Sue Palmer- "Cool Tech Tools for Teachers"

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Cool Tech Tools for Teachers Sue Palmer “Riding the Digital Wave” April 2008

Cool Tech Tools for Teachers Please go to to begin!

Cool Tech Tools for Teachers Click on the Cool tools link! Open the powerpoint presentation!

What is Web 2.0? • Web based • Collaborative • Free!- (opensource) • Let’s take a look!

What is Web 2.0? • Can we incorporate it into our classrooms?

• YES!

What is Web 2.0? • Do we have challenges? • YES!

Challenges? • • • •

Such as… BLOCKED SITES Email access for students Copyright issues

Challenges? • Can we overcome them? • YES!

• How?

Reasonable Steps! • • • •

Check the sites first Ask to have sites unblocked Embedding is better than linking Watch your students

Reasonable Steps! • Show the benefit and get creative on email • Learn the rules on copyright and teach your students! • Have an online conduct policy!

Is this complicated and time consuming? • NO! • Do you have 30 minutes to try something new?

Palmer’s Top Picks- 30 minutes or less! See the complete list at!

A Quickie on Copyrights! • • • • • • • •

You need to know about this! FAIR USE FOR TEACHERS Your own pics are always the best! Use others with permission Creative Commons iStockphoto Flickr PUT IT BEHIND A PASSWORD!!!!


Today’s Top Picks! Go to Click on the wiki tab! Click on the Cool Tools Presentation tab!

Explore These Tools! • Easy video creation with Animoto • Make quick screencasts with Sketchcast • Create flip books with Issuu or others! • XTimeline • Voice Thread • Wikispaces • See the Wiki for more!

Explore These Tools! And think about…

• Can I use these? • How? • What will be my challenges?

Explore These Tools! • Animoto- Themes and eras! • Sketchcast- Students draw concepts • Issuu- Showcase great work on the website • Xtimeline- Student collaborative project • Voice Thread- discussion of any topic, event, storytelling, etc... • Wikispaces- Webquests, podcasts, webpage, collaborative projects, etc.

How can I find more? Easy Web Resources • Save and share links with Delicious • Ning Social Networks like and iPod • TeacherTube • Embedded YouTube and similar sites- (no links) One video at a time! DO NOT USE RELATED VIDEOS • for Palmer’s favorites! • iTunes for free podcasts like MasteryCast!

Collaboration is Key! Here’s where to find ME! • • • • • • • Twitter- masterymaze Sue P or Sue Palmer on most other networks Pownce- masterymaze By the way….In my opinion….. There is nothing wrong with social networking with TEACHERS! (Don’t make friends with STUDENTS!)

Collaboration is Key! Here’s where to find ME!


Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.