Masters School Bulletin Winter 2013

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the masters school | winter 2013

gymnasium squash courts digital arts fencing

art gallery


cafĂŠ dance

pool fitness

The New Community Athletics and Arts Center Form follows function...and philosophy.

C O N T A C T S The Masters School 49 Clinton Avenue Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522-2201 914-479-6400 Send letters to: Bob Horne Send address changes to: Judy Donald Send alumnae/i news to news editors listed in Class Notes or: Kathy Kozar P’02 DEADLINES FOR CLASS NOTES: Winter Issue—August 15, 2013 Summer Issue—April 15, 2013

Printed on paper containing 30% post-consumer waste with vegetable based inks. 100% of the electricity used to manufacture the paper is green e-certified renewable energy.

ON THE COVER Arts and athletics come together in an interconnected and architecturally exciting fashion in the Community Athletics and Arts Center, which will include a swimming pool, squash courts, dance studios, an experimental theater, new gym, and much more.




FORM FOLLOWS FUNCTION...AND PHILOSOPHY >> The new Community Athletics and Arts Center is not just a building, but a manifestation of the School’s philosophy of integrating diverse elements—including athletics, arts, leadership and community engagement—all in a central hub.


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>> The Global Initiatives Council looks to the future, expanding and deepening programs to prepare students to be “responsible citizens” in an ever-changing global economy.

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>> Developing leadership skills has been part of the School’s mission since the days of Eliza Bailey Masters. Now the program is being formalized, with faculty helping students develop leadership skills that will last a lifetime.

LEGO ROBOTICS PROGRAM >> Middle School sixth grade “engineers” are immersed in building robots that will respond to their every command, traveling a maze and ultimately building a “green city.” the bulletin | winter 2013 | 01


More Than Just a Building Dear Friends, One of the hallmarks of The Masters School is its strong sense of community. A rich learning environment where diversity is not only accepted but embraced and celebrated. The Harkness teaching method builds on this sense of inclusiveness to foster collaboration and spontaneous debate providing students with a strong preparation for the demands of higher education. Just as the Harkness table spurs connectivity among students, the new Community Athletics and Arts Center (CAAC) will be a connective hub of activity encouraging students to become engaged across a wide range of activities. It will encourage all students, in the words of Eliza Masters, to be involved beyond the self. The CAAC will facilitate awareness and appreciation of work beyond school and the diverse strengths of everyone within the community. This issue of The Bulletin is an exciting one. It will introduce you to the philosophy behind the design of the CAAC, give you a glimpse of the vision and excitement that is brewing on campus as we make preparations for its construction. This issue also features articles on global studies and ethical leadership that are vivid demonstrations of the breadth and strength of our school’s community, as well as wonderful news of the accomplishments and successes of our alumnae/i from across the generations. The Masters School’s commitment to diversity, collaboration and open dialogue will be brought to life and strengthened with the addition of the CAAC. It will enhance our arts “I hope you share my offerings and substantially improve and expand our athletics facilities adding swimming, enthusiasm for this squash, a black box theater, a café, a music performance room and much more —and all transformative new building housed under one roof with exceptional transparency and light. We are striving for a LEED and I look forward to your gold status through the use of recycled materials and alternative energy sources. I hope you support in taking this share my enthusiasm for this transformative new building and I look forward to your important next step in support in taking this important next step in our history. our history.” Recognizing we are all citizens of the world, the global studies initiatives broaden the worldview of our students in the classroom and across all their learning experiences. Similarly, being a responsible citizen of our global community also requires ethical leadership skills—knowing your core values and having the courage to live them in all parts of your life in service of the common good. This reminds me of a young student who, when asked what it meant to be ethical, said “doing the right thing when no one is looking.” Masters is so fortunate to have received a $1 million endowment gift to establish a formal ethical leadership program to further infuse ethical leadership concepts into the culture of the school. From our bold new CAAC, global initiatives to ethical leadership—all these are manifestations of the school’s identity and our ability to shape and transform our students’ lives and the world community around us. Enjoy the stories and images that follow. The Masters School continues to offer an exceptional educational experience grounded in the same values and ethics that have been part of the school for over 130 years. As always, please share your thoughts, reminiscences and ideas with me at any time.

MAUREEN FONSECA, Ph.D. Head of School

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The New Community Athletics and Arts Center


Enrollment has expanded to 603 day and boarding students. A new Middle School and science and technology center were built. Faculty apartments were constructed. Harkness and CITYterm were introduced. As a result, a faculty of distinction has been drawn to this unique, dynamic community. The next logical step in the school’s evolution was the vision for the Community Athletics and Arts Center (CAAC), an equally unique facility connected to Strayer Hall that will serve as a muchneeded central gathering space for students of all ages and interests and is critical for us as a boarding school. What makes the CAAC so distinctive is the fact that it brings athletics and the arts together in an architecturally exciting way that allows students participating in activities in the building to see and interact with one another. As brief background, the planning for the CAAC began in 2007 with the strategic planning Board retreat, followed by engagement of an architectural firm and development of building plans. With the downturn of the economy in 2008, it was deemed prudent to postpone the CAAC in favor of more discreet, less expensive projects such as the new track and turf field, fitness center improvements and new music rehearsal space. Now the school is committed to building the CAAC, our highest priority project, with the goal of opening in the 2014-15 school year (contingent on additional fundraising requirements staying on schedule). 04 |

“I’ve been a trustee since 1999 and the CAAC is by far the most significant and game-changing project that we have undertaken as a school,” said Tracy Tang Limpe ’80, Chair of the Board of Trustees. “The impact it will have on everyone who is associated with the Masters community – boarding students, day students, faculty – will be enormous.” Through the extensive use of glass walls and open spaces, “we created a building that supports community interaction,” said Peter Gisolfi, founding partner of the architectural firm Peter Gisolfi Associates. “While you’re hanging out talking with your friends, you could watch any of 10 or 11 activities going on at the same time. You could see people playing in the gym or on the squash courts, you could see an exhibit in the art gallery, you could see students practicing in the music and performance space, you could look at people running on the indoor track. It’s an intentionally ‘revealing’ building to evoke the Masters spirit of community.” >>

The Campus Hub Extensive use of glass walls and open spaces in the three-story center creates inviting spaces for students to gather.

Amphitheater Seating built into the hill will provide a natural outdoor amphitheater for informal productions and events.

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“It’s more than a building. It’s a manifestation of our educational philosophy,” noted Tim Kane, Associate Head of School for Institutional Advancement. “At the core of what we do, we bring people together from different places, different points of view, different walks of life, different interests. The CAAC is the Harkness philosophy taken to another level by bringing together students of disparate interests – athletics, arts, leadership, community engagement – in a central hub.” When discussions about a new building began several years ago, they focused on addressing two “clear deficits” – the lack of a meaningful gathering space for students and the need for a larger gymnasium to accommodate the growing roster of athletic teams. “That’s how it first started out,” recalled Head of School Maureen Fonseca. “As a boarding school, the new space is almost a requirement. We’re lucky to be so close to New York City and we take the kids to lots of programs there on weekends. But, as teenagers, you want to have a place to just relax and be with your friends. The weekend vibrancy needed a home.” In terms of athletics, “kids are still playing in a gym that was built in the 1950s when there were 300 girls in the school. Now we’re at 603 and co-ed and the world is a different place than it was in the 1950s,” said Limpe. Today, more than a dozen teams practice and hold their events in the gym, including boys’ and girls’ middle school junior varsity and varsity basketball, and girls’ middle school, junior varsity and varsity volleyball. The boys’ and girls’ fencing teams also hold their competitions in the gym. As a result, scheduling can present quite a challenge. “It’s overtaxed,” Kane summed up.

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“That’s what initially drove the decision. But it doesn’t fit in with our ethos to have a stand-alone student center or a standalone athletic center,” he continued. “We need a campus center, a hub of activity that is both a student gathering place and a center of activity for athletics, arts, community service and leadership. What’s the glue that holds it all together? Food. Put a cafe right in the middle of it and you have a really imaginative, innovative building that’s very different from anything else out there.”

