Masters Bulletin winter14

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the masters school | winter 2014

The Enduring Roots of Masters Legacy Families


C O N T A C T S The Masters School 49 Clinton Avenue Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522-2201 914-479-6400 Send letters to: Bob Horne Send address changes to: Judy Donald Send alumnae/i news to news editors listed in Class Notes or: Angelique Chielli

Printed on paper containing 30% post-consumer waste with vegetable based inks. 100% of the electricity used to manufacture the paper is green e-certified renewable energy.

ON THE COVER This colorful tree symbolizes the vibrant and enduring roots of Masters legacy families.




A TREE GROWS IN DOBBS FERRY: Legacy Families Value Learning, School Traditions

>> Families who put down roots at The Masters School across the generations reflect on the impact Masters had on their lives and the evolution of their alma mater.


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THE MEANING OF A MASTERS EDUCATION >> How does the value of a Masters education measure up over generations? Very well, respond alums, who say the school set them on their career path, provided entrée to great colleges and was the beginning of enduring friendships. DR. FONSECA RECEIVES PRESTIGIOUS FELLOWSHIP TO LEADERSHIP PROGRAM >> Due to her exceptional leadership, Head of School Maureen Fonseca has been chosen to receive a fully-funded fellowship to the Klingenstein Center for Independent School Leadership’s 2014 Heads of Schools program.

STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS SETS SIGHTS ON FUTURE >> With a new strategic planning process in the works, all constituencies are collaborating on a matrix to guide the school on its path to the future. the bulletin | winter 2014 | 01


The Enduring Legacy of Masters Dear Friends, While there have been many exciting new developments at The Masters School in the past year – from the addition of talented and dedicated new faculty, staff and trustees to starting construction of the Masters Athletic and Arts Center (MAAC) – we must always remember and cherish those who came before us and the history that has enriched The Masters School since its founding in 1877. This issue of The Bulletin is dedicated to the wonderful story of Masters legacy families and their importance to the Masters community. There are many stories to tell and we wish we could tell them all. From current second-generation students to multigenerational families with 20 or more graduates, Masters has been blessed by families who recognize the power of a Masters School education in shaping students’ lives. If you feel inspired to share your own legacy story, please write to me and tell me how your family is rooted in the history of our school. We love sharing these stories with our students. In talking with Masters graduates and current students, I am always inspired by the commonality in how they describe their experience at Masters. Of course, the words they use may vary, but despite the changing times (and dress codes!) they all express the core values that exemplify a Masters education and the deep friendships they made that continue to this day. Our legacy families revealed that challenging academics, achievement, kindness, and community service established by Eliza Bailey Masters remain the key pillars of a Masters education. In addition to the article on legacy families, please be sure to enjoy the wonderful photo essay that captures in words and pictures the warm memories and lasting impact Masters has had on so many people. Miss Masters would be pleased to know that the same values, qualities and love for the school she instilled in her students so long ago are still taught today.

“...we must always remember and cherish those who came before us and the history that has enriched The Masters School since its founding in 1877.”

With the goal of continuing the school’s robust legacy, the Board of Trustees is currently engaged in a comprehensive strategic planning process to envision the direction of our school for the next five years and beyond. It will be organized around five key strategic pillars that examine different areas of the school: 21st century teaching and learning, learning beyond the classroom, technology, enrollment, and financial sustainability. Study groups comprised of faculty, parents and alumnae/i will work on each of these key areas, culminating in a final report scheduled for summer 2014. This issue also includes an entertaining update on an assortment of campus happenings as well as highlights of our alumnae/i making their mark on the world. We are grateful for your support, encouragement and thoughtful insights. Thank you for helping The Masters School continue its legacy of offering an exceptional educational experience, grounded in the same values and ethic that have been integral to the School for over 136 years.

MAUREEN FONSECA, Ph.D. Head of School

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A Tree Grows in Dobbs Ferry


“We only had one weekend a semester and one or two Saturday Legacy families often include 10 and even 20 or more graduates leaves until we were seniors. We were rarely allowed to stay and extend from the late 19th century to the current day. School overnight in a day student’s home. My roots were established by proud women children had a lot more freedom than I who loved and appreciated their Dobbs did, though they thought they didn’t.” education and became the sisters, aunts, Even the path to Dobbs Ferry cousins, grandmothers, and greathas changed. When Lilian Hall Fisher grandmothers of girls—and boys—who arrived as a new student, alone, it was would call a changed Masters home. Or –Jane Lightner Meads ’42 her first time there. She hadn’t visited. has it changed... and how? “My parents made the decision,” she Outwardly, today’s Masters is not explains. “My father said the nicest girls “your grandmother’s school.” The he met at college had been to Dobbs.” student body, once all girls dressed Today, prospective students not only visit happily but similarly in uniforms or Masters but are integrally involved in the white dresses for required Sunday choice, often citing the beauty of the church, is now a diverse coed campus as a key attraction. “My parents community from around the world. suggested it,” describes Griffin Meads ’11, “When I went to Dobbs, it was the first male in the extended Lightner very strict,” recalls Lilian Hall Fisher ’37. Meads clan to attend, “but I chose “If a gentleman came to see us, there Masters pretty easily.” had to be written permission from our Not surprisingly, differences parents, and no more than two hours between Dobbs then and Masters now sitting in Estherwood or walking the are largely in keeping with the times and circle.” Three decades later, rules had a school that has kept up with those eased somewhat, but still “it was quite times. But a closer look reveals that restricted,” according to Bobbie –Evan Leek ’01 while the school has enabled members Celentano Leek ’68, whose Masters of the same family to have different— connection stretches from her aunts and their own—Masters experiences, there are common threads that mother (Eleanor Merrick Bissell ’33, Marguerite Merrick Wick ’36, tie the eras together. Hallmark experiences, core values, and the and Rosetta “Ricky“ Merrick Celentano ’39) to her two children, benefits of a Masters education have remained constant. >> Evan ’01 and Amy ’03.

“We only left campus for church.”

“Being able to hop on the commuter rail and get into the city was a great added element to my school days. I got in as much as I could.”

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“I went to Dobbs because I’d heard about it all my life. Grandmother sat in her rocking chair and told me stories of Miss Eliza Masters and Miss Sallie Masters. My grandmother was someone I admired. I liked her adventurous spirit, and I think the school contributed to that. She was a lifelong learner. I knew that was where I belonged and I still feel that way.” –Nancy Blossom Hebard ’61, granddaughter of Julia Osborn Robinson Blossom, Class of 1890

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Today’s legacies may no longer sport bloomers and pinnies, but they indeed wear the indelible mark of their grandmothers’ and great-grandmothers’ school. Ask graduates what was most important about their Masters education, and chances are they will say it’s the academics. Though the school Eliza Bailey Masters founded in 1877 was not originally designed to be college preparatory, as it is today, neither was it a finishing school. Its liberal arts curriculum engaged the minds of interesting young women like Julia Osborn Robinson Blossom, an intrepid traveler, artist, and illustrator for St. Nicholas magazine. As the 20th century unfolded and more women sought college and career, The Masters School became stronger academically, continuing to grow even more challenging after the arrival of boys and the Harkness method of teaching. Lauding the school for teaching students how to conduct research, study, take notes, write, organize themselves and their thoughts, and develop a good work ethic, more recent graduates and their parents attest to what Bobbie Celentano Leek ’68 calls “a very well-rounded education and a foundation for the rest of their lives. It made college awfully easy.” But when community members talk about the strength of a Masters education, they don’t merely talk about preparation for top colleges and interesting careers. They describe the cultivation of Masters minds. The same emphasis on nurturing adventurous lifelong learners that Nancy Blossom Hebard ’61 saw in her grandmother is alive and well at today’s Masters, which encourages students not just to find answers, but to ask questions.

