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The second coast the duality of tourism & landscape BARCELONA,








FINAL DOCUMENT 3.0 ORGANIZATION CONTACT: ETSAB - Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona Avinguda Diagonal 649 08028 Barcelona, Spain URBAN DESIGN AND REGIONAL PLANNING DEPARTMENT Master in Landscape Architecture EMiLA IP Barcelona 2012 is published at


ABOUT EMILA European Master in Landscape Architecture. Working in international teams has an increasing relevance for Landscape Architects. Many competitions are announced Europe-wide. Transnational developments influence the everyday work of Landscape Architects which increases the demand for teaching and research on a European scale. From 2012 onwards, the European Master in Landscape Architecture (EMiLA) will provide students with a programme of study specifically developed to address these issues. EMiLA focuses on the development of the variety of cultural landscapes in Europe, it offers teaching on landscape identity research across all of the European regions, design studio’s on large scale and ‘cross border’ projects and research on the influence of European politics on the regional landscape. EMiLA brings together five internationally renowned centres of Landscape Architecture education; the École Nationale Supérieure de Paysage Versailles/ Marseille, the University of Edinburgh/Edinburgh College of Art, the Leibniz Universität Hannover, the Architecture Academy of the Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten and the School of Architecture/Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Barcelona to provide long term collaborative networks between students and Academics. All the schools focus on work in the Design Studio.


Beyond this common strength, the philosophy of each school adds a specific quality to the teachings. The EMiLA curriculum allows the students to benefit from all these expertises within one curriculum. Candidates interested in joining EMiLA should apply directly to one of the five partners as EMiLA students will initially be drawn from the existing student cohort of their home institution with the aim being to recruit 25 students in total. EMiLA will be a two year, four semester Bologna compliant programme. The first and last semesters will be studied at the home school/ university; the second and third semester will be studied at two other institutions of the network, meaning that by the end of the programme, the student will have had experience of three of the participating schools/ universities. Two common modules will provide extra knowledge on European topics: EMiLA will offer an E-learning module about European planning cultures and processes and a Summer Workshop in between the two exchange semesters. At this Summer Workshop students and teachers of the network work together on contemporary landscape architectural projects of European relevance. During the EMiLA test-phase, students and teachers have travelled to the region “Altes Land” close to Hamburg (2009), to the Orkney Islands in Scotland (2010), to the rural Northeast of the Netherlands (2011) and this year has been developed at Torroella de Montgrí, Baix Empodà, Catalunya under the theme of “Second Coast”, the duality of tourism and landscape. All the schools/universities are jointly working towards the establishment of a common European Master Degree - to reach this aim, the consortium has been supported by the European Union since 2011 within the „Lifelong Learning Programme“. Hannover has already integrated EMiLA as a branch in its existing master programme for Landscape Architecture. The common E-learning and Summer Workshop modules will be taught in English, as will all modules at the Academie van Bouwkunst Amsterdam and the University of Edinburgh. The other Partner schools/universities will teach in their national language. Further information about the EMiLAphilosophy and details about the curriculum, how to apply, funding and any additional requirements can be provided by contacting the schools/ universities directly or at






Tourism and landscape form part of an interactive binomial of dependence: there is no tourist development without a landscape; it also seems that landscapes, especially those called cultural landscapes, need tourism as an economic activity to be sustained. Their relation is also that of contradiction. Tourism, as an economic as well as a leisure activity, belongs to the abstract space of globalization, where one looses orientation, distances do not exist and one’s relation to places is superficial and temporary. On the other hand, landscape is a locality per excellence, and it is conceptually related to local identity and culture. Beyond the traditional use of agriculture, Mediterranean regions increasingly demand for complementary activities to preserve and develop their (cultural) landscapes. Up to now, neither tourist nor urban infrastructures have contributed to the environmental improvement or recognition of the landscape specificity of the territories that sustain them. On the contrary, most ‘developments’ have exerted such a pressure on the natural resources and its supporting landscape that have caused their severe degradation, if not their irreversible loss.