Six- Lane Swimming Pool A six-lane competition swimming pool will include seating for 180 spectators.

“Our ability to create a facility that integrates all aspects of the Masters mission under one roof is unique,” agreed Ralph Rosenberg, Vice Chair, Board of Trustees. “The CAAC will help complete the school’s commitment to developing well-rounded students who have enthusiasm and appreciation for academics, the arts and athletics.” The CAAC will enable Masters to expand existing athletic teams, add new sports such as swimming and squash, and host

local and regional athletic events. Highlights of the 75,000-squarefoot building include: a state-of-the-art fencing facility, six-lane competition swimming pool, four international-size squash courts, fitness center, running track and a gymnasium with a regulation basketball court, two practice courts and two volleyball courts. (See page 9 for a complete list of CAAC features.) “The building will support both the recreational athlete and the team athlete whose goal is to play competitively after prep school,“ noted Kevin Versen, Director of Athletics and Physical Education. “Many athletes in the surrounding areas of New York look toward New England for their boarding experience. The CAAC will enrich both our day and boarding programs, bringing the boarding school experience a little closer to home and enabling Masters to compete head to head with New England prep schools.” From an arts perspective, the new facility will feature two dance studios, a large art gallery, dedicated music rehearsal and performance space, an experimental black box theater, and a media arts lab for video and photo post-production as well as a dedicated video and photography studio. “It’s going to be an exiting space for us,” said Madeline Wilson, Chair of the Visual Arts Department, “opening up some opportunities so Experimental Theater that the art department can keep The experimental black box evolving. It will double the size and theater’s flexible layout and capability of the department to schedule digital classes. >> seating will be ideal for drama and music events.

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We will have a dedicated room for the newspaper. It will give us a lot more breathing space...and a lot more flexible space. I see it as something we can grow into and change as time goes on.” Fonseca and Kane view the CAAC as essential to the future of Masters. “It’s a very competitive world and we are a tuitiondriven institution. That’s a reality,” said Kane. “Having this building on campus will enhance a very important area where we need improvement – athletics – while further strengthening our highly respected and vibrant arts program. This will make us more competitive in the marketplace both for day and boarding families.” Dr. Fonseca and the Board of Trustees are working with parent and alumnae/i donors to complete the leadership phase of the CAAC to ensure that the construction timetable to open in the 2014-15 academic year can be met. In recent months, the School has secured over $11 million in commitments toward the $25 million project goal. “We hope that current parents will believe in it enough to support it whether or not their child will still be a student when the project is finished,” said Limpe. “For parents of past students it’s more the concept of ‘pay it forward.’ Their children had a stellar experience here because of the wonderful things that previous families and alums had given to the school. That never would have happened if other people didn’t think about supporting the school and preparing it for the future.”

Fencing A state-of-the-art fencing space will include four competition strips, two practice strips, and viewing for more than 100 spectators.

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From the solar panels on the roof to the energy-efficient heating and cooling system to the conspicuous lack of paint, the Community Athletics and Arts Center (CAAC) will be a“green“ building. In fact, it will be a LEED-certified Gold building, according to Peter Gisolfi, founding partner of the architectural firm Peter Gisolfi Associates.




LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification is the recognized standard for measuring building sustainability and the best way to demonstrate that a building project is truly green. Gold is the second-highest level of certification offered in the rating system. “On the heating side, this is a slam dunk,“ said Gisolfi.“We’re using gasfired condensing boilers, which have something like 95 percent efficiency. We have a very efficient chilled-water cooling system and photovoltaic panels on the roof, which will generate 15 to 20 percent of the electricity. And with all of the glass, we have daylight everywhere, so we are going to save on electricity.“ In terms of materials, the CAAC is “natural.“ The floors are wood and polished concrete, the walls are glass

and concrete block.“The goal is to make a simple building and not use a lot of synthetic materials,“ noted Gisolfi, pointing out that there will be very little paint inside the CAAC. “There’s a little bit of paint in the stairways and maybe some door trim, but the block walls aren’t painted. They’re sealed with a non-toxic sealer. Basically, when we put the material up, that’s it.You don’t have to go back and paint the entire building every year.“

The Community Athletics and Arts Center at a Glance Three-story student center with views into the athletics, arts and community activity spaces Cafe/bistro serving hot food and snacks Gymnasium with a regulation basketball court, two practice courts and two volleyball courts, with seating for 300 spectators Four international-size squash courts Six-lane competition swimming pool with seating for 180 spectators Fencing facility with four competition strips, two practice strips and viewing for more than 100 spectators Fitness center for student and faculty recreational use as well as athletics training and rehab Suspended running track Media arts lab for video and photo post-production as well as a dedicated video and photography studio Two new dance studios Experimental theater with black box capability and seating for 130 Third-floor art gallery Dedicated music rehearsal and performance space Courtyard with outdoor seating, an expansive lawn and an informal performance space

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Global Studies Initiatives Deepen Worldview for All Students “WE ARE ALL GLOBAL CITIZENS.” SO SAYS ADRIANA BOTERO, ASSOCIATE HEAD OF SCHOOL FOR FACULTY AFFAIRS AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. By Debbie Shure P’07 And she should know. As one of three faculty members spearheading the coordination of global initiatives at The Masters School, she is working with the Global Initiatives Council to further integrate this key component of the curriculum. With most Masters students growing up in the western world, “the question is what kind of global citizens will they be?” she asks. “There are choices to be made. Globalization is a fact. How we respond to it is key. Schools have a responsibility to address this in a proactive way.” At Masters, one of the cornerstones is the Global Coordinator position, which is currently shared by Mrs. Botero, Associate Dean of Students Gillian Crane ’92, and science teacher Leslie Reed. They work in conjunction with the Global Initiatives Council, which is composed of faculty and administrators. The goal is to further weave Global Studies into the curriculum and learning experiences of all students at The Masters School.

Adriana Botero 10 |

Gillian Crane‘92

“As we looked to design and implement more global initiatives at The Masters School, we realized how much we already do,“ states Crane. “By looking back through issues of The Bulletin and talking with students and faculty about our international travel experiences, we saw that some of the most important initiatives are already in place, with number one being to learn, understand and respect differences in world cultures, religions and customs by sharing classes with students from 28 countries.” Global Studies programs will continue to focus on inclusivity, respecting and celebrating the school’s diversity. “International students don’t come here to become Americans,” Botero explains. “It’s a two-way street. They learn about who we are and we learn from them. In the process, they enrich our school.” In both the near- and long-term, Global Studies will continue to expand. “We’re at the beginning of the action phase of planning,” states Reed. “Laura Krier (the former Global Studies Coordinator) set the stage for how these programs would manifest themselves. We’re carrying those plans forward.” Signature initiatives will be continued, including our relationship with sister schools: Jian Ping School in Shanghai, China; Morioka Chuo High School in Japan; Pusan National University School in Korea; and with five schools in Haiti in conjunction with BAEH, the Office of Anglican Leslie Reed

Over the long term, goals include: • Addition of a global speaker and performance series. • Expanded efforts to embrace the cultures of other countries. For example, this year the fall play was Throne of Blood, a stage adaptation of Akira Kurosawa's masterpiece Kumonosu-Jo. A boarding student presented information on Japan at Upper School morning meeting. The Global Initiatives Council also envisions working with the Dining Hall staff to feature meals from specific countries tied to the curriculum and/or co-curriculars such as the play. Other activities could include contests, such as a chopstick challenge or a sushi-making event. • Model U.N. themes for each year will be integrated into the curriculum, guest speaker presentations, and classroom reading in creative ways. “Ideally, I’d love to have schoolwide themes for Model U.N., with curriculum linked to the international theme,” Reed notes. “The themes could be approached from all angles. It could be fluid, interdisciplinary, but not mandatory.” • Development of a special website section dedicated to Global Studies. >>

Annual international trips encourage students“to connect classroom learning to the world beyond.” The summer 2012 trip to Photos: Sam Miller ’14