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“The kids are open and inquisitive,” says Suzie Paxton ’88. “That’s how the girls were when I was there. That’s how mom and her friends were.” Her cousin, Griffin Meads, has found the same thing: “I had always been an academically driven person, but Masters let me flourish. It cultivates that attitude. Kids who go to Masters seem to have very intellectual conversations. We dissect and discuss things and have a natural curiosity. At Gettysburg [College], I will see fellow Masters alums’ posts on Facebook, and they’re invariably thought-provoking.” Discussion-based learning has long been a means to provoking that thought. “They broke the residents into small groups for discussions after we’d been to vespers,” says Jane Lightner Meads ’42, describing what was called Tens. “We’d talk about what we’d read in the Bible, about ethics and morals. It was not a gossip session. It was like a circle in a Presbyterian church.” Or like the engaging dialogues that take place today around the Harkness table. Seventy years later, grandson Griffin Meads also “loved engaging in discussions. It forced me to come out of my shell, to work and talk with others, and to think.” As the 22nd of 24 (and counting) members of the Lightner Meads family to attend Masters, as well as a trustee, Suzie Paxton has a good perspective on the school’s “go for it” philosophy. The two-time Emmy award–winning TV producer and Olympic fencer, whose love of and skills in fencing were born at Masters, admits she got the push, and the discipline, she needed at the school. “Kids are encouraged to stretch, even if they fall short. That’s a big part of the school’s philosophy. When those kids encounter a problem, they keep trying,” she says, referencing educational

research that the entire faculty recently read. “In a really good learning environment, you bring together teachers and administrators who want to help students succeed, arming them with skills for what they’re passionate about and launching them.” Today’s educational research may back up the Masters approach, but it is hardly new. Among what Lilian Hall Fisher treasures most about the school in the 1930s are “the challenges that we had there. You tried something that you would never have tried before.“ Then as now, “the faculty had a great deal to do with it.” >>

“I learned to own my own learning. I started to figure out what sparked me. Whatever your weaknesses were, they were going to help you. Whatever your strengths were, they were going to get behind you. It’s a very supportive environment, a safe place to explore what your passions are.” –Suzie Paxton ’88

Sisters Phyllis Evans Swindells ’77 (left), Elinore Evans, and Juliet Evans Briggs ’76 (right) visited the Hoelzel Alcove, named for their mother and aunt, located in Morris Hall.

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“Being around so many kids my age and living with people from around the U.S. and the world, I developed an understanding of other people and other cultures as well as positive and longlasting friendships. I think that it’s always been the Masters tradition to welcome people from all sorts of locations. There are just more people now because the world is smaller.” –Bobbie Celentano Leek ’68

Some of my best friends are... It’s a common refrain. Even decades after their time at the school, Masters alumnae/i assert that their closest friends are still their classmates. It’s understandable. Going to school with—and living among—peers at an impressionable age naturally builds bonds that last lifetimes. According to Julie Evans Briggs ’76, part of the Hoelzel family legacy, “The fact that Dobbs was an all-girls school was important to me at that time. It felt like an extended sisterhood... The universal bond that women share can be so empowering.”

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But graduates say that there’s something more going on at Masters. More diverse than in its early days, the school has increasingly brought together people with different backgrounds and experiences and created an overarching sense of inclusiveness and belonging. “It’s a really accepting place where you can be who you are with complete confidence,” says Griffin Meads. “My grandmother is a very devout and religious person. Her main message is to love each other, and I think that really coincides with the values of Masters.”

Over the generations, family members repeat experiences and establish new ones, appreciating what stays the same as well as what changes. Many legacy students say they didn’t know much about their family’s place at Masters until they arrived and looked up old yearbooks and class photos. Sometimes families share school traditions, but often not. Where a mother was involved in dance, a child is involved in student government. A young man dancing around the maypole amuses a relative who did so pre-coeducation. Bobbie Celentano Leek is comforted that “the Masters Hall stairway that didn’t burn still has the same creaking.” Nancy Blossom Hebard hears the Dobbs 16 perform, and though the songs are different from when she took part, the level of excellence—and her pride—are not. “It’s not like there is one thing that we all talk about,” Evan Leek says about his family. “Masters is great about developing our own identities. The type of people that we all became can be attributed to our experiences at Masters.” As Suzie Paxton puts it, “Schools evolve and change as they must, and my mom [Rev. Shirley Lightner Paxton ’50] knew that it was similar in some ways to when she was there, but it had grown. We were living in the hill dorms. Estherwood now had parties. She took a lot of joy that I was very happy there. It was a really good fit for me on my own terms. Twenty-five years later, my cousins loved it there. That says a lot about the school. It’s a longstanding family tradition. We have the same connection points, but everybody’s had their own experiences.”

“I had always been an academically driven person, but Masters let me flourish. It cultivates that attitude. Kids who go to Masters seem to have very intellectual conversations. We dissect and discuss things and have a natural curiosity.” –Griffin Meads ’11

In the end, what legacy families share most is a love for Masters.

“It’s just the happiest thing that could happen to me, knowing that so many members of my family feel the same way about the school, and it’s had the same impact on them. My three daughters loved Dobbs like their mother did, like it was in their genes. Now I have a great-granddaughter in the class of ’15. I’m thrilled to death. The school is just part of our family, and we’re part of it.” –Lilian Hall Fisher ’37

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The Meaning of a Masters Education By Debbie Shure P’07


>> Lynn Sobel ’71, P’99, ’05 “For me, two of the most important things about the school are that I made lifelong friends and I discovered the beauty of music through Dobbs 16 and the Glee Club. That has been a lifelong joy for me. I loved music history and music theory. I also felt that I found my voice at school. I was shy when I first arrived, but I gained the confidence I needed in life. From the time I entered the school, it has been a part of my life. I met my husband through a close classmate, my daughter was inspired to teach, and my son met his wife at Masters.”

An Estherwood Wedding: Laura Romeo Sobel ’05, Anna Sobel ’99 and her daughter, Emma, and Peter Sobel ’05.

For many alums, Masters was the place where they made lifelong friends and discovered the path they would follow in life. Alums from across the decades offered insights into the most important aspects of a Masters education.

>> Helen “Nell” Fisher Grim ’53, P’84 “If I had stayed at a local high school, I wouldn’t have thought about going to Wellesley College. I loved my two years at Dobbs. That led me to Wellesley, which was extraordinarily important in my life. Being at Dobbs was wonderful; I had wonderful teachers. There were many things I loved about being there. I go back to Reunions to see the wonderful people I grew up with. I have been a Class Agent and as an Honorary Trustee I attend Trustee Meetings. I still raise money for my school. I want to stay connected because it’s been a big part of my life.” Christine Grim Neikirk ’84 and her mother, Helen Fisher Grim ’53.

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>> Diana Davis Spencer ’56, P’84

>> Lusyd Doolittle Kourides ’70

“At Dobbs, I learned to organize, prioritize, and anticipate. For example, I remember the challenge of researching and writing my senior thesis on Pearl Buck and how I was able to utilize those skills. Writing was definitely part of our daily life and later influenced me to become a journalist. “Our wonderful, dedicated teachers stretched us to achieve. They gave us the confidence to realize that we could ‘Do It With Thy Might’ which has resonated throughout my life from raising children to now being President of the Diana Davis Spencer Foundation. I’m proud to be a trustee and alum of this outstanding school.”

Growing up, Lucy remembers hearing about her mother’s memories of attending The Masters School. “I couldn’t wait to go,” she recalled. In the ’70s (as in earlier decades), rules were very strict regarding weekends off campus. The host had to send a letter stating that she/he would chaperone the student. On one occasion, Lucy was called into the Dean of Students’ office because her Aunt Esther had sent a Lusyd Doolittle Kourides ’70, telegram regarding a weekend visit from her yearbook. to her home in New York City instead of a letter. The Dean insisted on calling her aunt, who couldn’t believe the school was bothering to call about a telegram instead of a letter. Not only was Aunt Esther Lucy’s chaperone, but she had been her mother’s chaperone as well! “I also remember taking the train into New York to go to a museum and then shop at Bloomingdale’s for hair ribbons,” Lucy said. “The only way we were allowed to accessorize our uniforms was with hair ribbons.”

>> Abby Spencer Moffat ’84 “What was most important to me about the school was being part of a global community before that concept was even talked about. I had a roommate from Hong Kong and a good friend from Saudi Arabia. One thing I loved about Dobbs was the person you learned to be in the world academically, professionally and socially. Community service projects gave us the opportunity to represent the school. A Masters School education is outstanding. It teaches you how to think.” Even in the 1980’s, however, men on campus were very carefully monitored. “I remember the last day of school, after graduation. I was cleaning out my room—there were two car loads of my belongings. Miss Green told me I cannot have men in the dormitory. I replied that Dobbs has strong women, but I can’t carry the furniture—and the man was my father!”

Diana Davis Spencer ’56, P’84 (left), with Kofi Annan, former Secretary-General of the United Nations, and her daughter, Abby Spencer Moffat ’84.

