The Coastal Fringe
Strong pine edge
Touching the water
Balcony on the clift
Balancing between
The Coastal Fringe
New path exploring the coast line
Interruptions_working with the edges
Chrysi Gousion, Jessica Uhrig, Wang Xiaobing, Rob Brink
zoning condition
inaccessibilty, but great potentials in unique landscape characters routing to Montri is unclear and hidden
unactive, poor quality soil in some parts of the dry slope agriculture does not make use of tourism potentials
lack of connections with the mountains urbanisation and tourism is unstructured in the zones
Interruptions in zoning
3 Layered paths urban
agriculture natural
3 gates / interruptions
Costa Mongri Dune Valley
Concept soil improvement-activation of agricultural buffer zone water retension system crop rotation process sheep herding
new type of tourism_agrotourism participation // education //adventure
Mountain slopes
front facing street
fixed plot size
low walls facing street HOUSE
flexible plot width
50% built
30% built side structure plan can be based on landscape
Mountain slopes
agriculture fertility
Program_agriculture soil improvement new type of tourism
sand soil_need of a more fertile soil
Mountain slopes
agriculture tourism_temporal camping sites
natural path agricultural path urban path links
interruption_Escartit entrance
detail section_terrases
steep slope interruption_L`Estartit
interruption_dune/wetland entrance
detail section_retention pond
wetland interruption
interruption_dune/wetland entrance
detail section_fire break
wetland interruption
interruption_Escala entrance
detail section_bioswale & walking path
agriculture interruption
transection_Torroella de Montgri entrance
Using small interventions and guiding natural processes we are attempting to control the severity of bushfires in the Montgris mountain range. By using the successions of forest vegitation and maintaining specific stages we will create diversity within the mountain region, therefore lowering the fire risks of the existing mono culture this will produce a medium where cultivation of small areas becomes possible, allowing the forest to reach its full potential both economically and ecologically.