Education in Haiti Bureau. In the future, the Global Initiatives Council plans to be more proactive and intentional in defining these relationships, Botero says. “We have spent time developing the language we want for our sister school agreements,” explains Crane. “When we go somewhere, we don’t want a tourist experience. We want to immerse ourselves in the culture and family life through homestays. “We are also working to develop relationships with other schools around the world in hopes of having Skype relationships for language classes. We are also exploring the possibility of working together with another school on joint classroom projects. Of course, these are long-term goals, but I have seen schools do this successfully. We have been lucky to develop relationships with our current sister schools through personal connections. Now we’re excited to reach beyond and further expand the network.” The school also plans to continue its annual Upper School international trip for students during the summer that includes an environmental component. “Global awareness is what it’s all about,” Reed adds. “With global awareness embedded in the curriculum, we could offer seamless cultural exchange trips for students. What better way is there to learn about other cultures? Travel can change your life. It matters so much.” “We want to thoughtfully develop trips that allow our students to connect classroom learning to the world beyond,“ states Crane. “This will hopefully inspire a passion for travel and understanding of why students need to study specific subjects.” On past school-sponsored trips, students have studied art and architecture in Morocco, tracked panthers as part of a preservation effort in Brazil, participated in a world environmental conference in Japan, experienced language immersion in France and Quebec, Canada, and studied animal and plant life in the savannah in Africa. Upper School courses and clubs also reflect the importance of Global Studies. The school currently offers Model United Nations (World History II), World Health, World Religions, special projects within the arts, as well as modern and classical languages. Clubs range from the Model U.N. Club to the International Club, with specific language clubs offering a host of cultural activities throughout the year. Other plans call for an expansion of the Upper School’s “international dinner to become an international week with more cultural presentations and more student involvement,” Botero adds. In addition, a series of presentations at morning meetings titled “Where I Come From” will encourage international students to discuss their families, dreams and aspirations on a more personal level, moving away from tourism to more on the cultural aspects of their home countries. “I would like for international students to share their cultures and have more visibility,” says Reed.

Morocco focused on art and architecture.

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Global Studies Initiatives, cont.

Professional development opportunities for faculty also play a key role in advancing the Global Studies program. For example, the Tang Fellows program, established by Board Chair Tracy Tang Limpe ’80 and her family, has been instrumental in providing teachers with international learning experiences. “My goal as a Tang Fellow was to add new curricula units to our World History courses,” explains Jane Rechtman, History and Religion teacher and Dean of the Class of 2013. “My trip to China allowed me to explore both ancient and modern China through my visits to numerous historical sites and meetings with local dignitaries, and develop several units on ancient China.” The Kathryn W. Davis International Fund and the Diana Davis Spencer Foundation have also been crucial in funding Global Studies initiatives, including the Global Studies Coordinator position. In terms of global learning and awareness, “there is so much that already exists here,” Botero adds. “The faculty is very experienced, well traveled and culturally aware.” And as current and future initiatives come together, Global Studies will continue to grow, contributing to the development of our students as responsible citizens of the world.

Global Initiatives Council Members of the Council include: Front Row (left to right): Leslie Reed, Adriana Botero, Gillian Crane ’92. Second Row: Bob Cornigans, Marianne van Brummelen, Ellen Cowhey, Lee Dieck, Christine Scott, Richard Simon. Third Row: Chris Goulian, Tim Weir, Tim Kane, John Comforto, Abdoulaye Ngom.

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THE MASTERS SCHOOL GLOBAL MISSION STATEMENT “At The Masters School, students are asked to participate actively in decisions affecting their lives and to develop an appreciation of their responsibilities through critical, creative and independent habits of thought. We believe this can only occur with a synthetic approach studying the world and its many cultures, both inside and outside the classroom, on our diverse campus, in New York City and abroad. Our global initiatives extend our student centered, experience-based and authentic approach to learning beyond the classroom and into the larger world.”


— Center for Ethical Leadership

By Carol Bialkowski By definition, “ethical leadership” has always been part of The Masters School mission and philosophy. This past spring a formal program intended to foster the development of this quality was introduced thanks to a $1M endowment gift from an alumna from the Class of 1952 who wishes to remain anonymous. The generous donation created the Ethical Leadership Program, co-directed by Eileen Dieck, M.D., science teacher and Dean of the Class of 2015, and Matthew Kammrath, mathematics teacher and Associate Director for Athletic Development. Unlike science or mathematics, ethical leadership isn’t a class or a department. It’s a project whose focus is to further weave ethical leadership concepts into the fabric and culture of the school in an intentional, structured way. “You don’t pass the ethical leadership class and then you’re done,“ Dieck states. “The goal of the program is to make this an ‘every day “The goal of the program in every way’ process – whether you’re is to make this an‘every in English class or math class or on the basketball court or the stage.” “If all of us are on the same page,” Kammrath adds, “what an amazing experience it would be for students to move through this school and have their theater teacher, their

math teacher, their coach all talking to them about the decisions they’re making and the effect it has on people.” Toward that end, Dieck and Kammrath are working with faculty members to “help them think about ways they can incorporate ethical leadership into whatever they do, whether it’s coaching or teaching or dorm parenting,” Dieck notes. >>

day in every way’process,” explains Lee Dieck (right), Co-Director of the Ethical Leadership Program.

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Ethical Leadership Initiative, cont.

with them, and they will have an opportunity “The goal is to have people in each to take 20 or 30 minutes out of their day to department who become familiar with these focus on something that’s really bothering techniques and can then help their colleagues them. It’s like the world goes away and we see ways they can bring this to their classroom. focus on this one issue,” states Kammrath. This is accomplished through on- and off-site “We work through it, ask questions and professional development and shared best they come up with the solutions themselves. practices. Middle School deans and faculty We finish up with action steps to take and then members are a critical part of this group.” they let us know how it went,” he continues. The culture of The Masters School “We’re part coach, part mentor, part instructor, ideally lends itself to such a process, according giving them the vocabulary and showing them to the co-directors. “Our kids already ask deep a format they can use to attack this particular questions and discuss them. That’s the nature of Matthew Kammrath and Eileen Dieck, M.D. problem as well as other Harkness, so it’s really more about challenges they’re going to face.” tweaking a model that already Dieck and Kammrath hope exists,” says Dieck. “In a to recruit other faculty members chemistry class, for example, for the Leadership Lab and, students can learn not only about ultimately, reach a point where atoms and elements, but also can older students act as mentors to discuss the impact of chemical younger students at Masters. dumping in developing nations, “Hopefully, by the time they’re in and the decision-making that twelfth grade they’ll be ready to go leads to that kind of activity. It’s out and give back to the Middle just a matter of expanding the School, the freshmen, the new focus and changing the questions students. What a way for kids to a bit. This can be done in any finish their time here,” says discipline.” Kammrath. “For us, that would Dieck and Kammrath are be a success. Not that it’s going to also working directly with Ethical leadership meetings are designed to draw students into a discussion of the skills, happen in six months, but for us students at all levels in the Upper vocabulary, and decision-making processes needed to become an effective leader. to feel like we really did School. As part of the freshman something, that’s where it’s going to be.” seminar, the co-directors will introduce a curriculum this spring The Ethical Leadership Program will no doubt benefit from intended to familiarize students with basic ethical vocabulary and dedicated space in the new Community Athletics and Arts Center. analysis. Dieck and Kammrath will have offices in the building as well as “We’re doing specific programs for the sophomores to access to space where they can meet with groups of students. “It’s not familiarize them with the vocabulary, the skills and the questions you huge, but it’s enough for a very large Harkness table where you could need to ask yourself before you can think of yourself leading others,” have 18 kids sitting together. So one person would be able to talk to a says Dieck. “We talk about things like how does that decision impact student privately while the other is working with a bigger group,” you and the world around you? Is it helping your community grow states Head of School Maureen Fonseca. “We wanted to have a stronger? Is it helping you grow stronger? Is it detracting from who dedicated space because it’s much more intentional when you you are? What are the implications of doing that? It’s called ethical dedicate a space – a little real estate – to a program.” leadership, but in a sense you’re developing the unique character of Dr. Fonseca’s intention for the new program is to “ensure that the kids you’re working with.” every single student at The Masters School practices ethical decisionIn addition, the co-directors are working one-on-one with making and has a chance to form leadership roles beyond just being students in the junior and senior year in what they call the Leadership president of the class. It already is part of what we expect,“ she says, Lab. “A lot of kids are coming in and saying, ‘This is what’s going on. “but now it will be infused on a much deeper level.” I need some advice on how to get through it.’ So we’ll sit and talk