On one hand tourism, today the most important (only?) economic motor for Spain, searches for alternative scenarios to the sea and sun model by improving mature tourism destinations and avoiding their imminent decline; on the other, the expected 2013’s EU’s Common Agricultural Policy restructuring for the assignment of agricultural subsidies at rural lands, attempts combining socio-environmental benefits with those of ‘productivity’, which have been predominant until now. This new policy opens new expectations on how rural land should be managed as a multifunctional territory and still remain productive. OBJECTIVES At this turning point, we believe that a ‘project-driven’ research onto a concrete test- territory, the Montgrí plain in Baix Empordà, will help to focus key issues related to contemporary trends in the tourism industry and to prospect spatial solutions for the redevelopment and diversification of Costa Brava’s 2nd Coast at the Montgrí plain, a cultural landscape amidst one of Europe’s most tourist regions. The studio proposes as a design research theme to explore alternatives for the renovation of Mediterranean coastal regions, focusing on tourism and landscape through the conceptual prism of the “second coast”. The idea of the second coast evokes opportunities for quality tourism by relating the existing coast to its rich rural hinterland. There, where the sun & sea 1st coast predatory tourism is confronted with the inner, mostly rural and natural land, we will anticipate visions for a 2nd coast regenerative landscape-grounded tourism as a revitalizing agent; exploring sustainable tourist imaginaries based on the cultural identity and natural potential of these landscapes. Developing such an hypothesis implies to work with the recovering and creative potential of landscape design and ecology. Thus, landscape is not approached as a passive background, but as a tourist product in itself.


APPROACH Teams are expected to envision prospective working landscapes who respond to EMiLA founding concerns: the achievement of healthy ecological systems, the resilience of agriculture and smart rural land management, the search of sustainable urban development’s and landscape-grounded tourism and the integration of renewable energies into quality legible landscapes. For such, and sharing the Dutch preservation through development approach, the course attempts to generate a set of eclectic structuring actions integrated into a strategic vision for specific landscape that of Montrgí plan. SITE Submerging in the Mediterranean Sea, Montgrí calcareous mountain emerges in the midst of the fertile River Ter’s floodplain. An archipelago of small villages punctuate such floodplain at the foothills of Montgrí mountain and ‘Les Gavarres’ mountain range. The site is a ‘small grain’ landscape mosaic of contrasted relieves and diverse land covers and political ambitions. Sweet fruit orchards and cornfields protected by poplar and cypress windbreaks cover the irrigated floodplains. Cereals and olive trees coexist with colonizing pine forests at the foothill. Historic villages were build on top of small promontories at the floodplain limit whereas new urbanizations and tourist infrastructures settle at the 1st coast area and around the infrastructures.


The workshop proposes to work on 3 neighbor complementary locations: 1. ‘El Montgrí’ Mountain and its urban and rural ecotones. 2. The first Coast from l’Estartit to Pals and its interface with the interior second coast. 3. The River Ter agricultural floodplain and the foothill villages.





9 groups of 5/6 students from the distinct Universities have worked on the 3 assigned sites.





CHALLENGES Montgrí plain, under the pressure and expectations from the predatory 1st coast tourism, affected by important seasonal population fluctuations, high agricultural benefits linked toa a specific market, landscape and ecological discontinuities, losts of diversity, anodyne urban growths, etc faces a number of challenges that have been adressed in the workshop: • Can landscape & nature be an active enough tourist attraction? What should be the role of the Natural Parks and the cultural landscapes around them in the diversification of the existing tourist offer? Which could be the potential socio-environmental benefits related to new structural interpretation of rural lands and how could they be spatially integrated within the construction of alternative landscape & leisure networks? • Is the region’s ecological network robust? Does it demand for the re-location/ improvement of certain parts of the suburban developments in existing settlements? Could we relate land management & agriculture for fire prevention in forested areas in a project that enhances soft leisure (pedagogic) operations? • If we understand landscape as ‘cultural heritage’, how should it be acknowledged and rewarded touristically? What are the pertinent interventions for improving the existing tourism infrastructure? Where is appropriate to place ‘new’ accommodation and facilities? • Could we envision a ‘Clean’ – Smart Energy Strategy for this landscape helping to qualify this region touristically?


OUTPUTS Following the ETSAB’s tradition that acknowledges relevance of well communicated strategy only when it is tested through spatially detailed design of concrete places and processes, the course encourages student teams that come from different schools to work in two scales: develop in parallel strategic innovative thinking, a vision, with prospective looking ‘spatial proposals’. All outputs should foster eclectic operations that engage multiple dynamics of the landscape and themes and should aspire to be legible as well as visually interesting.

