'Windswept Installation Guidelines'

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-­‐ INSTALLATION SUGGESTIONS -­‐ Proper installa-on of wood sidings is cri-cal to their longevity. We recommend the following Western Wood Products Associa-on (WWPA) guide lines for installa-on and finishing of sidings. With correct installa-on our Windswept wood sidings will stand the test of -me. Step 1: Acclima-za-on As with most wood products, acclima-zing siding is cri-cal to quality installa-on. Stacking siding materials with space between them for a min of 10 days is recommended for Windswept Weathered Wood brand. Step 2: Pre-­‐finishing/Finishing Finishing is obviously a cri-cal step to achieving a long term installa-on, and in dry climates pre-­‐finishing is advised. Both sides, edges, and all cut ends should be pre-­‐finished or primed. Make sure pre-­‐finish is compa-ble with the final finish products. Note: Water-­‐based finishes can add moisture to the boards, and lead to swelling. Make sure that siding is allowed to re-­‐dry and acclimate aNer pre-­‐finish applica-on, before installa-on.Step 3: Installa-on Natural wood siding should be installed over a weather-­‐resis-ve barrier for all sheathing materials. If sheathing or the weather resis-ve Note: Wood never dies, it IS going to swell, shrink and move with changes in temp and humidity over its life. Good installa-on techniques have been developed to take this absolute fact into account.

When siding is applied over wood-­‐based sheathing, nail penetra-on should be 1 1⁄2 inch for smooth-­‐ shank nails not recommended and 1 1⁄4 for ring-­‐ shank nails recommended.

Ver-cal Installa-on Siding should be nailed to horizontal blocking not exceeding 32 inches on center (24 inches is ideal). To join pieces of siding, cut bevel on ends of both pieces of material to be joined (scarf joint). Horizontal Installa-on When installed over sheathing, siding should be nailed to ver-cal studs on maximum 24 inch centers. If nailed directly to studs, 16 inch centers or less are called for.

Step 3: Installation Natural wood siding should be installed over a weather-­‐resis-ve barrier for all sheathing materials. If sheathing or the weather resis-ve Natural wood siding should be installed over a weather-­‐resis-ve barrier for all sheathing materials. If sheathing or the weather resis-ve barrier gets wet prior to installa-on, allow surface to dry before siding is installed.

Image taken from WWPA Technical Guide - "Natural Wood

When siding is applied over wood-­‐based sheathing, nail penetra-on should be 1 1⁄2 inch for smooth-­‐ shank nails (not recommended) and 1 1⁄4 for ring-­‐shank nails. Ver-cal Installa-on Siding should be nailed to horizontal blocking not exceeding 32 inches on center. To join pieces of siding, cut bevel on ends of both pieces of material to be joined (scarf joint). Horizontal Installa-on When installed over sheathing, siding should be nailed to ver-cal studs on maximum 24 inch centers. If nailed directly to studs, 16 inch centers or less are

Western Wood Products Associa-on (WWPA)

This publica-on can be purchased at: Web: h^p://www.wwpa.org

 OVER WOOD BASED SHEATHING WITH FRAMING AT 18” ON CENTER See WWPA Technical Guide to Natural Wood Siding below FOR Nail Penetration and Spacing


Glen Ehrhardt -­‐ Founder, CEO Harvest Timber Specialty Products PO Box 59 Lakebay, WA 98349 p. (253) 884-­‐6255 c. (253) 312-­‐1529 email windsweptwood@gmail.com web h^ps://harvest-­‐-mber.com

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