>> Cynthia Keating Doolittle ’50 Attending The Masters School was a meaningful part of Cynthia’s life. “One of the most important things is the friends I made who I am still in touch with today.” During that time in the school’s history, religion played a prominent role in the life of boarding students. Sunday night dresses, made of white sharkskin fabric, were called “milk bottles, because that’s what they looked like.” Cynthia Keating Doolittle ’50, Those were the days when from her yearbook. seniors lived in Estherwood. “They took very good care of the building. The only time we were allowed to use the front steps was for graduation and the senior dance,” she reported. “The drawing room was used if a boy came to visit on a Saturday afternoon, so you could sit and talk with him. However, there were all sorts of permissions that had to be granted before that could happen.”

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The Meaning of a Masters Education, cont. >> Elise Funke Griffin ’47, P’77 Elise, who grew up in Pelham Manor, came to the school during World War II. “Back in the 40’s, the school had a book with lots of community rules and regulations. For example, you could not communicate in study hall in word, look or manner. The proctor would call you up to the podium for infractions. You also had to stand up in Chapel and say if you were ’perfect’ or ’imperfect’ that week. Today these rules would seem excessive, but in the long term, they really helped student development. “The school was Lisa Griffin McGill ’77 (left) and her mother, fun, it was hard, but we laughed a lot! And that Elise Funke Griffin ’47. made for great memories. Being a trustee has been a privilege and an opportunity to give back for all that I received from Dobbs. Go Phi!”

>> Rachel Metzger Hardie ’86 “When I went to Masters, it was all girls. The thing I loved was that the girls had a strong, underlying respect for each other. Whether we were athletes or artists, we all respected each other. That still exists today. Even though the school is coed, there is a common respect that doesn’t exist at all schools.” As a student and alum, Rachel is proud of her membership in DAA and remembers the induction process. “For an entire week,

we had to wear a dunce cap that people could write on. We also had to sleep with our field hockey stick, but it was all in good fun.”

>> Hannah Hardie ’15 The relationships that teachers cultivate with their students are important to Rachel’s daughter, Hannah. “Teachers make time to get to know you,” she said. “They are your advocate and look out for your better interest. They want to see you succeed.”

>> Austen Rose Hardie ’19 “Rosie loves the fact that students are very inclusive. In everything they do, the students try to involve everyone,” Rachel added.

>> Susie Marckwald Mackay ’58, P’84 “As a student, I liked the distance from home, the ability to go into New York City for ‘educationals,’ that we could go into the village of Dobbs Ferry on Saturdays, the geographic diversity, and the friendly competition between Phi and Delta. Go Delta! I also liked the art studio program and the speakers we had at Vespers once a month, but most of all I loved my friends—they are still my friends today. “Personally, I am very proud of the school today. The academics are strong and I love the fact that many facets of a student are celebrated and encouraged.” In addition to her mother, Clarissa Price Marckwald ’31, Susie’s daughter, Heather Mackay ’84, and several family members attended the school.

(Left to right): Austin Rose Hardie ’19, Hannah Hardie ’15, and their sister, Emma, who is

Susie Mackay ’58 (left) and her mother,

applying to fifth grade for fall 2014.

Clarissa Price Marckwald ’31.

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Heather Mackay ’84.

Create your Masters legacy for future generations Membership in The Estherwood Society is The Masters School’s way of recognizing and thanking alumnae/i, parents, and friends for their foresight and generosity to the School through their estate plans. • Include The Masters School in your will • Elect the School as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, lead or remainder trust, or retirement assets. If you have included Masters in your will and have not informed the School, please contact us so that we may add your name to our list of Estherwood Society members. If you are considering including Masters in your will, we would be delighted to provide you with further information. For information, please contact Sophia B. Primps in the Advancement Office at 914-479-6575 or email

>> Sydney Shafroth Macy ’70

>> Jeannette “Nettie” Sanford Fowlkes ’58, P’87

“When I was growing up, I was constantly looking at Mom’s (Diana Holland Shafroth ’46) Dobbs yearbook, and I dreamed about going away to school. Dobbs was a great fit for me and I loved it from the beginning.” “I credit Dobbs and the experience, support and education I received, for my acceptance into Stanford University and my career as a conservationist,” she added. (Sydney is Senior Vice President and Colorado Director of The Conservation Fund, a national land conservation organization.) “There are two additional things that were so important to me. One was the opportunity for leadership that was available and encouraged for girls. Clearly that was not available to girls in the late 60’s, so for me, that opportunity was important and really helped shape my future. The other was athletics. Having come from a public junior high, where girls were cheerleaders or gymnasts, there was no opportunity for team sports. At the time, Dobbs was very strong in that realm, and I excelled in athletics. As you know, the value of team sports in ’life’ is so important, and that was a huge plus for me.”

The photo below shows Nettie with members of her family who attended The Masters School, including her daughter, Daphne Fowlkes Mitchell ’87, whose graduation day it was. “It’s pretty remarkable that three generations were together on graduation day. It had also been my mother’s 50th Reunion that year. I was still Chair of the Board of Trustees because I spoke at graduation.” “I grew up in public schools in Tennessee,” she continued. “I learned more in three years at Dobbs than in the previous 10— especially in writing. I learned a lot and made some really good friends. It was very special. My teachers were terrific.” “Maureen Fonseca has done a fabulous job and before her, Pam Clarke. I worked with wonderful people on the Board. Dobbs certainly holds a special place in my heart.”

(Left to right): Sydney Shafroth Macy ’70, Diana Holland Shafroth ’46, and Tracey Shafroth ’73.

Graduation Day 1987 (left to right): Polly B. Sanford ’63, Gretchen Klauder Bennett ’87, Elizabeth Smith Sanford ’37, Daphne Fowlkes Mitchell ’87 and Jeannette Sanford Fowlkes ’58. the bulletin | winter 2014 | 13



This distinguished honor, established in 1991, is granted to just twenty Heads of School annually. The award provides independent school leaders with an opportunity for concentrated professional enrichment, renewal and reflection. Participants will focus on philosophy, research, technology and governance.

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For two weeks in January, visiting Heads from around the world gather together at the Columbia University campus for intensive study to examine educational issues and policies facing independent school educators. The Center attracts and selects educators who have demonstrated outstanding accomplishment or potential for excellence and equips them with the knowledge, skills and values necessary for informed and effective practice. The 2014 cohort includes Heads from all areas of the United States in addition to participants from Aruba, Canada, China, Germany, the Netherlands and Sudan. Dr. Fonseca was chosen for her exceptional leadership of The Masters School through a dynamic period of transformation and growth. Since becoming Head of School in 2000, Dr. Fonseca has overseen a series of initiatives that has made Masters a premier day and boarding school for grades 5 through 12. This encompassed building a “faculty of distinction,” strengthening the School’s dedication to the Harkness Teaching Method, and attracting an international and diverse student and faculty community. Under her leadership, the School also made major facilities improvements highlighted by the construction of a new science and technology building, a new turf field and track, and breaking ground on the 75,000-square-foot Masters Athletic and Arts Center, scheduled for completion in January 2015. Dr. Fonseca is also very active in educational and charitable endeavors, serving as a NYSAIS commissioner on accreditation, Lead Head on the Fairchester Heads of School Group and board member of the Headmistresses Association of the East. She also serves as a founding member of CMS, an organization that supports African orphans who lost parents to AIDS or genocide. The entire Masters School community congratulates Dr. Fonseca on this wonderful achievement!