The final has been presented in an open Exhibition and event to the region stakeholders. M. Franch, M. Goula, Barcelona October 2012


MEETING AND DEBATE WITH LOCAL STAKEHOLDERS INTRODUCTION The “Second Coast”. New uses for old landscapes. Maria Goula. Dr. Architect & Landscape Architect Head of the Master´s in Landscape Architecture, MUP; ETSAB-ESAB/ UPC Workshop sites & methodology. Martí Franch. EMF landscape architects. Lecturer Master´s in Landscape Architecture,MUP; ETSAB-ESAB/ UPC 6 VISIONS FOR A LANDSCAPE The Montgrí plain, a vision on its landscape & history. Antoni Rovires. Mediterranean Museum Director. Museologist and heritage manager Nature. Emporda’s necklace and the Fauna catalysts. Jordi Sargatal, Naturalist, Castell del Montgri Camping Manager, former Director of Aiguamolls del Empordà Natural Park & FTP Territory & Landscape Private Foundation. Agriculture. Joan Bonany. Agronomist. Director ‘Mas Badia’ Agronomical Research Institute of IRTA. Major of Jafre New operational paradigms for massive tourism destinations in the Mediterranean Ricard Pié. Dr. Architect Energy. Smart grids. Pep Salas. ENERBYTE







on good practices

on good practices

challenges & visions

guided site visit

guided site visit

guided site visit

related to the IP topic

related to the IP topic

related to the IP topic





Arrival to










with local stakeholders





departure to Barcelona

to local stakeholders


Torroella de MontgrĂ­




9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00



meeting & debate

9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00




meeting & debate with local stakeholders


SCHEDULE details 27th-30th THURSDAY, 27th SEPTEMBER 2012 Place: Palau de la Música Catalana, Petit Palau.Sant Pere Més Alt, s/n. - 9.00-13.00 Anticipation, thematization /sensoriality



Michel Desvigne (AMD): Île Seguin, garden of the prefiguration. Paris, France. Joao Ferreira Nunes (PROAP): Effluent Water treatment Station. Etar de Alcántara. Portugal. Martí Franch (EMF) + Ton Ardèvol (J/T Ardèvol i Associats) Restauration of Tudela-Culip (Club Med) in the Natural Park of Cap de Creus,Girona. Spain. Marianne Mommsen (relais Landschaftsarchitekten): The Written Garden “Gardens of the World”. Berlin-Marzahn. Germany. - 13.00 -15.45 Guided site visit: the tourist gaze 1: Barceloneta Promenade Meeting Place: Palau de la Música Catalana, Petit Palau. Sant Pere Més Alt, s/n. at the courtyard. Karin Hofert, Vice-dean international relationships ETSAB. Xavier Ramoneda, adjunct professor in the Master’s Degree in Landscape; ETSAB/ESAB, UPC


FRIDAY, 28th SEPTEMBER 2012 Place: Palau de la Música Catalana, Petit Palau.Sant Pere Més Alt, s/n. - 9.00-13.00 Anticipation, thematization /sensoriality



Marieke Timmermans (9.00) Julie Bargmann (10.00) ROUND TABLE ON INNOVATION THROUGH LANDSCAPE/ DEBATE ON THE INPUTS ON INNOVATION through the lecture series (11.30) - 13.00 -15.45 Guided site visit: tourist gaze 2: Poble Nou Park and its relationship with Poble Nou neighborhood. Meeting Place: Palau de la Música Catalana, Petit Palau.Sant Pere Més Alt, s/n. at the courtyard. Schlomi Almagor, architect from Ruisanchez Arquitectos, Sergi Carulla y Óscar Blasco, SCOB architects and adjunct professors of the Master’s in Landscape Architecture ( MAP) - - - -

20.45-21.30 Karin Hofert, Karin Helms Maria Goula,

EMiLA official Welcome Vice-dean International Relationships ETSAB, Professor ENSP Versailles Vice Dean Landscape Architecture ETSAB

