invo ice
Credit Card Type: MC Visa Discover AmEx
Card #
CVC: Zip:
Name on Card:
CC Address
Cancellation Policy: Registration cancellations must be submitted to CSSI via email to NFry@MBI.Build. Cancellation requests submitted at least 7 days prior to the start of this program will be refunded 100%. No refund for cancellations less than 7 days prior to the start of this program. No refund for no-shows.
Please send registration and payment to: Construction Safety Specialists, Inc.
Attn: Nichole Fry
4100 Westown Pkwy | West Des Moines, IA 50266
Email: NFry@MBI.Build