School Initiates Strategic Planning Process BOARD CHAIR TRACY TANG LIMPE ’80 AND HEAD OF SCHOOL MAUREEN FONSECA HAVE INITIATED A PROCESS THAT WILL CREATE A NEW FIVEYEAR STRATEGIC PLAN THAT ENVISIONS THE FUTURE OF OUR SCHOOL. By Tim Kane P’15, ’20, Associate Head of School for Institutional Advancement Trustees, faculty, students and staff came together during the first weekend in November to launch the effort, which is co-chaired by trustees Alex Herzan P’13 and Suzie Paxton ’88. “The process really began during our NYSAIS re-accreditation process in 2011-12,“ said Board Chair Tracy Limpe ’80. “NYSAIS gave us a strong report and encouraged us to revisit our strategic plan as we emerge from a 15-year period of rapid growth and change.” The first step in the process was a brand refinement, which included focus groups and interviews with students, alumnae/i, parents, faculty, staff, and others to get a refreshed view of what Masters is today. That work segued nicely into the early thinking about strategic planning. Leading up to the November weekend, Upper School Head Matt Ives asked seniors and juniors to answer the question, “What are the qualities of Masters students?” Faculty members were similarly asked to describe the

characteristics of the successful Masters graduate. The results were displayed in a “word cloud” of key characteristics of a Masters student. A small group of students and faculty then came together to discuss the word clouds with trustees and administrators looking on. Strategic planning co-chair Alex Herzan said, “It was a classic Harkness discussion with students and faculty considering the nuances and ramifications of the words in an active and respectful exchange.” Following this session, the larger group of faculty, staff and trustees heard a presentation by Triangle Associates on trends affecting independent schools today. Breakout groups then did a traditional Strengths-WeaknessesOpportunities-Threats analysis and reported back to the larger assembly. Out of this process, study groups made up of trustees, faculty and staff, parents and alums have been formed around five strategic pillars:

1. 21st Century Teaching and Learning – implementing strategies to graduate students who will be life-long learners and have a positive impact on a rapidly changing world. 2. Enrollment – goals for enrollment, divisional mix (Upper School, Middle School, day, boarding, CITYterm) and diversity. 3. Learning Beyond the Classroom – extending learning beyond the classroom, beyond Masters’ walls and beyond the academic year. 4. Technology – examining the role technology plays in teaching, learning and communications. 5. Financial Sustainability – making the appropriate investments to ensure the School’s financial sustainability. The study groups will work throughout the winter and spring, culminating in a retreat scheduled for April 2014 that will include members of the study groups, as well as others from the wider Masters community. The final strategic plan should be completed over the summer of 2014.

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Community Celebrates MAAC Groundbreaking Members of the Masters community gathered to celebrate the ceremonial groundbreaking for the Masters Athletic and Arts Center (MAAC) on October 18 during Family Weekend. Head of School Maureen Fonseca welcomed everyone to this historic event, which was held on Reunion Field overlooking the construction site. This unique building will serve as a campus hub, providing a pool, squash courts, an indoor track,

Shovels in the ground! (Left to right): Board Chair Tracy Tang Limpe ’80, Trustee Clay Lifflander P’14, ’16,

art gallery, experimental theater, leadership lab,

Architect Peter Gisolfi, Head of School Maureen Fonseca, and Shawmut Design and Construction

dedicated fencing space, dance studio, café and

representative Richard Coleman.

much more. The groundbreaking was followed by a festive reception in Estherwood. After years of planning, the Masters community celebrated the progress already made on construction of the MAAC.

Trustees, parents, alumnae/i, faculty, and students gathered on Reunion Field for the ceremonial groundbreaking for the Masters Athletic and Arts Center.

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It’s not too late to join the alumnae/i and parents who have given over $15 million to this momentous project.

Three New Trustees Join Masters Board SUZIE PAXTON graduated from The Masters School in 1988, joining over 20 Lightner family members to have graduated from the school. She is a two-time Emmy Awardwinning producer and founder of Point Studio, Inc., a television and video production company. A member of the 1996 U.S. Olympic fencing team, she started fencing at The Masters School, under the tutelage of coach Francisco Martin. Suzie is a graduate of The Pennsylvania State University. SHEREE HOLLIDAY P’16, ’20 is an accomplished rider and regularly competes along with her daughter on the regional hunter/jumper “A” circuit. Sheree also works closely with Akindale Farm in Pawling, NY, in the rescue and rehabilitation of thoroughbred race horses. Sheree is co-president of the Holliday Foundation through which she and her husband, Marc, support community-based and charitable organizations. FRANK COOPER III is Senior Vice President and Chief Consumer Engagement Officer for PepsiCo Americas Beverages (PAB), a division of PepsiCo, one of the world’s largest food and beverage companies. Frank has direct oversight of key operational areas across PAB that determine consumer engagement including digital, media, sports, video games and entertainment. He is a graduate of University of California Berkeley and Harvard Law School.

Make your Mark on the MAAC!

We still have $5 million left to raise by December 2014. Pledge payments may be made over time and opportunities to name rooms and spaces are available. See for more information. Contact Tim Kane at or 914-479-6527 to discuss your MAAC gift today and become part of Masters history! The new Masters Athletic and Arts Center (MAAC) will be a dynamic addition to The Masters School and play a vital role in advancing the school’s mission into the 21st century. This innovative 75,000-square-foot building will provide new and expanded athletic and arts facilities, a café and other important spaces and services - all designed to develop well-rounded students who have enthusiasm and appreciation for academics, the arts and athletics.

Upgrades Enhance Masters School Campus Among the many recent campus upgrades, one of the most visible is the Health Center expansion and renovation. The facility features an expanded infirmary, offices for the nurse, school psychologist, school counselor, and the attendance director, as well as laundry facilities and storage space. In addition, the upper level tennis courts have been totally renovated to include a hard court surface, new fencing, and best of all— Masters School purple courts with green trim. One of the four courts is convertible so students can enjoy pick-up basketball games.

Health Center personnel (left to right): Nurse Rosemarie Corradina, School Counselor Stefanie Carbone, Psychologist Dr. Len Malter, and Attendance Director Ginny Deckelmann.

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Convocation, Cotton Candy and a Concert… It Must be Family Weekend!

Convocation Top: Faculty members, led by Upper School Academic Dean Chris Goulian, processed into the gym

Boarding parents and day parents, local and international families all traveled to campus for an action-packed Family Weekend on October 18-19. The weekend opened with a visit to the Parent Association Spirit Tent for refreshments, face painting and giveaways, followed by meetings with advisors, class deans, and the College Counseling Department.

for Convocation.

Head of School Maureen Fonseca welcomed families to Convocation, the annual gathering to celebrate the academic life of the school. Gilles Pugatch, Interim Chair of the Music Department, introduced this year’s featured guest speaker, Dr. Randall Booker, senior vice president for Water Resources at Gresham, Smith and Partners, a leading multi-disciplinary design and consulting firm for the built environment. He addressed the issue of water, which is the curricular theme of the current school year.

speakers included (left to

Community government representatives Henry DuBeau ’14 and Christina Guarin ’14 delivered their remarks to rousing applause. The Reverend Kristin C. Kopren P’16 gave a moving invocation, while Board Chair Tracy Tang Limpe ’80 presented the closing remarks. Receptions, sporting events, and a stellar Performing Arts Showcase rounded out the weekend’s long list of activities.

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Middle: Convocation singers performed a beautiful rendition of “The Water is Wide.” Bottom: Convocation right): Henry DuBeau ’14, the Reverend Kristen Kopren P’16, Tracy Tang Limpe ’80, Dr. Randall Booker, Head of School Maureen Fonseca, Gilles Pugatch, and Christina Guarin ’14.

Upper left:

Upper right:

Upper School English teacher

Volunteers welcomed families to the

Ronica Bhattacharya and her

Parent Association Spirit Tent. (Left to

advisees enjoyed Family Weekend.

right): PA Secretary Sonia Levethan

Lower left: Students enjoyed cotton candy,

P’15, Leslie DuBeau P’14, and PA President Jerrie Miller P’10, ’14.

popcorn, apples and other snacks

Lower right:

at the Spirit Tent during

The Panther Stop, run by Matt

Family Weekend.

Kammrath’s Business Class, designed and marketed spirit wear.

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Great Accomplishments!

Upper School Elijah Coleman Jackson ’14 was one of 10 high school students honored with a Milly Kibrick Youth Service Award

U.S. regional competition in May which provided her with entry into the master classes and competition in Ireland in August. The Fleadh Cheoil na hEireann is the largest traditional music festival in the world, and hosted an estimated 20,000 musicians and 430,000 attendees.

Samantha Coffey ’17, a player for the Masters varsity girls’ soccer team, concluded her summer vacation in rousing

on October 15. Elijah, a native of New Orleans, began volunteer work at an early age when he helped raise almost $1,000 for Katrina Victims by requesting donations instead of gifts for his ninth birthday. He has volunteered as an after-school tutor with Family Ties of Westchester, at Cabrini Immigrant Services, and at Children’s Village. He has participated in Midnight Run, attended the 25th Student Diversity Leadership Conference in Houston, TX, and has helped repair homes in Jonestown, MS.

Theresa Phoenix ’14 participated in the All-Ireland music festival and competition. She qualified by winning in her harp category in the Eastern

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Christopher Kumaradjaja ’16 was invited by Bjarke Ingels to be the youngest intern at the New York office of his acclaimed international architecture firm, Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG). Bjarke said Chris’ self-taught fluency in Danish and his enthusiastic desire to be an architect captured his attention. Chris spent his internship participating in design meetings, building models, and learning from managers and designers in various departments in the firm.