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Lego Robotics Takes the Middle School by Storm ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS, A DOZEN DILIGENT FIFTH AND SIXTH GRADE STUDENTS CAN BE FOUND EXCITEDLY WRITING COMPUTER PROGRAMS, GATHERING AND ANALYZING DATA, TESTING AND MODIFYING THEIR WORK, AND EXERCISING THEIR ENGINEERING MUSCLES IN THE PROCESS. By Carol Bialkowski They’re not learning these valuable skills in a math or science class, however. They’re learning them in a Lego Robotics activity introduced in the winter trimester by Academic Technology Coordinator Lynne Versen. Using Lego Mindstorms NXT technology, teams of two students design, build and program their own robots to successfully navigate a maze. “It’s a fun, hands-on approach to learning STEM concepts – science, technology, engineering and

math – which is a huge initiative in education today,” explains Versen, who has 10 years of experience working with Lego Robotics in the classroom. For Versen’s students, it all starts with an “intelligent” Lego brick (the “brain” of the robot) to which various sensors are attached. There are sensors for rotation, sound, touch and light as well as an ultrasonic sensor, which enables the robot to judge distance and “see” where objects are. >>

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Lego Robotics, cont.

Versen introduces her students to the simplest sensor first—the rotation sensor—which tells the robot to turn left or right, go forward or backward, how fast and for how long. “Once you get into the other sensors, you’re dealing with thresholds. With sound, for example, you have to talk about the sound being above or below a certain threshold. You have to do a little more programming and understand how sound travels,” she explained. Middle School students “Light is a threshold, too. You have to take into meet each week to build consideration the light in the room. It may have and program their robots been sunny when you programmed the robot, but it may be cloudy when you test it. So you have to to successfully manage go back and re-program. As you go through each tasks required in the sensor it’s a little more complicated.” trimester’s culminating After learning about all of the sensors, students write a program (using icon-based dragGreen City Challenge. and-drop software) to make the robot go forward, turn right, go straight, turn left—whatever it must do to make it through the maze—and download the sequential instructions to the brick. A program may say, for example, “Go forward until the touch sensor is pressed, then stop,” Versen notes. “Rarely does it work when they download it to the robot. So they have to go back and see what they missed in the programming. There’s a lot of trouble shooting and problem solving...and patience” involved in the project. The grand finale, scheduled to take place in the Great Hall, will be a Green City Challenge. The robots built by the students must complete a number of missions simulating real-life engineering problems, each environmentally focused (such as building a power plant, wind turbine and dam) and conducted on a “gigantic mat with images of trees and grass and a body of water running through it,” she says. As students complete each mission, they are awarded an energy brick. When all the missions are completed, students use their collected energy bricks to power the Green City’s facilities that were built by their robots. If the robotics class is as successful as Versen suspects it will be, she plans to offer it during each trimester. “It’s a nice introduction for kids because it combines engineering and programming, but it’s a lot easier than ‘real’ programming where you have to type everything in. Plus, all the kids are drawn to Legos,” she said, pointing out that the class is evenly divided between girls and boys. “I’m really excited because the robotics classes are generally all boys, so to have 50 percent girls is amazing.”

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TECHNOLOGY INITIATIVES LAUNCHED Lynne Versen joined The Masters School as Academic Technology Coordinator this past fall, after 12 years of teaching in suburban Chicago, and has already made a significant impact on the community.

Working from a box filled with parts, students construct their robots and then program them to navigate a maze.

>> She is supporting teachers with Weekly Technology Tips and Monthly Technology Newsletters as well as Technology Workshops offered both during the school day and after school. Smart Board Software and Google Docs Workshops have already been held, and Web 2.0 Workshops are planned for winter/spring.

>> The Middle School math teachers have implemented IXL, an engaging, individualized, self-paced online math practice program. Teachers receive reports detailing what skills students have mastered and where they need help, enabling the faculty to “differentiate their lessons to meet the needs of every student.”

>> Versen has worked closely with Librarian Judy Murphy to evaluate and revise the available online research tools. As a result, Masters will be implementing a new research tool called NoodleTools, which offers integrated tools for notetaking, outlining, citation, document archiving/ annotation, and collaborative research and writing.

Innovative ideas for use of technology, combined with practical skills, characterize Lynne Versen’s work with students and faculty. As Academic Technology Coordinator, she introduced the Middle School Lego Robotics program during the winter trimester.

>> Technology also has made its way into the Modern and Classical Languages Department. “One of the Spanish teachers, Molly Lori, has been working with me to implement technology into her Spanish lessons,” Versen states. “She is looking for ways for students to practice both verbal and written skills. We decided to use VoiceThread, an online collaborative conversation tool that allows students to comment on pictures, images or statements both verbally and through text. To familiarize themselves with the site, students did an exercise where they used ‘estilo indirecto’ (indirect speech) to talk about a picture. Students got creative and everyone agreed that the new activity should be a part of class and/or homework assignments.”

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National Merit Competition Recognizes Masters Students Five seniors at The Masters School have qualified as semifinalists in the prestigious 2013 National Merit Scholarship Competition. They are: Hallie N. Voulgaris, Evan Zhang, Albert L. Xu, Raphael Norwitz, and Jacklyn Liu. Eight additional seniors have been recognized as Commended Students. They are: Bernard Daley, Dylan Etzel, Matthew Fasman, Angie Liao, Hannah Nash, Max Borowitz, Noah Buyon and Raleigh Capozzalo.

Tower Wins Gold Medal Tower, The Masters School’s newspaper, was awarded a gold medal in the 2012 Columbia Scholastic Press Association Medalist Critique for the 2011-2012 school year under the direction of Daniel Block ’12 and Alicia Chon ’12 (below), with guidance from advisor and journalism teacher Ellen Cowhey. This year’s editors, Tyler Pager ’13 and Johanna Costigan ’13, are planning to create an online version of Tower so that parents and alums can read all about Masters School news and events.

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Masters Wins Hackley Holiday Tournament The Masters School Varsity Basketball team won the championship at the Hackley Holiday Invitational Tournament on Saturday, December 8. Junior Tim Reitzenstein was named to the alltournament team and sophomore Mike Jurzynski was recognized as tournament MVP. Masters beat Hackley in the final game, 55-31. Congratulations to the entire team, including Head Coach

Championship Basketball Team

Matt Kammrath and Assistant Coach

The varsity basketball

Tom Wethington.

team celebrated its championship victory at the Hackley Holiday Invitational Tournament.

First Parent Go l f O uting M ay 3 , 2013

Two Parents Join Board of Trustees The Masters School is fortunate to have two dedicated parents join the Board of Trustees. Jonathan Clay P’17, ’19 and Stephan Feder P’15, ’19 are the newest members to join the Board. Jonathan Clay lives in Bronxville with his wife, Whitney, and two sons, Jamie ’17 and Harry ’19. A graduate of Harvard, Jon worked at New York City-based advertising firms J. Walter Thompson and Y&R before leaving to create his own firm focusing on sports marketing with an emphasis on golf. The Clays have been actively involved since joining the School. Jon has served on the Development Committee for the past two years, and both he and Whitney served as Dinner Co-Chairs for the Spring 2012 Gala. Jon’s family also has a long legacy at the school through his grandmother, Emily Thomas Clay ’16, and great aunt “Tai” Clay on one side, and Eliot Brady Stewart ’56 on his mother's side. Steve Feder retired at the end of 2011 from the law firm of Simpson Thacher & Bartlett, LLP. Steve began his career with Simpson Thacher in 1979 and had been a partner since 1986. From 2001 to 2003, Steve served as the Managing Partner of the firm's Hong Kong office. Steve represented several leading investment banks and private equity sponsors and their portfolio companies. His practice included a focus on acquisition financings, structured debt and equity offerings, and corporate banking financings, as well as conventional securities offerings.