Place: College of Architects Catalunya, COAC. Plaça Nova, 5



14.30 -20.30 Site visit: Montjuïc versus Montgrí

Meeting Place: Palau de la Música Catalana, Petit Palau.Sant Pere Més Alt, s/n. at the courtyard. Konstandinos Kurkutas, architect PhD candidate in DUOT, ETSAB, UPC. Montserrat Prados, landscape architect, in charge of an itinerary that includes several presentations, some developed by the projects authors. 14:30 Montjuic Tour guided by Estanislau Roca, Dr, architect and urban planner. 15:00 Visit to Mies Van der Rohe Pavilion. 15:30 Visit to Historical Botanical Garden and Maragall & Laribal gardens. 16:00 Top Montjuic Tour with Joan Forgas, chief architect in Forgas Arquitectes SLP. 18:00 Visit to Botanical Garden. 19:15 Visit to public spaces around Montjuic. 20:00 End of the Tour. SUNDAY, 30th SEPTEMBER 2012 -

9.00 Departure to Torroella de Montgrí

Place: Plaça Catalunya, in front of the Hard Rock Cafe.


BIBLIOGRAPHY BARBA, R.; PIÉ, R.; Arquitectura y Turismo: Planes y Proyectos; Barcelona, Centre de Recerca i Projectes de Paisatge (CRPP), DUOT, UPC; 1996. BARBAZA, Yvette; El Paisatge Humà de la Costa Brava (vol. I y II). Barcelona, Edicions 62. (1st french edition, 1966. Le paysage humain de la Costa Brava. Paris: Librairie Armand Colin); 1988. BELLMUNT, J.; BATLLE, E.; FERNÁNDEZ DE LA REGUERA, A.; GOULA, M., (ed.); Only with nature. Només amb natura (catalog of the 3rd European Biennial of Landscape Architecture 2003). Barcelona: Col•legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya. Fundación Caja de Arquitectos; 2003. BELLMUNT, J.; BATLLE, E.; FERNÁNDEZ DE LA REGUERA, A.; GOULA, M., (ed.); Tormenta e Impetu. Catàleg de la V Biennal Europea de Paisatge. [Storm and Stress. The V’s European Landscape Biennial Catalog]. Barcelona, Col•legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya. Fundación Caja de Arquitectos; 2010 GARCIA-GERMÁN, Javier (ed.); De lo mecánico a lo termódinámico. Por una definición energética de la arquitectura y del territorio; Barcelona, GG; 2010. GOULA, M.; New opportunities for old landscapes. Some concepts on the Mediterranean coast, in ‘scape. Coast + Turisme. The International magazine for landscape architecture and urbanism, Nº 2, pp 26 -33; 2008 IZEMBART, H.; LE BOUDEC, B.; Waterscapes. El tratamiento de aguas residuales mediante sistemas vegetales; Barcelona, Gustavo Gili; 2003 MITCHELL WALDROP, M.; Complexity: The emerging science at the edge of order and chaos. Viking-Penguin, Harmondsworth; 1992.


SABATÉ, J. et al.;Designing the Llobregat Corridor: cultural landscape and regional development. Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona; 2001. WHITE P.S, S.T.A. Picket; Natural destrubances and patch dynamics: an introduction. Steward T.A. Pickett and P.S White (editors) in The ecology of natural disturbance and patrch dynamics. Academic Press, Orlando, Florida, USA pp: 3-13; 1985. URRY, John; The tourist gaze. London: Sage Publications Ltd.; 2002. Webpage dedicated to tourism



UNIVERSITIES / TEACHERS EMiLA Schools École Nationale Supérieure du Paysage Versailles/Marseille (ENSP) Karin Helms Studied Biology (phytosociology) at the State University of Milan, later Landscape Architect in Belgium and was guest student at school of Copenhagen Kunst Akademie. Later she received her diploma by the French school of Landscape architecture ENSP Versailles. She created her own office “Karin Helms, Paysagiste Sarl” in 1993. She received the national prize in 1999 from the French Ministry of Environment for her work at Folleville. She is State Landscape Architect Adviser and Associate Professor of design department and she is in charge of the international relationships at Ecole Nationale Superieure de Paysage Versailles. She is the originator of the European Master in Landscape Architecture, EMiLA, a Master run by 5 European universities/schools. She has been active in different associations for the promotion of the profession as EFLA, FFP APCE and she is in charge of publications as “Pages Paysages”, “La Feuille du Paysage”, “Fieldwork LAE” and run different research topics : “Architecture des espaces publics modernes” 1993, ”L’architecture de la grande échelle” 2009, ”Paysage et énergie” 2012 and has been invited to teach in many European universities/ schools.