Middle School

fashion, helping her New York Soccer Club (NYSC) team capture the prestigious Arsenal Cup tournament in London. The tournament is an elite international event featuring the premier girls’ teams from throughout the United Kingdom. An under16 team competing in the U17 bracket, Samantha’s club won three games to advance to the championship game, in which the NYSC girls defeated Dublin—a team of Irish allstars, 1-0 in a driving rain.

Alexandra Bentzien ’19 performed on piano at Jazz at Lincoln Center on Saturday, December 21 as part of the Young People’s Christmas Concert in the Allen Room. Alexandra played solo classical piano works for approximately 35 minutes during the pre-concert seating. Alexandra played again once during the concert, and was the sole pianist during the event.

Noah Silverman ’18 played the lead role in a short film called Illness, which was selected to screen in 15 film festivals in the U.S., England and Spain. For his performance, Noah received an award for

Outstanding Actor in a Short Film from the Northwest Ohio Independent Film Festival. The film is the story of a teenage boy who suffers from mental illness and the devastating effect this has on his family.

Simon Cadel ’18 performed at the New York Comedy Club on September 7. Simon is well known throughout the Middle School for his stand-up comedy routines.

Faculty Margaret George, a Middle School Humanities teacher, participated in a conference sponsored by The Ethical Leadership Project at Masters spearheaded by faculty members Lee Dieck and Matt Kammrath. The conference, titled Developing Student Leadership in the Classroom, featured guest speaker Martin Stegmoeller from St. Mark’s School of Texas. “One of the main tenets of Leadership Education presented at the conference is the responsibility of all to give back to the communities that have helped them along the way,” Mrs. George said. “To this end I looked back to my graduate school and followed through on two opportunities


to volunteer there. First, I am a Teacher Assistant for a course in Child Development at Bank Street Graduate School in Manhattan. My responsibilities include helping the teacher with syllabus design, coteaching, student coaching, and grading of papers. “Second, I have been accepted into the Writing Assistance Program at Bank Street Graduate School and will be trained on how to help graduate students improve their paper writing skills. The training focuses on issues such as organization, cohesion, clarity, continuity, integrating references, grammar, punctuation, syntax, and AP style.” “Cultivating an ethos of gratitude and giving back to the groups and communities that shape our lives is a new goal for my classroom, thanks to the summer Ethical Leadership conference,” she concluded. “Volunteering at Bank Street is my way of putting this into practice in my own life.”

practitioners, traveling to Belfast for some site-specific theatre on the Giant’s Causeway. She also participated in interview-based theatre on the streets of Belfast. She also took a side-saddle riding lesson and a falconry lesson, which relate to her Animal Behavior class here at Masters.

Correction The previous edition of The Bulletin did not identify Noah Buyon ´13 as the inaugural editor-in-chief of the web edition of Tower. Noah devoted a great deal of time to designing and creating the web version of Tower, which has been well received by the entire Masters School community.

Kristen Tregar during her falconry lesson.

Congratulations to Jennifer and Jeff Carnevale, who are the proud parents of Jonathan Cash Carnevale. Jonathan was born on September 27, and weighed 6 lbs., 11 oz.

Thank you to the record number of donors who supported the 2012-13 Annual Fund and helped raise over $1.9 million to support our students

Upper School science teacher Kristen Tregar, who also directs some student plays, participated in a professional development program in Ireland with New York University last summer. She studied Applied Theatre with some of the top Irish

and teachers. For over 130 years, The Masters School has relied on the support of others to sustain and enrich our community. We hope that you will join this year’s effort by making your gift to Masters today. Jonathan Cash Carnevale.

To make your gift, contact Mary Ryan ’00, Director of Annual Giving at 914-479-6433.

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Ogontz White Mountain Camp: A History By Elizabeth B. Payne ’69 Published by Sherwin Dodge Printers, Inc., October 2013 ISBN: 978-0-615-83649-2 Elizabeth B. Payne ’69 (affectionately known as Libbie) has compiled a beautiful history— complete with photos—of the Ogontz White Mountain Camp in Lisbon, NH, which opened in 1923. Libbie, who was a camper, counselor and assistant director of the camp, begins with the story of Abby A. Sutherland, the camp’s founder and headmistress of The Ogontz School in Pennsylvania. The eight-week summer camp for girls offered an extensive catalog of activities including riding, tennis, arts and crafts, archery, riflery, nature and hiking, boating, sailing, aquaplaning, swimming, field hockey and golf, on its own six-hole course. Ogontz campers participated in competitive poetry reading, Gilbert and Sullivan productions, and church services held in a wooded glade high atop a hill overlooking the lake. Ernest Thompson Seton, founder of the Woodcraft League of America, built the Ogontz Woodcraft Circle where Ogontz girls drew the feather that would make them a Green or Brown team member for the rest of their days. Today, Ogontz Camp is a thriving center for music and arts, groups, weddings, corporate events, proms, family reunions and other gatherings.

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Alums Return for Inspiring Leadership Weekend A group of dedicated alumnae/i from across the decades returned to campus for the second annual Alumnae/i Volunteer Leadership Weekend on October 18-19. The weekend opened with a welcome reception in Masters Hall, where alums had the opportunity to network and reconnect with classmates and friends. A Harkness discussion with campus leaders followed, generating thoughtprovoking comments from students and alums. Alums then headed to Reunion Field for the ceremonial groundbreaking for the new Masters Athletic and Arts Center (MAAC). Head of School Maureen Fonseca welcomed alums to the stately Estherwood Library for a dinner that evening, followed by a Performing Arts Showcase featuring an array of talented musicians, dancers, and actors.

Alums returning for the Volunteer Leadership Weekend gathered on the steps of Estherwood.

Saturday’s activities included a roundtable discussion and breakout work sessions in Estherwood Mansion, followed by the Annual Convocation ceremony in the Strayer Hall gym. The weekend wrapped up with a final work session and closing reflections. Throughout the weekend, these alum leaders offered comments and constructive suggestions on a wide array of topics ranging from school branding to Reunion planning. Many thanks to our wonderful alumnae/i volunteer leaders and to Amie Servino ’95, Director of Alumnae/i and Parent Relations, and Angelique Chielli, Associate Director of Alumnae/i and Parent Relations, for planning a productive and fun-filled weekend!

Far left: (Left to right): Elise Funke Griffin ’47, Evan Leek ’01, Barbara Celantano Leek ’68, and Amie Servino ’95. Near left: Kitty Fryer ’79 (left) and Libbie Payne ’69.

Far left: Austin O’Neill ’98 (center) reconnected with teachers Michele Dennis (left) and Marie-Suzanne Raabon. Near left: John McGovern ’07 and Chelsea Dieck ’08 collaborated during group discussions.

Far left: Trustee Lynn Pilzer Sobel ’71 chatted with alums Nancy Blossom Hebard ’61 and Pamela Kinnicutt Motley ’62 prior to the opening discussion. Near left: Alums attended a roundtable discussion with student leaders.

Left: Substantive meetings regarding the school and alumnae/i affairs took place in Estherwood’s famed Library.

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Amie and Angelique Spearhead Alumnae/i Relations Alumnae/i interested in Reunion Class Notes or upcoming events can now contact Amie Servino ’95, our new Director of Alumnae/i and Parent Relations. After two years of stellar work as Director of Parent Relations, Amie’s role has been expanded to encompass Alumnae/i Relations. In addition, Angelique Chielli has joined the School as Associate Director of Alumnae/i and Parent Relations. Together, Amie and Angelique will make Reunion 2014 an unforgettable event. They Amie Servino ’95 (left) and Angelique Chielli handle created an exciting program for the Alumnae/i Volunteer Leadership alumnae/i relations for The Masters School. Weekend this fall, and are busy planning additional activities scheduled to take place throughout the year.

Classmates Reconnect at Carnegie Hall Concert Marin Alsop ’73, Music Director of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, was joined by Lusyd Doolittle Kourides ’70 and Maggie Finn Gray ’70, at a special Spring for Music concert at Carnegie Hall on May 6. Marin autographed a special scarf commemorating the event that will be housed in the School’s archives.

(Left to right): Marin Alsop ’73, Lusyd Doolittle Kourides ’70, and Maggie Finn Gray ’70.

First “Masters Baby” Celebrates with Alums JJ Rothenberg, the first “Masters baby” and a potential member of the Class of 2031, celebrated the combined Thanksgiving/Hanukkah holiday with alums from the school. Shown with JJ are (left to right): his dad, Josh Rothenberg ’00, his mom, Fiona Hopkins Rothenberg ’99, Tara Hopkins ’04, math teacher Ron Rothenberg (who has taught at the school for 14 years), and Melanie Rothenberg Pandit ’97.

