Quadrant 16 We take the singularity of the last Roman Green square to question ourselves if the GREEN should remain GREEN or it should change its color, since the inevitability of the context becomes its worst threat. We acknowledge the value of the square through the relevancy of the Natural Reserve with different characteristics; a closed and protected space, provided of homogenised and lineal borders that overcome to its own heterogenic landscape structure with vegetative qualities that goes from a more closed gradient compounded by bushes, to the more dense and disturbed forest, disturbed by the actions of nature rather than man. And the last structure a very fragile dune system, but more stable in some areas where its development has naturally evolved. In a very wide context it allows a lecture from the square that presents a set of features and conservation possibilities with the original characteristic of the very original Roman territory.
Roman territory The last green quadrant We take the singularity of the last Roman Green square to question ourselves if the GREEN should remain GREEN or it should change its color, since the inevitability of the context becomes its worst threat.
Rome through its hydrography We recognize the importance of the hydrography in the territory development as a project referent. The hidrography is used as a guide of a system of paths to take advantage of the territory in a more natural and accessible level, generating a better interaction with people in the public space. It is also part of the proposal the recovery of the historical system as a connection strategy. Vitruvius knew the importance of the water; “water is essential for life, to satisfy the pleasant needs and for the daily use�. This way, water becomes a fundamental elements to structure Roman urban planning. The hydrography system, by being the most continuous flow in and out the square, allows us to emphasise water as an interactive element between the territory and the Romans and to create a less interrupted dialogue.
All roads lead to Rome Rome We consider it is important to retake the access to the territory with Rome as the starting point due to the direct and fast connections that would happen. This will allow us to play in a metropolitan scale and to gradually reduce it to a more local scale, considering nearby nucleus that unify and form part of these flows in order to accommodate and requalify the territory. The access from Rome to the square is distinguished easily by the Pontina road, being this the main connector holding the higher frequency of users and proposing the possibility to follow a loop that goes around the Natural Reserve specifically. The main idea is to think about the borders in the Natural Reserve as a subtraction of the outside areas of the perimeter and as an addition of other areas that would transform the space in the Reserve.
Castel Porziano
Castel Romano Pomezia
Path 1 - Conection to Rome - Litoranea Path 2 - Cristoforo Colombo road Path 3 - Internal Path Path 4 - Practica Di Mare Road Path 5 - Pontina Road
Campo Ascolano
Rome Narrative
Roman Archaeology_ One of the main ideas and intentions of the project is to generate connections by creating new areas of interest that join the city of Rome and include the archaeological ruins that are meant to become a historical icon. The Severiana Road will be considered a historical heritage site. Has a length of 7,67 kilometres ( 1,38 hours walking and 31 minutes by bicycle) and thought its path, ten Roman Villages can be seen. Identity_ Identity as a system of conservation by appropriation of the area. It is given a tangible value of belonging that allows an iconographic synthesis of the territory strategy from Rome to the beach since one of the main themes of the project is to generate this direct connections.
To modify the physical and management borders and the susceptible spaces that can also be modified in order to improve the ecological system and its connections.
To re-establish the areas that have lost the importance in a natural systems like the dune system mainly, and how this can be developed.
to re-use the existent spaces through a modification can become in sites of attraction.
Master Plan Four connection lines that comes from Rome are distinguished. Each one is represented by a different colour that corresponds to a different character. In this lines, it can be detected susceptible spaces that can be transformed. They will become into a place of attraction inside the territory. Each flow develops in different stages to generate the connections between them, meaning that the flows work together as part of the same system.
Severiana road as a Hystoric heritage
Redefine the Litoranea road close to Severiana road
Regenerate the dunar system
New Boundaries for the natural reserve (tenuta)
Open of the new tenuta road to the public
Recover the empty areas as “mattresses areas”
ineal axes between urban parks and parks close to the Reserve.
The opening of a dune system park as the main access to the dunes
The opening of the road to Castel Porziano as a tourist destination.
The finish point of the transversal axes in the “mattresses areas” creates a dialogue between Infernetto and the Natural Reserve.
Redefine the principal roads as a new line for soft movility
To maintain the existing cultivation area as the productive and protection border.
The development of an urban grid as a connection structure between the existing nucleuses.
To complete the grid and recognize the gipsy community in the new low density area.
The development of lineal parks runs along the hydrography lines
The opening of the protected area as a dune system par at the end of the public linear park.
Actions in time
Phase 1.
Phase 2.
Phase 3.
Re-valorising the Natural System. Inside the area a variety of natural systems can be found; like the dunes and the rivers, both integrated into a new connection network.
Consolidate the flow lines for better access to the beach.
The development of the urban grids that intensify density such as the creation of social housing for the gipsy community.
The new Natural Reserve
Actual boarders New boarders (add) New boarders (subtract) Area of extension Area of reduction
Bus loop nodes BusInfernetto - beach - Pomezia Pedestrians Roads Train Line Parking Transportation hub Pedestrians - bus Parking - bus Train - Pedestrians - bus Bus to Rome - Bus
Soft Movility
Working in the Waterfront
There are three categories of territorial organization: the ecological, the landscaped and the urban. These categories transition from the natural landscapes to more developed areas, creating a gradient of use intensity along the waterfront. The methodology used to represent these landscapes divides the beach area in three parts, each one developed at a 1:1000 scale and responds to a specific landscape typology according to its surroundings. From West to East they are: Infernetto, Wetlands and Campo Ascolano.
Infernetto Beach
This plan focuses on the reinterpretation of the kiosks’ infrastructure and adapts them to a new waterfront that allows the transition between the city and the beach. The kiosks’ parking lots are relocated in the Natural Reserve and a slow paste transit system, composed of two parallel lines is developed. The road closer to the beach hosts a pedestrian path and bike lines, while the road closer to the Natural Reserve hosts the public bus.
Infernetto Beach
Infernetto Beach
The plan proposes a regeneration of the dune system into the Natural Reserve. In order to expand the dune system, the road is relocated on the inter-dune zone, which is the less fragile area along the dune system. This road is only used by buses in order to decrease the negative impact of the car on the area. Moreover, there are 3 main paths that respond to ecological and cultural influences in the area. The first path is associated to the wetlands, the second one is associated to the via Severiana and the Roman ruins, and the third one is associated to the dunes. The paths are defined by their perimeters rather than their areas, however, where there is an area of interest, wooden platforms are created in order to highlight the values of the area.
Campo Ascolano
This plan proposes a linear park along the stream that connects the isolated green pockets in the area. The transit roads are re-interpreted and soft mobility is introduced instead. This allows the continuation of one of the area’s biggest cultural values: Via Severiana. The spatial sequence incorporates the individual and generates multiple experiences that integrate the landscape in the public realm. A path that cuts through the dune system and becomes a viewing platform full of services along the beach, concludes our journey to the waterfront and introduces new activities that nurture the development of the area.
Campo Ascolano
Campo Ascolano
The team Diana Cecilia Hernández Rodrigo Fernández Shelley Katherine Fernández Mariana Gómez María Andreina Guzmán Sebastián Plancencia Vianney Tamayo Daniela Silva Miguel Herrera María Ines Saavedra Ana Gutiérrez Manuela Contarini Verónica Soto Silvia Gelain Jordi Llort David Ricart Ana Pérez Ruth Tortosa