FORE! Join Masters parents and friends for the school's first parent golf outing on Friday, May 3, 2013, at Ardsley Country Club. Overlooking the majestic Hudson River since 1895, the Ardsley Country Club is one of the oldest and most distinguished clubs in the country. The outing will begin at 10:30 a.m. and includes a brunch buffet, 18 holes of golf, a cocktail reception, prizes, and more! If you are interested in participating as a single golfer, a foursome, or just learning more about this fun event, please contact: Amie Servino, Director of Parent Relations, at

Steve received his B.A. from Queen's College of the City University of New York in 1974 and his J.D. from Fordham University Law School in 1979. Steve and his wife, Bobbie, live in Greenwich, CT with their children, Sydney ’15 and Elliott ’19. the bulletin | winter 2013 | 19


Live, Eat, Cook Healthy By Rachel Khanna P’17, ’18 Published by Rachel Khanna Publishing, January 8, 2013 Learn how to assess your lifestyle and eating habits, how to feed your body what it truly needs, and how to buy the healthiest, whole foods possible through Live, Eat, Cook Healthy, by Masters School parent Rachel Khanna. As she notes on her website, the book is designed to “help you navigate the vast amounts of healthy living information now available. In addition to the more than 130 fresh recipes for everyday meals that I’ve included, there’s also in-depth information about how to choose the most nutritious and sustainable natural foods available—all designed to make positive changes to your overall well-being.” Rachel understands the value of healthy eating. As an accomplished chef and holistic health counselor, she has positively impacted the lives of many people through her cooking classes, workshops and

Edith Lunt Small By Edith Lunt Small ’49 Published by Edith Lunt Small, 2011 ISBN: 0615515142, 9780615515144 “Over the course of a lifetime dedicated to her art, Edith Lunt Small has created a universe,” stated Marjorie B. Searl, Chief Curator, Memorial Art Gallery of the University of Rochester. “…she fills her works with the details of specific times, places, and people, and in so doing, creates personal ‘maps’ in a very large and imaginative atlas. Contained with Edie’s atlas are vignettes of family, friends, homes, and pets, set in cheerful landscapes, documenting the doings of a privileged slice of Upstate New York society.” 20 |

individual and group coaching. Rachel trained at the renowned Institute of Culinary Education, then founded Tiffin, in Greenwich, CT, her successful organic catering business. Later, she became a certified health counselor and food therapist through programs at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition® and the Natural Gourmet Institute, respectively. During a recent relocation to Singapore, Rachel studied Traditional Chinese Medicine, including Acupressure and Emotional Freedom Technique. She also holds a master’s degree in political science from Columbia University, and is currently working on her Ph.D. in holistic health from the Global College of Natural Medicine. Live, Eat, Cook Healthy is Rachel’s first book.

Portions of that beautiful atlas are captured in Edith Lunt Small, a stunningly beautiful 107-page book featuring a selection of the colorful artwork she has created throughout her life. The book also contains images of “what Edie sees as threats to the ‘peaceable kingdoms’ of her universe,” notes Searl in her introduction. “Words that define and describe—autobiographical, anecdotal, and allegorical—only begin to touch on the depth of Edie’s response to the world around her. Action characterizes her working style.” After graduating from RIT’s Applied Art program in 1952, Lunt explains that her “affinity for comic books, medieval art, Japanese prints and outsider art decided me on the course to take. Realistic art was not for me. Switching from oils to acrylic was a boon due to my interest in design, flatness and speed. The next problem to tackle was lack of dimension, so by cutting out trees, boats, etc., and attaching them to the surface, I added relief to the work. The surface changed and became more interesting…” See for yourself by picking up a copy of this beautiful book by a Dobbs alum.

WRITING & HEALING: A Mindful Guide for Cancer Survivors By Pamela Post-Ferrante ’64, M.Ed., M.F.A., CAGS Published by Hatherleigh/Random House, 2012 ISBN: 978-1-57826-422-3 Numerous studies have shown that writing about life experiences and about our emotional thoughts, can not only reduce stress and anxiety, it can help our immune system and overall physical health as well. Author and teacher Pamela Post-Ferrante ’64, who survived four diagnoses of breast cancer and eight surgeries during the course of five years, has been leading writing workshops for cancer patients and survivors, as well as for health professionals for over 10 years. In her new book, WRITING & HEALING: A Mindful Guide for Cancer Survivors, Post-Ferrante outlines 12 writing sessions, each with a healing theme, empowering patients and survivors to become active participants in their own healing by learning to put their feelings and experiences into words. The book includes a CD with 12 guided meditations and is designed to be a guide for leading support group sessions so that cancer survivors can come together for mindfulness, creativity and community. It can be used by cancer survivors who want to form their own groups, cancer survivors who want to write alone and share with a writing

buddy or for health professionals who would like to lead Writing and Healing sessions. Each chapter includes writing prompts, writing exercises, a list of materials and step-by-step instructions for how to lead or follow the sessions. The author also suggests exercises for between sessions and includes creative writings and drawings by past workshop participants. Beautiful color photos of nature adorn almost every page setting a peaceful, healing tone. An empowering and uplifting guided journey, WRITING & HEALING will enable readers to find a new and stronger self in the midst of and after cancer. One workshop participant wrote of the healing experience, “The more I write, the lighter I feel. It’s as if the stories— the heaviness of my history—fall from my shoulders one by one.“ (Taken from press materials) A personal message from Pamela: Masters was a special place for me. It was where I learned to love books and to believe in the power of the written word. I had come from a small public school in Ohio, so the library and Masters Hall early morning Chapel and discussion—usually about helping others—was significant to who I have become. Cancer is beginning to thin our numbers. I wanted my classmates and the School to be aware of this book—in the tradition of Dobbs's message of study and service.

Create your Masters legacy for future generations Membership in The Estherwood Society is The Masters School’s way of recognizing and thanking alumnae/i, parents, and friends for their foresight and generosity to the School through their estate plans. • Include The Masters School in your will • Elect the School as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, lead or remainder trust, or retirement assets. If you have included Masters in your will and have not informed the School, please contact us so that we may add your name to our list of Estherwood Society members. If you are considering including Masters in your will, we would be delighted to provide you with further information. For information, please contact Sophia B. Primps in the Advancement Office at 914-479-6575 or email

the bulletin | winter 2013 | 21


Kozar Named Director of Alumnae/i Relations The Masters School welcomes Kathy Kozar P'02 as its new Director of Alumnae/i Relations in the Advancement Office. Kathy is the proud parent of Matt Kozar, who is currently a reporter for WABC-TV. Matt graduated from The Masters School in 2002 and sits on the Alumnae/i Board.

Alumnae/i Leaders Return for Leadership Weekend A group of dedicated alumnae/i returned to school for a special Volunteer Leadership Weekend on October 12-13. They learned about developments at The Masters School, spent time planning alum activities for the coming year, enjoyed a Performing Arts Showcase, toured the building site for our new Community Athletics and Arts Center, visited the Greene Family Field and track, and enjoyed networking at dinners and receptions. They also attended the annual Convocation ceremony, where they were moved by speeches from the Co-Chairs of Community Government, Helena de Oliveira ’13 and Alex Minton ’13.

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Leadership Weekend Dedicated Masters School volunteers returned to campus for a weekend of special activities including a reception at Park Cottage (top) and a tour of the Community Athletics and Arts Center building site (below left). Architectural renderings of the building were displayed by Mary Ryan ’00 (below right), Director of the Annual Fund.

MISH Presentation Features

Jewelle Bickford ’59 Women for Women International was the focus of a presentation by board member Jewelle Bickford ’59 at Upper School Morning Meeting on Tuesday, December 11.