Masters Alums Continue to Excel John McAuliff ’10, former editor of Tower, won four Society of Professional Journalists Mark of Excellence awards in the group’s regional journalism competition. John won two first place awards, a second place and a third place for his stories published in USA Today and The Collegian, the University of Richmond’s student newspaper. Adam Mandel ’11 earned AllAmerica honors on the second day of the NCAA Fencing championships last spring. He is now a junior at Brandeis University and a member of the varsity fencing team. Sean Kubota ’00 was featured in The Chicago Shimpo, the city’s Japanese-

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American newspaper, on how conductors make a difference when working with musicians in an orchestra. The article was based on comments he delivered at the Prairie Center of Arts in Schaumburg, IL, on July 12. Sean is the winner of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s (CSO) first international Sir Georg Solti Conducting Competition in 2011 and spent more than two years working with Music Director Riccardo Muti. Elizabeth (Lib) Palmer ’31, former General Secretary of the YWCA, has turned 100! The “Y” is creating a fund in honor of her inspirational leadership, reports her goddaughter, Deborah Collins Papps ’56. Happy Birthday, Lib!

Dr. Fonseca Travels the Globe Visiting Alums, Parents Head of School Maureen Fonseca has been “on the road” talking with international parents regarding their perspectives on The Masters School. In November, Dr. Fonseca and Tim Kane, Associate Head of School for Institutional Advancement, visited parents in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. In group events and individual meetings, they discussed the school, construction of the Masters Athletic and Arts Center, and residential life for international boarding students. In addition, parents offered their views on the school. In preparing for the trip, Dr. Fonseca and Mr. Kane hosted several luncheons for students to learn more about their transition to the school, along with other areas of interest ranging from favorite classes, co-curriculars, and tips for traveling in China.

Parents in Beijing gathered to meet Head of School Maureen Fonseca and Associate Head Tim Kane.

Masters parents living in Hong Kong welcomed Maureen and Tim with a dinner party.

A large group of parents turned out in Shanghai to greet their guests from The Masters School.


REUNION MAY 16 -17, 2014

All alumnae/i are invited to share stories, make memories, and celebrate their days on campus. Special reunion year for classes ending in 4’s and 9’s! Questions? Interested in volunteering? Contact Angelique Chielli at or 914-479-6532. Visit our Reunion 2014 web page at

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Reunion 2013

A Great Time for Alums to Reconnect with Friends Reunion 2013 reflected both the history and traditions of The Masters School as well as future developments such as the Masters Athletic and Arts Center. A panel on student leadership at the school opened the program on Saturday morning. Friends and classmates spent the day reconnecting with favorite faculty members, attending

Near right: (Left to right): Gillian Crane ’92, Lucy Muhlfeld Kazickas ’71, and Lynn Pilzer Sobel ’71. Far right: Cynthia Ferris Casner ’52 with Head of School Maureen Fonseca.

Near right: Norene Ginsburg Peck ’73 reconnected with classmates Freya Darnall Newman (center) and Bonnie Solomon Mattozzi. Far right: “Do It With Thy Might” Class of 1988!

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Harkness classes, touring the campus, joining the Glee Club Sing-Along, dancing around the Maypole, as well as enjoying banquets and receptions. Lucy Doolittle Kourides ’70, President of the Dobbs Alumnae/i Association, presented the Richmond Bowl to Norene Ginsburg Peck ’73 at the group’s Annual Meeting. History teacher and Henry Sloan Coffin Chair of Religion Jane Rechtman was this year’s recipient of the Anna Howe Faculty Award. Everyone also had the chance to gather to say farewell to Chris Frost, Head of Upper School and Priscilla Franklin Hindley ’66, Associate Head of School and Dean of Students, upon their retirement. It was a weekend for celebrating memories and making new ones.


Left: Head of School Maureen Fonseca (in blue) joined the Glee Club Sing-Along during Reunion weekend.

Left: Marriett Topping Campbell ’63 (center) and Mary Jane Burgund Lowder ’51 (right) participated in a Harkness discussion with English Department Chair Darren Wood.

Left: Members of the 50th Reunion class show their school spirit by wearing hats bearing the insignia of the school ring. They are (left to right): Kathryn Sawyer White, Bucky Farquhar, Pamela Reisman Monaco, Karen Marschalk Viener, and Polly Burke Sanford.

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Reunion 2013

Right: The school said farewell to retiring faculty members Priscilla Franklin Hindley’66, Chris Frost, and Anne Frost.

Right: Alums from the Class of 1988 gathered at a cocktail reception in the Art Studio. They are (left to right): Heather Finck, Suzie Paxton, Melinda Panella Insana (holding Suzie’s baby), Dean of Students Pricilla Franklin Hindley ’66, Aneesa Majid, and Sally Croker.

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ALUMNAE/I UPDATE Far left: A cocktail reception in Estherwood attracted alums of all ages. Near left: David Heidelberger ’01(standing) moderated a panel discussion on entrepreneurship featuring (left to right): Chris Danzig ’99, Lucy Muhlfeld Kazickas ’71, and Kara DioGuardi ’88.

Far left: A panel discussion featuring Kara DioGuardi ’88 (left) as one of the speakers attracted her friends (left to right): Whitney Adams Ward (second from left), Stephanie Dunne Cohen, and Jennifer Poole Pride. Near left: Alums from the Class of 1958 included (left to right): Susie Marckwald MacKay, Janet Gardner, Ivy St. John, Liza Buehl Campbell, and Jean Watson Cahouet.

Left: It wouldn’t be Reunion without the traditional Maypole dance performed by current and former DAA members.

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Reunion 2013

50th Reunion - Class of 1963 (left to right)— Front row: Polly Burke Sanford, Pamela Reisman Monaco, Joy Ingham Hirshon, Crary Hoyt Gaggia, Sandra Stewart Shasby. Second row: Ellen Briggs Stevens, Kathryn Sawyer White, Flip Meyer, Carol Wags Lynch, Marriett Topping Campbell. Third row: Barbara Juergens McCormack, Margaret Fox, Holly Gaylord Windon-Starck, Kathy Collins, Rosamond Allen, Sharon Beattie Presutti, Caroline Taplin Ruschell. Fourth row: Bucky Farquhar, Katharine Towle Hession. Fifth row: Deborah Moxham, Karen Marschalk Viener, Peggy Leyman McHenry, Tyler Coleman Janes, Katherine Farrar Spahn.

Class of 1943 Nancy Schaefer.

Class of 1958 (left to right)—Front row: Liza Buhl Chapman, Jean Watson Cahouet, Ivy St. John. Second Row: Betsy Thorndike Wilson, Janet Gardner, Susie Marckwald Mackay.

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Class of 1953 (left to right)— Martha Strauss Shoemaker, Jane Locke McGrory, Jocelyn Garlock Rowley, Ivy Rufe O’Neill.

ALUMNAE/I UPDATE Class of 1973 (left to right)—Front row: Deborah Longcope Dewalt, Marguerite Rizzi, Leslye Lynford, Ibbits Warriner Newhall, Norene Ginsburg Peck, Bonnie Solomon Mattozzi. Second row: Sherrie Spohn-Lind, Freya Darvall Newman, Lucinda Herbert Flynn, Shelly Ames Hartz, Victoria Randall Kaczkowski. Third row: Sara Claggett Kip, Kristin Paulus, Suzanne Herlitz Derby, Tracey Shafroth, Anne Gibson Wnorowski.

Class of 1978 (left to right)—Front row: Sara Rodgers, Karole Dill Barkley, Catherine Rush. Second row: Maria Otero Martin, Katharine McDuffie, Laura Brock.

Class of 1988 (left to right)—Front row: Katie Lippa Stutz, Claudia Jacobs Cogan, Lisa Ench Semler, Jennifer Poole Pride, Amy Rice Arley. Second row: Anna Hirai Cranmer, Stacey Brown, Whitney Adams Ward, Amy Zimmerman Freed, Stephanie Dunne Cohen, Susie Paxton, Anessa Majid. Third row: Melinda Panella Insana, Kara DioGuardi, Heather Finck, Daniella Blumenthal Jackson, Alyson Sivak Grossman, Elizabeth Szatmari Krasnoff, Tiffany Marsh, Tori Love. Fourth row: Amanda Cox Skinner, Sarah Walker Popko, Lexi Peyer Morrissey, Katherine Thatcher Spahn, Kristi Hayes Buchanan, Amy Feibusch Zweiback, Heidi Ziegahn, Sally Croker.