Stephan Tischer Professor and landscape architect. He was born in Ausburg (Germany), graduated from Munich Polytechnic and has studied at Munich, Versailles and Italy. He has taught at the Munich Polytechnic, at the Kunst Akademie Berlin and at Italian faculties as a temporary lecturer. From 2002 to 2006 he was director and associated professor of the Landscape Architecture department of the University of Montreal. He collaborates with CUPEUM, Chaire Unesco of Paysage et Environment for their international activity and research in to suburban landscapes. He has participated in the Bolzano Habitat research (2001), he directed the group Napoli Campi Flegrei of the International research Urban Catalyst of the EU. He collaborates with Sardinian region Landscape Observatory and has been president of the jury for Sardinian Landscape Prize (2007). He participated in 1992 in foundation of “Topos Journal”. Since 2008 he is a member of scientific committee of the “Città con vista” series. From 1995 to 2002 he has directed the Berlin office of “Burger-Tischer” and later the “Tischer Studio” in Montreal (20022006). Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH) Fakultät für Architektur und Landschaft Christina Milos Christina Milos is currently a Research Fellow and Assistant Lecturer at the Institute of Landscape Architecture (ILA) at Leibniz University Hannover in Hannover, Germany where her research and teaching focuses on landscape planning and infrastructure in least developed contexts. Christina received her Master in Landscape Architecture from the Harvard University Graduate School of Design. Her masters’ thesis, With or Without Water: Building resilient livelihoods through infrastructure in the Lake Chad Basin was completed with Distinction and awarded an Honor Award in Analysis and Planning in the ASLA Student Awards 2011. She has worked in Sierra Leone as a project manager for AHKOM and as an assistant to the director at the Environmental Foundation for Africa. She has also worked as a Design Researcher and Landscape Designer at OPSYS: the Landscape Infrastructure Lab in Cambridge.


Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (AHK) Oriol Casas Graduated as architect at the ‘Escola Tecnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona’ (2000). He was granted with several scholarships like a urban design studio at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a Master in urbanism at the Fundación Politécnica of Barcelona. Since 2006 is founding partner at wUrck, a Dutch office that integrates architecture, urban design and landscape architecture in spatial designs and strategies. Before starting with wUrck he was architect at VHP s+a+l in Rotterdam and CCRS in Barcelona. Examples of this conceptualisation are the urban Masterplan of Meerrijk (Eindhoven 2001-2012), the design of the transferium Barneveld-Noord (2005) and the public square and bicycle parking of central station in Haarlem (2009-2012). He combines his professional carrier with guest teaching at the TU Delft and the ‘Academies van Bouwkunst’ of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Arnhem. Gloria Font Born in Guatemala, Gloria Font is an Architect and Landscape designer living in Amsterdam. She is concerned with issues of identity, leisure, sociology, agriculture, hermeneutics, education, history, archeology, and innovation. Her work experience differs in complexities; She has participated in projects in the Netherlands, Europe and Central America. Her range of projects goes from furniture design, small buildings, soft and hard urban and semi urban landscapes to collaborating in urban planning and regional visions. Marieke Timmermans Educated as a landscape architect at the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture (1994). In 1998 she founded the agency “Landscape Architects for Sale” (LA4sale) with Pepin Godefroy. Since 2008, it will focus as Director of Indewei BV on building development in the landscape. She is Head of the department of Landscape at Academy of Architecture Amsterdam.