Alumnae/i Board Adds Three New Members

The organization’s mission is to provide “women survivors of war, civil strife and other conflicts with the tools and resources to move from crisis and poverty to stability and self-sufficiency, thereby promoting viable civil societies.”

Three outstanding alums have joined the Board of the Dobbs Alumnae/i Association. Evan Leek ’01 is Director of Digital Media at a high-technology public relations firm in Boston's emerging Seaport district. In that position, he oversees a wide range of social and digital media initiatives for a number of clients ranging from large software companies to local startups. Since graduating from The Masters School, he received his B.A. from Wheaton College, and two master’s degrees from Emerson College. He currently lives in Brookline, MA. Evan comes from a long line of Masters School graduates beginning with his aunt, who was a member of the Class of 1933.

Since 2005, Ms. Bickford has Jewelle Bickford ’59 (center) was introduced by her been working with Women granddaughter, Emily Lansbury ’13 (left), and Margot for Women as a board Abrahams ’13, prior to a MISH presentation on Women member, chair of for Women International. development, and as a sister to almost eleven women worldwide. Prior to joining the board, she traveled to Rwanda to see firsthand the work being done by the organization and to meet the first “sister”who she would sponsor. Women for Women International was founded by Zainab Salbi in 1993, she explained. Since that time, the organization has directly helped 350,000 women rebuild their lives and learn incomeproducing skills. The group operates programs in eight countries: Sudan, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. For $30 per month, donors sponsor a sister, who receives “financial and emotional support, job skills training, rights awareness, leadership education, access to microcredit and markets for distribution.” Ms. Bickford’s MISH presentation was sponsored by the Media Awareness Club (MAC); a Jeans Day to benefit Women for Women International was held on December 14. She was introduced by MAC Co-Presidents Elizabeth Lansbury ’13 (her granddaughter) and Margot Abrahams ’13. As Elizabeth noted in her remarks, Ms. Bickford is a “wife, mother, grandmother, women’s rights activist, investment banker, and all-around amazing individual.” She currently serves as Chairwoman of the Wealth Division at GenSpring. Margot explained that MAC was sponsoring this presentation because the organization “has done so much, and as a club that wants to spread awareness, it is our goal to spread the word about Women for Women International.”

Ricardo Oelkers ’03 lives and works in Washington, DC, as an Associate for a London-based consulting firm specializing in Internal Communications. He previously worked in the financial services industry for two-and-a-half years in Philadelphia, PA. Ricardo is an active volunteer at Food & Friends, contributing his time to food preparation and delivering meals. He spends his leisure time playing in various soccer leagues on the National Mall and supporting the local sports teams. Sujata Adamson-Mohan ’01 lives in Manhattan and works as the U.S. Engagement Manager for ACCA (The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants). In this position, Sujata oversees all member communications in the United States. She received a B.A. from Muhlenberg College and a M.A. and M.S. from Simmons College.

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The Richmond Legacy: Remembering Eleanor “Nell” Angle Richmond ’34 By Durrie Golding P’09

Tom were a formidable team, committed to doing everything within their power to strengthen the School through their strong vision and leadership. The Masters School would not be the place it is today without Nell and Tom.

Eleanor “Nell” Angle Richmond ’34, together with her husband, Tom, and their family, have established an extraordinary legacy at The Masters School. From the very beginning, Nell demonstrated exceptional leadership as a member of the class of 1934 both in the classroom, and through her involvement as a member of DAA (Dobbs Athletic Association), Glee Club, and Phoenix (the honorary Drama Society). She mentioned later in her life that her love of singing began at Dobbs and continued at Smith College and beyond. Her sister, Janet Angle Mays, also attended the school and graduated in 1938.

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A loyal alumna, Nell loved to talk about what her years at Dobbs meant to her, and the life-long friendships she made. She was a consummate volunteer on behalf of the School, and enjoyed editing Class Notes, galvanizing her class for their reunions, and hosting alumnae in her home. In 1971, she served as CoChair of the Fire Recovery Program, and Chair of the Centennial Committee in 1977. Starting in 1953, she served on the Board of Trustees in a variety of capacities, and was named an Honorary Trustee when her active service ended. She was also active in The Estherwood

Society, helping to increase awareness for our planned giving program. Nell and Tom Richmond sent four of their daughters to The Masters School: Ann Richmond Jennings ’58, Caroline Richmond Orgain ’64, Janet M. Richmond ’66, and Sarah Richmond Gray ’68. During these years, Tom served Dobbs as an active member of the Fathers Association and as a devoted trustee. He joined the Board as Secretary in October 1957 and served from 1968 to 1973 as Chairman, at which point he was elected an Honorary Trustee. Together Nell and

The Richmond Bowl Originally given by the Richmonds to reward outstanding volunteer leadership to the Annual Fund, the Richmond Bowl is now presented each year by the Dobbs Alumnae/i Association to an alumna/us whose exceptional support of and service to the school reflects the same outstanding quality of creative leadership demonstrated by the Richmond family. The Richmond Bowl is on display in the Alumnae/i Room in Masters Hall. There are two special places on campus that celebrate and commemorate the Richmond family legacy: The Richmond Alcove on the first floor of Morris Hall with lovely views facing Estherwood, and The Richmond Lobby outside the Claudia Boettcher Theatre. There is no simple way to say thank you to someone as special as Nell Angle Richmond ‘34. Her years of


A Legacy Flourishes: Making a Difference through Gift Planning devoted service to the School she loved and dedication to its improvements with her time, talent and treasure, cannot be measured. In her 1975 Commencement address to the graduating class, she put it simply: …There is no way you can remove yourself completely from this school, for you cannot remove yourselves from the hearts and minds of people, young and old, to whom you have given yourselves, so intimately, so trustingly, so lovingly… My message is this – know yourselves, then knowing yourselves, be yourselves. While being yourselves, be true to yourselves and during your whole life, enjoy yourselves.

Nestled on our campus among the rolling lawns and old growth specimen trees is a wooded park known as The Eldridge Family Woods. Created to complement the landscape around Estherwood Mansion, Park Cottage and the Greene Family Field, this serene site includes a variety of mature trees, shrubs and flowering bushes, and walking paths with inviting benches. When Barbara Buchanan Eldridge ’38 passed away in 2010, her family approached The Masters School about dedicating her planned gift to create a memorial that would celebrate her life, and establish a family legacy that would benefit the School community now and for years to come. The Eldridge Family Woods was completed and dedicated in October 2012, and has quickly become well loved and used. As the campus changes and adapts with the times, the legacy of the past continues to have a tangible impact on The Masters School today. You, too, can make such an impact. We invite you to establish a legacy that will flourish well into the future.

The Annual Fund makes these stories possible. For over 130 years, The Masters School has relied on the support of others to sustain and enrich our community. Today we count on Annual Fund gifts of all sizes to ensure that we can continue to weave our uncommon threads. The Annual Fund gives us an opportunity to come together and celebrate The Masters School for everything it has given and continues to give to us and our loved ones. When woven together, our threads create the strong and vibrant school where today’s students continue to grow and thrive.

Please keep our School strong and make your Annual Fund gift today:, call 914-479-6433, or return the enclosed envelope.

uncommon threads the bulletin | winter 2013 | 25

Reunion 2012 The Weekend in Pictures

The Richmond Bowl Award Trustee Elise Funke Griffin ’47 (left) was awarded

The Anna Howe Faculty Award Amanda Kemp ’84 (left) introduced former faculty

The Richmond Bowl for her work on behalf of the school. The award was presented by

member Mary Wood, who received The Anna Howe Faculty Award at Reunion 2012.

Lusyd Doolittle Kourides ’70, President of the Dobbs Alumnae/i Association. Near right: Alumnae/i joined math teacher Matt Kammrath (left) and Head of School Maureen Fonseca (right) for lunch in the Cameron Mann Dining Hall. Far right: Dobbs 16, the school’s award-winning a cappella group, performed for alumnae/i during the banquet in Estherwood Mansion.