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Reunion 2013

Class of 1983—Picture 1 (left to right)— Front row: Katherine Finkelstein Markowitz, Harriet Sussman Rachlin, former faculty member Betsy Turner, Alexandra Luckett, Bonney Armstrong. Second Row: Lauri Simone Palladino, Barbara Gill-Vayo, Valerie Cardinal Fry, Christina Labrie, Maggie Manetti, Lucy Anderson Boyer.

Class of 1983—Picture 2 (left to right)— Front row: Harriet Sussman Rachlin, Sabrina Kass Lipton, Lauri Simone Palladino, former faculty member Betsy Turner, Alexandra Luckett. Second row: Maggie Manetti, Bonney Armstrong. Third row: Barbara Gill-Vayo, Valerie Cardinal Fry, Suzanne Meshken Hagen, Maggie Manetti, Leslie O’Shea, Christina Labrie, Lucy Anderson Boyer.

Class of 1993 (left to right)—Mirna Valerio, Larisa Ortiz, Silvia Henriquez, Julia Henery Maum.

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ALUMNAE/I UPDATE Class of 1998 (left to right)—Front row: Front row: Kirsten Adams Brown, Shakira Villanueva Dhamotharan, Marina Distant Williams. Second row: Erin Brown Yankus, Kandy Lee, Shona Holmes Weaver, Lily Seaman, Austin O’Neill.

Class of 2003 (left to right)—Front row: Gabriella Sacramone-Lutz, Nabil Khan, Julia Frazier. Second row: Eva Holiday DeAngelisGlasser, Daniel Schloss, Sarah Brown, Nikos Papagapitos, Timon Stasko.

Class of 2008 (left to right)— Molly Edwards, Samantha Heller, Nzaba FonsecaSabune, Vanessa Trinidad, Emily Chapman.

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SNAPSHOTS Parents “Ring it On” at Phonathon >>

Both the boys and girls cross country teams got off to a good start during the FAA Championship race.

Cross Country Team Chalks Up Historic Results >> The Masters Cross Country team capped its historic season with top performances at the FAA Championship Race on November 4. On the boys side, freshman phenom Gene “The Machine” Perry finished first in an exciting photo finish, lowering his personal and school record, and taking the title of FAA Champion. Junior Jason McLeod finished third, senior Ronnell Canada finished fourth, sophomore Chris Brakey finished tenth and sophomore Matt Donovan finished twenty-third. Despite out-performing Brunswick in a head-to-head matchup, with the Masters top four earning All League honors, the team finished second by the narrow of margin of three points. The girls varsity team again had every member run a personal best time for the 5k, including a standout performance from junior Laura Arbelaez, who ran a minute faster that she had all season. Sophomore Paulina Aue Team members celebrated their performance with Coach finished in sixth place, earning All Vincent Galgano (far left). League honors and lowering her school record. Freshman Emily Guzzardi finished fourteenth, earning Honorable Mention for the league. As a team, the varsity girls finished fourth out of nine teams, their highest finish in the FAA to date.

An energetic group of dedicated parents, led by Parent Annual Fund Co-Chairs Lynn and David Greenberg P’17, made calls on behalf of the Annual Fund during Phonathon on October 28-29. Volunteers gathered in the Lecture Hall with Head of School Maureen Fonseca, Board Chair Tracy Tang Limpe ’80, and Director of Annual Giving Mary Ryan ’00 for a light dinner and a bevy of phone calls. Parent Association President Jerrie Miller was on hand to motivate the crowd with her cheerleading (and Masters School cowbell). Both evenings turned out to be fun-filled events. Many thanks to our wonderful parent volunteers!

Camraderie among parents ran high during a phonathon on behalf of the Annual Fund.

Zetetics Teams Go for the Gold! >> Zetetics, an academic enrichment program, includes five distinct subgroups: Zetetics Mathematical Modeling, Zetetics Quiz Bowl, which sent a team to MSG Varsity’s “The Challenge” quiz show, Zetetics Math Team, which competes in The Mandelbrot Competition, Zetetics Engineering, which competes in the West Point Bridge Design Contest, and Zetetics Robotics. Under the guidance of math teacher and club advisor John Chiodo, Zetetics team members are preparing for additional rounds of competition during the 2013-2014 academic year, giving students a chance to test their knowledge and expand their academic opportunities. 34 |


Class of 2013 Celebrates Graduation >> From white dresses and red roses to the Alma Mater, graduation for the Class of 2013 reflected the best of The Masters School traditions. We applaud their success and wish them the best in college and beyond.

Freshmen joined the Scarecrow Invasion at Lyndhurst as their inaugural MISH project.

Class of 2017 Kicks Off MISH Projects >> Freshmen painted masks, collected clothing, and dressed scarecrows at Lyndhurst as part of their inaugural MISH project. Visitors to the historic estate could enjoy hundreds of unique scarecrows populating special scarecrow patches created by local non-profit community groups and commercial businesses. Afterward, clothes were washed and donated to the Goodwill store in Elmsford, NY. Great job by the Class of 2017!

The Masters School Class of 2013

Talent Shines at Performing Arts Showcase >> Students from across the arts delighted the audience during Family Weekend with their music, dance and drama performances at a special Showcase on October 18. M.A. Haskin, Chair of the Drama Department, was on hand to introduce the Performing Arts Showcase and its many talented artists! Dance, drama and music came together to create an outstanding Performing Arts Showcase during Family Weekend.

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SNAPSHOTS Demolition Dance, produced by The Masters Dance Company, received rave reviews for its striking compositions.


‘Demolition Dance’ Rocks the House >> Channeling the theme of “construction,” a popular topic on campus with the new MAAC building underway, The Masters Dance Company presented ‘Demolition Dance’ on November 15-16 in the Claudia Boettcher Theatre. Student works and works by emerging professional choreographers from New York City were featured along with works by Artistic Director Mary Rotella. All genres of dance—with a range of themes and emotions—were performed by the Company’s talented young dancers to the delight of the audience.

Washington Politics Impact International Student Trip >>

Actors Bring Metamorphoses to Life >>

Despite the government shutdown, new international students and their chaperones enjoyed a weekend trip to Washington, DC, to see monuments, museums, and important sites. They visited Arlington Cemetery, the Newseum, a building museum, and saw Vietnam veterans “liberate” historic war memorials. It was a great introduction to the nation’s capital!

A cast of talented actors and musicians created a riveting production of Metamorphoses, the play by Mary Zimmerman based on David R. Slavitt’s translation of The Metamorphoses of Ovid. Told as a series of stories with musical interludes, the audience was mesmerized by the events that befall Midas, Apollo and other mythic characters. Staging for the show created the perfect mood. The tech crew even constructed a pool for the stage, which played an important role in several tales.

New international students adapted their trip to Washington, DC, due to the government shutdown.

Student actors and musicians produced a starkly beautiful version of

Dobbs 16 Takes on the World >>

Metamorphoses as Text messages from Priscilla the fall play. Hindley, former Associate Head of School and Dean of Students, detailed Dobbs 16’s travels and performances in Japan. Dobbs 16 participated in a forum sponsored by our sister school, Morioka Chuo High School. The group was even featured on the front-page of the area’s number one newspaper! Dobbs 16 rocked the stadium with an exceptional rendition of the National Anthem Anthem at the Mets vs. Phillies game on September 22. The Phillies extended the invitation invitation to perform, which was an amazing honor for Dobbs 16. Dobbs 16 also had the opportunity to perform the National Anthem at the Red Bulls Arena on October 5, thanks to arrangements made by Athletic Trainer Ken Verral. Once again, the crowd was in awe of the group’s amazing performance! In a short period of time, Dobbs 16 performed in Japan, at the Mets-Phillies game (at left), and at Red Bull Arena. 36 |


Seventh Graders Re-enact Travails of Immigration >> Seventh grade students dressed up in costumes and portrayed immigrants during the Middle School’s annual Ellis Island Re-enactment on Monday, November 4. Teachers, in turn, dressed as immigration officials and inspectors, questioning students and leading them through various "stations" as they made their way through the harrowing process of being admitted to the United States.

Students visited two exhibitions at MoMA as part of their interdisciplinary unit of study.