ECA, Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh Kenny Fraser Lisa McKenzie Lisa Mackenzie is a practicing Landscape Architect and is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh. In her practice and teaching Lisa applies principles of art and ecology to urban and rural environments. Her work evolves strategies for multi-dimensional landscapes that transcend scale. Lisa has been involved in the development of a European Masters in Landscape Architecture (EMILA) for the last five years and has recently returned from Paris where she taught for three months at the Ecole Nationale Superieure du Paysage in Versailles. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB) Escola Superior d’Agricultura de Barcelona (ESAB) Ágata Buscemi After a brief professional experience in Italy, in 2002 moved to Barcelona to work with Jordi Bellmunt. Degree in Architecture at University of Architecture of Reggio Calabria (Italy, 2000). As professor she collaborates specifically with: The Master’s Program in Landscape Architecture (MAPUPC, Barcelona, Spain, since 2003) and The University Master’s Program in Landscape (MUP-ETSAB, Barcelona, Spain, since 2008). She is also Member of the scientific committee of “100 mila giardini” ( Catania, Italia, 2009), Director of the monographs “Monográficos del Paisaje” edited by Asflor ( Barcelona, Spain, since 2010 ). She works as architect and landscape architect (Spain, France, Italy) and collaborates with the review Paysage (Italy, since 2008) Marina Cervera Has worked for Ateliers Jean Nouvel (Paris), the Centre de Recerca de Projectes de Paisatge (UPC) and occasionally as assistant professor in the Master’s Program in Landscape Architecture and the MUP at the ETSAB, Fundación Politècnica de Catalunya. Currently combines her work as a freelance professional with her work at the Landscape Office of the Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya where she is coordinating the 7th European


Landscape Biennial and the publication of the 6th Biennial catalog “Liquid landscapes”. She has been secretary general of the Executive Committee of EFLA (European Federation for Landscape Architecture) since November 2009 and she is member of the Spanish Landscape Association Martí Franch Batllori Landscape Architect by the University of Greenwich and Horticulturalist by ESAB in Barcelona, is the founder & principal of ‘EMF landscape architecture’, an interdisciplinary practice of independent experts in the field of urban and environmental design, exercising internationally. ‘EMF’ was settled in 1999 after professional and academic training in Amsterdam, London and Berlin. Ever since, Franch explores hybrid ways between ecological systems & cultural constructs to inform projects and build up new realities. Since 2001 Franch teaches in ETSAB Barcelona, and has been visiting teacher at ENSPV Versailles, RMIT Melbourne or LU Lund. His work has been internationally published and awarded with an ASLA Honor Award 2012 as well as selected finalist in FAD 2012, Rosa Barba Prize 2010, CCCB European Prize of Public Space 2012 among others. Maria Goula Greek architect, she has been living and working since 1992 at Barcelona. At the moment, she holds a full-time lecturer position at the Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning, School of Architecture of Barcelona, teaching urban design and landscape and she is the Head of the Master’s in Landscape Architecture since March 2009. She participates in the Direction of the Centre of Landscape Research and Design of Barcelona. From her recent works can be emphasized the elaboration of the “Catalogue of the landscapes of the regions of Lleida and that of Girona”, Catalonia, both of them commissioned by the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia. She performs as scientific consultant in the research project: “Greek scapes”; research project for the interpretation of the Greek landscapes. She is member of the winning team for the Competition Green Corridor Park in Cerdanyola. She won the 2009 Extraordinary Quality Award for the PhD in Architecture with her thesis “the other landscapes: readings of the variable image”.


Teaching Assistants: Roberto Franceschini Master degree at IUAV University of Venece, “Laurea Specialistica in Architettura per il Paesaggio”, Masters in Landscape Architecture at Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Barcelona). He has worked in some Studios in Italy and Spain and as a freelancer addressing issues of landscape and urban design. His work has been exhibited at the Biennial of European Landscape of Barcelona, the Biennial of Sarajevo and the Venice Biennial and published in journals too.

Carles Martínez Almoyna Degree in Architecture in 2000 (ETSAB) and Master in Landscape Architecture in 2012. His broad experience covers different areas of architecture, urbanism and landscape architecture, giving him a wide view of the disciplines and their contemporary situations. He has worked in several professional offices, complementing this with his own projects along with work in the world of architectural book publication. This versatile will has been complemented along this years with his enrolment as a BA Sociology student and with a part-time professional musical career.

Giorgia Sgarbossa Architect, she obtained her degree in Architecture at IUAV of Venice in 2007. Since 2005 she has worked in different architectural practices in Venice and Barcelona, working mainly on urban planning and landscape intervention projects at different stages: competitions and executive projects. In 2010 she enrolled at the master program of Landscape architecture in Barcelona and currently she combines her work with research activities.