Near right: Alumnae/i arrived early to pick up their Reunion packets and reconnect with friends. Far right: Alums reunited with classmates over cocktails in the Art Studio.

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don’t miss

the fun! The Maypole Tradition One highlight of Reunion was the annual Maypole dance.

Reunion Weekend May 17–18, 2013 All alumnae/i are invited to remember, reconnect and reminisce. Special reunion year for classes ending in 3’s and 8’s!

Questions? Interested in volunteering? Contact Kathy Kozar P ‘02 at or 914-479-6576. Cassy Evans West ’86 and her mother,

Gold Key tours of the campus remain one of the favorite

Cynthia Ferris Casner ’52.

activities during Reunion Weekend. Shown above are (left to right): Joe Romeo ’13, David Heidelberger ’01,

Visit our Reunion 2013 web page at:

and Kim Sistek ’13.

the bulletin | winter 2013 | 27

Reunion 2012 The Weekend in Pictures

Near right: Former students congratulated Mary Wood (second from right) on receiving The Anna Howe Faculty Award at Reunion. Far right: Members of the Class of 2007 (left to right) – Front Row: Jeremy Gold, Liza Ciaramella, Michelle Sibley. Second Row: Chris Austin (guest), Min Chao.

Near right: The Alumnae/i Room in Masters Hall was the scene of an opening reception to welcome alums back to campus. Far right: The labyrinth in front of Estherwood Mansion proved to be the perfect spot to walk and meditate.

Near right: Classmates Mackay Andrews Crampton ’62 (left) and Sunny Seifert Stearns ’62 were reunited at their 50th Reunion. Far right: Members of the Class of 1972 reconnected during the Reunion banquet in Estherwood Mansion.

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Left: The Glee Club song list of old favorites was familiar to alums who returned for a sing-along with Dr. Nancy Theeman, Lisa J. Lawrence Chair of Music.

Left: Alumnae/i returned to the classroom for stimulating discussions around the Harkness table led by current faculty members.

Left: Alums visited with current students and administrators. (Left to right) - Front Row: Ali Goss ’12, Associate Head of School Tim Kane, Charlie Kaplowitz ’12. Second Row: Matt Kozar ’02, Associate Dean of Students Gillian Crane ’92.

the bulletin | winter 2013 | 29

SNAPSHOTS Students Learn from Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author >>

Upper School Honors Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. >> “Courage” was the theme of this year's Upper School two-part Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebration on January 17-18. Thursday's program opened with a performance of “Lift Every Voice and Sing” by the Glee Club and Dobbs 16. Head of School Maureen Fonseca delivered a reflection on “Building ‘Dikes of Courage.’” She quoted Dr. King's statement that “we must constantly build dikes of courage” to, as she said, “resist the fear of a flood of uncertainty and to create internal walls of moral fortitude.”

Pulitzer Prize-winning author Robert K. Massie met with forty AP European History students to discuss his latest work, Catherine the Great (Random House 2011). Mr. Massie was introduced by Librarian Judy Murphy, who arranged for his visit on Wednesday, November 28. Prior to the event, History Department Chair Skeff Young and teacher Matt Ives worked with their students, who read portions of Catherine the Great and studied period history and politics.

Williams Achieves 1,000-Point Mark >> Naya Williams (second from left) reached the rare plateau of being only one of three girls in Masters’ history to reach the 1,000-point mark in basketball - and she is still a junior! Her achievement was celebrated in an interview on the MSG Varsity Channel. Go Panthers!

Masters Team Competes on MSG Varsity Quiz Show >> The Masters School faced Ardsley High School on MSG Varsity’s academic quiz show, “The Challenge,” on Friday, November 16. Team Captain Julia Butterfield, together with teammates Max Borowitz, Noah Buyon and Albert Xu, with alternates Dylan Etzel and Henry DuBeau at the ready, competed against last year’s tri-state champions in a battle that tested their knowledge of art, literature, history, science, math and pop culture. Club advisor is John Chiodo. 30 |


Students Recognized for Work at Princeton Model U.N. >>

Dobbs 16 Performs at U.N. >> The United Nations welcomed Dobbs 16 for a performance on December 5, 2012. The group's appearance was part of the “Citizenship and Youth: Connecting the Generations” working session hosted by UN Habitat for a Better Urban Future. The “Musical Moments: Connecting Generations” concert provided “an evening of international music, featuring multi-generational performers dedicated to inspiring connections between generations and cultures in urban environments across the globe.”

The Model United Nations Club traveled to Princeton University to participate in the Princeton M.U.N. conference from November 29-December 2. Students represented positions ranging from the Russian Minister of Internal Affairs to the Attorney General of the Union during the Civil War. Several delegates were recognized for their outstanding work at the conference: Hannah Weber ’13 was commended for her work as Richard Carrion, Chairman of the Finance Commission of the International Olympic Committee; Dylan Etzel ’13 was recognized as Outstanding Delegate as the representative from Qom in the Iranian Parliament; and Peter Nadel ’15, representing Sari in the Iranian Parliament, was awarded Best Position Paper.

Phoenix Presents… God of Carnage >> Phoenix, the

Convocation Celebrates Leadership at The Masters School >> Leadership—past, present, and future— Students Shine at Candlelight Concert >> The Upper School's Candlelight Concert was a resounding success as the audience enjoyed a series of outstanding performances by musicians and singers alike. Guests filled the Claudia Boettcher Theatre on Thursday, December 20, to hear the concert, which opened with “Pirates of the Caribbean“ by The Masters School Orchestra.

was the overarching theme of The Masters School’s annual Convocation ceremony on Saturday, October 13. Co-chairs of Community Government, Alex Minton ’13 and Helena de Oliveira ’13 (represented by Emma Shepardson ’13) demonstrated their leadership skills through inspiring speeches. Jena Rakoff Epstein ’98 (above right) and her father and keynote speaker, U.S. District Courty Judge Hon. Jed S. Rakoff (center), also focused on the importance of Masters School values, ethics, and leadership, making the ceremony a highlight of this spirited Family Weekend.

honorary drama society, presented two riveting performances of God of Carnage on December 14. Directed by Alex Minton ’13, the show featured Kiera Wilson, Henry DuBeau, Sabrina Stanich, and Nick Fleder. Written by Yazmina Reza, God of Carnage centers on two pairs of parents, one of whose child has hurt the other at a public park. The parents meet to discuss the matter in a civilized manner, but as the evening progresses, they become increasingly childish, with events devolving into chaos.

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SNAPSHOTS Middle School MLK Day Celebrates Bravery, Giving >> Middle School students got a lesson in American history and the power of “giving back” during a presentation by former investment banker Lloyd Campbell in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Students were mesmerized by Campbell's account of the feats of bravery during World War II by the renowned Tuskegee Airmen. Both his father and uncles were members of the Tuskegee Airmen, who served as bomber escorts. Campbell's message to the students: “Aim high, set goals and work hard to achieve them.”

Eighth Graders Experience Constitutional Convention >> Eighth grade boys dressed the part for their mock Constitutional Convention on Friday, December 14. As part of the curriculum, Humanities teacher Stephen Hildreth has prepared students for this hands-on experience in democracy.

Middle School Ceremony Honors Veterans, Student >> In recognition of Veterans Day (Sunday, November 11), members from a local chapter of the Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH) were on hand for a special presentation at Middle School Morning Meeting on November 9. Commander William Nazario presented an award to Jonathan Greenberg ’17 for his generosity and dedication to the veterans in the PTSD unit at the Veterans Hospital in Montrose, NY.

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Middle School Talent Rocks the House >> The Middle School’s Fall Talent Show featured a wide array of wonderful acts ranging from stand-up comedians to singers, pianists, guitar players and much more. Many of the students performed original works.

Middle School Concert Rings in the Holiday Season >>

Seventh Grade Relives Ellis Island Immigrant Experience >> Seventh grade students dressed up

Middle School students, singing groups, musicians and soloists welcomed the holiday season with an inspiring selection of music at the Winter Concert on Thursday, December 20, in the Claudia Boettcher Theatre. Before and after the concert, students sold jewelry and magnets they had created to raise funds for UNICEF.

in costumes and portrayed immigrants during the Middle School’s annual Ellis Island Re-enactment on Friday, November 30. Teachers, in turn, dressed as immigration officials and inspectors, questioning students and leading them through various “stations” as they made their way through the harrowing process of being admitted to the United States.