Middle Schoolers Research Art at Two MoMA Exhibitions >> Seventh graders and their teachers took a field trip to the Museum of Modern Art on November 13. They focused on two exhibitions: American Modern: Hopper to O’Keeffe and Magritte: The Mystery of the Ordinary, 1926-1938. They studied the works both intellectually and technically and tried to draw comparisons between the two exhibits. This exploration was organized by Middle School Art teacher Vicente Saavedra.

Seventh grade students portrayed immigrants during

the annual Ellis Island Re-enactment. Each student carried his/her worldly possessions in a small box or suitcase, They were required to meet as “families” with various officials for an (imaginary) health check, discussion of work potential, planned living arrangements, etc., just as immigrants had to do when passing through Ellis Island. Sepia-toned “family” photos were taken and students were eventually "admitted" to the U.S. during a special ceremony. Faculty members Mary Chappell and Paul Friedman spearheaded the re-enactment, which was designed to bring to life the period in American history currently being studied by seventh graders. Many middle school faculty, as well as some upper school and CITYterm faculty, assisted in the event.

Preludes Deliver Broadway-Caliber Performance! >> The Middle School Musical Theatre Troupe, known as The Preludes, delivered a Broadway-style performance of numbers from Matilda, Bye Bye, Birdie, Hairspray, Honk, 13, Annie, and more on November 15. These fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth graders danced and sang their hearts out! Many thanks to music teacher Katie Meadows and dance instructor Janie Wallace for organizing this wonderful performance. Preludes members brought the house down with their rendition of Broadway songs.

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Deaths 1930 1932 1935 1938 1938 1940 1941 1941 1941 1944 1945 1945 1947

Katharine Van Buren Howell of Providence, RI on May 31, 2013 Caroline Graf Constantine of Essex, CT on March 27, 2013 Katharine Howard Kernan of Utica, NY November 2013 Frances Pittman Book of Grosse Pointe Shores, MI on August 21, 2013 Elizabeth Foster Schoyer of Pittsburgh, PA on June 1, 2013 Winifred Schooley Shortz of Newtown, PA on July 18, 2013 Katharine Smith Coley of Middletown, CT on August 19, 2013 Gweneth M. Williams of Pawling, NY on October 11, 2013 Mary Lewis Wood of West Hartford, CT on April 27, 2013 Anne Dickinson Chesney of Annapolis, MD on March 15, 2013 Dorothy Soest McCluskey of Block Island, RI on February 15, 2013 Mary Lee Cottrell Jacobs of Mequon, WI on June 22, 2013 Iris Bain Hutchinson of Bonita Springs, FL on March 9, 2013

1949 1949 1949 1949 1953 1954 1956 1958 1964 1966 1968 1971 1972 1988

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Nancy H. Camp of Southbury, CT on August 29, 2013 Elsie Hellyer Page of White River Junction, VT on August 29, 2013 Polly Clancy Sikes of Rochester Hills, MI on November 9, 2013 Ruth Stewart Martin of San Marino, CA on June 30, 2013 Virginia Mason Thackara of South Burlington, VT on April 29, 2013 Margaret Reid Blatchford of Mill Valley, CA on October 12, 2013 Joan Weigl Westerberg of Lovell, ME on September 29, 2013 Ann Lowe McIntosh of Monkton, MD on February 26, 2013 Susan F. Rogers of Richmond, VA on October 6, 2013 Lydia Sherer Taylor of Grosse Pointe Farms, MI on August 18, 2013 Lindsay Swift Jones of Topeka, KS on April 18, 2013 Leslie Miller Altman of Minneapolis, MN on September 7, 2012 Ruth Aikens Wiggin of Fort Myers, FL on August 4, 2013 Khakasa Wapenyi of Brooklyn, NY on September 18, 2013

stay connected There are many ways that today’s alumnae/i can connect with each other and with our School. Even if you can’t make a visit to campus or attend an event, there are many options for staying informed and involved.

>> Watch your inboxes for our Alumnae/i e-newsletter. >> Download our App: The Masters School mobile app for both iPhone and Android connects you to your classmates and to the School anytime, anywhere! The app provides access to an alumnae/i directory and map, news, class notes and photos. To download, visit the App Store and search for Masters School Alumnae/i.

>> Like us on Facebook: >> Follow us on twitter @mastersny or pinterest: >> Join “The Masters School Alumnae/i Network” on LinkedIn to connect with other Alumnae/i professionals.

Need help connecting? Contact Director of Alumnae/i and Parent Relations Amie Servino ’95 at 914-479-6611 with questions. the bulletin | winter 2014 | 71



w i n t e r

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leadership 2013-2014

Maureen Fonseca, Ph.D. Head of School

Head of School

Dobbs Alumnae/i Association

Maureen Fonseca, Ph.D.

Board of Directors


Board of Trustees

Bob Horne Director of Marketing & Communications and The Bulletin Editor

Tracy Tang Limpe ’80, Chair Ralph Rosenberg P’13, ’15, ’16, ’19 Vice Chair Beth Nolan ’69, Secretary Stephan Feder P’15, ’19, Treasurer

Debbie Shure P’07 Assistant Director of Communications ADVANCEMENT Timothy Kane Associate Head of School for Institutional Advancement Angelique Chielli Associate Director of Alumnae/i and Parent Relations Judy Donald Development Associate Rosaria Golden Campaign Associate Maryann Perrotta Database Administrator Sophia Primps Director of Capital Giving Mary Ryan ’00 Director of Annual Giving Amie Servino ’95 Director of Alumnae/i and Parent Relations Photography: Bob Cornigans, Gillian Crane ’92, Bob Horne, Anne Marie Leone, Bruce Robbins, Debbie Shure P’07. Design: White Communications, Inc. Printing: Puritan Capital

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Edith C. Chapin ’83 Jonathan Clay P’17, ’19 Frank Cooper III Stephen Feder P’15, ’19 Maureen Fonseca P’05, ’08 Michael Greene P’10, ’13 Elise Funke Griffin ’47 Alexandra Herzan P’13 Sheree Holliday P’16, ’20 Lusyd Doolittle Kourides ’70 Clay Lifflander P’14, ’16 Sydney Shafroth Macy ’70 Edgar M. Masters H’98, Life Trustee Mindy Meads P’11 Jerrie Miller P’10, ’14 Susan Follett Morris ’57, Life Trustee Christine Grim Neikirk ’84 Suzanne Paxton ’88 Elizabeth “Penney” Riegelman Lynn Pilzer Sobel ’71, P’99, ’05 Diana Davis Spencer ’56, P’84

Honorary Trustees Marin Alsop ’73 Cynthia Ferris Casner ’52, P’76, ’86 Lilian Hall Fisher ’37, P’60, ’65, ’72 Jeannette Sanford Fowlkes ’58, P’87 Ruth Mitchell Freeman ’51 Helen Fisher Grim ’53, P’84 Nancy Maginnes Kissinger ’51 Claudia Boettcher Merthan ’51

Lusyd Doolittle Kourides ’70, President Karen Feinberg Dorsey ’84, Vice President David Heidelberger ’01, Recording Secretary Sujata Adamson-Mohan ’01 Priscilla Franklin Hindley ’66 Matthew Kozar ’02 Evan Leek ’01 Sandhya Malhotra ’07 Ricardo Oelkers ’03 Elizabeth Maria Reed ’99 Mary M. Ryan ’00 Jennifer Zimmermann ’89

Parent Association Officers Jerrie Miller P’10, ’14 Kristy Fitzgerald P’16, ’18 Janice Woodward P’11, ’15 Janet Sikirica P’19 Anita Tartt-Stewart P’19 Sonia Levethan P’15

For questions or to volunteer, please contact Amie Servino ’95, Director of Alumnae/i and Parent Relations, at or 914-479-6611.

Masters in Bloom


Cocktail Party & Auction, 6–9 p.m.

Saturday, March 8, 2014


All alumnae/i are invited to share stories, make memories, and celebrate their days on campus. Special reunion year for classes ending in 4’s and 9’s! Questions? Interested in volunteering? Contact Angelique Chielli, Associate Director of Alumnae/i and Parent Relations, at or 914-479-6532.

49 Clinton Avenue | Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522-2201

Non-Profit Organization US Postage Paid Nashua, NH Permit No. 375

Delta-Phi Rivalry Lives On! The Masters School’s longstanding tradition of friendly rivalry between Delta and Phi members continues today! A series of competitions throughout the year—beginning with the acclaimed tug-of-war on Founders’ Day—will result in points being awarded to either Delta or Phi. At the end of the school year, the group with the most points will be awarded The Masters Cup by Head of School Maureen Fonseca. Do It With Thy Might, Delta-Phi!

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