GUEST SCHOOLS RMIT Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Charles Anderson His design activity is widely inter-disciplinary: from landscape architecture and urban design through public art projects and fashion. He has a distinguished reputation as an artist and designer and has received numerous awards for his work. Anderson’s work engages with the transformational poetics of urban ephemera. Embracing collaborative partnerships, Anderson hybridizes generative procedures to materialise processes of time in order to reformulate the spatial hierarchies that characterize the lived spaces of our world. A director of Stutterheim / Anderson Landscape Architecture, Anderson is the Program Director of the Masters in Landscape Architecture at RMIT University, where he is also a member of the Speculative Architecture and X-Field Design Research groups. Sue Anne Ware She is a professor of Landscape Architecture and the Deputy Dean of Research at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. Her awarded built projects, scholarly and professional publications, have contributed to a growing discourse in landscape architecture and design research. With Julian Raxworthy wrote: “Sunburnt: Australian Practices of Landscape Architecture”. Her design project, the SIEVX Memorial, Canberra (2007-2008), examines the plight of a group of 400 “illegal” refugees, mainly Afghan and Iraqi women and children, who drowned off the coast of Australia. It was recently awarded a National AILA award for design innovation. UVA University of Virginia Julie Bargmann Julie Bargmann is internationally recognized as an innovative designer on projecting regenerative landscapes. She founded D.I.R.T. studio in 1992 to research, design and build projects with passion and rigor; to create landscape with layers which containe site and community history. Her goal is to work ingeniously and reuse materials with an artistic vengeance


to make pragmatic, poetic and authentic places. As Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture at University of Virginia, Julie leads adventurous investigations with students in abandoned lots, imagining renewed sites of cultural and ecological production. Jorg Sieweke Jorg Sieweke is a registered landscape architect and urban designer in Berlin. His design practice on landscape has received numerous prizes and awards. He published widely, for example, “Atlas IBA” Hamburg to help to conceive the agenda for the IBA 2013. Sieweke taught at various schools in Dresden, Berlin and Stuttgart and since 2009 he serves as Assistant Professor at the University of Virginia. He directs the design-research initiative “ParadoXcity” where investigates the particular adaptations of delta Cities wich search the stability in swampy ground. Comparative research on New Orleans and Venice allow critical insights in the ongoing process of modernization and the urban metabolism.

GSP Graduate School of Landscape Architecture at Pekin University Zhang TianXin Zhang Tianxin studied a Bachelor’s degree of Architecture, Master’s degree of Human Geography and Doctoral degree of Urban Engineering. He is currently an Associate professor of Peking University, Director of Landscape Urbanism Program in the College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Peking University. His research interests include Urban Design, Landscape Planning, and Heritage Conservation. He has been visiting professor of several universities in Canada, jury expert of international workshops in Russia and China. He is an examination expert of “City Planning Review”, member of “International Scholar Committee” under the Urban Planning Society of China, examination expert of “Web-Journal of Tourism and Cultural Studies”, special editor and column writer of “Beijing City Planning and Construction Review”, and member of several professional societies including Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ).


STUDENTS École Nationale Supérieure du Paysage Versailles/Marseille (ENSP) Ambre Bodard Alexandre Marguerie Marjorie Masseglia Benjamin Peneau Paule Pointereau Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH) Fakultät für Architektur und Landschaft Nils Döring Katja Hundertmark Lena Hörtemöller Jonas Schäfer Christian Tautz Jessica Uhrig Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (AHK) Marije Brans Esther Brun Inge Vleemingh Rob Brink Judith van der Poel Laura van der Pol Annelies Bloemendaal Michiel Dominic van Zejil Edinburgh College of Art (ECA) The University of Edinburgh Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (ESALA) Rosie Madden Scott Miller David Muir Louise Searle Paloma Stott


RMIT Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Seada Besic Brett Van Embden Zixue Yang (Sally) UVA University of Virginia Nathan Burgess Chelsea Dewitt Gwen McGinn Dasha Lebedeva John Spiess GSP Graduate School of Landscape Architecture at Pekin University Wang Xiaobing Huang Chao Deng Dongsong Gao Jian Fan Lijun Wang Bin Zhang Zheng Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB) Escola Superior d’Agricultura de Barcelona (ESAB) Barbara Boschiroli Chrysi Gousiou Elisenda Lurbes Juan Pablo Martínez Ana Quintana Sergi Romero Esther Santamaría


