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Industry News

ATCO Gas has increased the days allowed for connections

For 12 months from 1 July 2021, ATCO Gas has changed their KPI for a ‘Request for Gas’ to a ‘New Premise’ coming ‘Off Hold’ from five business days to 15 business days. The KPI for connection to an ‘Established Premise’ remains at five business days


Amendments to plumbing regulations

Plumbing work on-the-job by pre-apprentices doing a Certificate II in Plumbing

The regulations have been amended to correct an anomaly that meant pre-apprentices were not authorised to perform work that is part of their Certificate II course. They may now do this work provided they are supervised by a licensed plumbing contractor or the holder of a tradesperson’s licence working under the general direction and control of a licensed plumbing contractor. Plumbing services on community titles schemes.

A new form of land tenure known as a community scheme is being introduced in Western Australia. The regulations have been amended to include these schemes under the standards referenced in ‘Part 6A - Plumbing standards for plumbing and plumbing work on subdivided land’. To see full details, go to www.commerce.wa.gov.au/who-weassist/plumber and click on the Announcements tab.

New Automatic Mutual Recognition scheme

The new national Automatic Mutual Recognition scheme allows some holders of occupational licences to work interstate without having to apply and pay for a second licence. It applies to all occupational registrations covered by the existing mutual recognition arrangements within Australia under the Mutual Recognition Act 1992. Each state and territory is responsible for passing their own laws that determine how they will implement the scheme. The WA Government is currently considering some options before drafting the required new legislation.

Funding for mature age apprentices

The new $5.2 million Jobs and Skills WA Adult Apprentice Employer Incentive (AAEI) will provide eligible businesses with up to $26,800 when they hire a mature age apprentice. This will assist with growing WA’s skilled local workforce - maximising job opportunities for mature age apprentices, who are often overlooked by employers due to the higher cost of adult wages. There are many good reasons to employ an adult apprentice. For all the information you need including full details of the AAEI, see www.jobsandskills.wa.gov.au/aaei The successful Apprenticeship and Traineeship Re-engagement Incentive will also be extended for a further 12 months, with an additional $4 million investment.

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