Art supplies for our 5th graders as they compose and perform their own puppet operas.

$100 $25

One new basketball for the winter season.

$3,500 The cost of renting costumes for the Upper School Musical, Beauty and the Beast.

iPads for the 2012–2013 school year.



Provides textbooks for up to four families who can’t afford books.


Want to know how your Annual Fund gift will be put to work? Here are a few examples.

Wireless network upgrade for the Pittsburgh Library.

Our average Financial Aid Package.


Please make your gift today:, call 914-479-6433, or return the enclosed envelope.

Deaths, continued 1938 1939 1939 1940 1940 1940 1941 1942 1942 1942 1942 1943 1943 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1947 1948 1949 1949 1949 1949

Nancy Russell Primm of Saint Louis, MO on March 5, 2012 Janet Cottrell Balding of Mequon, WI on July 28, 2012 Betty Butler Sawyer of Bedford, MA on August 20, 2012 Ellen Vaughan Howe of Evanston, IL on June 25, 2012 Marion Putnam Kouns of Middleburg, VA on November 29, 2011 Mary Gratiot Monzingo of Benson, AZ on January 19, 2012 Anne McMillan Manierre of Ann Arbor, MI on February 23, 2012 Catherine Watton Anderson of Springfield, VA on September 29, 2009 Phyllis Behringer Holliday of Zionsville, IN on February 13, 2012 Joan Malloch Lord of Waquoit, MA on May 13, 2012 Nancy Tiernan Swenson of Dallas, TX on March 8, 2012 Elvia Martin Penrose of Philadelphia, PA on July 19, 2012 Shirley Broome Purdy of Poolesville, MD on July 16, 2012 Sally Noyes Emmel of Bloomfield, CT on February 20, 2012 Elizabeth Dershuck Gay of Armonk, NY on September 7, 2009 Carolyn Brenton O'Brien of Urbandale, IA on January 11, 2013 Paula Welles Orr of Pittsburgh, PA on May 5, 2012 Mary Minervini Rinaldi of Braintree, MA on December 30, 2012 Jane Cole Scott of Pacific Palisades, CA on October 11, 2012 Elizabeth Powell Dempsey of Morristown, NJ on January 12, 2012 Ruth Grier Robinson of Spring Mills, PA on February 14, 2012 Betsy Brown of Greenwich, CT on April 16, 2011 Jane Kennedy Kroeger of Trent Woods, NC on August 4, 2012 Anne Eldred Pond of Fort Lauderdale, FL on May 4, 2012

1950 1950 1951 1952 1952 1954 1954 1956 1958 1966 1971 1972 1976 2001

Julia Fisher Garretson of Dayton, OH on November 11, 2012 Cynthia Hunt Gray of Chadds Ford, PA on June 23, 2012 Martha Leovy Cullison of Valley Cottage, NY in September 2012 Dorothy Smith McCuddy of Anderson, SC on August 3, 2010 Mary Newell Sherwood of Grand Junction, CO on July 11, 2012 Mitzi Broome Fagan of Tampa, FL on August 15, 2012 Judith Broome Grabel of West Palm Beach, FL on October 12, 2012 Marguerite Uman Kenney of San Francisco, CA on February 3, 2012 Marilyn T. Joyce of Roswell, NM on January 24, 2012 Randy K. Paar of Greenwich, CT on June 2, 2012 Linda Uhlman Whiting of Raleigh, NC on August 19, 2012 Alexandra Pappas of Albany, NY on October 15, 2011 Chloe Montgomery Smeed of West Palm Beach, FL on July 3, 2012 Jennifer T. Locke of New York, NY on August 11, 2012

Former Faculty

Elaine Membrado of New York, NY on May 11, 2012

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2 0 1 3

leadership 2012-2013

Maureen Fonseca, Ph.D. Head of School

Head of School

Dobbs Alumnae/i Association

Maureen Fonseca, Ph.D

Board of Directors


Board of Trustees

Bob Horne Director of Marketing & Communications and The Bulletin Editor

Tracy Tang Limpe ’80, Chair Ralph Rosenberg P’13, ’15, Vice Chair Beth Nolan ’69, Secretary John Dimling P’01, ’07, Treasurer

Debbie Shure P’07 Assistant Director of Communications ADVANCEMENT Timothy Kane Associate Head of School for Institutional Advancement Judy Donald Advancement Associate Kathy Kozar P’02 Director of Alumnae/i Relations Maryann Perrotta Database Administrator Sophia Primps Director of Capital Gifts Mary Ryan ’00 Director of Annual Fund Amie Servino ’95 Director of Parent Relations Photography: Renee Bennett, John Comforto, Gillian Crane ’92, Bob Horne, Brooke Kammrath, Anne Marie Leone, Pat McMahon, Sam Miller ’14, Bruce Robbins, Debbie Shure P’07. Design: White Communications, Inc. Printing: Capital Offset Company, Inc.

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Edith C. Chapin ’83 Jonathan Clay P’17, ’19 Susan E. Cremin ’65 Marilyn O. Dimling P’01, ’07 Stephen Feder P’15, ’19 Maureen Fonseca P’05, ’08 Michael Greene P’10, ’13 Elise Funke Griffin ’47 Alexandra Herzan P’13 Lusyd Doolittle Kourides ’70 Clay Lifflander P’14, ’16 Mindy Meads P’11 Edgar M. Masters H’98, Life Trustee Sydney Shafroth Macy ’70 Jerrie Miller P’10, ’14 Susan Follett Morris ’57, Life Trustee Christine Grim Neikirk ’84 John R. Peckham P’07, ’09, ’09 Elizabeth “Penney” Riegelman Nancy Seaman P’07 Lynn Pilzer Sobel ’71, P’99, ’05 Diana Davis Spencer ’56, P’84 Suzy Welch P’13 Honorary Trustees Marin Alsop ’73 Cynthia Ferris Casner ’52, P’60, ’65, ’72 Kathryn Wasserman Davis P’56, GP’84 Lilian Hall Fisher ’37, P’60, ’65, ’72 Jeannette Sanford Fowlkes ’58, P’87 Ruth Mitchell Freeman ’51 Helen Fisher Grim ’53, P’84 Nancy Maginnes Kissinger ’51 Claudia Boettcher Merthan ’51

Lusyd Doolittle Kourides ’70, President Karen Feinberg Dorsey ’84, Vice President David Heidelberger ’01, Recording Secretary Sujata Adamson-Mohan ’01 Priscilla Franklin Hindley ’66 Matthew Kozar ’02 Evan Leek ’01 Sandhya Malhotra ’07 Ricardo Oelkers ’03 Elizabeth Maria Reed ’99 Mary M. Ryan ’00 Dorothy Walsh Sasso ’99 Jennifer Zimmermann ’89 Kathy Kozar P’02, Director of Alumnae/i Relations Parent Association Officers Jerrie Miller P’10, ’14 Bernice Malione P’13 Janice Woodward P’11, ’15 Janet Sikirica P’19 Anita Tartt-Stewart P’19 Sonia Levethan P’15 Amie Servino ’95, Director of Parent Relations


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Need help connecting? Contact Director of Alumnae/i Relations Kathy Kozar P’02 at 914-479-6576 with questions.

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Middle School Preludes are Ready for Broadway! The Preludes, a Middle School musical theater group, performed “Through the Looking Glass,” a series of Broadway numbers, to enthusiastic audiences on November 15. Under the direction of music teacher Katie Meadows, The Preludes sang and danced their way through eight songs ranging from “Another Op’nin, Another Show” from Kiss Me Kate to “I Won't Grow Up” from Peter Pan and “The Wizard and I” from Wicked. Students demonstrated amazing stage presence, earning exuberant applause from the audience. Photo courtesy of Bruce Robbins

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