LOCAL AUTHORITIES Montgrí, Illes Medes and Baix Ter Natural Park Mapi Carabus, director Santi Ramos, biologist Generalitat de Catalunya Departments Jordi Aurich, DARP regional services manager Josep Maria Cortadellas, Regional services of territory and sustainability Torroella de Montgrí city council Mayor, goverment councillor and opposition Jordi Cordón i Pulido, mayor Sandra Bartomeus i Vicens; Urbanism, Housing, Urban landscape and Environment Francesc Puig i Bagué, Economic evelopment, Urban and rural mobility Genís Dalmau i Burgués; Tourism, coast, human resources and municipal cleaning services Josep Maria Rufí, Esquerra Republicana Lluis Coll, Unitat Progrés Municipal Josep Pujol, Environmental technical L’Estartit Sílvia Comas, Minicipal council president Sailing Station Josep Maria Pla Calsina, President Sílvia Ferrer Sailing Club Jordi Ponjoan, President Miquel Gallart, Director Institutions Masos de Torroella i L’estartit association Joan Serra, President


Baix Empordà regional council Joan Català Pagès, President Girona University, Ecology department Xavier Quintana ETSAB Barcelona Professors, participating in the final jury Karin Hofert, Vice-dean international relationships Anna Zahonero, professor in Màster Universitari en Paisatgisme Local Press El punt-avui



From Barcelona El Prat Airport to the City Center Aerobus: this bus service connects Barcelona Airport and the city center, and departs every 5 minutes. The trip takes about 35 minutes from both Airport Terminals (T1 or T2). The route covers strategic stops in the city. Single trip: 5,65 euros More information: Bus line: Bus 46 connects Barcelona Airport and Plaรงa Espanya where you can take other buses or metro. It departs every 15-25 minutes starting at 5.00 and finishing service at 24.15. Single trip: 2,00 euros More information:


Airport Night Bus: NitBus N17 is the bus that operates between Barcelona Airport and the city center during the hours of 21:50 (from T1) and 04:40 (from T1). Single trip: 2,00 euros More information: RENFE Train: Service runs approximately every 30 minutes. The trip takes about 25 minutes. Main stations you can access are Clot-Aragó, Passeig de Gràcia or Barcelona Sants (otherwise known as Sants Estacio), where you can connect with other buses or trains. Single trip: 2,20 euros More information: * If you are arriving into Terminal 1, a shuttle bus will take you from outside of the terminal to the train station entrance and the bus stop.

From Girona Airport to Barcelona Bus: it is probably the most convenient method of transfer between Girona Airport and Barcelona city center. The bus service is run by an independent company and has no direct business association with Ryan Air. However Barcelona Bus arranged its times of departure and arrival to coincide with the arrival and departure of RyanAir flights. The bus stops right outside the airport and will take you to Estacio d’Autobusos Barcelona Nord where you can take the metro and buses. Trip costs 15,00 euros More information: * Workshop organization provides a bus to travel from Barcelona to Torroella de Montgrí. More information on the schedule.


ACCOMODATION BARCELONA RESA Barcelona “Campus del mar” Passeig de Salvat Papasseit, 4 Barceloneta More information:

- From Barcelona Estació del Nord: L1 red line, Arc de Triomf-Urquinaona L4 yellow line, Urquinaona-Barceloneta - From Plaça Catalunya: L1 red line, Catalunya-Urquinaona L4 yellow line, Urquinaona-Barceloneta - From Passeig de Gràcia: L4 yellow line, Passeig de Gràcia-Barceloneta - From Plaça Espanya: L1 red line, Espanya-Urquinaona L4 yellow line, Urquinaona-Barceloneta


RESA CSIC Barcelona “Residencia d’investigadors” Carrer de l’Hospital, 64 08001 Barcelona Raval More information:

- From Barcelona Estació del Nord: L1 red line, Arc de Triomf-Catalunya L3 green line, Catalunya-Liceu - From Plaça Catalunya: L3 green line, Catalunya-Liceu - From Passeig de Gràcia: L3 green line, Passeig de Gràcia-Liceu - From Plaça Espanya: L3 green line, Espanya-Liceu


TORROELLA DE MONTGRÍ Students accommodation Camping “Castell de Montgrí” More information:

Tutors accommodation Hotel “Molí del Mig” More information:


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